Results for ' Immaterial products'

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  1.  35
    Capital’s Artificial Intellect Becoming Uber’s Means of Autonomous Immaterial Production.Ramon Salim Diab - 2019 - Historical Materialism 27 (1):125-154.
    The global path of capitalist development is continuously transformed as a result of the production and integration of advanced information and communication technologies within various forms of production. The first half of this paper conceptualises ICTs as capital’s appropriation and objectification of the productive forces of the general intellect in ‘the general artificial intellect’, a category that refers to the total processing power of networked ICTs in global society. The second half of the paper analyses Uber’s development of the elements (...)
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    Reification and immaterial production.Dimitris Gakis - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (6):676-702.
    Reification, a central theme in radical social/political theory from the 1920s onward, has started falling out of fashion since the 1970s, a period when a number of crucial alterations in the compo...
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    Disciplinary and Biopolitical Power as Practices of Labor Management in Contemporary Russian Companies of Immaterial Production.I. A. Inshakov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (1):89-119.
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    The Immaterial: Knowledge, Value and Capital.André Gorz - 2010 - Seagull Books.
    In _The Immaterial_,_ _French social philosopher André Gorz argues, in his finely-tuned and polemical style, that the economic boom that accelerated in the 1990s and crashed so spectacularly in 2008 was based largely on an immaterial consumption of symbols and ideas, as capitalism tried to overcome the crisis of the formally industrial regime by throwing itself into a new, so-called knowledge economy. In this, the last full-length theoretical work Gorz completed before his death, he argues instead for the creation (...)
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    Ontology of Production: Three Essays.William Haver (ed.) - 2012 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    _Ontology of Production_ presents three essays by the influential Japanese philosopher Nishida Kitarō, translated for the first time into English by William Haver. While previous translations of his writings have framed Nishida within Asian or Oriental philosophical traditions, Haver's introduction and approach to the texts rightly situate the work within Nishida's own commitment to Western philosophy. In particular, Haver focuses on Nishida's sustained and rigorous engagement with Marx's conception of production. Agreeing with Marx that ontology is production and production is (...)
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  6. Is it immaterial that there's a 'material' in 'historical materialism'?Charles W. Mills - 1989 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):323 – 342.
    G. A. Cohen's influential ?technological determinist? reading of Marx's theory of history rests in part on an interpretation of Marx's use of ?material? whose idiosyncrasy has been insufficiently noticed. Cohen takes historical materialism to be asserting the determination of the social by the material/asocial, viz. ?socio?neutral? facts about human nature and human rationality which manifest themselves in a historical tendency for the forces of production to develop. This paper reviews Marx's writings to demonstrate the extensive textual evidence in favour of (...)
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  7. 'Cognitive Capitalism' and the Rat-Race: How Capital Measures Immaterial Labour in British Universities.Massimo De Angelis & David Harvie - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (3):3-30.
    One hundred years ago, Frederick Taylor and the pioneers of scientific management went into battle on US factory-floors. Armed with stopwatches and clipboards, they were fighting a war over measure. A century on and capitalist production has spread far beyond the factory walls and the confines of 'national economies'. Although capitalism increasingly seems to rely on 'cognitive' and 'immaterial' forms of labour and social cooperation, the war over measure continues. Armies of economists, statisticians, management-scientists, information-specialists, accountants and others are (...)
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    Materiality, Language and the Production of Knowledge: Art, Subjectivity and Indigenous Ontology.Estelle Barrett - 2015 - Cultural Studies Review 21 (2).
    Since all theories of knowing deal with the being of subjects, objects, instruments and environments, they can be viewed as onto-epistemological. This chapter examines key ideas that emerge from the work of Julia Kristeva – 'the speaking subject', 'materiality of language' and 'heterogeneity' – to demonstrate how ontology and epistemology are inextricably entwined in knowledge production. Kristeva also affirms both the agency of matter and the dimension of human/subjective agency implicated in cultural production. This is contrasted with Gilles Deleuze and (...)
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  9.  8
    Ontology of Production: Three Essays.Nishida Kitaro - 2012 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Edited by William Wendell Haver.
    _Ontology of Production_ presents three essays by the influential Japanese philosopher Nishida Kitarō, translated for the first time into English by William Haver. While previous translations of his writings have framed Nishida within Asian or Oriental philosophical traditions, Haver's introduction and approach to the texts rightly situate the work within Nishida's own commitment to Western philosophy. In particular, Haver focuses on Nishida's sustained and rigorous engagement with Marx's conception of production. Agreeing with Marx that ontology is production and production is (...)
