Results for ' Intensive care'

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  1. The Alfred spinal clearance management protocol.Jamie Cooper, Trauma Intensive Care Head, Thomas Kossmann, Trauma Surgery Director & Mr Greg Malham - 2006 - Nexus 9:10.
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  2. Iranian intensive care unit nurses' moral distress: A content analysis.Foroozan Atashzadeh Shorideh, Tahereh Ashktorab & Farideh Yaghmaei - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):464-478.
    Researchers have identified the phenomena of moral distress through many studies in Western countries. This research reports the first study of moral distress in Iran. Because of the differences in cultural values and nursing education, nurses working in intensive care units may experience moral distress differently than reported in previous studies. This research used a qualitative method involving semistructured and in-depth interviews of a purposive sample of 31 (28 clinical nurses and 3 nurse educators) individuals to identify the (...)
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    Intensive care unit professionals’ responses to a new moral conflict assessment tool: A qualitative study.Soodabeh Joolaee, Deborah Cook, Jean Kozak & Peter Dodek - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1114-1124.
    Background Moral distress is a serious problem for health care personnel. Surveys, individual interviews, and focus groups may not capture all of the effects of, and responses to, moral distress. Therefore, we used a new participatory action research approach—moral conflict assessment (MCA)—to characterize moral distress and to facilitate the development of interventions for this problem. Aim To characterize moral distress by analyzing responses of intensive care unit (ICU) personnel who participated in the MCA process. Research Design In (...)
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    Intensive care unit dignified care: Development and validation of a questionnaire.Andong Liang, Wenxian Xu, Yucong Shen, Qiongshuang Hu, Zhenzhen Xu, Peipei Pan, Zhongqiu Lu & Yeqin Yang - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1683-1696.
    Background Patient dignity is sometimes neglected in intensive care unit (ICU) settings, which may potentially cause psychological harm to critically ill patients. However, no instrument has been specifically developed to evaluate the behaviors of dignified care among critical care nurses. Aim This study aimed to develop and evaluate ICU Dignified Care Questionnaire (IDCQ) for measurement of self-assessed dignity-conserving behaviors of critical care nurses during care. Methods The instrument was developed in 3 phases. Phase (...)
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    Intensive care triage: Priority should be independent of whether patients are already receiving intensive care.Tony Hope, John Mcmillan & Elaine Hill - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (5):259-266.
    Intensive care units are not always able to admit all patients who would benefit from intensive care. Pressure on ICU beds is likely to be particularly high during times of epidemics such as might arise in the case of swine influenza. In making choices as to which patients to admit, the key US guidelines state that significant priority should be given to the interests of patients who are already in the ICU over the interests of patients (...)
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    Intensive Care Unit Nurses' Opinions About Euthanasia.Gülşah Kumaş, Gürsel Öztunç & Z. Nazan Alparslan - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):637-650.
    This study was conducted to gain opinions about euthanasia from nurses who work in intensive care units. The research was planned as a descriptive study and conducted with 186 nurses who worked in intensive care units in a university hospital, a public hospital, and a private not-for-profit hospital in Adana, Turkey, and who agreed to complete a questionnaire. Euthanasia is not legal in Turkey. One third (33.9%) of the nurses supported the legalization of euthanasia, whereas 39.8% (...)
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  7. Date: 16–18 August 2001. Location: Lisboa, Portugal. Theme: Wisdom of the health care professional. Organization: ESPMH. Information: Prof. dr. Henk ten Have, Dept. of Ethics, Philosophy and History of Medicine, Catholic University of Nijmegen, PO Box 9101, NL-6500 HB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; fax:+ 31-24-3540254; email: h. tenhave@ efg. kun. nl. [REVIEW]Annual Intensive - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (253).
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    The Intensive Care Lifeboat: a survey of lay attitudes to rationing dilemmas in neonatal intensive care.C. Arora, J. Savulescu, H. Maslen, M. Selgelid & D. Wilkinson - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):69.
