Results for ' Geometry'

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  1. Harald Schwaetzer.Bunte Geometrie - 2009 - In Klaus Reinhardt, Harald Schwaetzer & Franz-Bernhard Stammkötter, Heymericus de Campo: Philosophie Und Theologie Im 15. Jahrhundert. Roderer. pp. 28--183.
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  2. Vigier III.Spin Foam Spinors & Fundamental Space-Time Geometry - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (1).
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    D'Erehwon à l'Antre du Cyclope.Géométrie de L'Incommunicable & La Folie - 1988 - In Barry Smart, Michel Foucault: critical assessments. New York: Routledge.
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  4. Instruction to Authors 279–283 Index to Volume 20 285–286.Christian Lotz, Corinne Painter, Sebastian Luft, Harry P. Reeder, Semantic Texture, Luciano Boi, Questions Regarding Husserlian Geometry, James R. Mensch & Postfoundational Phenomenology Husserlian - 2004 - Husserl Studies 20:285-286.
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    Géométrie, Mesure du Monde: Philosophie, Architecture, Urbain.Thierry Paquot & Christiane Younès (eds.) - 2005 - La Découverte.
    Les architectures molles, sculptées, transparentes, immatérielles prétendent se libérer des contraintes géométriques, comme si la géométrie ne revendiquait que la droite et la forme orthogonale ou le cercle! Certains architectes s'abandonnent aux " hasards " informatiques et construisent des édifices à la géométrie chahutée par un logiciel. Des urbanistes opposent encore le plan radioconcentrique au plan en damier en ce qui concerne l'expansion des villes et, refusant d'imaginer d'autres morphologies, laissent faire la promotion immobilière, les opportunités foncières et le chacun (...)
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    Quantum geometry, logic and probability.Shahn Majid - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 69:191-236.
    Quantum geometry on a discrete set means a directed graph with a weight associated to each arrow defining the quantum metric. However, these ‘lattice spacing’ weights do not have to be independent of the direction of the arrow. We use this greater freedom to give a quantum geometric interpretation of discrete Markov processes with transition probabilities as arrow weights, namely taking the diffusion form ∂+f = f for the graph Laplacian Δθ, potential functions q, p built from the probabilities, (...)
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  7. Geometry as a Universal mental Construction.Véronique Izard, Pierre Pica, Danièle Hinchey, Stanislas Dehane & Elizabeth Spelke - 2011 - In Stanislas Dehaene & Elizabeth Brannon, Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought. Oxford University Press.
    Geometry, etymologically the “science of measuring the Earth”, is a mathematical formalization of space. Just as formal concepts of number may be rooted in an evolutionary ancient system for perceiving numerical quantity, the fathers of geometry may have been inspired by their perception of space. Is the spatial content of formal Euclidean geometry universally present in the way humans perceive space, or is Euclidean geometry a mental construction, specific to those who have received appropriate instruction? The (...)
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  8. Logical Geometries and Information in the Square of Oppositions.Hans Smessaert & Lorenz Demey - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):527-565.
    The Aristotelian square of oppositions is a well-known diagram in logic and linguistics. In recent years, several extensions of the square have been discovered. However, these extensions have failed to become as widely known as the square. In this paper we argue that there is indeed a fundamental difference between the square and its extensions, viz., a difference in informativity. To do this, we distinguish between concrete Aristotelian diagrams and, on a more abstract level, the Aristotelian geometry. We then (...)
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    Geometry, Time and Force in the Diagrams of Descartes, Galileo, Torricelli and Newton.Emily R. Grosholz - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:237 - 248.
    Cartesian method both organizes and impoverishes the domains to which Descartes applies it. It adjusts geometry so that it can be better integrated with algebra, and yet deflects a full-scale investigation of curves. It provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for physics, and yet interferes with the exploitation of its dynamical and temporal aspects. Most significantly, it bars a fuller unification of mathematics and physics, despite Descartes' claims to quantify nature. The work of his contemporaries Galileo and Torricelli, and of (...)
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    Affine Geometry and Relativity.Božidar Jovanović - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-29.
