Results for ' Padma-rig-ʾdzin'

343 found
  1. Chos thams cad kyi spyir btaṅ dkaʾ baʾi gnas kyi brjed byaṅ gsal bar ston pa rnam graṅs rgya mtshoʾi gter: a detailed explanation of the various concepts and categories of Buddhist philosophy.Padma-rig-ʾdzin - 1977 - Gangtok: Lama Dodrup Sangyay.
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  2. Mdo sṅags spyiʼi dgoṅs ʼgrel.Rig-ʼdzin-Jigs-Med-Gliṅ-Pas Mdzad - 2006 - In Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ (ed.), Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
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  3. v. 17. Mdo sṅags spyiʼi dgoṅs ʼgrel.Rig-ʼdzin-Jigs-Med-Gliṅ-Pa Sogs Kyis Mdzad - 2006 - In Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ (ed.), Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
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  4. Mdo sṅags spyiʼi dgoṅs ʼgrel. Rig-ʼ & Dzin-Jigs-Med-Gliṅ-Pas Mdzad - 2006 - In Rdo-Rje-Tshe-Riṅ (ed.), Gsaṅ chen Sṅa-ʼgyur Rñiṅ-ma-paʼi gsuṅ rab phyogs bsgrigs dri med legs bśad kun ʼdus nor buʼi baṅ mdzod las. [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khaṅ.
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    Blo rigs blo yi sgo ʼbyed dang Rtags rigs chos kyi sgo ʼbyed. Dkon-Mchog-Stan-ʼdzin (ed.) - 2017 - Bylakuppe, Mysore, Karnataka, India: Snga ʼgyur mtho slob mdo sngag rig paʼi ʼbyung gnas gling, Rigs lam rtsom sgrig tshogs chung.
    On Buddhist logic of cognition and reasoning; Rnying-ma-pa tradition.
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    Zhang Bod shes rig gnaʼ deng gsal baʼi me long. Tshul-Khrims-Bstan-ʼdzin - 2017 - Hubli: Rgyal-gshen dpe-skrun-khang.
    Doctrine of Bonpo religion; includes culture and history.
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  7. Bsdus gźuṅ luṅ rigs ñi maʼi zur bkol sogs ñer mkhoʼi yig cha skor źig. Dge-ʼdun-Bstan-ʼdzin - 1999 - [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
    Study on fundamental of Buddhist logic and dialectical studies explaining the difficult points.
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  8. Phyi Rgyal Gyi Tshad Ma Rig Paʼi Źib ʼjug. Ṅag-Dbaṅ-Bstan-ʾ & Dzin (eds.) - 2005 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
    Critical study on philosophical concept of Buddhist logic interpreted by prominent Buddhist logicians; contributed articles.
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    Bsdus tshan rigs lam sgo ʼbyed. Dkon-Mchog-Stan-ʼdzin (ed.) - 2017 - Bylakuppe, Mysore, Karnataka, India: Snga ʼgyur mtho slob mdo sngag rig paʼi ʼbyung gnas gling, Rigs lam rtsom sgrig tshogs chung.
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    Living the season: Zen practice for transformative times.Ji Hyang Padma - 2013 - Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House.
    As the Rig Vedas and Buddhist sutras foretell, as well as the Hopi and Mayan calendars, we are in the midst of complete transformation-ecologically, economically, politically, culturally. This graceful introduction offers creative safe passage through the sometimes overwhelming transition, drawing on ancient and contemporary spiritual practices particularly useful for these times. The endings we experience are always the beginning of something else. Hence author Ji Hyang Padma organizes teachings around the four seasons. In living connected to natural rhythms-the stillness (...)
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    Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan (eds.) - 2009 - Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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  12. Rigs lam gsal byed. Yoṅs-ʼ & Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa - 2006 - Varanasi: Wā-ṇa Badzra-bidyā Dpe-mdzod-khaṅ. Edited by Koṅ-Sprul Blo-Gros-Mthaʼ & -yas.
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  13. Skye dguʼi bdag po la rigs lam gsal byed.Mdzad Pa Po & Yoṅs-ʼdzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa - 2009 - In Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan (eds.), Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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  14. Skye dguʼi bdag po la rigs lam gsal byed.Yoṅs-ʼ Mdzad Pa Po & Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa - 2009 - In Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan (eds.), Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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    Dhammapada. Chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa. Ed. and tr. by Chhi Med Rig Dzin Lama. and Dhammapada. (Tr. into Tibetan from the Pali by dGe-'dun Chos-'phel; tr. into English from the Tibetan by Dharma Publishing Staff). [REVIEW]Bhikkhu Pāsādika - 1989 - Buddhist Studies Review 6 (2):186-191.
