Results for ' Philosophy, Oriental'

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  1. Philosophie, Orientation philosophique dans le monde, Éclairement de l'existence et Métaphysique.Karl Jaspers, Jeanne Hersch, D'irène Kruse & Jeanne Etoré - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):551-551.
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    Histoire de la philosophie...: Orient. Antiquité. Moyen Age.Brice Parain & Yvon Belaval (eds.) - 1969 - [Paris]: Nrf, Gallimard].
    1. Orient. Antiquité. Moyen Age.--2. De la Renaissance à la révolution kantienne.--3. Du XIXe siècle à nos jours.
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  3. Applying Modern Management.Behaviorally Oriented Inpatient Unit - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (1).
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    Dis-Orientations: Philosophy, Literature and the Lost Grounds of Modernity.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback & Tora Lane (eds.) - 2014 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This is an edited collection of original essays that combine philosophy, phenomenology, and literature to reflect on modern ideas about orientation and disorientation, grounds and groundlessness.
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  5. (1 other version)Greek into Arabic: Essays on Islamic Philosophy, Oriental Studies I.R. WALZER - 1962
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    Narrative philosophy of religion: apologetic and pluralistic orientations.Mikel Burley - 2020 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 88 (1):5-21.
    Recent decades have witnessed a growing interest in narrative both in certain areas of philosophy and in the study of religion. The philosophy of religion has not itself been at the forefront of this narrative turn, but exceptions exist—most notably Eleonore Stump’s work on biblical stories and the problem of suffering. Characterizing Stump’s approach as an apologetic orientation, this article contrasts it with pluralistic orientations that, rather than seeking to defend religious faith, are concerned with doing conceptual justice to the (...)
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    Understanding Oriental Philosophy: A Popular Account for the Western World.Richard K. Payne - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (3):376-378.
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    Die philosophie des Islam in ihren beziehungen zu den philosophischen weltanschauungen des westlichen Orients.Max Joseph Heinrich Horten - 1924 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Rethinking Philosophy in an Oriental Way.Gholamreza Aavani - 2008 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 5:137-142.
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    Five Oriental Philosophies.Thomas Berry - 1968 - Magi Books.
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    Oriental philosophy: a westerner's guide to Eastern thought.Stuart Cornelius Hackett - 1979 - Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
    This insightful explication of oriental philosophy meets a long felt need for a critical introduction to four systems of eastern thought—Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism—presented in familiar western terms. Students of comparative religion, eastern philosophy and civilization, and the philosophy of religion who have been trained in traditional western modes of thought often find the intuitive and aphorisic quality of eastern writing a major stumbling block to understanding. This is eastern philosophy presented to westerners by a westerner, a practical (...)
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  12. La philosophie de l'Orient et de l'Extrême-Orient.P. Masson-Oursel - 1918 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 86:142.
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    Schopenhauer's philosophy of religion: the death of God and the Oriental Renaissance.Christopher Ryan - 2010 - Leuven: Peeters.
    This book is the first comprehensive study of Schopenhauer's philosophy of religion. It develops a contextual account of Schopenhauer's relation to the religions of India by placing his interpretation of their main doctrines within the perspective of his diagnosis of the religious situation in nineteenth-century Europe, and his revised conception of the proper content and methods of metaphysical philosophy in the wake of Kant. It shows that Schopenhauer's encounter with the religions of India was the stimulus for his formulation of (...)
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    Dictionary of oriental philosophy.Ruth Reyna - 1984 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Illustrations: 31 Figures Description: The present work is a masterful compilation which, from its nature and scope, and from the method followed in its preparation, exhibits that it is not merely a dictionary, but it is in fact more than that. Arranged alphabetically, this dictionary has been conceived on a large scale and written by a deft hand. The work is divided into two volumes. Volume I deals with India and the Middle East and contains 2250 titles, and volume II (...)
