Results for ' Education and Training 2020 Strategy'

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  1.  24
    Solutions to Gender Balance in STEM Fields Through Support, Training, Education and Mentoring: Report of the International Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group.Gilda Barabino, Monique Frize, Fatimah Ibrahim, Eleni Kaldoudi, Lenka Lhotska, Loredana Marcu, Magdalena Stoeva, Virginia Tsapaki & Eva Bezak - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):275-292.
    The aim of this article is to offer a view of the current status of women in medical physics and biomedical engineering, while focusing on solutions towards gender balance and providing examples of current activities carried out at national and international levels. The International Union of Physical and Engineering Scientists in Medicine is committed to advancing women in science and health and has several initiatives overseen by the Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group. Some of the main (...)
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    Employment and elderly citizens’ readiness for training in the context of digitalization: state, problems, prospects.Tatiana Kasyanova & Lyudmila Voronina - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:7-16.
    Introduction. In the structure of the population of Russia, the proportion of older people is increasing, but the duration of the economically active working life of this age category is less than in some European countries. Many elderly Russians having an active life position want and can work. Most of them have a high level of professional education and qualifications, experience, and yet many are not in demand on the labor market, because they do not have enough digital skills. (...)
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    Academic integrity and the implementation of the honour code in the clinical training of undergraduate dental students.Shaun Ramlogan & Vidya Raman - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Educational pressures such as challenging workload, demanding deadlines and competitiveness among undergraduate dental students erode academic integrity in clinical training. The implementation of honour codes have been associated with the reduction in academic dishonesty.An action research was undertaken to investigate and foster academic integrity through creative pedagogical strategies and the implementation of an honour code within the undergraduate dental programme.Students reported the honour code as relevant and it encouraged the five investigated fundamental values of academic integrity. The students also (...)
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    Impact of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) on the Analysis of Clinical Images: A Pre-Post Study of VTS in First-Year Medical Students.Gauri G. Agarwal, Meaghan McNulty, Katerina M. Santiago, Hope Torrents & Alberto J. Caban-Martinez - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):561-572.
    To assess the effectiveness of Visual Thinking Strategies in medical education curricula, a pretest–posttest experimental study design was used to evaluate the impact of participating in VTS workshops on first-year medical students. A total of forty-one intervention and sixty comparative students completed the study which included the analysis of clinical images followed by a measurement of word count, length of time analyzing images, and quality of written observations of clinical images. VTS training increased the total number of words (...)
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    The perceived psychological stressors and coping behaviours in university students, on a pre-registration programme.Andrew E. P. Mitchell - 2020 - Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice 15 (4):249-259.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate perceived stressors and coping behaviours in student nurses on a pre-registration programme of study. Stress in student nurses has been identified with decreased emotional well-being and poor academic achievement. The significance of stress and coping behaviours in students during training has implications for education and practice. Design/methodology/approach The present study recruited 87 pre-registration student nurses in a cross-sectional design. Bivariate and multivariate analyses assessed the differences in field and year (...)
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    Integrating emotion and other nonrational factors into ethics education and training in professional psychology.Yesim Korkut & Carole Sinclair - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (6):444-458.
    Any professional or scientific discipline has a responsibility to do what it can to ensure ethical behavior on the part of its members. In this context, this paper outlines and explores the criticism that to date the emphasis in ethics training in professional psychology, as with other disciplines, has been on the rational elements of ethical decision making, with insufficient attention to the role of emotions and other nonrational elements. After a brief outline of some of the historical background (...)
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  7.  20
    Prevention of occupational injuries and accidents: A social capital perspective.Hira Hafeez, Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah, Amir Riaz & Imran Shafique - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12354.
    Prior research has consistently established the pragmatic nature of literature regarding occupational injuries and accidental happenings faced by nursing professionals. However, current realities require a subjective approach to identify preventative measures that could influence occupational health and safety in healthcare sectors. A qualitative design followed a descriptive approach to assess unbiased opinions towards occupational obstructions that lead to accidental happenings. This study used the social capital framework in particular as a support resource to eliminate its detrimental effects on nurse's capacity (...)
