Results for ' Pastoral Psikoloji'

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  1.  14
    Pastoral Care and Counseling in Turkey: Fields, Possibilities and Methods: The Case of the Presidency of Religious Affairs.Ömer Söylev - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (1):583-584.
    In this study, religious counseling and guidance services in our country, applications, opportunities and methods were examined in terms of the psychology of religion. Including the theoretical framework and survey application, this study basically consists of two parts, the mental state of people under threat, religious services focuses on the issues of how to provide assistance. The theoretical part consists of two parts, the first conceptual framework of religious counseling and guidance, including approaches have been devised in pastoral psychology. (...)
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    Dini Danışma ve Rehberliğin Temel Kavramları ve Tarihi Arka Planı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Ömer Söylev - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):255-296.
    Psikolojinin bir bilim dalı olarak ortaya çıktığı 19. yüzyıla kadar, insana dair sorunlar, felsefi bir yorumla ele alınmıştır. Zaman içinde pozitivizm, materyalizm gibi felsefe akımlarının yön vermesiyle psikoloji bilimi kendine ait kavram ve yöntemlere sahip olmuştur. Bu süreçte bilimde hâkim olan paradigmaların etkisiyle din, uzun bir dönem bilimsel araştırmaların dışında tutulmuştur. Bilim adamalarının dine karşı olumsuz tutumlarına rağmen, Hıristiyan din adamaları felsefe ve psikoloji gibi alanlardaki bilimsel gelişmeleri yakından takip etmişlerdir. Kilise hizmetleri çerçevesinde geleneksel olarak sürdürülen “pastoral (...)
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    Working Experiences of Religious Oriented Traditional Healers in Türkiye and Their Assessments on the Mental Health Field and Professionals.Esra Eraydi̇n, Gamze Çakir & Ömer Miraç Yaman - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (65):571-604.
    This study aims to examine the perspectives of healers who specialize in jinx hit, evil eye touch, and the recitation of sacred verses or prayers for individuals experiencing mental health issues, and whether they collaborate with mental health experts. Using the qualitative research method, data were collected from 20 healers with depth interviews and observation techniques. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive analysis in the 2022 Qualitative Data Analysis Program in Maxquda. According to the results of the research; it (...)
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  4. Ministerios laicales y Comunidades de Base. La renovacion pastoral de la Iglesia en América Latina in Les laïcs dans l'Eglise d'aujourd'hui.F. -A. Pastor - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (1-2):267-305.
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    La transformación del sistema de fuentes del Derecho en la emergencia pandémica.Baldassare Pastore - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
    La gestión de la emergencia pandémica ha amplificado algunas tenden-cias en marcha en la estructura actual de las fuentes del derecho. La discipli-na jurídica se configura en un contexto caracterizado por la convivencia y el concurso de varias fuentes y múltiples sujetos reguladores. Esto produce una relativización del principio de tipicidad de las formas y de las fuerzas nor-mativas, así como una creciente variedad de las reglas jurídicas, que oscure-ce su orden jerárquico. El sistema de las fuentes se desestructura, se (...)
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    Comprehension of Generalized Conversational Implicatures by Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.Gemma Pastor-Cerezuela, Juan C. Tordera Yllescas, Francisco González-Sala, Maite Montagut-Asunción & María-Inmaculada Fernández-Andrés - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344660.
    This study evaluates the comprehension of generalized conversational implicatures (GCI) in children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD), using a GCI test constructed based on the Levinson model, which distinguishes between three types of implicatures: type Q (or scalar: “what is not referred to does not occur”); type I (“by default, it is not necessary to say what can be assumed”); and type M (“if someone is expressing something in a not very simple or marked way, it is because (...)
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    Selective History Of Theories Of Visual Perception, 1650-1950.Nicholas Pastore - 1971 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  8. Il solipsismo.Annibale Pastore - 1925 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 100:148-149.
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  9. La filosofía del derecho: su porqué y para qué.Ismael Peidró Pastor - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:307-322.
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    (1 other version)La Volontà dell'Assurdo. Storia e Crisi dell'Esistenzialismo.Annibale Pastore - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (15):448-449.
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    El desplazamiento de la filosofía de Jacques Derrida.José Bernal Pastor - 2001 - Granada: Universidad de Granada.
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    Measuring Distribution Similarities Between Samples: A Distribution-Free Overlapping Index.Massimiliano Pastore & Antonio Calcagnì - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  13. Las cenizas del testimonio: notas para una aproximación a la cuestión del testimonio en Derrida.José Carlos Bernal Pastor - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 37 (113):79-100.
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    Side Effects or Symptoms? The Feeling of Self-Estrangement in DBS Patients.Luigi Pastore, Giuseppe Saracino, Marco Innamorati & Sara Dellantonio - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (4):58-60.
