Results for ' Philosophy of Education'

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  1.  24
    Philosophy and educational development.Henry David Aiken & George Barnett - 1966 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin. Edited by Henry D. Aiken.
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    Philosophy as Education in Thinking: Why Getting the Reader to Think Matters to Wittgenstein.Oskari Kuusela - 2019 - In A. C. Grayling, Shyam Wuppuluri, Christopher Norris, Nikolay Milkov, Oskari Kuusela, Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Beth Savickey, Jonathan Beale, Duncan Pritchard, Annalisa Coliva, Jakub Mácha, David R. Cerbone, Paul Horwich, Michael Nedo, Gregory Landini, Pascal Zambito, Yoshihiro Maruyama, Chon Tejedor, Susan G. Sterrett, Carlo Penco, Susan Edwards-Mckie, Lars Hertzberg, Edward Witherspoon, Michel ter Hark, Paul F. Snowdon, Rupert Read, Nana Last, Ilse Somavilla & Freeman Dyson, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 21-37.
    Wittgenstein writes in the preface to the Philosophical Investigations: ‘I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own.’ In the following I argue that this indicates something essential about Wittgenstein’s approach. In order to remain true to his conception of philosophy without theses, he could not, for example, aim to instruct his reader about about grammar or put forward prescriptions about grammar, logic or (...)
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    Philosophy and education: As needs/interests and curricullum objectives with counsellling implication.E. K. Ethothi, D. O. Effiom & I. E. Bassey - 2006 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (1).
  4. Educating for moral and ethical life.Moral Education - 1995 - In Wendy Kohli, Critical conversations in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge. pp. 127.
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    Philosophy and education.Louis Arnaud Reid - 1962 - New York,: Random House.
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    Philosophy and education as action: implications for teacher education.Yusef Waghid - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Nuraan Davids.
    Nuraan Davids and Yusef Waghid make the argument that philosophy and education are intertwined as action concepts with the potential to affect teacher education practices. This book addresses pertinent philosophical concepts in education and how these concepts impact teaching, learning, and management as classroom practices.
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    Philosophy and education as action: implications for teacher education.Nuraan Davids - 2017 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Edited by Yusef Waghid.
    Nuraan Davids and Yusef Waghid make the argument that philosophy and education are intertwined as action concepts with the potential to affect teacher education practices. This book addresses pertinent philosophical concepts in education and how these concepts impact teaching, learning, and management as classroom practices.
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  8. Philosophy and education.Wilfred Carr - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (1):55–73.
    This paper argues that the anxieties being expressed in the UK and elsewhere about the lack of impact that philosophy now has on education are nothing other than the inevitable manifestation of a fundamental intellectual disorder deeply rooted in our contemporary understanding of the philosophy of education. In trying to substantiate this claim, the paper offers an historically informed philosophical analysis of how philosophy is related to education and education to philosophy that (...)
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  9. Philosophy and educational theory.Paul H. Hirst - 1963 - British Journal of Educational Studies 12 (1):51-64.
  10. Stephen Macedo.Defending Liberal Civic Education - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2-3):223.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy is Education is Politics.Jonathan Cohen - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:85-92.
    The passage in question begins with a breakdown in the discussion between Socrates and Protagoras because of disagreement about what its ground rules will be and concludes with the discussion’s restoration. Though formally a mere hiatus from the main line of argument, this passage in fact contains a parable about politics, addressing the question, "How can people of differing abilities and preferences come together to form a community?" Since the passage appears in the middle of a dialogue explicitly concerned with (...)
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    Philosophy and Education.William Walsh & Louis Arnaud Reid - 1962 - British Journal of Educational Studies 11 (1):81.
  13. Philosophy and education—a symposium.Paul Hirst & Wilfred Carr - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (4):615–632.
    This symposium begins with a critique by Paul Hirst of Wilfred Carr's ‘Philosophy and Education’(Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2004, 38.1), where Carr argues that philosophy of education should be concerned with ‘practical philosophy’ rather than ‘theoretical philosophy’. Hirst argues that the philosophy of education is best understood as a distinctive area of academic philosophy, in which the exercise of theoretical reason contributes critically to the development of rational educational (...)
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    Philosophy and education: an introduction to key questions and themes.Joanna Haynes - 2015 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ken Gale & Melanie Parker.
