Results for ' applied mathematics'

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  1.  71
    Applying Mathematics: Immersion, Inference, Interpretation.Otávio Bueno & Steven French - 2018 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Edited by Steven French.
    How is that when scientists need some piece of mathematics through which to frame their theory, it is there to hand? What has been called 'the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics' sets a challenge for philosophers. Some have responded to that challenge by arguing that mathematics is essentially anthropocentric in character, whereas others have pointed to the range of structures that mathematics offers. Otavio Bueno and Steven French offer a middle way, which focuses on the moves that (...)
  2. Purifying applied mathematics and applying pure mathematics: how a late Wittgensteinian perspective sheds light onto the dichotomy.José Antonio Pérez-Escobar & Deniz Sarikaya - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-22.
    In this work we argue that there is no strong demarcation between pure and applied mathematics. We show this first by stressing non-deductive components within pure mathematics, like axiomatization and theory-building in general. We also stress the “purer” components of applied mathematics, like the theory of the models that are concerned with practical purposes. We further show that some mathematical theories can be viewed through either a pure or applied lens. These different lenses are (...)
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    Applied mathematics in the world of complexity.V. P. Kazaryan - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):3.
    In modern mathematics the value of applied research increases, for this reason, modern mathematics is initially focused on resolving the situation actually arose in this respect on a par with other disciplines. Using a new tool - computer systems, applied mathematics appealed to the new object: not to nature, not to society or the practical activity of man. In fact, the subject of modern applied mathematics is a problem situation for the actor-person, and (...)
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  4. Applied mathematics, existential commitment and the Quine-Putnam indispensability thesis.Jody Azzouni - 1997 - Philosophia Mathematica 5 (3):193-209.
    The ramifications are explored of taking physical theories to commit their advocates only to ‘physically real’ entities, where ‘physically real’ means ‘causally efficacious’ (e.g., actual particles moving through space, such as dust motes), the ‘physically significant’ (e.g., centers of mass), and the merely mathematical—despite the fact that, in ordinary physical theory, all three sorts of posits are quantified over. It's argued that when such theories are regimented, existential quantification, even when interpreted ‘objectually’ (that is, in terms of satisfaction via variables, (...)
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  5. How applied mathematics became pure.Penelope Maddy - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):16-41.
    My goal here is to explore the relationship between pure and applied mathematics and then, eventually, to draw a few morals for both. In particular, I hope to show that this relationship has not been static, that the historical rise of pure mathematics has coincided with a gradual shift in our understanding of how mathematics works in application to the world. In some circles today, it is held that historical developments of this sort simply represent changes (...)
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  6. Reason, Habit, and Applied Mathematics.David Sherry - 2009 - Hume Studies 35 (1-2):57-85.
    Hume describes the sciences as "noble entertainments" that are "proper food and nourishment" for reasonable beings (EHU 1.5-6; SBN 8).1 But mathematics, in particular, is more than noble entertainment; for millennia, agriculture, building, commerce, and other sciences have depended upon applying mathematics.2 In simpler cases, applied mathematics consists in inferring one matter of fact from another, say, the area of a floor from its length and width. In more sophisticated cases, applied mathematics consists in (...)
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  7. Apriority and applied mathematics.Robert A. Holland - 1992 - Synthese 92 (3):349 - 370.
    I argue that we need not accept Quine's holistic conception of mathematics and empirical science. Specifically, I argue that we should reject Quine's holism for two reasons. One, his argument for this position fails to appreciate that the revision of the mathematics employed in scientific theories is often related to an expansion of the possibilities of describing the empirical world, and that this reveals that mathematics serves as a kind of rational framework for empirical theorizing. Two, this (...)
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  8. What is applied mathematics?James Robert Brown - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):21-37.
    A number of issues connected with the nature of applied mathematics are discussed. Among the claims are these: mathematics "hooks onto" the world by providing models or representations, not by describing the world; classic platonism is to be preferred to structuralism; and several issues in the philosophy of science are intimately connected to the nature of applied mathematics.
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  9. Applied Mathematics without Numbers.Jack Himelright - 2023 - Philosophia Mathematica 31 (2):147-175.
