Results for ' Nicolás Miquea'

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  1.  37
    De la lectura menor a la poética traficante. Primeras anotaciones en torno a la poesía de Tomás Harris y Nicolás Miquea.Ricardo Espinaza Solar - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:11-21.
    From the notion of “minor literature” proposed by Gilles Deleuze, the article comprises a general approach to the writings of the Chilean poets Tomás Harris and Nicolás Miquea, to raise the possibility of a “minor reading”, as an exercise of reflection on both authors. From a broad theoretical approach, the article also explores the identity of poetry as health event, otherness, and relational aesthetics for the conceptual development of a “poetic trafficker”.
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  2. Notes on the Phantom: A Complement to Freud's Metapsychology.Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 13 (2):287-292.
    The belief that the spirits of the dead can return to haunt the living exists either as a tenet or as a marginal conviction in all civilizations, whether ancient or modern. More often than not, the dead do not return to reunite the living with their loved ones but rather to lead them into some dreadful snare, entrapping them with disastrous consequences. To be sure, all the departed may return, but some are predestined to haunt: the dead who have been (...)
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  3. Material Anamnesis and the Prompting of Aesthetic Worlds.Nicolas J. Bullot - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (1):85-109.
    Many scholars view artworks as the products of cultural history and arbitrary institutional conventions. Others construe art as the result of psychological mechanisms internal to the organism. These historical and psychological approaches are often viewed as foes rather than friends. Is it possible to combine these two approaches in a unified analysis of the perception and consciousness of artworks? I defend a positive answer to this question and propose a psycho-historical theory, which argues that artworks are historical and material artefacts (...)
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    The Origins of Fairness: How Evolution Explains Our Moral Nature.Nicolas Baumard - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    In order to describe the logic of morality, "contractualist" philosophers have studied how individuals behave when they choose to follow their moral intuitions. These individuals, contractualists note, often act as if they have bargained and thus reached an agreement with others about how to distribute the benefits and burdens of mutual cooperation. Using this observation, such philosophers argue that the purpose of morality is to maximize the benefits of human interaction. The resulting "contract" analogy is both insightful and puzzling. On (...)
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    The logic of mass expressions.David Nicolas - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  6.  13
    From the Front.Nicolas Aliferis & Avi Sharon - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):123-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Front NICOLAS ALIFERIS (Translated by Avi Sharon) The poems in Nicolas Aliferis’s 1998 collection “From the Front” offer a panorama of postcard views and epistolary voices from across the Greek oikoumene during the years 1897 through 1922. While the title has military tones, they are not all soldier’s letters. In point of fact, this was a period when the territorial limits of Greece, “the Front,” were undergoing (...)
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  7. The Phantom of Hamlet or the Sixth Act: Preceded by the Intermission of "Truth".Nicolas Abraham & Nicholas Rand - 1988 - Diacritics 18 (4):2.
  8. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
  9.  66
    Husserl and the Promise of Time: Subjectivity in Transcendental Phenomenology.Nicolas de Warren - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first extensive treatment of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness. Nicolas de Warren uses detailed analysis of texts by Husserl, some only recently published in German, to examine Husserl's treatment of time-consciousness and its significance for his conception of subjectivity. He traces the development of Husserl's thinking on the problem of time from Franz Brentano's descriptive psychology, and situates it in the framework of his transcendental project as a whole. Particular discussions include the significance of time-consciousness for other (...)
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  10. Wrongs, Rights, and Third Parties.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (2):109-143.
  11.  91
    Could You Have Thought Differently? An Argument Against Free Will.Nicolas Alzetta - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):9-31.
    This paper develops a new argument against free will, understood as the principle of alternative possibilities (PAP). This principle has been central in debates around free will and moral responsibility; however, it is almost always stated in terms of bodily rather than mental action, and it is therefore mainly understood as the possibility to physically act differently, rather than to think differently. The argument presented here is aimed at the latter, which is termed the possibility of alternative thought (PAT). It (...)
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  12.  29
    Modeling Human Syllogistic Reasoning: The Role of “No Valid Conclusion”.Nicolas Riesterer, Daniel Brand, Hannah Dames & Marco Ragni - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):446-459.
    After 100+ years of studying syllogistic reasoning, what have we learned? Well, Riesterer and colleagues suggest that we have learned to throw away most of the data! If that seems like a bad idea to you then, be assured, that the authors agree with you. The sad fact is that the conclusion of “No Valid Conclusion” (NVC) is one of the most frequently selected responses in syllogistic reasoning but these “majority data” have been ignored by most researchers. Riesterer and colleagues (...)
