Results for ' cognitive applications'

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  1. Analogical Cognition: Applications in Epistemology and the Philosophy of Mind and Language.Theodore Bach - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (5):348-360.
    Analogical cognition refers to the ability to detect, process, and learn from relational similarities. The study of analogical and similarity cognition is widely considered one of the ‘success stories’ of cognitive science, exhibiting convergence across many disciplines on foundational questions. Given the centrality of analogy to mind and knowledge, it would benefit philosophers investigating topics in epistemology and the philosophies of mind and language to become familiar with empirical models of analogical cognition. The goal of this essay is to (...)
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    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3-4):219-244.
    Volume 23, Issue 3-4, November - December 2024, Page 219-244.
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  3. Handbook of Social Cognition: Applications.Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull (eds.) - 1994 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    This edition of the Handbookfollows the first edition by 10 years.
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    Pedagogical applications of cognitive research on musical improvisation.Michele Biasutti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:134187.
    This paper presents a model for the implementation of educational activities involving musical improvisation that is based on a review of the literature on the psychology of music. Psychology of music is a complex field of research in which quantitative and qualitative methods have been employed involving participants ranging from novices to expert performers. The cognitive research has been analyzed to propose a pedagogical approach to the development of processes rather than products that focus on an expert’s use of (...)
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    Cognitive Evolution and the Transmission of Popular Narratives: A Literature Review and Application to Urban Legends.Jamshid J. Tehrani, Emma G. Flynn & Joseph M. Stubbersfield - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):121-136.
    Recent research into cultural transmission suggests that humans are disposed to learn, remember, and transmit certain types of information more easily than others, and that any information that is passed between people will be subjected to cognitive selective pressures that alter the content and structure so as to make it maximally transmittable. This paper presents a review of emerging research on content biases in cultural evolution with relevance to the transmission of popular narratives. This is illustrated with content analysis (...)
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    Assessing Cognitive Change and Quality of Life 12 Months After Epilepsy Surgery—Development and Application of Reliable Change Indices and Standardized Regression-Based Change Norms for a Neuropsychological Test Battery in the German Language.Nadine Conradi, Marion Behrens, Anke M. Hermsen, Tabitha Kannemann, Nina Merkel, Annika Schuster, Thomas M. Freiman, Adam Strzelczyk & Felix Rosenow - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:582836.
    Objective The establishment of patient-centered measures capable of empirically determining meaningful cognitive change after surgery can significantly improve the medical care of epilepsy patients. Thus, this study aimed to develop reliable change indices (RCIs) and standardized regression-based (SRB) change norms for a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery in the German language. Methods Forty-seven consecutive patients with temporal lobe epilepsy underwent neuropsychological assessments, both before and 12 months after surgery. Practice-effect-adjusted RCIs and SRB change norms for each test score were computed. (...)
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    Cognitive and Applicative Universality of Synthetic Geometry Knowledge.Sergio Aramburu - 2024 - Global Philosophy 34 (1):1-15.
    Geometric statements are expressions of natural language with descriptive meaning, since they refer to things such as triangles, and to their characteristics. It is shown, following statements by authors such as Carnap (Philosophical foundations of physics) that geometric meanings are not factual, but mathematical, so that it is not geometric theories that apply, but geometrically interpreted factual theories. Under the Euclidean paradigm, the object of study of geometry was space, but the theoretical pluralism that replaced it resulted in the creation (...)
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    Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science.Alvin I. Goldman - 1993 - Boulder: Routledge.
    One of the most fruitful interdisciplinary boundaries in contemporary scholarship is that between philosophy and cognitive science. Now that solid empirical results about the activities of the human mind are available, it is no longer necessary for philosophers to practice armchair psychology. In this short, accessible, and entertaining book, Alvin Goldman presents a masterly survey of recent work in cognitive science that has particular relevance to philosophy. Besides providing a valuable review of the most suggestive work in (...) and social psychology, Goldman demonstrates conclusively that the best work in philosophy in a surprising number of different fields―including philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics as well as philosophy of mind―must take into account empirical breakthroughs in psychology. One of those rare texts that will also be useful for professionals, Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science is appropriate for students in a wide range of philosophy courses. It will also interest researchers and students in psychology who are intrigued by the wider theoretical implications of their work. (shrink)
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  9. Hot Thought: Mechanisms and Applications of Emotional Cognition.Paul Thagard - 2008 - Bradford.