    Written specifically for education studies students, this accessible text offers a clear introduction to philosophy of education. It skilfully guides readers through this challenging and sometimes complex area bringing key philosophical ideas and questions to life in the context and practice of education. Considering the implications of educational trends and movements through a variety of philosophical lenses such as Marxism, feminism, ethics and democracy, the book explores enduring themes in philosophy of education. Features include: (...)
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    Philosophy and education in Hegel.Frederic Lilge - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):147-165.
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    Philosophy for Education.Henry J. Perkinson - 1976 - Journal of Pre-College Philosophy 2 (2):17-20.
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  17. Philosophy in education and research: African perspectives.Maximus Monaheng Sefotho (ed.) - 2018 - Pretoria, South Africa: Van Schaik Publishers.
    Introduction to philosophy in education and research: African perspectives -- Paradigms, theoretical frameworks and conceptual frameworks in educational research --An afrocentric paradigm in education and research -- Comparative perspectives in philosophy of education in Africa -- Sociological imperatives for education and the theory of change -- Ubuntu's application to the exclusion of students with disability -- Philosophy of disability: African perspectives -- Distance education and the use of information and communication technologies: ethical (...)
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  18. Philosophy and Educational Policy: A Critical Introduction.Christopher Winch & John Gingell - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (1):108-110.
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    Philosophy and Educational Development.R. S. Peters & George Barnett - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (2):208.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and education.R. Lawson - 1937 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):184 – 204.
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    Philosophy—aesthetics—education: Reflections on dance.Tyson Lewis - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (4):53-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy—Aesthetics—Education:Reflections on DanceTyson Lewis (bio)To create is to lighten, to unburden life, to invent new possibilities of life. The creator is legislator—dancer.—Gilles Deleuze, Pure ImmanenceThe Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben is perhaps best known for his ongoing interest in the problem of "biopower." Taking up where Michel Foucault ended, Agamben argues that the principle political and philosophical questions of the moment concern the connections between life and power. (...)
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  22. Philosophy as education and education as philosophy: Democracy and education from Dewey to Cavell.Naoko Saito - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (3):345–356.
    In the contemporary culture of accountability and the ‘economy’ of education this generates, pragmatism, as a philosophy for ordinary practice, needs to resist the totalising force of an ideology of practice, one that distracts us from the rich qualities of daily experience. In response to this need, and in mobilising Dewey's pragmatism, this paper introduces another standpoint in American philosophy: Stanley Cavell's account of the economy of living in Thoreau's Walden. By discussing some aspects of Cavell's The (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Spirituality, Philosophy and Education.David Carr & John Haldane - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (1):110-112.
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    Philosophy and education: introducing philosophy to young people.Jana Mohr Lone & Roberta Israeloff (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Are children natural philosophers? They are curious about the mysteries of the human experience and about questions such as the meaning and purpose of being alive and whether we can know anything at all. Pre-college philosophy takes as a starting point young people's inherent interest in large questions about the human condition. Philosophy and Education: Introducing Philosophy to Young People seeks to illuminate the ways in which philosophy can strengthen and deepen pre-college education.
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    Philosophy and Education.Mrinal Miri - 2014 - New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press India.
    The book brings philosophical considerations to bear upon our understanding of the concept of education and concepts related to it. It seeks to answer questions such as: is education a unitary concept, or is it a cluster of concepts which are more or less related to one another? Are there values which are constitutive of the practice of education? Is moral education an independent variety of education, or is it necessary internal to all educational practice?
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    Philosophy, Polemics, Education.James D. Marshall - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (2):97-109.
    In this paper I wish to comment upon the use of polemical argument in philosophy of education and education. Like Foucault, I believe that a whole morality is at stake because polemical argument obfuscates the search for truth at the expense of truth and the other’s veracity, integrity and dignity. The use of polemics is illustrated by two arguments. The first general argument is taken from an attack upon Albert Camus by the British writer Colin Wilson. The (...)
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    Philosophy and Education. International Seminar Proceedings, March 23-25, 1966.R. F. Dearden - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):98.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and Education.Glenn Langford - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (2):229-229.
  29. Connected knowledge: science, philosophy, and education.Alan H. Cromer - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    When physicist Alan Sokal recently submitted an article to the postmodernist journal Social Text, the periodical's editors were happy to publish it--for here was a respected scientist offering support for the journal's view that science is a subjective, socially constructed discipline. But as Sokal himself soon revealed in Lingua Franca magazine, the essay was a spectacular hoax--filled with scientific gibberish anyone with a basic knowledge of physics should have caught--and the academic world suddenly awoke to the vast gap that has (...)
