Results for ' Necessity and Contingency'

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  1.  15
    Purposiveness, Necessity, and Contingency.Philippe Huneman - 2014 - In Eric Watkins & Ina Goy (eds.), Kant's Theory of Biology. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 185-202.
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    The Necessity and Contingency of Universal History.Craig Lundy - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 10 (1):51-75.
    _ Source: _Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 51 - 75 History occupies a somewhat awkward position in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Although they often criticise history as a practice and advance alternatives that are explicitly anti-historical, such as ‘nomadology’ and ‘geophilosophy’, their scholarship is nevertheless littered with historical encounters and deeply influenced by historians such as Fernand Braudel. One of Deleuze and Guattari’s more significant engagements with history occurs through their reading and theory of universal history. (...)
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    Historical Necessity and Contingency.Yemima Ben-Menahem - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 120–130.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Necessity and Contingency as Degrees of Stability Necessity (Contingency) and Description Cleopatra's Nose and Other Category Mistakes Making a Difference Emplotment Prophets of Contingency References.
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  4. Nomic necessity and contingency.George N. Schlesinger - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149):379-391.
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    Necessity and Contingency in the Philosophy of Parmenides.James L. Wood - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):421-454.
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  6. Necessity and Contingency in Hegel’s Science of Logic.Stephen Houlgate - 1995 - The Owl of Minerva 27 (1):37-49.
    In this essay I propose to examine Hegel’s account of necessity and contingency in the Science of Logic. Anyone who dares to take Hegel’s Logic seriously in public risks being accused by legions of formal logicians of “elementary logical fallacies”. Nevertheless, John Burbidge, Dieter Henrich, and others have demonstrated that it is possible to discuss the Logic with clarity and intelligibility, and I shall endeavor to emulate their example as best as I can. One should take heed, however; (...)
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    Purposiveness, Necessity, and Contingency.Philippe Huneman - 2013 - In Ina Goy & Eric Watkins (eds.). De Gruyter. pp. 185-202.
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    Necessity and contingency.M. J. Cresswell - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (2):145 - 149.
    The paper considers the question of when the operator L of necessity in modal logic can be expressed in terms of the operator meaning it is non-contingent that.
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    Facticity, necessity and contingency at Aristotle and Husserl.Irene Breuer - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (1):133-149.
    In his book Welt und Unendlichkeit, László Tengelyi has enquired into the possibility of a phenomenological metaphysics. Among the many issues addressed in his book, he thematized a real necessity of a non-apriori kind at Aristotle and Husserl, a necessity which he called „a necessity of the fact“. His research settled the basis for the present enquiry, which will examine the relationship between the absolute and the conditional necessity of a fact as well as the contingent (...)
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    Between Necessity and Contingency.Dilek Huseyinzadegan - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    In this essay, I argue for a revival of Adorno and Horkheimer’s critical philosophy of history on account of the fact that their construction articulates both the necessity of various aspects of our current socio-political conditions given the past tendencies of rationality and domination, and the contingency of the present miseries by problematizing the continuous historical narratives that justify a certain version of the present. After demonstrating that the accomplishment of critical philosophy of history has to be located (...)
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    Bridging Necessity And Contingency In Quantum Mechanics: Potentiality, Actuality, and the Scientific Rehabilitation of Process Ontology.Michael Epperson - 2016 - In David Ray Griffin, Michael Epperson & Timothy E. Eastman (eds.), Physics and speculative philosophy: potentiality in modern science. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 55-106.
    Through both an historical and philosophical analysis of the concept of possibility, we show how including both potentiality and actuality as part of the real is both compatible with experience and contributes to solving key problems of fundamental process and emergence. The book is organized into four main sections that incorporate our routes to potentiality: (1) potentiality in modern science [history and philosophy; quantum physics and complexity]; (2) Relational Realism [ontological interpretation of quantum physics; philosophy and logic]; (3) Process Physics (...)
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    Necessity and Relative Contingency.Claudio Pizzi - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (3):395-410.
    The paper introduces a contingential language extended with a propositional constant τ axiomatized in a system named KΔτ , which receives a semantical analysis via relational models. A definition of the necessity operator in terms of Δ and τ allows proving (i) that KΔτ is equivalent to a modal system named K□τ (ii) that both KΔτ and K□τ are tableau-decidable and complete with respect to the defined relational semantics (iii) that the modal τ -free fragment of KΔτ is exactly (...)
