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  1.  47
    ‘Out of sight, out of mind?’: The Daniel Turner-James Blondel dispute over the power of the maternal imagination.Philip K. Wilson - 1992 - Annals of Science 49 (1):63-85.
    In the late 1720s, Daniel Turner and James Blondel engaged in a pamphlet dispute over the power of the maternal imagination. Turner accepted the long-standing belief that a pregnant woman's imagination could be transferred to her unborn child, imprinting the foetus with various marks and deformities. Blondel sought to refute this view on rational and anatomical grounds. Two issues repeatedly received these authors' attention: the identity of imagination, and its power in pregnant women; and the process (...)
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  2. Promising Monsters: Pregnant Bodies, Artistic Subjectivity, and Maternal Imagination.Rosemary Betterton - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (1):80-100.
    This paper engages with theories of the monstrous maternal in feminist philosophy to explore how examples of visual art practice by Susan Hiller, Marc Quinn, Alison Lapper, Tracey Emin, and Cindy Sherman disrupt maternal ideals in visual culture through differently imagined body schema. By examining instances of the pregnant body represented in relation to maternal subjectivity, disability, abortion, and “prosthetic” pregnancy, it asks whether the “monstrous” can offer different kinds of figurations of the maternal that acknowledge (...)
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    Irreconcilability in the Digital: Gender, Technological Imaginings and Maternal Subjectivity.Helen Thornham - 2015 - Feminist Review 110 (1):1-17.
    Drawing on empirical research from two focus groups, this article investigates the narratives and discourses that emerged around pregnancy, technology, birth and motherhood. In so doing, the article engages in some long-standing debates within feminism around embodied and maternal subjectivity, agency and identity. Seen here, the focus groups serve initially to remind us of the pervasiveness of gender inequality and the continual ambiguity of, and anxieties around, maternal subjectivity. The focus groups reconfigure these issues through a technological lens, (...)
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    An Inexplicable Effect of Imagination. Mothers’ Imagination and Its Impact on the Perceptions and Body of the Fetus. Successes and Refutations of the Malebranchist Paradigm in the 18th Century or the Fascinating Question of Psychophysical Interaction.Véronique Costa - 2024 - Iris 44.
    An error that medicine has long shared is to attribute to a desire or an effect of the mother’s imagination during gestation, the deformities, growths or spots that a child bears at birth. The imagination would be capable of imprinting external modifications on a matter and would have an impact on the perceptions and sensory development of the fetus. Returning briefly to the genealogy and posterity of the topos, this article focuses on the successes and refutations of the (...)
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    Imagine a world… where ectogenesis isn’t needed to eliminate social and economic barriers for women.Claire Horner - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):83-84.
    We can imagine a world in which ectogenesis provides a safe gestating space that eliminates maternal morbidity and mortality while maximising healthy outcomes for babies. In this world, women, no longer physically—and visibly—pregnant, are no longer economically, socially or physically disadvantaged due to the potential for pregnancy and birth. Because everyone can access the same technology, women are able to work without fear of pregnancy-related discrimination or restrictions, and health disparities among individuals in gestation and birth based on socioeconomic (...)
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    Maternal Compassion in the Thought of René Girard, Emil Fackenheim, and Emmanuel Levinas.Ann W. Astell - 2004 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 11 (1):15-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MATERNAL COMPASSION IN THE THOUGHT OF RENÉ GIRARD, EMIL FACKENHEIM, AND EMMANUEL LÉVINAS Ann W. Astell Purdue University l;ike empathy, compassion is a word that seldom occurs in the /writings of René Girard,' who prefers to answer to Martin Heidegger's "anxiety" [Die Sorge] before death by speaking instead of a "concern for victims" [le souci des victims].2 Maternal corn-passion does enter Girardian analysis directly, however, in his (...)