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  10.  54
    Travail intermittent et production de la ville post-fordiste.Arnaud Le Marchand - 2004 - Multitudes 3 (3):51-56.
    Casual labor is between the temporal break and the fragmentation of cities. The urban sprawl, as much as the new constraints of production, create intervals, that temporary workers have to, fulfill. These casual workers from immaterial sectors as well as from production sectors, are networking the cities and compensating for their fragmentation. The social guaranted income is an acknowledgement of their roles and an alternative to a purely repressive governance of urban problems.
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    Byproductive labor: A feminist theory of affective labor beyond the productive–reproductive distinction.Shiloh Whitney - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (6):637-660.
    My aim in this paper is to introduce a theory of affective labor as byproductive, a concept I develop through analysis of the phenomenology of various affective labor practices in dialog with feminist scholarship, both on gendered and racialized labor, and on affect and emotion. I motivate my theory in the context of literature on affective and emotional labor in philosophy and the social sciences, engaging the post-Marxist literature on affective and immaterial labor and emphasizing feminist critiques. I argue (...)
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  12. Antonio Negri ve Michael Hardt Düşüncesinde İmparatorluk, Çokluk ve Biopolitik Üretim Kavramları Üzerine * On the Concepts of the Empire, Multitude And Biopolitical Production in the Thought of Antonio Negri And Michael Hardt.Aykut Aykutalp - 2018 - Kaygi 2 (31):404-430.
    This study focuses on the ideas of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, the most influential thinkers of recent period, about the concepts of the Empire, Multitude and Biopolitical production. These concepts being at the center of contemporary political discussions problematise the ideaitonal foundations of the idea of Empire evaluated as a new form of sovereignty, the economic transformation in the contemporary capitalism and the new form of subjectivity in this age. To Negri and Hardt, Empire is seen as a logic (...)
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    Possibilities of Care within Institutional Constraints: A Case Study in Black Creative Knowledge Production.Nala Haileselassie, Lucy Wowk, Joshua Vettivelu, Shaya Ishaq, Daysha Loppie, Carianne Shakes, Ajeuro Abala, Deion Squires, Christina Oyawale & Miranda Campbell - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):805-826.
    Art school curriculums in institutional settings are often irrelevant to the lived experiences, pathways, and histories of Black students. In this context, in Summer 2021 and 2022, Artspace gallery manager Joshua Vettivelu stewarded a series of projects centring Black students, creating space for open exploration through residencies and research supported by peer mentorship. These projects mobilized a durational approach, pairing small groups of students with slightly more experienced peer mentors over an extended period, in an environment underscored with care and (...)
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  14. Управління виробничою поведінкою персоналу промислового підприємства.Oleksandr Usatenko & Olena Hrosheleva - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):122-126.
    An effective mechanism of personnel production behavior management in the system of enterprise's management to ensure the high performance indexes and enterprise's goals achievement is developed. The results obtained on the basic of: structural and logical analysis - to construct the general logic of staff's production behavior model; method of generalization - to develop the classification of employees' motivation and potential factors; methods of analysis and synthesis - to determine the ratio of factors of potential and motivation factors in the (...)
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  15.  39
    The Cool Brand, Affective Activism and Japanese Youth.Anne Allison - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (2-3):89-111.
    Japanese youth goods have become globally popular over the past 15 years. Referred to as `cool', their contribution to the national economy has been much hyped under the catchword Japan's `GNC' (gross national cool). While this new national brand is indebted to youth — youth are the intended consumers for such products and sometimes the creators — young Japanese today are also chastised for not working hard, failing at school and work, and being insufficiently productive or reproductive. Using the (...)
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  16.  4
    The Common of Postmodernity and Communities of Everyday life. 하용삼 - 2017 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 79:195-220.
    신자유주의 글로벌화는 도시와 마을을 상품화시키고, 극단적 개인주의와 경제적 불평등을 초래하고 있다. 도시와 마을은 더 이상 공동체가 아니라 로컬리티로 변화되고 있다. 로컬리티의 개인들은 자본의 생산수단과 거버넌스와 분리되어서 임노동자와 투표권자로 되었다. 이러한 상태에서 우리는 글로벌화에 의한 도시와 마을의 상품화와 개인주의에 대한 대안을 탈근대성의 공통적인 것에서 발견할 수 있다. 이 공통적인 것은 전근대의 공통적인 것들과 연결되는 비물질적 생산물이다. 근대적 합리주의자들은 자본주의 사회를 경제적·정치적 요소로 환원시키고, 직선적 진보의 시간에서 미래의 공동체를 약속한다. 이런 이유로 그들은 ‘현재’에서 공동체를 보지 못하고, 공통적인 것에서 미래의 공동체를 구성하고자 시도한다. (...)
