Results for ' Pacific philosophies'

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    (1 other version)The role of the Christian philosopher.Pacific L. Hug - 1958 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 32:34-53.
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  2. Correlative Thinking in Pacific Island (Micronesian) Cultural Philosophies.James Sellmann - 2021 - Pacific Asia Inquiry: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 11:154-175.
    To continue the project of explicating Pacific values and worldviews, this paper focuses on correlative thinking in some of the cultural philosophies of the Pacific islands, especially Micronesia. Correlative thinking differs, in degree, from scientific and academic logic that emphasize the truth-value of statements. After examining aspects of correlative thinking in Bali and the Philippines, I extract some characteristics of Pacific philosophies from cultural practices, myths, and beliefs. Unlike William Alkire (Alkire, 1972), I find that (...)
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  3. People of the Land: A Pacific Philosophy.John Patterson - 2000 - Dunmore Press.
    This sequel to Exploring Maori Values develops the idea that humans can and need to become 'people of the land' in the Maori sense, developing a harmonious interdependence with the environment in which we live rather than continuing to dominate it. Although arising out of Maori concepts, this is a model for human life which is available to any culture.
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    Philosophy and Democracy in Asia and the Pacific.Laurance Splitter - 1997 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (3):6-16.
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    College of the Pacific Publications in Philosophy, Volume III. [REVIEW]H. A. L. - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (7):191-192.
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    Art in the Asia-Pacific: intimate publics.Larissa Hjorth, Natalie King & Mami Kataoka (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    As social, locative, and mobile media render the intimate public and the public intimate, this volume interrogates how this phenomenon impacts art practice and politics. Contributors bring together the worlds of art and media culture to rethink their intersections in light of participatory social media. By focusing upon the Asia-Pacific region, they seek to examine how regionalism and locality affect global circuits of culture. The book also offers a set of theoretical frameworks and methodological paradigms for thinking about contemporary (...)
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    Firstlight: from the Renaissance to romanticism in Europe and the Pacific.Luke Strongman - 2015 - New York: Nova Publishers.
    The chapters of this book discuss in differing ways the transition in the second millennium of the Common Era from the Renaissance, through Enlightenment and subsequently, Romanticism, with a focus in Europe and the Pacific from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries. The book highlights salient features of each movement, using examples from the lives and works of critical exponents of each artists, poets, playwrights, philosophers, engineers, navigators, and explorers. The aim has been to impart knowledge of each period, (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to David Boersema, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116.Michael J. Almeida, Maria Rosa Antognazza, Kim Atkins, Catriona Mac-Kenzie, Randall E. Auxier, Phillip S. Seng, Desmond Avery & H. E. Baber - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (4):427.
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    Defending Japan's Pacific war: the Kyoto School Philosophers and post-white power.David Williams - 2004 - New York, N.Y.: RoutledgeCurzon.
    This book puts forward a revisionist view of Japanese wartime thinking. It seeks to explore why Japanese intellectuals, historians and philosophers of the time insisted that Japan had to turn its back on the West and attack the United States and the British Empire. Based on a close reading of the texts written by members of the highly influential Kyoto School, and revisiting the dialogue between the Kyoto School and the German philosopher Heidegger, it argues that the work of Kyoto (...)
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  10. On Comparative Philosophy.Noel S. Pariñas & Noel Pariñas - 2023 - Synkretic Journal of Indo-Pacific Philosophy 4 (April 2023):129-231. Translated by Daryl Morini.
    What is Comparative Philosophy? -/- Synkretic: Journal of Indo-pacific Philosophy.
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    Wanted: A Pacific Charter.Taraknath Das - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (4):586-591.
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    Penser la paix économique : au-delà de l’harmonie sociale, les conditions de pacification de l’économie.Fiona Ottaviani & Dominique Steiler - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):83-113.
    Cet article propose une contribution théorique afin de penser la paix dans le champ de l’économie. Nous mettons en exergue que les conditions de pacification des relations socio-économiques demeurent en partie impensée par la discipline économique qui a pourtant consacré une part de ses analyses à la question de l’harmonie sociale. Codes JEL : A1, B13, B15, N01.
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    European Vision and the South Pacific, 1768-1850: A Study in the History of Art and Ideas.Bernard Smith & Bernard William Smith - 1969 - Oxford University Press USA.
    "Discusses the European interpretation of the Pacific in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It considers the work of artists attached to scientific voyages of discovery and exploration from the time of Cook to the time of Dumont d'Urville and elucidates the ways in which their work is related to the scientific interestes and prevailing ideas of their eras."--Book jacket.