    BackgroundResuscitation and treatment of critically ill newborn infants is associated with relatively high mortality, morbidity and cost. Guidelines relating to resuscitation have traditionally focused on the best interests of infants. There are, however, limited resources available in the neonatal intensive care unit, meaning that difficult decisions sometimes need to be made. This study explores the intuitions of lay people regarding resource allocation decisions in the NICU.MethodsThe study design was a cross-sectional quantitative survey, consisting of 20 hypothetical rationing scenarios. (...)
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  9. Intensive care nurses' perception of futility: Job satisfaction and burnout dimensions.Dilek Özden, Şerife Karagözoğlu & Gülay Yıldırım - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012466002.
    Suffering repeated experiences of moral distress in intensive care units due to applications of futility reflects on nurses’ patient care negatively, increases their burnout, and reduces their job satisfaction. This study was carried out to investigate the levels of job satisfaction and exhaustion suffered by intensive care nurses and the relationship between them through the futility dimension of the issue. The study included 138 intensive care nurses. The data were obtained with the futility (...)
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  10. Intensive caring: a practical handbook for Catholics about serious illness and end-of-life care.Natalie King - 2024 - Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press.
    Intensive Caring is the perfect resource to help everyone involved navigate the complexities of healthcare during serious illness and end-of-life care in alignment with Catholic values and faith.
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    Coping strategies of intensive care unit nurses reducing moral distress: A content analysis study.Maryam Esmaeili, Mojdeh Navidhamidi & Saeideh Varasteh - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1586-1599.
    Background Moral distress has negative effects on physical and mental health. However, there is little information about nurses’ coping strategies reducing moral distress. Aim The purpose of this study was to investigate the coping strategies of intensive care unit nurses reducing moral distress in Iran. Study design This is a qualitative study with a content analysis approach. Participants and research context The research sample consisted of nurses working in intensive care units of teaching hospitals affiliated to (...)
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  12. Moral distress in Turkish intensive care nurses.Serife Karagozoglu, Gulay Yildirim, Dilek Ozden & Ziynet Çınar - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):209-224.
    Background: Moral distress is a common problem among professionals working in the field of healthcare. Moral distress is the distress experienced by a professional when he or she cannot fulfill the correct action due to several obstacles, although he or she is aware of what it is. The level of moral distress experienced by nurses working in intensive care units varies from one country/culture/institution to another. However, in Turkey, there is neither a measurement tool used to assess moral (...)
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    Conscientious Non-objection in Intensive Care.Dominic Wilkinson - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (1):132-142.
    Abstract:Discussions of conscientious objection (CO) in healthcare often concentrate on objections to interventions that relate to reproduction, such as termination of pregnancy or contraception. Nevertheless, questions of conscience can arise in other areas of medicine. For example, the intensive care unit is a locus of ethically complex and contested decisions. Ethical debate about CO usually concentrates on the issue of whether physicians should be permitted to object to particular courses of treatment; whether CO should be accommodated. In this (...)
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    Ethical issues experienced by intensive care unit nurses in everyday practice.Maria I. D. Fernandes & Isabel M. P. B. Moreira - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):0969733012452683.
    This research aims to identify the ethical issues perceived by intensive care nurses in their everyday practice. It also aims to understand why these situations were considered an ethical issue and what interventions/strategies have been or are expected to be developed so as to minimize them. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview with 15 nurses working at polyvalent intensive care units in 4 Portuguese hospitals, who were selected by the homogenization of multiple samples. The qualitative (...)
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    Intensive care nurses' involvement in the end-of-life process - perspectives of relatives.Ranveig Lind, Geir F. Lorem, Per Nortvedt & Olav Hevrøy - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):666-676.
    In this article, we report findings from a qualitative study that explored how the relatives of intensive care unit patients experienced the nurses’ role and relationship with them in the end-of-life decision-making processes. In all, 27 relatives of 21 deceased patients were interviewed about their experiences in this challenging ethical issue. The findings reveal that despite bedside experiences of care, compassion and comfort, the nurses were perceived as vague and evasive in their communication, and the relatives missed (...)