    Contrary to standard assumptions, reasoning is often an emotional process. Emotions can have good effects, as when a scientist gets excited about a line of research and pursues it successfully despite criticism. But emotions can also distort reasoning, as when a juror ignores evidence of guilt just because the accused seems like a nice guy. In _Hot Thought_, Paul Thagard describes the mental mechanisms -- cognitive, neural, molecular, and social -- that interact to produce different kinds of human thinking, (...)
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    Cognitive complexity of suppositional reasoning: An application of the relational complexity metric to the Knight-knave task.Damian P. Birney & Graeme S. Halford - 2002 - Thinking and Reasoning 8 (2):109 – 134.
    An application of the Method of Analysis of Relational Complexity (MARC) to suppositional reasoning in the knight-knave task is outlined. The task requires testing suppositions derived from statements made by individuals who either always tell the truth or always lie. Relational complexity (RC) is defined as the number of unique entities that need to be processed in parallel to arrive at a solution. A selection of five ternary and five quaternary items were presented to 53 psychology students using a pencil (...)
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    Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science.Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics.A. I. Goldmam & M. Johnson - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (178):120-122.
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    Stagewise cognitive development: An application of catastrophe theory.Han L. Van der Maas & Peter C. Molenaar - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):395-417.
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  13. Applications in Education and Training: A Force Behind the Development of Cognitive Science.Susan E. F. Chipman - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):386-397.
    This paper reviews 30 years of progress in U.S. cognitive science research related to education and training, as seen from the perspective of a research manager who was personally involved in many of these developments.
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    Applicatives and benefactives: A cognitive account.Masayoshi Shibatani - 1996 - In Masayoshi Shibatani & Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), Grammatical Constructions: Their Form and Meaning. Clarendon Press. pp. 157--194.
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    Expedition Cognition: A Review and Prospective of Subterranean Neuroscience With Spaceflight Applications.Nicolette B. Mogilever, Lucrezia Zuccarelli, Ford Burles, Giuseppe Iaria, Giacomo Strapazzon, Loredana Bessone & Emily B. J. Coffey - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:386440.
    Renewed interest in human space exploration has highlighted the gaps in knowledge needed for successful long-duration missions outside low-Earth orbit. Although the technical challenges of such missions are being systematically overcome, many of the unknowns in predicting mission success depend on human behavior and performance, knowledge of which must be either obtained through space research or extrapolated from human experience on Earth. Particularly in human neuroscience, laboratory-based research efforts are not closely connected to real environments such as human space exploration. (...)
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    Applications of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Studying Cognitive Development: The Case of Mathematics and Language.Mojtaba Soltanlou, Maria A. Sitnikova, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Thomas Dresler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Four Applications of Embodied Cognition.Joshua Ian Davis, Adam Benforado, Ellen Esrock, Alasdair Turner, Ruth C. Dalton, Leon van Noorden & Marc Leman - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):786-793.
    This article presents the views of four sets of authors, each taking concepts of embodied cognition into problem spaces where the new paradigm can be applied. The first considers consequences of embodied cognition on the legal system. The second explores how embodied cognition can change how we interpret and interact with art and literature. The third examines how we move through architectural spaces from an embodied cognition perspective. And the fourth addresses how music cognition is influenced by the approach. Each (...)
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  18.  23
    Contextual Emergence and Its Applications in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science.Robert Poczobut - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (3):123-146.
    The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of contextual emergence as well as its selected applications in philosophy of mind and cognitive science. In the first section the author presents the general assumptions of the emergentist model of reality. He stresses that the concept of emergence can be applied to the description of various levels of organization of nature: one of these levels is that of mental-cognitive processes, analyzed within the fields of philosophy of (...)
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  19. Cognitive aspects of dietary recall-applications to food frequency questionnaire.A. Drewnowski, F. Larkin & H. Metzner - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):339-339.
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    Creative Design of Digital Cognitive Games: Application of Cognitive Toys and Isomorphism.Robert Haworth & Kamran Sedig - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (5):413-426.