    Dhammapada. Chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa. Ed. and tr. by Chhi Med Rig Dzin Lama. (The Dalai Lama Tibeto-Indological Studies Series Vol. IV), Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath 1982. V + 432 pp. Hbk Rs 75, pbk Rs 55. Dhammapada. (Tr. into Tibetan from the Pali by dGe-'dun Chos-'phel; tr. into English from the Tibetan by Dharma Publishing Staff). Dharma Publishing, Berkeley 1985. xii + 381 pp., including four drawings in the style of traditional Tibetan religious art (...)
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  16. Thun moṅ sdud grwaʼi rnam bśad rig paʼi blo sgo ʼbyed paʼi lde mig phas rgol log lta ʼjoms paʼi thog mdaʼ gśen bstan pad tshal rgya paʼi ñi ma źes bya ba bźugs so. Ñi-Ma-Bstan-ʼ & Dzin - 2004 - Solan, H.P.: Gʼyuṅ-druṅ Bon-gyi Bśad-sgrub Dus-sde.
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  17. The collected autobiographical writings and works on Rñiṅ-ma-pa philosophy of Rig-ʼdzin Zil-gnon-dbaṅ-rgyal-rdo-rje. Zil-Gnon-Dbaṅ-Rgyal-Rdo-Rje - 1977 - New Delhi: Tibet House.
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    The concept of svasaṃvedana in Dignāga and Candrakīrti.Tsering Nurboo - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (4):448-465.
    The concept of reflexive awareness (Sanskrit svasaṃvedana or svasaṃvitti, Tibetan rang rig) is considered an important epistemological notion in the Dignāga tradition of Buddhist pramāṇa theory. The traditionally accepted view is that Dignāga advocates Yogācāra’s notion of reflexive awareness in the Pramāṇasamuccaya and Candrakīrti rejects it altogether. By contrast, the present paper revisits Dignāga and Candrakīrti in the context of svasaṃvedana and argues that Dignāga endorses the antarjñeyavādic notion of svasaṃvedana and Candrakīrti does not negate it at the conventional level. (...)
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    Chos brgyud lngaʼi lta baʼi dgongs pa dang Lta mgur a ma ngos ʼdzin dang Lta khrid dran pa bzhi ldan gnyis kyi bkaʼ khrid bzhugs so.Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2022 - [Dharamsala]: Tā-laʼi bla-maʼi dge-rtsa.
    On the tenets of the four main schools of Tibetan Buddhism on based on two texts: "Lta baʼi gsung mgur zab mo" by Lcang-skya II Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje, 1717-1786, and "Lta khrid dran pa bzhi ldan" by Dalai lama VII; teachings delivered by the Dalai Lama on December 19-21, 2006 at Varanasi and at Ser-bye monastery on January 9-10, 2007 respectively.
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    His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama on environment: collected statements.Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2007 - Dharamsala: Environment and Development Desk, Dept. of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration.
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    In my own words: an introduction to my teachings and philosophy.Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho & His Holiness The Dalai Lama - 2008 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House. Edited by Rajiv Mehrotra.
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  22. Srid-zhiʼi rnam-ʼdren Gong-sa skyabs-mgon chen-po mchog nas Slob grwa sogs la shes yon slob sbyong byed sgoʼi skor stsal baʼi bkaʼ slob phyogs bsdebs bzhugs so. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2000 - [Dharamsala]: Bod-gzhung Phyi-dril las-khungs nas dpar bskrun zhus.
    Selection of the Dalai Lama's lectures on education and purposes at various institutions between 1959 and 1999.
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    The Dalai Lama's little book of mysticism: the essential teachings. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2017 - Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company. Edited by Renuka Singh & Robert A. F. Thurman.
    A collection of the Dalai Lama's thoughts on the mystical life.
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    The political philosophy of the Dalai Lama: selected speeches and writings.Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2014 - New Delhi: Rupa Publications. Edited by Subhash C. Kashyap.
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    Professor R.D. Ranade as a mystic.Padmā Kulakarṇī - 1986 - Nimbal R. S.: Shri Gurudev Ranade Samadhi Trust.
    Life and philosophy of Ramchandra Dattatraya Ranade, Indian philosopher.
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  26. (1 other version)Cārvākadarśanaṃ: Bhāratīya bhautikavādaṃ.Ke Padmārāvu - 1991 - Ponnūru, Guṇṭūru Jillā: Lōkāyata Pracuraṇalu.
