Results for ' animation'

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  1. The goals of animal rights organizations are radical.Animal Scamcom - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  2. Animals should not be dissected in biology classes.Mercy for Animals - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  3. Animals should be entitled to rights.Animal Legal Defense Fund - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  4. Zoos violate animals' rights.People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - 2006 - In William Dudley (ed.), Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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    Acrid Text: Memory and Auto/biography of the ‘New Human’.Joan Anim-Addo - 2012 - Feminist Review 100 (1):167-171.
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  6. Facs facs facs facs facs facs stimulus.Animal Car Sculpture & Face Animal Car Sculpture - 2010 - In Stephen José Hanson & Martin Bunzl (eds.), Foundational Issues in Human Brain Mapping. Bradford.
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    Animation: Analyses, Elaborations, and Implications.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (3):247-268.
    This article highlights a neglected, if not wholly overlooked, topic in phenomenology, a topic central to Husserl’s writings on animate organism, namely, animation. Though Husserl did not explore animation to the fullest in his descriptions of animate organism, his texts are integral to the task of fathoming animation. The article’s introduction focuses on seminal aspects of animate organisms found within several such texts and elaborates their significance for a phenomenological understanding of animation. The article furthermore highlights (...)
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    On the animation of the inorganic: art, architecture, and the extension of life.Spyros Papapetros - 2012 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Animation victims: an abridged history of animated response -- Animated history -- The movement of accessories -- Fabric extensions and textual supplements from modern and antique fragments -- The movement of snakes -- Pneumatic impulses and bygone appendages from Philo to Warburg -- The afterlife of crystals -- Art historical biology and the animation of the inorganic -- Inorganic culture -- Nudes in the forest -- Models, sciences, and legends in a landscape by Léger -- Malicious houses -- (...)
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    Gendering Creolisation: Creolising Affect.Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):5-23.
    Going beyond the creolisation theories of Brathwaite and Glissant, I attempt to develop ideas concerning the gendering of creolisation, and a historicising of affects within it. Addressing affects as ‘physiological things’ contextualised in the history of the Caribbean slave plantation, I seek, importantly, to delineate a trajectory and development of a specific Creole history in relation to affects. Brathwaite's proposition that ‘the most significant (and lasting) inter-cultural creolisation took place’ within the ‘intimate’ space of ‘sexual relations’ is key to my (...)
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  10. On Puppies and Pussies.Intimacy Animals - 1998 - In Ann Ferguson (ed.), Daring to Be Good: Essays in Feminist Ethico-Politics. New York: Routledge. pp. 129.
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  11. Yoriko Otomo.Making Lawful Animals - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  12. A philosophers changing views.M. Fox & Animal Experimentation - 1987 - Between the Species 3 (2):55-80.
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    Processing animation: Integrating information from animated diagrams.Sara Price - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 360--364.
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  14. The Origins of the Western Debate by Richard Sorabji.Animal Minds & Human Morals - forthcoming - Ethics.
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    Chinese animation and its evolution and cultural background.Shengchong Man - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240051.
    Resumo: A filosofia é um sistema que analisa as crenças, os conceitos mais básicos e a calma de temperamento e julgamento próprios de um filósofo. Os filmes de animação chineses fizeram grandes incursões nos mercados mundiais, nos últimos anos, apesar do fato de o setor de animação da China ser apenas um adolescente em comparação com o seu homólogo de décadas, na filosofia japonesa. Embora alguns estúdios de animação criem conteúdos especificamente para o público internacional, a indústria de animação chinesa (...)
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  16. Discourses on Africa.Man is A. Rational Animal - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (eds.), Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    Animation and Automation – The Liveliness and Labours of Bodies and Machines.Lucy Suchman & Jackie Stacey - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (1):1-46.
    Written as the introduction to a special issue of Body & Society on the topic of animation and automation, this article considers the interrelation of those two terms through readings of relevant work in film studies and science and technology studies (STS), inflected through recent scholarship on the body. Drawing upon historical and contemporary examples, we trace how movement is taken as a sign of life, while living bodies are translated through the mechanisms of artifice. Whereas film studies has (...)
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    Towards a stratified metafunctional model of animation.Yufei He - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):1-35.
