Results for ' conscience, warning and pronouncing a verdict'

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  1.  13
    Four Conceptions of Conscience.Thomas E. Hill - 2002 - In Thomas E. Hill, Human Welfare and Moral Worth: Kantian Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    This contrasts Kant's view of conscience, and its merits, with alternative views. These alternatives are a popular religious view, a social relativist conception, and Joseph Butler's philosophical account. Kant's view avoids the epistemological problems of the first view, but accepts its idea that conscience is often experienced as an unsolicited voice. Kant denies the metaethical scepticism of social relativists, but agrees with them that conscience expresses a dissonance between our acts and our moral beliefs rather than an independent perception of (...)
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  2. Duties to Oneself, Duties of Respect to Others.Allen Wood - 2009 - In Thomas E. Hill, The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 229–251.
    One of the principal aims of Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals, especially of the Doctrine of Virtue, is to present a taxonomy of our duties as human beings. The basic division of duties is between juridical duties and ethical duties, which determines the division of the Metaphysics of Morals into the Doctrine of Right and the Doctrine of Virtue. Juridical duties are duties that may be coercively enforced from outside the agent, as by the civil or criminal laws, or other social (...)
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    Warn Me If I Approach the Melody.Helaine L. Smith - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):149-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Warn Me If I Approach the Melody” HELAINE L. SMITH In the 1950s on Saturday night TV, Sid Caesar performed comic sketches for a full hour. In one sketch Carl Reiner played Edward R. Murrow interviewing Caesar as the jazz musician Progress Hornsby. At a certain point Murrow asks Hornsby, “To what do you attribute your band’s great success?” and Hornsby answers, “Well, we have special equipment that warns (...)
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    Arguing with Socrates: an introduction to Plato's shorter dialogues.Christopher Warne - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Ranging from the Symposium to the Apology, this is a concise but authoritative guide to the most important and widely studied of Plato's Socratic dialogues. Taking each of the major dialogues in turn, Arguing with Socrates encourages students to engage directly with the questions that Socrates raises and with their relevance to 21st century life. Along the way, the book draws on Socrates' thought to explore such questions as: • What is virtue and can it be taught? • Should we (...)
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    Heidegger on Hölderlin's Festival: The Wedding Dance as the Inceptual Event.Mathias Warnes - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):503-524.
    After accounting for the festival as a philosophical theme across Heidegger’s early to later writings, this article summarizes the 1943 “Andenken” essay on Hölderlin’s “wedding festival” and 1959 “Hölderlin’s Earth and Heaven” essay on the “round dance.” It then explores how these motifs of the wedding festival and its round dance are in play in the 1936–1937 Contributions to Philosophy: Of the Event manuscript, especially in its philosophy of attunement, and notion of the “celebration of the last god.”.
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    Conscience.Steffi Schadow - 2021 - In Julian Wuerth, The Cambridge Kant Lexicon. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 118-121.
    Conscience expresses the human being’s practical relationship to himself in judging his own actions and thoughts and is therefore one of the prerequisites for moral action. Conscience can, firstly, play a prospective-warning role in moral judgement and secondly a retrospective-reflective one. In the latter case, the judgement of conscience, which occurs in a forum internum, leads either to the acquittal or condemnation of the moral subject, which indicts itself in the judgement of conscience.
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    Policy Issues in American Indian Health Governance.Donald Warne - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (s1):42-45.
    Perhaps the most significant law affecting the provision of health services to the American Indian and Alaska Native population is the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975. This Act allows tribes to assume the management and control of health care programs from Indian Health Service and to increase flexibility in health care program development. Under ISDEAA, tribes have the option to contract or compact with IHS to deliver health services using pre-existing IHS resources, third party reimbursements, grants, and (...)
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    Speaking/creating Reality: Religion, Feminism and Cultural Transformation.Randi R. Warne - 2002 - Feminist Theology 10 (30):52-60.
    This article argues that we live in a highly technical world in which people are disappearing. Religion does not have the tools to help us resist this extinction since it has itself diminished humanity by positing a perfect Other Being, which controls our lives. The author argues that we need to reclaim a sense of ourselves as essentialising animals. We need to have a more body-based sense of humanity, which will lead to a fuller awareness and acceptance of difference and (...)
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  9. The Ethics of Trigger Warnings.Wendy Wyatt - 2016 - Teaching Ethics 16 (1):17-35.
