Results for ' Inequitable opportunities and outcomes'

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  1.  14
    Equal Opportunity and Outcomes Assessment.Randall Curren - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:345-353.
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    Care Management Unleashed: Enduring Ethical Tensions 20 Years after the Griffiths Report, 1988.Malcolm Carey - 2008 - Ethics and Social Welfare 2 (3):308-316.
    This article looks at some of the moral implications of the radical reforms in the United Kingdom since the Griffiths Report was first published in 1988. It is suggested that, among others, two outcomes are particularly problematic. These are firstly, findings that care managers (the preferred name in the UK for social workers dealing mainly with adults and older people who require social care support in the community) no longer spend much time with clients, and secondly, suggestions that many (...)
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    (1 other version)Equal Opportunity or Equal Social Outcome?Marc Fleurbaey - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 10 (2):25-55.
    John Rawls's work (1971) has greatly contributed to rehabilitating equality as a basic social value, after decades of utilitarian hegemony,particularly in normative economics, but Rawls also emphasized that full equality of welfare is not an adequate goal either. This thesis was echoed in Dworkin's famous twin papers on equality (Dworkin 1981a,b), and it is now widely accepted that egalitarianism must be selective. The bulk of the debate on ‘Equality of What?’ thus deals with what variables ought to be submitted for (...)
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    Effect of reduced opportunities on bargaining outcomes: an experiment with status asymmetries.Subrato Banerjee - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (3):313-346.
    Several allocation rules allow for possible violations of the ‘independence of irrelevant alternatives’ axiom in cooperative bargaining game theory. Nonetheless, there is no conclusive evidence on how contractions of feasible sets exactly affect bargaining outcomes. We have been able to identify a definite behavioral channel through which such contractions actually determine the outcomes of negotiated bargaining. We find that the direction and the extent of changes in bargaining outcomes, due to contraction of the feasible set, respond to (...)
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  5. Each outcome is another opportunity: Problems with the moment of equal opportunity.Clare Chambers - 2009 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8 (4):374-400.
    This article introduces the concept of a Moment of Equal Opportunity (MEO): a point in an individual’s life at which equal opportunity must be applied and after which it need not. The concept of equal opportunity takes many forms, and not all employ an MEO. However, the more egalitarian a theory of equal opportunity is, the more likely it is to use an MEO. The article discusses various theories of equal opportunity and argues that those that employ an MEO are (...)
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    Correction to: Effect of reduced opportunities on bargaining outcomes: an experiment with status asymmetries.Subrato Banerjee - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (3):347-347.
    Part of the equation in sub-section “Key findings” is missing in the original publication of the article. The error was caused by the fact that the equation, due to its length, exceeded the page width. The missing part of the equation is given below.
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  7. Accidental outcomes guide punishment in a “trembling hand” game.Anna Dreber - unknown
    How do people respond to others' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for accidents might be depend on the actor's intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a "trembling hand": that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 (...)
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  8.  36
    Opportunity to discuss ethical issues during clinical learning experience.Alvisa Palese, Silvia Gonella, Anne Destrebecq, Irene Mansutti, Stefano Terzoni, Michela Morsanutto, Pietro Altini, Anita Bevilacqua, Anna Brugnolli, Federica Canzan, Adriana Dal Ponte, Laura De Biasio, Adriana Fascì, Silvia Grosso, Franco Mantovan, Oliva Marognolli, Raffaela Nicotera, Giulia Randon, Morena Tollini, Luisa Saiani, Luca Grassetti & Valerio Dimonte - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1665-1679.
    Background: Undergraduate nursing students have been documented to experience ethical distress during their clinical training and felt poorly supported in discussing the ethical issues they encountered. Research aims: This study was aimed at exploring nursing students’ perceived opportunity to discuss ethical issues that emerged during their clinical learning experience and associated factors. Research design: An Italian national cross-sectional study design was performed in 2015–2016. Participants were invited to answer a questionnaire composed of four sections regarding: (1) socio-demographic data, (2) previous (...)