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    Humanizing intensive care: A scoping review (HumanIC).Monica Evelyn Kvande, Sanne Angel & Anne Højager Nielsen - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):498-510.
    Significant scientific and technological advances in intensive care have been made. However, patients in the intensive care unit may experience discomfort, loss of control, and surreal experiences. This has generated relevant debates about how to humanize the intensive care units and whether humanization is necessary at all. This paper aimed to explore how humanizing intensive care is described in the literature. A scoping review was performed. Studies published between 01.01.1999 and 02.03.2020 were (...)
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  17.  20
    Perceptions of intensive care unit nurses of therapeutic futility: A scoping review.João V. Vieira, Sérgio Deodato & Felismina Mendes - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (1):17-24.
    Introduction Intensive care units are contexts in which, due to the remarkable existence of particularly technological resources, interventions are promoted to extend the life of people who experience highly complex health situations. This ability can lead to a culture of death denial where the possibility of implementing futile care and treatment cannot be excluded. Objective To describe nurses’ perceptions of adult intensive care units regarding the therapeutic futility of interventions implemented to persons in critical health (...)
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    Intensive Care: Facing the Critical Choices.M. A. Branthwaite - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (2):108-109.
  19.  31
    Patient’s dignity in intensive care unit: A critical ethnography.Farimah Shirani Bidabadi, Ahmadreza Yazdannik & Ali Zargham-Boroujeni - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):738-752.
    Background: Maintaining patient’s dignity in intensive care units is difficult because of the unique conditions of both critically-ill patients and intensive care units. Objectives: The aim of this study was to uncover the cultural factors that impeded maintaining patients’ dignity in the cardiac surgery intensive care unit. Research Design: The study was conducted using a critical ethnographic method proposed by Carspecken. Participants and research context: Participants included all physicians, nurses and staffs working in the (...)
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  20. Ethical problems in intensive care unit admission and discharge decisions: a qualitative study among physicians and nurses in the Netherlands.Anke J. M. Oerlemans, Nelleke van Sluisveld, Eric S. J. van Leeuwen, Hub Wollersheim, Wim J. M. Dekkers & Marieke Zegers - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):9.
    There have been few empirical studies into what non-medical factors influence physicians and nurses when deciding about admission and discharge of ICU patients. Information about the attitudes of healthcare professionals about this process can be used to improve decision-making about resource allocation in intensive care. To provide insight into ethical problems that influence the ICU admission and discharge process, we aimed to identify and explore ethical dilemmas healthcare professionals are faced with.
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    Intensive Care, Intense Conflict: A Balanced Approach.Irini N. Kolaitis & Erin Talati Paquette - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):346-349.
    Caring for a child in a pediatric intensive care unit is emotionally and physically challenging and often leads to conflict. Skilled mediators may not always be available to aid in conflict resolution. Careproviders at all levels of training are responsible for managing difficult conversations with families and can often prevent escalation of conflict. Bioethics mediators have acknowledged the important contribution of mediation training in improving clinicians’ skills in conflict management. Familiarizing careproviders with basic mediation techniques is an important (...)
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    Ethical challenges when intensive care unit patients refuse nursing care.Eva Martine Bull & Venke Sørlie - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):214-222.
    Background: Less sedated and more awake patients in the intensive care unit may cause ethical challenges. Research objectives: The purpose of this study is to describe ethical challenges registered nurses experience when patients refuse care and treatment. Research design: Narrative individual open interviews were conducted, and data were analysed using a phenomenological hermeneutic method developed for researching life experiences. Participants and research context: Three intensive care registered nurses from an intensive care unit at (...)
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    Elective non-therapeutic intensive care and the four principles of medical ethics.A. Baumann, G. Audibert, C. G. Lafaye, L. Puybasset, P. -M. Mertes & F. Claudot - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (3):139-142.