    We present the basic concepts of space and time, the Galilean and pseudo-Euclidean geometry. We use an elementary geometric framework of affine spaces and groups of affine transformations to illustrate the natural relationship between classical mechanics and theory of relativity, which is quite often hidden, despite its fundamental importance. We have emphasized a passage from the group of Galilean motions to the group of Poincaré transformations of a plane. In particular, a 1-parametric family of natural deformations of the Poincaré (...)
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  11. Core Knowledge of Geometry in an Amazonian Indigene Group.Stanislas Dehaene, Véronique Izard, Pierre Pica & Elizabeth Spelke - 2006 - Science 311 (5759)::381-4.
    Does geometry constitues a core set of intuitions present in all humans, regarless of their language or schooling ? We used two non verbal tests to probe the conceptual primitives of geometry in the Munduruku, an isolated Amazonian indigene group. Our results provide evidence for geometrical intuitions in the absence of schooling, experience with graphic symbols or maps, or a rich language of geometrical terms.
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    Die Begründung der Geometrie aus der Poiesis.Peter Janich - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden.
    Die Geometrie ist seit Euklids Elementen nicht nur Vorbild fur Theorieform und Wissenschaftlichkeit. Sie hat auch seit der Antike die erkenntnistheoretische Diskussion uber das Verhaltnis von Wirklichkeit und Erkenntnis beeinflusst. In ihrer formalaxiomatischen Auffassung der physikalischen Geometrie durch A. Einstein wird die Wissenschaftstheorie des 20. Jahrhunderts in ihren Mehrheitspositionen auf einen Logischen Empirismus festgelegt. Vollstandig ausgeklammert bleibt dabei das philosophische Problem der Gegenstandskonstitution. Wovon ist Geometrie eine Wissenschaft, und wodurch erhalt sie ihre Passung auf die Anwendungen in Handwerk, Technik und (...)
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    Sacred geometry: your personal guide.Bernice Cockram - 2020 - New York, NY: Wellfleet Press.
    With In Focus Sacred Geometry, learn the fascinating history behind this ancient tradition as well as how to decipher the geometrical symbols, formulas, and patterns based on mathematical patterns. People have searched for the meaning behind mathematical patterns for thousands of years. At its core, sacred geometry seeks to find the universal patterns that are found and applied to the objects surrounding us, such as the designs found in temples, churches, mosques, monuments, art, architecture, and nature. Learn the (...)
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    Geometry and chronometry in philosophical perspective.Adolf Grünbaum - 1968 - Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press.
    Geometry and Chronometry in Philosophical Perspective was first published in 1968. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. In this volume Professor Grünbaum substantially extends and comments upon his essay "Geometry, Chronometry, and Empiricism," which was first published in Volume III of the Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Commenting on the essay when it first appeared J. J. C. (...)
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    Space, Geometry, and Kant's Transcendental Deduction of the Categories.Thomas C. Vinci - 2014 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Thomas C. Vinci argues that Kant's Deductions demonstrate Kant's idealist doctrines and have the structure of an inference to the best explanation for correlated domains. With the Deduction of the Categories the correlated domains are intellectual conditions and non-geometrical laws of the empirical world. With the Deduction of the Concepts of Space, the correlated domains are the geometry of pure objects of intuition and the geometry of empirical objects.
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    Geometrie.Jens Lemanski - 2018 - In Daniel Schubbe & Matthias Koßler, Schopenhauer-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Springer. pp. 330–335.
    In mathematics textbooks and special mathematical treatises, themes and theses of Arthur Schopenhauer's elementary geometry appear again and again. Since Schopenhauer's geometry or philosophy of geometry was considered exemplary in the 19th and early 20th centuries in its relation to figures and thus to the intuition, the two-hundred-year reception history sketched in this paper also follows the evaluation of intuition-related geometries, which depends on the mathematical paradigms.
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  17. Linguistic Geometry and its Applications.W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, K. Ilanthenral & Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    The notion of linguistic geometry is defined in this book. It is pertinent to keep in the record that linguistic geometry differs from classical geometry. Many basic or fundamental concepts and notions of classical geometry are not true or extendable in the case of linguistic geometry. Hence, for simple illustration, facts like two distinct points in classical geometry always define a line passing through them; this is generally not true in linguistic geometry. Suppose (...)