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    Development of a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy: An international key stakeholder consensus study.Liam J. Convie, Joshua M. Clements, Scott McCain, Jeffrey Campbell, Stephen J. Kirk & Mike Clarke - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background 300 million operations and procedures are performed annually across the world, all of which require a patient’s informed consent. No standardised measure of the consent process exists in current clinical practice. We aimed to define a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy. Methods The core outcome set was developed in accordance with a predefined research protocol and the Core OutcoMes in Effectiveness Trials methodology comprising systematic review, qualitative semi structured interviews, a modified Delphi process and consensus (...)
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    Opportunities for Emotion Research on Biodiversity.Cameron Brick, Kristian Steensen Nielsen & Wilhelm Hofmann - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):263-266.
    We see unique opportunities to advance emotional research by studying an overlooked environmental problem. The biodiversity crisis is caused by land use, in particular by reducing and damaging habitats, such as deforestation for cattle grazing. Biodiversity processes are proximate and personally moving, like when a person is causing or experiencing changes to livelihood-providing ecosystems, and we suggest this affect-rich context is useful for studying social and psychological processes. In contrast, much research on far-away populations thinking about climate change effects (...)
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  11. Why equal opportunity is not a valuable goal.Stephen Kershnar - 2004 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 21 (2):159–172.
    In this paper, I provide an analysis of equal opportunity. I argue that equal opportunity occurs where two or more persons with equal natural abilities and willingness to work hard have chances at various jobs that are in the aggregate of equal value. I then argue that equal opportunity is neither valuable nor something that the government ought to pursue. First, it is not clear why we should value opportunities rather than outcomes. Second, the value of equal opportunity (...)
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  12. Defending Equality of Opportunity.John E. Roemer - 2003 - The Monist 86 (2):261-282.
    The theory of equal opportunity as I have expounded it in Roemer uses a language comprising five words: objective, circumstance, type, effort, and policy. The objective is the kind of outcome or well-being or advantage for whose acquisition one wishes to equalize opportunities, in a given population. Circumstances are the set of environmental influences, beyond the individual’s control, that affect his or her chances of acquiring the objective. A type is the group of individuals in the population with a (...)
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  13.  55
    Acting knowingly: effects of the agent's awareness of an opportunity on causal attributions.Denis J. Hilton, John McClure & Briar Moir - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (4):461-494.
    ABSTRACTAccording to difference-based models of causal judgement, the epistemic state of the agent should not affect judgements of cause. Four experiments examined opportunity chains in which a physical event enabled a subsequent proximal cause to produce an outcome. All four experiments showed that when the proximal cause was a human action, it was judged as more causal if the agent was aware of his opportunity than if he was not or if the proximal cause was a physical event. The first (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Liberty Versus Equal Opportunity.James S. Fishkin - 1987 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (1):32-48.
    Liberalism has often been viewed as a continuing dialogue about the relative priorities between liberty and equality. When the version of equality under discussion requires equalization of outcomes, it is easy to see how the two ideals might conflict. But when the version of equality requires only equalization of opportunities, the conflict has been treated as greatly muted since the principle of equality seems so meager in its implications. However, when one looks carefully at various versions of equal (...)
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  15.  40
    Licenced to transplant: UK overkill on EU Organ Directive provides golden opportunity for research.Antonia J. Cronin, James Douglas & Steven Sacks - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):593-595.
    Progress in transplantation outcomes depends on continuing research into both donor and recipient factors that may enhance graft and patient survival. A system of licencing for transplantation research, introduced by the Human Tissue Act 2004, which separates it from the transplantation process (then exempt from licencing), has damaged this vital activity by a combination of inflexible interpretation of the 2004 Act and fear of criminal liability on the part of researchers. Now, following the European Union (EU) Directive (2010) on (...)
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  16.  40
    Fair equality of opportunity in our actual world.Benjamin Sachs - unknown
    Fair equality of opportunity, a principle that governs the competition for desirable jobs, can seem irrelevant in our actual world, for two reasons. First, parents have broad liberty to raise their children as they see fit, which seems to undermine the fair equality of opportunity–based commitment to eliminating the effects of social circumstances on that competition. Second, we already have a well-established principle for distributing jobs, namely meritocracy, thereby leaving no theater in which fair equality of opportunity can operate. I (...)
