936 found
  1. An Alexandrian Christian Response to Fifth-Century Neoplatonic Influence.E. Watts - 2005 - In Peter Brown, Andrew Smith & Karin Alt, The philosopher and society in late antiquity: essays in honour of Peter Brown. Oakville, CT: Distributor in the U.S., David Brown Bk. Co.. pp. 215--229.
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    Schools that deliver.John Edwards - 2016 - Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin, a SAGE Publishing Company. Edited by Bill Martin.
    Real change and real results for your school This book provides the practical tools and implementation guide to become a school that delivers. It fills the gap between intention and delivery. Every process in the book has been tested and refined across six countries. The book shares how to: blend research and practice to deliver results that matter in schools. develop a strong culture of leadership, trust and alignment. address the frustrations currently felt by teachers in a positive, productive (...)
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  3. Ammonius hermeiou and his school.David Blank & I. Life - 2010 - In Lloyd P. Gerson, The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--654.
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    Remembering events and representing time.Alexandria Boyle - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2505-2524.
    Episodic memory—memory for personally experienced past events—seems to afford a distinctive kind of cognitive contact with the past. This makes it natural to think that episodic memory is centrally involved in our understanding of what it is for something to be in the past, or to be located in time—that it is either necessary or sufficient for such understanding. If this were the case, it would suggest certain straightforward evidential connections between temporal cognition and episodic memory in nonhuman animals. In (...)
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    City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria[REVIEW]Robbert van den Berg - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (2):457-459.
  6. Mirror Self‐Recognition and Self‐Identification.Alexandria Boyle - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (2):284-303.
    That great apes are the only primates to recognise their reflections is often taken to show that they are self-aware—however, there has been much recent debate about whether the self-awareness in question is psychological or bodily self-awareness. This paper argues that whilst self-recognition does not require psychological self-awareness, to claim that it requires only bodily self-awareness would leave something out. That is that self-recognition requires ‘objective self-awareness’—the capacity for first person thoughts like ‘that's me’, which involve self-identification and so are (...)
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    Religion, counterprivates, and disabilites.Alexandria Griffin & Terry Shoemaker - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (3):266-283.
    This article contributes to the emerging intersectional analyses of religious studies and disability studies by conceptualizing counterprivates specific to religious spaces. To accomplish this task, we investigate the ways in which persons with disabilities, both physical and cognitive, engender counterprivate spaces within Evangelical and Mormon churches. Specifically, we posit that those with disabilities constitute a counterprivate within evangelical communities through theological incongruence and within Mormon spaces through the ways in which counterprivates inform counterpublics. Throughout this paper, we elucidate Mormon and (...)
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  8. Designing a just soda tax.Douglas MacKay & Alexandria Huber-Disla - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (2):353-373.
    Soda taxes are controversial. While proponents point to their potential health benefits and the public projects that could be funded with their revenue, critics argue that they are paternalistic and regressive. In this paper, we explore the prospects for designing a just soda tax, one that appropriately balances the often-competing ethical considerations of promoting social welfare, respecting people’s autonomy and ensuring distributive fairness. We argue that policymakers have several paths forward for designing a just soda tax, but that the considerations (...)
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    How Place and Audience Matter: Perspectives on Mathematics Plural Identities from Late 1950s French and English Middle School Textbooks.Catherine Radtka - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (4):473-521.
    ArgumentIn this paper, I argue that studying school textbooks is a fruitful way to investigate mathematical conceptions in different national contexts. These sources give access to the written production of an extended mathematical milieu whose members write for various audiences. By studying the case of late 1950s French and English textbooks issued for a growing audience of 11- to 15-year-old pupils, I show that a plurality of conceptions was projected at the time onto pupils and their teachers in both (...)
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    Functional organization, analogy, and inference.William Wimsatt - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman, Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 173--221.
  11. Tomas Sanchez and late scholastic thought on marriage and political virtue.Christoph Haar - 2016 - In Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher & Anselm Spindler, The concept of law (lex) in the moral and political thought of the 'School of Salamanca' / edited by Kirstin Bunge, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher, and Anselm Spindler. Boston: Brill.
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    Integrating Science and Society through Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research.Alexandria Poole - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (3):295-312.
    Long-term ecological research (LTER), addressing problems that encompass decadal or longer time frames, began as a formal term and program in the United States in 1980. While long-term ecological studies and observation began as early as the 1400s and 1800s in Asia and Europe, respectively, the long-term approach was not formalized until the establishment of the U.S. long-term ecological research programs. These programs permitted ecosystem-level experiments and cross-site comparisons that led to insights into the biosphere’s structure and function. The holistic (...)