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  7. Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Saudi Arabia: A Depth Review Study, Progress, Challenges and Strategic Interventions.Hanihaa Gazai Alharbi, Mohammed Jamil Nasser Alsaydalani, Fahad Awad Al-Matrafi, Faisal Awaied Alsadi, Enas Mohammed Ahmed, Mona Hammad Almutairi, Nawal Zafir Mushabab Alasmari, Amal Saud Jazi Aljuhani, Abdullah Atga Mohammad Aljohani, Khalid Ghali Alharbi, Munira Dhiab Al-Juhani, Adil Eid Salman Alrashedi, Fahad Saeed Al-Awfi, Taleb Atqa Mohammed Aljohani & Rayhanah Sulaiman Aljohani - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1079-1095.
    Saudi Arabia has had remarkable progress in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality over the past decades. While various challenges persist, such as unequal access to healthcare, a history of pre-existing maternal conditions, and neonatal complications, this review will focus on critical determinants of maternal and neonatal outcomes in Saudi Arabia, including government-driven efforts through Vision 2030 towards enhancing health care infrastructure and policies. The focus has been on antenatal care, neonatal intensive care units, and maternal mortality (...)
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    Imagining Disability Futurities.Carla Rice, Eliza Chandler, Jen Rinaldi, Nadine Changfoot, Kirsty Liddiard, Roxanne Mykitiuk & Ingrid Mündel - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (2):213-229.
    This article explores twelve short narrative films created by women and trans people living with disabilities and embodied differences. Produced through Project Re•Vision, these micro documentaries uncover the cultures and temporalities of bodies of difference by foregrounding themes of multiple histories: body, disability, maternal, medical, and/or scientific histories; and divergent futurities: contradictory, surprising, unpredictable, opaque, and/or generative futures. We engage with Alison Kafer's call to theorize disability futurity by wrestling with the ways in which “the future” is normatively deployed (...)
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    Thinking through breasts: Writing maternity.Alison Bartlett - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (2):173-188.
    This article begins by wondering how the writer’s transformation into motherhood affects her practice of reading, writing and research: how maternities are made academic. Specifically, this article is interested in thinking through lactating breasts, as a particularly complex and potentially subversive ‘performance’ of maternity. In addition, this article reframes ‘maternal thinking’ through 1990s theories of embodiment and corporeality, and asks how embodied practices like breastfeeding might be theorized, as well as how ‘embodied theory’ might be practised. In looking at (...)
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    The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects (2021) by Sarah Richardson (review). [REVIEW]Quill Kukla - 2023 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 33 (1):1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects (2021) by Sarah RichardsonQuill KuklaQuill Kukla, review of Sarah Richardson's The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects (2021)I had been eagerly anticipating the release of Sarah Richardson's meticulously researched The Maternal Imprint: The Contested Science of Maternal-Fetal Effects (2021) for several years, and I was not disappointed. A leading feminist scholar (...)
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    (1 other version)Christine Adams, Poverty, Charity, and Motherhood: Maternal Societies in Nineteenth-Century France.Sarah A. Curtis - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Depuis quelques années, les historiens critiquent l’idée que la France ait développé tardivement l’État providence en mettant en avant le rôle joué par les associations et la coopération privé-public dans la charité auprès des indigents au XIXe siècle. Ce système d’assistance élaboré peu à peu était plus répandu que l’on n’imagine et il a également façonné la nature de l’État providence au XXe siècle. Christine Adams se situe dans cette approche renouvelée par des études sur la plus important...
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  12. Against Matricide: Rethinking Subjectivity and the Maternal Body.Alison Stone - 2012 - Hypatia 27 (1):118-138.
    In this article I critically re-examine Julia Kristeva's view that becoming a speaking subject requires psychical matricide: violent separation from the maternal body. I propose an alternative, non-matricidal conception of subjectivity, in part by drawing out anti-matricidal strands in Kristeva's own thought, including her view that early mother–child relations are triangular. Whereas she understands this triangle in terms of a first imaginary father, I re-interpret this triangle using Donald Winnicott's idea of potential space and Jessica Benjamin's idea of an (...)