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  17.  27
    Missed Opportunity in Lima: Creating a Process for Examining Equity Considerations in the Formulation of INDCs.Donald A. Brown - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (2):146-154.
    After reviewing the basis for urgency of assuring that nations reduce their ghg emissions to their fair share of safe global emissions, this paper examines the outcome of UNFCCC COP-20 in Lima in regard to getting traction for ethics and justice in national formulation of climate change commitments. In light of what is actually known about how nations have considered ethics and justice in formulating national climate change policies, this paper critically reviews elements of a Lima decision on what information (...)
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    Analysing health outcomes.Jack Dowie - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (4):245-250.
    If we cross-classify the absolutist-consequentialist distinction with an intuitive-analytical one we can see that economists probably attract the hostility of those in the other three cells as a result of being analytical consequentialists, as much as because of their concern with “costs”. Suggesting that some sources of utility are to be regarded as rights cannot, says the analytical consequentialist, overcome the fact that fulfilling and respecting rights is a resource-consuming activity, one that will inevitably have consequences, in resource-constrained situations, for (...)
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  19. Causal bias in measures of inequality of opportunity.Lennart B. Ackermans - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-31.
    In recent decades, economists have developed methods for measuring the country-wide level of inequality of opportunity. The most popular method, called the ex-ante method, uses data on the distribution of outcomes stratified by groups of individuals with the same circumstances, in order to estimate the part of outcome inequality that is due to these circumstances. I argue that these methods are potentially biased, both upwards and downwards, and that the unknown size of this bias could be large. To argue (...)
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  20.  20
    Globalised mission as opportunity.Pierre J. Jacobs & Ernest Van Eck - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    Globalisation develops at a staggering pace that envelopes and infiltrates local South African communities in various ways. Through technology a person can have access to anything today. Should the church try to keep up, or compete with such a reality? This article aims to encourage the church to develop a responsible missional character, which embraces the opportunities globalisation offers – to be a participative forum in a community comprising of more than religious people. Through re-evaluating the church’s missional intent, (...)
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    Promoting a Good Death: an agenda for outcomes research - a review of the literature.June Mui Hing Mak & Michael Clinton - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2):97-106.
    Outcomes research is topical in discussions about health-related research. Its emphasis on effectiveness creates an important opportunity for nurse researchers to strengthen the linkages between theory, outcomes research and nursing practice but, before care can be more effective, it is logical to establish patients’ desired outcomes. A thorough review of the implications of this requirement for the care of hospice patients is needed, but is lacking in the literature. Therefore, the literature on a ‘good death’ is reviewed (...)
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  22.  30
    Patients’ experiences of using the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale for a person‐centered care: A qualitative study in the specialized palliative home‐care context.Cecilia Högberg, Anette Alvariza & Ingela Beck - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12297.
    The aim of this study was to explore patients’ experiences of using the Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS) during specialized palliative home care. The study adopted a qualitative approach with an interpretive descriptive design. Interviews were performed with 10 patients, of whom a majority were diagnosed with incurable cancer. Our findings suggest that the use of IPOS as a basis for conversation promotes safe care by making the patients feel confident that the care provided was adapted to them which (...)
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  23. What We Regret Most Are Lost Opportunities: A Theory of Regret Intensity.Keith Markman, Denise Beike & Figen Karadogan - 2009 - Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (3):385-397.
    A recent theory (Roese & Summerville, 2005) has suggested that regret is intensified by perceptions of future opportunity. In this work, however, it is proposed that feelings of regret are more likely elicited by perceptions of lost opportunity: People regret outcomes that could have been changed in the past but can no longer be changed and for which people experience low psychological closure. Consistent with the lost opportunity principle, Study 1 revealed that regretted experiences in the most commonly regretted (...)
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  24.  17
    Transformative dissonant encounters: Opportunities for cultivating antiracism in White nursing students.Julia Dancis & Brett Russell Coleman - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1).