    In this paper, I develop a "safety result" for applied mathematics. I show that whenever a theory in natural science entails some non-mathematical conclusion via an application of mathematics, there is a counterpart theory that carries no commitment to mathematical objects, entails the same conclusion, and the claims of which are true if the claims of the original theory are "correct": roughly, true given the assumption that mathematical objects exist. The framework used for proving the safety result (...)
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    Applying Mathematics by Otávio Bueno and Steven French.Mark Wilson - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (4):670-674.
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    Logical foundations of applied mathematics.V. V. Nalimov - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):211 - 250.
    In applied problems mathematics is used as language or as a metalanguage on which metatheories are built, E.G., Mathematical theory of experiment. The structure of pure mathematics is grammar of the language. As opposed to pure mathematics, In applied problems we must keep in mind what underlies the sign system. Optimality criteria-Axioms of applied mathematics-Prove mutually incompatible, They form a mosaic and not mathematical structures which, According to bourbaki, Make mathematics a unified (...)
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    Applying mathematics to empirical sciences: flashback to a puzzling disciplinary interaction.Raphaël Sandoz - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):875-898.
    This paper aims to reassess the philosophical puzzle of the “applicability of mathematics to physical sciences” as a misunderstood disciplinary interplay. If the border isolating mathematics from the empirical world is based on appropriate criteria, how does one explain the fruitfulness of its systematic crossings in recent centuries? An analysis of the evolution of the criteria used to separate mathematics from experimental sciences will shed some light on this question. In this respect, we will highlight the historical (...)
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  13. Applying Mathematics.Jody Azzouni - 2000 - The Monist 83 (2):209-227.
    Some philosophers plaintively wonder why there is something rather than nothing. Others refuse to wonder: Explaining has its field of application outside of which the activity makes no sense.
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    Foundations of applied mathematics I.Jeffrey Ketland - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4151-4193.
    This paper aims to study the foundations of applied mathematics, using a formalized base theory for applied mathematics: ZFCAσ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \mathsf {ZFCA}_{\sigma }$$\end{document} with atoms, where the subscript used refers to a signature specific to the application. Examples are given, illustrating the following five features of applied mathematics: comprehension principles, application conditionals, representation hypotheses, transfer principles and abstract equivalents.
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    Wittgenstein on pure and applied mathematics.Ryan Dawson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4131-4148.
    Some interpreters have ascribed to Wittgenstein the view that mathematical statements must have an application to extra-mathematical reality in order to have use and so any statements lacking extra-mathematical applicability are not meaningful (and hence not bona fide mathematical statements). Pure mathematics is then a mere signgame of questionable objectivity, undeserving of the name mathematics. These readings bring to light that, on Wittgenstein’s offered picture of mathematical statements as rules of description, it can be difficult to see the (...)
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  16. Applied Mathematics as Social Contract.Philip Davis - 2007 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 22.
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  17. Formal Semantics and Applied Mathematics: An Inferential Account.Ryan M. Nefdt - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):221-253.
    In this paper, I utilise the growing literature on scientific modelling to investigate the nature of formal semantics from the perspective of the philosophy of science. Specifically, I incorporate the inferential framework proposed by Bueno and Colyvan : 345–374, 2011) in the philosophy of applied mathematics to offer an account of how formal semantics explains and models its data. This view produces a picture of formal semantic models as involving an embedded process of inference and representation applying indirectly (...)
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  18.  75
    The history of applied mathematics and the history of society.Michael Stolz - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1-2):43 - 57.
    Choosing the history of statistics and operations research as a casestudy, several ways of setting the development of 20th century applied mathematics into a social context are discussed. It is shown that there is ample common ground between these contextualizations and several recent research programs in general contemporary history. It is argued that a closer cooperation between general historians and historians of mathematics might further the integration of the internalist and externalist approaches within the historiography of (...). (shrink)
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    Applied Mathematics in the Sciences.Dale Jacquette - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):237-267.
    A complete philosophy of mathematics must address Paul Benacerraf’s dilemma. The requirements of a general semantics for the truth of mathematical theorems that coheres also with the meaning and truth conditions for non-mathematical sentences, according to Benacerraf, should ideally be coupled with an adequate epistemology for the discovery of mathematical knowledge. Standard approaches to the philosophy of mathematics are criticized against their own merits and against the background of Benacerraf’s dilemma, particularly with respect to the problem of understanding (...)