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    Multiverse Oriented Philosophy (Transcending Earth- and Anthropocenteredness).Ulrich De Balbian - unknown
    The intended title was “Universe Oriented Ontology” or “Multiverse Oriented Ontology”, or “Universe or Multiverse Metaphysics”. I mention this as it gives an idea about the meaning and intention of the title and the work as well as the titles I considered and why I moved away from them to the present one. The sub-title provides a further hint towards the intentions of the work, namely: ” Beyond Earth- and Human-centricity’. I opted for ‘transcending’ rather than beyond, as I am (...)
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    Social Philosophy of Athletics: A Pluralistic and Practice-Oriented Philosophical Analysis of Top Level Amateur Sport.R. Scott Kretchmar - 1980 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 7 (1):59-64.
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    Oriental Philosophy. A Westerner's Guide to Eastern Thought.Donald H. Bishop - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (2):244-245.
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    Metaphysical Orientations in Indian Philosophy.Amiya Chakravarty - 1960 - Philosophy Today 4 (4):289-293.
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    Principe unique de la philosophie et de la science d'Extrême-Orient.Georges Ohsawa - 1973 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Le Principe Unique (la constitution-conception de la Vie et de l'Univers de l'Extreme-Orient) n'est, en realite, qu'une methode de classification dialectique pratique et universelle, accessible a tout le monde, qui embrasse tout ce qui existe dans l'univers et l'Univers lui-meme. (Georges Ohsawa).
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  20. Greek into Arabic: Essays on Islamic Philosophy, Oriental Studies I. [REVIEW]E. B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):588-588.
    "The more we learn about the history of mankind, the more we realize that there is no spontaneous generation in history but only a continuous shaping of new 'Forms' out of existing 'Matter.' Islamic philosophy is an interesting example of this process which constitutes the continuity of human civilization." Walzer concludes that Islamic thought, based on too narrow a concept of reason, failed where Greek philosophy had failed before it.--C. E. B.
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  21. Future-oriented Political Philosophy in China. History, Possibilities, and Perspectives.Song Xinning - 1999 - In Tʻae-chʻang Kim & James Allen Dator, Co-creating a public philosophy for future generations. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 65--71.
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  22. Orienting Oneself Rationally: Kant's Constructive Philosophy of Religion.Edward A. Langerak - 1972 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    The ‘Oriental’ Character of Islamic Philosophy in Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy.Lorella Ventura - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-21.
    In his Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Hegel characterizes Arabic/Islamic philosophy as ‘Oriental’. The meaning and motivation of this characterization are not obvious. In this paper, I address his treatment and outline the key ideas that lead Hegel to describe Islamic philosophy as ‘Oriental’. By highlighting similarities and differences in relation to Oriental philosophy, I shed light on Hegel's approach to Islamic philosophy, which is connected to his view of Oriental philosophy, the East and Islam (...)
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    Oriental Philosophy. [REVIEW]E. S. W. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (3):605-607.
    When one becomes aware of the stated aim of this short text, he is not so prone to view with surprise the territory it claims to cover, for Hackett tells us that he is not attempting a learned treatise but wishes "to spread a feast of insight for the common man who is at the same time deeply thoughtful and profoundly concerned with the cumulative, total human understanding of the meaning of existence". The "feast" includes two main dishes and two (...)
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  25. Orientalisms in the interpretation of Islamic philosophy.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2006 - Radical Philosophy 135.
    In this paper, I argue that Edward Said’s central thesis in Orientalism has a direct explanatory role to play in our understanding of the work produced in at least one area of scholarship about the Arab and Islamic worlds, namely Arab-Islamic philosophy from the classical or medieval period. Moreover, I claim that it continues to play this role not only for scholarship produced in the West by Western scholars but also within the Arab world itself. After recalling some traditional varieties (...)
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    Main Orientations in the Contemporary Polish Philosophy of Science.Izabella Nowakowa - 2001 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 74:267-285.
  27. Decision-Making as an Orientation Skill in Poker and Everyday Life: Annie Duke’s Thinking in Bets and the Philosophy of Orientation.Reinhard G. Mueller - 2020 - Orientation Skills in Everyday and Professional Life.
    This essay investigates, via the concepts of the philosophy of orientation, Annie Duke’s decision-making theory in "Thinking in Bets" and scrutinizes as to what extent one can universalize the 'orientation skill' of decision-making with regard to our everyday and professional life.