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    Activity Engagement and Cognitive Performance Amongst Older Adults.Alexandria N. Weaver & Susanne M. Jaeggi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research supporting cognitive reserve theory suggests that engaging in a variety of cognitive, social, and physical activities may serve as protective factors against age-related changes in mental functioning, especially if the activities are cognitively engaging. Individuals who participate in a variety of cognitive activities have been found to be more likely to maintain a higher level of cognitive functioning and be less likely to develop dementia. In this study, we explore the relationship between engaging in a variety of activities and (...)
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  14. Conjoined twinning & biological individuation.Alexandria Boyle - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (8):2395-2415.
    In dicephalus conjoined twinning, it appears that two heads share a body; in cephalopagus, it appears that two bodies share a head. How many human animals are present in these cases? One answer is that there are two in both cases—conjoined twins are precisely that, conjoined twins. Another is that the number of humans corresponds to the number of bodies—so there is one in dicephalus and two in cephalopagus. I show that both of these answers are incorrect. Prominent accounts of (...)
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  15. Philosophy schools across Australia.Liz Fynes-Clinton Kate Kennedy White, Jill Howells Lynne Hinton, Daniel Smith Emmanuel Skoutas & Matthew Wills - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton, Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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  16. Brazilian high school teachers' approaches to and departures from scientific knowledge when teaching evolutionary theories.Rita Tatiana Cardoso Erbs & Olma Karolina Cruz de Medeiros - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook, Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Neoplatonic Sailors and Peripatetic Ships: Aristotle, Alexander, and Philoponus.Jorge Mittelmann - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (4):545-566.
    The Opening Chapter of De Anima II, in which Aristotle outlines an extremely general and universally applicable characterization of the soul (κοινότατος λόγος), closes with a perplexing comparison, which seems to contradict the general drift of that definiens1. After carefully arguing that the body-soul relation is a token of the hylomorphic model, which accounts for the substantial unity of every natural compound, Aristotle writes, “[F]urther, it remains unclear [ἄδηλον] whether the soul may not be the actuality of its body in (...)
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    Philosophers and Schools.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2009 - In The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics. Princeton University Press. pp. 511-516.
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    Jane Berger.Uncommon Schools - 2005 - In Shelley Tremain, _Foucault and the Government of Disability_. University of Michigan Press. pp. 153.
  20. Organisation, Emergence and Cambridge Social Ontology.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2020 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50 (3):391-408.
    John Searle has mistakenly claimed that emergence is the central concept in the account of social ontology defended by Tony Lawson, the central figure in the project now regularly referred to as Cambridge Social Ontology. This is not the case. Rather, if any concept can be considered central for Lawson, it is organisation. In this paper, I explain how Searle could misunderstand Lawson and, in doing so, I bring out the importance of organisation for understanding how phenomena, both social and (...)
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    Namyung Josick's Theory and an inclination for Yangming School.Son Young-Sick - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 36:1-35.
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    Integrating gender into human service organization, administration, and planning curricula.Mary K. Rodwell - 1998 - In Josefina Figueira-McDonough, Ann Nichols-Casebolt & F. Ellen Netting, The role of gender in practice knowledge: claiming half the human experience. London: Garland. pp. 1086--287.
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  23. Analogy, cases, and comparative social organization.Diane Vaughan - 2014 - In Richard Swedberg, Theorizing in Social Science: The Context of Discovery. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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  24. Biological Organization.Leonardo Bich - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Living systems are complex systems made of components that tend to degrade, but nonetheless they maintain themselves far from equilibrium. This requires living systems to extract energy and materials from the environment and use them to build and repair their parts. They do so by regulating their activities on the basis of their internal and external conditions in ways that allow them to keep living. The philosophical and theoretical approach discussed in this book aims to explain these features of biological (...)
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    Neoplatonic Providence and Descent: a Test-Case from Proclus’ Alcibiades Commentary.D. A. Vasilakis - 2019 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (2):153-171.
    This article deals with the complex relation between providence and descent in Neoplatonism, with particular reference to Proclus and especially his Commentary on the First Alcibiades. At least according to this work, descent is only a species of providence, because there can be providence without any descent. Whereas the gods provide for our cosmos without descending to it, a large group of souls provide for our cosmos by descending to it. The former kind of providence is better than the latter, (...)
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    Explanatory organization and psychiatric resilience: Challenges to a mechanistic approach to mental disorders.Raffaella Campaner - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (1):128-144.
