Results for ' Installations '

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  1.  11
    Constant installation of present orientation and safety (CIPOS) - subjective and physiological effects of an ultrashort-term intervention combining both stabilizing and confrontational elements.Markus Stingl, Gebhard Sammer, Bernd Hanewald, Franziska Zinsser, Oliver Tucha & Valeska Reichel Pape - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesConstant Installation of Present Orientation and Safety is a Eye Movements Desensitization and Reprocessing -derived technique, which is often used to prepare for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. It differs from the latter by involving cyclically recurring exercises in reorientation to the present, interspersed between brief periods of exposure to the traumatic material.While EMDR is well established as a therapeutic method, the efficacy and mechanisms of action of CIPOS have not been investigated so far. In this pilot study, an (...)
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    Installing Telecare, Installing Users: Felicity Conditions for the Instauration of Usership.Miquel Domènech, Celia Roberts, Daniel López & Tomás Sánchez-Criado - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (5):694-719.
    This article reports on ethnographic research into the practical and ethical consequences of the implementation and use of telecare devices for older people living at home in Spain and the United Kingdom. Telecare services are said to allow the maintenance of their users’ autonomy through connectedness, relieving the isolation from which many older people suffer amid rising demands for care. However, engaging with Science and Technology Studies literature on “user configuration” and implementation processes, we argue here that neither services nor (...)
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    Les installations commerciales dans la ville de Délos à l’époque hellénistique.Pavlos Karvonis - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (1):153-219.
    Cet article est une étude synthétique des installations commerciales de la ville de Délos à l'époque hellénistique. On examine les constructions qui appartenaient aussi bien aux installations temporaires qu'aux installations permanentes, on propose une nomenclature et on présente les locaux de production et de vente certainement identifiés. On propose ensuite des critères d'identification des installations commerciales et on tente de retrouver leur mode de fonctionnement. On présente enfin les programmes d'aménagement qui ont conduit à la construction (...)
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    Merging art and installation: Exhibition installation in the 20th century.Georgiana BUȚ - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:35-62.
    This paper discusses exhibition installation as an aesthetic medium. Drawing on Germano Celant’s writing on installation, we advance an interpretation of artists’ engagement with installation resulting in room-size works in the first half of the 20th century, as part of the evolution of exhibition installation towards the convergence of art and design. The paper also address the problem of intermediality as discussed by Juliane Rebentisch, and its implications for installation and attempts to tests Rosalind Krauss’s reconception of the medium against (...)
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    Installation Art and the Question of Aesthetic Autonomy: Juliane Rebentisch and the Beholder’s Share.Ken Wilder - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):351-356.
    Intermedial art, as it emerged in the 1960s and 70s, constituted a threat not only to the medium specificity of modernism, but to the artwork as self-contained autonomous object. Both supporters and critics of intermedia drew a contrast between, on the one hand, modernism’s aesthetic engagement with a medium-specific ‘object’, and on the other new non-aesthetic ‘practices’ engaging the ‘literal spectator’ within her own space, such that the space of the gallery is drawn into the situational encounter. In her 2003/12 (...)
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    Installation Art.Gemma Argüello Manresa & Elisa Caldarola - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):331-332.
    This is a short introduction to the "Installation Art" Symposium published on JAAC, which presents papers by Gemma Argüello Manresa, Eleen Deprez, Ken Wilder, and myself.
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    Ληνοί Μινωικοί. Installations minoennes de traitement des produits liquides.Leftéris Platon L. & Katérina Kopaka - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (1):35-101.
    Nous examinons ici un type très caractéristique d'installation artisanale, fréquente dans les habitats ou les bâtiments isolés de l'époque minoenne. Elle est composée, dans sa forme la plus simple et la plus courante, d'un récipient tronconique avec bec verseur placé sur une plate-forme artificielle ou un banc et, en immédiate relation avec lui, d'un grand vase situé à un niveau inférieur, servant à recueillir un liquide. On a donné des interprétations variées de ces installations : servaient-elles à séparer deux (...)
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    Installation Art and Exhibitions: Sharing Ground.Eleen M. Deprez - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):345-350.