    Sharply in focus in the United States right now is the disproportionate COVID‐19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates of Black, Indigenous, Hispanic, and Pacific Islanders living in the United States in contrast to White people. These COVID‐19 disparities are but one example of how systemic racism filters into health outcomes for many Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC). With these issues front and center, more attention is being given to the ways that White medical professionals contribute to (...)
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  25.  25
    Paying for Prevention: A Critical Opportunity for Public Health.Jean C. O’Connor, Bruce J. Gutelius, Karen E. Girard, Danna Drum Hastings, Luci Longoria & Melvin A. Kohn - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (s1):69-72.
    Despite spending more on health care than every other industrialized country, the U.S. ranks 37th in health outcomes. These differences cannot be explained away with differences in age and income, or even with quality of care. And, the rate of growth in health care spending in the U.S. continues to increase. The share of the Gross Domestic Product attributable to health care grew from 9% in 1980 to more than 17% in 2011. Health care costs are projected to account (...)
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  26. Caught in a School Choice Quandary: What should an equity-minded parent do?Michael Merry - 2023 - Theory and Research in Education 21 (2):155-175.
    In this article, I examine a case involving an equity-minded parent caught in a quandary about which school to select for her child, knowing that her decision may have consequences for others. To do so, I heuristically construct a fictional portrait and explore the deliberative process a parent might have through a dialogue taking place among ‘friends’, where each friend personifies a different set of ethical considerations. I then briefly consider two competing philosophical assessments but argue that neither position helpfully (...)
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    Competing Desires: How Young Adult Couples Negotiate Moving for Career Opportunities.Jaclyn S. Wong - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (2):171-196.
    Family migration often disadvantages women’s careers. Yet, we know little about the decision-making processes that lead to such outcomes. To address this gap, I conducted a longitudinal interview study of 21 heterosexual young adult couples who were deciding whether to move for early career opportunities. Analyzing 118 interviews, I detail how partners negotiate their desired work and family arrangements given structural and cultural constraints. On one negotiation trajectory, partners maintained their egalitarian desires by performing practical labor to make (...)
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  28.  40
    An empirical study of the ‘underscreened’ in organised cervical screening: experts focus on increasing opportunity as a way of reducing differences in screening rates.Jane H. Williams & Stacy M. Carter - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):56.
    BackgroundCervical cancer disproportionately burdens disadvantaged women. Organised cervical screening aims to make cancer prevention available to all women in a population, yet screening uptake and cancer incidence and mortality are strongly correlated with socioeconomic status. Reaching underscreened populations is a stated priority in many screening programs, usually with an emphasis on something like ‘equity’. Equity is a poorly defined and understood concept. We aimed to explain experts’ perspectives on how cervical screening programs might justifiably respond to ‘the underscreened’.MethodsThis paper reports (...)
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    What’s Wrong with Equality of Opportunity.Christine Sypnowich - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (2):223-244.
    How do we know if people are equal? Contemporary philosophers consider a number of issues when determining if the goals of egalitarian distributive justice have been achieved: defining the metric of equality; determining whether the goal is equality, or simply priority or sufficiency; establishing whether there should be conditions, e.g. bad brute luck, for the amelioration of inequality. In all this, most egalitarians contend that what is to be equalized is not people’s actual shares of the good in question, but (...)
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    Varsity Medical Ethics Debate 2019: is authoritarian government the route to good health outcomes?Azmaeen Zarif, Rhea Mittal, Ben Popham, Imogen C. Vorley, Jessy Jindal & Emily C. Morris - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):791-796.
    Authoritarian governments are characterised by political systems with concentrated and centralised power. Healthcare is a critical component of any state. Given the powers of an authoritarian regime, we consider the opportunities they possess to derive good health outcomes. The 2019 Varsity Medical Ethics Debate convened on the motion: ‘This house believes authoritarian government is the route to good health outcomes’ with Oxford as the Proposition and Cambridge as the Opposition. This article summarises and extends key arguments made (...)
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    Inequalities in HIV Care: Chances Versus Outcomes.Nir Eyal & Alex Voorhoeve - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):42-44.
