Results for ' Masvingo diocese'

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  1.  31
    A Diocese de Nova Iguaçu frente à Chacina da Baixada Fluminense: Memória e Identidade.João Marcus Figueiredo Assis - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):69-84.
    Este artigo trata das mudanças ocorridas no universo religioso católico da Diocese de Nova Iguaçu, localizada na Baixada Fluminense, região metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, conhecida pela situação de pobreza e pela violência, em especial por ação de grupos de extermínio. O evento que serve de base para investigamos tais mudanças ficou sendo denominado de Chacina da Baixada, que deixou 29 pessoas mortas e uma ferida no bairro da Posse em Nova Iguaçu. A diocese prontamente se (...)
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  2. Socrates’ Diocese — a Dialogue about the Existence in the Non Existence.J. Gamper - manuscript
    This dialogue turns into a discussion between three people. The interlocutors are Socrates, Jeito and finally also Plato. The dimensions of Time, Space and Person are occasionally transgressed. The conclusion is that information seems to be unidirectional concerning life and death.
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    Bishops of the Diocese of Lviv and Peremyshko of the Russian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Metropolitanate) in unified search at the end of the 16th century.Mykola Shkriblyak - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:135-144.
    The polemical literature of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, comprehensively covering the issue of unification, had already outlined most of the important issues surrounding the transition of part of the Ukrainian Orthodox clergy to the union with Rome. However, their resolution raises a lot of controversy and ambiguous estimates of this controversial event. Therefore, actualization of this problem in modern science is a natural phenomenon. Today, as V. Shevchenko rightly points out, “the passionate relevance of the unified issue (...)
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  4. Les campagnes d'indulgences dans le diocèse de Strasbourg: À la fin du Moyen Âge.Francis Rapp - 2003 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 83 (1):71-88.
    Fondée sur l’examen des sources d’archives, la présente étude tente de savoir comment les indulgences – en particulier celles qui faisaient l’objet de campagnes méthodiquement conduites – étaient reçues par le peuple chrétien dans le diocèse de Strasbourg entre 1452 et 1518. Une fraction non négligeable de la population, urbaine surtout, acquit ces pardons, mais, si l’offre était répétée trop souvent, la demande fléchissait ; les campagnes devaient être espacées pour éviter cette baisse. La conjonction de l’anticléricalisme populaire qui critiquait (...)
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    The evangelising diocese.Martin Teulan - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (4):409.
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    Robert Grosseteste and the 13th-century Diocese of Lincoln: an English bishop's pastoral vision.Philippa M. Hoskin - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    In this book Philippa Hoskin offers an account of the pastoral theory and practice of Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln 1235-1253, within his diocese. Grosseteste has been considered as an eminent medieval philosopher and theologian, and as a bishop focused on pastoral care, but there has been no attempt to consider how his scholarship influenced his pastoral practice. Making use of Grosseteste's own writings - philosophical and theological as well as pastoral and administrative - Hoskin demonstrates how Grosseteste's famous (...)
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    Bishop Gilroy and the Diocese of Port Augusta.John Luttrell - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (2):189.
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  8. Criação da Diocese de Assis: projeto católico e envolvimento da oligarquia.Ivan A. Manoel - 1998 - História 17:227-242.
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  9.  22
    Why Gaps Matter—A Negative Hermeneutical Approach to the Reconciliation Process in the Diocese of British Columbia Based on the Example of Bishop Logan's “Sacred Journey”.Edda Wolff - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (1):114-132.
    This essay delves into the utilization of a negative hermeneutical approach, focusing on gaps, tensions, and the absence of elements, to enrich our comprehension of reconciliation efforts. It posits that this method aids in discerning more and less appropriate approaches to reconciliation processes. Negative hermeneutics serves as both a technique and an ongoing journey of exploration, self‐assessment, and understanding our connection with otherness. By critically engaging with perspectives, it prompts deeper questions and fosters a heightened awareness of the limitations inherent (...)
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    Identifying and Censoring Improper Artworks in Carlo Borromeo’s Diocese. The Sixteenth-Century Index of Profane Paintings in the Milan Diocesan Archives.Lea Debernardi - 2023 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 86 (1):159-191.
    Due to the elusive nature of the surviving documentation, it is often difficult to assess in what areas and to what extent the Tridentine prescriptions on sacred images led to acts of censorship directed at works of art. The Milanese diocese at the time of Archbishop Carlo Borromeo (1564–84) stands out as a rare case for which policies concerning the control of sacred art and their practical implementation are relatively well documented. This article examines Borromeo’s legislation on religious artworks (...)