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    The Ethics of Geometry: A Genealogy of Modernity.David Rapport Lachterman - 1989 - Routledge.
    The Ethics of Geometry is a study of the relationship between philosophy and mathematics. Essential differences in the ethos of mathematics, for example, the customary ways of undertaking and understanding mathematical procedures and their objects, provide insight into the fundamental issues in the quarrel of moderns with ancients. Two signal features of the modern ethos are the priority of problem-solving over theorem-proving, and the claim that constructability by human minds or instruments establishes the existence of relevant entities. These figures (...)
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    (1 other version)Geometrie und Erfahrung: verweiterte Fassung des Festvortrages.Albert Einstein - 1921 - Akademie der Wissenschaften, in Kommission Bei W. De Gruyter.
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  20. The geometry of standard deontic logic.Alessio Moretti - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):19-57.
    Whereas geometrical oppositions (logical squares and hexagons) have been so far investigated in many fields of modal logic (both abstract and applied), the oppositional geometrical side of “deontic logic” (the logic of “obligatory”, “forbidden”, “permitted”, . . .) has rather been neglected. Besides the classical “deontic square” (the deontic counterpart of Aristotle’s “logical square”), some interesting attempts have nevertheless been made to deepen the geometrical investigation of the deontic oppositions: Kalinowski (La logique des normes, PUF, Paris, 1972) has proposed a (...)
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  21. Geometry and Monadology: Leibniz’s Analysis Situs and Philosophy of Space.Vincenzo De Risi - 2007 - Boston: Birkhäuser.
    This book reconstructs, both from the historical and theoretical points of view, Leibniz's geometrical studies, focusing in particular on the research Leibniz ...
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    Finsler Geometry and Relativistic Field Theory.R. G. Beil - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (7):1107-1127.
    Finsler geometry on the tangent bundle appears to be applicable to relativistic field theory, particularly, unified field theories. The physical motivation for Finsler structure is conveniently developed by the use of “gauge” transformations on the tangent space. In this context a remarkable correspondence of metrics, connections, and curvatures to, respectively, gauge potentials, fields, and energy-momentum emerges. Specific relativistic electromagnetic metrics such as Randers, Beil, and Weyl can be compared.
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    Differential Geometry, the Informational Surface and Oceanic Art: The Role of Pattern in Knowledge Economies.Susanne Küchler - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):75-97.
    Graphic pattern (e.g. geometric design) and number-based code (e.g. digital sequencing) can store and transmit complex information more efficiently than referential modes of representation. The analysis of the two genres and their relation to one another has not advanced significantly beyond a general classification based on motion-centred geometries of symmetry. This article examines an intriguing example of patchwork coverlets from the maritime societies of Oceania, where information referencing a complex genealogical system is lodged in geometric designs. By drawing attention to (...)
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    Projective Geometry in Logical Space: Rethinking Tractarian Thoughts.Pablo Acuña - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (1):1-23.
    Customary interpretations state that Tractarian thoughts are pictures, and, a fortiori, facts. I argue that important difficulties are unavoidable if we assume this standard view, and I propose a reading of the concept taking advantage of an analogy that Wittgenstein introduces, namely, the analogy between thoughts and projective geometry. I claim that thoughts should be understood neither as pictures nor as facts, but as acts of geometric projection in logical space. The interpretation I propose thus removes the root of (...)
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    The Geometry of Otto Selz’s Natural Space.Klaus Robering - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (2):325-354.
    Following ideas elaborated by Hering in his celebrated analysis of color, the psychologist and gestalt theorist Otto Selz developed in the 1930s a theory of “natural space”, i.e., space as it is conceived by us. Selz’s thesis is that the geometric laws of natural space describe how the points of this space are related to each other by directions which are ordered in the same way as the points on a sphere. At the end of one of his articles, Selz (...)
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  26. Natural Geometry in Descartes and Kepler.Gary Hatfield - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (1):117-148.
