Results for ' art critique'

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  1.  7
    Art Critiques: A Guide.James Elkins (ed.) - 2011 - New Academia Publishing, LLC.
    OElkins shines his bright light across the long-overlooked shadowland of studio education. Beautifully written and easy to use, this book is an absolute must for art students and faculty alike."NGeorge Smith, founder and president, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts.
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    Not so fast.Art Berman - 1989 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 3 (1):40-55.
    NOT SAUSSURE: A CRITIQUE OF POST?SAUSSUREAN LITERARY THEORY by Raymond Tallis London: Macmillan, 1988. 273 pp., £33 (£10.95 paper).
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    Destructive Leadership: A Critique of Leader-Centric Perspectives and Toward a More Holistic Definition.Christian N. Thoroughgood, Katina B. Sawyer, Art Padilla & Laura Lunsford - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (3):627-649.
    Over the last 25 years, there has been an increasing fascination with the “dark” side of leadership. The term “destructive leadership” has been used as an overarching expression to describe various “bad” leader behaviors believed to be associated with harmful consequences for followers and organizations. Yet, there is a general consensus and appreciation in the broader leadership literature that leadership represents much more than the behaviors of those in positions of influence. It is a dynamic, cocreational process between leaders, followers, (...)
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  4. Symbol of the mirror-Plato philosophical art critique and davinci, Leonardo artistic overhauling of philosophy-for Rombach, Heinrich on his 60th birthday.W. Welsch - 1983 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 90 (2):230-245.
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    The Aesthetics of Enchantment in the Fine Arts.Marlies Kronegger, Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka & Fine Arts Aesthetics American Society for Phenomenology - 2000 - Springer Verlag.
    Published under the auspices of The World Institute for Advanced Phenomenological Research and Learning, 19 essays document the April 1998 international congress held at Harvard University. They ponder on such topics as the phenomenology of the experience of enchantment, Leonardo's enchantress, the ambiguous meaning of musical enchantment in Kant's Third Critique, art and the reenchantment of sensuous human activity, the creative voice, the allure of the Naza, Henri Matisse's early critical reception in New York, Zizek's sublimicist aesthetic of enchanted (...)
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    Critique of Reification of Art and Creativity in the Digital Age: A Lukácsian Approach to AI and NFT Art.Zoran Poposki - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):179-90.
    This article critically examines the emergent phenomena of AI-generated and NFT art through the lens of Georg Lukács’ theory of reification and its existential implications. Lukács argued that under capitalism, social relations and human experiences are transformed into objective, quantifiable commodities, leading to a fragmented and alienated consciousness. Applying this framework to AI and NFT art, these technologies can be said to represent extreme examples of the reification of art and creativity in the digital age. AI art generators reduce artistic (...)
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    Arts et mondialités: anthologie de pensées critiques.Koffi Célestin Yao - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ces textes sont ceux d'un artiste engagé dans la société et d'un critique affirmé. Ils abordent des thématiques fondamentales: le rapport de l'artiste avec son sujet de travail, la lecture explicative de textes littéraires et le dialogue avec les auteurs, le questionnement sur les fondements des manifestations culturelles en société. Mais ils évoquent aussi des aspects plus régionaux, avec un entretien sur un rite de société, l'explication de quelques fondamentaux de la musique en Afrique, un historique des arts visuels (...)
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    La critique: crise de l'art ou consensus culturel?Marc Jimenez - 1995 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Crise de l'art ou consensus culturel? Aujourd'hui, l'important n'est plus, semble-t-il, que la critique esthetique ait encore a dire sur Josef Beuys mais que le Centre Pompidou puisse faire croire qu'il dit tout de lui. Le culturel, dans son mecanisme institutionnel et mediatique bien huile, apparait comme l'ultime parade que l'ordre social ait su trouver pour conjurer sa peur - ou sa haine - de l'art. Cependant la critique n'a pas a se laisser abuser ni intimider par l'artifice (...)
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    La critique littéraire de l’art entre 1850 et 1950 : démarche, méthode et style.Nathalie Kremer - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):29-37.
