Paul Willner [6]Kurt Willner [2] Willner [1]Jan Willner [1]
Hans Eduard Ernst Willner [1]Jenny Willner [1]J. Willner [1]Dana Willner [1]

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  1.  44
    The Development of Cognitive Reappraisal From Early Childhood Through Adolescence: A Systematic Review and Methodological Recommendations.Cynthia J. Willner, Jessica D. Hoffmann, Craig S. Bailey, Alexandra P. Harrison, Beatris Garcia, Zi Jia Ng, Christina Cipriano & Marc A. Brackett - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Cognitive reappraisal is an important emotion regulation strategy that shows considerable developmental change in its use and effectiveness. This paper presents a systematic review of the evidence base regarding the development of cognitive reappraisal from early childhood through adolescence and provides methodological recommendations for future research. We searched Scopus, PsycINFO, and ERIC for empirical papers measuring cognitive reappraisal in normative samples of children and youth between the ages of 3 and 18 years published in peer-reviewed journals through August 9th, 2018. (...)
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  2.  20
    Self-report measures of defeat and entrapment during a brief depressive mood induction.Richard C. Goldstein & Paul Willner - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (5):629-642.
  3. The neurobiology of mental representations.L. Nadel, J. Willner & E. Kurz - 1986 - In Myles Brand (ed.), The Representation Of Knowledge And Belief. Tucson: University Of Arizona Press. pp. 2194257.
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  4. Analyse und historisch-kritische grundlegung des traktats De eodem et diuerso des Adelard von Bath..Hans Eduard Ernst Willner - 1902 - Münster i. W.,: Aschendorffsche buchdruckerei.
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  5.  29
    From deep sequencing to viral tagging: Recent advances in viral metagenomics.Dana Willner & Philip Hugenholtz - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):436-442.
    Culture-independent high-throughput sequencing has provided unprecedented insights into microbial ecology, particularly for Earth’s most ubiquitous and diverse inhabitants – the viruses. A plethora of methods now exist for amplifying the vanishingly small amounts of nucleic acids in natural viral communities in order to sequence them, and sequencing depth is now so great that viral genomes can be detected and assembled even amid large concentrations of non-viral DNA. Complementing these advances in amplification and sequencing is the ability to physically link fluorescently (...)
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  6.  17
    Functions of Dreaming: The Emperor'S New Clothes?Paul Willner - 1991 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 34 (4):588-603.
  7.  9
    Neurotische Evolution.Jenny Willner - 2020 - Psyche 74 (11):895-921.
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  8.  14
    The neuropsychology of depression.Paul Willner - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):746.
  9.  18
    (1 other version)The UK Mental Capacity Act and consent to research participation: asking the right question.Paul Willner - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics Recent Issues 44 (1):44-46.
    This paper considers the meaning of the term ‘intrusive research’, as used in the UK Mental Capacity Act 2005, in relation to studies in which an informant is asked to provide information about or on behalf of a person who lacks capacity to consent, and who is not otherwise involved in the study. The MCA defines ‘intrusive research’ as research that would legally require consent if it involved people with capacity. The relevant ethical principles are that consent should be sought (...)
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