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    Philosophy of Oriental Medicine: Key to Your Personal Judging Ability.George Ohsawa - 1991 - G. Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation.
    Darwin's Hypothesis Nonviolence Samsara The Noble Road to the Eight Virtues Respect for Life The Infinite, the Absolute, the Eternal The Will The Narrow Door The Author 127 127 128 130 131 131 132 132 135 ...
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    The Story of Oriental Philosophy.Alban G. Widgery & L. Adams Beck - 1930 - Philosophical Review 39 (4):435.
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  30. An orientation to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche.Werner Stegmaier - 2022 - Nashville: Orientations Press. Edited by Reinhard G. Mueller & Werner Stegmaier.
    One may suppose that everything has been said about Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy. But the dynamism and openness of his philosophizing continue to undermine the usual interpretations based on dogmatic doctrines. Nietzsche's critical philosophical power cannot be adequately understood without his life experiences on the one hand and the forms of his philosophical writing on the other; the contexts and the making of his thoughts must be attended to. This introduction, translated from the German original, provides a well-founded overview of Nietzsche's (...)
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    Oriental Philosophies.Neal L. Chobot - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (1):93-95.
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    Examination on Philosophy-Based Management of Contemporary Japanese Corporations: Philosophy, Value Orientation and Performance.Yingyan Wang - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (1):1-12.
    Despite the recognition of the importance of philosophy-based management in recent Japanese management practices, there has been little effort to systematically examine this topic from a normative view. With a sample of 152 electrical machinery companies, this study attempts to identify the underlying value orientations incorporated in the normative statement of corporate management philosophy and furthermore examines the complex relationships between corporate value orientations and various performance indexes. The article shows that although the adoption of a corporate management philosophy does (...)
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    Philosophy and the oriental mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1979 - Albuquerque, N.M.: American Classical College Press.
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    Orienting Care: Boris Groys, Philosophy of Care.Daniel Ross - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (7-8):279-291.
    In Philosophy of Care, Boris Groys undertakes a reading of key philosophical texts in terms of the relationship between self-care and care, as a way of trying to reinvigorate the question of health beyond its current instantiation in biopolitical life and algorithmic life. He passes through Socrates, Hegel, Nietzsche, Kojève, Bataille, Heidegger and others, culminating in Bogdanov’s distinction between egressive and degressive organization and his cosmist-immortalist dreams. The philosophy outlined by Groys is questioned here through the prism of the work (...)
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    Oriental Philosophy.Archie J. Bahm - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (2):311 - 313.
    Another major event, still anticipated, and growing out of the first, is the expected publication of a new journal of comparative philosophy, Philosophy East and West, edited by Charles A. Moore, probably in April, 1951. Early plans called for a Board of Editors composed equally of Easterners and Westerners, with special editors for some countries, such as India, China, Japan, Ceylon. This project, which has many well-wishers, may prove to be one of the outstanding philosophical achievements of the century.
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    Negative Dialectics before Object-Oriented Philosophy: Negation and Event.Kenneth Novis - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):222-232.
    An important question in Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) and its associated literature is how OOO relates to its competitor theories. This article is a meta-philosophical investigation into OOO and its grounding, which hopes to fully theorise this relation, deriving ultimately a “negative dialectic” that emphasises the irreducible differences between OOO and non-OOO. Beginning by analysing the use of OOO as a “starting point”, I consider Althusser’s various contributions to meta-philosophical debates. This leads me to focus on Harman’s notion of “hyperbolic reading”, (...)
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    Philosophy, natural kinds, microstructuralism, and the (mis)use of chemical examples: intimacy versus integrity as orientations towards chemical practice.Clevis Headley - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 22 (3):489-500.
    This essay critically considers the issue of natural kind essentialism. More specifically, the essay critically probes the philosophical use of chemical examples to support realism about natural kinds. My simple contention is that the natural kind debate can be understood in terms of two different cultures of academic production. These two cultures will be conceptualized using Thomas Kasulis’s distinction between intimacy and integrity as cultural orientations. Acknowledging Kasulis’s contention that, “What is foreground in one culture may be background in another”, (...)