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  20.  23
    Applied Mathematics in Eleventh Century Al-Andalus: Ibn Mucadh al-Jayyan and his Computation of Astrological Houses and Aspects.Jan P. Hogendijk - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (2):87-114.
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  21. Applying Mathematics to Nature.Maarten Van Dyck - 2021 - In David Marshall Miller & Dana Jalobeanu (eds.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 254-273.
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  22.  19
    The Nature of Applied Mathematics.Davide Rizza - 2008 - Praxis 1 (1).
    In this paper I raise some objections to Field’s characterization of applied mathematics, showing, by means of three examples, that it is too restrictive. While doing so, I articulate a different and wider account of applicability. I conclude with an argument supporting its compatibility with an anti-realistic view on the existence of mathematical entities.
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  23.  42
    Frege, Neo-Logicism and Applied Mathematics.Peter Clark - 2004 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 11:169-183.
    A little over one hundred years ago , Frege wrote to Russell in the following terms1: I myself was long reluctant to recognize ranges of values and hence classes; but I saw no other possibility of placing arithmetic on a logical foundation. But the question is how do we apprehend logical objects? And I have found no other answer to it than this, We apprehend them as extensions of concepts, or more generally, as ranges of values of functions. I have (...)
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  24.  60
    Logic as applied Mathematics – with Particular Application to the Notion of Logical Form.Graham Priest - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-15.
    The word ‘logic’ has many senses. Here we will understand it as meaning an account of what follows from what and why. With contemporary methodology, logic in this sense – though it may not always have been thought of in this way – is a branch of applied mathematics. This has various implications for how one understands a number of issues concerning validity. In this paper I will explain this perspective of logic, and explore some of its consequences (...)
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  25.  23
    Empiricism and Applied Mathematics in the Natural Philosophy of Whitehead.Thomas A. O'Keefe - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 28 (4):267-289.
  26.  81
    (1 other version)Korner On Vagueness And Applied Mathematics.Bertil Rolf - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 15 (1):81-108.
    Körner's notion of vagueness, its relation to ostension and the alledged gulf between logic and experience are examined. Ostension is seen not to cause vagueness ~ there are precise concepts of mathematics which can be ostensively introduced. A distinction is drawn between classical logic not applying to the vague world and not applying to the vague language. The claims about logic and the vague world are unverifiable claims about existence. Körner's attempt to elimmate the seeming incompatibility between vague language (...)
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  27. A new perspective on the problem of applying mathematics.Christopher Pincock - 2004 - Philosophia Mathematica 12 (2):135-161.
    This paper sets out a new framework for discussing a long-standing problem in the philosophy of mathematics, namely the connection between the physical world and a mathematical domain when the mathematics is applied in science. I argue that considering counterfactual situations raises some interesting challenges for some approaches to applications, and consider an approach that avoids these challenges.
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  28. Structure and applied mathematics.Travis McKenna - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-31.
    ‘Mapping accounts’ of applied mathematics hold that the application of mathematics in physical science is best understood in terms of ‘mappings’ between mathematical structures and physical structures. In this paper, I suggest that mapping accounts rely on the assumption that the mathematics relevant to any application of mathematics in empirical science can be captured in an appropriate mathematical structure. If we are interested in assessing the plausibility of mapping accounts, we must ask ourselves: how plausible (...)
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    Fictionalist Nominalism and Applied Mathematics.P. van Inwagen - 2014 - The Monist 97 (4):479-502.
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  30. Some Thoughts on Applied Mathematics.L. O. Kattsoff - 1966 - Scientia 60 (1):91.
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    The late arrival of academic applied mathematics in the United States: a paradox, theses, and literature.Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze - 2003 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 11 (2):116-127.
    The article discusses the “paradox of the late (around 1940) arrival of academic applied mathematics in the U.S.” as compared to Europe, in particular Germany. A short description of both the indigenous traditions in the U.S. and (in some more detail) of the transfer of scientific ideas, persons, and ideals originating in Europe, particularly in Germany, is given, and some theses, relevant literature, and a tentative solution of the “paradox” are provided.
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  32. The miracle of applied mathematics.Mark Colyvan - 2001 - Synthese 127 (3):265-277.