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    (1 other version)Necessity and contingency in Leibniz.Dennis Fried - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (4):575-584.
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    Contingency, necessity and freedom in the Reportatio I-A of John Duns Scotus.Michaël Bauwens - unknown
    John Duns Scotus distinguished the ‘convertible’ transcendentals, from ‘disjunctive’ transcendental pairs The latter are mutually exclusive pairs that together cover all of being. This paper investigates the distinctive modal metaphysical account based on the necessary-contingent pair of disjunctive transcendentals, developed by Scotus in approaching the problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents. Although Scotus commented several times on this problem, only in his Reportatio did he explicitly add a succinct exposition distinguishing between two kinds of contingency and two kinds (...)
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  15. (1 other version)A priori knowledge, necessity, and contingency.Saul A. Kripke - 1987 - In Paul K. Moser (ed.), A priori knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  16. Beyond universality and particularity, necessity, and contingency : on collaboration between legal theory and legal history.Maksymilian del Mar - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban (eds.), Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Necessity or Contingency: The Master Argument.Jules Vuillemin - 1996 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    The Master Argument, recorded by Epictetus, indicates that Diodorus had deduced a contradiction from the conjoint assertion of three propositions. The Argument, which has to do with necessity and contingency and therefore with freedom, has attracted the attention of logicians above all. There have been many attempts at reconstructing it in logical terms, without excessive worry about historical plausibility and with the foregone conclusion that it was sophistic since it directly imperilled our common sense notion of freedom. This (...)
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    A Kantian World Where Necessity and Contingency Intersect - Focusing on Kant’s Philosophy of Consciousness -. 최소인 - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 117:243-260.
    칸트의 선험철학은 의식의 원리를 통해 의식 밖의 세계를 설명하려는 전략에 의해 수행되는 의식철학이다. 이러한 칸트의 의식철학은 사고의 주관적 조건에 불과한 의식의 활동원리가 바로 실재하는 대상 세계의 객관적 질서임을 증명함으로써 완수된다. 따라서 유한한 의식을 통해 세계를 해명하려는 의식철학의 전 증명력을 담지하고 있는 것은 대상 세계의 근본 원리인 의식의 종합적 활동 방식 혹은 활동 원리들이다. 이 의식의 종합적 활동 원리들이 바로 대상 세계의 존립근거이자 대상 세계의 인식근거이다. 그러나 칸트에 따르면 의식의 이러한 활동 원리는 대상 세계의 현실성의 조건이 아니라 가능성의 조건에 불과하다. 칸트는 (...)
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  19. Contingency, Necessity, and Causation in Kierkegaard's Theory of Change.Shannon Nason - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):141-162.
    In this paper I argue that Kierkegaard's theory of change is motivated by a robust notion of contingency. His view of contingency is sharply juxtaposed with a strong notion of absolute necessity. I show that how he understands these notions explains certain of his claims about causation. I end by suggesting a compatibilist interpretation of Kierkegaard's philosophy.
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    The Necessity of Contingency and the Powerlessness of Nature.Raoni Padui - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (3):243-255.
    In this paper I argue that there are two distinct senses of contingency operative within Hegel’s philosophy, and that the failure to sufficiently distinguish between them can lead to a misrepresentation of Hegel’s idealism. The first sense of contingency is the categorical one explicated in the Science of Logic, in which contingency carries the meaning of dependence and conditionality, while the second sense of contingency, predominantly found within the Philosophy of Nature, means irrationality and chance. Not (...)
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  21. Duns Scotus on freedom as a pure perfection: necessity and contingency.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2018 - In Margaret Cameron (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Early and High Middle Ages: The History of the Philosophy of Mind. New York: Routledge.
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    Economic Necessity, Political Contingency and the Limits of Post-Marxism.Ceren Özselçuk - 2014 - Routledge.
    Post-Marxism emerged in the 1970s and 80s as a way to retain certain insights from Marxism while disposing of its indefensible and destructive elements, especially the tendency to reduce all social change to the economic base. This book offers a new and critical reading of post-Marxism, arguing that whilst it convincinly deconstructs the prevalent economism in Marxism as the necessary logic of social reproduction, it nonetheless still retains an ontology of a closed capitalist economy, inhabited by a set of necessary (...)