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  13. Keeping track of objects while exploring an informationally impoverished environment: Local deictic versus global spatial strategies.Nicolas J. Bullot, Jacques Droulez & Zenon W. Pylyshyn - unknown
    This study investigates a new experimental paradigm called the Modified Traveling Salesman Problem. This task requires subjects to visit once and only once n invisible targets in a 2D display, using a virtual vehicle controlled by the subject. Subjects can only see the directions of the targets from the current location of the vehicle, displayed by a set of oriented segments that can be viewed inside a circular window surrounding the vehicle. Two conditions were compared. In the “allocentric” condition, subjects (...)
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  14. The direct relational model of object perception.Nicolas J. Bullot - unknown
    This text aims at presenting a general characterization of the act of perceiving a particular object, in a framework in which perception is conceived of as a mental and cognitive faculty having specific functions that other faculties such as imagination and memory do not possess. I introduce the problem of determining the occurrence of singular perception of a physical object, as opposed to the occurrence of other mental states or attitudes. I propose that clarifying this occurrence problem requires making explicit (...)
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  15.  19
    CRISTIAN SABORIDO. Filosofía de la Medicina. Madrid: España: Tecnos, 2020.Nicolás Alarcón - 2023 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 15:129-133.
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  16. The Logic of Contradiction.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (8-10):119-126.
  17. Imaginative Moral Development.Nicolas Bommarito - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):251-262.
    The picture of moral development defended by followers of Aristotle takes moral cultivation to be like playing a harp; one gets to be good by actually spending time playing a real instrument. On this view, we cultivate a virtue by doing the actions associated with that virtue. I argue that this picture is inadequate and must be supplemented by imaginative techniques. One can, and sometimes must, cultivate virtue without actually performing the associated actions. Drawing on strands in Buddhist philosophy, I (...)
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  18.  36
    Perceived Work Conditions and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Meaning of Work.Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, Laurent Sovet, Lin Lhotellier, Annamaria Di Fabio & Jean-Luc Bernaud - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Quantum Chance: Nonlocality, Teleportation and Other Quantum Marvels.Nicolas Gisin - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Copernicus.
    Quantum physics, which offers an explanation of the world on the smallest scale, has fundamental implications that pose a serious challenge to ordinary logic. Particularly counterintuitive is the notion of entanglement, which has been explored for the past 30 years and posits an ubiquitous randomness capable of manifesting itself simultaneously in more than one place. This amazing 'non-locality' is more than just an abstract curiosity or paradox: it has entirely down-to-earth applications in cryptography, serving for example to protect financial information; (...)
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  20.  9
    Del posmodernismo al poshumanismo: presente y futuro del concepto de hibridez en la literatura latinoamericana.Nicolás Balulet - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):323-334.
    Para calificar la estética posmodernista, que responde a la entrada en la era posmoderna, marcada por la ausencia de una visión unitaria y global del mundo, los teóricos de los años 70 privilegiaron el concepto de “heterogeneidad”, que en la década siguiente y parte de los años 90, dejó paso al de “sincretismo”, “mestizaje” o “creolidad”. A partir de los años 90 y, sobre todo, desde la primera década del tercer milenio, el concepto de “hibridez” ocupa un lugar destacado debido, (...)
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    Autonomy integrity: Another way to understand autonomy in psychiatry?Nicolas Foureur & Perrine Galmiche - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (4):178-186.
    The decision to involuntary hospitalize a patient underlines an inherent contradiction in psychiatry between the need for care and the lack of consent to care. The growing importance of respect for...
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    Metafilosofía jurídica de los siglos XX y XXI: ¿un concepto analítico de derecho?Nicolás López - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:42-65.
    This paper aims to offer a metaphilosophical reconstruction of Law in the analytic tradition of the twentieth and twentieth-one century first fifteen years, in order to determine the identity of the “analytic concept of law”. To do that I will use three argumentative axes. The first will clarify the distinction between the Continental and Anglo-Saxon focuses on twentieth century analytical legal philosophy. The second axis will emphasize the methods and purposes of the latter, from the publication of Hart’s The Concept (...)
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  23. Carl G. Hempel," Filosofía de la ciencia natural".Diego Ribes Nicolás - 1975 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):526-528.
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    La intolerante tolerancia. Notas a la crítica Straussiana al liberalismo.Nicolás Patrici - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:359-377.
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    Has punishment played a role in the evolution of cooperation? A critical review.Nicolas Baumard - 2010 - Mind and Society 9 (2):171-192.
    In the past decade, experiments on altruistic punishment have played a central role in the study of the evolution of cooperation. By showing that people are ready to incur a cost to punish cheaters and that punishment help to stabilise cooperation, these experiments have greatly contributed to the rise of group selection theory. However, despite its experimental robustness, it is not clear whether altruistic punishment really exists. Here, I review the anthropological literature and show that hunter-gatherers rarely punish cheaters. Instead, (...)
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  26. Weird people, yes, but also weird experiments.Nicolas Baumard & Dan Sperber - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):84-85.
