Results for ' Womens' rights'

975 found
  1.  1
    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith (...)
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  2. Some Reflections on Multiculturalism and Asian Feminism: The Case of Cultural Policy Addresses and Women Rights in.Eva K. W. Man - 1994 - Philosophy 1:54.
  3.  23
    Between Women's Rights and Men's Authority: Masculinity and Shifting Discourses of Gender Difference in Urban Uganda.Robert Wyrod - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (6):799-823.
    Across the African continent, women's rights have become integral to international declarations, regional treaties, national legislation, and grassroots activism. Yet there is little research on how African men have understood these shifts and how African masculinities are implicated in such changes. Drawing on a year of ethnographic research in the Ugandan capital Kampala, this article investigates how ordinary men and women in Uganda understand women's rights and how their attitudes are tied to local conceptions of masculinity. The author (...)
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    Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives.J. S. Peters & Andrea Wolper - 2018 - Routledge.
    This comprehensive and important volume includes contributions by activists, journalists, lawyers and scholars from twenty-one countries. The essays map the directions the movement for women's rights is taking--and will take in the coming decades--and the concomittant transformation of prevailing notions of rights and issues. They address topics such as the rapes in former Yugoslavia and efforts to see that a War Crimes Tribunal responds; domestic violence; trafficking of women into the sex trade; the persecution of lesbians; female genital (...)
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    Group Rights, Gender Justice, and Women’s Self-Help Groups: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in an Indigenous Community in India.Naila Kabeer, Nivedita Narain, Varnica Arora & Vinitika Lal - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (1):103-128.
    This essay addresses tensions within political philosophy between group rights, which allow historically marginalized communities some self-governance in determining its own rules and norms, and the rights of marginalized subgroups, such as women, within these communities. Community norms frequently uphold patriarchal structures that define women as inferior to men, assign them a subordinate status within the community, and cut them off from the individual rights enjoyed by women in other sections of society. As feminists point out, the (...)
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  6. Human Rights, Women's Rights, Gender Mainstreaming, and Diversity: The Language Question.Yvanka B. Raynova - 2015 - In Community, Praxis, and Values in a Postmetaphysical Age: Studies on Exclusion and Social Integration in Feminist Theory and Contemporary Philosophy. Axia Academic Publishers. pp. 38-89.
    In the following study the author goes back to the beginnings of the Women's Rights movements in order to pose the question on gender equality by approaching it through the prism of language as a powerful tool in human rights battles. This permits her to show the deep interrelation between women's struggle for recognition and some particular women rights, like the "feminization" of professional titles and the implementation of a gender sensitive language. Hence she argues the thesis (...)
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    Development of Women's Rights in Lithuania: Recognition of Women Political Rights.Toma Birmontienė & Virginija Jurėnienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):23-44.
    The article discusses the problems of development of women’s political rights in Lithuania in the legal historical aspect starting from the 16th century, when some property and individual rights were enshrined in the first codifications of the laws of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The aim of the article is to show that women’s struggle for political equality and suffrage at the end of the 19th and at the turn of the 20th century correlates with the movement for (...)
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    Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement.Jennifer Nelson - 2003 - NYU Press.
    Uncovers the truth behind the ideas, struggles, and eventually success of Black and Puerto Rican Nationalists regarding key feminist issues of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s While most people believe that the movement to secure voluntary reproductive control for women centered solely on abortion rights, for many women abortion was not the only, or even primary, focus. Jennifer Nelson tells the story of the feminist struggle for legal abortion and reproductive rights in the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s (...)
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  9. Women's Rights and Cultural Differences.Shari Stone-Mediatore - 2004 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 4 (2):111-133.
    The rights of women in fundamentalist Muslim countries has become a cause celebre for many North American women; however, the problem of how to balance respect for women's rights and respect for cultural differences remains in dispute, even within feminist theory. This paper explores how U.S. feminists who are serious about supporting the struggles of women across cultural borders might best adjudicate the seeming tension between women's rights and cultural autonomy. Upon examining 4 representative approaches to this (...)