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  23. Jules Vuillemin, Necessity or Contingency: The Master Argument and Its Philosophical Solutions Reviewed by.Richard Bosley - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (4):299-301.
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    Discerning Necessity Behind Contingency: The Fiction of L.-R. des Forets and Robert Musil.S. Rocheville & E. Mechoulan - 2006 - Substance 35 (1):106-115.
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    Conventional Necessity and the Contingency of Convention.Neil Tennant - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1‐2):79-95.
    SummaryI defend a conventionalist view of logical and mathematical truths against the criticisms of Quine and Stroud. Conventionalism is best formulated by appealing to sense‐conferring rules governing important logical and mathematical expressions. Conventional necessity can be understood as arising from these rules in a way that is immune to Quine's and Stroud's criticisms of the earlier formulation of conventionalism, in which stress was incorrectly laid on axiomatic systems of logic.RésuméJe soutiens, en dépit des critiques de Quine et de Stroud, (...)
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    Althusser and contingency.Stefano Pippa - 2019 - [Place of publication not identified]: MIMESIS International. Edited by Vittorio Morfino.
    This thesis argues that the concept of contingency plays a central role in Althusser's recasting of Marxist philosophy and in his attempt to free the Marxist conception of history from concepts such as teleology, necessity and origin. It is critically placed both against those readings that see the emergence of the problematic of contingency only in the late Althusserm and to the most recent attempts to establish a straightforward continuity in Althusser's work. Drawing on published and unplublished (...)
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    Necessity or Contingency: The Master Argument.Richard Gaskin & Jules Vuillemin - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):627.
    This book is an English version of a book published in 1984 in French, the aim of which was to give a reconstruction of Diodorus Cronus's Master Argument, together with a historical analysis of some of the central modal notions on which it draws. In preparing the English text, Vuillemin has made some changes to the logic of his reconstruction of Diodorus's Argument and added an epilogue. The Master Argument consisted of three premises: Every past truth is necessary, The impossible (...)
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    Remarks on logical necessity and future contingencies.Ann H. Ihrig - 1965 - Mind 74 (294):215-228.
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    Divine necessity and created contingence in Aquinas.Peter Laughlin - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (4):648-657.
  30. Discerning necessity behind contingency: The fiction of L.-R. des forêts and robert musil.Sarah Rocheville & Roxanne Lapidus - 2006 - Substance 35 (1):106-115.
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    The Necessity of Contingency On Effective Reality in Hegel's Science of Logic.Fernando Forero - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:244-265.
    RESUMEN Para Hegel, el rendimiento supremo del pensamiento consiste en hallar un terreno en el cual se pongan en evidencia las dimensiones primarias de la realidad. Por esta vía consigue desarrollar uno de sus planteamientos más interesantes en la Ciencia de la lógica, a saber, el concepto de realidad efectiva. Este artículo elabora esa visión de la realidad comentando cuidadosamente lo que Hegel desarrolla allí. Al final muestra que la realidad absoluta es a la vez diferenciación en multiplicidades existentes e (...)
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  32. Naming and contingency: the type method of biological taxonomy.Joeri Witteveen - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):569-586.
    Biological taxonomists rely on the so-called ‘type method’ to regulate taxonomic nomenclature. For each newfound taxon, they lay down a ‘type specimen’ that carries with it the name of the taxon it belongs to. Even if a taxon’s circumscription is unknown and/or subject to change, it remains a necessary truth that the taxon’s type specimen falls within its boundaries. Philosophers have noted some time ago that this naming practice is in line with the causal theory of reference and its central (...)
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  33. Laws, natures, and contingent necessities.Crawford L. Elder - 1994 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (3):649-667.
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    Hypothetical Necessity and the Laws of Nature: John Locke on God's Legislative Power.Elliot Rossiter - unknown
    The focus of my dissertation is a general and comprehensive examination of Locke’s view of divine power. My basic argument is that John Locke is a theological voluntarist in his understanding of God’s creative and providential relationship with the world, including both the natural and moral order. As a voluntarist, Locke holds that God freely imposes both the physical and moral laws of nature onto creation by means of his will: this contrasts with the intellectualist perspective in which the laws (...)
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    Necessity and Deliberation: An Argument from De Interpretatione 9.Sarah Waterlow Broadie - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):289 - 306.