    Discussions of installation art often develop out of an analysis of its similarities and differences to other art forms. Doing so helps to ground it into critical engagement we are well familiar with. In this paper I take a different approach. I look at installation art in relation to a cognate practice not ordinarily understood as art-making: that of exhibition-making. We will see that this comparison is illuminating since installation art and exhibitions have two kinds of meaning-bearing properties in common: (...)
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    Installation: Looking Back over a History of the Term, Its Modes of Appearance and Its Meanings.Sylvie Coëllier - 2020 - Iris 40.
    Cet article est une étude sur l’apparition et la fortune critique du terme installation dans le vocabulaire de l’art contemporain. À travers la brève histoire de la diffusion de ce mot en art seront analysés les circonstances contextuelles, les modalités de fonctionnement et l’imaginaire de la forme « installation ». Devenue populaire grâce à trois artistes commissaires d’un lieu d’exposition à Londres, le « Museum of Installation » dans les années 1990, la forme « installation » renvoie à des dispositifs (...)
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    Capturing Aesthetic Experiences With Installation Art: An Empirical Assessment of Emotion, Evaluations, and Mobile Eye Tracking in Olafur Eliasson’s “Baroque, Baroque!”.Matthew Pelowski, Helmut Leder, Vanessa Mitschke, Eva Specker, Gernot Gerger, Pablo P. L. Tinio, Elena Vaporova, Till Bieg & Agnes Husslein-Arco - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:360346.
    Installation art is one of the most important and provocative developments in the visual arts during the last half century and has become a key focus of artists and of contemporary museums. It is also seen as particularly challenging or even disliked by many viewers, and—due to its unique in situ, immersive setting—is equally regarded as difficult or even beyond the grasp of present methods in empirical aesthetic psychology. In this paper, we introduce an exploratory study with installation art, utilizing (...)
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  11. On Experiencing Installation Art.Elisa Caldarola - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):339-343.
    This paper contrasts the experience of works of installation art with sculptural and architectural experience and argues that installation art is an interactive art form.
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    Theatricality in Installation Artworks: An Overview.Elena Tavani - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (1):135-150.
    The article is an investigation into theatricality from various standpoints in order to focus on different views on theatricality considered as partially emancipated from theatre and to verify if and to what extent each of them can apply to installation artworks as environments and intermedial devices. Ultimately the article propounds the idea of a paradoxical anti-theatrical theatricality of installation art, grasped in its very connection to site-specificity, critically engaging Martin Heidegger’s insights regarding the «Gestell» and the «work-being» of the work (...)
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  13.  22
    Musical Installations (after 2000): Problematic Works.Jacques Amblard - 2020 - Iris 40.
    Les installations de musiciens, souvent acousmatiques, semblent encore marginales au sein de la musique savante. S’y attachent un ludisme régressif, art relationnel interactif, ainsi qu’un néo-futurisme encore validé par les laboratoires de création musicale, surtout autour de l’an 2000, en soi paradigme science-fictionnel de l’imaginaire collectif. Des installations rappellent des vaisseaux spatiaux. D’autres engendrent des onirismes cristallins de verres usinés. Phénoménologie naïve, ou narcissique et postmoderne découverte des sens, certaines installations, enfin, délocalisent l’écoute sur diverses parties du (...)
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    Intentionality on the installment plan.Dale Jacquette - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (283):63-79.
    1. What's in a Name?Can philosophy of language do without the concept of intentionality? To approach this important question it may be useful to begin with the minimal explanatory requirements for a theory of reference that tries to explain the naming of objects as the simplest linguistic act. The limitations of trying to understand meaning without intentionality are therefore best illustrated by considering what is generally acknowledged to be the most thorough-going attempt to dispense altogether with intentional concepts in Frege's (...)
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    Installations de sanctuaires du Proche-Orient romain: pour en finir avec l'andrôn.Pierre-Louis Gatier - 2001 - Topoi 11 (1):9-15.
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    Latest installment of the endocytobiology serial.Patrick J. Keeling - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):449-450.
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    More Instalments of Cpr.D. W. Rathbone - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):400-.
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    The Installation of Baal's High Priestess at Emar: A Window on Ancient Syrian Religion.William D. Whitt & Daniel E. Fleming - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (1):129.
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    Complex installations: sharing consciousness in a cybernetic ballet.Clarissa Ribeiro & Gilbertto Prado - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):159-165.