    Trigger warnings captured national attention in 2014 when students from several U.S. universities called for inclusion of the warnings on course syllabi and in classrooms. Opinions spread through news outlets across the spectrum, and those weighing in were quick to pronounce trigger warnings as either unnecessary coddling and an affront to free speech, or as a responsible pedagogical practice that treats students with respect and minimizes harm. Put simply, the debate about trigger warnings has followed the trajectory of many debates (...)
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  10. The Judge in the Mirror: Kant on Conscience.Marijana Vujošević - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (3):449-474.
    Kant's conception of conscience has been relatively neglected by Kant scholars and the secondary literature offers no explanation of whether (and if so, how) his treatments of conscience fit together. To achieve a fuller understanding of Kant's general position on conscience, I question the widespread assumption that conscience is a feeling and account for the nature of conscience and its multiple functions. On my reading, conscience is ‘the internal judge’ whose verdict triggers certain emotional reactions. Through the moral self-evaluative (...)
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  11.  55
    Development of the Perceptions of Conscience Questionnaire.Vera Dahlqvist, Sture Eriksson, Ann-Louise Glasberg, Elisabeth Lindahl, Kim Lü tzén, Gunilla Strandberg, Anna Söderberg, Venke Sørlie & Astrid Norberg - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):181-193.
    Health care often involves ethically difficult situations that may disquiet the conscience. The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire for identifying various perceptions of conscience within a framework based on the literature and on explorative interviews about perceptions of conscience (Perceptions of Conscience Questionnaire). The questionnaire was tested on a sample of 444 registered nurses, enrolled nurses, nurses’ assistants and physicians. The data were analysed using principal component analysis to explore possible dimensions of perceptions of conscience. The (...)
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  12.  39
    Ideology of Nursing Care in Child Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment.Heikki Ellilä, Maritta Välimäki, Tony Warne & Andre Sourander - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):583-596.
    Research on nursing ideology and the ethics of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing care is limited. The aim of this study was to describe and explore the ideological approaches guiding psychiatric nursing in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient wards in Finland, and discuss the ethical, theoretical and practical concerns related to nursing ideologies. Data were collected by means of a national questionnaire survey, which included one open-ended question seeking managers' opinions on the nursing ideology used in their area of practice. (...)
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  13. Quand l’esprit « dit » le temps : la conscience du temps chez Aristote, Augustin et Husserl. On the Mind’s “Pronouncement” of Time: Aristotle, Augustine and Husserl on Time-consciousness.Michael R. Kelly - 2009 - Methodos 9.
    Cet essai met en cause la comparaison historique courante qui relie le traitement husserlien de la conscience du temps à la tradition philosophique occidentale par le biais du livre IX des Confessions d’Augustin. Je soutiens notamment que cette comparaison n’est valable qu’à l’égard des leçons sur le temps de 1905 (qui expliquent l’appréhension du temps par le recours à l’étirement de la conscience opéré par la mémoire) et non pour la théorie husserlienne ultérieure, que l’on peut dater autour de 1908 (...)
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    Avashai Margalit and Theology of Institutions.Nathaniel Adam Warne - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):607-621.
    In this article, I compare recent literature on theology of institutions with the ethics of philosopher Avishai Margalit. This article has two tasks. First, it shows that Margalit's understanding of a decent society provides helpful categories for moral and political theology. The second task, by putting theology and Margalit in dialogue, and focusing on the topic of labor and economic institutions, highlights where moral and political theology exposes potential weaknesses within Margalit's thought. Though his account of humiliation and the ‘decent (...)
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  15. A Warning to Maidens, or, Advice to Girls and Young Women, by H.S.P.S. P. H. & Warning - 1885
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  16.  26
    Impacts on food policy from traditional and social media framing of moral outrage and cultural stereotypes.Virginia Small & James Warn - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):295-309.
    Food policy increasingly attempts to accommodate a wider and more diverse range of stakeholder interests. However, the emerging influence of different communities and networks of actors with localized concerns and interests around how food should be produced and traded, can challenge attempts to achieving more open, sustainable and globally-integrated food chains. This article analyses how cultural factors internal to a developed country can disrupt the export of food to a developing country. A framing analysis is applied to examine how activists (...)
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  17. Godless Conscience.Tom O'Shea - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (3):95-114.