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    Big Five Personality Traits Predict Successful Transitions From School to Vocational Education and Training: A Large-Scale Study.Désirée Nießen, Daniel Danner, Marion Spengler & Clemens M. Lechner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:499880.
    Educational transitions play a pivotal role in shaping educational careers, and ultimately social inequality. Whereas parental socioeconomic status (SES) and cognitive ability have long been identified as key determinants of successful educational transitions, much less is known about the role of socio-emotional skills. To address this gap, the present study investigated whether Big Five personality traits predict success in the transition from secondary school to vocational education and training (VET) above and beyond SES, cognitive ability, and other covariates. (...)
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  9.  23
    Vocational Education and Training.Paul Hager & Terry Hyland - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 271–287.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Vocational‐Academic Distinctions Criticisms of the Vocational Education/General Education Dichotomy The Front‐end Model and its Increasing Problems Vocational Education and Training: Developments and Strategies Conclusion: Enhancing Vocational Studies.
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    Practicing Engineering Ethics in Global Context: A Comparative Study of Expert and Novice Approaches to Cross-Cultural Ethical Situations.Qin Zhu & Brent K. Jesiek - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2097-2120.
    Engineers and other technical professionals are increasingly challenged by the impacts of globalization. Further, engineering educators, technical managers, and human resources staff have demonstrated great interest in selecting and training engineers who are capable of working competently, professionally, and ethically in global context. However, working across countries and cultures brings considerable challenges to global engineers, including as related to understanding and navigating local and regional differences in what counts as professional ethics and integrity. In this study, we focus on (...)
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  11.  32
    Disclosure to genetic relatives without consent – Australian genetic professionals’ awareness of the health privacy law.Jane Fleming, Ainsley J. Newson, Kate Dunlop, Kristine Barlow-Stewart & Natalia Meggiolaro - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background: When a genetic mutation is identified in a family member, internationally, it is usually the proband’s or another responsible family member’s role to disclose the information to at-risk relatives. However, both active and passive non-disclosure in families occurs: choosing not to communicate the information or failing to communicate the information despite intention to do so, respectively. The ethical obligations to prevent harm to at-risk relatives and promote the duty of care by genetic health professionals is in conflict with Privacy (...)
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  12. What Influences Participation in Non-formal and Informal Modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An Analysis of Individual and Institutional Influencing Factors.Julia Lischewski, Susan Seeber, Eveline Wuttke & Therese Rosemann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Participation in further education is a central success factor for economic growth and societal as well as individual development. This is especially true today because in most industrialized countries, labor markets and work processes are changing rapidly. Data on further education, however, show that not everybody participates and that different social groups participate to different degrees. Activities in continuous vocational education and training are mainly differentiated as formal, non-formal and informal CVET, whereby further differences between offers (...)
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  13.  20
    A Functional Contextualist Approach to Mastery Learning in Vocational Education and Training.Daniel A. Parker & Elizabeth A. Roumell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Along with technological progress, vocational education and training (VET) is consistently changing. Workforce disruption has serious consequences for workers and international economies, often requiring adults to transition into different occupations or to upskill to maintain employment. We review recent literature covering VET trends, theoretical considerations for the 21st century, and present an approach to workforce training to help workers not only learn necessary skills but also become adaptable to constant change. We suggest a functional contextualist approach to (...)
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  14.  35
    A Study on the Relationship between Higher Religious Education Students' Learning ClimatePerceptions with Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement.Yunus Emre Sayan & Mustafa Tavukçuoğlu - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):833-855.
    Today, which is described as the information age, it is expected from schools where knowledge is produced, education-training activities are carried out, and education is realized, to raise a self-confident student profile in accordance with the requirements of this age. The learning climate is important in this regard. Learning climate, which is one of the new components used instead of organizational climate and school climate in the climate literature, includes all kinds of factors related to learning ability; (...)
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  15. The Stoics on the Education of Desire.Daniel Vazquez - 2020 - In Magdalena Bosch (ed.), Desire and Human Flourishing. _Perspectives from Positive Psychology, Moral Education and Virtue_ Ethics. Switzerland AG 2020: Springer Nature. pp. 213-228.
