Results for ' Western stories'

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  1.  7
    (1 other version)The story of Western philosophy.Francis H. Parker - 1967 - Bloomington,: Indiana University Press.
    This book is a guide to the interpretation of the history of Western philosophy. It covers, in readable and clear text, history from the pre-Socratics to the modern period of the 19th century.
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    A story waiting to pierce you: Mongolia, Tibet, and the destiny of the Western world.Peter Kingsley - 2010 - Point Reyes Station, Calif.: Golden Sufi Center.
    The aim -- The journey -- The goal -- The view -- The endless joy.
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    The story of philosophy: the lives and opinions of the great philosophers of the Western world.Will Durant - 1933 - New York, N.Y.: Simon & Schuster.
    Examines the history of speculative thought by focusing on such dominant personalities as Plato, Bacon, Spinoza, Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche.
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  4. The rise of Western rationalism: Paul Feyerabend’s story.John Preston - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 57:79-86.
    I summarise certain aspects of Paul Feyerabend’s account of the development of Western rationalism, show the ways in which that account is supposed to run up against an alternative, that of Karl Popper, and then try to give a preliminary comparison of the two. My interest is primarily in whether what Feyerabend called his ‘story’ constitutes a possible history of our epistemic concepts and their trajectory. I express some grave reservations about that story, and about Feyerabend’s framework, finding Popper’s (...)
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    A Story Waiting to Pierce You: Mongolia, Tibet and the Destiny of the Western World (review).Kevin Corrigan - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (2):281-286.
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    Western Princesses—A Missing Story.Keun-joo Christine Pae - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (2):121-139.
    THE PRIMARY GOAL OF THIS ESSAY IS TO BRING PUBLIC AWARENESS OF MILitary prostitution sprung up around U.S. military bases across the globe. With a focus on the lived experiences of Korean military prostitutes for American soldiers in South Korea, this essay argues that military prostitution should be considered a human reality in the realm of international politics: the U.S. empire building at the expenses of women's bodies. This argument further aims to foster Christian feminist—social ethics that reconstructs a Christian (...)
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    Western australian managers tell their stories: Ethical challenges in international business operations. [REVIEW]Margaret McNeil & Kerry Pedigo - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (4):305 - 317.
    This paper investigates the ethical challenges facing managers in Western Australia. It identifies the ethical issues that managers confront in international business. Managers in this research have identified a number of significant ethical issues when discussing the ethical incidents that occurred in their international dealings. The research shows a degree of congruence between managers'' experiences and establishes the main ethical dilemmas encountered, how they felt and actions taken when confronted with an ethical dilemma.
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    Ideas and Men. The Story of Western Thought.J. M. Brown & Crane Brinton - 1951 - Philosophical Quarterly 1 (5):463.
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    The Story of Chang K'ién, China's Pioneer in Western Asia: Text and Translation of Chapter 123 of Ssï-Ma Ts'ién's Shï-KiThe Story of Chang K'ien, China's Pioneer in Western Asia: Text and Translation of Chapter 123 of Ssi-Ma Ts'ien's Shi-Ki. [REVIEW]Friedrich Hirth - 1917 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 37:89.
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    A Different Story: Aesthetics and the History of Western Music.Karl-Olof Edström - 2007 - Pendragon Press. Edited by Joel Speerstra.
    Homo aestheticus -- The Greeks -- The Age of Enlightenment -- A time of consolidation -- A period of expansion -- The present : the use of music : the transformation of aesthetics.
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    Mingadhuga Mingayung: Respecting Country through Mother Mountain’s stories to share her cultural voice in Western academic structures.Anthony McKnight - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (3):276-290.
    The cultural invasion of Yuin Country in Australia not only colonized the Yuin people and Yuin Country itself, but also contributed to non-Aboriginal people’s continual colonized journey of disconnecting self from Mother Earth. Cultural awareness is a process driven by Western theories informed by the colonial dualism that functions on separation and differences. Tripartation means assisting in a decolonization and more importantly a reculturalization process to place Yuin Country and align stories back into focus for all peoples attached (...)
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    The Emergence Of Turkish Story In Western Style And New Themes From Tanzimat To Republic.Okan KOÇ - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:799-900.
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    From the Gita to the grail: exploring yoga stories and western myths.Bernie Clark - 2014 - Indianapolis: Blue River Press.