    Mathematics has a great variety ofapplications in the physical sciences.This simple, undeniable fact, however,gives rise to an interestingphilosophical problem:why should physical scientistsfind that they are unable to evenstate their theories without theresources of abstract mathematicaltheories? Moreover, theformulation of physical theories inthe language of mathematicsoften leads to new physical predictionswhich were quite unexpected onpurely physical grounds. It is thought by somethat the puzzles the applications of mathematicspresent are artefacts of out-dated philosophical theories about thenature of mathematics. In this paper (...)
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  33. Towards a Philosophy of Applied Mathematics.Christopher Pincock - 2009 - In Ø. Linnebo O. Bueno (ed.), New Waves in Philosophy of Mathematics. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Most contemporary philosophy of mathematics focuses on a small segment of mathematics, mainly the natural numbers and foundational disciplines like set theory. While there are good reasons for this approach, in this paper I will examine the philosophical problems associated with the area of mathematics known as applied mathematics. Here mathematicians pursue mathematical theories that are closely connected to the use of mathematics in the sciences and engineering. This area of mathematics seems to (...)
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  34. On the methods of applied mathematics.H. S. Shelton - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (20):533-542.
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    Consistency proofs for applied mathematics.Merrilee H. Salmon - 1977 - Synthese 34 (3):301 - 312.
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    How Do You Apply Mathematics?Graham Priest - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):1169-1184.
    As far as disputes in the philosophy of pure mathematics goes, these are usually between classical mathematics, intuitionist mathematics, paraconsistent mathematics, and so on. My own view is that of a mathematical pluralist: all these different kinds of mathematics are equally legitimate. Applied mathematics is a different matter. In this, a piece of pure mathematics is applied in an empirical area, such as physics, biology, or economics. There can then certainly be (...)
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  37. Extending Hartry field's instrumental account of applied mathematics to statistical mechanics.Glen Meyer - 2009 - Philosophia Mathematica 17 (3):273-312.
    A serious flaw in Hartry Field’s instrumental account of applied mathematics, namely that Field must overestimate the extent to which many of the structures of our mathematical theories are reflected in the physical world, underlies much of the criticism of this account. After reviewing some of this criticism, I illustrate through an examination of the prospects for extending Field’s account to classical equilibrium statistical mechanics how this flaw will prevent any significant extension of this account beyond field theories. (...)
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  38. Alternative Logics and Applied Mathematics.Timothy Williamson - 2018 - Philosophical Issues 28 (1):399-424.
    Many advocates of non-classical logic for reasons external to mathematics claim that their proposed revisions are consistent with the use of classical logic within pure mathematics. Doubts are raised about such claims, concerning the applicability of pure mathematics to natural and social science. -/- .
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  39. How to apply mathematics.Ulrich Meyer - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (1):17-28.
    This paper presents a novel account of applied mathematics. It shows how we can distinguish the physical content from the mathematical form of a scientific theory even in cases where the mathematics applied is indispensable and cannot be eliminated by paraphrase.
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    (1 other version)The spirit of applied mathematics.Charles Alfred Coulson - 1953 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
  41.  22
    Possibility and necessity of applying mathematics in psychology.J. F. Herbart & H. Haanel - 1877 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 11 (3):251 - 264.
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  42. Problems in Applying Mathematics: On the Inferential and Representational Limits of Mathematics in Physics.Kevin J. Davey - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    It is often supposed that we can use mathematics to capture the time evolution of any physical system. By this, I mean that we can capture the basic truths about the time evolution of a physical system with a set of mathematical assertions, which can then be used as premises in arbitrary mathematical arguments to deduce more complex properties of the system. ;I would like to argue that this picture of the role of mathematics in physics is incorrect. (...)
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    The Mystery of Applied Mathematics?: A Case Study in Mathematical Development Involving the Fractional Derivative†: Articles.Sheldon R. Smith - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):35-69.
    I discuss the applicability of mathematics via a detailed case study involving a family of mathematical concepts known as ‘fractional derivatives.’ Certain formulations of the mystery of applied mathematics would lead one to believe that there ought to be a mystery about the applicability of fractional derivatives. I argue, however, that there is no clear mystery about their applicability. Thus, via this case study, I think that one can come to see more clearly why certain formulations of (...)