    The ancient Stoics proposed one of the most sophisticated and influential ethical frameworks in the history of philosophy. Its impact on theory and practice lasted for centuries during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Today, their arguments and theories still inform many contemporary ethical debates. Moreover, some of the framework’s main tenets have been used as a theoretical foundation for cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT), a widely used psychosocial intervention for improving mental health. Much of its lasting impact is the result of the (...)
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  16.  32
    Use of sensemaking as a pedagogical approach to teach clinical ethics: an integrative review.Lea Brandt & Lori Popejoy - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 5 (1):23-37.
    There is a need to explore educational strategies that translate ethics knowledge into ethical behavior. Commonly used pedagogical approaches steeped in traditional normative ethical theory are less powerful than sensemaking in preparing clinicians to respond to ethical problems in practice. This integrative review of 15 articles explores the use of sensemaking as an instructional method for clinical ethics. Whittemore and Knafl’s :546–553, 2005) integrative review method guided a systematic appraisal of data from both qualitative and quantitative research traditions, synthesizing disparate (...)
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  17.  16
    “Laying bricks to build integrated career guidance plans”: Best practices in vocational education and training in Andalusia, Spain.Soledad Romero-Rodríguez, Celia Moreno-Morilla & Tania Mateos-Blanco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Vocational Education and Training policies are paying increasing attention towards the need to develop quality career guidance processes. Career guidance plays an essential role in this challenge by enabling people to develop the career management skills that allow them to become aware of their full potential and to construct life projects that facilitate the emotional management of uncertainty and complexity, participating as responsible agents in their environment. After conducting a literature review on each of these key elements, we (...)
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  18.  28
    Enhancing critical thinking skills and media literacy in initial vocational education and training via self-nudging: The contribution of NERDVET project.Riccardo Sartori, Francesco Tommasi, Andrea Ceschi, Mattia Falser, Silvia Genero & Silvia Belotto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Vocational Education and Training programs are fuelled by technical and practical educational modules. The teaching staff adopts both traditional and innovative pedagogical frameworks to increase the generalization and maintenance of practical skills. At the same time, VET teachers and trainers have a few occasions to promote and include disciplines and educational programs for enhancing students' soft skills, e.g., critical thinking skills and media literacy. Following the European VET framework and literature of the field, CT and ML represent a (...)
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  19.  13
    Online vs. Classroom Learning: Examining Motivational and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Among Vocational Education and Training Students.Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Angelina Sánchez-Martí, Anna Ciraso-Calí & Pilar Pineda-Herrero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Attitudes towards cheating behavior during assessing students᾽performance: student and teacher perspectives.Rajka Đoković, Marijana Blečić, Sanja Peković & Dijana Vučković - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Our aim in this study was to determine students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards cheating in assessing students’ performance. We used mixed methodology and the main research method was a case study. We aimed to describe how our respondents: 1. recognize ethical misconduct in several situations given through case studies, 2. understand the roles of each subject involved, 3. predict consequences of the EM and how they understand its possible causes, 4. create individual answers to EM or resolve problem situations. The (...)
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  21.  21
    The Effects of Technological Developments on Work and Their Implications for Continuous Vocational Education and Training: A Systematic Review.Patrick Beer & Regina H. Mulder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Proyectos formativos: una estrategia para promover el trabajo colaborativo en la educación superior.Jorge Eduardo Martínez Iñiguez, Eloísa Gallegos Santiago & Luis Fernando García Hernández - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):32-44.
    The objective of the communication is to analyze the characteristics of the training projects and their relationship with the development of collaborative work in Higher Education Institutions. As a study methodology, a documentary investigation was carried out, through the review and obtaining of information in various bibliographical sources. The results indicate that training projects are a strategy aimed at training people who, in a collaborative way and with the support of new technologies, are able to (...)
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  23.  14
    Limited Coping Skills, Young Age, and High BMI Are Risk Factors for Injuries in Contemporary Dance: A 1-Year Prospective Study.Diana van Winden, Rogier M. van Rijn, Geert J. P. Savelsbergh, Raôul R. D. Oudejans & Janine H. Stubbe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated potential risk factors (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) for substantial injuries in contemporary dance students using a prospective cohort design, as high-quality studies focusing on mental risk factors for dance injuries are lacking. Student characteristics (age, sex, BMI, educational program and history of injury) and psychological constructs (coping, perfectionism and self-regulation) were assessed using the Performing artist and Athlete Health Monitor (PAHM), a web-based system. Substantial injuries were measured with the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center (OSTRC) Questionnaire on (...)