    . John Cottingham suggests that “only a traditional theistic framework may be adequate for doing justice to the role of conscience in our lives.” Two main reasons for endorsing this proposition are assessed: the religious origins of conscience, and the need to explain its normative authority. I argue that Graeco-Roman conceptions of conscience cast doubt on this first historical claim, and that secular moral realisms can account for the obligatoriness of conscience. Nevertheless, the recognition of the need for an objective (...)
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  18.  54
    Conscience in Medieval Philosophy.Timothy C. Potts (ed.) - 1980 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents in translation writings by six medieval philosophers which bear on the subject of conscience. Conscience, which can be considered both as a topic in the philosophy of mind and a topic in ethics, has been unduly neglected in modern philosophy, where a prevailing belief in the autonomy of ethics leaves it no natural place. It was, however, a standard subject for a treatise in medieval philosophy. Three introductory translations here, from Jerome, Augustine and Peter Lombard, present the (...)
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  19.  39
    Moral conscience’s fall from grace: an investigation into conceptual history.Hasse J. Hämäläinen - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):283-299.
    This article investigates the question why even the existence of “moral conscience” became regarded with serious doubts among radical eighteenth-century French philosophes La Mettrie, d’Holbach, Diderot, and Voltaire, from the vantage point of conceptual history. The philosophes’ stance of regarding moral conscience only as a name for certain acquired prejudices both fails to engage with the conception of moral conscience upheld by their theistic opponents and stands in a sharp contrast to the moral thought of Protestant reformation, which – less (...)
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  20.  96
    The conscience debate: resources for rapprochement from the problem’s perceived source.John J. Hardt - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (3):151-160.
    This article critically evaluates the conception of conscience underlying the debate about the proper place and role of conscience in the clinical encounter. It suggests that recovering a conception of conscience rooted in the Catholic moral tradition could offer resources for moving the debate past an unproductive assertion of conflicting rights, namely, physicians’ rights to conscience versus patients’ rights to socially and legally sanctioned medical interventions. It proposes that conscience is a necessary component of the moral life in general and (...)
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  21. My Conscience May Be My Guide, but You May not Need to Honor It.Hugh Lafollette - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (1):44-58.
    A number of health care professionals assert a right to be exempt from performing some actions currently designated as part of their standard professional responsibilities. Most advocates claim that they should be excused from these duties simply by averring that they are conscientiously opposed to performing them. They believe that they need not explain or justify their decisions to anyone; nor should they suffer any undesirable consequences of such refusal. Those who claim this right err by blurring or conflating three (...)
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  22. Neuroenhancement: Warning, Autonomax May Be Necessary.Sara Waller & Carmela Epright - 2010 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 5:1-5.
    This paper argues that neuroscience has great potential to increase free will rather than condemn us to determinism. If human freedom depends on such factors as: having the intelligence and rationality to understand the physical, social and moral consequences of one’s actions; being aware of what choices are available and viable; being without emotional illness and compulsion; etc., then brain based treatments can expand human freedom. We present several hypothetical cases in which treatments appear to increase experienced free will. In (...)
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  23.  42
    The wandering commons: A conservation conundrum in the Dominican Republic. [REVIEW]Charles Geisler, Rees Warne & Alan Barton - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (4):325-335.
    In contrast to the jeopardy caused to commonproperty regimes by conditions of open access, factorssuch as boundary ambiguity, shifts, and maintenancefailures are the causes of a different set of problemsin the Los Haitises National Park, a controversialprotected area in the Dominican Republic. Survey data,historical sources, and digital mapping informationoverlaying past boundary changes show that this areahas undergone two decades of design modifications inits perimeters. Despite a long history of communalownership in that country, there appears to be littlelikelihood of transforming this (...)
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  24. Socrates’ Warning Against Misology (Plato, Phaedo 88c-91c).Thomas Miller - 2015 - Phronesis 60 (2):145-179.
    In thePhaedo, Socrates warns his listeners, discouraged by the objections of Simmias and Cebes, against becoming haters oflogoi. I argue that the ‘misologists’ are presented as a type of proto-skeptic and that Socrates in fact shows covert sympathy for their position. The difference between them is revealed by the pragmatic argument for trust in the immortality of the soul that Socrates offers near the end of the passage: the misologists reject such therapeutic uses oflogos. I conclude by assessing the relationship (...)
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  25.  55
    On the Epistemology of Trigger Warnings.Anna Klieber - 2021 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 7 (4).