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    Protecting the rights of Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia: An Islamic Law Perspective.Mesraini Mesraini, Ida Novianti, Sadari Sadari & Suwito Suwito - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    This research focuses on the issue of human rights violations, particularly those affecting Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia. Despite the regulations set by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, there have been reports of abuse, expulsion, withholding of documents and unilateral divorce. The purpose of this qualitative research using Smith’s phenomenological approach is to analyse the root causes of these violations and provide solutions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation analysis. The results (...)
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  11.  44
    Human Rights and Inclusion Policies for Transgender Women in Elite Sport: The Case of Australia ‘Rules’ Football (AFL).Catherine Ordway, Matt Nichol, Damien Parry & Joanna Wall Tweedie - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-23.
    The discourse inside and outside of sport in Australia and abroad on the participation of transgender women in female sport focuses on the principles of fairness, equity and the safety of competitors. These concerns commonly materialise (with little evidence) labelling transgender women as ‘cheats’, dominating female sport, strategically being coached in collision sports to intentionally hurt opponents or fraudulently transitioning with the sole aim of competing in elite women’s sport. Our research examines the process by which the Australian Football League (...)
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  12. Right to food; right to feed; right to be fed. The intersection of women's rights and the right to food.Penny Van Esterik - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):225-232.
    This paper explores conceptual and practical linkages between women and food, and argues that food security cannot be realized until women are centrally included in policy discussions about food. Women's special relationship with food is culturally constructed and not a natural division of labor. Women's identity and sense of self is often based on their ability to feed their families and others; food insecurity denies them this right. Thus the interpretation of food as a human right requires that food issues (...)
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  13.  13
    “Women’s Rights in Kenya since Independence: The Complexities of Kenya’s Legal System and the Opportunities of Civic Engagement”.Gail M. Presbey - 2022 - Journal of Social Encounters 6 (1):32-48.
    Since Kenya gained independence from Britain in 1963, women’s rights in the country have made slow gains and suffered some setbacks. However, the rights of women and their guaranteed participation in politics was outlined in Kenya’s 2010 Constitution. This paper will survey some of those gains as well as describe the social backlash experienced by women leaders who have been trailblazers in post-colonial Kenyan politics.
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    Women’s rights, politics and laws in bangladesh.Mohammad Abu Tayyub Khan - 2014 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 53 (2):13-24.
    Women’s legal rights are one of the most significant determinants of their status. In Bangladesh, a series of laws ensuring women’s rights have proven largely ineffective in promoting their positions. The prime reasons for this are: dirtier politics, the ineffective implementation of women rights laws, the traditional and cultural negative views about women’s rights, the absence of an accountable and transparent government, the expensive and time consuming judicial process, the lack of an efficient judiciary, and other (...)
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  15. Feminism, Women's Human Rights, and Cultural Differences.Susan Moller Okin - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):32 - 52.
    The recent global movement for women's human rights has achieved considerable re-thinking of human rights as previously understood. Since many of women's rights violations occur in the private sphere of family life, and are justified by appeals to cultural or religious norms, both families and cultures (including their religious aspects) have come under critical scrutiny.
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  16. Women's Reproductive Rights: Is there a Conflict with a Child's Right to be Born Free from Defects?George Schedler - 1986 - Journal of Legal Medicine, 7 (3):356-384.
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  17. Women and the struggle for human rights.Germaine Greer - 2017 - In Steven Lecce, Neil McArthur & Arthur Schafer, Fragile Freedoms: The Global Struggle for Human Rights. New York: Oup Usa.
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  18. Whose Right? Ronald Dworkin, Women, and Pornographers.Rae Langton - 1990 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 19 (4):311-359.
  19. Women and Human Rights (Katerina Tomasevski).M. Brinton Lykes - 1994 - Journal of Moral Education 23:364-364.
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    Human rights issues affecting women in Napoleonic legal medicine textbooks.June K. Burton - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (4-5):427-434.
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    Women's rights and bioethics.Lorraine Dennerstein & Margret M. Baltes (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: UNESCO.
    This book, based on the Round Table on Bioethics and Women held at UNESCO during the Fourth Session of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC), presents the ...
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    Women’s Rights and Potential Human Beings.A. J. Dardis - 1988 - Cogito 2 (3):10-12.
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  23. Women’s Rights and the Bible: Implication for Christian Ethics and Social Policy.[author unknown] - 2012
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    Preserving women’s reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany.Adeline Perrot & Ruth Horn - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):471-473.