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  24.  21
    It’s All Critical: Acting Teachers’ Beliefs About Theater Classes.Thalia R. Goldstein, DaSean L. Young & Brittany N. Thompson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:525578.
    Acting classes and theatre education have long been framed as activities during which children can learn skills that transfer outside the acting classroom. A growing empirical literature provides evidence for acting classes’ efficacy in teaching vocabulary, narrative, empathy, theory of mind, and emotional control. Yet these studies have not been based in what is actually happening in the acting classroom, nor on what acting teachers report as their pedagogical strategies. Instead, previous work has been unsystematic and fragmented in its (...)
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  25.  73
    Where's the competence in competence-based education and training?Gerard Lum - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (3):403–418.
    This paper notes the apparent ineffectiveness of the critical response to competence-based education and training (CBET) and suggests that this results from a failure to correctly isolate CBET's unique, identifying features. It is argued that the prevailing tendency to identify CBET with ‘competence’ is fundamentally mistaken and that the competence approach is more properly characterised in terms of its philosophically naïve methodological strategy. It is suggested that this strategy is based upon untenable assumptions relating to the (...)
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  26. Wonder, education, and human flourishing: theoretical, empirical, and practical perspectives.Anders Schinkel & Vasco D'Agnese (eds.) - 2020 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: VU University Press.
    The premise that underlies this volume is that there are strong interconnections between wonder, education and human flourishing. And more specifically, that wonder can make a significant difference to how well one's education progresses and how well one's life goes. The contributors to this volume--both senior, well-known and beginning researchers and students of wonder--variously explore aspects of these connections from philosophical, empirical, theoretical and practical perspectives. The three chapters that comprise Part I of the book are devoted to (...)
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    Learners’ Emotional and Psychic Responses to Encounters with Learning Support in Further Education and Training.Jocelyn Robson, Bill Bailey & Heather Mendick - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (3):304-322.
    ABSTRACT: This article investigates the experience of individual learners who have been allocated learning support in the further education system in England. The particular focus is on interviewees’ constructions of their emotional and psychic experiences. Through the adoption of a psycho-social perspective, learners’ tendency to ‘idealise’ their learning support workers is understood as a strategy for coping with the anxiety generated by a range of previous experiences. The implications for policy-makers are discussed.
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  28.  28
    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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  29. Religious education and theology: Separate sails in the one breeze.Gerard Moore - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (2):227.
    There is an ongoing tension between the spheres of religious education and of theological studies. It is somewhat evident in the academy, and often enough emerges when the inevitable university restructure places religious education and theology in the same school, or situates religious education within education at a remove from theology, or any range of permutations. The tension is also felt in discussions between clergy, with a theological education behind them, and classroom teachers and religious (...)
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  30.  5
    Coping strategies of disabled people facing barriers to their participation in education, vocational training and employment.Bruno Schüpbach Trezzini - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-3 (16-3):73-89.
    En 2014, la Suisse a ratifié la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées, qui établit comme l’un de ses principes directeurs la participation et l’intégration pleines et effectives des personnes handicapées dans la société. La présente étude examine l’expérience vécue et l’agentivité des personnes handicapées vivant en Suisse en ce qui concerne les stratégies d’adaptation auxquelles elles ont eu recours en réponse aux obstacles à leur participation dans des domaines de la vie tels que l’éducation, la (...)
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  31. Goldman and Siegel on the epistemic aims of education.Alessia Marabini & Luca Moretti - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (3):492-506.
    Philosophers have claimed that education aims at fostering disparate epistemic goals. In this paper we focus on an important segment of this debate involving conversation between Alvin Goldman and Harvey Siegel. Goldman claims that education is essentially aimed at producing true beliefs. Siegel contends that education is essentially aimed at fostering both true beliefs and, independently, critical thinking and rational belief. Although we find Siegel’s position intuitively more plausible than Goldman’s, we also find Siegel’s defence of it (...)
