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  1. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development.Vandana Shiva - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):206-214.
  2. The Violence of the Green Revolution.Vandana Shiva, Alice Littlefield & Hill Gates - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (1):101-104.
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  3. Reductionist science as epistemological violence.Vandana Shiva - 1988 - In Ashis Nandy (ed.), Science, hegemony and violence: a requiem for modernity. Delhi: Oxford University Press. pp. 232--256.
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  4. Women and the Gendered Politics of Food.Vandana Shiva - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (2):17-32.
    From seed to table, the food chain is gendered. When seeds and food are in women’s hands, seeds reproduce and multiply freely, food is shared freely and respected. However, women’s seed and food economy has been discounted as “productive work.” Women’s seed and food knowledge has been discounted as knowledge. Globalization has led to the transfer of seed and food from women’s hands to corporate hands. Seed is now patented and genetically engineered. It is treated as the creation and “property” (...)
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  5. Woman in Nature.Vandana Shiva - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics.
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  6. Earth Follies: Feminism, Politics and the Environment.Joni Seager, Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (3):271-274.
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    The Subsistence Perspective.Maria Mies & Vandana Shiva - 2001 - In Sandra G. Harding (ed.), The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies. New York: Routledge. pp. 333--8.
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    Non-Local Hidden Variable Theories and Bell's Inequality.Jeffrey Bub & Vandana Shiva - 1978 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978:45-53.
    Bell's proof purports to show that any hidden variable theory satisfying a physically reasonable locality condition is characterized by an inequality which is inconsistent with the quantum statistics. It is shown that Bell's inequality actually characterizes a feature of hidden variable theories which is much weaker than locality in the sense considered physically motivated. We consider an example of non- local hidden variable theory which reproduces the quantum statistics. A simple extension of the theory, which preserves the non- local character, (...)
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    Talking Environment: Vandana Shiva in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo.Ramin Jahanbegloo & Vandana Shiva - 2013 - Oxford University Press India.
    Iranian scholar Ramin Jahanbegloo interviews one of the most well-known environment activists of our time, Vandana Shiva, and in the process, addresses issues ranging from nature and spiritualism, the Chipko Movement and the birth of Navdanya, 'earth democracy', and 'seed globalization' to the functioning of neoliberal paradigm in India, swadeshi and village governance, corruption in India, the future of Indian farmers, and the relevance of Gandhi in the twenty-first century.
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  10. Biodiversity, intellectual property rights, and globalization.Vandana Shiva - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 272--287.
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  11. The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the Twenty-First Century.Ronald Bailey, Wendell Berry, Norman Borlaug, M. F. K. Fisher, Nichols Fox, Greenpeace International, Garrett Hardin, Mae-Wan Ho, Marc Lappe, Britt Bailey, Tanya Maxted-Frost, Henry I. Miller, Helen Norberg-Hodge, Stuart Patton, C. Ford Runge, Benjamin Senauer, Vandana Shiva, Peter Singer, Anthony J. Trewavas, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In The Ethics of Food, Gregory E. Pence brings together a collection of voices who share the view that the ethics of genetically modified food is among the most pressing societal questions of our time. This comprehensive collection addresses a broad range of subjects, including the meaning of food, moral analyses of vegetarianism and starvation, the safety and environmental risks of genetically modified food, issues of global food politics and the food industry, and the relationships among food, evolution, and human (...)
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  12. Rainforest Politics: Ecological destruction in south-east Asia.Philip Hurst & Vandana Shiva - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (1):82-83.
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  13. Are quantum mechanical transition probabilities classical? A critique of Cartwright's interpretation of quantum theory.Vandana Shiva - 1980 - Synthese 44 (3):501 - 508.
  14. Hidden Variables and Locality in Quantum Theory.Vandana Shiva - 1979 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
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    La mirada del ecofeminismo (tres textos).Vandana Shiva - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    Para ampliar la mirada sobre los ejes articuladores entre el feminismo y las propuestas de sustentabilidad planetaria, se presentan tres textos de Vandana Shiva, una de las figuras centrales en el mundo, en el ámbito del ecofeminismo. La autora expone nuevas formas de mirar y comprender conceptos como pobreza y democracia; denuncia el desarrollo como proyecto culturalmente tendencioso que destruye los estilos de vida sanos y sostenibles y crea pobreza material; y denuncia la violencia de la globalización corporativa.
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    Reversing globalization: what Gandhi can teach us.Vandana Shiva - 1999 - The Ecologist 29 (3):224-226.
    _Gale_ Academic OneFile includes Reversing globalization: what Gandhi can teach us by Vandana Shiva. Click to explore.
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  17. The Green Movement in Asia.Vandana Shiva - 1992 - In Matthias Finger (ed.), The Green movement worldwide. Greenwich, Conn.: Jai Press. pp. 2--195.
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    The Implications of Agricultural Globalization in India.Vandana Shiva - 2006 - In Jacky Turner & Joyce D'Silva (eds.), Animals, ethics, and trade: the challenge of animal sentience. Sterling, VA: Earthscan. pp. 193.
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