    On July 2021, the UK High Court of Justice heard the Case CO/2066/2020 on the application of Heidi Crowter who lives with Down’s syndrome, and Máire Lea-Wilson whose son Aidan has Down’s syndrome. Crowter and Lea-Wilson, with the support of the disability rights campaign, ‘Don’t Screen Us Out’, have been taking legal action against the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (the UK Government) for a review of the 1967 Abortion Act: the removal of section 1(1)(d) making (...)
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  25.  62
    Women's Rights are Human Rights.Temma Kaplan - 2000 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 2 (1):50-63.
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  26.  20
    Human Rights Penality and Violence Against Women: The Coloniality of Disembodied Justice.Silvana Tapia Tapia - forthcoming - Law and Critique:1-25.
    Despite the persistence of violence inside and around prisons, and the dubious adequacy of criminal law to respond to victim–survivors, international human rights (IHR) discourse increasingly promotes the mobilisation of the state’s penal apparatus to respond to human rights violations, including violence against women (VAW). Using an anticolonial feminist approach, this article scrutinises the ontological and epistemological commitments underlying ‘human rights penality,’ by analysing features of the Western-colonial register vis-a-vis more relational worldviews. Separateness, abstraction, and transcendence broadly (...)
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  27. The right to culture and the culture of rights: a critical perspective on women’s sexual rights in Africa. [REVIEW]Sylvia Tamale - 2008 - Feminist Legal Studies 16 (1):47-69.
    The opposition of ‘culture’ and ‘rights’ is not uncommon in feminist legal discourse. This article argues that such an approach is fraught with danger as it creates an extremely restrictive framework within which African women can challenge domination; it limits our strategic interventions for transforming society and essentially plays into the hands of those seeking to perpetuate and solidify the existing structures of patriarchy. Drawing examples from a parallel research on Gender, Law and Sexuality, I propose that a more (...)
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    Women’s Rights Facing Hypermasculinist Leadership: Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Under a Populist-Nationalist Regime.Barbara K. Trojanowska - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (2):231-249.
    Populist-nationalist ideologies pose a threat to women’s rights. This article examines to what extent national institutionalisation of international frameworks promoting women’s rights can weather the misogynistic political climate accompanying the global rise of populist nationalism. The post-2016 situation in the Philippines offers a testing ground for this problem due to the co-existence of President Duterte’s hypermasculinist national leadership with a strong history of institutionalisation of the UN’s Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. Drawing from an analysis of WPS (...)
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  29.  39
    Feminism and the Third Republic: Women's Political and Civil Rights in France, 1918-1945.Paul Smith - 1996 - Oxford Historical Monographs.
    France is the home of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, yet women did not vote until 1945, many years later than their peers in other countries. In a country where civil rights had long been a rallying cry, women were not second-class citizens--they were not citizens at all. In this fascinating and ground-breaking study, Paul Smith assesses why Frenchwomen were repeatedly refused the rights of citizenship and examines the political relationships established by French feminists in (...)
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  30. Women’s Right to Autonomy and Identity in European Human Rights Law: Manifesting One’s Religion.Jill Marshall - 2008 - Res Publica 14 (3):177-192.
    Freedom of religious expression is to many a fundamental element of their identity. Yet the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Islamic headscarf issue does not refer to autonomy and identity rights of the individual women claimants. The case law focuses on Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which provides a legal human right to freedom of religious expression. The way that provision is interpreted is critically contrasted here with the (...)
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    Human Rights and Women's Rights.Angela Knobel - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):275-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Rights and Women's RightsAngela KnobelMainstream feminists insist, with a degree of unanimity that is sometimes surprising, that access to abortion is an essential precondition of female equality. That feminism, which is in other respects so flexible, inclusive, and uncategorizable, should be so unyielding with respect to this particular issue seems surprising to many. It is especially surprising to those who, while sympathetic to other feminist goals, also (...)
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    The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika Bachiochi (review).Angela Knobel - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):742-744.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika BachiochiAngela KnobelThe Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision by Erika Bachiochi (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021), 422 pp.Erika Bachiochi's The Rights of Women is animated by a clear vision: a vision of men and women as possessors of the same nature and engaged in the same shared enterprise. Men and (...)