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    Hyper-Abjects: Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the Anthropocene.Bethany Doane - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):251-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hyper-Abjects:Finitude, “Sustainability,” and the Maternal Body in the AnthropoceneBethany DoaneThe concept of the Anthropocene prioritizes a new paradigmatic scale that seems to outweigh that of “the political”: imagining deep time or the death of the human species as a result of climate change tends to negate the (relatively speaking) smaller-scale concerns of race, class, gender, or capitalism. While feminist critique is often circumscribed by this political scale, and (...)
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    Essaying the Mechanical Hypothesis: Descartes, La Forge, and Malebranche on the Formation of Birthmarks.Rebecca Wilkin - 2008 - Early Science and Medicine 13 (6):533-567.
    This essay examines the determination by Cartesians to explain the maternal imagination's alleged role in the formation of birthmarks and the changing notion of monstrosity. Cartesians saw the formation of birthmarks as a challenge through which to demonstrate the heuristic capacity of mechanism. Descartes claimed to be able to explain the transmission of a perception from the mother's imagination to the fetus' skin without having recourse to the little pictures postulated by his contemporaries. La Forge offered a (...)
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    Neoliberal Mothering and Vaccine Refusal: Imagined Gated Communities and the Privilege of Choice.Jennifer A. Reich - 2014 - Gender and Society 28 (5):679-704.
    Neoliberal cultural frames of individual choice inform mothers’ accounts of why they refuse state-mandated vaccines for their children. Using interviews with 25 mothers who reject recommended vaccines, this article examines the gendered discourse of vaccine refusal. First, I show how mothers, seeing themselves as experts on their children, weigh perceived risks of infection against those of vaccines and dismiss claims that vaccines are necessary. Second, I explicate how mothers see their own intensive mothering practices—particularly around feeding, nutrition, and natural living—as (...)
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    Mediations of the female imaginary and symbolic.Jan Campbell - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (2):41-60.
    Many critics view Irigaray's work as an extension or deconstruction of a Lacanian paradigm. Few actually analyse it as a direct challenge to Lacanian concepts of symbolic subjectivity, and the consequent, alternative framework this would envisage. This article discusses a poss ible beyond the phallus, in relation to mediating concepts of the female imaginary and symbolic within her work, and an understanding of the female imaginary and symbolic within different feminist interpretations of the maternal imaginary and symbolic, arguing that (...)
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    The Play of the Semiotic and the Symbolic: The Authenticity of the Life of Mother Maria Skobtsova.Katerina Bauerova - 2014 - Feminist Theology 22 (3):290-301.
    This article deals with the issue of innovation in church tradition, more specifically in Orthodoxy. Using as an example the admittedly untypical life of Mother Maria Skobtsova, an Orthodox nun living in France after the 1917 revolution in Russia, the article shows how the creative moments of her life, which shaped the church tradition in exile, can be also viewed from a psychoanalytical perspective. With the help of French psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva, the creative changes Mother Maria brought to church tradition (...)
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    Language, Communication and the Gift Economy: A Semioethic Approach.Susan Petrilli - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1615-1654.
    Maternal gift-giving sustains life and creates positive human relations. Addressing important issues in the theory of language and communication, Genevieve Vaughan associates language and mothering to the free gift economy. A fundamental hypothesis is that maternal gift-giving, mothering/being-mothered forms a non-essentialist, but fundamental core process of material and verbal communication that has been neglected by the Western view of the world. The mothering/being-mothered paradigm is thematized in the framework of gift logic, which is otherness logic. Restoring such a (...)
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    Reimagining relationality for reproductive care: Understanding obstetric violence as “separation”.Rodante van der Waal & Inge van Nistelrooij - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1186-1197.