    According to Kepler and Descartes, the geometry of the triangle formed by the two eyes when focused on a single point affords perception of the distance to that point. Kepler characterized the processes involved as associative learning. Descartes described the processes as a “ natural geometry.” Many interpreters have Descartes holding that perceivers calculate the distance to the focal point using angle-side-angle, calculations that are reduced to unnoticed mental habits in adult vision. This article offers a purely psychophysiological (...)
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    Geometry and Induction.Jean Nicod - 1970
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  28. Kant on geometry and spatial intuition.Michael Friedman - 2012 - Synthese 186 (1):231-255.
    I use recent work on Kant and diagrammatic reasoning to develop a reconsideration of central aspects of Kant’s philosophy of geometry and its relation to spatial intuition. In particular, I reconsider in this light the relations between geometrical concepts and their schemata, and the relationship between pure and empirical intuition. I argue that diagrammatic interpretations of Kant’s theory of geometrical intuition can, at best, capture only part of what Kant’s conception involves and that, for example, they cannot explain why (...)
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    Géométries du pouvoir dans les espaces et les lieux sportifs : les paradoxes de la différence et de l’exclusion.Patricia Vertinsky - 2006 - Clio 23:75-91.
    Cet article explore la signification de l’espace comme un « lieu pratiqué » selon la notion reprise à Michel de Certeau, en examinant la construction d’un gymnase et ses effets sur les relations sociales et les réseaux disciplinaires. Tout comme le laboratoire ou le théâtre, le gymnase a été spécifiquement pensé pour permettre certaines actions et en témoigner, en reflétant des conceptions de l’entraînement et de l’éducation corporelle. Ses divers agencements de l’espace y favorisent une incorporation de la race, du (...)
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    Geometrie.Jens Lemanski - 2018 - In Daniel Schubbe & Matthias Koßler, Schopenhauer-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Springer. pp. 329-333.
    In Mathematiklehrbüchern und mathematischen Spezialabhandlungen tauchen bis heute immer wieder Themen und Thesen der Schopenhauerschen Elementargeometrie auf. Da Schopenhauers Geometrie bzw. Philosophie der Geometrie in ihrer Figuren- und damit Anschauungsbezogenheit im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert exemplarisch galt, folgt die hier skizzenhaft dargestellte zweihundertjährige Rezeptionsgeschichte auch der von den mathematischen Paradigmen abhängenden Bewertung anschauungsbezogener Geometrien.
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    Thinking Geometry: A Matter of Philosophy. The Case of Helmholtz and Poincaré.María de Paz - 2011 - In Hassan Tahiri, Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics: Intuition Experience Creativity. pp. 107-121.
    The controversy between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry arose new philosophical and scientific insights which were relevant to the later development of natural science. Here we want to consider Poincaré and Helmholtz’s positions as two of the most important and original ones who contributed to the subsequent development of the epistemology of natural sciences. Based in these conceptions, we will show that the role of philosophy is still important for some aspects of science.
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  32. Affine geometry, visual sensation, and preference for symmetry of things in a thing.Birgitta Dresp-Langley - 2016 - Symmetry 127 (8).
    Evolution and geometry generate complexity in similar ways. Evolution drives natural selection while geometry may capture the logic of this selection and express it visually, in terms of specific generic properties representing some kind of advantage. Geometry is ideally suited for expressing the logic of evolutionary selection for symmetry, which is found in the shape curves of vein systems and other natural objects such as leaves, cell membranes, or tunnel systems built by ants. The topology and (...) of symmetry is controlled by numerical parameters, which act in analogy with a biological organism’s DNA. The introductory part of this paper reviews findings from experiments illustrating the critical role of two-dimensional (2D) design parameters, affine geometry and shape symmetry for visual or tactile shape sensation and perception-based decision making in populations of experts and non-experts. It will be shown that 2D fractal symmetry, referred to herein as the “symmetry of things in a thing”, results from principles very similar to those of affine projection. Results from experiments on aesthetic and visual preference judgments in response to 2D fractal trees with varying degrees of asymmetry are presented. In a first experiment (psychophysical scaling procedure), non-expert observers had to rate (on a scale from 0 to 10) the perceived beauty of a random series of 2D fractal trees with varying degrees of fractal symmetry. In a second experiment (two-alternative forced choice procedure), they had to express their preference for one of two shapes from the series. The shape pairs were presented successively in random order. Results show that the smallest possible fractal deviation from “symmetry of things in a thing” significantly reduces the perceived attractiveness of such shapes. The potential of future studies where different levels of complexity of fractal patterns are weighed against different degrees of symmetry is pointed out in the conclusion. (shrink)
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  33. Relativity and geometry.Roberto Torretti - 1983 - New York: Dover Publications.