    The chronic worldwide lack of organs for transplantation and the continuing improvement of strategies for in situ organ preservation have led to renewed interest in elective non-therapeutic ventilation of potential organ donors. Two types of situation may be eligible for elective intensive care: patients definitely evolving towards brain death and patients suitable as controlled non-heart beating organ donors after life-supporting therapies have been assessed as futile and withdrawn. Assessment of the ethical acceptability and the risks of these strategies (...)
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    Intensive care nurses’ perception of futility.Dilek Özden, Şerife Karagözoğlu & Gülay Yıldırım - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):436-447.
    Suffering repeated experiences of moral distress in intensive care units due to applications of futility reflects on nurses’ patient care negatively, increases their burnout, and reduces their job satisfaction. This study was carried out to investigate the levels of job satisfaction and exhaustion suffered by intensive care nurses and the relationship between them through the futility dimension of the issue. The study included 138 intensive care nurses. The data were obtained with the futility (...)
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    Ethical challenges in neonatal intensive care nursing.M. Strandas & S. -T. D. Fredriksen - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):901-912.
    Background: Neonatal nurses report a great deal of ethical challenges in their everyday work. Seemingly trivial everyday choices nurses make are no more value-neutral than life-and-death choices. Everyday ethical challenges should also be recognized as ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Research objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of ethical challenges neonatal nurses experience in their day-to-day care for critically ill newborns. Research design: Data were collected through semi-structured qualitative in-depth interviews. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis was applied (...)
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    Ethical challenges in neonatal intensive care nursing.Maria Strandås & Sven-Tore D. Fredriksen - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):901-912.
    Background: Neonatal nurses report a great deal of ethical challenges in their everyday work. Seemingly trivial everyday choices nurses make are no more value-neutral than life-and-death choices. Everyday ethical challenges should also be recognized as ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. Research objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of ethical challenges neonatal nurses experience in their day-to-day care for critically ill newborns. Research design: Data were collected through semi-structured qualitative in-depth interviews. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis was applied (...)
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    Pressure ulcer prevalence in intensive care patients: a cross‐sectional study.Eman S. M. Shahin, Theo Dassen & Ruud J. G. Halfens - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):563-568.
  28.  41
    Sedation of Patients in Intensive Care Medicine and Nursing: ethical issues.Per Nortvedt, Gunnvald Kvarstein & Ingvild Jønland - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (5):522-536.
    This article focuses on the ethical aspects of medically-induced sedation and pain relief in intensive care medicine. The study results reported are part of a larger investigation of patients’ experiences of being sedated and receiving pain relief, and also families’ experiences of having a close relative under controlled sedation in an intensive care unit. The study is based on qualitative in-depth interviews with nine nurses and six doctors working in intensive care and surgical units (...)
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    Intensive Care for Everyone's Least Favorite Oxymoron.Laura L. Nash - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):277-290.
    It had to happen. After two full decades of intense energy, business ethicists and business practitioners may actually have succeeded in suppressing the feeblest joke of the profession: “Business Ethics. Isn’t that an oxymoron?” Har har har.In the early days of business ethics, the oxymoron had actual embodiments. “Business” was represented by hard-nosed, thicks-kinnedmanagers with no inclination to adopt academia’s language and critiques. “Ethics” was embodied by ivory-towered theoreticians with an undisguised contempt for profit makers. What a joke to think (...)
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    Futile therapeutic nursing interventions in adult intensive care: A descriptive study.João Vítor Vieira, Henrique Oliveira, Sérgio Deodato & Felismina Mendes - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Despite the progress made in recent decades on the phenomenon of futility in adult intensive care, recognizing it during clinical care practice remains a complex and sensitive process, during which questions are often raised for which concrete answers are difficult to find. Aims: To analyze the frequency with which futile nursing interventions are implemented in critically ill patients admitted to adult intensive care in specific situations and how often futile autonomous and interdependent nursing interventions (...)
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    Effect of moral empowerment program on moral distress in intensive care unit nurses.Safura Abbasi, Somayeh Ghafari, Mohsen Shahriari & Nahid Shahgholian - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1494-1504.