    Nursing Ethics has published several pleas for care ethics and/or relationality as the most promising ethical foundation for midwifery philosophy and practice. In this article, we stand by these calls, contributing to them with the identification of the structural form of violence that a care ethical relational approach to reproductive care is up against: that of “maternal separation”. Confronted with reproductive and obstetric violence globally, we show that a hegemonic racialized, instrumentalized, and individualized conception of pregnancy is responsible for (...)
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  20. Conflicted Love.Kelly Oliver - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (3):1-18.
    Our stereotypes of maternity and paternity as manifest in the history of philosophy and psychoanalysis interfere with the ability to imagine loving relationships. The associations of maternity with antisocial nature and paternity with disembodied culture are inadequate to set up primary love relationships. Analyzing the conflicts in these associations, I reformulate the maternal body as social and lawful, and I reformulate the paternal function as embodied, which enables imagining our primary relationships as loving.
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    ‘She Found a Way, Left the Child’: ‘Child-shifting’1 as the Plantation's Affects and Love's Paradox in Donna Hemans’ River Woman.Suzanne Scafe - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):61-79.
    This article proposes a situated reading of maternal love, loss and lovelessness in Donna Hemans’ novel River Woman, locating her text in relation to other contemporary Caribbean women writers and to the early fiction of Toni Morrison. I argue that the complex affects that her representation of ‘child-shifting’ produces, can be articulated both in relation to literary texts that re-imagine historical and contemporary practices leaving a child in order to save her, and in the context of the plantation, where (...)
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    Mothering against motherhood: doula work, xenohospitality and the idea of the momrade.Sophie A. Lewis - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (1):68-85.
    Today, a new vein of queer Marxist-feminist family-abolitionist theorising is reviving contemporary feminists’ willingness to imagine, politically, what women's liberationists in the 1970s called ‘mothering against motherhood’. Concurrently, the jokey portmanteau ‘momrade’, i.e. mom + comrade, has circulated persistently in the twenty-first century on online forums maintained by communities of mothers and/or leftists. This article asks: what if, in the name of abolishing the family, we took the joke entirely seriously? What makes a ‘mom’ a ‘momrade’, or vice versa? In (...)
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    The Silence of Necessity.Tuhin Bhattacharjee - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (1):43-58.
    This essay investigates the concluding myth of Plato’s Republic, as well as the section on anankē and the chōra in the Timaeus, to demonstrate that the maternal figure of Necessity (Anankē), appearing in the myth of Er as the ground of logos, serves as a fecund site for an engagement with the question of sexual difference in Plato’s works. Feminist thinkers have long noted that the image of the originary, powerful mother in ancient myth works as an ambivalent surface (...)
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    Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader.John Abromeit & W. Mark Cobb (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Legacy of Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader_ is a collection of brand new papers by seventeen Marcuse scholars, which provides a comprehensive reassessment of the relevance of Marcuse's critical theory at the beginning of the 21st century. Although best known for his reputation in critical theory, Herbert Marcuse's work has had impact on areas as diverse as politics, technology, aesthetics, psychoanalysis and ecology. This collection addresses the contemporary relevance of Marcuse's work in this broad variety of fields and from (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Bibi Obler - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface Within the current context in the United States, we tend to think of “choice” as the leading slogan of the liberal movement to expand women’s reproductive rights, particularly the right to elective abortion. But choice depends on context: on what is available, what is mandated, what is prohibited or discouraged, and what has not yet been imagined. This issue of Feminist Studies expands our thinking about available and (...)
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  26. A New Negentropic Subject: Reviewing Michel Serres' Biogea.A. Staley Groves - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):155-158.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 155–158 Michel Serres. Biogea . Trans. Randolph Burks. Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing. 2012. 200 pp. | ISBN 9781937561086 | $22.95 Conveying to potential readers the significance of a book puts me at risk of glad handing. It’s not in my interest to laud the undeserving, especially on the pages of this journal. This is not a sales pitch, but rather an affirmation of a necessary work on very troubled terms: human, earth, nature, and the problematic world we made. (...)
