Results for 'Anthony McKnight'

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  1.  45
    Mingadhuga Mingayung: Respecting Country through Mother Mountain’s stories to share her cultural voice in Western academic structures.Anthony McKnight - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (3):276-290.
    The cultural invasion of Yuin Country in Australia not only colonized the Yuin people and Yuin Country itself, but also contributed to non-Aboriginal people’s continual colonized journey of disconnecting self from Mother Earth. Cultural awareness is a process driven by Western theories informed by the colonial dualism that functions on separation and differences. Tripartation means assisting in a decolonization and more importantly a reculturalization process to place Yuin Country and align stories back into focus for all peoples attached to Yuin (...)
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  2. The God of the Philosophers.Anthony Kenny - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  3. Freedom, spontaneity and indifference.Anthony Kenny - 1973 - In Ted Honderich (ed.), Essays on Freedom of Action. Boston,: Routledge. pp. 89--104.
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    Introduction to Non-Marxism.Anthony Paul Smith (ed.) - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Following the collapse of the communist states it was assumed that Marxist philosophy had collapsed with it. In _Introduction to Non-Marxism_, François Laruelle aims to recover Marxism along with its failure by asking the question “What is to be done with Marxism itself?” To answer, Laruelle resists the temptation to make Marxism more palatable after the death of metaphysics by transforming Marxism into a mere social science or by simply embracing with evangelical fervor the idea of communism. Instead Laruelle proposes (...)
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    Max Weber.Anthony T. Kronman - 1983 - Hodder Education.
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    Imiter Dieu: approches théologiques, philosophiques et historiques.Anthony Feneuil, Mariel Mazzocco & Ghislain Waterlot (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Le désir d'imiter Dieu n'est pas nécessairement sous-tendu par un délire ou une dérisoire présomption. Il met plutôt en tension deux réalités irréductibles. D'un côté, la réalité d'une vocation de l'humain à répondre à plus haut que lui et à trouver la voie de son accomplissement dans la reconnaissance d'un don qui le transforme. De l'autre côté, l'irréductibilité du statut créaturel, et donc de la finitude qui implique une distance toujours maintenue, même si, par instants, certains spirituels sont convaincus de (...)
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    Understanding, Thinking and Meaning.Anthony Kenny - 1989 - In Dayton Z. Phillips & Peter G. Winch (eds.), Wittgenstein. Blackwell. pp. 111–125.
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    Literature and Theology as a Grammar of Assent by David Jasper.Anthony Rosselli - 2018 - Newman Studies Journal 15 (1):95-97.
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    The structure of social theory.Anthony King - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Over the last three decades, social theory has become an increasingly important subdiscipline within sociology. Social theory has attempted to elucidate the philosophical basis of sociology by defining the nature of social reality. According to social theory, society consists of objective institutions, structure, on the one hand, and individuals, agency on the other, it promotes human social relations, insisting that in every instance social reality consists of these relations.
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  10. Aquinas.Anthony Kenny - 1981 - Critica 13 (38):109-113.
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  11. (2 other versions)The Legacy of Wittgenstein.Anthony Kenny - 1986 - Behaviorism 14 (1):61-64.
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  12. Phenomenal experience and functionalism.Anthony J. Marcel - 1988 - In Anthony J. Marcel & Edoardo Bisiach (eds.), Consciousness in Contemporary Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
  13.  47
    Economics, Ecology and Sustainable Development: Are They Compatible?Anthony M. Friend - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (2):157-170.
    The prevailing economic paradigm, in which a closed circular flow of production and consumption can be described in terms of 'natural laws ' of the equilibrium of market forces, is being challenged by our growing knowledge of complex systems, particularly ecosystems. It is increasingly apparent that neo-classical economics does not reflect social, economic and environmental realities in a world of limited resources. The best way to understand the problems implicit in the concept of 'sustainable development ' is provided by Ecological (...)
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    Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes in a New Millennium?Anthony Fisher & Hayden Ramsay (eds.) - 2004 - ATF Press.
    The first in a new series with Australian Catholic University, this collection of essays deals with two important themes. 'Faith' and 'reason' are heavily weighted words. They point to elemental aspects of human existence. The papers and discussions presented strive to clarify and corelate these basic activities or dimensions of human beings. In all the complexities of the possible relationships and interweaving of faith and reason, two kinds of questions keep recurring. One the one hand, what is the value of (...)
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  15. Musical References in Brucioli’s Dialogi and Their Classical and Medieval Antecedents.Anthony M. Cummings - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):169-190.
    Among the distinguished intellectuals of sixteenth-century Italy was Antonio Brucioli, renowned for participating in the gatherings in the garden of the Rucellai in Florence during the second decade of the sixteenth century. Since Delio Cantimori’s fundamental article and Giorgio Spini’s fundamental monograph, Brucioli’s Dialogi have been valued for the insight they afford into the discussions of the Rucellai group. Twice in the Dialogi Brucioli offers a revealing discussion of music. The references reflect intellectual traditions of great significance and longevity and (...)