    Cet article entend cerner la spécificité de la critique littéraire de l’art telle qu’elle fut pratiquée par les écrivains et poètes en France entre 1850 et 1950, dans le sillage de Diderot, à partir d’un examen des écrits sur l’art de Diderot, Baudelaire, Zola, Stendhal, Huysmans, Valéry, Proust, Reverdy, Leiris. Au-delà des différences individuelles de goût, de statut, de sujets traités et de la prolixité discursive évidente dans la pratique, on peut mettre en lumière les points de convergence qui (...)
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    Critiques of Knowing: Situated Textualities in Science, Computing and the Arts.Lynette Hunter - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Critiques of Knowing_ explores what happens to science and computing when we think of them as texts. Lynette Hunter elegantly weaves together vast areas of thought: rhetoric, politics, AI, computing, feminism, science studies, aesthetics and epistemology. _Critiques of Knowing_ shows us that what we need is a radical shake-up of approaches to the arts if the critiques of science and computing are to come to any fruition.
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    Critique de la pensée dualiste et art contemporain.Pierre Paliard - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La modernité s'est construite sur une série d'oppositions l'autorisant à imposer ses fins destructrices à une nature devenue muette et aux autres peuples exclus du mouvement de l'histoire. Cet ouvrage rappelle l'origine des pensées dualistes ayant nourri cette attitude. Il montre que la philosophie, l'anthropologie et les sciences exactes ont largement mis en cause ces théories dualistes. L'histoire de l'art permet d'examiner la manière dont théoriciens et artistes ont pensé l'oeuvre en questionnant l'hylémorphisme et le geste. L'analyse porte aussi sur (...)
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    L'art tout contre la machine: usages et critiques des dispositifs machiniques dans les arts visuels.Rodolphe Olcèse & Vincent Deville (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    À travers une vingtaine de contributions de chercheurs et d'artistes, L'art tout contre la machine invite à réfléchir à la médiation de la technique dans notre rapport au monde telles que les pratiques artistiques contemporaines en esquissent le sens. Il se divise en trois parties, qui tissent de nombreux liens entre elles : « Technique et nature » ; « Interfaces relationnelles et dispositifs génératifs » et « Outils conviviaux et machines domestiques ». Les objectifs sont multiples : interroger des (...)
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    Gombrich’s critique of Hauser’s Social History of Art.Jim Berryman - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (5):494-506.
    This article examines E.H. Gombrich’s critical appraisal of Arnold Hauser’s book, The Social History of Art. Hauser’s Social History of Art was published in 1951, a year after Gombrich’s bestseller, The Story of Art. Although written in Britain for an English-speaking public, both books had their origins in the intellectual history of Central Europe: Gombrich was an Austrian art historian and Hauser was Hungarian. Gombrich’s critique, published in The Art Bulletin in 1953, attacked Hauser’s dialectical materialism and his sociological (...)
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    Critique of the Power of Judgment in the Context of Art’s Technological Reproducibility.Markéta Jakešová - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1067-1074.
    One of the less comprehensible passages in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment is paragraph 9 (KU, AA 5: 216 – 219) where the author rhetorically asks: when we perform a pure judgment of taste, does taking pleasure in a beautiful object come first and only then does (any) aesthetic judgment follow or is it the other way around? The partial conclusions from elaborating this question will then be used to support my assumption that art can be (...)
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    Critiques d’« art bête » dans les années 1990.Morgan Labar - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):39-48.
    Dans la deuxième moitié des années 1980 s’est développée, dans l’ensemble du champ de la culture, une véritable esthétique de la bêtise. Quelques jeunes critiques d’art se sont alors emparés du phénomène et ont tenté de le théoriser, entre 1994 et 1998, dans les revues les plus lues de l’époque : Flash Art International, Artpress, Frieze. L’étude de ce corpus d’articles (signés par Joshua Decter, Éric Troncy, Jon Savage, Andrew Hulktrans et Jean-Yves Jouannais) témoigne à la fois des mutations de (...)
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    Art Completes Nature’: Commentary on Dimitris Vardoulakis, ‘Toward a Critique of the Ineffectual.Martin Black - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):309-314.