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  32.  7
    Health and social care educators' ethical competence.Camilla Koskinen, Monika Koskinen, Meeri Koivula, Hilkka Korpi, Minna Koskimäki, Marja-Leena Lähteenmäki, Kristina Mikkonen, Terhi Saaranen, Leena Salminen, Tuulikki Sjögren, Marjorita Sormunen, Outi Wallin & Maria Kääriäinen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):1115-1126.
    Background and purpose Educators’ ethical competence is of crucial importance for developing students’ ethical thinking. Previous studies describe educators’ ethical codes and principles. This article aims to widen the understanding of health- and social care educators’ ethical competence in relation to core values and ethos. Theoretical background and key concepts The study is based on the didactics of caring science and theoretically links the concepts ethos and competence. Methods Data material was collected from nine educational units for healthcare and social (...)
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  33.  41
    Tafsīr Education and Works in the Mamluks: A Historical Review.Mesut Kaya - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):993-1015.
    The Mamluk period of Islamic history witnessed a very vivid life of scientific endeavours. This was mainly due to the fact that the higher education institutions (madrasa) established by the Seljuqid and Ayyubid dynasties continued to develop as well as that Mamluk sultans and their commanders gave great importance to charitable institutions of education. With the facilities provided by these charities, Cairo and Damascus grew into important centres of attraction for scholars and teachers from all over the Islamic (...)
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    (1 other version)Educational Leave as a Time Resource for Participation in Adult Learning and Education (ALE).Fabian Rüter, Andreas Martin & Josef Schrader - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The study investigates effects of the implementation of a law authorizing educational leave in Germany on individual participation in adult learning and education (ALE). In 2015, the federal state of Baden-Württemberg introduced the so-calledBildungszeitgesetz, legitimating an exemption for eligible employees of up to 5 days per year with continued payment of salary. Explaining participation in ALE is a central subject of educational research at national and international level. Current theoretical assumptions of rational choice and empirical findings of educational and (...)
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  35.  37
    Dissonance and Polyphasia as Strategies for Resolving the Potential Conflict Between Science and Religion Among South Africans.Bankole A. Falade & Lars Guenther - 2020 - Minerva 58 (3):459-480.
    A majority of South Africans agrees that when science and religion conflict, religion is always right. Is this an indication the public is anti-science or does the question wording hide a more complex relationship? We examined the relationship between science and religion in South Africa using quantitative data from the World Values Survey and qualitative data from face-to-face interviews. As research on the potential conflict between science and religion is predominantly focused on Western countries, the present study focuses on Africa (...)
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  36.  24
    Education and Employment Issues for Indigenous Australians in Remote Regions.Cecil A. L. Pearson & Sandra Daff - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (1):21-35.
    Despite government policy and initiatives for remote areas, indigenous people are amongst the most disadvantaged and do exhibit higher levels of unemployment in the Australian community. A number of commentators have suggested that better educational opportunities for this minority group will considerably improve their socio-economic status and employment opportunities. This myth is exposed in this article, which reports evidence from an educational–vocational programme for Yolngu who are the indigenous people of East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory of Australia. The (...)
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    Ethics education: the impact of ethics training engagement on unethical decision-making in the workplace.Stanley Singer & Dalia Diab - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):109-124.
    This study examined the impact of ethics training engagement on unethical decision-making in the workplace. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions. Next, a baseline measurement of ethical ideology was collected using the Ethics Position Questionnaire and participants then engaged in ethics training based on the condition to which they were randomly assigned. They then had the option to read along or listen to a hypothetical scenario about an employee faced with the opportunity to make (...)
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    Education like breach between past and future.V. S. Voznyak & N. V. Lipin - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:98-109.
    Purpose. The article aimed at comprehending the phenomenon of education in its anthropological content, by comparing two versions for the analytics of the crisis state in education, given by Hannah Arendt and Evald Ilyenkov. Theoretical basis. For implementing this task, the method of in-depth reflexive reading of texts is used, when traditional academic concepts are considered in a new context determined by the analytics of real social problems. In this case, we are talking about the development of thinking (...)
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    Use of cadavers to train surgeons: respect for donors should remain the guiding principle.Anne Marie Slowther - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):472-473.