    Compares the myths of yoga to stories that have influenced Western culture and explores how these spiritual stories can work at an unconscious level to provide road maps for navigating through modern life.
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    Flesh Made Word: Saints' Stories and the Western Imagination.Caroline Walker Bynum - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (2):208-209.
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    Why you think the way you do: the story of western worldviews from Rome to home.Glenn S. Sunshine - 2009 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.
    How have we come by our worldviews, and what influence did Christianity have on those that are common to Western civilization?
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    Wolf Stories.Paul C. Paquet - 2005 - Environmental Ethics 27 (2):115-134.
    Wolf stories, including the systematic and government-sponsored killing of Yukon wolves, provide a context for the examination of assumptions about Western epistemology, and particularly science, in light of the “ethics-based epistemology” presented by Jim Cheney and Anthony Weston, with implications for research, responsibility, and animal welfare. Working from a premise of universal consideration, andminding the ethical basis of knowledge claims, enables richer conceptions of environmental ethics and creates new possibilities for animal welfare and managing for wildlife.
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  17.  6
    Shiva dancing at King Arthur's court: what yoga stories and Western myths tell us about ourselves.Bernie Clark - 2021 - Indianapolis: Blue River Press.
    What is the meaning of Shiva dancing on a dwarf named Avidya? Why does Vishnu sleep upon an endless snake? To what did the Buddha awaken? What do we mean by soul? The practice of Yoga has become quite common and popular in the West; however, the stories of Yoga are still strange to Western ears. What do these ancient symbols mean, what are they trying to teach us, and how should we incorporate the knowledge skillfully into our (...)
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  18.  10
    Ideas & Men, The Story of Western Thought by Crane Brinton; English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century. [REVIEW]I. Cohen - 1951 - Isis 42:88-89.
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    The story of the body and the story of the person: Towards an ethics of representing human bodies and body-parts.Y. Michael Barilan - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):193-205.
    Western culture has a few traditions of representing the human body – among them mortuary art (gisants), the freak show, the culture of the relics, renaissance art and pre-modern and modern anatomy. A historical analysis in the spirit of Norbert Elias is offered with regard to body – person relationship in anatomy. Modern anatomy is characterized by separating the story of the person from the story of the body, a strategy that is incompatible with the bio-psycho-social paradigm of clinical (...)
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  20.  9
    Love everyone: the transcendent wisdom of Neem Karoli Baba told through the stories of the Westerners whose lives he transformed.Parvati Markus - 2015 - New York: HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
    A celebration of one of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time, Neem Karoli Baba, the enlightened guru who inspired a generation of seekers--including Ram Dass, Daniel Goleman, and Larry Brilliant--on life-altering journeys that helped change the world.In 1967, Ram Dass returned to the West from India and spread the teachings of his mysterious guru, Neem Karoli Baba, better known as Maharajji. Ram Dass's words about Maharajji's life-affirming wisdom resonated with a youth culture that had grown disillusioned with the (...)
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  21.  5
    Life Stories and Cross-Cultural Marriages: A Discussion of Betty de Hart, `Not Without My Daughter: On Parental Abduction, Orientalism and Maternal Melodrama'.Ellettha J. E. Schoustra-van Beukering - 2002 - European Journal of Women's Studies 9 (1):69-78.
    In the footsteps of Betty Mahmoody's book Not Without My Daughter, a raft of other western women wrote books about their mixed marriages with men from other continents. The men are mainly orientals. All these women have seen their marriages fail. Although most of them admit they made a wrong choice, they do not necessarily portray their former husbands as unreliable characters and themselves as heroines. The life stories cannot be read from such a narrow perspective. These authors (...)
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    Book review: Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Western Feminist Theory. [REVIEW]Deborah M. Withers - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (2):253-256.
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    History as the Story of Liberty.Benedetto Croce - 1970 - W. W. Norton.
    Written in 1938 when the Western world had succumbed to the notion that history is a creature of blind force. A reviewer at the time noted the importance of Croce's belief that "the central trend in the evolution of man is the unfolding of new potentialities, and that the task of the historian is to discover and emphasise this trend: the story of liberty". As Croce himself writes, "Even in the darkest and crassest times liberty trembles in the lines (...)
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  24.  34
    The Story of Philosophy: A Concise Introduction to the World's Greatest Thinkers and Their Ideas.Bryan Magee - 2016 - New York, New York: National Geographic Books.