    Animation is widely acknowledged for dynamically visualizing information and has been increasingly used in educational context. However, the growing presence of educational animation has not been accompanied by well-informed studies that focus on the semiotic features of animation. An emerging perspective influenced by Social Semiotics and Systemic Functional Linguistics greatly complements the current trend of animation studies in the field of science education. Studies taking that perspective model animation as stratified systems (consisting of an expression (...)
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  19. [deleted]Foxes in the Hen House: Animals, Agribusiness, and the Law.David J. Wolfson, Senior Associate At Milbank, Tweed, Hadley &, L. L. P. McCloy, Lecturer in Law Harvard Law School, Adjunct Professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School Of Law, Mariann Sullivan, Deputy Chief Court Attorney at the New York State Appellate Division, First Department & Former Chair of the Animal Law Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York - 2004 - In Cass R. Sunstein & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.), Animal rights: current debates and new directions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  20. Suspended animation : thoughts recovered from the memory of first entering the ex-Alumix Factory.Raqs Media Collective - 2009 - In Eva Ebersberger, Daniela Zyman & Thordis Arrhenius (eds.), Jorge Otero-Pailos: The Ethics of Dust. Dist. By Art Publishers.
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    “Suspended Animation,” My Mother’s Wife and Cultural Discernment: Considerations for Genetic Research among Immigrants.Judith Lee Kissell - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (6):515-528.
    One of the most difficult contemporary issues facing the bioethics of clinical research is balancing the maintaining of a universality of ethics standards with a sensitivity to cultural issues and differences. The concept of “vulnerability” for research subjects is especially apt for investigating the ethical and cultural issues surrounding the conduct of genetic research among new immigrants to the United States, using the Sudanese Nuer and Dinka tribes, recently settled in the Midwest, as an example. Issues of cultural vulnerability arise (...)
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  22. De-animation: The sense of becoming psychotic* Waltraut J. Stein.Strindberg und van Gogh - 1970 - In Erwin Walter Straus & Richard Marion Griffith (eds.), Aisthesis and aesthetics. Pittsburgh, Pa.,: Duquesne University Press. pp. 77.
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    Animal animation.Andrew Gleeson - 2001 - Philosophia 28 (1-4):137-169.
    The original publication can be found at
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    Animation.David Davies - 2019 - In Noël Carroll, Laura T. Di Summa & Shawn Loht (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Springer. pp. 165-187.
    I begin by asking what it is for a moving image to be animated, and thus, what it is for something to be an instance of animated cinema. I next distinguish different kinds of cinematic animation, and explore why, traditionally, so little philosophical attention has been paid to animated cinema per se, and why recent developments in cinematic technology have begun to remedy this deficiency. I comment here on the exchange between Stanley Cavell and Alexander Sesonske over the status (...)
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    Heavenly Animation as the Foundation for Fracastoro’s Homocentrism: Aristotelian-Platonic Eclecticism beyond the School of Padua.Pietro Daniel Omodeo - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):585-603.
    This essay deals with Girolamo Fracastoro’s ensouled cosmology. His Homocentrica sive de stellis (1538), an astronomy of concentric spheres, was discussed by the Padua School of Aristotelians. Since the polemics over the immortality of the human soul, which had famously opposed Pomponazzi to Nifo, psychological discussions—including those about heavenly spheres’ souls—raised heated controversies. Fracastoro discussed the foundations of his homocentric planetary theory in a dialogue titled Fracastorius, sive de anima (1555). In a 1531 exchange with Gasparo Contarini, Fracastoro discussed celestial (...)
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  26. L'animation de l'embryon humain chez Maxime le Confesseur.M. -H. Congourdeau - 1989 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 111 (5):693-709.
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    Giordano Bruno, universal animation and living atoms.Hiro Hirai - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):127-144.
    One of the most striking features of Giordano Bruno’s philosophy is the marriage of universal animation with atomism. This unusual combination produced an extraordinary image of the universe, which was governed by the World-Soul and its universal intellect along with an infinite number of living atoms or corpuscles, animated by their internal spiritual principle. After examining Bruno’s principal arguments on the World-Soul, universal animation and living atoms or corpuscles, this article explores two possible sources among the works of (...)
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    Can Motion Graphic Animation About Snakes Improve Preschoolers’ Detection on Snakes? A Study of Inattentional Blindness.Jie Fang, Jiangbo Hu, Fen Wang, Congcong Yan & Hui Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study created a motion graphic animation about the danger of snakes within a story telling structure, which is different from a traditional science animation that relies on explanatory language to explain the scientific concept. The effects of the two types of animations on children’s attentional perception on snakes were compared by an inattentional blindness task. Three groups of children undertook the IB task with one control group who did not watch the animation and the other two (...)