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    Perder a mãe: uma categoria colonial?Elzahrã Mohamed Radwan Omar Osman - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400227.
    This article recovers some of the reflections made by different feminist authors and discourses on the materiality-maternity relationship in the history of philosophy, but precisely from the colonial-modern enterprise. In this sense, the text uses Saidiya Hartman’s work Lose your Mother as a metaphorical thread about the destruction of ties to the land, of kinship, of memory, to conclude on the irrecoverable loss of any and all mothers - also in Lacanian psychoanalytic terms - in order to realize the recovery (...)
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    Life's Empty Pack: Notes toward a Literary Daughteronomy.Sandra M. Gilbert - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):355-384.
    A definition of [George] Eliot as renunciatory culture-mother may seem an odd preface to a discussion of Silas Marner since, of all her novels, this richly constructed work is the one in which the empty pack of daughterhood appears fullest, the honey of femininity most unpunished. I want to argue, however, that this “legendary tale,” whose status as a schoolroom classic makes it almost as much a textbook as a novel, examines the relationship between woman’s fate and the structure of (...)
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    Gendered Geographies across Time I.Beatriz Hermida Ramos & Miguel Sebastián-Martín - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):299-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gendered Geographies across Time IBeatriz Hermida Ramos and Miguel Sebastián-MartínEarly Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction, University of Salamanca, Spain, 03 06 2023The first Early Researchers' Seminar for Science and Speculative Fiction: Gendered Geographies across Time showcased the many and diverse approaches to speculative fiction (SF) currently being pursued within the University of Salamanca's English Department, which in a matter of years has become an unexpected hotbed of (...)
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  30. "An Odor of Man": Melanesian Evolutionism, Anthropological Mythology and Matriarchy.Bernard Juillerat - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (144):65-91.
    The evolutionist theories of Bachofen on the priority of matriarchy are today no more than one of the most unusual pieces of the historical museum of anthropology. The wealth and diversity of historical and literary sources therein are juxtaposed with the construction of a conjectural chronology organizing the relationship between the sexes in a progressive mode and in accordance with an immanent finality. But it is also necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, Bachofen's historicism as an expression of the (...)
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    Finding Homeplace within Indigenous Literatures: Honoring the Genealogical Legacies of bell hooks and Lee Maracle.Jennifer Brant - forthcoming - Hypatia:1-20.
    This article maps out a pedagogical juncture of bell hooks's feminist theory of homeplace (hooks 2007) and Indigenous maternal pedagogies as liberatory praxis through a journey with Indigenous women's literatures. I position this work as a response to the call to transform feminist theorizing through Indigenous philosophies as articulated in a recent Hypatia special issue (Bardwell-Jones and McLaren 2020, 2). The article documents hooks's theory of homeplace as a space of resistance and renewal and shares insights into Indigenous experiences (...)
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    Placental relations.Maria Fannin - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (3):289-306.
    The placenta’s role as a mediating passage between bodies has been a conceptual resource for feminist theorists and philosophers interested in developing more nuanced explanations of the maternal–fetal relation, a relation that has tended to be identified with maternal and fetal bodies rather than with the placenta between them. I draw on efforts by philosopher Luce Irigaray and her readers to theorise placental relations as a model for the negotiation of differences. In her more recent work, Irigaray figures (...)
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    Ovid's Narcissus ( Met. 3.339-510): Echoes of Oedipus.Ingo Gildenhard & Andrew Zissos - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):129-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ovid's Narcissus (Met. 3.339-510):Echoes of OedipusIngo Gildenhard and Andrew ZissosNarcissistic Thebes?Ovid's tales of Echo and Narcissus, while mutually enhancing in their magnificently suggestive symmetries,1 have long been considered an oddity in their larger narrative context.2 Otis, for instance, is not alone in feeling that they are quite "extraneous" to the Theban milieu which dominates this particular stretch of the Metamorphoses, since they seem only superficially linked to the tragic (...)