    Explore 2,500 years of Western philosophy, from the ancient Greeks to modern thinkers, with this ultimate guide’s stunning and simple approach to some of history’s biggest ideas. This essential guide to philosophy includes thoughts on our modern society, exploring science and democracy, and posing the question: where do we go from here? Easy-to-understand text is accompanied by works of art and artifacts from history, as the big ideas and important thinkers are introduced through time. Famous quotes are highlighted, and (...)
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  25. The story of humanity and the challenge of posthumanity.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (2).
    Today’s technological-scientific prospect of posthumanity simultaneously evokes and defies historical understanding. On the one hand, it implies a historical claim of an epochal transformation concerning posthumanity as a new era. On the other, by postulating the birth of a novel, better-than-human subject for this new era, it eliminates the human subject of modern Western historical understanding. In this article, I attempt to understand posthumanity as measured against the story of humanity as the story of history itself. I examine the (...)
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  26.  36
    Telling feminist stories.Clare Hemmings - 2005 - Feminist Theory 6 (2):115-139.
    This article identifies and analyses the dominant stories that academics tell about the development of Western second wave feminist theory. Through an examination of recent production of interdisciplinary feminist and cultural theory journals, I suggest that despite a rhetorical insistence on multiple feminisms, Western feminist trajectories emerge as startlingly singular. In particular, I am critical of an insistent narrative that sees the development of feminist thought as a relentless march of progress or loss. This dominant approach oversimplifies (...)
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  27. The story of philosophy.John Wright - unknown
    This book gives a broad overview of Western Philosophy from its beginnings in the Middle East over two and a half thousand years ago, up to the present day. The book is designed to give students a broad overview of Western Philosophy, while at the same time going in to some philosophical arguments in depth. It gives students a sense of how Western Philosophy hangs together as a whole, while also looking at some selected parts in greater (...)
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  28. Old Stories No Longer Told: The End of the Anecdotes Tradition of Early China.Paul van Els - 2017 - In Paul van Els & Sarah Ann Queen (eds.), Between History and Philosophy: Anecdotes in Early China. Albany, NY, USA: State University of New York Press. pp. 331–56.
    This chapter analyzes the anecdotes tradition of early China. It contains three parts. Part 1 is a case study of a single anecdote, which serves as a typical example of the thriving anecdotal tradition of early China, from the earliest Chinese narrative histories to the end of the Western Han Dynasty. Part 2 continues the case study by analyzing what happened to that single anecdote in texts from the Eastern Han Dynasty onwards, thereby illustrating the rapid decline of the (...)
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    The story of philosophy.Bryan Magee - 1998 - New York: DK.
    The essential guide to the history of western philosophy.
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    Death, desire, and loss in Western culture.Jonathan Dollimore - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    From Odysseus' seduction by the song of the Sirens to Oscar Moore's 1991 novel A Matter of Life and Sex , whose protagonist courts death through sex and dies of AIDS, the frustrated relationship between death and desire has fixated the Western imagination. Philosophers have grappled with it and poets have told of its beauty and pain. In this strikingly original work, cultural critic Jonathan Dollimore once again demonstrates his remarkable ability to take on the complex and reveal its (...)
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  31. The Stories of Four Words.Gao Jianping - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (2):203 - +.
    In the paper I trace the histories of four terms. All four words were originally translated from western languages or Russian, but have attained new meanings in China. The first is the "principle of the Party literature," an expression made by V. I. Lenin, which remained influential in China for a very long time. The change in its translation to the "principle of Party publication" eventually became a part of the ideological liberation of the early 1980s. The second is (...)
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    (1 other version)Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature.Richard J. Davidson & Anne Harrington (eds.) - 2002 - Oup Usa.
    Western science has generally addressed human nature in its most negative aspects-the human potential for violence, the genetic and biochemical bases for selfishness, depression, and anxiety. In contrast, Tibetan Buddhism has long celebrated the human potential for compassion, and is dedicated to studying the scope, expression, and training of compassionate feeling and action. Science and Compassion examines how the views of Western behavioral science hold up to scrutiny by Tibetan Buddhists. Resulting from a meeting between the Dalai Lama, (...)