    In De Interpretatione 9 Aristotle considers the proposition that everything that is or comes to be, is or comes to be of necessity. From the supposition that this is so, he draws the following consequence: ‘[In that case] there would be no need to deliberate or take trouble, [saying] that if we do this there will be so and so, and if we do not do this there will not be so and so’. Finding this result absurd, he rejects (...)
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  36. Quentin Meillassoux: After finitude: an essay on the necessity of contingency, trans. Ray Brassier. London and New York: Continuum, 2008, $27.95 (hb); $19.95 (pb). Graham Harman, Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the making, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011, viii and 247 pp. $110.00 (hb); $32.00 (pb). [REVIEW]Clayton Crockett - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71 (3):251-255.
    Quentin Meillassoux: After finitude: an essay on the necessity of contingency, trans. Ray Brassier. London and New York: Continuum, 2008, 27.95 ( hb );19.95 (pb). Graham Harman, Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the making, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2011, viii and 247 pp. 110.00 ( hb );32.00 (pb). Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-5 DOI 10.1007/s11153-012-9341-x Authors Clayton Crockett, University of Central Arkansas, 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway, AR 72035, USA Journal International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (...)
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    The Contingency of Necessity: Reason and God as Matters of Fact.Tyler Tritten - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Tyler Tritten.
    Argues that that all necessity is consequent, and that reason and God are contingent, albeit eternal, necessitiesFocusing on the central striking claim that there is something rather than nothing - that all necessity is consequent - Tritten engages with a wide range of ancient as well as contemporary philosophers including Quentin Meillassoux, Richard Kearney, Friedrich Schelling, Émile Boutroux and Markus Gabriel. He examines the ramifications of this truth arguing that even reason and God, while necessary according to essence, (...)
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  38. Actuality, Necessity, and Logical Truth.William H. Hanson - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (3):437-459.
    The traditional view that all logical truths are metaphysically necessary has come under attack in recent years. The contrary claim is prominent in David Kaplan’s work on demonstratives, and Edward Zalta has argued that logical truths that are not necessary appear in modal languages supplemented only with some device for making reference to the actual world (and thus independently of whether demonstratives like ‘I’, ‘here’, and ‘now’ are present). If this latter claim can be sustained, it strikes close to the (...)
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    Kenosis, Necessity and Incarnation.Robin Le Poidevin - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):214-227.
    The doctrine of the Incarnation faces the following modal challenge: ‘The Son, as God, exists of necessity; Jesus, as man, exists only contingently. Therefore they cannot be one and the same.’ On the face it, the kenotic model, on which the Son gave up some of the divine properties at the Incarnation, cannot help to meet this challenge, since the suggestion that the Son gave up necessary existence implies that the necessity in question was only contingent, and this (...)
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  40. Nomic necessity and empiricism.John F. Halpin - 1999 - Noûs 33 (4):630-643.
    character. So, we have learned from early on that laws are meant to portray a sort of necessity in nature. The comings and goings described by law are not merely contingently related. Rather, it is part of the concept of law that these events are connected in some significant way: "nomically" connected. One important desideratum for an account of law, then, is that it respect and perhaps explain this modal character.
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    Causality, necessity and the cosmological argument.William J. Wainwright - 1979 - Philosophical Studies 36 (3):261 - 270.
    I distinguish between a causeless being, An essentially causeless being, And a logically necessary being, And argue that only a logically necessary being can provide an adequate answer to the question, "why do contingent and dependent beings exist?" I also argue that recent attempts to show that if a being is essentially causeless, It is logically necessary, Are unsound.
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  42. Spontaneity and Contingency: Kant’s Two Models of Rational Self-Determination.Markus Kohl - 2020 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Will in Classical German Philosophy: Between Ethics, Politics, and Metaphysics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 29-48.
    I argue that Kant acknowledges two models of spontaneous self-determination that rational beings are capable of. The first model involves absolute unconditional necessity and excludes any form of contingency. The second model involves (albeit not as a matter of definition) a form of contingency which entails alternative possibilities for determining oneself. The first model would be exhibited by a divine being; the second model is exhibited by human beings. Human beings do, however, partake in the divine model (...)
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    Necessity and Future-Dependence: ‘Ockhamist’ Accounts of Abraham’s Faith at Paris around 1200.Wojciech Wciórka - 2018 - Vivarium 56 (1-2):1-46.