    Background: Moral distress has been experienced by about 67% of critical care nurses which causes many complications such as job dissatisfaction, loss of capacity for caring, and turnover for nurses and poor quality of care for patients as well as health system. Objective: The purpose of this research was to provide a moral empowerment program to nursing directors, school of nursing, and the heads of hospitals to reduce moral distress in nurses and improve the quality of care. (...)
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    Ethical issues experienced by intensive care unit nurses in everyday practice.Maria I. D. Fernandes & Isabel M. P. B. Moreira - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (1):72-82.
    This research aims to identify the ethical issues perceived by intensive care nurses in their everyday practice. It also aims to understand why these situations were considered an ethical issue and what interventions/strategies have been or are expected to be developed so as to minimize them. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview with 15 nurses working at polyvalent intensive care units in 4 Portuguese hospitals, who were selected by the homogenization of multiple samples. The qualitative (...)
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    Vaccination status and intensive care unit triage: Is it fair to give unvaccinated Covid‐19 patients equal priority?David Shaw - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (8):883-890.
    This article provides a systematic analysis of the proposal to use Covid‐19 vaccination status as a criterion for admission of patients with Covid‐19 to intensive care units (ICUs) under conditions of resource scarcity. The general consensus is that it is inappropriate to use vaccination status as a criterion because doing so would be unjust; many health systems, including the UK National Health Service, are based on the principle of equality of access to care. However, the analysis reveals (...)
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    Ethical Advice for an Intensive Care Triage Protocol in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from The Netherlands.Marcel Verweij, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Maartje Schermer, Dick Willems & Martine de Vries - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):157-165.
    At the height of the COVID-19 crisis in the Netherlands a shortness of intensive care beds was looming. Dutch professional medical organizations asked a group of ethicists for assistance in drafting guidelines and criteria for selection of patients for intensive care treatment in case of absolute scarcity, when medical selection criteria would no longer suffice. This article describes the Dutch context, the process of drafting the advice and reflects on the role of ethicists and lessons learned. (...)
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    Evaluating ethical sensitivity in surgical intensive care nurses.Zehra Basar & Dilek Cilingir - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2384-2397.
    Background and aim: Surgical intensive care nurses should have ethical sensitivity allowing them to identify ethical issues in order that they can recognize them and make the right decisions. This descriptive study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the ethical sensitivity of surgical intensive care nurses. Materials and methods: The research was carried out with the participation of 160 nurses in six Turkish hospitals, four state, one university, and one private. The data were collected using (...)
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    Ethical conflict among nurses working in the intensive care units.Amir-Hossein Pishgooie, Maasoumeh Barkhordari-Sharifabad, Foroozan Atashzadeh-Shoorideh & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2225-2238.
    Background: Ethical conflict is a barrier to decision-making process and is a problem derived from ethical responsibilities that nurses assume with care. Intensive care unit nurses are potentially exposed to this phenomenon. A deep study of the phenomenon can help prevent and treat it. Objectives: This study was aimed at determining the frequency, degree, level of exposure, and type of ethical conflict among nurses working in the intensive care units. Research design: This was a descriptive (...)
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    Non-therapeutic intensive care for organ donation.Stéphanie Camut, Antoine Baumann, Véronique Dubois, Xavier Ducrocq & Gérard Audibert - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):191-202.
    Background and Purpose: Providing non-therapeutic intensive care for some patients in hopeless condition after cerebrovascular stroke in order to protect their organs for possible post-mortem organ donation after brain death is an effective but ethically tricky strategy to increase organ grafting. Finding out the feelings and opinion of the involved healthcare professionals and assessing the training needs before implementing such a strategy is critical to avoid backlash even in a presumed consent system. Participants and methods: A single-centre opinion (...)
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    What does coercion in intensive care mean for patients and their relatives? A thematic qualitative study.Nicola Biller-Andorno, Bara Ricou, Rouven Porz, Corine Mouton Dorey & Susanne Jöbges - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundThe need for an ethical debate about the use of coercion in intensive care units (ICU) may not be as obvious as in other areas of medicine, such as psychiatry. Coercive measures are often necessary to treat critically ill patients in the ICU. It is nevertheless important to keep these measures to a minimum in order to respect the dignity of patients and the cohesion of the clinical team. A deeper understanding of what patients and their relatives perceive (...)