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  17. General Intellect.Paolo Virno - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (3):3-8.
    As part of the Historical Materialism research stream on immaterial labour, cognitive capitalism and the general intellect, begun in issue 15.1, this articles explores the importance of the expression 'general intellect', proposed by Marx in the Grundrisse, for an analysis of linguistic and intellectual work in contemporary capitalism. It links the notion of general intellect to the crisis of the law of value, the political significance of mass intellectuality, and the definition of democracy in a world where knowledge is (...)
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  18. The Concept of Labor: Marx and His Critics.Sean Sayers - 2007 - Science and Society 71 (4):431 - 454.
    Marx conceives of labor as form-giving activity. This is criticized for presupposing a "productivist" model of labor which regards work that creates a material product — craft or industrial work — as the paradigm for all work (Habermas, Benton, Arendt). Many traditional kinds of work do not seem to fit this picture, and new "immaterial" forms of labor (computer work, service work, etc.) have developed in postindus trial society which, it is argued, necessitate a fundamental revision of Marx's approach (...)
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  19.  23
    Digital Infrastructures and the Machinery of Topological Abstraction.Matthew Fuller & Andrew Goffey - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (4-5):311-333.
    Drawing on contemporary pragmatic philosophy and grounded in a reading of techniques associated with digital media as sophist practices of influence and manipulation, this paper proposes an ‘experimental’ reading of key aspects of the topological qualities of the infrastructure of the knowledge economy, with its obsessive attempts at measuring, recording and monitoring, or ‘qualculation’. Taking seriously, albeit with humour, early criticisms of actor-network for its ostensibly Machiavellian proclivities, it offers a series of playful stratagems for the exploration and analysis of (...)
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  20.  17
    El concepto de antiproducción y el problema de la vitalidad del capitalismo.Ariel Fazio - 2020 - Isegoría 62:35-53.
    Following Lazzarato’s hypothesis, the increasing incidence of antiproduction in the productive system would lead to questioning the “progressive” character of capitalism, a vision shared by both Liberalism and Marxism when they associate the logic of capital with the development of productive forces. It is proposed the exploration of this thesis–the problem of the vitality of capitalism– through the development of the concept of antiproduction, which is traced through its sources –Deleuze and Guattari, Baran and Sweezy– and related to the theorical (...)
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  21.  16
    The Vegetative Powers of Human Beings: Late Medieval Metaphysical Worries.Martin Klein - 2021 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Andreas Blank (eds.), Vegetative Powers: The Roots of Life in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Natural Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 153-175.
    In this chapter, I investigate the metaphysical assumptions that medieval thinkers considered necessary in order to integrate the vegetative powers and processes into their conception of human beings as composed of a material body and an immaterial soul. My aim is to show that vegetative powers and processes are central to the late medieval debate on faculty psychology and on the unity or plurality of substantial forms. The chapter has two parts. First, I present three different accounts of the (...)
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  22.  19
    Images within the Precarity Movement in Italy.Nicole Doerr & Alice Mattoni - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):130-135.
    The recent cycle of social struggles against precarity in Italy has been characterized by an extensive use of images representing precarious workers. This contribution explores this in the case of the Euro Mayday Parade (EMP) protest campaign. The subversion of existing popular culture traditions was the main objective of the activists’ newly created icons such as San Precario, Serpica Naro and other visual tools. The visual work on gender in the EMP seemed to fill a gap between theoretical work on (...)
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  23. Children as agents of cultural adaptation.Sheina Lew-Levy & Dorsa Amir - forthcoming - Behavioral and Brain Sciences:1-68.
    The human capacity for culture is a key determinant of our success as a species. While much work has examined adults’ abilities to create and transmit cultural knowledge, relatively less work has focused on the role of children (approx. 3-17 years) in this important process. In the cases where children are acknowledged, they are largely portrayed as acquirers of cultural knowledge from adults, rather than cultural producers in their own right. In this paper, we bring attention to the important role (...)
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  24.  19
    Beauty and Being: Thomistic Perspectives.Piotr Jaroszyński - 2011 - Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
    This book represents an attempt to distinguish and define what beauty is in metaphysical terms, to arrive at a better understanding of beauty as a transcendental property of being, and to establish beauty's place in philosophy alongside truth and the good through an exploration of whether there can truly be a philosophy of beauty, or whether beauty is merely a type of aesthetic. The first part of this work outlines the history of philosophical thought on the subject, through an introduction (...)