    Since Norbert Wiener presented a new research field called the study of control and communication in the animal and the machine, the biological and the artificial universes are each time more integrated as pieces of a game that involves science, philosophy, technology, arts, architecture and several other fields. It is astonishing to take a look at an imaginary non-linear timeline where it is possible to see the ancient Ars Mnemonica inspiring the Leibniz combinatoria and how all these virtual knowledge structures (...)
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    Automatic recognition method of installation errors of metallurgical machinery parts based on neural network.Bo Zhan & Hailong Cui - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):321-331.
    The installation error of metallurgical machinery parts is one of the common sources of errors in mechanical equipment. Because the installation error of different parts has different influences on different mechanical equipment, a simple linear formula cannot be used to identify the installation error. In the past, the manual recognition method and the touch recognition method lack of error information analysis, which leads to inaccurate recognition results. To improve the problem, an automatic recognition method based on the neural network for (...)
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  21.  9
    § 18. Instalment contracts.Alastair Mullis & Peter Huber - 2007 - In Alastair Mullis & Peter Huber (eds.), The Cisg: A New Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Approaching Aisthetics Or: Installation Art and Environmental Aesthetics as Investigative Activity.Benno Hinkes - 2017 - Espes 6 (2):62-71.
    The article discusses installation art and its potential contribution to a transdisciplinary research practice, in which not only artistic, but also aesthetic theoretical approaches could play a central role. However, as the article shows, this firstly requires a change in perspective concerning the way we approach art. Secondly, it entails changes to a common understanding of aesthetic theory and, thereby, philosophy. A term of central significance in this context is the notion of aisthesis. The article will illustrate these thoughts through (...)
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  23. “Improvisation and Installation Art”.Elisa Caldarola - 2021 - In Alessandro Bertinetto & Marcello Ruta (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Improvisation in the Arts. Routledge.
    This chapter illustrates through the analysis of some examples how philosophical research can illuminate the improvisational aspects of installation art. There is little philosophical research on improvisation in the visual arts. Similarly, there is little philosophical research on installation art – in section 2, I mention some key claims that have been put forward. Not surprisingly, then, philosophers have not yet focussed – at least to my knowledge – on improvisation in installation art. The issue, though, is timely. Not only (...)
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    On Affective Installation Art.Elisa Caldarola & Javier Leñador - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):699-711.
    In this paper, we look at installation art through the lens provided by the notion of “affective artifact” (Piredda 2019). We argue that affective character is central to some works of installation art and that some of those works can expand our knowledge of our affective lives, while others can contribute to the construction of our identities. Sections (2), (3), and (4) set the stage for our discussion of affective installation artworks by, respectively, situating it within the debate on affective (...)
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    Installing the Game: Gameplay in the Installation TVisionarium_.Melissa Milton-Smith - 2009 - Symploke 17 (1-2):197-203.
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  26. Sculpture installation : Garden of small nuptials.Elizabeth Presa - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici (eds.), Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    TAFKAV a Technoetic Installation.Francesco Monico - 2009 - Technoetic Arts 7 (3):249-274.
    TAFKAV may be described as the systematic development of a poetic interpretation of communication as text flowing between particular subjects and humans. The concept of text here extends beyond information in general to any number of objects subject to interpretation. The hermeneutic circle describes a process of understanding a dynamic relationship and refers to the idea that one's understanding of the whole is established by reference to the constituent parts and vice versa. Neither the whole nor any individual part can (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Installation art and performance : a shared ontology.Sherri Irvin - 2012 - In Christy Mag Uidhir (ed.), Art and abstract objects. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Installations, 2002–2011.Daniela Comani - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (4):1-206.
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    Interactive Sound Installation as an Implementation of Contemporary Communication Models.Asmati Chibalashvili, Polina Kharchenko, Ruslana Bezuhla, Igor Savchuk & Victor Sydorenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):239-253.
    Digitalization, virtualization, commercialization, loss of integrity, polystylistics, liberation from any norms are the latest trends that determine the development of contemporary art. They influence the functioning of modern communication models that evolve in accordance with the achievements of technology and acquire mobility, variability and interactivity. Interaction between social processes and scientific and technological achievements is increasing, the essence of communication in the space of modern culture is being rethought, particularly, the boundary between the types of art is being levelled. The (...)
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    Ikebana As an Installation in the Art of Sôfû Teshigahara and Hiroshi Teshigahara.Jacline Moriceau - 2020 - Iris 40.