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    Oriental philosophies.John M. Koller - 1970 - New York,: Scribner.
    "Special attention is paid to the sacred texts in each system, as well as to the life stories of such major figures as the Buddha, Confucius, and Lao-Tzu."--Cover.
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  39. Early Greek philosophy and the Orient.M. L. West - 1971 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Scholarly Classics is a new series that makes available again great academic works from the archives of Oxford University Press. Reissued in uniform series design, the reissues will enable libraries, scholars, and students to gain fresh access to some of the finest scholarship of the last century.
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    Orientations of Avicenna's Philosophy: Essays on His Life, Method, Heritage.Dimitri Gutas - 2014 - Farnham: Routledge.
    This volume, a major new research tool, brings together seventeen studies on Avicenna by Dimitri Gutas, written over the past twenty-five years. They aim to establish Avicenna's historical and philosophical context as a means to determining his philosophical project and the orientations of his thought. They deal with his life and works, his method, his epistemology, and his later reception in the Islamic world, ending with an essay on the state of the field of Avicennan studies and future agenda.
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  41. The orientation of modern philosophy.John Niemeyer Findlay - 1946 - Pietermaritzburg,: Printed by the Natal witness.
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    Orientierung Philosophie Was Sie Kann, Was Sie Will [Orientation Philosophy: What You Can, What You Want To].Ferdinand Fellmann - 1998
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    Object-Oriented Aesthetics: Plato's Legacy in the Philosophy of Art.Rick Benitez - 2006 - Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) 13:39-50.
    In this paper I will begin by exploring the context in which objectoriented aesthetics arose. I will set object-oriented aesthetics against another focus which I shall call "activity-oriented aesthetics", in which the excellence of an artistic production lies in the artist's activity. This activity is merely expressed in the finished work, even when the work is overwhelmingly admirable. Excellent artistic activity originates and persists in the artist's manner, execution and style. 1 Just as there is a special case of object-oriented (...)
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    Oriental roots of occidental philosophy.Emerita S. Quito - 1974 - Kuala Lumpur: ASAIHL.
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    The Possibility of Object-Oriented Film Philosophy.Edgaras Bolšakovas - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):97-214.
    The debate surrounding the definition and specificity of cinema continues in contemporary film philosophy and theory. This article challenges the traditional approach of medium specificity and proposes Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) as an alternative framework for understanding cinema. Drawing on OOO’s core principles, the article argues that films, like all objects, are autonomous entities with their own reality. Their meaning is not inherent, but rather emerges through the “performative” interaction between the film object and the viewer. This interaction generates “sensual qualities” (...)
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    The story of oriental philosophy.L. Adams Beck - 1928 - New York,: Cosmopolitan Book.
    The Story of Oriental Philosophy by Lily Adams Beck offers insights into such Eastern scriptures as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the teachings of Zen, and Indian sacred writing. Chapters include: The Aryan People of India and the teachings and lore of notable figures as Buddha, Shankara, Confucius, Lao-Tsu, Mencius and many others. The ancient wisdom of Asia awaits those seeking value in thought and knowledge. L. Adam Beck was one of the more well-known and popular novelists and (...)
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    Oriental philosophies.Russell Franklin] Moore (ed.) - 1946 - New York,: Russell F. Moore company.
    This is a new release of the original 1946 edition.
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  48. Object-Oriented France: The Philosophy of Tristan Garcia.Graham Harman - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):6-21.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 6–21. The French philosopher and novelist Tristan Garcia was born in Toulouse in 1981. This makes him rather young to have written such an imaginative work of systematic philosophy as Forme et objet , 1 the latest entry in the MétaphysiqueS series at Presses universitaires de France. But this reference to Garcia’s youthfulness is not a form of condescension: by publishing a complete system of philosophy in the grand style, he has already done what none of us (...)
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    Entre orient et occident: la philosophie et la science gréco-romaines dans le monde arabe.Richard Goulet & Ulrich Rudolph (eds.) - 2010 - Genève: Vandœuvres.
    Papers from a conference held August 2010.
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    Integrating Oriental Philosophy into the Introductory Curriculum.Joel Marks - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (3):221-233.
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