Results for ' Roman period'

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  1.  31
    Philosophical reflection on mathematics in Poland in the interwar period.Roman Murawski - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):325-337.
    In the paper the views and tendencies in the philosophical reflection on mathematics in Poland between the wars are analyzed. Views of most outstanding representatives of Lvov–Warsaw Philosophical School and of Polish Mathematical School are presented. Their influence on logical and mathematical researches is considered.
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    Man and Value.Roman Ingarden - 1983 - Washington: Philosophia.
    The Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden is, with Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, one of the foremost representatives of the phenomenological movement founded by Edmund Husserl. The ideas of his most famous work, The Literary Work of Art, have made a powerful impact on contemporary aesthetics and literary theory. The present volume, a collection of essays all of which appear in English here for the first time, derives from the period towards the end of Ingarden's life when he turned from (...)
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    Is there a need for a clear advice? A retrospective comparative analysis of ethics consultations with and without recommendations in a maximum-care university hospital.Roman Pauli, Dominik Groß & Dagmar Schmitz - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundThe theory and practice of ethics consultations (ECs) in health care are still characterized by many controversies, including, for example, the practice of giving recommendations. These controversies are complicated by an astonishing lack of evidence in the whole field. It is not clear how often a recommendation is issued in ethics consultations and when and why this step is taken. Especially in a facilitation model in which giving recommendations is optional, more data would be helpful to evaluate daily practice, ensure (...)
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    The Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic in the 1920s and 1930s in Poland.Roman Murawski - 2014 - Basel: Imprint: Birkhäuser.
    The aim of this book is to present and analyze philosophical conceptions concerning mathematics and logic as formulated by Polish logicians, mathematicians and philosophers in the 1920s and 1930s. It was a remarkable period in the history of Polish science, in particular in the history of Polish logic and mathematics. Therefore, it is justified to ask whether and to what extent the development of logic and mathematics was accompanied by a philosophical reflection. We try to answer those questions by (...)
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  5. Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Associated with Tax Avoidance?Roman Lanis & Grant Richardson - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):439-457.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility performance is associated with corporate tax avoidance. Employing a matched sample of 434 firm-year observations from the Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini database over the period 2003–2009, our logit regression results show that the higher the level of CSR performance of a firm, the lower the likelihood of tax avoidance. Our results indicate that more socially responsible firms are likely to display less tax avoidance. Finally, the results from our additional analysis show that (...)
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    The Baptism of Relics of Oleg and Yaropolk: Ethical, Theological and Political Aspects.Roman Dodonov, Vira Dodonova & Oleksandr Konotopenko - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (3):272-286.
    A stereoscopic view on a particular historical event, in which contemporary assessments are combined with mental stereotypes of a medieval man, allows a slightly different assessment of the chronicle plot about the posthumous “baptism of bones” of Oleg and Yaropolk, Princes of Kyivan Rus, in 1044. While from theological positions it is perceived as an absurdity and a direct violation of the rules of the church, in the Middle Ages this act did not contradict the mass religious beliefs. From an (...)
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  7.  15
    The kingdom of God is here and now: Protestant eschatology, in the context of postmodernism.Roman Soloviy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:83-96.
    For modern Protestant theology there is a keen interest in eschatology, which, however, is interpreted not so much as the classical theological doctrine of the completion of history, which includes the theme of the church's takeover, the second coming of Christ and the millennial kingdom, as a teleological doctrine, focused on the questions of the final destination of reality, the achievement the world of its eternal purpose. Taking into account the fact that in modern Ukrainian religious studies there is a (...)
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  8.  43
    Board of Director Gender and Corporate Tax Aggressiveness: An Empirical Analysis.Roman Lanis, Grant Richardson & Grantley Taylor - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):577-596.
    This study examines the impact of board of director gender diversity on corporate tax aggressiveness. Based on a sample of 418 U.S. firms covering the 2006–2009 period, our ordinary least squares regression results show a negative and statistically significant association between female representation on the board and tax aggressiveness after controlling for endogeneity. Our results are consistent across several measures of tax aggressiveness and additional robustness checks.
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    Вплив адвентистських ідей на формування релігійної ідентичності засновника «Дослідників Біблії» Чарльза Тейза Рассела.Roman Orlovskyi & Valentyna Kuryliak - 2023 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):182-213.
    The research interest of this article is focused on determining the level of influence of Adventist ideas on the formation of the religious identity of the founder of the Bible Students (later Jehovah's Witnesses) and the Watch Tower Society, Charles Taze Russell. As a result of the analysis of the works of Russell and his associates, an attempt was made to explore the attitude of Russell and his supporters to Adventism as a whole. Also, in the opposite direction, the influence (...)