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    Nurses’ involvement in end-of-life decisions in neonatal intensive care units.Ilias Chatziioannidis, Abraham Pouliakis, Marina Cuttini, Theodora Boutsikou, Evangelia Giougi, Voula Volaki, Rozeta Sokou, Theodoros Xanthos, Zoi Iliodromiti & Nicoletta Iacovidou - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):569-581.
    Background: End-of-life decision-making for terminally ill neonates raises important legal and ethical issues. In Greece, no recent data on nurses’ attitudes and involvement in end-of-life decisions are available. Research question/aim: To investigate neonatal nurses’ attitudes and involvement in end-of-life decisions and the relation to their socio-demographic and work-related background data. Research design: A survey was carried out in 28 neonatal intensive care units between September 2018 and January 2019. A structured questionnaire was distributed by post. Participants and research (...)
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    Factors affecting moral distress in nurses working in intensive care units: A systematic review.Foroozan Atashzadeh-Shoorideh, Faraz Tayyar-Iravanlou, Zeynab Ahmadian Chashmi, Fatemeh Abdi & Rosana Svetic Cisic - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (1):25-36.
    Background Moral distress is a major issue in intensive care units that requires immediate attention since it can cause nurses to burnout. Given the special conditions of patients in intensive care units and the importance of the mental health of nurses, the present study was designed to systematically review the factors affecting moral distress in nurses working in intensive care units. Methods PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Scopus, and Science Direct were systematically searched for (...)
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    Towards democratic institutions: Tronto’s care ethics inspiring nursing actions in intensive care.Annie-Claude Laurin & Patrick Martin - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1578-1588.
    Care as a concept has long been central to the nursing discipline, and care ethics have consequently found their place in nursing ethics discussions. This paper briefly revisits how care and care ethics have been theorized and applied in the discipline of nursing, with an emphasis on Tronto’s political view of care. Adding to the works of other nurse scholars, we consider that Tronto’s care ethics is useful to understand caring practices in a sociopolitical (...)
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    A “little bit illegal”? Withholding and withdrawing of mechanical ventilation in the eyes of German intensive care physicians.Sabine Beck, Andreas Loo & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):7-16.
    Research questions and backgroundThis study explores a highly controversial issue of medical care in Germany: the decision to withhold or withdraw mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. It analyzes difficulties in making these decisions and the physicians’ uncertainty in understanding the German terminology of Sterbehilfe, which is used in the context of treatment limitation. Used in everyday language, the word Sterbehilfe carries connotations such as helping the patient in the dying process or helping the patient to enter the dying (...)
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    Giving nurses a voice during ethical conflict in the Intensive Care Unit.Natalie S. McAndrew & Joshua B. Hardin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (8):1631-1644.
    Background: Ethical conflict and subsequent nurse moral distress and burnout are common in the intensive care unit (ICU). There is a gap in our understanding of nurses’ perceptions of how organizational resources support them in addressing ethical conflict in the intensive care unit. Research question/objectives/methods: The aim of this qualitative, descriptive study was to explore how nurses experience ethical conflict and use organizational resources to support them as they address ethical conflict in their practice. Participants and (...)
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    A Qualitative Analysis of Ethical Problems Experienced by Physicians and Nurses in Intensive Care Units in Turkey.Nesrin Çobanoğlu & Lale Algıer - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (5):444-458.
    In this qualitative study, we aimed to identify and compare the ethical problems perceived by physicians and nurses in intensive care units at Baskent University hospitals in Turkey. A total of 21 physicians and 22 nurses were asked to describe ethical problems that they frequently encounter in their practice. The data were analyzed using an interactive model. The core problem for both physicians and nurses was end-of-life decisions (first level). In this category, physicians were most frequently concerned with (...)