    This high-level study discusses Newtonian principles and 19th-century views on electrodynamics and the aether. Additional topics include Einstein's electrodynamics of moving bodies, Minkowski spacetime, gravitational geometry, time and causality, and other subjects. Highlights include a rich exposition of the elements of the special and general theories of relativity.
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  34. Euclidean Geometry is a Priori.Boris Culina - manuscript
    An argument is given that Euclidean geometry is a priori in the same way that numbers are a priori, the result of modeling, not the world, but our activities in the world.
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  35. The geometry of diagrams and the logic of syllogisms.Richard Bosley - 2013 - In Sun-Joo Shin & Amirouche Moktefi, Visual Reasoning with Diagrams. Basel: Birkhaüser.
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    Mesure du sol et géométrie au Moyen Âge.Patrick Gautier Dalché & Armelle Querrien - 2016 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 82 (1):97-139.
    Au Moyen Âge, les rapports entre savoirs théorique et pratique dans la mesure des champs sont difficiles à appréhender. L’article examine d’une part l’évolution de la géométrie depuis les premiers traités de l’époque carolingienne jusqu’à l’apparition de la geometria practica, puis l’évolution de ce dernier genre, d’autre part la pratique effective des mesureurs telle qu’on la reconstitue à partir d’une documentation évasive. On observe que les techniques de mesure ne relèvent jamais de la géométrie savante, euclidienne ou pratique, malgré les (...)
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  37. Geometry and generality in Frege's philosophy of arithmetic.Jamie Tappenden - 1995 - Synthese 102 (3):319 - 361.
    This paper develops some respects in which the philosophy of mathematics can fruitfully be informed by mathematical practice, through examining Frege's Grundlagen in its historical setting. The first sections of the paper are devoted to elaborating some aspects of nineteenth century mathematics which informed Frege's early work. (These events are of considerable philosophical significance even apart from the connection with Frege.) In the middle sections, some minor themes of Grundlagen are developed: the relationship Frege envisions between arithmetic and geometry (...)
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  38. The Geometry of Conventionality.James Owen Weatherall & John Byron Manchak - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (2):233-247.
    There is a venerable position in the philosophy of space and time that holds that the geometry of spacetime is conventional, provided one is willing to postulate a “universal force field.” Here we ask a more focused question, inspired by this literature: in the context of our best classical theories of space and time, if one understands “force” in the standard way, can one accommodate different geometries by postulating a new force field? We argue that the answer depends on (...)
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  39. Flexible intuitions of Euclidean geometry in an Amazonian indigene group.Pierre Pica, Véronique Izard, Elizabeth Spelke & Stanislas Dehaene - 2011 - Pnas 23.
    Kant argued that Euclidean geometry is synthesized on the basis of an a priori intuition of space. This proposal inspired much behavioral research probing whether spatial navigation in humans and animals conforms to the predictions of Euclidean geometry. However, Euclidean geometry also includes concepts that transcend the perceptible, such as objects that are infinitely small or infinitely large, or statements of necessity and impossibility. We tested the hypothesis that certain aspects of nonperceptible Euclidian geometry map onto (...)
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    Space, geometry and aesthetics: through Kant and towards Deleuze.Peg Rawes - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Peg Rawes examines a "minor tradition" of aesthetic geometries in ontological philosophy. Developed through Kant’s aesthetic subject she explores a trajectory of geometric thinking and geometric figurations--reflective subjects, folds, passages, plenums, envelopes and horizons--in ancient Greek, post-Cartesian and twentieth-century Continental philosophies, through which productive understandings of space and embodies subjectivities are constructed. Six chapters, explore the construction of these aesthetic geometric methods and figures in a series of "geometric" texts by Kant, Plato, Proclus, Spinoza, Leibniz, Bergson, Husserl and Deleuze. In (...)