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    The Evangelising Diocese: A Response to Martin Teulan.Neil Ormerod - 2003 - The Australasian Catholic Record 80 (1):62.
  12. Planning for pastoral ministry with Sudanese-Australian Catholics: Perspectives from Sydney archdiocese and parramatta diocese.Anne Benjamin - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):274.
    Benjamin, Anne South Sudanese Catholic communities have been a significant part of the Australian church for nearly two decades, yet it appears little has been published on their pastoral needs. This article responds to this gap in the literature and focuses on current pastoral needs of Australian Sudanese Catholics that emerged from a study recently completed for the Sydney archdiocese and Parramatta diocese. As such, it provides the pastoral context and offers a platform from which appropriate pastoral initiatives might (...)
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    Features evangelistic and missionary activities of Roman Catholic Religious orders in Kyiv-Zhytomyr diocese.Olena Danyliuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:345-350.
    The article deals with the activities of of Roman Catholic Religious Orders in the territory of Kyiv-Zhytomyr Diocese, their role and place on contemporary conditions of Ukrainian state.
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    Etiquetas e comportamentos durante a viagem pastoral de D. Carlos Luiz D’Amour ao sul da Diocese de Cuiabá.Jérri Roberto Marin - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):2137-2167.
    This article studies the etiquette diffusion and the reform of behavior during the pastoral visit of D. Carlos Luiz D'Amour, south of the Diocese of Cuiabá, in 1886. The source is the diary written by the private secretary Canon Bento Severiano da Luz. In such diary, the paths of the party were narrated as well as its major events and achievements, having the bishop as the central character. One of the objectives of the trip was to spread new patterns (...)
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    La construction de l’identité catholique des jeunes filles dans un diocèse de frontière au XVIIIe siècle.Luc Oreskovic - 2006 - Clio 24:75-100.
    Au XVIIIe siècle, en Croatie habsbourgeoise, dans une région de frontière avec l’islam et l’orthodoxie, la jeune fille catholique est l’objet d’une attention particulière. À cet égard, l’instruction confessionnelle qui lui est dispensée dans le diocèse de Senj-Modruš se double d’une protection exercée par le clergé envers les menaces de prosélytisme. La surveillance des mœurs, une méfiance envers les relations interconfessionnelles, la répression des transgressions et la diffusion d’un modèle vertueux par l’iconographie chrétienne permettent de circonscrire l’individu. Ces contraintes sociales (...)
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  16.  22
    Marcilhacy, C., Le diocèse d’Orléans au milieu du XIXe siècle. [REVIEW]J. O’Connor - 1965 - Augustinianum 5 (3):568-568.
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    Destins de religieuses pendant la Révolution française : l’exemple du diocèse de Poitiers.Gwénaël Murphy - 2002 - Clio 15:111-122.
    Le devenir des religieuses, lors de la Révolution française, est encore mal connu. L’historiographie, lorsqu’elle les aborde, insiste sur leurs complaisances supposées à l’égard des prêtres réfractaires et les montre volontiers en victimes de la Terreur (exemple des Carmélites de Compiègne). Ces éclairages successifs masquent la majorité des ex-religieuses qui s’adaptent et consentent à la sécularisation. Dans le cas étudié (le diocèse de Poitiers) les religieuses qui souhaitent le rester, souvent au risque de leur vie, sont une minorité. Le regard (...)
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    Constance as an Ottonian Diocese. The Clerical Princes of the Tenth Century in their Own Estimation. [REVIEW]Michael Horst Zettel - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (2):277-278.
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    Exploring the impact of economic and sociopolitical development on people’s health and well-being: A case study of the Karanga people in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.Sophia Chirongoma - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
    Through an exploration of the collapse of the Zimbabwean health delivery systems during the period 2000–2010, this article examines the Karanga people’s indigenous responses to utano. The first section explores the impact of Zimbabwe’s economic and sociopolitical development on people’s health and well-being. The next section foregrounds the ‘agency’ of the Karanga community in accessing and facilitating health care, especially their utilisation of multiple healthcare providers as well as providing health care through indigenous remedies such as traditional medicine and faith-healing. (...)
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  20. La réception de Vatican II dans le diocèse de Limbourg (Allemagne): Accueil et résistance.O. Hahn - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (1).
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    Youth ministry at the margins and/or centre as space of the other: Reflections on the resolutions of the Anglican dioceses in the Western Cape 2017.John S. Klaasen - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    The End of the Diocese of Constance. The Principality and See of Constance between secularization and suppression (1802/03–1821/27). [REVIEW]Heinz Duchhardt - 1991 - Philosophy and History 24 (1-2):75-75.