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  25.  43
    Bakhtin and the ‘general intellect’.Michael E. Gardiner - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9):893-908.
    One of the key concepts in autonomist Marxism is the ‘general intellect’. As capitalism develops, labour and its products become increasingly ‘immaterial’, inasmuch as the physical side of production is taken over by automated systems. The result is that all aspects of the collective worker's affective, desiring and cognitive capabilities are now brought to bear on production itself. This problematises capitalistic notions of proprietary control, because it raises the possibility that the mass ‘cognitive worker’, and the inherently co-operative (...)
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    Sinonimia causal y filosofía natural. Aristóteles, lector del Timeo.Jorge Mittelmann - 2020 - Méthexis 32 (1):110-131.
    Aristotle’s argument against Timaeus’ view of intellection as an endless circular motion can be divided into two main sections: a categorial one, which rests upon the impossibility of intertwining material and immaterial ingredients into a single (albeit twofold) substance; and a geometrical one, which highlights those features of circular magnitudes which render them unsuitable for performing intellectual tasks. This paper focuses on the first set of reasons that Aristotle puts forward, by stressing the productive philosophical outcome of this otherwise (...)
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  27. Fascism and the Tiny Hands of the Market.Joshua Simon - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    In this essay, digital hibridity stands for the perpetual availability of life as both labour and debt for capital, both in real life and online. At the heart of these reflections is the realization that the digital is a regime in which finance capital believes it is finally free from any dependency on social reproduction. With the move from value to price, from labor to debt, from revolution to disruption, and from avant-garde to speculation, the digital evolved as the material (...)
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    Économie de l'immatériel : Abondance, exclusion et biens communs : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Hervé le Crosnier - 2006 - Hermes 45:51.
    La «société de la connaissance» concerne l'ensemble des secteurs productifs. Elle induit une réorganisation des entreprises, qui a des conséquences sur la définition du travail et sur l'établissement de la valeur des firmes. Les enjeux de transfert de connaissances pour le développement sont devenus critiques, comme le montre l'exemple des médicaments. Dans cette situation, une stratégie de verrouillage, par la construction de nouvelles enclosures dans le domaine immatériel est en chantier dans l'ensemble des pays développés. En contrepoint, les nouveaux mouvements (...)
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    Feminism after measure.Lisa Adkins - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (3):323-339.
    This article engages the crisis of measure currently being articulated within social and cultural theory and the associated claim that this crisis should compel an embrace of methods which seek to know the heterogeneous, the multiple, the complex and the vague. Taking the rise of immaterial forms of labour and value as paradigmatic of the crisis of measure, it questions the use of the figure of a domestically labouring woman who lacks ownership of her labour to illuminate this crisis, (...)
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    Can Matter Mark the Hours? Eighteenth-Century Vitalist Materialism and Functional Properties.Timo Kaitaro - 2008 - Science in Context 21 (4):581-592.
    ArgumentEighteenth-century Montpellerian vitalism and contemporaneous French “vitalist” materialism, exemplified by the medical and biological materialism of La Mettrie and Diderot, differ in some essential aspects from some later forms of vitalism that tended to postulate immaterial vital principles or forces. This article examines the arguments defending the existence of vital properties in living organisms presented in the context of eighteenth-century French materialism. These arguments had recourse to technological metaphors and analogies, mainly clockworks, in order to claim that just as (...)
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    Migration and Cooperative Infrastructures.Lorenzo Del Savio, Giulia Cavaliere & Matteo Mameli - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (3):425-444.
    A proper understanding of the moral and political significance of migration requires a focus on global inequalities. More specifically, it requires a focus on those global inequalities that affect people’s ability to participate in the production of economic goods and non-economic goods. We call cooperative infrastructures the complex material and immaterial technologies that allow human beings to cooperate in order to generate human goods. By enabling migrants to access high-quality cooperative infrastructures, migration contributes to the diffusion of technical and (...)
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    Complexity, evolution, and creativity in new management theories or, in other words, what is the connection between an immune system network and a corporation?Telmo Pievani & Giuseppe Varchetta - 2005 - World Futures 61 (5):370 – 377.