    Henrich et al.’s article fleshes out in a very useful and timely manner comments often heard but rarely published about the extraordinary cultural imbalance in the recruitment of participants in psychology experiments and the doubt this casts on generalization of findings from these “weird” samples to humans in general. The authors mention that one of the concerns they have met in defending their views has been of a methodological nature: “the observed variation across populations may be due to various methodological (...)
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    The Mid-Century Biophysics Bubble: Hiroshima and the Biological Revolution in America, Revisited.Nicolas Rasmussen - 1997 - History of Science 35 (3):245-293.
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  28. Explaining moral religions.Nicolas Baumard & Pascal Boyer - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (6):272-280.
  29.  36
    Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment.Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):129-148.
    This study investigates the social–psychological mechanisms leading individuals in organizations to engage in environmental citizenship behaviors, which entail keeping abreast of, and participating in, the environmental affairs of a company. Informed by the corporate greening and organizational behavior literature, we suggested that an employee’s level of involvement in the management of a company’s environmental impact was the overt manifestation of his or her discretionary sense of commitment to environmental concerns in the work context, and that such commitment developed through the (...)
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  30.  13
    Gnoseología del perspectivismo corporal en Leibniz.Juan Antonio Nicolás - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:135-150.
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    La distinction entre noms massifs et noms comptables.David Nicolas - 2002 - Editions Peeters.
    Cet ouvrage est consacre a l'etude de la distinction linguistique entre noms massifs (lait, mobilier, desordre, amour...) et noms comptables (chat, equipe, combat, chose...). Les premiers sont normalement invariables, tandis que les seconds s'emploient librement au singulier et au pluriel. Apres avoir etabli qu'il s'agit bien d'une distinction morpho-syntaxique, l'ouvrage discute la possibilite de caracteriser semantiquement cette distinction. Les recherches existantes ne tiennent compte, essentiellement, que des noms s'appliquant au domaine materiel. Ce travail, au contraire, examine en detail aussi bien (...)
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    The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy.Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features 20 essays that explore how Latin medieval philosophers and theologians from Anselm to Buridan conceived of habitus, as well as detailed studies of the use of the concept by Augustine and of the reception of the medieval doctrines of habitus in Suàrez and Descartes. Habitus are defined as stable dispositions to act or think in a certain way. This definition was passed down to the medieval thinkers from Aristotle and, to a lesser extent, Augustine, and played a (...)
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    A Context‐Dependent Bayesian Account for Causal‐Based Categorization.Nicolás Marchant, Tadeg Quillien & Sergio E. Chaigneau - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13240.
    The causal view of categories assumes that categories are represented by features and their causal relations. To study the effect of causal knowledge on categorization, researchers have used Bayesian causal models. Within that framework, categorization may be viewed as dependent on a likelihood computation (i.e., the likelihood of an exemplar with a certain combination of features, given the category's causal model) or as a posterior computation (i.e., the probability that the exemplar belongs to the category, given its features). Across three (...)
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    A Brief Introduction to Constructive Type Theory.Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman - 2018 - In Nicolas Clerbout, Ansten Klev, Zoe McConaughey & Shahid Rahman (eds.), Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 17--55.
    Martin-Löf’s Constructive Type Theory (CTT) is a formal language developed in order to reason constructively about mathematics. It is thus a formal language conceived primarily as a tool to reason with rather than a formal language conceived primarily as a mathematical system to reason about. Constructive Type Theory is therefore much closer in spirit to Frege’s ideography and to the language of Russell and Whitehead’s Principia Mathematica than to the majority of logical systems (“logics”) studied by contemporary logicians. Since CTT (...)
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    Numerical Methods, Complexity, and Epistemic Hierarchies.Nicolas Fillion & Sorin Bangu - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):941-955.
    Modern mathematical sciences are hard to imagine without appeal to efficient computational algorithms. We address several conceptual problems arising from this interaction by outlining rival but complementary perspectives on mathematical tractability. More specifically, we articulate three alternative characterizations of the complexity hierarchy of mathematical problems that are themselves based on different understandings of computational constraints. These distinctions resolve the tension between epistemic contexts in which exact solutions can be found and the ones in which they cannot; however, contrary to a (...)
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  36. Relativized realizability in intuitionistic arithmetic of all finite types.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (1):23-44.
  37. The small improvement argument.Nicolas Espinoza - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):127 - 139.
    It is commonly assumed that moral deliberation requires that the alternatives available in a choice situation are evaluatively comparable. This comparability assumption is threatened by claims of incomparability, which is often established by means of the small improvement argument (SIA). In this paper I argue that SIA does not establish incomparability in a stricter sense. The reason is that it fails to distinguish incomparability from a kind of evaluative indeterminacy which may arise due to the vagueness of the evaluative comparatives (...)