    Vardoulakis’s ambitious work stems from his perception of the inability of Heidegger’s thought in particular, and of continental philosophy in general, to account for human action in the absence of an understanding of human ends. His specific contention is that this deficiency stems from a mistranslation of Aristotle by Heidegger, whereby Heidegger conflates the ends of phronesis with those of techne. Unfortunately, this contention is itself based on a mistranslation of the Greek. The true argument between Aristotle and Heidegger does (...)
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    A Critique of John Dewey's theory of fine art in the light of the principles of Thomism.Anne Mary Tamme - 1956 - Washington,: Catholic University of America Press.
  18. The art of nature: Hegel and the critique of judgment.Allen Hance - 1998 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 6 (1):37 – 65.
    This essay examines the reasons for Hegel's frequently professed claim that Kant's Critique of Judgment simultaneously reveals the internal limits of critical philosophy and opens the door to his own system of speculative idealism. It evaluates Hegel's contention that the conceptions of aesthetic experience, organic purposiveness, and the intuitive intellect developed in the third Critique together conspire to undermine the epistemological and metaphysical foundations of the theories of nature and freedom advanced in the first and second Critiques . (...)
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    Critique d’art et pensée esthétique : questions de lignes.Anne Elisabeth Sejten - 2014 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 51:71-86.
    L’article tente de montrer l’influence du contact direct et vivant avec les œuvres d’art sur l’élaboration de la pensée esthétique diderotienne. Alors que dans l’article « Beau » de l’Encyclopédie, l’auteur reprend des concepts et des hypothèses élaborés par d’autres, l’ouvrage des Salons donne lieu à la véritable esthétique de Diderot. L’écriture des Salons transcrit ainsi le processus d’une impression sensible devenu affect esthétique et jugement critique. On trouve ainsi, dans les Salons, les germes d’une esthétique à la française, (...)
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    La critique est aisée, l ’art est difficile.Bernard Reber - 2015 - Eco-Ethica 4:65-76.
    L’originalité de cet article porte tant sur l’approche que sur l’actualité du problème choisi. Il croise sciences politiques (quantitatives et comparatives) et théorie politique, pour traiter de la montée d’une citoyenneté critique. Il analyse ses formes et passe ensuite à une critique plus étayée et philosophique. Ces deux types de résultats ne se recouvrent que très partiellement. Principalement focalisée sur des questions d’identité, la majeure partie des travaux en philosophie politique passent à côté de ce qui constitue le (...)
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    A Critique of Maduabuchi Dukor's “Divination: A Science or an Art?”.O. A. Shitta-Bey - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):77.
    In this paper, we examine Maduabuchi Dukor’s article titled “Divination: A Science or An Art?”, where he endeavours to demonstrate the character and nature of African science as well as explores the issue whether some practices in Africa can be accorded a scientific status. These tasks to explore and demonstrate the scientific nature of African practices led Maduabuchi Dukor to focus on divination as his working example; and specifically identified Ifa divination. In sum, Maduabuchi Dukor argues that African (Ifa) divination (...)
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    Félibien, critique d’art? Esthétique du « regard Félibien » dans l’œuvre de Raphaël et de Michel-Ange.Anthony Saudrais - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):13-20.
    Notre propos souhaite nuancer la doxa académique selon laquelle l’invention de la critique d’art serait née en France dans la seconde moitié du xviii e siècle. En effet, la lecture des Entretiens de Félibien favorise par l’éloquence du dialogue la variété des points de vue. Cet article rend compte des tensions qui émanent des Entretiens, une œuvre incessamment située entre la théorie et la critique. La comparaison entre l’œuvre de Raphaël et celle de Michel-Ange illustre cette tension entre (...)
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    Art and the critique of the enlightenment.Marko Novakovic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):119-144.
    Rad se bavi Adornovom idejom estetske racionalnosti razvijenom u njegovoj filozofiji umetnosti. Ona predstavlja odgovor na problem zacaravanja uma kojeg postavlja Dijalektika prosvetiteljstva i pokusaj njegovog prosvecivanja po uzoru na nacin postupanja umetnosti. Ovde se pokazuje na koji nacin se mehanizmu opire estetski model racionalnosti prisutan u umetnosti i pod kojim uslovima on postize oslobadjanje prirode iz vlasti subjektivnog duha, a saglasno sa tim i coveka iz vlasti prirode, koja se u toku rascaravanja dijalekticki preobrazila u mitsku silu koja ljude (...)