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  10.  9
    Політико-правовий аспект відносин самодержавства та адвентистів у контексті загального протестантського руху в другій половині хіх – перших роках хх століть.Roman Anatoliyovych Sitarchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:99-108.
    The topic of the study is a component of modern scientific exploration that examines the role of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in building our multi-denominational society. In particular, the issue of determining the place and role of the Adventist Church in society and the state is important. However, today it is possible to unleash it only by summing up the accumulated experience in this field for the whole period of the history of Adventism in Ukraine. The problem of state-confessional (...)
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  11.  19
    La Philosophie des jésuites en Pologne du XVIᵉ au XVIIIᵉ siècle.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):211-243.
    Ces dernieres annees, plusieurs travaux sur la philosophie des jesuites en Pologne au XVIᵉ XVIᵉ et XVIIᵉ siecle ont ete publies. Ceux qui sent ecrits en langues plus connues, sont enumeres dans la bibliographie a la fin de cet article. Malgre cela, on ne pent pas dire que cette philosophie soit suffisamment explicite. Mais actuellement, il existe deja des fondements plus solides pour essayer de creer une synthese de cette philosophie. Cet essai est d'autant plus fonde que d'apres l'opinion de (...)
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    From the history of the emergence and development of Adventism in the XIX century.Roman A. Sitarchuk - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:103-112.
    This article is about an early period in the history of Adventism as a future world-class denomination. The activity of the most famous theologian scientists whose works influenced the formation of the foundations of Adventist doctrine is depicted. The formation of the organizational structure of Adventists in North America, as well as in other continents, is being scrutinized.
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    Etyczne i historyczne uzasadnienie socjalizmu.Roman Rudziński - 1970 - Etyka 7:77-99.
    The author analyses the problematic of historical necessity and ethical regularity of socialism, taking the marxist philosophy as a point of departure. He criticizes opinions represented in philosophical and ideological discussions of this problem in the period of the Second International and argues that the above problematic, which results from a confrontation of marxism with a new historical situation and with the current of the neo-Kantian philosophy, was an axis which has brought into focus the theoretical decisions both of (...)
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    (1 other version)The greek city in the Roman period.Fergus Millar - 1993 - In Mogens Herman Hansen (ed.), The Ancient Greek city-state: symposium on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, July, 1-4 1992. Copenhagen: Commissioner, Munksgaard.
    Greek cities in the imperial period provided the fullest expression of their own communal identity through the medium of inscriptions. This chapter examines Hellenistic texts that provide better understanding about the history of Greek cities under Roman rule, and how these cities have dealt with their complex relationships with Roman governors and political institutions. Looking at these inscriptions, it assesses the immediate effect of colonisation—introducing Roman, and Latin, elements into a Greek social and cultural environment.
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  15. Philosophy of mathematics in the 20th century: Main trends and doctrines.Roman Murawski - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):331-347.
    The aim of the paper is to present the main trends and tendencies in the philosophy of mathematics in the 20th century. To make the analysis more clear we distinguish three periods in the development of the philosophy of mathematics in this century: (1) the first thirty years when three classical doctrines: logicism, intuitionism and formalism were formulated, (2) the period from 1931 till the end of the fifties - period of stagnation, and (3) from the beginning of (...)
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  16.  17
    The genetics of Drosophila transgenics.Gregg Roman - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1243-1253.
    In Drosophila, the genetic approach is still the method of choice for answering fundamental questions on cell biology, signal transduction, development, physiology and behavior. In this approach, a gene's function is ascertained by altering either the amount or quality of the gene product, and then observing the consequences. The genetic approach is itself polymorphous, encompassing new and more complex techniques that typically employ the growing collections of transgenes. The keystone of these modern Drosophila transgenic techniques has been the Gal4 binary (...)
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  17. In search of a neural signature of consciousness: Facts, hypotheses, and proposals.Roman Bauer - 2004 - Synthese 141 (2):233-45.
    Evolution leads to more and more complex structures, e.g., molecules, cells and organisms. By means of such structures elementary dynamic bio-electrical fields originate in single cells. They further develop into neurons with neuronal fields, and these combine and integrate in brains into global neuro-electrical fields (NEF) as a medium for the fast representation of outer stimuli. The present hypothesis proposes a specific state of the global NEF in brains as the signature of consciousness. This NEF changes periodically between two states, (...)
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  18.  13
    (1 other version)Philosophy of the Jesuits in Lithuania since the 16th until the 18th Century.Roman Darowski - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (2):323-332.
    In the philosophy of the Jesuits of this period one can distinguish philosophy connected with teaching, i.e. taught at schools led by the Jesuits, and Civic philosophy, not connected directly with teaching. This was mainly social, economic, and political philosophy, especially philosophy of the state, law and the like.
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    The Public Sphere as a Common Good: The Militant Farmer Karsthans (1521) and the Dialogue Pamphlet as Media Genre.Roman Widder - 2024 - Substance 53 (3):25-48.