    Hannah James makes a persuasive case for the use of donated bodies and body parts in surgical training, enabling high fidelity training, improved competency of surgeons and reduced risk of harm to patients from trainees ‘learning on the job’.1 She also identifies some pertinent ethical questions that arise from this practice that should be considered by training organisations, regulatory authorities and the trainees themselves. Many countries throughout the world have regulated programmes, governed by strict ethical principles, for (...)
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  40.  22
    Clinical Neuropsychology as a Specialist Profession in European Health Care: Developing a Benchmark for Training Standards and Competencies Using the Europsy Model?Laura Hokkanen, Fernando Barbosa, Amélie Ponchel, Marios Constantinou, Mary H. Kosmidis, Nataliya Varako, Erich Kasten, Sara Mondini, Sandra Lettner, Gus Baker, Bengt A. Persson & Erik Hessen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The prevalence and negative impact of brain disorders are increasing. Clinical Neuropsychology is a specialty dedicated to understanding brain-behavior relationships, applying such knowledge to the assessment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning associated with brain disorders, and designing and implementing effective treatments. The need for services goes beyond neurological diseases and has increased in areas of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, among others. In Europe, a great deal of variability exists in the education and training of Clinical Neuropsychologists. (...) models include master’s programs, continuing education courses, doctoral programs, and/or post-doctoral specialization depending on the country, with no common framework of requirements, although patients’ needs demand equal competencies across Europe. In the past five years, the Standing Committee on Clinical Neuropsychology of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association has conducted a series of surveys and interviews with experts in the field representing 30 European countries. The information, along with information from the existing literature, is used in presenting an overview of current and relevant topics related to policy and guidelines in the training and competencies in Clinical Neuropsychology. An option for the way forward is the EuroPsy Specialist Certificate which is currently offered in Work- and Organizational psychology and Psychotherapy. It builds upon the Basic Certificate and complements national standards without overriding them. General principles can be found that can set the basis for a common, solid, and comprehensive specialty education/training, sharpening the Neuropsychologists’ competencies across Europe. The requirements in Clinical Neuropsychology should be comparable to those for the existing specialty areas in the EuroPsy model. Despite the perceived challenges, developing a Specialist Certificate appears a step forward for the development of Clinical Neuropsychology. Recommendations are proposed towards a shared framework of competencies by the means of a common level of education/training for the professionals in Europe. Benchmarking training standards and competencies across Europe has the potential of providing protection against unqualified and ethically questionable practice, creating transparency, raising the general European standard, and promoting mobility of both Clinical Neuropsychologists and patients in Europe, for the benefit of the professional field and the population. (shrink)
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    Evidence, Politics, and Education Policy.Lorraine M. McDonnell & M. Stephen Weatherford - 2020 - Harvard Education Press.
    _In _Evidence, Politics, and Education Policy_, political scientists Lorraine M. McDonnell and M. Stephen Weatherford provide an original analysis of evidence use in education policymaking to help scholars and advocates shape policy more effectively._ The book shows how multiple types of evidence are combined as elected officials and their staffs work with researchers, advocates, policy entrepreneurs, and intermediary organizations to develop, create, and implement education policies. _Evidence, Politics, and Education Policy_ offers an in-depth understanding of the (...)
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    Rousseau’s Reader: Strategies of Persuasion and Education.John T. Scott - 2020 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    On his famous walk to Vincennes to visit the imprisoned Diderot, Rousseau had what he called an “illumination”—the realization that man was naturally good but becomes corrupted by the influence of society—a fundamental change in Rousseau’s perspective that would animate all of his subsequent works. At that moment, Rousseau “saw” something he had hitherto not seen, and he made it his mission to help his readers share that vision through an array of rhetorical and literary techniques. In Rousseau’s Reader, John (...)
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  43. Mathematizing as a virtuous practice: different narratives and their consequences for mathematics education and society.Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3405-3429.