    L’art de la composition florale, l’ikebana, se présente à l’observateur comme une installation éphémère dans un espace d’intenses circulations. Il se produit une relation dialogique toujours changeante entre des « Je » et des « Tu » — un « Je » et un « Tu » — et la « présence » d’un « entre », un « figural » sans figuration. Quand le « Je » est le maître Sôfû Teshigahara et le « Tu » son fils, le (...)
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    Installments of the Heart: Text Delimitation in Periodical Narrative and Its Consequences.Didier Coste - 1981 - Substance 10 (4):56.
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    Installation matière.Itzhak Goldberg - 2002 - Rue Descartes 38 (4):54-64.
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    Multiple-channel video installation as a precursor to transmedia-based art.Ge Wu, Phillip Gough & Caitilin De Berigny Wall - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):329-339.
    The use of cross-media and transmedia-based art installation has generated new ways for the audience to appreciate, understand and experience art. Transmedia, the integration of multiple media forms to augment a single narrative, has not only been largely used in commercial films, but has also been used by artists to communicate their message more effectively. In this article, we explore some remarkable multi-channel video installations and transmedia artworks to highlight how this technology has shaped new uses of technology as (...)
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  35. Public Art as Aural Installation: Surprising Musical Intervention as Civic Rejuvenation in Urban Life.Diana Boros - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (3):50-81.
    Surprising artistic interventions in the landscape of the public everyday are psychologically, socially, and politically beneficial to individuals as well as their communities. Such interventions enable their audiences to access moments of surprising inspiration, self-reflection, and revitalization. These spontaneous moments may offer access to the experience of distance from the rational “self,” allowing the irrational and purely emotive that resides within all of us to assert itself. It is this sensual instinct that all we too frequently push aside, particularly in (...)
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    Bashir Makhoul’s Installation Enter Ghost, Exit Ghost: The Revenge of Images or Imaging.Huimin Jin - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (7-8):358-371.
    Bashir Makhoul is a Palestinian British artist whose recent installation titled Enter Ghost, Exit Ghost contains the theme of ‘revenge’. It essentially advocates the return to ‘identity’ and ‘land’. This is obviously Makhoul’s politics, but it can only belong to politics through art. Makhoul has adopted the stage directions of Hamlet, involving his work with a political project on the one hand, while on the other hand turning such a project into a ‘ghost’ and a series of ghostly images. Thus, (...)
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    Corposcopio: an interactive installation performance in the intersection of ritual, dance and new technologies.Lucia Leo - 2007 - Technoetic Arts 5 (2):113-117.
    Corposcopio is a collaborative project that integrates two different worlds or territories: circle dances and new media technologies. Ancient circle dances are cultural manifestations present in different countries around the world. They have a great power of community integration and provide a unique experience of extended consciousness. In Brazil there are a number of amazing circle dances and one of the most popular is called ciranda, whose movements are inspired by sea waves. Ciranda is performed by hundreds of people and (...)
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    Stabilizing Local Knowledge: The Installation of a Meridian Circle at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile (1908–1913). [REVIEW]Carlos Sanhueza-Cerda - 2022 - Isis 113 (4):710-727.
    This essay examines the problems associated with the installation of a precision instrument at the National Astronomical Observatory of Chile, starting before its construction and following the process through its installation to its later useful life. Between 1908 and 1913, the director of the observatory, Friedrich W. Ristenpart, corresponded with the German manufacturer, A. Repsold & Söhne in Hamburg, trying to identify the critical points pertinent to the installation of the instrument in Chile. These communications reveal how the installation of (...)
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    Exploring the intelligent art installation as a space for expansion of the conscious mind.Kathrine Elizabeth Anker - 2009 - Technoetic Arts 6 (3):251-258.
    This paper argues for the digital interactive installation artwork based on principles of complexity as an interface with the potential to evoke ekspansions in the subjective experience by confronting the user with an idea of abstract thought, created through a conceptual design, and experienced through bodily interaction and contemplative acts at symbolic levels. The claim is, that ideas presented through good artworks based on the coalision of science and technology can potentially create a synthesis between ideas inspired by the philosophies (...)
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  40. University of Toronto Installation Lectures, 1958 3 Lectures.Northrop Frye, Clyde Kluckhohn & Vincent B. Wigglesworth - 1958 - University of Toronto Press.