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  33.  9
    Towards the light: the story of the struggles for liberty and rights that made the modern West.A. C. Grayling - 2007 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In Towards the Light, A.C. Grayling tells the story of the long and difficult battle for freedom in the West, from the Reformation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, from the battle for the vote to the struggle for the right to freedom of conscience. As Grayling passionately affirms, it is a story - and a struggle - that continues to this day as those in power use the threat of terrorism in the 21st century to roll-back the liberties (...)
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    Utopian Thought in the Western World.Frank Edward Manuel & Fritzie Prigohzy Manuel - 1979 - Harvard University Press.
    This masterly study has a grand sweep. It ranges over centuries, with a long look backward over several millennia. Yet the history it unfolds is primarily the story of individuals: thinkers and dreamers who envisaged an ideal social order and described it persuasively, leaving a mark on their own and later times. The roster of utopians includes men of all stripes in different countries and eras--figures as disparate as More and Fourier, the Marquis de Sade and Edward Bellamy, Rousseau and (...)
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    The Moon and the Zither: The Story of the Western Wing.David T. Roy, Stephen H. West & Wilt L. Idema - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):703.
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    History As the Story of Freedom: Philosophy in Intercultural Context.Clark Butler (ed.) - 1997 - Value Inquiry Book.
    The purpose of this book is to advance responsible rehabilitation of the speculative philosophy of history. It challenges the idea popularized by thinkers such as and Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jean-François Lyotard that historical meta-mythology and meta-narrative are philosophically obsolete. As long as humanity, viewed anthropologically, lives by over-arching narrative, the quest for a version that survives rational criticism remains vital. Here human rights serve as the key to unlock such a version. Despite the fact that the Hegelian philosophy of history (...)
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    Kill Stories: A Critical Narrative Genre in the Zhuangzi.Hans-Georg Moeller - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):397-412.
    This essay suggests that a narrative genre of “kill stories” has a prominent philosophical function in the Zhuangzi 莊子. Kill stories depict the domestication and disciplining of “wild” living beings eventually resulting in their death. They typically show an incongruity between the moral attitude of the perpetrators and their destructive deeds. Thereby, they illustrate a critique of a broader sociopolitical “master narrative” associated with the Confucian tradition that had a strong impact on ideology and ethical values in early (...)
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  38.  26
    Stories of a Transformation in Consciousness: A self-study to ground narrative inquiry research in consciousness education.Laurel Waterman - 2022 - International Journal for Transformative Research 9 (1):27-39.
    This article is a narrative account of my search for knowledge about the nature of consciousness, and the implications of my findings for research and education. For over three decades, I accepted the dominant script presented to me through my education, both formal and informal, which assumes that the brain creates consciousness. Further, when the brain dies, consciousness dies with it. However, the unexpected death of my partner pushed me to investigate these assumptions. Through reading consciousness studies research, I learned (...)
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    The Oxford History of Western Philosophy.Anthony Kenny (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a uniquely authoritative history of philosophy for the general reader. Written by a team of distinguished scholars, it tells the story of Western philosophy from its ancient beginnings to the present day, emphasizing the intellectual context of its development.
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  40.  16
    Introduction: Telling the Untold Story of Random Political Recruitment.Oliver Dowlen - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):173-186.
    Introducing part 2 of the Common Knowledge symposium “Antipolitics,” this essay summarizes the “untold story” of the random recruitment of citizens for political office in Western Europe. Although sortition was used extensively in ancient Athens and in late medieval Europe, it is now (except for the randomly selected jury) a largely discontinued practice. While a good deal is known about when and where this procedure was used, there is little surviving documentation of exactly why it was used and of (...)
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    On Becoming Better Human Beings: Six Stories to Live By.Stein M. Wivestad - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (1):55-71.
    What are the conditions required for becoming better human beings? What are our limitations and possibilities? I understand “becoming better” as a combined improvement process bringing persons “up from” a negative condition and “up to” a positive one. Today there is a tendency to understand improvement in a one-sided way as a movement up to the mastery of cognitive skills, neglecting the negative conditions that can make these skills mis-educative. I therefore tell six stories in the Western tradition (...)
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  42.  28
    Understanding the Qur'anic Miracle Stories in the Modern Age.Isra Yazicioglu - 2013 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The Qur’an contains many miracle stories, from Moses’s staff turning into a serpent to Mary’s conceiving Jesus as a virgin. In _Understanding the Qur’anic Miracle Stories in the Modern Age_, Isra Yazicioglu offers a glimpse of the ways in which meaningful implications have been drawn from these apparently strange narratives, both in the premodern and modern era. It fleshes out a fascinating medieval Muslim debate over miracles and connects its insights with early and late modern turning points in (...)
