Małgorzata Kowalska [24]M. Kowalska [4]Eva Kowalska [4]Natalia Kowalska [3]
Bozena Kowalska [3]Anna Kowalska [2]Elżbieta Kowalska [2]Alina Kowalska [2]

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  1.  15
    Uwagi o fenomenologii, polityce i etyce obcości.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):152-174.
    W artykule analizuję znaczenia, jakie można przypisać pojęciu i doświadczeniu obcości.Najpierw przypominam dwa opisy fenomenologiczne tego doświadczenia, z których wynika, iż już na tym abstrakcyjnym poziomiedoświadczenie obcości ma sens ambiwalentny: obcy może być doświadczany jako zagrożeniedla mojej podmiotowości, ale również jako wezwanie do jej pogłębienia. Następnie przyglądamsię bardziej empirycznym sposobom doświadczania obcości w świecie społeczno-politycznym,stawiając tezę, iż kryje się za nimi polityczna konstrukcjaobcości. Wreszcie pytam o moralny sens doświadczenia obcości, konkludując, że również natym poziomie jest to sens ambiwalentny: chociaż słuchanie (...)
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    Effects of Changes in Ownership of the Polish Hospital on the Patients’ Opinion About Its Functioning.Wlodzimierz Stelmach, Mateusz Kuzdak, Adam Rzeznicki, Iwona Stelmach, Alina Kowalska & Jan Krakowiak - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801456043.
  3.  17
    Un irréductible rien.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2023 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 28 (2):243-259.
    By defining consciousness as nothingness or simply as “nothing,” Sartre plays with several meanings of these terms: negativity and negation, distance, indetermination, irreducibility. The nothingness of consciousness takes on an ontological meaning: it is a “tearing away” from being-in-itself, a transcendence understood as the capacity to transcend what is, while retaining an epistemological meaning: it is what cannot be positively determined as “something” or as a property of being. Still, on the epistemological level as well as on the ontological level, (...)
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    Making a conservation site: Stonewort meadows as lake engineers.Małgorzata Zofia Kowalska - forthcoming - Environmental Values.
    The article discusses research conducted in a valuable biocoenosis in the Gnieźnieńskie Lakeland in central Poland. Protected within the Natura 2000 network, the area is simultaneously affected by climate change and anthropogenic pressures. The article suggests reconsidering the conservation site as engineered by the underwater stonewort meadows, rather than understanding it as an object managed by external experts. It is argued that a broader recognition of how the site is co-created and sustained through ecological processes, rather than solely through human (...)
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  5. [Trends in the characteristics of population households and families 1988-1995].S. Kostrubiec, A. Kowalska, M. Kuciarska-Ciesielska, A. Lasocka, G. Marciniak, L. Nowak, J. Stanczak, W. H. James, J. K. Lindsey & P. M. Altham - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):132-3.
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  6. Aspects of Rationality in the Relatinship of State and Church: The Case of the Habsburg Monarchy in the Eighteenth Century.Eva Kowalska - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (8-10):41-50.
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    Dialectics beyond dialectics: essay on totality and difference.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    <I>Dialectics beyond Dialectics is a study of contemporary French philosophy from Bataille to Derrida. It analyses, on the first level of generalization, the decomposition of Hegelianism understood as <I>philosophy of totality. Many French philosophers of the 20<SUP>th century deconstruct Hegelian dialectics and harshly criticize the very idea of totality as either dangerous or impossible. The thesis of the book is that, on doing so, they do not really break with dialectics, but transform it. On the second level of generalization, the (...)
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  8. Dialektyka i dialogiki, czyli o sposobach zarządzania różnicą.M. Kowalska - 2002 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Dialektyka poza dialektyką: od Bataille'a do Derridy.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2000 - Warszawa: Fundacja Aletheia.
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  10. Demokracja według Sartre'a i współczesna koniunktura ideologiczna.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2005 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 56 (4):87-96.
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  11. Francuskie widma Hegla. (Zarys problemu).Małgorzata Kowalska - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 30 (2):203-220.
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    Filozof W Polis.Małgorzata Kowalska (ed.) - 2004 - Białystok: Wydz. Historyczno-Socjologiczny Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
  13. Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995).Małgorzata Kowalska - 1996 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 17 (1):7-11.
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  14.  17
    Ideologie po ideologiach. O cynicznej naiwności.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2018 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 30 (1):5-24.
    The main idea of the article is that in our „postmodern” world ideologies are not at all dead but adopt new forms which I call both cynical (in Slotedijk’s sense of the term) and naïve. I start with reflecting on the very meaning of the term “ideology” and propose to adopt its broad and “dialectical” sense, embracing ideology as false knowledge and as false consciousness, but emphasizing its connection with power. After recalling some theories of the “end of ideology”, from (...)
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  15. Język i sprawiedliwość. Lévinas versus Lyotard.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2011 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 38.
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  16. Kartezjańskie odkrycie cogito, czyli kilka uwag o istocie rozumu.Małgorzata Kowalska - 1989 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 34.
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  17.  9
    Morales et politiques postmodernes.Małgorzata Kowalska (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Les auteurs contribuant à ce recueil réfléchissent sur notre condition postmoderne, non pas tant sur les sens différents qu'a pris le terme du postmoderne que sur l'heure qu'il est. La réflexion se déroule dans l'horizon de la pensée des classiques du postmodernisme et dans l'horizon des questions qui y sont, explicitement ou implicitement, posées.