    This article aims to show that the so-called ‘Ockhamist’ solution to the determinist challenge was a commonplace among Parisian scholastics around 1200. On the ‘Ockhamist’ view, some propositions about the past do not fall under the necessity of the past, since their truth-value depends on the future. The paper focuses on two puzzles involving Abraham’s belief in the future Incarnation. The author discusses the ‘Ockhamist’ strategies adopted by theologians of the period, including Simon of Tournai, Peter of Poitiers, Praepositinus (...)
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    Identity, necessity and a prioricity:The fallacy of equivocation.Maria J. Frápolli - 1992 - History and Philosophy of Logic 13 (1):91-109.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss Kripkc?s reasons for declaring the existence of both necessary a posteriori as well as contingent a priori statements, thus breaking the traditional extensional coincidence of the two pairs of concepts:necessary?contingent and a priori?a posteriori. As I shall argue, there is no reason, from Kripke?s work at least, to reject the usual picture of the topic The appeal ot his arguments rests on the ambiguity with which his expressions are used and on the (...)
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    History and Contingency: A Transcendental-Materialist Approach.M. D. Collett - 2024 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 18 (1).
    How ought the historian to reconcile themselves philosophically with the fact of evental contingency and of its relationship to structural determination? Does the existence of contingent causation undermine the very concept of historical necessity, or do the two instead in dialectical entanglement? In this essay, I engage with the problem of historical contingency from a transcendental-materialist perspective informed by the work of Slavoj Žižek, tendering a philosophically serious response to the famous Pascalian conundrum of Cleopatra’s nose and (...)
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  46. Kripke: names, necessity, and identity.Christopher Hughes - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Saul Kripke, in a series of classic writings of the 1960s and 1970s, changed the face of metaphysics and philosophy of language. Christopher Hughes offers a careful exposition and critical analysis of Kripke's central ideas about names, necessity, and identity. He clears up some common misunderstandings of Kripke's views on rigid designation, causality and reference, and the necessary a posteriori and contingent a priori. Through his engagement with Kripke's ideas Hughes makes a significant contribution to ongoing debates on, inter (...)
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    Apriority, Necessity and the Subordinate Role of Empirical Warrant in Mathematical Knowledge.Mark McEvoy - 2018 - Theoria 84 (2):157-178.
    In this article, I present a novel account of a priori warrant, which I then use to examine the relationship between a priori and a posteriori warrant in mathematics. According to this account of a priori warrant, the reason that a posteriori warrant is subordinate to a priori warrant in mathematics is because processes that produce a priori warrant are reliable independent of the contexts in which they are used, whereas this is not true for processes that produce a posteriori (...)
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  48. Spontaneity and Contingency: Kant’s Two Models of Rational Self-Determination.Markus Kohl - 2020 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Will in Classical German Philosophy: Between Ethics, Politics, and Metaphysics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 29-48.
    I argue that Kant acknowledges two models of spontaneous self-determination that rational beings are capable of. The first model involves absolute unconditional necessity and excludes any form of contingency. The second model involves (albeit not as a matter of definition) a form of contingency which entails alternative possibilities for determining oneself. The first model would be exhibited by a divine being; the second model is exhibited by human beings. Human beings do, however, partake in the divine model (...)
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  49. Grounding is necessary and contingent.Kevin Richardson - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (4):453-480.
    It is common to think that grounding is necessary in the sense that: if P grounds Q, then necessarily: if P, then Q. Though most accept this principle, some give counterexamples to it. Instead of straightforwardly arguing for, or against, necessity, I explain the sense in which grounding is necessary and contingent. I argue that there are two kinds of grounding: what-grounding and why-grounding, where the former kind is necessary while the latter is contingent.
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    Necessity and Determinism in Robert Grosseteste’s De libero arbitrio.Marcin Trepczyński - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):165-176.
    In this paper, the theory of necessity proposed by Robert Grosseteste is presented. After showing the wide range of various kinds of determination discussed by him (connected with: (1) one’s knowledge about the future, (2) predestination, (3) fate, (4) grace, (5) sin and temptation), a different context of Grosseteste’s use of the notion of necessity is analyzed (within logical and metaphysical approaches). At the heart of his theory lie: the definition of necessity, which is that something lacks (...)
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