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  23.  9
    Reformation movement in the Orthodox dioceses of Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century.S. Gladkyi - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 11:75-80.
    Functional state of the Orthodox Church in the early twentieth century. was depicted in historical literature, usually in gloomy tones. Soviet historians in the contradictions of church life saw manifestations of the "crisis of the church in the conditions of capitalism," and various forms of church and community activity of the clergy endowed epithets with "reactionary" and "Black-Hundred monarchical". As a relic of the cultural past, which slowly died together with its guardian - autocracy, they considered the Orthodox Church and (...)
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  24. A New Light in the East: A History of the Diocese of Broken Bay 1986-2001 [Book Review].Vivienne Keely - 2006 - The Australasian Catholic Record 83 (3):380.
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    Reception of the Second Vatican Council in the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese.Mariya Mayoroshi - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:309-317.
    The idea of ​​this very formulation of the topic arose under the influence of the words of Pope Benedict XVI, which he made in his message to the participants of the International Conference "The Second Vatican Council: Perspectives of the Third Millennium" held in Peru in 2006. The Pontiff called the Cathedral the most important church event of the 20th century and called for the correct interpretation of its documents. They have "the source of genuine renewal", which can be used (...)
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    Pratiques de formation dans le diocèse de Troyes.Didier Noblot - 2005 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 79 (3):354-360.
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    A inf'ncia entre muros na diocese de Braga na Época Moderna - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v19i2.1003.Ricardo Silva & Maria Marta Lobo De Araújo - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (2).
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  28. Faith in our future: Pastoral planning in the diocese of Parramatta.Daniel Ang - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):131.
    Ang, Daniel The Australian Catholic Church confronts serious challenges now and in the immediate years ahead. Chief among these are the recovery of institutional trust, confidence and credibility in the wake of a sexual abuse crisis; the steady decline in religious practice that will reshape the organisation and vitality of parishes markedly in the next decade, and the related and urgent demand of self-reflection; and pastoral and administrative reform, if it is to live its evangelising mission with renewed integrity and (...)
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  29. A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome, in the Diocese of Bath and Wells.William J. E. Bennett - 1852 - Joseph Masters.
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  30. Journeying Together - Reflections on the Experience of Pastoral Planning in the Diocese of Sale.Jim D'Orsa - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):131.
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    From Lateran V to Trent: Reformations of the Religious Orders, Power and Society in a French Diocese: Clermont.Grégory Goudot - 2013 - Franciscan Studies 71:135-146.
    Aspiring to deal with the full complexity of the Catholic reformation, the May 2012 workshop in Bologna placed a particular focus on the reform of religious orders in the first half of the sixteenth century. While it is true that internal reform initiatives instigated by the Church or highly placed Church officials were important and should be considered, this, in my view, is an issue that should not only be addressed from a narrow institutional perspective. For this reason, the Libellus (...)
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    Pour un Oriens Christianus Novus: Répertoire des diocèses syriaques orientaux et occidentauxPour un Oriens Christianus Novus: Repertoire des dioceses syriaques orientaux et occidentaux.Amir Harrak & Jean Maurice Fiey - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):160.
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    The decline of priestly vocations and its impact on the local Church.[An informal version of this paper was given at the clergy seminar of the diocese of Broken Bay (1996)].John Hill - 1997 - The Australasian Catholic Record 74 (2):164.
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    Transformation within the HIV/aids Context: Lessons from the Fikelela Initiative in the Diocese of Cape Town.Rachel Mash, Jessie Rogers & Samuel Kareithi - 2005 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 22 (2):106-114.
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    Reflexión sobre la sinodalidad en misión. A propósito del XIV Sínodo de la diócesis de Coria-Cáceres / Reflect on synodality in mission. About XIVth Synode of Diocese of Coria-Cáceres.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2017 - Cauriensia 12:443-465.
    La diócesis de Coria-Cáceres ha celebrado su XIV Sínodo diocesano. El presente artículo pretende señalar algunas claves teológicas sobre la sinodalidad eclesial recogida en el derecho canónico y extraer algunas consecuencias sobre la sinodalidad de la Iglesia en misión que pueda ayudar a discernir las claves pastorales de una Iglesia diocesana en el siglo XXI.
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    Missão inculturada na cidade: O percurso do sínodo diocesano da diocese de santo André.Luciano José Dias - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):113-124.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo desenvolver uma breve análise sobre o Sínodo Diocesano, orquestrado e vivido pela Igreja particular de Santo André, no ABC Paulista, no período de 2016-2017. Ele reflete o significado e a importância de um Sínodo dentro de uma Igreja tipicamente urbana, seus desafios e suas urgências, suas inspirações e finalidades; seu lema, “o sonho missionário de chegar a todos”, o sonho salvífico de Deus, que para isso se encarna na realidade humana, inculturando-se em uma determinada (...)