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    Critique, architecture, culture, art.Bert Olivier - 1998 - [Port Elizabeth]: University of Port Elizabeth.
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    La critique d’art après la fin de l’art.Laure Bordonaba - 2016 - Cahiers Philosophiques 144 (1):95-101.
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  26. (1 other version)Art, Objectivity And Idea: Bruno Bauer's Critique Of Kant And The Theory Of The Infinite Self-Consciousness.Douglas Moggach - 2001 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 43:52-71.
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    Between “Critique” and Propaganda: The Critical Self-Understanding of Art in the Historical Avant-Garde. The Case of Dada.Stefan-Sebastian Maftei - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):219-245.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} The purpose of this study is to analyze the tenets that relate to Dada’s self-understanding of art. The phenomenon Dada is notoriously difficult to describe; some critics hesitate even to use the term “movement.” Focusing on Dadaists’ reflections about the phenomenon itself, we will try to delineate a general image (...)
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    Reclaiming art in the age of artifice: a treatise, critique, and call to action.J. F. Martel - 2015 - Berkeley, California: Evolver Editions.
    Draws on examples ranging from prehistoric cave art to modern pop music to discuss the nature and purpose of art and its use by powerful social and cultural forces.
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    The Postulated Author of Art and Nature: Kant on Spinoza in the Third Critique.Rachel Cristy - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1599-1606.
    This paper explores an analogy between two approaches to teleology in nature and two theories of authorship. I argue that Spinoza’s attempt (as Kant criticizes it in the Third Critique) to explain all natural unity, and explain away apparent teleological unity, in terms of inhering in the same subject (God) or proceeding causally from God’s essence mirrors the view Proust lays out in the essay “Gustave Moreau” that the features of a work of art are unified in virtue of (...)
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    Critique of Fetishism and Publicness of Art - Virtual dialogue between Adorno and Dewey -.Hajun Lee - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 80:221-245.
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    Introduction: Critique of Art.Thijs Lijster - 2017 - In Benjamin and Adorno on Art and Art Criticism: Critique of Art. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. pp. 11-18.
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    Critique in the Field of Immanence: The Case of New Polish Art.Szymon Wróbel - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (9).
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    La critique d'art et l'Afrique.Olu Oguibe & Kantuta Quirós - 2013 - Multitudes 53 (2):123.
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    L’art subtil d’Euripide de critiquer les dieux sur la scène.Maria Michela Sassi - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:169-191.
    J’essaie d’explorer la vision religieuse d’Euripide en le considérant comme un penseur en même temps qu’un artiste, ou mieux, comme un auteur qui soulève en artiste des questions essentielles sur le sens de l’existence humaine par rapport à celle des dieux, non pas tellement en mettant dans la bouche de ses personnages certaines doxai, mais plutôt en les faisant parler et agir d’une certaine façon dans une situation dramatique particulière. En me détachant aussi bien des savants qui ont vu dans (...)
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    Bachelard critique: ou, L'alchimie du rêve: un art de lire et de rêver.Marcel Schaettel - 1977 - Lyon: Éditions L'Hermès.
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    Art School Critiques as Seductions.James Elkins - 1992 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 26 (1):105.
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    La critique de la théorie des valeurs dans 'l'origine de l'œuvre d'art'.Arnaud Dewalque - 2005 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 103 (3):390-414.
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    Critique of Bourgeois Art: with Special Reference to A. K. Coomaraswamy.Dale Riepe - 1974 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 4:241-247.
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  39. La critique d'art.Paul Gaultier - 1906 - Revue de Philosophie 9:341.
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    History, critique, experience: On the dialectical relationship between art and philosophy in Adorno’s aesthetic theory.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):296-323.
    In Aesthetic Theory, Adorno argues that, in modernity, art and philosophy are reciprocally dependent upon each other for legitimation and critical force. This claim has puzzled scholars and provoked controversy. I argue that Adorno’s thesis may be comprehended in the following manner: art requires philosophy because, without the latter, art would lack the power to critique social and historical reality (in particular, the ideological elements that often remain invisible as second nature), and to rationally interpret the material particularity expressed (...)