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  33.  93
    Should women think in terms of rights?John Hardwig - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):441-455.
    W0mcn’s liberation, it is oftcn said, strikes closer t0 home than othcr forms of human liberation. Although basic shifts in attitudes arc required for thc liberation 0f, for example, workers 0r blacks and othcr ethnic minorities, thcsc types of liberation could bc accomplished without fundamental changes in what we call 0ur “privatc" lives or 0ur personal relationships. The liberation 0f blacks 0r workers is largely an affair 0f public roles and institutions, 21 matter 0f socialjusticc, and it is thus carried (...)
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    Women’s rights in Muslim societies: Lessons from the Moroccan experience.Nouzha Guessous - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):525-533.
    Major changes have taken place in Muslim societies in general during the last decades. Traditional family and social organizational structures have come into conflict with the perceptions and needs of development and modern state-building. Moreover, the international context of globalization, as well as changes in intercommunity relations through immigration, have also deeply affected social and cultural mutations by facilitating contact between different cultures and civilizations. Of the dilemmas arising from these changes, those concerning women’s and men’s roles were the most (...)
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  35.  42
    Human Rights of Women and Children under the Islamic Law of Personal Status and Its Application in Saudi Arabia.Zainah Almihdar - 2009 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 5 (1).
    Saudi Arabia has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, it has made general reservations to the effect that where there is a conflict between a Convention article and Islamic Law principles, Islamic Law shall have precedence. The family law rights of women and children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been criticised for not reaching the standards set by CEDAW and (...)
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  36.  64
    Human rights for women: the ethical and legal discussion about Female Genital Mutilation in Germany in comparison with other Western European countries.Kerstin Krása - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):269-278.
    Within Western European countries the number of women and girls already genitally mutilated or at risk, is rising due to increasing rates of migration of Africans. The article compares legislative and ethical practices within the medical profession concerning female genital mutilation (FGM) in these countries. There are considerable differences in the number of affected women and in legislation and guidelines. For example, in France, Great Britain and Austria FGM is included in the criminal code as elements of crime, whereas in (...)
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  37.  96
    Human Rights Are Women's Right: Amnesty International and the Family.Saba Bahar - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (1):105 - 134.
    This essay examines why the recent recognition of human rights violations against women, as exemplified by Amnesty International's 1995 report on women, remains bound to the limitations of traditional approaches to human rights. The essay argues that despite Amnesty International's commitment to incorporating violations against women into its activities, it nevertheless upholds questionable assumptions about the gendered subject, gender relations within the family, and the relationship between the family and the state.
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    Post-Divorce Maintenance Rights for Muslim Women in Pakistan and Iran: Making the Case for Law Reform.Ayesha Shahid - 2018 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 15 (1):59-98.
    Protecting women and children is one of the core values of the Islamic legal tradition. In Muslim countries religious, constitutional, and legal frameworks obligate the state to take special measures to provide protection to women and children within families and in society. However, despite such provisions, post-divorce maintenance rights are not granted to women in Pakistan and Iran. Family law enacted in Pakistan and Iran still differs in form and substance from what has been mentioned in the primary sources (...)
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    Women, Gays, and the Constitution: The Grounds for Feminism and Gay Rights in Culture and Law.David A. J. Richards - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this remarkable study, David A. J. Richards combines an interpretive history of culture and law, political philosophy, and constitutional analysis to explain the background, development, and growing impact of two of the most important and challenging human rights movements of our time, feminism and gay rights. Richards argues that both movements are extensions of rights-based dissent, rooted in antebellum abolitionist feminism that condemned both American racism and sexism. He sees the progressive role of such radical dissent (...)
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  40. At women's expense: state power and the politics of fetal rights.Donna Dickenson - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (1):61-61.
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    Globalizing Women’s Rights: Overcoming the Apartheid.María Pía Lara - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 78 (1):61-84.
    This article deals with the empirical example of how social subjects, in this case women, have appropriated the language of rights in order to demand social inclusion. Since there are many different points of view in feminist theory with regard to how to deal with the idea of women’s rights, this article is divided into three sections. In the first section, I focus on how some important normative contents about democracy and rights have already been accepted by (...)