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    Philosophy and Educational Policy.Anthony O'Hear - 2000 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 45:135-156.
    There is a country where teachers have high status, and in which they have qualifications on a par with members of other respected profession. Parents and children have high aspirations and high expectations from education. Children are fully aware of the importance of hard and consistent work from each pupil. Schools open on 222 days in the year, and operate on the belief that all children can acquire the core elements of the core subjects. It is not expected that (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools.Jana Mohr Lone & Michael D. Burroughs - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by Michael D. Burroughs.
    Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools is intended for philosophers and philosophy students, precollege classroom teachers, administrators and educators, policymakers, and pre-college practitioners of all kinds. This text book offers a wealth of practical resources and lesson plans for use in precollege classrooms, as well as consideration of many of the broader educational, social, and political topics in the field.
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    Philosophy and Education.W. J. McGucken - 1932 - Modern Schoolman 9 (2):38-39.
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    Philosophy as Education in Thinking: Why Getting the Reader to Think Matters to Wittgenstein.Oskari Kuusela - 2019 - In Newton Da Costa & Shyam Wuppuluri, Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein's Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 21-37.
    Wittgenstein writes in the preface to the Philosophical Investigations: ‘I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own.’ In the following I argue that this indicates something essential about Wittgenstein’s approach. In order to remain true to his conception of philosophy without theses, he could not, for example, aim to instruct his reader about about grammar or put forward prescriptions about grammar, logic or (...)
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    Edusemiotics: Semiotic Philosophy as Educational Foundation.Andrew Stables & Inna Semetsky - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Inna Semetsky.
    _Edusemiotics_ addresses an emerging field of inquiry, educational semiotics, as a philosophy of and for education. Using "sign" as a unit of analysis, educational semiotics amalgamates philosophy, educational theory and semiotics. Edusemiotics draws on the intellectual legacy of such philosophers as John Dewey, Charles Sanders Peirce, Gilles Deleuze and others across Anglo-American and continental traditions. This volume investigates the specifics of semiotic knowledge structures and processes, exploring current dilemmas and debates regarding self-identity, learning, transformative and lifelong (...), leadership and policy-making, and interrogating an important premise that still haunts contemporary educational philosophy: Cartesian dualism. In defiance of substance dualism and the fragmentation of knowledge that still inform education, the book offers a unifying paradigm for education as edusemiotics and emphasises ethical education in compliance with the semiotic unity between knowledge and action. Chapters contain accessible discussions in the context of educational philosophy and theory, crossing the borders between logic, art, and science together with a provocative theoretical critique. Recently awarded a PESA book award for its contribution to the philosophy of education, _Edusemiotics_ will appeal to an academic readership in education, philosophy and cultural studies, while also being an inspiring resource for students. (shrink)
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    Philosophy and Education.Robert J. Henle - 1949 - Modern Schoolman 26 (2):148-158.
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    James Mill on philosophy and education.W. H. Burston - 1973 - London,: Athlone Press.
  37. Walter Feinberg.Public Education - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 25 (1):17.
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  38. A philosophy for education: a study in aesthetic rationality.Neil Bolton - 2024 - Leiden ;: Brill.
    The book supports an argument for the crucial role of the aesthetic in a humanist education. It is structured around the philosophy of Giambattista Vico (1668-1744) who saw the poetic imagination as the first language through which humankind makes sense of its place within the world with myths and symbolic ritual. This is the search for the truth of identity and, ultimately, requires a self that examines its own experiences. That examination is the work of an aesthetic rationality (...)
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    Feminism, Philosophy, and Education: Imagining Public Spaces.Maxine Greene & Morwenna Griffiths - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 73–92.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: Not Philosophy‐as‐Usual An Overview of Feminisms in Relation to Philosophy (of Education) Two Personal Narratives of Identity and Philosophy of Education A Joint Preoccupation with Social Justice and Politics in Education Women in Public (and Noticing Them When They are There) An Indeterminate Ending.
