Results for ' Vacaspatimi sra'

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  1. Paṇḍitaparikramāpañcamastabake Gauḍapūrṇānandacakravartiviracitā Tattvamuktāvalī.Vijayanarayana Gaudapurnanandacakravarti, Edward B. Mi sra, Cowell & Sampurnananda Samskrta Vi Svavidyalaya - 1992 - Sampūrṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayasya. Edited by Edward B. Cowell & Vijaya Nārāyaṇa Miśra.
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  2. Neuromejora moral:¿ Un camino prometedor Ante el fracaso de la educación?Excma Sra Dª Adela Cortina Orts - 2005 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 14 (1):1-30.
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    The psychology and policy of overcoming economic inequality.Kai Ruggeri, Olivia Symone Tutuska, Giampaolo Abate Romero Ladini, Narjes Al-Zahli, Natalia Alexander, Mathias Houe Andersen, Katherine Bibilouri, Jennifer Chen, Barbora Doubravová, Tatianna Dugué, Aleena Asfa Durrani, Nicholas Dutra, R. A. Farrokhnia, Tomas Folke, Suwen Ge, Christian Gomes, Aleksandra Gracheva, Neža Grilc, Deniz Mısra Gürol, Zoe Heidenry, Clara Hu, Rachel Krasner, Romy Levin, Justine Li, Ashleigh Marie Elizabeth Messenger, Fredrik Nilsson, Julia Marie Oberschulte, Takashi Obi, Anastasia Pan, Sun Young Park, Sofia Pelica, Maksymilian Pyrkowski, Katherinne Rabanal, Pika Ranc, Žiga Mekiš Recek, Daria Stefania Pascu, Alexandra Symeonidou, Milica Vdovic, Qihang Yuan, Eduardo Garcia-Garzon & Sarah Ashcroft-Jones - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e174.
    Recent arguments claim that behavioral science has focused – to its detriment – on the individual over the system when construing behavioral interventions. In this commentary, we argue that tackling economic inequality using both framings in tandem is invaluable. By studying individuals who have overcome inequality, “positive deviants,” and the system limitations they navigate, we offer potentially greater policy solutions.
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  4. Paṇḍitaparikramācaturthastabake Lakṣmīdharakaviviracitaḥ Advaitamakarandaḥ.Archibald Edward Laksmidhara, Vijayanarayana Gough, Mi sra, Svayampraka Sayatindra & Sampurnananda Samskrta Vi Svavidyalaya - 1992 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampurṇānandasaṃskr̥taviśvavidyālayasya. Edited by Archibald Edward Gough, Vijaya Nārāyaṇa Miśra & Svayaṃprakāśayati.
    Treatise, with English translation, on Advaita Vedanta.
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  5. Memadeha Ha- Olamiyim Shel Ha-Historyah Ha-Yehudit Kovets Ma Amarim.Salo Wittmayer Baron, Yom Tov Assis, Robert Liberles, Irit Sivan & Merkaz Zalman Shazar le-Toldot Yi Sra El - 1996
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  6. Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.) - 1997 - [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  7. Az igazság pillanatai?: metafilozófiai válaszok a szkeptikus kihívásra.László Bernáth & László Kocsis (eds.) - 2021 - Budapest: Kalligram.
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  8. Historia de la imagen y del Monasterio de Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Lima, de Agustinas Recoletas.Francisco Javier Campos Y. Fernández de Sevilla - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (113):565-659.
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  9. Qädim Azärbaycanda siyasi vä hüquqi fikir: än qädim dövrdän VIII äsrädäk.Agshin Gulii̐ev - 2003 - Bakı: [Qanun].
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    Dus gsum gyi rgyal ba sras daṅ bcas paʼi bstan pa mthaʼ dag daṅ khyad par rdo rje ʼchan Karma-paʼi dgoṅs pa gsal bar byed paʼi bstan bcos thar paʼi lam chen bgrod paʼi śiṅ rta źes bya ba bźugs so.Dpal-Khaṅ ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Chos-Kyi-Rgya-Mtsho - 2012 - Lhasa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    On correct method of understanding various Buddhist philosophical concepts according to sutras and tantras. (Dus gsum gyi rgyal ba sras dang bcas paʹi bstan pa mthaʼ dag dang kyad par Rdo-rje-ʼchang Karma-paʼi dgong pa gsal bar byed paʼi bstan bcos thar paʼi lam chen bgrod paʼi shing rta zhes bya ba ʼdi yin no).
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  11. Símbolos de san Agustín en el Monasterio de Ntra. Sra. de la Loma.Santiago Montoya Beleña - 1990 - Revista Agustiniana 31 (95):551-588.
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  12. Historia de la imagen y del Monasterio de Ntra. Sra. del Prado de Lima, de Agustinas Recoletas.F. Javier Campos - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (113):565-659.
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  13. Sefer Menaḥem shemo: man be-ʻi le-mezaben sam ḥayim Erets Yiʹsraʼel.M. Lurje - 1936 - Rigah: Bilike bicher.