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  16. Sustainable animal agriculture and environmental virtue ethics.Raymond Anthony - 2017 - In David M. Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy, technology, and the environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
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    Descartes the Dualist.Anthony Kenny - 1999 - Ratio: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy 12 (2):114-127.
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  18. Palliative care registers: infringement on human rights?Rosemarie Anthony-Pillai - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):256-256.
    A personal view made in light of the recent news article regarding a husband wanting to sue Addenbrooke's hospital over a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation decision. This article aims to highlight how the rolling out of cross boundary palliative care registers may be more at risk of infringing human rights.
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    Critical notices.Anthony Quinton - 1969 - Mind 78 (311):442-453.
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    Critical notice.Anthony Palmer - 1992 - Philosophical Investigations 15 (3):276-284.
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    (1 other version)Exploring the reasons for perennial attacks on churches in Nigeria through the victims’ perspective.Enweonwu O. Anthony, Cletus O. Obasi, Deborah O. Obi, Benjamin O. Ajah, Okpanoch S. Okpan, Chukwuemeka D. Onyejegbu, Aloysius C. Obiwulu & Emeka M. Onwuama - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):8.
    Although there are several provisions within the Nigerian legal framework that, however, address the issue of church attack, the state capacity to implement effective constitutional sanctioning on perpetrators of this heinous crime has always been found wanting or completely absent, leading to countless religious attacks on churches with seeming state consent. This study employs semi-structured interviews to draw data from affected families from Benue and Enugu States, Nigeria. The article explored their experiences. The study participants were recruited through snowball sampling (...)
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    Science and Philosophy.Anthony C. Cotter - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (3):430-447.
  23.  55
    Fairness as Justice.Anthony de Jasay - 2006 - Analyse & Kritik 28 (1):13-31.
    The paper questions Binmore’s identification of justice with fairness and his corresponding focus on bargains to the neglect of conventions, notably of ownership. Section 1 deals mainly with the role ascribed to man’s earliest genetic heritage in shaping fairness norms and the putative effect of such norms on bargaining solutions. Section 2 argues that the scope of fairness as opposed to justice in determining the social order is quite narrow, It sketches a theory of fairness distinct from justice, derived from (...)
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  24. Injustice.Anthony D. Woozley - 1973 - In Nicholas Rescher (ed.), Studies in Ethics (American Philosophical Quarterly Monograph Series, No. 7). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 109-122.
  25. The science of consciousness: Non-locality of mind.Anthony Freeman - unknown
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    Implicit association test: Validity debates.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    Note posted 9 Jun 08 : Modifications made today include a new section on predictive validity, and addition of recently published article and in in-press article, both by Nosek & Hansen, under the "CULTURE VS. PERSON" heading, which replaces a previously listed unpublished ms. of theirs. I continue to encourage all interested to send material that they are willing to be included on this page. Please also to let me know about errors, including faulty links.
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    Vivre dans les programmes.Anthony Masure - 2019 - Multitudes 1:176-181.
    Encore mal connue, l’ampleur des travaux du chercheur Vilém Flusser est pourtant d’une grande importance pour appréhender la situation contemporaine d’un monde numérique risquant d’aboutir à une société automatisée. Analysant la notion de programme depuis des réflexions sur les mutations de la photographie et de l’écriture, Flusser montre, au contraire, comment les artistes pourraient œuvrer au développement d’un « techno-imaginaire » capable de donner du sens à nos « vies artificielles ».
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    Theology and Catastrophe.Anthony W. Bartlett - 2018 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 23 (2):171-188.
    Girardian anthropology tells us that the birth of human meaning and its signs are the result of a primitive catastrophe. But if these origins are exposed by the biblical record it is because another, transformative semiosis has opened in human existence. Girard’s seminal remarks on the Greek logos and the logos of John, endorsing Heidegger’s divorce of the two, demonstrate this claim and its source in the nonviolence of the gospel logos. In effect, there is a second catastrophe, one embedded (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas: A Portrait by Denys Turner.Anthony Kenny - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):460-461.
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    Applying the CACAO Change Model to Promote Systemic Transformation in STEM.Anthony Marker, Patricia Pyke, Sarah Ritter, Karen Viskupic, Amy Moll, R. Eric Landrum, Tony Roark & Susan Shadle - unknown
    Since its inception in the Middle Ages, the university classroom can be characterized by students gathered around a sage who imparts his or her knowledge. However, the effective classroom of today looks vastly different: First-year engineering students not only learn basic engineering principles, but are also guided to consider their own inner values and motivations as they design and build adaptive devices for people with disabilities; students in a large chemistry lecture work animatedly together in small groups on inquiry-based activities (...)