    Digital cognitive games (DCGs) are games whose primary purpose is to mediate (i.e., support, develop, and enhance) cognitive activities such as problem solving, decision making, planning, and critical reasoning. As these games increase in popularity and usage, more attention should be paid to their design. Currently, there is a lack of design processes that provide both structure and room for creative development of such games. This article presents a preliminary process for design of DCGs. The design process involves (...)
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    Models of Cognition and Their Applications in Behavioral Economics: A Conceptual Framework for Nudging Derived From Behavior Analysis and Relational Frame Theory.Marco Tagliabue, Valeria Squatrito & Giovambattista Presti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:484958.
    This study puts forward a rounder conceptual model for interpreting short and long-term effects of choice behavior. Kahneman’s (2011) distinction between cognitive processing System 1 and System 2 reflect the more rigorous distinction between Brief and Immediate and Extended and Elaborated Relational Responding. Specifically, we provide theoretical accounts and applied examples of how nudging, or the manipulation of environmental contingencies, works on the creation and modification of relational frames. The subset denominated educational nudges, or boosts, are particularly useful towards (...)
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  22.  9
    Editorial: Application of the Third Generation of Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Parenting.Helena Moreira, Eva Potharst & Maria Cristina Canavarro - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Application of Machine Learning Models for Tracking Participant Skills in Cognitive Training.Sanjana Sandeep, Christian R. Shelton, Anja Pahor, Susanne M. Jaeggi & Aaron R. Seitz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Applicability of the ACE-III and RBANS Cognitive Tests for the Detection of Alcohol-Related Brain Damage.Pamela Brown, Robert M. Heirene, Gareth-Roderique-Davies, Bev John & Jonathan J. Evans - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:496298.
    Background and aims: Recent investigations have highlighted the value of neuropsychological testing for the assessment and screening of Alcohol-Related Brain Damage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination and the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status for this purpose. Methods: Comparing 28 participants with ARBD and 30 alcohol-dependent participants without ARBD we calculated Area Under the Curve statistics, sensitivity and specificity values, base-rate adjusted predictive values, and likelihood ratios (...)
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    Cognitive Methods and Their Application to Clinical Research.Amy Wenzel & David C. Rubin (eds.) - 2005 - American Psychological Association.
    Annotation Since clinical psychologists often have little background in cognitive psychology, and cognitive psychologists often have little training in conducting research with special populations, this book discusses the popularly used cognitive tasks in applied research, including the Stroop, Selective Attention, Implicit Memory, Directed Forgetting, and Autobiographical Memory tasks. For each, the contributors provide the background necessary for readers to ground themselves in the basics and be directed to more detailed information that they might need. The result is (...)
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    Further Applications of Social Cognition to Göbekli Tepe.Tracy B. Henley & Stephen Reysen - 2023 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 23 (1-2):49-64.
    Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site that has challenged much prior thought on human history with respect to our Neolithic revolution from animistic, egalitarian, hunter-gatherers to settled, socially stratified, and religious peoples. In the present paper we review the structures and possible purposes of Göbekli Tepe, summarize past considerations of the connection between psychological concepts and matters found thereat, and then introduce social identity theory as an apt theoretical perspective from which to best understand the peoples who constructed and utilized (...)
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    A neural cognitive model of argumentation with application to legal inference and decision making.Artur S. D'Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay & Luis C. Lamb - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (2):109-127.
    Formal models of argumentation have been investigated in several areas, from multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence (AI) to decision making, philosophy and law. In artificial intelligence, logic-based models have been the standard for the representation of argumentative reasoning. More recently, the standard logic-based models have been shown equivalent to standard connectionist models. This has created a new line of research where (i) neural networks can be used as a parallel computational model for argumentation and (ii) neural networks can be used (...)
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    Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science. [REVIEW]Andrew Melnyk - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):404-405.
    In this exceptionally lucid book, Goldman deploys an enviable knowledge of the cognitive science literature in order to make a sustained but highly readable case for the conclusion that findings in cognitive science are relevant to resolving a wide range of philosophical problems. He does not hold that cognitive science can replace philosophy; nor, except perhaps briefly in his chapter on philosophy of mind, does he consider cognitive science as an object of philosophical analysis.
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    Cognitive Decline After Cranial Irradiation: Hoping for a Systematic Application of the Reliable Change Index.Giorgio Gronchi, Silvia Scoccianti & Andrea Peru - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:573919.