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    Black Lactation Aesthetics: Remaking the Natural in Lakisha Cohill's Photographs.Jennifer C. Nash - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):94-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:94 Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Jennifer C. Nash Black Lactation Aesthetics: Remaking the Natural in Lakisha Cohill’s Photographs In her 1992 essay “Selling Hot Pussy,” bell hooks recounts entering a “late night dessert place” with a group of colleagues who all began to laugh at a shelf of “gigantic chocolate breasts complete with nipples— huge edible tits.”1 For hooks, the chocolate Black (...)
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    Mothers who Make Things Public.Lisa Baraitser - 2009 - Feminist Review 93 (1):8-26.
    This paper is an attempt to elaborate two concerns: those of maternal ethics, and notions of making things public. I attempt to bring these two concerns together and think them alongside one another, in hopefully productive ways. I want, in other words, to think about the ethics of what mothers ‘make public’, whether this is understood in its most rudimentary form, of enabling a child to express something, to make public an affective state, for instance, even if it is (...)
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    Artificial reproduction? Tabita Rezaire’s Sugar Walls Teardom and AI “liveness”.Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):1-9.
    Much more than their machinic reality, current iterations of AI rely on imagined divisions of human and non-human properties and skills that have genealogical ties to colonization. For this reason, research efforts have recently been made to historicize these imaginaries, connecting them to colonial ideals that delegate black and brown colonized people into the realm of the non-human. Atanasoski and Vora (Surrogate humanity. Race, robots and the politics of technological futures, Duke, Durham and London, 2019) have called this a “surrogate (...)
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    New Forms of Revolt: Kristeva’s Intimate Politics.Sarah K. Hansen & Rebecca Tuvel (eds.) - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Essays explore the significance of Julia Kristeva’s concept of intimate revolt for social and political philosophy. Over the last twenty years, French philosopher, psychoanalyst, and novelist Julia Kristeva has explored how global crises threaten people’s ability to revolt. In a context of widespread war, deepening poverty, environmental catastrophes, and rising fundamentalisms, she argues that a revival of inner psychic experience is necessary and empowering. “Intimate revolt” has become a central concept in Kristeva’s critical repertoire, framing and permeating her understanding of (...)
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    Herbert Marcuse: a critical reader.John Abromeit & William Mark Cobb (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Legacy of Herbert Marcuse: A Critical Reader_ is a collection of brand new papers by seventeen Marcuse scholars, which provides a comprehensive reassessment of the relevance of Marcuse's critical theory at the beginning of the 21st century. Although best known for his reputation in critical theory, Herbert Marcuse's work has had impact on areas as diverse as politics, technology, aesthetics, psychoanalysis and ecology. This collection addresses the contemporary relevance of Marcuse's work in this broad variety of fields and from (...)
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    Gaia, Gender, and Sovereignty in the Anthropocene.Danielle Sands - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):287-307.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Gaia, Gender, and Sovereignty in the AnthropoceneDanielle SandsIn a 2011 lecture addressing ecological crisis, sociologist Bruno Latour advanced James Lovelock’s Gaia model as a way of re-conceptualizing nature in an Anthropocene or “postnatural” (Latour 2011, 9) world.1 For Latour, Gaia, a mythological goddess reinvented by Lovelock as a scientific metaphor, embodies the collision between discourses, “this mix up of science and politics” (Latour 2011, 8), which the Anthropocene represents. (...)
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    ‘From stone to cloud’: Mary Kelly’s Love Songs and feminist intergenerationality.Susan Richmond - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (1):57-78.
    This article analyses Mary Kelly’s Love Songs, 2005—07, which was exhibited in 2007 at Documenta 12. The series of artworks addresses the political and ideological legacies of early Anglo-US feminism through the perspectives of two generations of women. Drawing on oral and photographic archives, as well as historical re-enactments, Kelly indicates how her work does not simply record a feminist legacy but, rather, keenly intervenes in the process. I propose that this intervention is an ethical one. Drawing on Luce Irigaray’s (...)