    On Cārvāka, an exponent of the materialistic school in Indian philosophy.
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    Dpal snga ʾgyur rnying maʾi gzhung lugs chen moʾi skor: Dkon mchog gsum gyi don rnam par bzhag pa mdor bsdus su brjod pa dad paʾi rlabs phreng rnam par gʹyo baʾi chu gter zhes bya ba: Dkon mchog dang las ʾbras la yid ches bskyed paʾi gtam rgyud sna tshogs mdo las gsungs paʾi don snying po bsdus pa yang dag thar lam bgrod paʾi them skas.Zhe-Chen Rgyal-Tshab Padma-ʼgyur-Med-Rnam-Rgyal - 2015 - [Cazadero, CA]: Dharma Publishing. Edited by Tarthang.
    On the fundamentals of Buddhist doctrines; including explation of the karmic law of cause and effect with stories.
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  28. Tshad maʼi mdo sde.Padma-Dkar-Po - 1968
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    Zab don gdams paʾi mig ʾbyed Gser gyi thur am: a detailed exegesis of the ʾBras-spuṅs Blo-gsal-gliṅ tradition of commentatorial treatment of Madhyamika philosophy according to the yig-cha of Paṇ-chen Bsod-nams-grags-pa.Padma-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1984 - Mundgod, Karnataka: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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    Pedagogy and Diversity: Difference or Deficit.Padma M. Sarangapani - 2022 - Journal of Human Values 28 (1):20-28.
    Schools—their curriculum and pedagogy—assume the middle-class child as the norm, effectively rendering other childhoods and life-worlds as being deficient. Shifting away from this assumption, and acknowledging diversity, is usually understood as requiring an ‘attitudinal’ shift on the part of teachers. Teachers are usually held ‘guilty’ of having negative attitudes towards children of the poor. Explanations for the pedagogy generally then refer to these attitudes, and ‘corrective action’ then attends to an attitudinal change. The idea of ‘multiple childhoods’ is gaining influence (...)
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    Social upliftment through bio-energy plantation and employment generation.Padma Vasudevan, Satyawati Sharma, Mira Madan, R. C. Maheshwari & P. Chaturvedi - forthcoming - Bio-Energy for Rural Energisation (Proceedings of the National Bio-Energy Convention-95 on Bio-Energy for Rural Energisation, Orgainised by Bio-Energy Society of India, During December 14-15, 1995 Ai Iit New Delhi).
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    Designing a Mobile-Messaging App-Based Teachers’ Community of Practice in India.Padma M. Sarangapani & Bindu R. Thirumalai - 2023 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 43 (1-2):32-41.
    A mobile-based messaging app (MMA) was implemented as a teachers’ community of practice in the Indian context through a large-scale educational initiative. The development process adopted a Design-based Research approach to test underlying theories in real-world settings. The researchers theorised the pedagogical affordances of the MMA Telegram using Davis and Chouinard's theoretical framework of affordances, defined as a relational process among users, designers, the environment, and the artefact. This paper discusses the iterative design process in detail. The findings showed that (...)
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  33. 365 Dalai Lama: daily advice from the heart. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2012 - Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads. Edited by Matthieu Ricard.
    A collection of meditations and personal advice on living a better life. These teachings give you an opportunity to feel the focus and presence of the Dalai Lama in your every day. The meditations are grouped by focus, such as "meditations on criticizing others"; "meditations on the family"; and "meditations on faith".
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  34. Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin paʼi man ngag gyi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs paʼi rgyan gyi ʼbru ʼgrel de nyid snang baʼi ʼod: a word to word commentary on Abhisamayālaṁkara ; and, Dbu ma ʼjug paʼi ʼbru ʼgrel zab don snan baʼi ʼod.: a work elucidating the fundamentals of Madhyamika philosophy.Bstan-ʾdzin-ʾphrin-Las-Kun-Mkhyen - 1986 - Dharamsala, H.P., India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Edited by Bstan-ʾdzin-ʾphrin-Las-Kun-Mkhyen & Maitreyanātha.
    Commentaries on the Abhisamayālaṅkāra (ascribed to Maitreyanātha) and Madhyamakāvatara of Candrakīrti.
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  35. Gleanings from the Śrībhāṣya.Padma Narasimhan - 1996 - Madras: Śrī Viśiṣṭādvaita Research Centre.
    Commentary on Śrībhāṣya, fundamental work of the Viśiṣṭādvaita school in Hindu philosophy by Rāmānuja, 1017-1137.