    Many studies about organizational experiences and theories converge today in the idea that the economic factor, most competitive now in the production of value, is the de-materialization of the economical and organizational processes. Immaterial factors (like knowledge, services, information, relationships, virtual transactions, etc.) are the competitive and crucial innovations for future competition and, at the same time, the most important criteria to rethinking and understanding the future organization. If this is true, we can realize that every person in organizations, (...)
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    Opportunistic Breach of Contract.Francesco Parisi, Ariel Porat & Brian H. Bix - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (1):199-230.
    Law and economics scholarship has traditionally analyzed efficient breach cases monolithically. By grouping efficient breach cases together, this literature treats the subjective motives and the distributive effects of the breach as immaterial. The Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment introduced a distinction based on the intent and the effects of the breach, allowing courts to use disgorgement remedies in cases of ‘opportunistic’ breach of contract (i.e., ‘deliberate and profitable’ breaches). In this article, we evaluate this approach, focusing on (...)
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    Wesen und Bedeutung der „Zweckursache”︁ bei Aristoteles.Wolfgang Kullmann - 1982 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 5 (1-2):25-39.
    Nature and significance of the ‚final cause’︁ in Aristotle. − 1. In Aristotle's treatment of the tissues and the organs of animal body the search for their final cause is nothing but the search for their function. There are no speculations about the origin of the purposive organisation of biological species, because species are eternal for him. − 2. When Aristotle is describing the production and propagation of an animal as goal‐directed, he does not exclude a causal explanation. He gives (...)
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  35. Art & Abstract Objects.Christy Mag Uidhir (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    Art and Abstract Objects presents a lively philosophical exchange between the philosophy of art and the core areas of philosophy. The standard way of thinking about non-repeatable (single-instance) artworks such as paintings, drawings, and non-cast sculpture is that they are concrete (i.e., material, causally efficacious, located in space and time). Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is currently located in Paris. Richard Serra's Tilted Arc is 73 tonnes of solid steel. Johannes Vermeer's The Concert was stolen in 1990 and remains missing. Michaelangelo's (...)
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    The Violence of Financial Capitalism.Christian Marazzi - 2010 - Semiotext(E).
    An updated edition of a groundbreaking work on the global financial crisis from a postfordist perspective. The 2010 English-language edition of Christian Marazzi's The Violence of Financial Capitalism made a groundbreaking work on the global financial crisis available to an expanded readership. This new edition has been updated to reflect recent events, up to and including the G20 summit in July 2010 and the broad consensus to reduce government spending that emerged from it. Marazzi, a leading figure in the European (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas, defensor hominis integralis: The Enduring Relevance of Thomistic Anthropology in a Technological Age.Joseph Upton - unknown
    Technological advancements, especially with regard to enhancements of human capacities and powers, have instigated a collision between opposing views of the human person. I begin with the premise that the predominant classical view of the human person attained its clearest and most cogent expression in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and can be termed the theory of the homo integralis. The human person is, for Thomas, the integrated being par excellence: he is a union of the material (body) and the (...)
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    Dispersion of meaning: the fading out of the doctrinaire world?Matko Meštrović - 2008 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book present interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities by connecting seemingly disparate sources through a sensitivity to endangered human values. It links reflections on the contemporary relationship between art and technology in a post-modern context, seeing art in terms of crossing boundaries and exploring virtuality. It deals with the consequences of economics colonising other disciplines, in terms of the processes by which the social becomes the economic. Using Jantsch''s evolutionary paradigm, the concept of self-transcendence is seen as (...)
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    Voluptuous philosophy: literary materialism in the French Enlightenment.Natania Meeker - 2006 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Eighteenth-century France witnessed the rise of matter itself—in forms ranging from atoms to anatomies—as a privileged object of study. Voluptuous Philosophy redefines what is at stake in the emergence of an enlightened secular materialism by showing how questions of figure—how should a body be represented? What should the effects of this representation be on readers?—are tellingly and consistently located at the very heart of 18th-century debates about the nature of material substance. French materialisms of the Enlightenment are crucially invested not (...)
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  40. Capital and the Imaginary: A Study on the Commodity as a Poetical Object.Margherita Pascucci - 2003 - Dissertation, New York University
    Moving from the contemporary transformations of labor as form of production, this dissertation tries to question the role that 'knowledge' has, both as element of capitalist production and as its subverting tool. By setting a parallelism between Capital's mechanism and the workings of the Imagination, this study tracks the genealogy of 'Immaterial labor', main figure of this transformation, back to Marx's notion of phantasmagoria and to the reading that Walter Benjamin gave of it . It develops a path still (...)
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    Mouvements latino-américains : entre puissance constituante et nouveau welfare.César Altamira - 2008 - Multitudes 35 (4):73.