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  42.  11
    Women's Political and Civil Rights in the French Third Republic, 1918-1940.Paul Smith - 1992
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    Women’s Rights in Islamic Shari’a: Between Interpretation, Culture and Politics.Dina Mansour - 2014 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 11 (1):1-24.
    This article analyses existing biases – whether due to misinterpretation, culture or politics – in the application of women’s rights under Islamic Shari’a law. The paper argues that though in its inception, one purpose of Islamic law may have aimed at elevating the status of women in pre-Islamic Arabia, biases in interpreting such teachings have failed to free women from discrimination and have even added “divinity” to their persistent subjugation. By examining two case studies – Saudi Arabia and Egypt (...)
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  44.  24
    Indigenous Women’s Political Participation: Gendered Labor and Collective Rights Paradigms in Mexico.Holly Worthen - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (6):914-936.
    In Latin America, rights to local political participation in many indigenous communities are not simply granted, but rather “earned” through acts of labor for the community. This is the case in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, where almost three-fourths of municipalities elect municipal authorities through custom and tradition rather than secret ballot and universal suffrage. The alarmingly low rate of women’s formal participation in these municipalities has garnered attention from policymakers, provoking a series of legislative reforms designed to increase (...)
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    Women, Reproductive Rights and the Catholic Church.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2008 - Feminist Theology 16 (2):184-193.
    This article traces opposition to women's contraceptive rights moving from the role of St Augustine and Thomas Aquinas to the modern day role of the Vatican. Traditional views of women and sexuality have been challenged by modern feminism but Catholicism is still pursuing a global crusade against abortion, birth control, and redefinitions of the family that might include homosexual couples. This means opposing sex education curricula and opposition to state funding for family planning assistance. But the Catholic crusades against (...)
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    Iranian Law and Women's Rights.Mehrangiz Kar - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (1).
    Agitation for women's rights in Iran is entwined with broader movements for freedom and reform that critique the Islamic Republic's shari'a law as discriminatory. Despite the foundation of these reform efforts in the social realities of contemporary Iran, anyone who critiques laws governing the rights of women is prone to the charge of insulting the sanctity and foundation of Islam and subject to harsh penalties. Reform efforts will be hamstrung until there is a foundation for open discourse and (...)
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    Women's human rights and changing state practices: A critical realist approach.Lynn Savery - 2005 - Journal of Critical Realism 4 (1):89-111.
    This article draws on core insights of critical realism to explain why the international diffusion of women's human rights norms has varied greatly from one state to another and why states in general have been slower to incorporate these norms domestically than other human rights norms. Its central argument is that the gender-biased corporate identity of many states represents the most significant barrier to diffusion. However, it also shows that particular norms have been incorporated into particular states at (...)
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    Democracy, human rights and women's health.Jalil Safaei - 2012 - Mens Sana Monographs 10 (1):134.
    Significant improvements in human rights and democracy have been made since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948. Yet, human rights, especially women's rights, are still being violated in many parts of the developing world. The adverse effects of such violations on women's and children's health are well known, but they are rarely measured. This study uses cross-national data from over 145 countries to estimate the impact of democracy (...)
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    Transforming Women's Citizenship Rights within an Emerging Democratic State: The Case of Ghana.Kathleen M. Fallon - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (4):525-543.
    Feminist scholars argue that women generally gain political rights followed by civil and social rights. However, this argument is based on data from North America and Western Europe, and few scholars, if any, have examined the progression of these rights within countries currently undergoing transitions to democracy in different parts of the world. Through in-depth interviews with members of women's organizations in Ghana, the author extends this literature. The findings both contradict and support the prior feminist argument. (...)
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    Women's Right to Choose Rationally: Genetic Information, Embryo Selection, and Genetic Manipulation.Jean E. Chambers - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (4):418-428.
    Margaret Brazier has argued that, in the literature on reproductive technology, women's “right” to reproduce is privileged, pushed, and subordinated to patriarchal values in such a way that it amounts to women's old “duty” to reproduce, dressed up in modern guise. I agree that there are patriarchal assumptions made in discussions of whether women have a right to select which embryos to implant or which fetuses to carry to term. Forcing ourselves to see women as active, rational decisionmakers tends to (...)
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