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  14. Toldot Ha-Pilosofyah Be-Yi Sra El Al-Pi Seder Ha-Mehkarim.David Neumark & Samuel Solomon Cohon - 1921 - A.Y. Shtibl.
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    Les artifices modernes de l'agit'prop. Internet et crise du "SRAS" en chine.Éric SautedÉ - 2003 - Hermes 37:231-241.
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  16. Erets Ha-Mamashut Òveha-Dimyon Ma°Amahda Shel Erets-Yi'sra®El Be-Hagut Ha-Tsiyonit Ha-Datit.Dov Schwartz - 1997
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    tes de San Pedro Advíncula, Sevilla, 1616; Relación de la inundación de Sevilla, 1626, Relación de la muerte y depósito de la Excma. Sra. Duquesa de Veraguas, Condesa de Gelves) et de plusieurs. [REVIEW]Del Alcázar Las Tardes & Un Dialogue Érasmiste - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist (eds.), Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 37.
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  18. Milot Ha-Higayon ...Bi-Mekoro Ha- Arvi Uve-Targume Ibn Tibon, Ahitov U-Vivas, Arukh...U-Meturgam Anglit Al Yede Yi Sra El Efrat.Moses Maimonides, Israel Efros, Mosheh Ibn Tibon, Joseph ben Joshua Ahitub ben Isaac & Ibn Vives al-Lorqui - 1938 - Ha-Akademyah Ha-Amerikanit le-Mada E Ha-Yahadut.
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  19. A Study of the Brahmasiddhi of Maṇḍana Miśra.R. Balasubramanian - 1983 - Chaukhamba Amarabharati Prakashan.
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    Affective Profiles and Anxiety or Non-Anxiety-Related Reasons for School Refusal Behavior: Latent Profile Analysis in Spanish Adolescents.Carolina Gonzálvez, Ángela Díaz-Herrero, María Vicent, Ricardo Sanmartín, Aitana Fernández-Sogorb & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Little has been studied on the relationship between affect and school problems related with attendance. This study aims to identify different affective profiles and to determine whether these profiles differ from each other based on the four functional conditions of school refusal behavior. Participants comprised 1,816 Spanish adolescents aged 15–18 years. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children-Short Form and the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised for Children were administered. Latent profile analysis revealed five affective profiles: low affective profile, self-fulfilling (...)
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  21. Action observation and execution: What is shared?Frédérique De Vignemont - unknown
    Performing an action and observing it activate the same internal representations of action. The representations are therefore shared between self and other. But what exactly is shared? At what level within the hierarchical structure of the motor system do SRA occur? Understanding the content of SRA is important in order to decide what theoretical work SRA can perform. In this paper, we provide some conceptual clarification by raising three main questions: are SRA semantic or pragmatic representations of action?; are SRA (...)
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    Implementation of a multi-disciplinary ethics unit.Lynette B. Fernandes, Nin Kirkham, Anna-Marie Babey & Dominique Blache - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (2):109-123.
    The multi-disciplinary unit Social Responsibility in Action was developed for students with an interest in ethics who were completing undergraduate degrees in Arts, Commerce, Design or Science at an Australian research-intensive university. The academic objectives of this unit were to increase student awareness, knowledge, understanding and critical thinking skills related to various ethical issues. Lecturers from five disciplines collaborated in the design and delivery of SRA, which comprised lectures, tutorials and a research-based project. Anonymous surveys were administered at the start (...)
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    Update Semantics of Security Protocols.Arjen Hommersom, John-Jules Meyer & Erik De Vink - 2004 - Synthese 142 (2):229 - 267.
    We present a model-theoretic approach for reasoning about security protocols, applying recent insights from dynamic epistemic logics. This enables us to describe exactly the subsequent epistemic states of the agents participating in the protocol, using Kripke models and transitions between these based on updates of the agent's beliefs associated with steps in the protocol. As a case study we will consider the SRA Three Pass protocol and discuss the Wide-Mouthed Frog protocol.
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    Arap Şiirinde Bir Aruz Hususiyeti Olan ‘Tedvîr’in Klasik Türk Şiirindeki İzleri.Bünyamin Ayçiçeği - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):706-721.
    Araplarla irtibat kurmuş farklı milletler manzumelerinde, aruz ölçüsünü kendi dil imkânlarına uygun hâle getirerek kullanmıştır. Özellikle İran edebiyatında, 11. asırdan başlayarak Fars dilinin hususiyetlerine göre aruz şekillenmeye başlamış, Türk edebiyatında ise aruzun Türkçeye tatbikine dair birtakım hususlar, teorik zeminden ziyade pratikler neticesinde şekillenmiştir. Zamanla Türk şairleri aruzu, dillerine uygun hâle getirmeyi başarmış, kendi kuralları çerçevesinde oluşturdukları kaideler dairesinde Türkçe manzumeler meydana getirmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Arap şiirinde kullanılan aruz uygulamalarından bazılarını Türk şiirine adapte etmişlerdir. Bu uygulamalardan biri de bir kelimenin beytin (...)