    The opposition between the piqueteros and the government has shifted the battleground between capital and work. If in the past, confrontation focused on salary, today the growing precariousness of work has transformed the struggle of the piqueteros and the unemployed into a fight for survival. As a result of this, their objectives are the same as those of immaterial workers : autonomous and independent and exploited by capital through the network of productive cooperation which they have established among themselves.
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    Futurepublic.Tiziana Terranova - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (3):125-145.
    This article advances some considerations on the current production of hegemonic effects, starting with some problems posed by the work of one of the most influential writers in cultural studies – the American Palestinian critic Edward Said. Said's commentary on the coverage of Islam in the US media in the late 1970s allows for some challenging considerations on how hegemonic strategies directed at the formation of publics and public opinion are increasingly integrated within a global noopolitics of communication whose understanding (...)
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    Acculturation Strategies of Cold War and Post-Soviet Immigrants in the United States.Joseph Upton - unknown
    Technological advancements, especially with regard to enhancements of human capacities and powers, have instigated a collision between opposing views of the human person. I begin with the premise that the predominant classical view of the human person attained its clearest and most cogent expression in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas and can be termed the theory of the homo integralis. The human person is, for Thomas, the integrated being par excellence: he is a union of the material (body) and the (...)
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    Winning hearts and minds through a policy promoting the agroecological paradigm in universities.Fabio Grigoletto, Fernando Silveira Franco, Henrique Carmona Duval, Vanilde Ferreira Souza-Esquerdo & Ricardo Serra Borsatto - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):5-18.
    Brazil stands out at the global level for having implemented several policies intending to promote agroecology as a productive paradigm for small-holder farmers. However, the impacts of this process of institutionalization of agroecology still lack research and debates that evaluate the effectiveness of these policies. In this paper, we assess and discuss the impacts of a policy specifically focused on education in agroecology, the support to the establishment of Centers for the Study of Agroecology and Organic Production (NEAs) in more (...)
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    De tijd van kunst: Negri en Virno over kairòs, taal, en creatie.Gerlinde Van Puymbroeck - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (4):457-470.
    The time of art: Negri and Virno on kairòs, language, and creation. Negri and Virno aim to establish a concept of art that demonstrates a difference within a contemporary society that they see as completely dominated by the market. A time regime presenting the spheres of work and non-work as separate, structures human life. Yet in fact, work today stretches beyond the borders of both spheres. Labor power consists mainly in creativity, communication, and cooperation. Virno and Negri state that a (...)
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    (1 other version)Editors’ Introduction.Alan D. Schrift & Shannon Sullivan - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):237-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors' IntroductionAlan D. Schrift and Shannon SullivanThe articles in this special issue of the Journal of Speculative Philosophy were selected from revised versions of papers that were originally presented at the sixtieth annual meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas October 13–15, 2022.Michael Hardt of Duke University and Patricia Pisters of the University of Amsterdam gave the SPEP (...)
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  47. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection between monetary (...)
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    The Pharmacology of Distributed Experiment – User-generated Drug Innovation.Melinda Cooper - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):18-43.
    It is a commonplace of the critical innovation literature that experiment has replaced mass production as the driving force of accumulation. But while many theorists have explored the politics and dynamics of such economies of experiment under the rubric of ‘immaterial’, cognitive or affective labour, few have examined the intersection of labour, experiment and the speculative in the clinic. Taking the clinic as representative of contemporary transformations in the commodity-form, labour and innovation, this article will look at recent attempts (...)
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    The Inwardness of Mental Life.Stephen Toulmin - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):1-16.
    As a model for explaining the inwardness of mental life, a computer in the cortex is no improvement on an immaterial mind trapped wherever Descartes or Newton originally located it. For both models distract our attention from certain crucial differences between inwardness and interiority - that is, from certain crucial respects in which these two inherited ways of thinking about the inner mind diverge from one another. Clearly, interiority is an inescapable feature of our brains and of all the (...)
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    A Questão Do “Comum”, a Alteridade No “Comum”.Reinaldo Furlan - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42492.
    ABSTRACT The question of the “common” has earned prominence in capitalism’s current stage, marked by the regression of the welfare state, privatization of services essential to life, and aggravation of income concentration and social inequalities around the world, in tandem with the exponential increase in the production of goods and wealth. We will address the question of the “common” based on two current views on the subject, those of the pairs Negri/Hardt and Dardot/Laval, particularly regarding the latter pair’s critique of (...)
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