    This article reflects on the dynamics of the public sphere in the early modern period by analyzing the figure of the peasant and the notion of the common(s) in dialogue pamphlets. Beginning with a discussion of what it means to speak of a public sphere in relation to the early modern period, it examines one of the most famous Reformation dialogues, _Karst-hans_, published anonymously in 1521 in Strasbourg. Just before the German Peasants’ War (1524–26), the Lutheran dialogue, polemically (...)
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    A molecular signature for the “master” heart cell.Roman Anton, Michael Kühl & Petra Pandur - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (5):422-426.
    The vertebrate heart comprises a variety of cell types, the majority of which are cardiomyocytes, smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Their origin is still an intriguing research topic and the question is whether these cells derive from a common or from multiple distinct progenitor cell(s). Three recent publications not only suggest the existence of a single progenitor cell that can give rise to cardiovascular lineages but additionally uncovered, at least in part, the molecular identity of such a multipotent precursor cell.1-3 (...)
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  21.  28
    La Philosophie des jésuites en Pologne du XVIᵉ au XVIIIᵉ siècle. Essai de synthèse.Roman Darowski - 1997 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2 (1):211-242.
    Ces dernieres annees, plusieurs travaux sur la philosophie des jesuites en Pologne au XVIᵉ XVIᵉ et XVIIᵉ siecle ont ete publies. Ceux qui sent ecrits en langues plus connues, sont enumeres dans la bibliographie a la fin de cet article. Malgre cela, on ne pent pas dire que cette philosophie soit suffisamment explicite. Mais actuellement, il existe deja des fondements plus solides pour essayer de creer une synthese de cette philosophie. Cet essai est d'autant plus fonde que d'apres l'opinion de (...)
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  22. Jewish Civilization in the Hellenistic-Roman Period.Shemaryahu Talmon - 1991
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    Studies in the Astronomy of the Roman Period IV Solar Tables Based on a Non-Hipparchian Model.Alexander Jones - 2000 - Centaurus 42 (2):77-88.
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    Kirgistan: A Photoethnography of Talas.Judith Beyer & Roman Knee - 2007 - Hirmer Publishers.
    While Western attention might have been shifting towards Kirgistan in recent decades, little is truly known about this central Asian country and its people. In words and pictures, this photoethnographic catalogue exposes the reader to the unique culture and customs of the place. At the heart of the presentation are the people and traditions of the Talas region. Mountainous landscapes, an oriental way of life, hospitable people, national break-up and revolution: these are the things most commonly associated with Kirgistan. The (...)
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  25.  18
    Studies in the Astronomy of the Roman Period III. Planetary Epoch Tables.Alexander Jones - 1998 - Centaurus 40 (1):1-41.
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    The greek address system of the Roman period and its relationship to latin1.Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54:494-527.
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    Images of Eternal Beauty in Funerary Verse Inscriptions of the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman Periods by Andrzej Wypustek.Lucia Floridi - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 107 (4):557-558.
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    The 'Am Ha-Aretz. A Study in the Social History of the Jewish People in the Hellenistic-Roman Period.Eric M. Meyers, Aharon Oppenheimer & K. H. Rengstorf - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (1):116.
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    Excavations at Tel Mevorakh . Part One: From the Iron Age to the Roman Period.William G. Dever & Ephraim Stern - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):399.
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  30. Maccabees, Zealots and Josephus: An Inquiry into Jeunsh Nationalism in the Greco-Roman Period.William Reuben Farmer - 1956
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    Irony and Truth: The Value of De Historia Conscribenda for Understanding Hellenistic and Early Roman Period Historiographical Method.Jens Schröter, Clare K. Rothschild & Jörg Frey - 2009 - In Jens Schröter, Clare K. Rothschild & Jörg Frey (eds.), Die Apostelgeschichte Im Kontext Antiker Und Frühchristlicher Historiographie. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Dual-Tasking in the Near-Hand Space: Effects of Stimulus-Hand Proximity on Between-Task Shifts in the Psychological Refractory Period Paradigm.Thomas J. Hosang, Rico Fischer, Jennifer Pomp & Roman Liepelt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    In Search of Oriental Cults. Methodological Problems Concerning ‘The Particular’ and ‘The General’ in Near Eastern Religion in the Hellenistic and Roman Period.Ted Kaizer - 2006 - História 55 (1):26-47.
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    Kinases and G proteins join the Wnt receptor complex.Tom Quaiser, Roman Anton & Michael Kühl - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):339-343.
    Wnt proteins form a family of secreted signaling proteins that play a key role in various developmental events such as cell differentiation, cell migration, cell polarity and cell proliferation. It is currently thought that Wnt proteins activate at least three different signaling pathways by binding to seven transmembrane receptors of the Frizzled family and the co-receptor LRP6. Despite our growing knowledge of intracellular components that mediate a Wnt signal, the molecular events at the membrane have remained rather unclear. Now several (...)