    We analyse three moral dilemmas involving resource allocation in care for HIV-positive patients. Ole Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson have argued that these cases reveal a tension between egalitarian concerns and concerns for better population health. We argue, by contrast, that these cases reveal a tension between, on the one hand, a concern for equal *chances*, and, on the other hand, both a concern for better health and an egalitarian concern for equal *outcomes*. We conclude that, in these cases, (...)
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  32. Equality of talent.John E. Roemer - 1985 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (2):151-.
    If one is an egalitarian, what should one want to equalize? Opportunities or outcomes? Resources or welfare? These positions are usually conceived to be very different. I argue in this paper that the distinction is misconceived: the only coherent conception of resource equality implies welfare equality, in an appropriately abstract description of the problem. In this section, I motivate the program which the rest of the paper carries out.
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  33.  18
    Sports in Australia’s Soft Power Strategy: Opportunities for Implementation by Other Countries.Роман Юрійович ГРИШУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):189-197.
    Australia, being a successful example of using sports for foreign policy, has significantly improved its international influence in the Pacific region. Yet, political, cultural, and economic peculiarities can doubt the similar application of sports by other countries. This article examines Australia’s use of sports and sports diplomacy as key instruments of its international strategy. The purpose of the article is to analyze Australia’s use of sports within soft power efforts, explore its methods, principles, and frameworks, and evaluate whether this framework (...)
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  34.  12
    Crowdfunding Curriculum Design Based on Outcome-Based Education.Yenchun Jim Wu & Chih-Hung Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Entrepreneurship has flourished in recent years; however, since education on how to raise funds has received little attention from scholars, obtaining funds remains a difficult task. The development of crowdfunding has provided new opportunities to entrepreneurs, thus solving the funding, marketing, and distribution problems they previously faced. The main purpose of this study is to organize crowdfunding literature and to develop a crowdfunding curriculum grounded on output-based education. Students are asked to develop a product and a crowdfunding plan within (...)
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    A Sectoral Approach to the Study of Gender Constraints on Economic Opportunities in the Informal Sector in India.Paula Kantor - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (3):285-302.
    This article examines the contribution of a sectoral approach to understanding gender constraints on economic success in the informal sector, using the example of self-employed women in home-based garment production in Ahmedabad, India. The author assesses whether all the constraints laid out in the gender and microenterprise development literature affect women in this sector and, if not, suggests how theory on gender inequality in the microenterprise sector needs to be rethought to address variation by sector. Constraints are disaggregated into women (...)
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  36. Jeremy Butterfield.Outcome Dependence & Stochastic Einstein Nonlocaljty - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl, Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 385.
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  37.  18
    Practise opportunities and learning outcomes in the foreign English classroom.Eva Alcon - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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  38.  46
    The people of California are suffering': The ideology of white injury in discourses of immigration.Lisa Marie Cacho - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (4):389-418.
    This article examines how the ideology of white injury both conceals and sustains inequitable social relations in turn‐of‐the‐millenium California. Understanding the political and economic context of California in the early 1990s in relation to media, law, and culture helps explain why Californian citizens passed the unconstitutional initiative, Proposition 187, in 1994. Targeting undocumented Mexican immigrants, this ‘color‐blind’ Proposition functioned to conflate economic insecurities with racial anxieties. An analysis of culture, law, and media discloses how racial anxieties limit our understandings (...)
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  39.  27
    Towards case‐based performance measures: uncovering deficiencies in applied medical care.Simon Hoelzer, Werner Waechter, Andrew Stewart, Raymond Liu, Ralf Schweiger & Joachim Dudeck - 2001 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 7 (4):355-363.
    Measures are designed to evaluate the processes and outcomes of care associated with the delivery of clinical (and non-clinical) services. They allow for intra- and interorganizational comparison to be used continuously to improve patient health outcomes. The use of performance measures always means to abstract the complex reality (medical scenarios and procedures) in order to provide an understandable and comparable output. Measures can focus on global performance. The more detailed data are available the more specific judgements with respect (...)
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  40.  84
    The Structure of Normative Control.Joseph Heath - 1998 - Law and Philosophy 17 (4):419 - 441.