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  43.  64
    The Inside Story of the Demonization of China.Li Xiguang - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (2):13-77.
    In late autumn of the year 1995, trudging alone over ice- and snow-covered hills and plains, I walked into the Crow Valley in mountainous western Colorado and examined the sites of ancient American Indian tribes. Local archaeologists had told me the Indians living here had migrated from North China and Northeast China nine thousand years ago. I returned from the mountains that evening and made my way to a wooden cabin for archaeologists, built in a col. I planned to (...)
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  44.  57
    When Science Became Western: Historiographical Reflections.Marwa Elshakry - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):98-109.
    ABSTRACT While thinking about the notion of the “global” in the history of the history of science, this essay examines a related but equally basic concept: the idea of “Western science.” Tracing its rise in the nineteenth century, it shows how it developed as much outside the Western world as within it. Ironically, while the idea itself was crucial for the disciplinary formation of the history of science, the global history behind this story has not been much attended (...)
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  45.  43
    Mysticism and Ethics in Western Mystical Traditions.Steven T. Katz - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (3):407 - 423.
    Having considered the role of ethics in Indian mystical teachings in a previous, related, essay I would like to consider the same question in its western religious contexts in the present paper, beginning with the Christian mystical tradition. As is the case with Asian traditions charges of moral unconcern are widely directed at Christian mystics, but they are false. Christian mystics are not indifferent to morality nor do they disconnect morality from an intrinsic relationship to their mystical quest. Augustine (...)
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    Plato's Statesman Story: The Birth of Fiction Reconceived.John Tomasi - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):348-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PLATO'S STATESMAN STORY: THE BIRTH OF FICTION RECONCEIVED by John Tomasi In "Plato's Atlantis Story and the Birth of Fiction," Christopher Gill wants to distinguish the story ofAdantis in the Critias from Plato's earlier stories—like diat in the Statesman.1 These stories, Gill claims, belong to different literary genres. While the Statesman story is but another example of fable, the Adantis story of the Critias represents the first (...)
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    Christianity and Western Thought.Colin Brown, Steve Wilkens & Alan G. Padgett - 1990 - InterVarsity Press.
    From Socrates and the Sophists to Kant, from Augustine to Aquinas and the Reformers, Colin Brown traces the turbulent, often tension-filled, always fascinating story of the thinkers, ideas and movements that have shaped our intellectual landscape. Is philosophy the "handmaiden of faith" or "the doctrine of demons"? Does it clarify the faith or undermine the very heart of Christian belief?Brown writes, "This book is about the changes in preconceptions, world views and paradigms that have affected the ways in which people (...)
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  48. East meets west: Tacit messages about business ethics in stories told by chinese managers.Heidi Weltzien Hoivivonk - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4).
    This article examines how culture influences Chinese managers’ perception of some western management instruments, such as codes of ethics and performance evaluation systems. The research is based on analyzing the tacit messages in “stories told” by managers and reviewing some of the barriers that may hinder understanding. Major obstacles lie in failing to ‘read’ each other’s cultures correctly. Assumptions and biases are left alone instead of being addressed openly. Western management systems and tools do not necessarily function (...)
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  49. Plato's Atlantis Story and the Birth of Fiction.Christopher Gill - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):64-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christopher Gill PLATO'S ATLANTIS STORY AND THE BIRTH OF FICTION There is a sense in which Plato's Atlantis story is the earliest example of narrative fiction in Greek literature; which is also to say it is the earliest example in Western literature. This may seem a surprising claim. Plato's story is introduced in the Timaeus as the record of a factual event and as one which is "absolutely (...)
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    Afterword to the Story of Man in the Context of the Development of Biotechnology.Gergana Popova - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (1):55-69.
    The proposed article focuses on the possible consequences for the human in the context of the biotechnology development. Major findings in this field are presented, which are problematized first of all from the point of view of the erosion of morality through the instrumentalization of man and his body, through the undermining of the principles of egalitarianism and reciprocity in modern Western societies and through the hypothesis that the enhancement of human corporeality will lead to unpredictable answers to the (...)
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