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    Foresight and application in cognitive science.William E. Cooper - 1985 - Cognition 20 (3):265-267.
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    Editorial: Motivation-Cognition Interaction: From Neurocognitive Models to Clinical Applications.Elisa Di Rosa, Todd Braver, Daniela Mapelli & Nicky Edelstyn - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Editorial: Cognitive Diagnostic Models: Methods for Practical Applications.Tao Xin, Chun Wang, Ping Chen & Yanlou Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Assessing the application of cognitive moral development theory to business ethics.John Fraedrich, Debbie M. Thorne & O. C. Ferrell - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (10):829 - 838.
    Cognitive moral development (CMD) theory has been accepted as a construct to help explain business ethics, social responsibility and other organizational phenomena. This article critically assesses CMD as a construct in business ethics by presenting the history and criticisms of CMD. The value of CMD is evaluated and problems with using CMD as one predictor of ethical decisions are addressed. Researchers are made aware of the major criticisms of CMD theory including disguised value judgments, invariance of stages, and gender (...)
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    Reproducibility in Cognitive Hearing Research: Theoretical Considerations and Their Practical Application in Multi-Lab Studies.Antje Heinrich & Sarah Knight - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The model gap: cognitive systems in security applications and their ethical implications. [REVIEW]Tobias Matzner - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (1):95-102.
    The use of cognitive systems like pattern recognition or video tracking technology in security applications is becoming ever more common. The paper considers cases in which the cognitive systems are meant to assist human tasks by providing information, but the final decision is left to the human. All these systems and their various applications have a common feature: an intrinsic difference in how a situation or an event is assessed by a human being and a (...) system. This difference, which here is named “the model gap,” is analyzed pertaining to its epistemic role and its ethical consequences. The main results are as follows: (1) The model gap is not a problem, which might be solved by future research, but the central feature of cognitive systems. (2) The model gap appears on two levels: the aspects of the world, which are evaluated, and the way they are processed. This leads to changes in central concepts. While differences on the first level often are the very reason for the deployment of cognitive systems, the latter is hard to notice and often goes unreflected. (3) Such a missing reflection is ethically problematic because the human is meant to give the final judgment. It is particularly problematic in security applications where it might lead to a conflation of descriptive and normative concepts. (4) The idea of the human operator having the last word is based on an assumption of independent judgment. This assumption is flawed for two reasons: The cognitive system and the human operators form a “hybrid system” the components of which cannot be assessed independently; and additional modes of judgment might pose new ethical problems. (shrink)
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  36. Epistemic causality and its application to the social and cognitive sciences.Yafeng Shan, Samuel D. Taylor & Jon Williamson - 2024 - In Alternative Philosophical Approaches to Causation: Beyond Difference-making and Mechanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 241-277.
    The epistemic theory of causality views causality as a tool that helps us to predict, explain and control our world, rather than as a relation that exists independently of our epistemic practices. In this chapter, we first provide an introduction to the epistemic theory of causality. We then outline four considerations that motivate the epistemic theory: the failure of standard theories of causality; parsimony; the epistemology of causality; and neutrality. We illustrate these four considerations in the contexts of the social (...)
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  37. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the development, integration and application of cognitive ontologies.Janna Hastings, Gwen Alexandra Frishkoff, Barry Smith, Mark Jensen, Russell Poldrack, Jessica Turner, Jane Lomax, Anita Bandrowski, Fahim Imam, Jessica A. Turner & Maryann E. Martone - 2014 - Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 8 (62):1-7.
    We discuss recent progress in the development of cognitive ontologies and summarize three challenges in the coordinated development and application of these resources. Challenge 1 is to adopt a standardized definition for cognitive processes. We describe three possibilities and recommend one that is consistent with the standard view in cognitive and biomedical sciences. Challenge 2 is harmonization. Gaps and conflicts in representation must be resolved so that these resources can be combined for mark-up and interpretation of multi-modal (...)
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    GANEing traction: The broad applicability of NE hotspots to diverse cognitive and arousal phenomena.Mara Mather, David Clewett, Michiko Sakaki & Carolyn W. Harley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Nonclassical Logics and Their Applications: Post-Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition.Shier Ju, Alessandra Palmigiano & Minghui Ma (eds.) - 2020 - Singapore: Springer.