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    A primer for philosophy and education.Samuel D. Rocha - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    "Sam Rocha's primer reminds me of a French adage: la philo descends dans la rue--philosophy comes to the street. Rocha's little book can be read and talked about, with profit, on the street, in the home, in the school, in the garden, anywhere the human heart beats and the human mind thinks." --David T. Hansen, Weinburg Professor in the History and Philosophy of Education, Teachers College Columbia University "Rocha gives us a compelling experience of first-hand philosophizing, in (...)
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    Issues in philosophy and education.Robert P. Craig - 1974 - New York,: MSS Information.
    Rogers, C. R. and Skinner, B. F. Some issues concerning the control of human behavior.--Broudy, H. S. Didactics, heuristics, and philetics.--Craig, R. An analysis of the psychology of moral development of Lawrence Kohlberg.--Scudder, J. R., Jr. Freedom with authority: a Buber model for teaching.--Hook, S. Some educational attitudes and poses.--Strike, K. A. Freedom, autonomy, and teaching.--Elkind, D. Piaget and Montessori.--Raywid, M. A. Irrationalism and the new reformism.--Doll, W. E., Jr. A methodology of experience: the process of inquiry.--Neff, F. C. Competency-based (...)
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    Vygotsky: Philosophy and Education.Jan Derry (ed.) - 2013 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Vygotsky Philosophy and Education_ reassesses the works of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky work by arguing that his central ideas about the nature of rationality and knowledge were informed by the philosophic tradition of Spinoza and Hegel. Presents a reassessment of the works of Lev Vygotsky in light of the tradition of Spinoza and Hegel informing his work Reveals Vygotsky’s connection with the work of contemporary philosophers such as Brandom and McDowell Draws on discussions in contemporary philosophy to revise (...)
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    Intercultural philosophy and education in a global society: philosophical divides are dotted lines.Renate Schepen - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (1):95-104.
    This paper is concerned with ways to make our education system more inclusive, to stimulate a more tolerant and democratic attitude among students, and to equip them to deal with complex issues in our society. Trying to understand and master plural viewpoints is more effective than applying the mainstream western perspective to relate to a fast-globalizing, interactive world. In existing curricula, students and teachers are often confronted with underlying assumptions that can be traced back to the ubiquitous influence of (...)
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    Cinema, Philosophy and Education.Claudia Schumann & Torill Strand - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (5):453-459.
    This special issue responds to the current discourse on cinema and education from a philosophical point of view. Considering the fact that young people worldwide are watching films and series via their smartphones or personal computers, we here explore the educative aspects of this popular activity. Does this wide-ranging habit mis-educate the next generation? Or does cinema carry a potential for ethical-political education, parallel to the ancient Greek tragedies and the modernist Bildungsroman? The authors of this special issue (...)
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  45. Humor, Philosophy and Education.John Morreall - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (2):120-131.
    This article begins by examining the bad reputation humor traditionally had in philosophy and education. Two of the main charges against humor—that it is hostile and irresponsible—are linked to the Superiority Theory. That theory is critiqued and two other theories of laughter are presented—the Relief Theory and the Incongruity Theory. In the Relief Theory, laughter is a release of pent-up nervous energy. In the Incongruity Theory, humor is the enjoyment of something that violates ordinary mental patterns and expectations. (...)
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    James Mill on Philosophy and Education.J. P. Tuck & W. H. Burston - 1973 - British Journal of Educational Studies 21 (3):337.
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    Philosophy and education: 'After' Wittgenstein. [REVIEW]Michael Peters - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14 (2-3):313-328.
  48. Feminist philosophy and education.Nel Noddings - 2009 - In Harvey Siegel, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    A New Editor-in-Chief for Studies in Philosophy and Education.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (1):5-8.
    This issue marks the beginning of a new editor-in-chief for Studies in Philosophy and Education . I am excited to begin my tenure in this role, and to continue developing the long-standing strength and quality of this journal, which enjoys a 54-year history of continual support from editors in the fields of philosophy, philosophy of education, social science, and educational policy, in support of addressing philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, (...)
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    Theory and philosophy in education research: methodological dialogues.John Quay (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The issue of methodology is a fundamental concern for all who engage in educational research. Presenting a series of methodological dialogues between eminent education researchers including Michael Apple, Gert Biesta, Penny Enslin, John Hattie, Nel Noddings, Michael Peters, Richard Pring and Paul Smeyers, this book explores the ways in which they have chosen and developed research methods to style their investigations and frame their arguments. These dialogues address the specialized and technical aspects of conducting educational research, conceptualize the relationship (...)
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