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  45. Ethical decision making in intensive care units: a burnout risk factor? Results from a multicentre study conducted with physicians and nurses.Carla Teixeira, Orquídea Ribeiro, António M. Fonseca & Ana Sofia Carvalho - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2):97-103.
    Background Ethical decision making in intensive care is a demanding task. The need to proceed to ethical decision is considered to be a stress factor that may lead to burnout. The aim of this study is to explore the ethical problems that may increase burnout levels among physicians and nurses working in Portuguese intensive care units . A quantitative, multicentre, correlational study was conducted among 300 professionals.Results The most crucial ethical decisions made by professionals working in (...)
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    Conflict in the intensive care unit: Nursing advocacy and surgical agency.Kristen E. Pecanac & Margaret L. Schwarze - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (1):69-79.
    Background: Nurses and surgeons may experience intra-team conflict during decision making about the use of postoperative life-sustaining treatment in the intensive care unit due to their perceptions of professional roles and responsibilities. Nurses have a sense of advocacy—a responsibility to support the patient’s best interest; surgeons have a sense of agency—a responsibility to keep the patient alive. Objectives: The objectives were to (1) describe the discourse surrounding the responsibilities of nurses and surgeons, as “advocates” and “agents,” and (2) (...)
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    Moral distress and intention to leave intensive care units: A correlational study.Abbas Naboureh, Masoomeh Imanipour & Tahmine Salehi - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):234-239.
    Moral distress is a fundamental problem in the nursing profession that affects nurses. Critical care nurses are more susceptible to this problem due to the nature of their work. Moral distress may, in turn, lead to several undesirable consequences. This study aimed to determine the relationship between moral distress and intention to leave the ward among critical care nurses. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted by census method on all eligible nurses who worked in Coronary Care Unit (CCU) (...)
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    Ethics in the Intensive Care Unit: a Need for Research.Kevin Kendrick & Bev Cubbin - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (2):157-164.
    Intensive care units are challenging and technologically advanced environments. Dealing with situations that have an ethical dimension is an intrinsic part of working in such a milieu. When a moral dilemma emerges, it can cause anxiety and unease for all staff involved with it. Theoretical and abstract papers reveal that having to confront situations of ethical difficulty is a contributory factor to levels of poor morale and burnout among critical care staff. Despite this, there is a surprising (...)
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    Ethics of triage for intensive-care interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: Age or disability related cut-off policies are not justifiable.Luciana Riva & Carlo Petrini - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):228-233.
    Public health emergencies such as pandemics can put health systems in a position where they need to ration medical equipment and interventions because the resources available are not sufficient to meet demand. In public health management, the fair allocation of resources is a permanent and cross-sector issue since resources, and especially economic resources, are not infinite. During the COVID-19 pandemic resources need to be allocated under conditions of extreme urgency and uncertainty. One very problematic aspect has concerned intensive (...) medicine and age discrimination has been among the most hotly discussed issues, as age has been touted as a probable criterion for selection. In this paper we analyse some documents originating from scientific societies and medical associations, mainly related to EU sphere and available in English, French, Spanish and Italian (Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, France, England and Italy), concerning the criteria for admission to the intensive care units. We highlights how, in most of these documents, it is explicitly stated that “age itself” is not a criterion for patient selection. Our conclusion is that these criteria should be defined in advance of a crisis situation and be grounded in clinical indicators. Establishing “cut-off” policies with regard to criteria such as age or chronic disability is definitely an unjustifiable form of discrimination even in the context of a public health emergency. (shrink)
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    Tragic choices in intensive care during the COVID-19 pandemic: on fairness, consistency and community.Chris Newdick, Mark Sheehan & Michael Dunn - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):646-651.
    Tragic choices arise during the COVID-19 pandemic when the limited resources made available in acute medical settings cannot be accessed by all patients who need them. In these circumstances, healthcare rationing is unavoidable. It is important in any healthcare rationing process that the interests of the community are recognised, and that decision-making upholds these interests through a fair and consistent process of decision-making. Responding to recent calls (1) to safeguard individuals’ legal rights in decision-making in intensive care, and (...)
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