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    La impropiedad del morir.José Carlos Bernal Pastor - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19:27-42.
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  16. The Concept of Vital Energy Among Andean Pastoralists.Andean Pastoralism - 1996 - In R. F. Ellen & Katsuyoshi Fukui (eds.), Redefining nature: ecology, culture, and domestication. Washington, D.C.: Berg. pp. 187.
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    Teoría de los algoritmos lineales de convergencia y de sumación.Julio Rey Pastor - 2006 - Logroño: Gobierno de la Rioja, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos. Edited by Emilio Fernández Moral, Antonio J. Duran & Luis Español González.
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  18. Goal Preferences, Affect, Activity Patterns and Health Outcomes in Women With Fibromyalgia.Maria-Angeles Pastor-Mira, Sofía López-Roig, Fermín Martínez-Zaragoza, Eva León, Ester Abad, Ana Lledó & Cecilia Peñacoba - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Sullo Swiluppo delle Operazioni Logiche Dipendenti solo dal Numero Degli Enti.Annibale Pastore - 1942 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):174-174.
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    Why International Criminal Law Can and Should be Conceived With Supra-Positive Law: The Non-Positivistic Nature of International Criminal Legality.Nuria Pastor Muñoz - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (2):381-406.
    International criminal law (ICL) is an achievement, but at the same time a challenge to the traditional conception of the principle of legality (_lex praevia_, _scripta_, and _stricta_ – Sect. 1). International criminal tribunals have often based conviction for international crimes on unwritten norms the existence and scope of which they have failed to substantiate. In so doing, they have evaded the objection that they were applying _ex post facto_ criminal laws. This approach, the relaxation of the concept of law (...)
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  21. De nuevo el Príncipe.Miguel A. Pastor - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
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  22. Estado y partidos en el pensamiento de Benedetto Croce.Francesc Morató I. Pastor - 2000 - Res Publica. Murcia 5:87-110.
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  23.  20
    Erasmo traductor y editor de los Padres de la Iglesia: Crisóstomo, Basilio y Orígenes.Víctor Pastor Julián - 2022 - Salmanticensis 69 (1):39-75.
    Erasmo fue un gran re- novador de la teología a partir del estu- dio de la Sagrada Escritura y de los Pa- dres de la Iglesia mediante su redditio ad fontes. Esta tarea tiene una fecha de partida —la de preparación fue al me- nos de quince años— el annus mirabilis 1516 en el que publica su primera edi- ción del Nuevo Testamento o Novum Instrumentum y su hercúlea edición en nueve tomos de las obras completas u Opera omnia de (...)
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  24.  12
    Las auctoritates bíblicas en Ramón Llull: etapa 1304-1311.Jordi Pardo Pastor - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:167-180.
    La originalidad del sistema luliano de no argumentar mediante autoridades incluye en dicha perspectiva la Biblia, pues en la Edad Media cristiana la autoridad más importante proviene de las sagradas escrituras. En este punto de vista, Ramon Llulí adopta una peculiar visión respecto a la Biblia: si el Ars luliana es un sistema que va más allá de la Biblia, la Biblia es uno de los argumentos para ir más allá de Ella misma. En este caso; la Biblia y, especialmente, (...)
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    La concretezza dei diritti umani.Baldassare Pastore - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (1):59-71.
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  26. Post-reflexiones arteaguianas: análisis de La Belleza ideal.Miguel A. Pastor-Pérez - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:333-356.
    A partir del análisis de la obra La belleza ideal de Esteban de Arteaga se muestra cómo el autor representa, en el pensamiento español, un momento de enlace entre la estética del siglo XVIII y la del siglo XIX. Inmerso en un ambiente y tradición que interpreta racionalmente el gusto, pasará no obstante, a una comprensión subjetiva que se basa en el sentimiento. La obra se nos presenta, así, como un compendio de todos los problemas que se planteaban y debatían (...)
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  27. Riesgo y aventura de la razón ilustrada.Miguel A. Pastor Pérez - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:375-377.
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  28. Semantic Competence from the Inside: Conceptual Architecture and Composition.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - In Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio (eds.), Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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    Problematización de la agenda de “inclusión educativa” en la Argentina.Pablo German Pastore - 2024 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 9 (1):1-18.
    Este artículo busca realizar una contribución específica a la agenda global de “inclusión educativa” a partir de la recuperación y discusión de distintas problematizaciones realizadas en la academia argentina en diálogo con aportes de la filosofía (política), la historiografía y la sociología de la educación. Luego de repasar algunas definiciones postuladas en el discurso académico y político global y de esbozar algunas coordenadas contextuales que sitúan las problematizaciones argentinas proponemos centrar la discusión en torno a tres ejes: 1) la crítica (...)
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    El rastro Del otro en Jacques Derrida.José Carlos Bernal Pastor - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 34:111-118.