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    (1 other version)Film als Experiment der Animation.Gertrud Koch - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 3 (1):11-24.
    Im Zentrum steht der Begriff des Experiments, der mit Kants Begriff der Lebendigkeit als zentralem Topos der ästhetischen Erfahrung auf die 〉Animation〈 im Film bezogen wird, insoweit beide einen lebenswissenschaftlichen Kern haben. Insbesondere in einer Auseinandersetzung mit Eisensteins Poetik des 〉Plasmatischen〈 wird die experimentelle Übertragung einer lebenswissenschaftlichen Metapher in eine Ästhetik des Films diskutiert, die von der Animation ausgeht. The paper discusses the notion of »experiment« and relates it – via Kant's concept of liveliness, which is a central (...)
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    Mediate Animation.Allan B. Wolter - 1998 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 72:25-39.
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  31. 3. a flower is a flower is a flower 55.Sweets Ily & Country Animal - 1978 - In Eleanor Rosch & Barbara Bloom Lloyd (eds.), Cognition and Categorization. Lawrence Elbaum Associates. pp. 55.
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  32. The Effect of Animation-Guided Mindfulness Meditation on the Promotion of Creativity, Flow and Affect.Hao Chen, Chao Liu, Fang Zhou, Chao-Hung Chiang, Yi-Lang Chen, Kan Wu, Ding-Hau Huang, Chia-Yih Liu & Wen-Ko Chiou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Creativity is so important for social and technological development that people are eager to find an easy way to enhance it. Previous studies have shown that mindfulness has significant effects on positive affect, working memory capacity, cognitive flexibility and many other aspects, which are the key to promoting creativity. However, there are few studies on the relationship between mindfulness and creativity. The mechanism between mindfulness and creativity is still uncertain. Meditation is an important method of mindfulness training, but for most (...)
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    Apostrophe, Animation, and Abortion.Barbara Johnson - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (1):28.
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  34. Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment.K. F. Hollebrands - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):350-351.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Elementary Students’ Construction of Geometric Transformation Reasoning in a Dynamic Animation Environment” by Alan Maloney. Upshot: Parnorkou and Maloney describe how a dynamic animation environment, Graphs ’n Glyphs, supported fourth-grade students’ understandings of translations and rotations. Two elements were critical in their teaching experiment: the design of the software and tasks. This commentary focuses on the decisions that they made and possible implications they had for students’ reasoning.
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  35. Expression, Animation, and Intelligibility: Concepts for a Decolonial Feminist Affect Theory.Lauren Guilmette - 2020 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 34 (3):309-322.
    In this article, I link Lisa Feldman Barrett's theory of constructed emotion1 to decolonial perspectives that also challenge this universality of affect in cross-cultural facial expressions. After first outlining some of the present-day political stakes of these questions, I turn to Sylvia Wynter on the "ethnoclass of Man" in Western modernity, where she asks: how were concepts of not only being, truth, power, and freedom but also affect—the intelligibility of one's feelings toward others—framed by histories of colonial violence and refusals (...)
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  36. John Dillon.That Irrational Animals Use Reason - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 159.
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  37. ”British philosophy past, present and future.^ Philosophers'\ I „-4>'magazine K'.Ge Moore, Defending Animal Rights & Socrates Cafe - 2001 - The Philosophers' Magazine 13:5.
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    Activist-Mothers Maybe, Sisters Surely? Black British Feminism, Absence and Transformation.Joan Anim-Addo - 2014 - Feminist Review 108 (1):44-60.
    This article, drawing on selected feminist magazines of the 1980s, particularly Feminist Arts News (FAN) and GEN, offers a textual ‘braiding’ of narratives to re-present a history of Black British feminism. I attempt to chart a history of Black British feminist inheritance while proposing the politics of (other)mothering as a politics of potential, pluralistic and democratic community building, where Black thought and everyday living carry a primary and participant role. The personal—mothering our children—is the political, affording a nurturing of alterity (...)
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    Animation/Re-animation.Ryan Bishop - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):346-346.
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    Suspended Animation: Pain, Pleasure, and Punishment in Medieval Culture.Caroline Walker Bynum - 2006 - Common Knowledge 12 (3):516-517.