    Trigger warnings have been the flashpoints of many discussions in recent years. A prominent claim among those arguing against trigger warnings is what I will call the “coddling argument”, according to which trigger warnings coddle by allowing people to avoid ideas that they disagree with or find difficult. In this paper, I try to both make sense of and refute the coddling argument from a vice epistemological perspective. As I argue, CA is best understood as an expression of concern about (...)
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  26.  35
    Disentangling Conscience Protections.Nadia N. Sawicki - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (5):14-22.
    Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its intent to strengthen enforcement of legal protections for health care providers' conscience rights. It proposed regulations that would give the DHHS Office of Civil Rights greater authority to ensure that recipients of federal funding comply with federal conscience laws. This recent development creates an opportunity for scholars and policy‐makers to revisit the perennial debate about whether and how law should protect health care providers' rights of conscience. Arguments (...)
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  27. Private Conscience, Public Acts.Eva LaFollette & Hugh LaFollette - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (5):249-254.
    A growing number of medical professionals claim a right of conscience, a right to refuse to perform any professional duty they deem immoral—and to do so with impunity. We argue that professionals do not have the unqualified right of conscience. At most they have a highly qualified right. We focus on the claims of pharmacists, since they are the professionals most commonly claiming this right.
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    Conscience as cognition: phenomenological complementing of Aquinas's theory of conscience.Jan Krokos - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    This study analyzes conscience as a specific cognition, as an axiological consciousness of a human act. The doctrine of Thomas Aquinas plays an important role here: He assumes conscience to be a cognition; his concept of conscience is quite significant and had great influence on philosophical thinking. Nevertheless, this doctrine on conscience is not satisfying enough from the viewpoint of epistemology and, therefore, it requires a complement. Such a complement is found in phenomenological analyses, especially in those concerning consciousness. Underlying (...)
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  29.  83
    Performing Conscience.Jack Turner - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (4):448-471.
    Does Henry Thoreau have a positive politics? Depending on how one conceives of politics, answers will vary. Hannah Arendt famously portrayed Thoreau's commitment to the sanctity of individual conscience as distinctly unpolitical. More recent commentators grant that Thoreau has a politics, but they characterize it as profoundly negative in character. This essay argues that Thoreau indeed sponsors a positive politics-a politics of performing conscience. The performance of conscience before an audience transforms the invocation of consciencefrom a personally political act into (...)
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  30.  33
    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care: Prioritizing Patient Interests.Carolyn McLeod - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Conscience in Reproductive Health Care responds to the growing worldwide trend of health care professionals conscientiously refusing to provide abortions and similar reproductive health services in countries where these services are legal and professionally accepted. Carolyn McLeod argues that conscientious objectors in health care should prioritize the interests of patients in receiving care over their own interest in acting on their conscience. She defends this "prioritizing approach" to conscientious objection over the more popular "compromise approach" without downplaying the importance of (...)
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    Warning through Extrapolation: On the Practical Aims of Dystopia.Mathias Thaler - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):90-106.
    ABSTRACT This article contributes to a better understanding of dystopia’s practical aims by offering a critical defense of what Gregory Claeys calls the “Atwood Principle.” Derived from the writings of Canadian author Margaret Atwood, it establishes a yardstick for separating speculative fiction from science fiction. I argue that, rather than elevating it to the status of a genre definer, the Atwood Principle should be vindicated in terms of a heuristic device for contextually identifying the central mechanism underpinning dystopias: warning (...)
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  32.  49
    Conscience et image.Sylvain Roux - 2011 - Chôra 9:81-102.
    Cet article étudie le rapport particulier établi par Plotin entre deux notions, l’antilêpsis et la phantasia, pour penser la prise de conscience par l’âme de certains «objets» et de certaines activités. Car celle-ci pose un problème que Plotin a formulé clairement, à la fin du traité 10 (V, 1), sans lui trouver encore de solution absolument satisfaisante. Si l’antilêpsis a besoin de la phantasia pour s’exercer, peut-il en être de même pour les activités supérieures de l’âme dont elle voudrait prendre (...)
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  33.  19
    (1 other version)Objection to Conscience: An Argument Against Conscience Exemptions in Healthcare.Alberto Giubilini - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (5):400-408.
    I argue that appeals to conscience do not constitute reasons for granting healthcare professionals exemptions from providing services they consider immoral (e.g. abortion). My argument is based on a comparison between a type of objection that many people think should be granted, i.e. to abortion, and one that most people think should not be granted, i.e. to antibiotics. I argue that there is no principled reason in favour of conscientious objection qua conscientious that allows to treat these two cases differently. (...)