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    A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The Virus.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (1):5-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The VirusMary-Jane Rubenstein (bio)I. PunitheologyThe explanations started pouring in even before the virus attained “pandemic” status in March of 2020: we were being punished. According to a vocal subset of Evangelical pastors and ultra-Orthodox rabbis, the death-dealing virus was divine retribution for the sins of (who else?) LGBT-identified people and their allies, who aggressively violated what the pastors and rabbis called (...)
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    The Roots of Morality and the Nature of Moral Goodness.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 33–64.
    Von Wright argued that moral goodness is a derivative form of goodness. He proceeded to give an account of the moral goodness of an act, in terms of the good of man. Philosophical anthropology must render the phenomenon of morality intelligible. This chapter suggests that the roots of moral value lie in human sympathy, in maternal love, in intuitive recognition of the humanity of others, and in the nature of loving friendship. The sentiment of sympathy is virtually ubiquitous, but (...)
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  43. Freud's India: Sigmund Freud and India's first psychoanalyst Girindrasekhar Bose.Alf Hiltebeitel - 2018 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    A theme of abiding interest in religious studies is the sharp contrast between cultures with a monotheistic paternal deity and cultures with pluralistic maternal deities. These two principles for organizing religious life are vast; attempts to understand their implications lead to an overwhelmingly diverse set of facts and their meanings. In Freud's India, Alf Hiltebeitel takes up this enormously engaging question, focusing on the thinking of two spokespeople for the inner life of their culture-- Sigmund Freud and Girindrasekhar Bose. (...)
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    Derrida on the Line.Sarah Jackson - 2017 - Derrida Today 10 (2):142-159.
    By offering us a voice that is both at a distance and inside one's own head, the telephone causes interference in thinking and writing. But despite the multiple telephones that echo in and across Jacques Derrida's work, and specifically his writing to and with Hélène Cixous, it is only since Derrida's death that critical interest in the phone has fully emerged, with work by Royle (2006), Prenowitz (2008), Bennington (2013) and Turner (2014) stressing the value of staying on the line. (...)
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    Arkangel and Parental Surveillance.Catherine Villanueva Gardner & Alexander Christian - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 151–159.
    “Archangel” explores the consequences of Marie's over‐parenting of her daughter, Sara, through the use of a neural implant (the Archangel) that allows Marie to track (and block) Sara's experiences. In attempting to fulfill her duty to protect Sara, Marie ultimately fails morally as a parent. What is fascinating is that different schools of philosophical thought – contemporary liberal philosophy, ancient Greek Aristotelian ethics, contemporary feminist ethics of care, and contemporary Wittgensteinian ethics – all reach the same conclusion about Marie's moral (...)
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    Fantasy, Counter-fantasy, and Meta-fantasy in Hobbes’s and Butler’s Accounts of Vulnerability.James Griffith - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (3):617-636.
    Hobbes and Butler both conjure images of an abandoned infant in their respective discussions of vulnerability. Leviathan uses this image to discuss original dominion, or natural maternal right over the child, while for Butler rights discourse produces fantasies of invulnerability that derealize other lives. However, Hobbes’s infant in nature has no rights and can only consent to being nourished. Only when able to nourish itself can it claim rights to transfer through the covenant producing a fantasy of individual invulnerability. (...)
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    A Sacralized Cosmopolitanism? Alexander S. Panarin’s Russian Orthodox Political Economy as a Response to Globalization.Frederick Matern - 2012 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 28:57-79.
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    Creative Experience on the Stage: Stanislavski, Erlebnis, and Scholasticism.Frederick Matern - 2013 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 29:26-39.
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    N. O. Lossky’s Use of the Concept of Intuition.Frederick Matern - 2015 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 31:23-33.
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    Sorokin, Maritain and Integral Sociology.Frederick Matern - 2017 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 33:116-129.
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