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    Cinq types de paix: une histoire des plans de pacification perpétuelle: XVIIe-XXe siècles.Bruno Arcidiacono - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Au cours des quatre derniers siècles, les projets de pacification permanente de l’Europe, ou du monde entier, ont constitué un véritable genre littéraire. À un premier niveau, le plus superficiel, le livre offre une vue panoramique de ces projets, depuis le « Grand Dessein » attribué à Henri IV jusqu’à la Charte de l’ONU, en passant par les propositions de William Penn, de l’abbé de Saint-Pierre, d’Emmanuel Kant, du comte de Saint-Simon et de tant d’autres, célèbres, moins connus ou oubliés. (...)
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  15. Reflections on Staff Development in the Pacific Northwest.Dale Cannon - 1989 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 10 (2).
    This essay is an attempt to share the experience of staff developers in Philosophy for Children within the Pacific Northwest. I write as the Director of Philosophy for Children, Northwest, located on the campus of Western Oregon State College in Monmouth, Oregon, in which capacity I have been coordinating staff development in Philosophy for Children within the Pacific Northwest since 1981. Currently, both Liz Lyell of Seattle, Washington, and John Thomas of Portland, Oregon, work with me in staff (...)
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  16. Theory of mind in the Pacific: Reasoning across cultures.Jürg Wassmann, Birgit Träuble & Joachim Funke (eds.) - 2013 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    The ascription of desires or beliefs to other people is a milestone of human sociality. It allows us to understand, explain, and predict human behaviour. During the last years, research on children's knowledge about the mental world, better known as theory of mind research, has become a central topic in developmental psychology and the role of cultural impact is subject of various theoretical yet hitherto few empirical accounts. This book is the result of intensive collaboration between anthropologists and psychologists in (...)
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    Web U2: Emerging Online Communities and Gendered Intimacy in the Asia-Pacific region.Larissa Hjorth - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (2):117-124.
    Unquestionably, the zeitgeist of Web 2.0 is symbolized by the dominance of social networking sites (SNS) and user-created content (UCC). MySpace, Facebook, and Cyworld mini-hompy are but a few examples of SNS that are becoming increasingly part of urban everyday life and interwoven into the historicity of the Internet. Web 2.0 has promised much about new forms of participation, creation, collaboration, and authorship, and yet within each location, we can find examples of both empowerment and exploitation. This is particularly the (...)
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  18.  15
    Australia: A Mid-level Imperialist in the Asia-Pacific.Tom Bramble - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):65-100.
    Australia, long seen as a remote outpost of the British Empire in the South Pacific and more recently as a loyal lieutenant of Washington, does not fit the traditional image of an imperialist country. Nonetheless, while it may not be one of the big three or four world powers, it is, I will argue, a mid-level imperialist that leverages its alliance with the United States to project power over its region. It has been and remains reliant on foreign capital, (...)
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  19.  30
    Commentary on Pacific L. Hug.Gebon Fournelle - 1958 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 32:53-54.
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    American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Annual Meeting.Desmond J. Fitzgerald - 1958 - Modern Schoolman 35 (4):295-296.
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    Lifelong Learning: A Pacification of ‘Know How’. [REVIEW]Katherine Nicoll & Andreas Fejes - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (4):403-417.
    A tendency of previous studies of lifelong learning to focus on learning and learning subjectivities may have led to an underestimation of potential effects in terms of a system of knowledge constitutive processes that operates powerfully to shape our societies. In this paper we explore lifelong learning and practices in the construction of knowledge at the point where a new relationship is being attempted between university courses and workplaces through programmes for learning. Drawing from Foucault and others we argue a (...)
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  22. The Pacific War in Papua New Guinea: Memories and Realities. [REVIEW]Peter Dennis - 2008 - South Pacific Journal of Philosophy and Culture 9.
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    Higher Education Access in the Asia Pacific: Privilege or Human Right?Prompilai Buasuwan & Christopher S. Collins (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This edited volume offers empirical, evaluative, and philosophical perspectives on the question of higher education as a human right in the Asia Pacific. Throughout the region, higher education has grown rapidly in a variety of ways. Price, accessibility, mobility, and government funding are all key areas of interest, which likely shape the degree to which higher education may be viewed as a human right. Although enrollments continue to grow in many higher education systems, protests related to fees and other (...)
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    Right Relations and the Pacification of Natural Right.Gary B. Herbert - 1992 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 66:229-240.
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    European vision and the south Pacific.Bernard Smith - 1950 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 13 (1/2):65-100.
  26. Malaria in the Southwest Pacific in World War II.M. E. Condon-Rall - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:51-70.
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    Study on the Pacific thought of Catholic Church and ‘the Right to Peace’ - A Conception of a New Peace Principle of the Korean Society -. 심현주 - 2020 - The Catholic Philosophy 34:5-40.