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  41. Remodel[l]ing Reality. Wittgenstein's übersichtliche Darstellung & the phenomenon of Installation in visual art.Tine Wilde - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    Remodel[l]ing Reality is an inquiry into Wittgenstein's notion of übersichtliche Darstellung and the phenomenon of installation in visual art. In a sense, both provide a perspicuous overview of a particular part of our complex world, but the nature of the overview differs. Although both generate knowledge, philosophy via the übersichtliche Darstellung gives us a view of how things stand for us, while the installation shows an unexpected, exiting point of view. The obvious we tend to forget and the ambiguity of (...)
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    Towards a Philosophy of Installation Art.Gemma Argüello Manresa - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (3):333-338.
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    Anglican cathedrals and implicit religion: Softening the boundaries of sacred space through innovative events and installations.Ursula McKenna, Leslie J. Francis & Francis Stewart - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):11.
    High profile (and controversial) events and installations, like the Helter-Skelter in Norwich and the Crazy Golf Bridges in Rochester, have drawn attention to innovation and public engagement within Anglican cathedrals. The present study contextualised these innovations both empirically and conceptually. The empirical framework draws on cathedral websites to chronicle the wide and diverse range of events and installations hosted by Anglican cathedrals in England and the Isle of Man between 2018 and 2022. The conceptual framework draws on Edward (...)
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    Experiencing the Other: Intersubjectivity, Alterity and Artistic Installation.Fabrice Métais - 2020 - Iris 40.
    L’installation est généralement appréhendée comme un dispositif qui prescrit au public une expérience. Cette contribution souligne les enjeux phénoménologiques et éthiques qui traversent l’idée de pourvoir prescrire à l’autre son expérience. Après avoir situé la démarche dans le paysage des interactions entre phénoménologie et art, l’étude propose quatre étapes de dialogue, entre phénoménologie, d’une part, et œuvres d’art, d’autre part, à travers lesquelles différentes perspectives sur la question de l’expérience de l’autre seront articulées. À l’issue de ce parcours, il apparaîtra (...)
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    Ästhetik der Installation.Juliane Rebentisch - 2003 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Einleitung: Verbindungskünste oder die Installation vollkommener Zeichen.Sebastian Klotz - 2006 - In Kombinatorik Und Die Verbindungskünste der Zeichen in der Musik Zwischen 1630 Und 1780. Akademie Verlag. pp. 1-14.
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    From illustrations to an interactive art installation.Erika Pavlin, Žiga Elsner, Tadej Jagodnik, Borut Batagelj & Franc Solina - 2015 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (2):130-145.
    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to set an example of how people with severe learning difficulties could be more integrated into our society.Design/methodology/approach– The installation consists of puzzles in the form of a specially designed table with an integrated touch screen. As the visual templates for the puzzles serve pictures painted by a person with severe learning difficulties. The pieces of the puzzles are manipulated directly by the player on the touch screen presenting an intuitive and easily learned (...)
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    (1 other version)The Definitive Installation of Rhythm in Life Science and Medicine – part 3.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter Pulse Rhythm as Part of a Mind-Body Identity Theory? – Galen Let us now turn towards the philosophical correlates of this change in the theory of rhythm. To get a clearer picture we need to come back first to the use of its musical counterpart—the concept of harmony—in philosophy. The comparison of the soul with musical harmony, which most probably originates in Heraclitus and Pythagoras, is exposed by Simmias - Médecine – Nouvel article.
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    Applying machine learning methods to quantify emotional experience in installation art.Sofia Vlachou & Michail Panagopoulos - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):53-72.
    Aesthetic experience is original, dynamic and ever-changing. This article covers three research questions (RQs) concerning how immersive installation artworks can elicit emotions that may contribute to their popularity. Based on Yayoi Kusama’s and Peter Kogler’s kaleidoscopic rooms, this study aims to predict the emotions of visitors of immersive installation art based on their Twitter activity. As indicators, we employed the total number of likes, comments, retweets, followers, followings, the average of tweets per user, and emotional response. According to our evaluation (...)
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    Biography by Instalment.Trunggo Bojong - 2002 - In Benjamin Penny (ed.), Religion and Biography in China and Tibet. Curzon Press. pp. 189.
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