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    Alterity in Art: Towards a Theory and Practice of Infra-thin Critique.Siobhán Shilton - 2014 - Paragraph 37 (3):356-371.
    This article explores distinctively visual presentations and performances of alterity from the perspective of art theory and practice. It gives particular attention to Marcel Duchamp's notion and practice of the infra-mince. The ‘infra-thin’ is not usually related to postcolonial questions. However, numerous evocations of alterity in contemporary art, this article argues, resonate with Duchamp's infra-thin — not only in their practices but also in the ways in which they present the relationship between different cultures and views of ‘difference’. Focusing on (...)
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  42. Beyond critique? Art and power.Krzysztof Ziarek - 2007 - In Iain Macdonald & Krzysztof Ziarek (eds.), Adorno and Heidegger: philosophical questions. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 105--123.
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    L'art d'écrire dans les « éclaircissements » du dictionnaire historique et critique de Pierre Bayle.Jean-Michel Gros - 2005 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 130 (1):21.
    Le Consistoire de Rotterdam ayant condamné plusieurs articles lors de la première parution du Dictionnaire historique et critique, les éditions ultérieures contiendront des « Éclaircissements ». Bayle, par sa maîtrise de l’écriture cryptée, va faire de ces textes, officiellement de justification et d’autocensure, un plaidoyer pour la liberté de philosopher.Dans ses premiers textes, comme les Pensées diverses sur la comète, il a pratiqué un art d’écrire d’autant plus efficace qu’il était presque revendiqué comme tel dans des « Avis aux (...)
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  44. A critique of folk, popular and ‘art’ music.Frank Howes - 1962 - British Journal of Aesthetics 2 (3):239-248.
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  45. other Arts and Sciences: reconceiving or recycling? In this joint work," Reconceptions In Philosophy And Other Arts And Sciences", Nelson Goordman and Catherine Elgin, appear in short, to be offering us a critique of esthetics from an analytical point of view, together.Nelson Goodman - 1993 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 47:355.
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  46. Art for Goodness Sake: A Chestertonian Critique of Art for Art’s Sake.Miguel Benitez - 2019 - The Chesterton Review 45 (1/2):123-127.
    Many Christian thinkers have embraced the notion “art for art’s sake.” Chesterton did not. To the contrary, he saw such an idea as deeply problematic for a Christian aesthetic. In the following article, I will explore some philosophical aspects of the “art for art’s sake” movement and then explain why Chesterton parted company with it.
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    Rousseau's Critique of Science: A Commentary on the Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts.Jeff J. S. Black - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Rousseau's Critique of Science is the first book-length treatment of Rousseau's first philosophic work. It argues that the Discourse is indispensable, both for those interested in the genesis and meaning of Rousseau's philosophic system, and for those interested in the moral consequences of our liberal democratic commitment to scientific progress.
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    Why AI Art Is Not Art – A Heideggerian Critique.Karl Kraatz & Shi-Ting Xie - 2023 - Synthesis Philosophica 38 (2):235-253.
    AI’s new ability to create artworks is seen as a major challenge to today’s understanding of art. There is a strong tension between people who predict that AI will replace artists and critics who claim that AI art will never be art. Furthermore, recent studies have documented a negative bias towards AI art. This paper provides a philosophical explanation for this negative bias, based on our shared understanding of the ontological differences between objects. We argue that our perception of art (...)
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    The Problem with Conservative Art: A Critique of Russell Kirk’s Metaphysical Conservatism.Seth Vannatta - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):26.
    In this paper I measure the progressive potentiality of art against Russell Kirk’s notion of “normative art”. Kirk argues that good literature cultivates virtue according to a transcendent norm, a law of nature. I interrogate the extent to which this art can be conservative according to Kirk’s own meaning of conservatism and read his own conservatism against itself in an effort to show which of its tenets detrimentally supersede and contradict its others. The criticism of Kirk’s discussion of normative art (...)
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    Caveats and critiques: philosophical essays in language, logic, and art.Max Black - 1975 - Ithaca [N.Y.]: Cornell University Press.
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