    There are different narratives on mathematics as part of our world, some of which are more appropriate than others. Such narratives might be of the form ‘Mathematics is useful’, ‘Mathematics is beautiful’, or ‘Mathematicians aim at theorem-credit’. These narratives play a crucial role in mathematics education and in society as they are influencing people’s willingness to engage with the subject or the way they interpret mathematical results in relation to real-world questions; the latter yielding important normative considerations. Our (...) is to frame current narratives of mathematics from a virtue-theoretic perspective. We identify the practice of mathematizing, put forward by Freudenthal’s ‘Realistic mathematics education’, as virtuous and use it to evaluate different narratives. We show that this can help to render the narratives more adequately, and to provide implications for societal organization. (shrink)
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    Rousseau’s Reader: Strategies of Persuasion and Education by John T. Scott.Jude P. Dougherty - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (2):403-404.
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    De l’observation des enfants à l’analyse interactionnelle : contributions de la recherche à la formation continue des éducateurs et éducatrices de l’enfance.Marianne Zogmal & Isabelle Durand - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (2):108-122.
    This contribution presents an adult education workshop implemented in the field of early childhood education. One of the specificities of education and care practices lies in the competences of the professionals to give a central role to the detailed observation of situations, in order to adjust their modalities of action. How can such observational work be developed and transformed? A participatory research-training approach aims to support the co-construction of an analytical view on observable phenomena in the (...)
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    Advantages and Challenges of Theology Education on Campus: A Metaphoric Research Based on Student Views.Hasan Meydan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):47-71.
    Nowadays, it is frequently seen that theology education is criticized over secularism or piety concerns. In fact, it has recently been observed that those who have opposed the existence of the theology faculties within the university system for religious reasons have tried to make their voices heard on different platforms, especially on social media. The discussions conducted on different platforms mostly run without a scientific basis. The aim of this study is to determine the views of theology faculty students (...)
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    Rural Education in America: What Works for Our Students, Teachers, and Communities.Geoff Marietta & Sky Marietta - 2020 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Rural Education in America_ provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the diversity and complexity of rural communities in the United States and for helping rural educators implement and evaluate successful place-based programs tailored for students and their families._ Written by educators who grew up in rural America and returned there to raise their children, the book illustrates how efficacy is determined by the degrees to which instruction, interventions, and programs address the needs and strengths of each unique rural community. (...)
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    Whistleblowing and Caterpillar Inc.’s Swiss Tax Strategy.Amy Lysak, Richard Marmon & Edward J. Schoen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:237-250.
    This case describes the background of the whistleblower complaint, filed by Daniel Schlicksup, questioning the propriety of Caterpillar Inc.’s “Swiss tax strategy”. The Swiss tax strategy was recommended by its independent auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and designed to transfer to a Swiss entity the profits earned on its sales of “purchased finished replacement parts” to foreign marketers. This strategy enabled Caterpillar to shift $8 billion in replacement parts sales to Switzerland and to avoid or defer paying U.S. taxes on (...)
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    Efficacy, Trainability, and Neuroplasticity of SMR vs. Alpha Rhythm Shooting Performance Neurofeedback Training.Anmin Gong, Wenya Nan, Erwei Yin, Changhao Jiang & Yunfa Fu - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:477551.
    Previous literature on shooting performance neurofeedback training (SP-NFT) to enhance performance usually focused on changes in behavioral indicators, but research on the physiological features of SP-NFT is lacking. To explore the effects of SP-NFT on trainability and neuroplasticity, we conducted a study in which 45 healthy participants were randomly divided into three groups: based on sensory-motor rhythm of C3, Cz and C4 (SMR group), based on alpha rhythm of T3 and T4 (Alpha group), and no NFT (control group). The (...)
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    Training clinical ethics committee members between 1992 and 2017: systematic scoping review.Yun Ting Ong, Nicholas Yue Shuen Yoon, Hong Wei Yap, Elijah Gin Lim, Kuang Teck Tay, Ying Pin Toh, Annelissa Chin & Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):36-42.
    IntroductionClinical ethics committees (CECs) support and enhance communication and complex decision making, educate healthcare professionals and the public on ethical matters and maintain standards of care. However, a consistent approach to training members of CECs is lacking. A systematic scoping review was conducted to evaluate prevailing CEC training curricula to guide the design of an evidence-based approach.MethodsArksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework for conducting scoping reviews was used to evaluate prevailing accounts of CEC training published in six databases. (...)
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