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    Dpyod ldan sñiṅ mun sel baʾi ñin byed =.Padma-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1994 - Mundged, U.K., Karnataka: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
    Critical analysis of Pramana (Buddhist logic) subject.
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  37. Sri Aurobindo and Dogri Literature.Padma Sachdev - 1974 - In Aurobindo Ghose, Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K. (eds.), Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. pp. 151.
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    Aesthetic theories of India.Padma Sudhi - 1983 - Poona, India: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.
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    (3 other versions)Kleine Weltgeschichte der Philosophie.Hans Joachim Störig - 1950 - Stuttgart,: W. Kohlhammer.
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    Bkaʼ slob snying gi nor bu. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 201u - Bylakuppe, Dist Mysore, K.S.: Ven. Gyaltsen Tender. Edited by Thub-Bstan-Yar-ʼphel.
    Selected speeches of XIV Dalai Lama approaches on humunity, universal responsibility, moral ethics, and environmental protection along with Tibetan political issue on middle way approach.
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  41. Grub mthaʼi rnam bśad: goṅ sa skyab mgon bcu bźi pa chen poʼi bkaʼ khrid. Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2009 - Dharamsala, H.P.: Bod-kyi Dpe-mdzod-khaṅ.
    His Holiness teachings on the philosophical positions (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hinduism.
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  42. Mi tsheʾi mdun lam: spyi nor goṅ sa skyabs mgon chen mchog nas stsal baʾi bkaʾ slob gces btus.Bstan-ʾdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 1995 - Dharamsala: Phyi-dril dpar skrun.
    Collection of speeches extracted from different sources on human morality.
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    Spyi nor gong sa skyab mgon chen po mchog nas grub mthaʼ rin chen phreng baʼi bkaʼ khrid gnang ba bzhugs so.Dalai Lama Xiv Bstan-ʼdzin-Rgya-Mtsho - 2009 - Dharamsala: Sku-bcar Rnam-pa-rgyal-na Phan-bde Legs-bshad-gling Grwa-tshang gi Shes-yon Lhan-tshogs nas dpar skrun dang ʼgrems spel zhus. Edited by Thub-Bstan-Yar-ʼphel.
    Commentary on Grub paʼi mthaʼi rnam par bzhag pa rin po cheʼi ʼphreng ba text authored by ʼJam-dbyangs-bzhad-pa II Dkon-mchog ʼJigs-med-dbang-po,1728-1791.
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    Blo gsal dgaʾ bskyed sñiṅ gi nor bu: a detailed exegesis of the ʾBras-spuṅs Blo-gsal-gliṅ tradition of commentatorial treatment of Prajñāpāramita philosophy according to the yig-cha of Paṇ-chen Bsod-nams-grags-pa.Padma-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1980 - Mundgod: Drepung Loseling Library Society.
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  45. Charvaka darshan: ancient Indian dalit philosophy.Ke Padmārāvu - 1997 - Guntur, A.P.: The author.
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    Navam and the Kaṛṇāṭak group kṛtis.N. K. Padma - 2002 - New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, Distributors. Edited by Līlā Ōñcēri.
    With reference to significance of number nine in the musical compositions of Carnatic music of India; a study.
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  47. Śrībhāṣyavidvadgoṣṭhī: upanyastaprabandhānāṃ saṅkalanam. Padmāśēkhar & K. E. Devanathan (eds.) - 2019 - Melukoṭe: Saṃskr̥ta-Saṃśodhana-Saṃsat.
    Contributed seminar papers on Śrībhāṣya of Rāmānuja, 1017-1137.
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  48. Tshad ma mdo daṅ sde bdun gyi don gtan la phab paʾi bstan bcos rje btsun ʾjam paʾi dbyaṅs kyi dgoṅs rgyan.Padma-Dkar-Po - 1968 - [Sukia Pokhri: Nawang Chhodak Gyatso.
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    Historia universal de la filosofía.Hans Joachim Störig - 1960 - [Santiago de Chile]: Ercilla. Edited by Manfredo Kempff Mercado.
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    Symbols of art, religion, and philosophy.Padma Sudhi - 1988 - New Delhi, India: Intellectual Pub. House.
    Tries To Analyse 9 Symbols As Represented In The Art Forms, Religion And Philosophies Of India-These Symbols Are; Rudraksha, Cakra, Prabha-Mandlas, Mudra, Salagrama, Svastika, Sikhara, Circumambulation And Philosopher`S Stone. In Short This Book Tries To Discover India Through Symbols.
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