    현대 가톨릭교회의 평화 사상과 국제사회의 ‘평화권’ 운동은 모 두 ‘보편적 인권’에 기반하는 평화체제’를 강조한다. 가톨릭 평화사 상과 국제사회의 평화운동이 같은 노선 위에서 변화를 가져올 수 있었던 배경은 제2차 세계대전 이후의 사회변화에 있다. 전쟁의 참 상, 빈곤의 고통, 국가 간 갈등을 발생시키는 구조적 폭력의 문제 들은 인권의 문제를 직시하게 만들었다. ‘평화권’에 대한 구상은 더 는 물리적 폭력이 없는 소극적 평화에 만족하지 않고, 경제 사회 문화적인 구조적 폭력을 없애는 적극적 평화개념에 이르렀다. 평 화 만들기를 위한 제안들은 ‘평화롭게 살 권리’와 ‘연대권’으로 개 념화되고 (...)
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  28. The Machine in the Pacific: The Diverse Legacy of Technology.Dt Fitzgerald - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:71-82.
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    Philosophy and discourse of war: conflict of worlds as the limit of Jurgen Habermas’s communicative theory.Yevhen Bystrytsky & Liudmyla Sytnichenko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:64-83.
    The article is a philosophical response to the oped of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas Krieg und Empörung, published by him in the Süddeutsche Zeitung in April 2022. The oped demonstrates the philosopher’s view on ideological disputes and political debates or “indignation” (Empörung) in public sphere in both Germany and the EU concerning an attempt to develop a unanimous policy to help Ukraine with weapons against Russia’s military aggression. The authors presume that Habermas published the accountable message of a responsible (...)
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    The Philosophy of Japanese Wartime Resistance: A Reading, with Commentary, of the Complete Texts of the Kyoto School Discussions of "the Standpoint of World History and Japan".David Williams - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The transcripts of the three Kyoto School roundtable discussions of the theme of 'The standpoint of world history and Japan' may now be judged to form the key source text of responsible Pacific War revisionism. Published in the pages of Chuo Koron, the influential magazine of enlightened elite Japanese opinion during the twelve months after Pearl Harbor, these subversive discussions involved four of the finest minds of the second generation of the Kyoto School of philosophy. Tainted by controversy and (...)
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    The Pan-Pacific Congress and the Study of Sociology.Editor Editor - 1923 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):159.
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    Political philosophy in Japan: Nishida, the Kyoto School and co-prosperity.Christopher S. Goto-Jones - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Nishida Kitaro, originator of the Kyoto School and 'father of Japanese Philosophy' is usually viewed as an essentially apolitical thinker who underwent a 'turn' in the mid-1930s, becoming an ideologue of Japanese imperialism. Political Philosophy in Japan challenges the view that a neat distinction can be drawn between Nishida's apolitical 'pre-turn' writings and the apparently ideological tracts he produced during the war years. In the context of Japanese intellectual traditions, this book suggests that Nishida was a political thinker form the (...)
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    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 3: Phenomenology of Cognition.Ernst Cassirer & Steve G. Lofts - 2020 - Routledge.
    "In his Phenomenology of Cognition, Cassirer provides a comprehensive and systematic account of the dynamic process involved in the whole of human culture as it progresses from the world of myth and its feeling of social belonging to the highest abstractions of mathematics, logic and theoretical physics. Cassirer engages with the most sophisticated and cutting-edge work in fields ranging from ethnology to classics, egyptology and assyriology to ethology, brain science and psychology to logic, mathematics and theoretical physics. His command of (...)
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    Phenomenological Philosophy and Orthodox Christian Scientific Ecological Theology.Allan M. Savage - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (2):1-9.
    Contemporary philosophy, to be useful to Orthodox Christian theology, must capture the “essence” of the divine and human activity in the world in the scientific sense of Edmund Husserl. Scholastic philosophy is no longer an academically privileged supporter of theology in the interpretation of the universe. In its place, this paper suggests that phenomenological philosophy becomes the unique and transcendent partner, as it were, in the interpretive dialogue. The methodological thinking of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger offers a way of (...)
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    Indigenising research: Moanaroa a philosophy for practice.Dion Enari, Jacoba Matapo, Yvonne Ualesi, Radilaite Cammock, Hilda Port, Juliet Boon, Albert Refiti, Inez Fainga’A.-Manu Sione, Patrick Thomsen & Ruth Faleolo - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (11):1044-1053.
    Growing interest in Pacific issues has meant a surge in Pacific research across the globe. Sadly, some research on Pacific people has been done without Pacific knowledge, wisdom and culture. As Pacific researchers, we understand the importance of outputs that interweave our ancestral and cultural wisdom, whilst centring and privileging our people’s narratives. Through the birth of our Moanaroa Pacific Research group, we explore the importance of a research collective which decolonises and re indigenises (...)