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  41. Animation, sensitivity, ability. The premise of study of the plant world in the'Syntagma philosophicum'of Pierre Gassendi.L. Guerrini - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59 (4):853-876.
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    Stop-Motion Animation’s Object Substitutions and Non-Depictive Representation.Andrea Marie Comiskey - 2024 - Film and Philosophy 28:111-129.
    This article explores a distinctive representational strategy used in stop-motion animation: the object substitution. Using as its central example a children’s TV episode in which brushes stand in for dogs, it explains how this strategy produces a complex relationship between depiction and representation. The analysis highlights the pragmatic underpinnings of various theories of pictorial and cinematic representation, arguing that, in a substitution, depicted elements constitute explicatures and represented ones implicatures. Connecting this strategy to humans’ capacity for pareidolia (seeing things (...)
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    Apostrophe, Animation, and Racism.Virginia Jackson - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (4):652-675.
    Do poems speak to you? Consider poems in which you encounter the signature version of excited Romantic poetic address that begins with a single letter adorned with its own exclamation mark: “O!” Don’t you imagine that someone is saying (or shouting or whispering or gasping) “O!”? Does it matter that you don’t know who that person might be? Don’t you feel moved to respond, if only silently? Don’t you want to imagine that overseeing or overhearing that address brings you into (...)
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    Participation, animation, design: a tripartite approach to urban community networking. [REVIEW]Marcus Foth - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (3):335-343.
    Theories of networked individualism and forms of urban alienation challenge the continued purpose and relevance of conventional community tools in urban neighbourhood. However, the majority of urban residents surveyed in this research still believe that there are people living in their immediate neighbourhood who may share their interests or who are at least personally compatible, but they do not know them. Web-based community networking systems have the potential to facilitate intra-neighbourhood interaction and support community-building efforts. Community networking studies have shown (...)
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    Lazarus of Bethany: Suspended animation or final death? Some aspects of patristic and modern exegesis.J. H. Barkhuizen - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (1):167-174.
    This paper comprises two aspects; In the first part the unique character of the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus is outlined, especially from the perspective of patristic exegesis. In the second part patristic exegesis, together with grammatical and semantic analysis, is taken as basis of argumentation — against an example of modern exegesis — as to how modern man should define and interpret this event in the life of Jesus.
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    Suzanne Buchan, ed. (2006) Animation: An Interdisciplinary Journal.Tim Maloney - 2007 - Film-Philosophy 11 (3):184-190.
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    Biopreservation Beyond the Biosphere: Exploring the Ethical, Legal & Social Implications of Suspended Animation in Space.Roel Feys, Korkut Uygun, Irina Filz von Reiterdank, Susan M. Wolf & Rosario Isasi - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):648-665.
    In the evolving field of advanced biopreservation technologies, the development of suspended animation (SA) is inspired by real-world challenges. In the context of space exploration, SA is seen as a solution to enable humans to undertake missions far beyond low Earth orbit, including routine travel to other planets in our solar system and beyond. While work on the socio-ethical and legal implications (ELSI) of space exploration continues to evolve, NASA has committed to make ethics a priority issue, making this (...)
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    Research on the Fashion Transformation of Traditional Chinese Philosophical and Cultural Elements in Animation Art.Ran Tao & Limin Duan - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):165-182.
    In recent years, the animation industry has achieved unprecedented development trends, and many excellent animation works have emerged in China, which are popular with audiences. Among all kinds of animation works, the most important feature is the integration of traditional Chinese philosophical and cultural elements, which leads to the difference between Chinese animation works and other countries. It not only conforms to the aesthetic standards of Chinese people, but also gives play to the traditional Chinese culture, (...)
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    Affect and Gendered Creolisation.Suzanne Scafe & Joan Anim-Addo - 2013 - Feminist Review 104 (1):1-4.
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    Masterpieces of French animation of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries: analysis and interpretation in the context of the development of French animated cinema.Zijian Wu - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article presents an analysis and interpretation of the features of two animated works of French animation created at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. "Kirikou and the Sorceress", a cartoon released in 1998, is one of the most interesting works of the famous French animated film director Michel Oselo. The "Trio from Belleville", a work that appeared on screens in 2003, gained popularity not only in France, but also glorified the name of its creator Sylvain Chaume in the (...)
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