    : This contribution aims to address epistemological issues at the crossroads of philosophy of science and psychiatry by reflecting on the notions of organization and resilience. Referring to the debate on the notion of “organization” and its explanatory relevance in philosophical neo-mechanistic theories, I consider how such positions hold up when tentatively applied to the mental health context. More specifically, I show how reflections on psychiatric resilience, cognitive reserve, and accommodation strategies challenge attempts to embrace a mechanistic perspective (...)
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    Outstanding school administrators: their keys to success.Frederick C. Wendel - 1996 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Edited by Fred A. Hoke & Ronald Joekel.
    Presents the insights and attitudes elicited from 491 K-12 administrators designated as outstanding by those in leadership positions.
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    Suits on make-believe games.Micah D. Tillman Core Division, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, Ca & Usa - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    While Bernard Suits's understanding of games has significantly influenced the philosophy of sport, the longest sustained investigation in The Grasshopper is of make-believe and roleplaying games. Suits’s discussion of make-believe and roleplaying is found in chapters 9 through 12, but what he says there is uncharacteristically unclear. To clarify Suits’s account, the present paper distinguishes between two arguments that Suits interweaves. In the first, Suits argues that game playing is not a species of play. In the second, Suits argues that (...)
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  29. Order, organisation and entropy.Martin J. Klein - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 4 (14):158-160.
  30. Communication, Organisation, and Science.Jerome Rothstein - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (39):258-258.
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    (1 other version)International organization: theories and institutions.J. Samuel Barkin - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Primarily focused on the theoretical aspects of International Organization, this book provides an in-depth examination of competing theories through thematic chapters. Intended to fill the gap between introductory textbooks and primary sources of theory, International Organization , is useful for upper-level international relations courses with a significant emphasis on theory.
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    And school organization, 188.Bildung-Centered Didaktik, Critical-Constructive Didaktik, Geisteswissenschaftliche Piidagogik & Bildungstheoretische Didaktik See - 2000 - In Ian Westbury, Stefan Hopmann & Kurt Riquarts, Teaching as a reflective practice: the German Didaktik tradition. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 341.
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    A Whole‐School Approach to Address Youth Radicalization.Dianne Gereluk - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (3):434-451.
    Schools are increasingly being asked to identify and monitor youth who may be susceptible to recruitment toward radical groups. Rather than asking teachers to identify at-risk behaviors, Dianne Gereluk argues here that a whole-school approach may help to foster belonging and connection among youth that is not additive, but a central component of safe and inclusive schools. Whole-school approaches attend to the different power relationships that occur within the school community, focusing on the classroom environment, the school (...), and the broader school environment. Insofar as radicalization is partly a response to the perception of exclusion and oppression, these factors may go some way toward mitigating the appeal of extremism. (shrink)
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    Self-learning and self-organization as tools for speech research.R. I. Damper - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):262-263.
    Locus equations offer promise for an understanding of at least some aspects of perceptual invariance in speech, but they were discovered almost fortuitously. With the present availability of powerful machine learning algorithms, ignorance -based automatic discovery procedures are starting to supplant knowledge-based scientific inquiry. Principles of self-learning and self-organization are powerful tools for speech research but remain somewhat under-utilized.
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    Philosophical Organization Theory.Haridimos Tsoukas - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume explores key concepts that have gained currency in organization studies, and revisits traditional concepts such as change, strategy, and organization. It discusses organizational knowledge, judgment, and reflection-in-action, and suggests complex forms of theorizing that do justice to the complexity of organizations.
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    Realistic Organisation?Jonathan Joseph - 1998 - Historical Materialism 3 (1):85-94.
    These are difficult times for the Marxist Left and many tough questions are being asked. Unfortunately two extremes often come to the fore. One position takes an ultra-revisionist course, questioning the very foundations of Marxism. Another takes a profoundly dogmatic approach, defending orthodoxy in knee-jerk fashion.
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  37. International organization: polity, politics and policies.Volker Rittberger - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Bernhard Zangl.
    International organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the European Union and the World Bank play an increasing role in international politics. This broad-ranging and up-to-date textbook provides a theoretical and empirical introduction to the politics and policies of such organizations.
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    When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Toward Further Symbioses.Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):643-672.
    ABSTRACT:Organization theory and business ethics are essentially the positive and normative sides of the very same coin, reflecting on how human cooperative activities are organized and how they ought to be organized respectively. It is therefore unfortunate that—due to the relatively impermeable manmade boundaries segregating the corresponding scholarly communities into separate schools and departments, professional associations, and scientific journals—the potential symbiosis between the two fields has not yet fully materialized. In this essay we make a modest attempt at (...)
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    Class Choreographies. Elite Schools and Globalization.John Howlett - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (1):135-137.