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  44.  52
    Reasoning Under a Presupposition and the Export Problem: The Case of Applied Mathematics.Mary Leng - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (2):133-142.
    ABSTRACT‘expressionist’ accounts of applied mathematics seek to avoid the apparent Platonistic commitments of our scientific theories by holding that we ought only to believe their mathematics-free nominalistic content. The notion of ‘nominalistic content’ is, however, notoriously slippery. Yablo's account of non-catastrophic presupposition failure offers a way of pinning down this notion. However, I argue, its reliance on possible worlds machinery begs key questions against Platonism. I propose instead that abstract expressionists follow Geoffrey Hellman's lead in taking the (...)
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  45. Numeracy and beyond: Applying Mathematics in the Primary School.Martin Hughes, Charles Desforges, Christine Mitchell & Clive Carre - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (1):99-101.
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  46. Collected Papers (Papers of Mathematics or Applied Mathematics), Volume V.Florentin Smarandache - 2014 - Brussels, Belgium: EuropaNova.
    This volum includes 37 papers of mathematics or applied mathematics written by the author alone or in collaboration with the following co-authors: Cătălin Barbu, Mihály Bencze, Octavian Cira, Marian Niţu, Ion Pătraşcu, Mircea E. Şelariu, Rajan Alex, Xingsen Li, Tudor Păroiu, Luige Vlădăreanu, Victor Vlădăreanu, Ştefan Vlăduţescu, Yingjie Tian, Mohd Anasri, Lucian Căpitanu, Valeri Kroumov, Kimihiro Okuyama, Gabriela Tonţ, A. A. Adewara, Manoj K. Chaudhary, Mukesh Kumar, Sachin Malik, Alka Mittal, Neetish Sharma, Rakesh K. Shukla, Ashish K. (...)
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  47. The risk concept in medicine — statistical and epidemiological aspects: A case report for applied mathematics in cardiology.Thomas Kenner & Karl P. Pfeiffer - 1986 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 7 (3).
    In this study the theory of risk factors is discussed. The risk-concept is essential in cardiology and is, furthermore, important not only in medicine in general, but also and particularly in ecology. Since environmental risk factors endanger our health, ecological risks have to be taken as medical problems. If a factor or a set of factors is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a disease we speak of a risk factor or of risk factors. Statistical analysis of risk (...)
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    Continuous Bodies, Impenetrability, and Contact Interactions: The View from the Applied Mathematics of Continuum Mechanics.Sheldon R. Smith - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (3):503-538.
    Many philosophers have claimed that there is a tension between the impenetrability of matter and the possibility of contact between continuous bodies. This tension has led some to claim that impenetrable continuous bodies could not ever be in contact, and it has led others to posit certain structural features to continuous bodies that they believe would resolve the tension. Unfortunately, such philosophical discussions rarely borrow much from the investigation of actual matter. This is probably largely because actual matter is not (...)
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  49.  82
    On Optimism and Opportunism in Applied Mathematics: Mark Wilson Meets John Von Neumann on Mathematical Ontology. [REVIEW]Michael Stöltzner - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (1):121-145.
    Applied mathematics often operates by way of shakily rationalizedexpedients that can neither be understood in a deductive-nomological nor in an anti-realist setting.Rather do these complexities, so a recent paper of Mark Wilson argues, indicate some element in ourmathematical descriptions that is alien to the physical world. In this vein the mathematical opportunistopenly seeks or engineers appropriate conditions for mathematics to get hold on a given problem.Honest mathematical optimists, instead, try to liberalize mathematical ontology so as to include (...)
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  50.  85
    Empress vs. Spider-Man: Margaret Cavendish on pure and applied mathematics.Alison Peterman - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3527-3549.
    The empress of Margaret Cavendish’s The Blazing World dismisses pure mathematicians as a waste of her time, and declares of the applied mathematicians that “there [is] neither Truth nor Justice in their Profession”. In Cavendish’s theoretical work, she defends the Empress’ judgments. In this paper, I discuss Cavendish’s arguments against pure and applied mathematics. In Sect. 3, I develop an interpretation of some relevant parts of Cavendish’s metaphysics and epistemology, focusing on her anti-abstractionism and what I call (...)
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