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    Geometry and Structure of Quantum Phase Space.Hoshang Heydari - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (7):851-857.
    The application of geometry to physics has provided us with new insightful information about many physical theories such as classical mechanics, general relativity, and quantum geometry. The geometry also plays an important role in foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum information. In this work we discuss a geometric framework for mixed quantum states represented by density matrices, where the quantum phase space of density matrices is equipped with a symplectic structure, an almost complex structure, and a compatible (...)
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    Geometry driven statistics.Ian L. Dryden & John T. Kent (eds.) - 2015 - Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley.
    A timely collection of advanced, original material in the area of statistical methodology motivated by geometric problems, dedicated to the influential work of Kanti V. Mardia This volume celebrates Kanti V. Mardia's long and influential career in statistics. A common theme unifying much of Mardia’s work is the importance of geometry in statistics, and to highlight the areas emphasized in his research this book brings together 16 contributions from high-profile researchers in the field. Geometry Driven Statistics covers a (...)
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  43. The geometry of the incommunicable: madness.Michel Serres - 1997 - In Arnold Ira Davidson, Foucault and his interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 36--56.
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    Geometry, mechanics, and experience: a historico-philosophical musing.Olivier Darrigol - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-36.
    Euclidean geometry, statics, and classical mechanics, being in some sense the simplest physical theories based on a full-fledged mathematical apparatus, are well suited to a historico-philosophical analysis of the way in which a physical theory differs from a purely mathematical theory. Through a series of examples including Newton’s Principia and later forms of mechanics, we will identify the interpretive substructure that connects the mathematical apparatus of the theory to the world of experience. This substructure includes models of experiments, models (...)
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  45. Geometry and Measurement in Otto Hölder’s Epistemology.Paola Cantu - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (1):131-164.
    L’article a pour but d’analyser la conception de la géométrie et de la mesure présentée dans Intuition et Raisonnement [Hölder 1900], « Les axiomes de la grandeur et la théorie de la mensuration » [Hölder 1901] et La Méthode mathématique [Hölder 1924]. L’article examine les relations entre a) la démarcation introduite par Hölder entre géométrie et arithmétique à partir de la notion de ‘concept donné’, b) sa position philosophique par rapport à l’apriorisme kantien et à l’empirisme et c) le choix (...)
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    Constructive geometry and the parallel postulate.Michael Beeson - 2016 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):1-104.
    Euclidean geometry, as presented by Euclid, consists of straightedge-and-compass constructions and rigorous reasoning about the results of those constructions. We show that Euclidean geometry can be developed using only intuitionistic logic. This involves finding “uniform” constructions where normally a case distinction is used. For example, in finding a perpendicular to line L through point p, one usually uses two different constructions, “erecting” a perpendicular when p is on L, and “dropping” a perpendicular when p is not on L, (...)
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    Geometry and the Hidden Algorithm of Discourse.Terry Prewitt - 1991 - Semiotics:27-34.
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  48. The Geometry of Meaning: Semantics Based on Conceptual Spaces.Peter Gärdenfors - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    A novel cognitive theory of semantics that proposes that the meanings of words can be described in terms of geometric structures.
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  49. New Foundations for Physical Geometry: The Theory of Linear Structures.Tim Maudlin - 2014 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Tim Maudlin sets out a completely new method for describing the geometrical structure of spaces, and thus a better mathematical tool for describing and understanding space-time. He presents a historical review of the development of geometry and topology, and then his original Theory of Linear Structures.
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  50. Fundamental and Emergent Geometry in Newtonian Physics.David Wallace - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (1):1-32.
    Using as a starting point recent and apparently incompatible conclusions by Saunders and Knox, I revisit the question of the correct spacetime setting for Newtonian physics. I argue that understood correctly, these two versions of Newtonian physics make the same claims both about the background geometry required to define the theory, and about the inertial structure of the theory. In doing so I illustrate and explore in detail the view—espoused by Knox, and also by Brown —that inertial structure is (...)
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