    One of the most commonly observed peculiarities of the instrumental conception of rationality is that when applied in contexts of social interaction it sometimes prescribes actions that will predictably result in suboptimal outcomes. Often these outcomes could be avoided if agents were able to credibly commit themselves to refraining from exercising certain options available to them. The prisoners’ dilemma is the classic example. This problem has generated a small growth industry of attempts to modify the instrumental model in (...)
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  41.  50
    In Defense of Outcomes‐based Conceptions of Equal Educational Opportunity.Kenneth R. Howe - 1989 - Educational Theory 39 (4):317-336.
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    ‘The Level of Fears Is off the Scale!’: Triggers of Urban Conflicts in the Context of Municipal Management (Novosibirsk Case Study).Irina Skalaban, Yury Lobanov, Zoya Sergeeva & Svetlana Volchenko - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (1):190-218.
    This article represents a comprehensive study of transition peculiarities from a latent stage to the open demonstration of conflict, drawing on the concepts of base trigger, trigger situation, and crucial episode (L. Boltanski, L. Thévenot). The trigger situations of urban conflicts were studied on the broad empirical material of the Novosibirsk urban agglomeration over the last decade. The research authors created a geoinformation database containing a structured description of more than two hundred cases of urban conflict. The trigger is presented (...)
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  43. The value in equal opportunity: Reply to Kershnar.John O'dea - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (2):177–187.
    Stephen Kershnar (2004) recently argues that under its most plausible interpretation, equality of opportunity is simply not something worth pursuing; at least, not for itself. In this paper I try to show that even if we accept Kershnar's characterisation of equality of opportunity in terms of weighted aggregate chances, none of his objections succeed. Opportunities, not outcomes, are the appropriate focus of EO advocates; hedonic treadmills are irrelevant to the issue; we do not need to assume general equality (...)
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    Opportunity: how to win in business & create a life you love.Eben Pagan - 2019 - Carlsbad, California: Hay House.
    A successful entrepreneur and internet marketer discusses opportunity, how to find and create it, and how to develop great opportunities in business, investing, health, relationships, personal development, and other areas of life.
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    Give Me a Chance! Sense of Opportunity Inequality Affects Brain Responses to Outcome Evaluation in a Social Competitive Context: An Event-Related Potential Study.Changquan Long, Qian Sun, Shiwei Jia, Peng Li & Antao Chen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    New Divisions of Digital Labour in Architecture.Nicole Gardner - 2019 - Feminist Review 123 (1):106-125.
    As architecture intersects with computer science to engage with large-scale data sets and informational systems, this demands new skills, competencies and commitments. Informed by the findings of an online survey, this article explores how, who and to what extent those in the profession of architecture are investing in technology knowledge and skills, and under what material conditions this occurs. Survey data collected from five large-scale architecture practices in Sydney, Australia finds that while technology-related skills are highly valued in the profession, (...)
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    Measuring Opportunity.Karin Enflo - 2011 - In Rysiek Sliwinski & Frans Svensson, Neither/Nor. Uppsala university. pp. 53-68.
    In this essay I discuss a person’s freedom to choose whatever that person may reasonably prefer to choose. This type of freedom of choice may be regarded as a candidate for a social good, being a hybrid between freedom of choice and preference satisfaction utility. To separate this preference dependent freedom of choice from other types, we may call it opportunity. The essay is concerned with the question of how opportunity should be identified and measured. I discuss what conditions an (...)
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  48. Outcome evaluation.R. Geigle - 1990 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 27:713-720.
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    Pregnancy outcomes among infertile patients with polycystic ovary syndrome treated with metformin.Mileva Milosavljević, Milan Stefanović, Ranko Kutlešić, Predrag Vukomanović & Aleksandra Andrić - 2006 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 13 (3):172-176.
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    Opportunity: optimizing life's chances.Donald Morris - 2006 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can you recognize an opportunity when it comes your way? Even though the concept seems fairly basic, most people harbor regrets about missed opportunities that in retrospect might have significantly improved their lives. This book will give you the critical tools to sort through the complexities that often obscure the perception of an opportunity and help you take full advantage of what author Donald Morris calls high-end opportunities - pivotal situations that can change your life for the better.Morris (...)
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