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    The Confucian Concept of Order.Anthony C. Yu - 1968 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 43 (2):249-272.
  32. Mandating Vaccination.Anthony Skelton & Lisa Forsberg - 2020 - In Meredith Celene Schwartz (ed.), The Ethics of Pandemics. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press. pp. 131-134.
    A short piece exploring some arguments for mandating vaccination for Covid-19.
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    An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy.Anthony Weston (ed.) - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    This book is a brief introduction or invitation to the rapidly growing field of environmental philosophy or ethics. Each chapter presents the particular view of its author, yet, the chapters are complementary, exploring key topics from several perspectives. A postscript presents a bibliographical guide to each of the chapters as well as practical steps we may take in confronting current and future environmental issues. It is intended for undergraduate students and for the general reader.
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    Afterword.Anthony Pagden - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):826-832.
    Few, if any, intellectual cultural and political movements—for the Enlightenment was all of those things—have proved to be so consistently contentious and lastingly influential yet so hard to defin...
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  35. Books etcetera-the brain and emotion.Anthony G. Phillips - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7):281.
  36.  3
    (1 other version)Utilitarian ethics.Anthony Quinton - 1973 - London,: Macmillan.
  37. Ungrouping Income Distributions: Synthesising Samples for Inequality and Poverty Analysis.Anthony Shorrocks & Guanghua Wan - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    The place of beauty.Anthony Skillen - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (1):23-38.
    The article seeks to function as a cluster of reminders of the rich, robust and subtle place of ‘our’ concept of beauty—hence of its contrasts. It illustrates this through everyday life examples as well as through criticism of writings that, in apparent embarrassment about using the idea, seek to supplant it with something less suspect. The article seeks to show the concept of beauty at work not only in art but, as Plato urged, in human action and reaction at all (...)
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  39. Is it too late.Anthony Weston - 1998 - In An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy. Oup Usa. pp. 43--68.
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  40. Practical Ethics in Sidgwick and Kant.Anthony Skelton - 2020 - In Tyler Paytas & Tim Henning (eds.), Kantian and Sidgwickian Ethics: The Cosmos of Duty Above and the Moral Law Within. New York and London: Routledge. pp. 13-39.
    Sidgwick claimed Kant as one of his moral philosophical masters. This did not prevent Sidgwick from registering pointed criticisms of most of Kant’s main claims in ethics. This paper explores the practical ethics of Sidgwick and Kant. In § I, I outline the element of Kant’s theoretical ethics that Sidgwick endorsed. In §§ II and III, I outline and adjudicate some of their sharpest disagreements in practical ethics, on the permissibility of lying and on the demands of beneficence. In § (...)
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    Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economies for Security in an Unstable World.Anthony Clayton - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (1):116-118.
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    Calling Time.Anthony Proctor - 2022 - Philosophy Now 152:36-38.
    An explanation of the nature of space-time, and how it is incompatible with temporal flow and any dynamical change, including simple motion.
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    Imagination.Anthony Quinton - 1962 - Philosophical Books 3 (2):6-8.
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    Sketches Toward an Ontology of Non-Dwelling: Mara Salvatrucha 13, Radical Homelessness, and Postglobality.Anthony Ramos - 2017 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 25 (1):61-85.
    In 1988, the California state legislature passed the California Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act, which allowed courts to “enhance” the sentences of offenders who have been proven to "promote, further, or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members." It bundled together criminality, policing, and incarceration in ways that drew upon the fears of the black/latino Others that were imminent in panics surrounding the “crack epidemic” and inner-city crime. Jumping to April 2016, the Salvadoran government has passed strikingly similar (...)
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  45. Truth Conditions: A Causal Theory.Anthony Appiah - 1986 - In Jeremy Butterfield (ed.), Language, mind and logic. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 25--45.
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    Janus Beliefs and the Principle of Sufficient Reason.Anthony Palmer - 1996 - Philosophical Investigations 19 (1):87-93.
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    The Nexus Between Health Care Spending and Economic Growth in Selected Countries in Sub-Sahara Africa.Osobase Anthony, Ojo Joshua & Ajao Abiola - 2024 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 63 (1):1-21.
    _The study investigates the relationship between healthcare spending and economic growth in six selected Sub-Saharan African countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, and Ethiopia. The study employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model as an estimation technique to analyse the panel data which spans from 2000 to 2020. The research examines both the short- and long-run impacts of healthcare spending, population growth, and life expectancy on real GDP (a proxy for economic growth). Based on the ARDL panel results, it is (...)
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  48.  75
    Generalising the probabilistic semantics of conditionals.Anthony Appiah - 1984 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 13 (4):351 - 372.
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    Unfair to Nozick.Anthony Brueckner - 1991 - Analysis 51 (1):61 - 64.
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    (1 other version)Self-Evident Truths Cannot Be Stated Literally.Anthony Hemetz - 1966 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 40:163-168.
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