    This multi-authored volume presents the findings and conclusions drawn from a large-scale funded project exploring elite schools within various global settings including those in Hong Kong, India,...
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  40. Remake school chaplaincy as a proper welfare program or scrap it.William Isdale & Savulescu - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 115:20.
    Isdale, William; Savulescu, Julian The High Court of Australia, for the second time, recently found that the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program is funded unconstitutionally, and so is invalid in its current form. The program, though, can be reconstituted through tied grants to state governments. The question is, should it be? While the NSCSWP serves some legitimate policy objectives, the program in its pre-existing form is objectionable for at least two reasons. It should either be revived as a (...)
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    Where Teachers Thrive: Organizing Schools for Success.Susan Moore Johnson - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _2020 PROSE Award Winner, Education Theory Category 2019 Outstanding Academic Title, _Choice_ In _Where Teachers Thrive_, Susan Moore Johnson outlines a powerful argument about the importance of the school as an organization in nurturing high‐quality teaching._ Based on case studies conducted in fourteen high-poverty, urban schools, the book examines why some schools failed to make progress, while others achieved remarkable results. It explores the challenges that administrators and teachers faced and describes what worked, what didn’t work, and (...)
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    Aesthetics, Organization, and Humanistic Management.Monika Kostera & Cezary Wozniak - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book is a reaction to the reductionist and exploitative ideas dominating the mainstream contemporary management discourse and practice, and an attempt to broaden the horizons of possibility for both managers and organization scholars. It brings together the scholarly fields of humanistic management and organizational aesthetics, where the former brings in the unshakeable focus on the human condition and concern for dignity, emancipation, and the common good, while the latter promotes reflection, openness, and appreciation for irreducible complexity of existence. (...)
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  43. Late modern civil society.Nicholas Onuf - 2005 - In Randall D. Germain & Michael Kenny, The idea of global civil society: politics and ethics in a globalizing era. New York: Routledge.
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  44. Professor Reiner Schürmann Lectures, 1975-1993.Reiner Schürmann, Pierre Adler & N. New School for Social Research York - 1994 - Microfilmed for the New School for Social Research by Preservation Resources.
    This is not a work of mine. For some reason, I am unable to remove it from my page. It is a list of Dr. Reiner Schürmann's lecture notes for courses that he taught at the New School for Social Research (aka The New School).
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    Adaptive Machine Learning Systems in Medicine – More Learner, Less Machine.Anthony P. Weiss Harvard Medical School - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):80-82.
    Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2024, Page 80-82.
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    La Vie et l'Organisation des Communautés Bouddhiques Modernes de CeylanLa Vie et l'Organisation des Communautes Bouddhiques Modernes de Ceylan.I. B. Horner, André Bareau & Andre Bareau - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (1):57.
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    Histoire de l'Organisation Judiciaire en Pays d'Islam.Gustave von Grunebaum & Emile Tyan - 1939 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 59 (4):519.
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  48. High school English-as-a-foreign-language teachers’ emotional labor and job satisfaction: A latent profile analytical approach.Shenhai Zhu & Maojie Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have primarily used variable-centered approaches to explore correlations between English-as-a-foreign-language teachers’ emotional labor and outcome variables. A fundamental but unresolved question is whether teachers employ multiple emotional labor strategies in the workplace. This study used the latent profile analysis to explore the profiles of EFL teachers’ emotional labor and the relationship between the profiles and job satisfaction based on a questionnaire survey of 365 high school EFL teachers in China. The results indicated the existence of three emotional labor (...)
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    Understanding organization as process: theory for a tangled world.Tor Hernes - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    Organization in a tangled world -- Process views of organization -- Alfred North Whitehead on process -- Bruno Latour on relativizing the social, and the becoming of networks -- Niklas Luhmann on autopoiesis and recursiveness in social systems -- James March on decision processes and organization : a logic of streams -- Karl Weick on organizing and sensemaking -- A scheme for process based organizational analysis -- Some implications for organizational analysis.
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    "School Reforms, Culture Wars, and National Consolidation: Uruguay and Belgium, 1860s-1915".Jens R. Hentschke - 2023 - História 56 (1):255-290.
    Uruguay is a prime example of how a peripheral country creatively digested foreign experiences and became not only Latin America’s first welfare state democracy, but also a pioneer of free, compulsory, and lay education, the work of two political generations, positivist varelistas and Krausist batllistas. This article, based on new archival sources, contemporary newspapers, official publications, and monographs by protagonists argues that one of their consistent reference points, largely ignored in historiography, was Belgium, a country founded almost at the same (...)
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