Results for 'Tatianna Dugué'

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  1.  45
    The psychology and policy of overcoming economic inequality.Kai Ruggeri, Olivia Symone Tutuska, Giampaolo Abate Romero Ladini, Narjes Al-Zahli, Natalia Alexander, Mathias Houe Andersen, Katherine Bibilouri, Jennifer Chen, Barbora Doubravová, Tatianna Dugué, Aleena Asfa Durrani, Nicholas Dutra, R. A. Farrokhnia, Tomas Folke, Suwen Ge, Christian Gomes, Aleksandra Gracheva, Neža Grilc, Deniz Mısra Gürol, Zoe Heidenry, Clara Hu, Rachel Krasner, Romy Levin, Justine Li, Ashleigh Marie Elizabeth Messenger, Fredrik Nilsson, Julia Marie Oberschulte, Takashi Obi, Anastasia Pan, Sun Young Park, Sofia Pelica, Maksymilian Pyrkowski, Katherinne Rabanal, Pika Ranc, Žiga Mekiš Recek, Daria Stefania Pascu, Alexandra Symeonidou, Milica Vdovic, Qihang Yuan, Eduardo Garcia-Garzon & Sarah Ashcroft-Jones - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e174.
    Recent arguments claim that behavioral science has focused – to its detriment – on the individual over the system when construing behavioral interventions. In this commentary, we argue that tackling economic inequality using both framings in tandem is invaluable. By studying individuals who have overcome inequality, “positive deviants,” and the system limitations they navigate, we offer potentially greater policy solutions.
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  2.  7
    Les acquisitions nouvelles en calcul des probabilités depuis le début du XX e siècle.Daniel Dugué - 1956 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 146:354 - 367.
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  3.  11
    Le malaise professionnel des éducateurs spécialisés, entre mal-être et mal à être.Pierre Dugué - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (1):34-42.
    At present, the uneasiness at work of social workers and more specifically that of specialized educators is becoming a major and central problem. How can we analyse the appearance and installation of wear at work of specialist educators? Would the uneasiness expressed not be a revelation of a transformation of professional identity? What functions do complaints and resentments fulfil from the point of view of the identity building and transaction process?
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  4.  9
    Mass, Charge, Gravity and Rays: Distinguishing Between the Two Kinds of Universal Physics.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 69–84.
    In physics, mass is a property of matter that describes how material elements are arranged in space and opposed to forces, and also how they generate forces such as gravitation forces. Electric charge remains enigmatic. This charge is a universal constant, and it is discrete rather than continuous. Spin can be interpreted as a reversal movement that allows the outer side of matter to fold back on itself. Finally, Maxwell's theory on the propagation of light also belongs to the physics (...)
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  5.  8
    Physics in the 21st Century in Relation to Information and Arrangements.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 121–154.
    This chapter provides a few approaches aiming to review the interpretation of matter, nature and the universe by trying to reframe the physical sciences in the context that has taken shape: arrangement, communication and information. In relation to what has just been presented, action regards more a mechanical type of physics with forces, arrangement, movements and orientations. Rational mechanics is the result. The existence of the two types of physics is associated with two great scientists. First of all, Galileo, who (...)
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  6. Un mélange d'algèbre et de statistique.Daniel Dugué - 1960 - [Paris,: Édition du Palais de la découverte].
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  7.  25
    Un modele ondulatoire en biologie.Bernard Dugué - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):237-244.
    Many complex systems, like biologic ones, cannot be understood with reductionist and analytic methods which are based upon an aristotelian logic with two values, false and true; in the past, mathematicians and philosophers have developed alternative logics, and the philosopher Stéphane Lupasco proposed a dynamic logic named logic of contradictory statements, with three values, potential, actual, and T which represents a mediate position between actual state and potential state, moreover, dynamics is introduced in form of a logical movement from potential (...)
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  8.  19
    Temporal Dynamics of Natural Static Emotional Facial Expressions Decoding: A Study Using Event- and Eye Fixation-Related Potentials.Anne Guérin-Dugué, Raphaëlle N. Roy, Emmanuelle Kristensen, Bertrand Rivet, Laurent Vercueil & Anna Tcherkassof - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9.  11
    Quelques remarques sur le caractère provisoire de toute axiomatique.Daniel Dugué - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (1‐2):148-153.
    RésuméCe travail présente l'axiomatique comme la définition d'un système mathématique par rapport à toutes ses extensions possibles. L'ensemble de ces extensions pouvant être infini, il en résulte qu'il n'est pas impossible qu'à la base de tout système mathématique il y ait une infinité d'axiomes. Ce point de vue est appuyé de divers exemples tirés de la géométrie. L'auteur donne un énoncé de topologie qui lui paraît avoir la valeur d'un axiome et qui sépare les mathéniatiques du certain des mathématiques de (...)
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  10.  9
    Index.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 163–164.
    This chapter leads the readers from technology and philosophy to biology and sociology on the basis of the notion of information as well as communication, aims to make clear. The paradigm of Information concerns all the branches of physics and plays a prominent role in quantum dynamics as well as cosmology, interpreting Gravity as the uncovering of an informational order in the universe. In the chapter, Information with a capital I represents an issue of a cultural and political order faced (...)
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  11.  8
    Communication Influences the “Mechanisms” of the Living World and Society.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 31–44.
    In this chapter, the issue of information will be tackled from a "pathological" point of view, by considering living cells that have become cancerous and societies permeated by "psychological imbalances". The chapter focuses on the issue of fanaticism, whose cause is evidently related to the way of interpreting the world. The issue will revolve around immunity, identity, forms and communication. The chapter also considers some perspicacious analyses published in the 1960s by Jurgen Habermas. This unmissable philosopher has managed to shed (...)