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  35.  52
    Jewish Symbols In the Greco-Roman Period.John V. Walsh - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (3):444-446.
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    The Greek address system of the Roman period and its relationship to Latin.Eleanor Dickey - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (02):494-527.
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    (1 other version)Studies in the Astronomy of the Roman Period.Alexander Jones - 1997 - Centaurus 39 (3):211-229.
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  38. Long-Term Trajectories of Human Civilization.Seth D. Baum, Stuart Armstrong, Timoteus Ekenstedt, Olle Häggström, Robin Hanson, Karin Kuhlemann, Matthijs M. Maas, James D. Miller, Markus Salmela, Anders Sandberg, Kaj Sotala, Phil Torres, Alexey Turchin & Roman V. Yampolskiy - 2019 - Foresight 21 (1):53-83.
    Purpose This paper aims to formalize long-term trajectories of human civilization as a scientific and ethical field of study. The long-term trajectory of human civilization can be defined as the path that human civilization takes during the entire future time period in which human civilization could continue to exist. -/- Design/methodology/approach This paper focuses on four types of trajectories: status quo trajectories, in which human civilization persists in a state broadly similar to its current state into the distant future; (...)
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  39.  25
    From the Late Graeco-Roman Period to the Early Middle Ages. Topical Problems from the Historical and Archaeological Point of View. [REVIEW]Horst Zettel - 1982 - Philosophy and History 15 (1):87-87.
  40.  56
    A Gold Treasure of the Late Roman Period A Gold Treasure of the Late Roman Period. By Walter Dennison Swarthmore College. (University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series, Vol. XII. Studies in East Christian and Roman Art, Part II.). One volume. 11″×8″. Pp. 87. Fifty-four plates and 57 text illustrations. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1918. $2.50 net. [REVIEW]H. M. F. - 1919 - The Classical Review 33 (5-6):117-118.
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    Clairève Grandjouan: Terracottas and Plastic Lamps of the Roman Period. (The Athenian Agora, vol. vi.) Pp. xii+106; 33 plates, 7 figs. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1961. Cloth, $10.00. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (03):321-.
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    The Athenian Agora. Vol. v: Pottery of the Roman Period, Chronology. [REVIEW]J. M. Cook - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (3):267-268.
  43.  32
    (N.) Lazaridis Wisdom in Loose Form. The Language of Egyptian and Greek Proverbs in Collections of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. (Mnemosyne Supplementum 287.) Pp. xvi + 317. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007. Cased, €119, US$167. ISBN: 978-90-04-16058-. [REVIEW]Joseph Russo - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):638-.
  44.  26
    The development of Roman jerusalem - (s.) weksler-bdolah aelia capitolina – jerusalem in the Roman period. In light of archaeological research. (Mnemosyne supplements 432.) Pp. XXVI + 244, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Leiden and boston: Brill, 2020. Cased, €106, us$128. Isbn: 978-90-04-40733-6. [REVIEW]Yaron Z. Eliav - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):196-198.
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    Romans at Besa: New Light on an Athenian Deme in the Imperial Period.Anna Kouremenos & Giorgos Mitropoulos - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):159-175.
    This article presents an overview of Roman citizens registered in the small Attic deme of Besa. The epigraphic record indicates that three Roman emperors—Hadrian, Commodus and Severus Alexander—were enrolled as citizens in this deme, as was the influential eastern magnate G. Julius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappos and several men who dominated Athenian politics during the High Imperial period. We argue that Hadrian's enrolment and repeated sojourns in Athens encouraged various individuals—including two of his successors—to join this deme, but (...)
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  46. (1 other version)ource Book of the History of Education for the Greek and Roman Period[REVIEW]Paul Monroe - 1902 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 12:315.
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    Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period: Essays in Memory of Morton Smith.Harold W. Attridge, Fausto Parente & Joseph Sievers - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):137.
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    An Egyptian Funerary Bed of the Roman Period in the Royal Ontario Museum.Wolfgang Helck & Needler Winifred - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):182.
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    Method in the Study of Early Judaism: A Dialogue with Lester GrabbeJudaism from Cyrus to Hadrian, Vol. I: The Persian and Greek Periods; Vol. II: The Roman Period.Steve Mason & Lester L. Grabbe - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):463.
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  50.  20
    HONOURS RECORDED AT DELPHI - (D.) Grzesik Honorific Culture at Delphi in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. (Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy 17.) Pp. xvi + 247, b/w & colour figs, colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021. Cased, €118, US$142. ISBN: 978-90-04-50247-5. [REVIEW]Anne Jacquemin - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):210-212.
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