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    Pastoral planning in Maitland/Newcastle diocese: signs of life and hope?Patricia Egan - 1996 - The Australasian Catholic Record 73 (4):422.
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  38. [Flamboyant Rouergue, Clergy and Parishoners of the Diocese of Rodez, 1417-1563-French-Lamaitre, N].Jean-François Gilmont - 1991 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 22 (1):74-76.
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    Singing and Worship in an Anglican Church Liturgy in Egba and Egba West Dioceses, Abeokuta, Nigeria.Israel O. O. Odewole - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1).
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    Implementation of the ideas of the Second Vatican Council by the Roman Catholic Church on the example of the Kyiv-Zhytomyr diocese.Oleksandr Pyvovarskyy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 66:318-326.
    2012 is 50 years since the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, which gave impetus to the processes of renewal of church life that would meet the needs of the present. Church councils throughout the years of existence of the Christian Church solved the questions of the truth of faith, the organization of church life. The twentieth century has become the age of globalization, epochal discoveries in the natural sciences, the exacerbation of environmental problems, the moral crisis of human society (...)
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  41. The epic scholarship of Irfan Shahid: An epic history of the pre-islamic arabs and their relations with byzantium from Constantine the great to heraclius and the islamic conquests of the byzantine diocese of oreins.Speros Vryoncis - 2009 - Byzantion 79:435-452.
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  42. A Report on the Age Profile of Diocesan Priests Currently Working in Ireland's Dioceses (Dublin.E. O'Mahony - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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    Jean LeBlanc, Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada. Les diocèses catholiques canadiens des Églises latines et orientales et leurs évêques. Repères chronologiques et biographiques 1658-2002. Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur Ltée (coll. « Gratianus », série « Instruments de recherche »), 2002, 890 p.Jean LeBlanc, Dictionnaire biographique des évêques catholiques du Canada. Les diocèses catholiques canadiens des Églises latines et orientales et leurs évêques. Repères chronologiques et biographiques 1658-2002. Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur Ltée (coll. « Gratianus », série « Instruments de recherche »), 2002, 890 p. [REVIEW]Gilles Routhier - 2003 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 59 (2):397-398.
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    A New World In A Small Place: Church And Religion In The Diocese Of Rieti, 1188–1378. [REVIEW]Christopher L. Brooke - 1995 - Speculum 70 (1):124-127.
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  45. Catherine Chène, Juger les vers: Exorcismes et procès d'animaux dans le diocèse de Lausanne (XVe–XVIe s.). (Cahiers Lausannois d'Histoire Médiévale, 14.) Lausanne: Section d'histoire, Université de Lausanne, 1995. Paper. Pp. 194. [REVIEW]H. C. Erik Midelfort - 1999 - Speculum 74 (1):142-143.
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    Margaret Bowker. The Secular Clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln 1495-1520. Cambridge University Press, 1968. pp. xii-253. 45s. net. [REVIEW]Jean Rouschausse - 1970 - Moreana 7 (1):91-92.
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    (1 other version)La percepción en torno a la música en los informes parroquiales del obispado de Durango (1813-1814)The appreciation about music of the parish priests of the Diocese of Durango. [REVIEW]Massimo Gatta - 2019 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Pavel Krafl, Synody a statuta olomoucké diecéze období středovĕku [Medieval synods and statutes of the diocese of Olomouc]. (Opera Instituti Historici Pragae, B/2.) Prague: Historický ústav Akademie vĕd ČR, 2003. Pp. 272 plus 24 black-and-white plates; black-and-white frontispiece, black-and-white figures, 13 tables, and 1 map. [REVIEW]Howard Kaminsky - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):220-220.
  49. Thomas Head, Hagiography and the Cult of Saints: The Diocese of Orléans, 800–1200.(Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4/14.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xvii, 342; 2 figures, 2 maps. $59.50. [REVIEW]Julia M. H. Smith - 1992 - Speculum 67 (3):683-685.
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    Valerie Lamon Zuchuat, Trois pommes pour un mariage: L'église et les unions clandestines dans le diocèse de Sion, 1430–1550. Lausanne: Section d'histoire, Université de Lausanne, 2008. Paper. Pp. iii, 304; black-and-white figures and tables. [REVIEW]Megan Armstrong - 2010 - Speculum 85 (3):699-701.
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