    This edited book focuses on non-classical logics and their applications, highlighting the rapid advances and the new perspectives that are emerging in this area. Non-classical logics are logical formalisms that violate or go beyond classical logic laws, and their specific features make them particularly suited to describing and reason about aspects of social interaction. The richness and diversity of non-classical logics mean that this area is a natural catalyst for ideas and insights from many different fields, from information theory (...)
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    Constraint is freedom. An application of zombie to certain aspects of art and cognitive psychology.Brian Reffin Smith - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):55-64.
    Given that computers are not merely information-processors but rather representation-processors, who are the people most suited to dealing with representations of consciousness or the lack of it, once these consist in a computer? Who are the experts on irredundant holism when it comes to making sense of and manipulating these representations? Neither scientists nor philosophers, but rather artists, poets and so on. If this is the case it is not surprising that there already exists, in and out of the computational (...)
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  41. Logical, Ontological and Cognitive Aspects of Object Types and Cross-World Identity with Applications to the Theory of Conceptual Spaces.Giancarlo Guizzardi - 2015 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Frank Zenker (eds.), Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  42. Theory of Cognitive Distortions: Application to Generalised Anxiety Disorder.Paul Franceschi - 2008 - Journal de Thérapie Comportementale Et Cognitive 18:127-131.
    In a previous paper (Compléments pour une théorie des distorsions cognitives, Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 2007), we did present some elements aimed at contributing to a general theory of cognitive distortions. The latter elements, based on the reference class, the duality and the system of taxa, are applied here to generalised anxiety disorder. This allows to describe, on the one hand, the specific distortions related to generalised anxiety disorder, consistently with recent work emphasising the role played (...)
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  43. Forensic applications of theories of cognition and emotion.Debra A. Bekerian & Susan J. Goodrich - 1999 - In Tim Dalgleish & Mick Power (eds.), Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. Wiley. pp. 783--798.
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    The Definition and Application of Tools in Scientific Cognition.Jerzy Szymański & Aleksander Trop-Kryński - 1973 - Dialectics and Humanism 1 (1):191-202.
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    Cognitive Iconology: When and How Psychology Explains Images.Ian Verstegen - 2014 - Editions Rodopi.
    Cognitive Iconology is a new theory of the relation of psychology to art. Instead of being an application of psychological principles, it is a methodologically aware account of psychology, art and the nature of explanation. Rather than fight over biology or culture, it shows how they must fit together. The term “cognitive iconology” is meant to mirror other disciplines like cognitive poetics and musicology but the fear that images must be somehow transparent to understanding is calmed by (...)
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  46. A. I. Goldman, "Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science", & M. Johnson, "Moral Imagination: Implications of Cognitive Science for Ethics". [REVIEW]D. E. Over - 1995 - The Philosophical Quarterly 45 (178):120-122.
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    Objectivity applied to embodied subjects in health care and social security medicine: definition of a comprehensive concept of cognitive objectivity and criteria for its application.Hans Magnus Solli & António Barbosa da Silva - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-16.
    The article defines a comprehensive concept of cognitive objectivity (CCCO) applied to embodied subjects in health care. The aims of this study were: (1) to specify some necessary conditions for the definition of a CCCO that will allow objective descriptions and assessments in health care, (2) to formulate criteria for application of such a CCCO, and (3) to investigate the usefulness of the criteria in work disability assessments in medical certificates from health care provided for social security purposes. The (...)
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  48. Alvin I. Goldman, Philosophical Applications of Cognitive Science. [REVIEW]Hugh Clapin - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14:256-258.
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    Comparing Traditional and Digitized Cognitive Tests Used in Standard Clinical Evaluation – A Study of the Digital Application Minnemera.Stina Björngrim, Wobbie van den Hurk, Moises Betancort, Alejandra Machado & Maria Lindau - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Model-based analyses: Promises, pitfalls, and example applications to the study of cognitive control.Rogier B. Mars, Nicholas Shea, Nils Kolling & Matthew F. S. Rushworth - 2012 - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (2):252-267.
    We discuss a recent approach to investigating cognitive control, which has the potential to deal with some of the challenges inherent in this endeavour. In a model-based approach, the researcher defines a formal, computational model that performs the task at hand and whose performance matches that of a research participant. The internal variables in such a model might then be taken as proxies for latent variables computed in the brain. We discuss the potential advantages of such an approach for (...)
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