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    Power and agency within the evaluative state: A strategic–relational approach to quantification of higher education.Jakub Krzeski - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (12):1400-1413.
    This article addresses the problem of the quantification of higher education by introducing a theoretical framework for power relations and agency within this process. Instead of treating evaluation regimes as external and imposed on the sector, it argues for a relational approach to the problem of exercising power over the higher education sector through means of evaluation. To develop such an approach, the article draws on two sources: Guy Neave’s account of the evaluative state and Bob Jessop’s strategic–relational approach (SRA) (...)
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    Critical Realism and the Strategic-Relational Approach: Comments on a Non-Typical KWNS-SWPR Experience.Héctor Montiel - 2007 - Journal of Critical Realism 6 (1):84-110.
    This article opens with a brief analysis of key features of the Mexican semi-authoritarian regime. It then moves to a discussion of the critical realist positions and features that inform the strategic-relational approach. Attention is paid to social interactions and causal relations that enable the SRA to trace patterns of punctuated evolution and to highlight the processes of transformation. Since ideal types serve to highlight key characteristics in specifc phenomena, processes and actors, some features of ideal types of the state (...)
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    Confirming the Validity of the School-Refusal Assessment Scale—Revised in a Sample of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.Stian Orm, Cathrine Orm, Mette I. Mebostad, Anders Dechsling & Anders Nordahl-Hansen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children with developmental disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, are at high risk of school-refusal behavior compared with their peers. One of the most used scales to assess SRB is the school refusal behavior scale – revised. The SRAS-R has demonstrated good psychometric properties when used with the general population of children, but, recently, its validity has been questioned when used with children with developmental disorders. We tested the psychometric properties of the SRAS-R parental reports in 96 children with ADHD. Results (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Cuaderno de viaje.Carlos Restrepo Piedrahita - 1963 - [Bogotá,:
    Itinerario.--Redescubrimiento de la Piedra Nietzsche.--Carta de la Sra. Cati Knaus.--Carta de la Fundación "Casa Nietzsche en Sils-Maria."--Carta del director del "Archivo Goethe-Schiller," en Weimar.--Wiederentdeckung des "Nietzsche-Steins."--En el Monte de los Olivas.--Un vino llamado "Nicolaus Machiavellus."--Carta de la Società vinicola dei conti Serristori.--Un vino chiamato "Nicolaus Machiavellus.".
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    Logical Oddities in Protagorean Relativism.Evan Keeling - 2023 - Rhizomata 10 (2):215-237.
    This paper discusses two broadly logical issues related to Protagoras’ measure doctrine (M) and the self-refutation argument (SRA). First, I argue that the relevant interpretation of (M) has it that every individual human being determines all her own truths, including the truth of (M) itself. I then turn to what I take to be the most important move in the SRA: that Protagoras recognises not only that his opponents disagree with him about the truth of (M), but also that they (...)
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    Exorcising the Body Politic.Matthew King - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 38 (1):45-57.
    This study examines thirteenth to twentieth century Tibetan and Mongolian monastic memorializations of the bodily violence enacted upon Köten Ejen at the center of the “Buddhist conversion of the Mongols.” Koten Ejen (Tib. Lha sras go tan rgyal po, 1206–1251) was Chinggis Khan’s grandson and a military leader involved in Mongol campaigns against the Song Dynasty and against Buddhist monasteries in eastern Tibet. In 1240, Koten famously summoned the Central Tibetan Buddhist polymath Sakya Pandita, by then already an old man, (...)
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    Etgar u-mashber be-ḥug ha-rav Ḳuḳ.Dov Schwartz - 2001
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  32. Rigs ʼphrul dpyid kyi pho ña.Lha-Moʼi Blo-Bzaṅ-Tshul-Khrims-Rgya-Mtsho - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  33. Rigs lam ʼphrul gyi sde mig.Guṅ-Thaṅ Bstan-Paʼi-Sgron-Me - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  34. Bsdus sbyor gyi sñiṅ po kun bsdus rig paʼi mdzod. ʼJam-dbyaṅs-bźad-paʼi-rdo-rje - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  35. Blo rig gi zur rgyan.Bse ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Bkra-śis - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  36. Blo rig gi mthaʾ dpyod legs bśad mkhas paʾi mgul rgyan.Bse ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Bkra-śis - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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  37. Rtags rigs kyi raṅ lugs mthaʼ dpyod ku mu taʼi kha ʾbyed.Bse ṄAg-Dbaṅ-Bkra-śis - 1997 - In ʼbrug-Rgyal-Mkhar & Skal-Bzang-Thogs-Med (eds.), Kun mkhyen yab sras kyi gsung rtsom mkho bsdus tshad maʼi dgongs don bde blag tu rtogs paʼi sde mig. [Lanzhou]: Mtsho-sṅon Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkram.
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