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    Rationing conscience.Dominic Wilkinson - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):226-229.
    Decisions about allocation of limited healthcare resources are frequently controversial. These decisions are usually based on careful analysis of medical, scientific and health economic evidence. Yet, decisions are also necessarily based on value judgements. There may be differing views among health professionals about how to allocate resources or how to evaluate existing evidence. In specific cases, professionals may have strong personal views (contrary to professional or societal norms) that treatment should or should not be provided. Could these disagreements rise to (...)
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    Conscience et vie: repenser la philosophie de l'esprit.Gilles Lévêque - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La recherche actuelle se trouve dans l'incapacité d'expliquer l'émergence de la conscience à partir du cerveau, ainsi que son efficience sur celui-ci et, par son intermédiaire, sur le corps. La faute en incombe au dualisme des substances qui constitue encore l'horizon de la science actuelle, lequel dualisme ouvre un abîme infranchissable entre la matière et l'esprit. Il convient donc de repenser les rapports de la conscience et du corps, et ce à partir de la vie qui les conjoint. Cet ouvrage (...)
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  36.  14
    Early Warning Method for Public Health Emergency Under Artificial Neural Network in the Context of Deep Learning.Shuang Zheng & Xiaomei Hu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose is to minimize the substantial losses caused by public health emergencies to people’s health and daily life and the national economy. The tuberculosis data from June 2017 to 2019 in a city are collected. The Structural Equation Model is constructed to determine the relationship between hidden and explicit variables by determining the relevant indicators and parameter estimation. The prediction model based on Artificial Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network is constructed. The method’s effectiveness is verified by comparing the (...)
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  37. Conscience – an essay in moral psychology.William Lyons - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (4):477-494.
    The ultimate aim of this essay is to suggest that conscience is a very important part of human psychology and of our moral point of view, not something that can be dismissed as merely ‘a part of Christian theology’. The essay begins with discussions of what might be regarded as the two most influential functional models of conscience, the classical Christian account of conscience and the Freudian account of conscience. Then, using some insights from these models, and from some comparatively (...)
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  38. Conscience: the mechanism of morality.Jeffrey White - manuscript
    Conscience is often referred to yet not understood. This text develops a theory of cognition around a model of conscience, the ACTWith model. It represents a synthesis of results from contemporary neuroscience with traditional philosophy, building from Jamesian insights into the emergence of the self to narrative identity, all the while motivated by a single mechanism as represented in the ACTWith model. Emphasis is placed on clarifying historical expressions and demonstrations of conscience - Socrates, Heidegger, Kant, M.L. King - in (...)
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    Science, conscience, consciousness.Boris Hennig - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (3):15-28.
    Descartes’ metaphysics lays the foundation for the special sciences, and the notion of consciousness (conscientia) belongs to metaphysics rather than to psychology. I argue that as a metaphysical notion, ‘consciousness’ refers to an epistemic version of moral conscience. As a consequence, the activity on which science is based turns out to be conscientious thought. The consciousness that makes science possible is a double awareness: the awareness of what one is thinking, of what one should be doing, and of the possibility (...)
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  40. Balancing Consciences: How our Obsession with Autonomy Sacrifices our Duty to our Patients.Kavita Shah - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):233-237.
    Healthcare in the United States is most often described and experienced as an immense, convoluted industry with a sum greater than its parts. However, it is important to remember that these parts are distinct, autonomous individuals and entities with their own beliefs, customs, and viewpoints. Moral issues surface abundantly in healthcare due to its interconnectedness with human life with enhanced proximity during life’s beginning and end. Therefore, these individual beliefs are prone to clashing as seen in three key relationships: between (...)
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    Contexts of conscience in early modern Europe, 1500-1700.Edward Vallance & Harald E. Braun (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In an era of confessional conflict, the conscience served as a powerful mediator between God and man, directing and judging moral actions. This work aims to convey the breadth of the conscience's jurisdiction, analyzing its impact upon a variety of important aspects of early modern society: political allegiance the genre of "advice to princes" religious conformity slavery the regulation of sexual behavior gender roles and the intellectual methods of scientists.
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    Health warnings on tobacco products: absolving the profiteer, punishing the victim. The ethics of Australian legislation.Deborah G. Graham - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (2):131-140.