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  36. The Effects of Moral Development and Adverse Selection Conditions on Managers’ Project Continuance Decisions: A Study in the Pacific-Rim Region.C. Janie Chang & Sin-Hui Yen - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):347-360.
    According to agency theory, agents base their economic decisions on self-interests when adverse selection conditions exist. However, cognitive moral development theory predicts that ethics/morals may influence decision-makers not to behave egoistically. Rutledge and Karim, 173-184) find both the moral reasoning level of the managers and an adverse selection condition affect a manager's project evaluation decisions significantly. Since prior studies have shown that national culture might influence the application of agency theory in project evaluation, this current study uses a different moral (...)
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  37. Introduction: Science, Technology and the War in the Pacific.R. Macleod - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:1-12.
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    A comparison of ethics of investment professionals: North America versus Pacific rim nations. [REVIEW]H. Kent Baker & E. Theodore Veit - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (8):917-937.
    This study examines the ethical attitudes and practices of securities analysts and portfolio managers from four Pacific Rim countries – Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Thailand – and compares the findings to a similar study of North American investment professionals to identify significant differences. The findings show that many differences exist due to cultural differences and differences in the regulatory environment between the Pacific Rim countries studied and North America.
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    Is King Lear Like the Pacific Ocean or the Washington Monument?James Phelan - 1990 - The Monist 73 (3):421-436.
    There are two prominent features of contemporary literary criticism that give the pluralist his initial direction. First, the field is marked by a multiplicity of discourses: formalism, deconstruction, new historicism, feminism, Marxism, semiotics, psychoanalysis, to name just a few, as well as various syntheses of two or more of these discourses. Second, the dominant activity of literary critics is, as it has been since the rise of the New Criticism in the 1930s, the interpretation of individual texts. When faced with (...)
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  40. From Africa to Zen: An Invitation to World Philosophy.Roger T. Ames, J. Baird Callicott, David L. Hall, Peter D. Hershock, Oliver Leaman, Janet McCracken, Robert A. McDermott, Eric Ormsby, Thomas W. Overholt, Graham Parkes, Roy Perrett, Stephen H. Phillips, Homayoon Sepasi-Tehrani & Jacqueline Trimier - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In the second edition of this groundbreaking text in non-Western philosophy, sixteen experts introduce some of the great philosophical traditions in the world. The essays unveil exciting, sophisticated philosophical traditions that are too often neglected in the western world. The contributors include the leading scholars in their fields, but they write for students coming to these concepts for the first time. Building on revisions and updates to the original, this new edition also considers three philosophical traditions for the first time—Jewish, (...)
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  41. War as peace, peace as pacification.Mark Neocleous - 2010 - Radical Philosophy 159:8.
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    Philosophical studies: Issue from the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, San Francisco, April 2007.Fred Schueler - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 137 (1):1 - 1.
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    Report of the tenth annual meeting of the Pacific division of the american philosophical association.Donald A. Piatt - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (5):124-132.
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    Report of the ninth annual meeting of the Pacific division of the american philosophical association.Donald C. Williams - 1933 - Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):102-108.
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    Report of the eighth annual meeting of the Pacific division of the american philosophical association.Donald Cary Williams - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (5):113-121.
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    Basic jurisprudence and legal philosophy.Stephen Offei - 1998 - Suva, Fiji: School of Law, The University of the South Pacific, IJALS.
    Basic jurisprudence and legal philosophy (Laws of the South Pacific series, no. 3) - Pub: University of the South Pacific, Institute of Justice & Applied Legal Studies, Suva.
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  47. Technological Transfer and the War in the Pacific.Id Rae - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:173-186.
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  48. Combat science: OSRD's postscript in the Pacific.Roy Macleod - 2000 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 207:13-26.
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  49. Vision and Reality in Pacific Religion. [REVIEW]Andrew Murray - 2008 - South Pacific Journal of Philosophy and Culture 9.
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  50. (1 other version)Psychological Expanses of Dune: Indigenous Philosophy, Americana, and Existentialism.Matthew Crippen - forthcoming - In Dune and Philosophy: Mind, Monads and Muad’Dib. London:
    Like philosophy itself, Dune explores everything from politics to art to life to reality, but above all, the novels ponder the mysteries of mind. Voyaging through psychic expanses, Frank Herbert hits upon some of the same insights discovered by indigenous people from the Americas. Many of these ideas are repeated in mainstream American and European philosophical traditions like pragmatism and existential phenomenology. These outlooks share a regard for mind as ecological, which is more or less to say that minds extend (...)
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