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  18.  22
    The Icons of Hope. Henryk Musiałowicz.Bozena Kowalska - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (3-4):23-29.
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    Of Henryk Musiałowicz’s Art.Bożena Kowalska & Lesław Kawalec - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (3-4):7-14.
    This article sets out to propose some characteristic features of the intellectual and ethical attitudes which, in the popular belief and scholarly communities alike, stand for ideals worthy of promoting as ones which could underpin a modern society where both believers and unbelievers can feel at home. The “ethos” is construed to be about the sort of behaviour logically stemming from a tolerant outlook on the one hand, and an intellectual commitment to a noble cause worthy of one’s efforts, on (...)
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  20. O pewnych aktualnych motywach w Wilhelma von Humboldta filozofii języka.Elżbieta Kowalska - 1986 - Studia Semiotyczne 14:105-119.
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  21. Pojęcia bytu i nicości w filozofii J. P. Sartre'a.Małgorzata Kowalska - 1991 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 36.
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  22.  5
    Pro Bono Publico: Englightenment, Religion, Education and the State in Northern Hungary.Eva Kowalská - 1992 - Human Affairs 2 (1):77-88.
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  23. Przyswajanie Derridy.Małgorzata Kowalska - 1994 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 10 (2):67-92.
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  24. Przyswajanie Derridy, Czyli jak Wyjść z Europy, do Której Wchodzimy.M. Kowalska - forthcoming - Przegląd Filozoficzny.
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  25. Pewność metafizyczna czy moralna. Problem poznania Boga według Descartes\'a i Pascala'.Małgorzata Kowalska - 1992 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 5 (5):67-90.
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  26.  47
    Reductions of Consciousness. From Husserl to Churchland.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):169-185.
    The author juxtaposes two extreme approaches to the relationship between consciousness and the physical world: phenomenological-idealistic (represented by Edmund Husserl) and radically naturalistic (represented by Paul Churchland). These two positions are interpreted in terms of opposite if symmetrical types of reduction (on the one hand, the reduction of the world to a sense for consciousness, and on the other hand, the reduction of consciousness to an element of the physical world). They emerge as two ways of abstracting from the ambivalence (...)
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  27. Racjonowanie usług medycznych–spojrzenie ekonomisty.Katarzyna Kowalska - 2005 - Diametros 5.
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  28.  12
    Sozialer und politischer Hintergrund des Streites um den Pietismus in Ungarn.Eva Kowalská - 2005 - In Udo Sträter (ed.), Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 297-306.
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    Quantities Enduring in Time.Antonina Kowalska - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (9-10):27-38.
    Despite changeability of the world, the human mind also ponders on those quantities that remain constant over time. This was the case in ancient times, in the middle ages, and the same applies in modern physics. This paper discusses i.a. Zenon paradoxes, the principle of inertia, and the Emma Noether theorem, ending with the modern, so-called Zeno’s quantum effect. The foot-notes concern the ancient “Achilles” paradox, spot speed, as well as some of the facts taken out of the life-history of (...)
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  30. Uwagi o fenomenologicznej filozofii historii (na marginesie myśli Husserla, Sartre\'a, Merleau-Ponty\'ego i, całkiem pobocznie, Heideggera).Małgorzata Kowalska - 2010 - Fenomenologia 8:109-128.
  31.  8
    What is Behind the Curtain? A Woman’s Perspective on European Issues.Anna Kowalska - 2005 - Feminist Theology 13 (3):301-316.
    In this paper the author evaluates the situation of women in contemporary Polish society. Using statistical data and information from different disciplines, evidence is given that the situation of women today, in Poland, is worse than before 1989. Although, in general, women are better educated than men, adapt better to modern life, and have access to a growing variety of professional careers, the traditional image of women and of family life persists. Women still endure the double burden of professional work (...)
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  32.  13
    Wilhelm von Humboldt: życie, dzieło, mit.Elżbieta M. Kowalska - 2006 - Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
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  33.  12
    Factors Influencing the Opinion of Patients Concerning the Functioning of the Polish Hospital Before and After Ownership Transformation.Jan Krakowiak, Mateusz Kuzdak, Adam Rzeznicki, Iwona Stelmach, Alina Kowalska & Wlodzimierz Stelmach - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801557201.
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  34.  10
    Wyjaśniać i rozumieć: księga dedykowana Profesorowi Zbigniewowi Kuderowiczowi.Zbigniew Kuderowicz, Małgorzata Kowalska, Robert Poczobut & Bartosz Kuźniarz (eds.) - 2006 - Białystok: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
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  35.  31
    Attitudes of undergraduate students towards persons with disabilities; the role of the need for social approval.Justyna Winnicka & Joanna Kowalska - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):40-49.
    The purpose of this study was a diagnosis of the attitudes of students of Warsaw universities towards people with disabilities and the variables which impacted on these attitudes. Additionally, we examined the relationship between the need for social approval and explicit attitudes towards people with disabilities. The study focused on two components of attitudes: behavioural and cognitive. 318 students completed a survey including a demographic sheet, a social desirability scale, the SDSB and SDSO. The results indicate that students expressed positive (...)
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  36.  26
    Innere Gewißheit und lebendiges Selbst. [REVIEW]Gabrielle Dufour- Kowalska - 2007 - Studia Phaenomenologica 7:555-557.
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    Między filozofią języka i metafizyką. P.F. Strawsona koncepcja osoby w świetle fenomenologii hermeneutycznej Paula Ricoeura. [REVIEW]Małgorzata Kowalska - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:359-371.
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