    In recent years, health warnings on tobacco products have become compulsory through legislation introduced by the Australian government. This approach shows a lack of concern for tobacco consumers while allowing government to abdicate responsibility without jeopardising profit. The decision to warn people of inevitable addiction and disease fails to recognise previous research into adolescent attraction to deviance and the role of suggestion in cure and illness. The Australian government makes millions of dollars each year by taxing tobacco products—as long as (...)
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    Equity: conscience goes to market.Irit Samet - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This book sets out to defend the claim that Equity ought to remain a separate body of law; the temptation to iron-out the differences between neighbouring doctrines on the two sides of the Equity/Common Law divide should, in most cases, be resisted. The theoretical part of the book is argues that the characteristics of Equity, namely, appeal to conscience, flexibility, retroactivity and the use of morally-freighted jargon, are essential for the implementation of a legal ideal that has been neglected by (...)
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  44. Fichte on Conscience.Owen Ware - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):376-394.
    There is no question that Fichte's theory of conscience is central to his system of ethics. Yet his descriptions of its role in practical deliberation appear inconsistent, if not contradictory. Many scholars have claimed that for Fichte conscience plays a material role by providing the content of our moral obligations—the Material Function View. Some have denied this, however, claiming that conscience only plays a formal role by testing our moral convictions in any given case—the Formal Function View. My aim in (...)
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    Conflicts of conscience in the neonatal intensive care unit: Perspectives of Alberta.Natalie J. Ford & Wendy Austin - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (8):992-1003.
    Background: Limited knowledge of the experiences of conflicts of conscience found in nursing literature. Objectives: To explore the individual experiences of a conflict of conscience for neonatal nurses in Alberta. Research design: Interpretive description was selected to help situate the findings in a meaningful clinical context. Participants and research context: Five interviews with neonatal nurses working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units throughout Alberta. Ethical consideration: Ethics approval from the Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. Findings: Three common (...)
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    Conscience in Transgender Health Care: Yet Another Area Where We Should Be Prioritizing Patient Interests.Alison Reiheld - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):144-152.
    McLeod focuses her book on what she calls "typical refusals in reproductive healthcare." She defines this at several points, describing these as primarily refusals that "target services that are standard and that the objectors believe will result in the death of a human being that has the moral or religious status of a person ". Abortion is one procedure that is commonly targeted by "typical refusals." McLeod notes that clinicians engaging in such refusals may refuse not only the procedure itself (...)
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    Conscience de l'action, conscience de soi.Marc Jeannerod - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):325 - 330.
    La plupart de nos actions sont exécutées sous le contrôle de mécanismes automatiques. Le sentiment d'avoir volontairement causé une action et, par extension, la conscience de soi relèvent de mécanismes antérieurs au sentiment qu'ils causent, antériorité fondée sur la lenteur des processus aboutissant à l'expérience consciente. La conscience n'a done pas de rôle causal immédiat sur l'activité nerveuse ni sur le comportement, elle intervient a posteriori pour structurer le moi cognitif et maintenir l'unité du moi. Most of our actions are (...)
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  48.  42
    "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection.Jeffrey Hipolito - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):455-474.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 65.3 (2004) 455-474 [Access article in PDF] "Conscience the Ground of Consciousness": The Moral Epistemology of Coleridge's Aids to Reflection Jeffrey Hipolito Everett Community College. It will hardly come as a shock to the readers of this journal that Kant has been the philosophical gatekeeper of all those who have come after him and that the scale of his achievement was recognized even (...)
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    Formation of Christian conscience in modern Africa.Richard N. Rwiza - 2001 - Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa.
    This book deals with the formation of Christian conscience in modern Africa....It can be divided into three parts. The first part is a sociological review on urbanization in Africa. The second part presents a theological reflection on conscience. The third part presents a general survey of the pastoral problems facing the Church in Africa, and in particular the urban centers. The dichotomy between the formation of conscience and the actual life experienced by a considerable number of Christians in Africa today (...)
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    Conscience-Based Exemptions for Medical Students.Mark R. Wicclair - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (1):38.
    Just as physicians can object to providing services due to their ethical and/or religious beliefs, medical students can have conscience-based objections to participating in educational activities. In 1996, the Medical Student Section of the American Medical Association introduced a resolution calling on the AMA to adopt a policy in support of exemptions for students with ethical or religious objections. In that report, students identified abortion, sterilization, and procedures performed on animals as examples of activities that might prompt requests for conscience-based (...)
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