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    Explaining Person Identification: An Inquiry Into the Tracking of Human Agents.Nicolas J. Bullot - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (4):567-584.
    To introduce the issue of the tracking and identification of human agents, I examine the ability of an agent to track a human person and distinguish this target from other individuals: The ability to perform person identification. First, I discuss influential mechanistic models of the perceptual recognition of human faces and people. Such models propose detailed hypotheses about the parts and activities of the mental mechanisms that control the perceptual recognition of persons. However, models based on perceptual recognition are incomplete (...)
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    Byllis (Albanie).Nicolas Beaudry, Pierre-Marie Blanc, Michel Bonifay, Ylli Cerova, Pascale Chevalier, M. Haxhimihali, Elio Hobdari, Agron Islami, Tony Kozelj, Skënder Muçaj, Etleva Nallbani, Marie-Patricia Raynaud, Manon Savard, Jean-Pierre Sodini, Isabelle Tassignon, Catherine Vanderheyde & Manuela Wurch-Koželj - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):659-684.
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    Pluralisme identitaire et gouvernance autochtone : le Nunavut, un modèle ?Nicolas Blanc - 2012 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale (vol. 14, n° 1).
    Comment se concilient gouvernance autochtone et pluralisme identitaire dans le cas particulier du Nunavut ? Ces deux termes ont été forgés dans le cadre théorique du constitutionnalisme libéral, qui rend la conciliation soit impossible, soit contradictoire ; une exigence éthique conduit à repenser les termes de la question. L’histoire particulière du Nunavut, ainsi que les stratégies contentieuses identitaires, m’ont permis de le qualifier de modèle de gouvernance autochtone moderne. S’appuyant sur une forme de pluralisme juridique, rapidement le pluralisme dialogique est (...)
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    Tibetan Philosophy.Nicolas Bommarito - 2010 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  42.  18
    La part sémiotique de l’anthropologie des modernes.Nicolas Couégnas & Aurore Famy - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):435-454.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Is there a place for psychedelics in philosophy?Nicolas Langlitz - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):373-384.
    Based on anthropological fieldwork on the revival of hallucinogen research as well as on the epistemic culture of neurophilosophy, this Common Knowledge guest column examines two very different philosophical engagements with psychedelic drugs. In Thomas Metzinger's evidence-based philosophy of mind, hallucinogens help to operationalize questions about the nature of consciousness. While this project contributes to the great divide between empirically enlightened moderns and tradition-oriented premoderns, Metzinger's neurophilosophical reanimation of the ancient conception of philosophy as cultura animi can build a bridge (...)
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    Epistemic arithmetic is a conservative extension of intuitionistic arithmetic.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):192-203.
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    Asian Elephant Conservation: Too Elephantocentric? Towards a Biocultural Approach of Conservation.Nicolas Lainé - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (4):279-293.
    Drawing from the example of Asian elephant conservation in Laos, this article primarily intends to reveal the elephantocentric vision adopted by mainstream conservation project in direction to the species. In the second part, I will present some ethnographic notes collected among local population who daily live and work with pachyderms. These notes will help in opening up a broader and more ecocentric approach of elephant conservation by highlighting links between biological and cultural diversity. By revealing the cosmo-ecological view of elephants (...)
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    À qui le droit de taxer? Être membre d’un État et les enjeux fiscaux qui en découlent.Allison Christians & Nicolas Benoît-Guay - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):127-132.
    Christians, Allison, Benoît-Guay, Nicolas.
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  47. Seeing Clearly: A Buddhist Guide to Life.Nicolas Bommarito - 2020 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Many of us, even on our happiest days, struggle to quiet the constant buzz of anxiety in the background of our minds. All kinds of worries--worries about losing people and things, worries about how we seem to others--keep us from peace of mind. Distracted or misled by our preoccupations, misconceptions, and, most of all, our obsession with ourselves, we don't see the world clearly--we don't see the world as it really is. In our search for happiness and the good life, (...)
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    Punishment is not a group adaptation.Nicolas Baumard - 2011 - Mind and Society 10 (1):1-26.
    Punitive behaviours are often assumed to be the result of an instinct for punishment. This instinct would have evolved to punish wrongdoers and it would be the evidence that cooperation has evolved by group selection. Here, I propose an alternative theory according to which punishment is a not an adaptation and that there was no specific selective pressure to inflict costs on wrongdoers in the ancestral environment. In this theory, cooperation evolved through partner choice for mutual advantage. In the ancestral (...)
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    Attending to Race Does Not Increase Race Aftereffects.Nicolas Davidenko, Chan Q. Vu, Nathan H. Heller & John M. Collins - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  50. The influence of suggestibility on memory.Serge Nicolas, Thérèse Collins, Yannick Gounden & Henry L. Roediger Iii - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):399-400.
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