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  12.  9
    Form, Information and Content.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 45–67.
    This chapter focuses on the study of contemporary physics, and follows the philosophical path in order to conceive the universal principle of the ontological difference between form and Content. The distinction between "form" and "content" is fairly recent. It started with medieval philosophy, which separated substance from accidents and essence from existence, while also conceiving substance no longer as an ontological substratum in an Aristotelian sense, but as an underlying thing. Equating on an ontological level Being and Content as opposed (...)
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  13.  11
    From Objects to Fields, Reinterpreted Contemporary Physics and the Path Toward Quantum Gravity.Bernard Dugué - 2017 - In Information and the World Stage. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. pp. 85–120.
    Formulating quantum gravity is the greatest challenge that 21st century physics must address. If quantum physics refuses to blend with general relativity, it may be that relativity does not represent a good description of the universe in line with gravity and all its effects. This opens a path for us: first understanding quantum physics and what it reveals about nature and then analyzing the boundaries of relativistic cosmology and reconsidering the whole matter. Physicists consider entanglement as a fundamental property derived (...)
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  14. Simulation of cortex visual cells for texture segmentation: foveal and parafoveal projections.P. M. Palagi & A. Guérin-Dugué - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 30-30.
  15.  52
    L'Infini en Logique et les Elements Definis et non Calculables.A. R. Turquette & Daniel Dugue - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):291.
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  16.  14
    Noëlla Barraquin, Anne Baudart, Jean Dugué, Jacqueline Laffitte, François Ribes, Joël Wilfert, Dictionnaire de philosophie. Sous la direction de Jacqueline Russ.Pascale Seys - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (3):472-473.
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  17.  34
    The Cat Demon, Gender, and Religious Practice: Towards Reconstructing a Medieval Chinese Cultural Pattern.Rebecca Doran - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4):689.
    This paper examines and contextualizes rituals and beliefs surrounding the cat demon. While the demon has been briefly discussed or referenced in earlier scholarship, there as yet exists no systematic attempt to understand how it is treated in various sources. The paper approaches the complex of practices and ideas associated with the cat demon as a unique and richly informative cultural phenomenon that is suggestive of tensions relating to gender and class. The paper begins with a close examination of materials (...)
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  18.  7
    Egia motak.Agustin Arrieta Urtizberea - 2001 - Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial.
    Filosofoek, ia ahobatez, bi egia moten arteko bereizketa onartu ohi dute. Alde batetik egia beharrezkoak eta egia kontingenteak bereizi eta bereizten dira. Lan honetan aipatutako bereizketaz ari gara, batez ere txanponaren alderdi bat jorratuz, egia beharrezkoak zertan diren aztertuz hain zuzen ere. Irakurleak bereizketaren jarraipen historikoa ere aurkituko du. Horrez gain, hiru testu berri-klasikoen itzulpena burutu dugu: Quineren enpirismoaren bi dogma, Tarskiren egia eta froga eta Kripkeren identitatea eta beharrezkotasuna.
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  19.  28
    Reason and ethos: Consequences of their separation and necessity of their unity.Mihailo Marković - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):19-32.
    Iako je tek u Kantovoj kritickoj filozofiji pojam "uma" dobio precizno znacenje i jasno omedjeno podrucje svog vazenja, ovaj termin ima dugu genezu u evropskoj duhovnoj istoriji. Koreni pojma uma nalaze se u grckom pojmu logosa i mogu se svesti na sest osnovnih znacenja kojima se oznacava logicka struktura ljudskog misljenja i racionalna struktura sveta. Anaksagora je sveopsti duhovni princip nus smatrao izvorom svekolike racionalnosti. Kod filozofa Stoe izraz logos spermaticos predstavlja aktivni princip koji deluje na pasivnu materiju da bi (...)
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  20.  28
    Riječanin Josip Zanchi o Rabljaninu Marku Antunu de Dominisu.Ivica Martinović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):689-707.
    Tijekom svoje kratke filozofske profesure na Bečkom sveučilištu i u plemićkom zavodu Collegium Theresianum , ali i potom dok je bio profesorom teologije u Beču, isusovac Josip Zanchi, riječki plemić, četiri je puta tiskao svoj udžbenik Physica particularis, koji je sadržavao raspravu iz meteorologije. U svim je tim izdanjima izlaganje o uzroku dúge započeo povijesnom bilješkom, u kojoj je sažeto prikazao de Dominisov, Descartesov i Newtonov doprinos objašnjenju dúge. Potraga za Zanchijevim izvorom u optičkim i prirodnofilozofskim djelima objavljenim nakon Newtonova (...)
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  21.  23
    Teologija: teološka analiza Einsteinova pojma Boga s implikacijama za njegovu sliku svijeta.Tonči Matulić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):531-557.
    istovremeno otkriva Božje tragove. Štoviše, po njemu je upravo pomoću prirodnih znanosti moguće uhvatiti i shvatiti Božju za-misao. Ovakvo gledanje na prirodu u XVIII. stoljeću je sačinjavalo sukus »prirodne teologije«. No, Einsteinov život i djelo se smještaju cijela dva stoljeća kasnije. Stoga je sasvim na mjestu istraživanje nekih teoloških implikacija Einsteinove fizikalne slike svijeta. Jer upravo je Einstein svojim najvažnijim prirodoznanstvenim otkrićima, točnije specijalnom teorijom relativnosti i općom teorijom relativnosti istovremeno »pokopao« dva i pol stoljeća dugu vladavinu newtonovske slike svemira, (...)
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