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  31. Michel Foucault, un ejemplo de pensamiento posmoderno.Juan Pastor & Anastasio Ovejero - 2006 - A Parte Rei 46 (2).
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    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development.M. Luisa Santos-Pastor, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, Antonio Baena-Extremera & L. Fernando Martínez-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master’s Degree in (...)
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    Shores of Enlightenment: George Berkeley and the Moral Geography of Hybrid Nature.Christopher L. Pastore - 2017 - Environment, Space, Place 9 (2):1-26.
    Abstract:This paper examines the American sojourn of the Enlightenment philosopher and theologian George Berkeley. While living in coastal Rhode Island between 1729 and 1731, Berkeley penned his longest philosophical tract, Alciphron: Or, the Minute Philosopher (1732), which criticized “freethinking,” mechanical conceptions of nature in favor of those that emphasized God's providence. To illustrate these two ways of knowing nature, Berkeley, a careful prose stylist, evoked nearby coastal landscapes for contrast. Accordingly, his work broke down dichotomies between ideas and matter and, (...)
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    Using Literature to Understand Aids.Judith Laurence Pastore - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (5-6):293-297.
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    When One Shape Does Not Fit All: A Commentary Essay on the Use of Graphs in Psychological Research.Massimiliano Pastore, Francesca Lionetti & Gianmarco Altoè - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Spatial Release from Masking with a Moving Target.M. Torben Pastore & William A. Yost - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Corps physique et corps politique: les enjeux de l'histoire sociale de la médecine (XVIe-XVIIe siècles).Alessandro Pastore - 2003 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 25 (4):501-513.
    This paper offers an analysis of the analogies between the physical and the political body during the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth centuries. Focusing on a meaningful pattern of medical, legal and political treatises, this study aims to outline the deep roots of an organic image of the human society widespread until the Englightenment and the crisis of the Old Regime.
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    Empirical Scenarios of Fake Data Analysis: The Sample Generation by Replacement Approach.Massimiliano Pastore, Massimo Nucci, Andrea Bobbio & Luigi Lombardi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    ‘Flow and jam’ of frictional athermal systems under shear stress.Raffaele Pastore, Massimo Pica Ciamarra & Antonio Coniglio - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2006-2013.
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  40. First Person Access to Mental States.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - In Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio (eds.), Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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  41. La conoscenza come azione: saggi su Lukács.Federico Pastore - 1980 - Milano: Marzorati.
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    Michel Foucault: caja de herramientas contra la dominación.Juan Pastor Martín - 2007 - Oviedo (Asturias): Universidad de Oviedo. Edited by Anastasio Ovejero Bernal.
  43. On the education of character-Conversation with Froebel.Tiziana Pastore - 2005 - Filosofia 56 (1).
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    Salazar's Portugal.António Camilo Pastor - 1939 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 14 (4):539-563.
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    Unwarranted and Invasive Scrutiny: Caster Semenya, Sex-Gender Testing and the Production of Woman In ‘Women’s’ Track and Field.Aaren Pastor - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):1-15.
    This article discusses the imbrication of racialising and sexualising scientific practices of gender testing and verification in elite athletics competition, and their intersection with social politics, using as a theoretical frame the feminist, anti-racist work of Hortense Spillers (2003), Judith Butler (1990, 1993a, 1993b, 2004) and Anne Fausto-Sterling (2000), among others. It traces the practice of sex-gender testing of ‘women’ at sanctioned International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and International Olympic Committee (IOC) track and field competitions in order to contextualise (...)
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    Guidelines for conscientious objection in Spain: a proposal involving prerequisites and protocolized procedure.Pilar Pinto Pastor, Tamara Raquel Velasco Sanz, Andrés Santiago-Saez, Venktesh R. Ramnath & Benjamín Herreros - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-10.
    Healthcare professionals often face ethical conflicts and challenges related to decision-making that have necessitated consideration of the use of conscientious objection (CO). No current guidelines exist within Spain’s healthcare system regarding acceptable rationales for CO, the appropriate application of CO, or practical means to support healthcare professionals who wish to become conscientious objectors. As such, a procedural framework is needed that not only assures the appropriate use of CO by healthcare professionals but also demonstrates its ethical validity, legislative compliance through (...)
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    Semantic Verbal Fluency in Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder: Relationship with Chronological Age and IQ.Gemma Pastor-Cerezuela, Maria-Inmaculada Fernández-Andrés, Mireia Feo-Álvarez & Francisco González-Sala - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  48. Veinte números de cuadernos sobre Vico.Miguel A. Pastor-Pérez - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21:153-166.
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  49. .Luis Ballesteros Pastor - unknown
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  50. Que sin duda don Quijote quiere darnos música, y no será mala, siendo suya.Pastor Comín & Juan José - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 38:19-24.
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