Results for ' constellation'

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  1.  68
    From Constellations to Assemblages: Benjamin, Deleuze and the Question of Materialism.Tanja Prokić - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (4):543-570.
    This essay investigates the differences and points of contact between Walter Benjamin's concept of ‘constellation’ and the notion of ‘assemblage’ as theorised by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Both concepts address the entanglement of discourse and matter, bodies and devices, and raise questions regarding the historicity and temporality of different kinds of multiplicity. Presently, the term ‘assemblage’ figures prominently in the context of the new materialism, a theoretical movement which calls for a renewal of materialist ideas, proposing a break (...)
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    Constellations of a Contemporary Romanticism.Jacques Khalip & Forest Pyle (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This collection takes its point of departure from Walter Benjamin's concept of the historical constellation, a concept which puts "contemporary" as well as "Romanticism" in play as period designations and critical paradigms. The book regards Romanticism as a thought experiment that poses questions for our own "now" time.
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    Constellation de la philosophie.Jean-Clet Martin - 2007 - Paris: Kimé.
    Ce livre pose un regard attentif sur la philosophie actuelle et sa constellation si singulière passant entre Badiou, Deleuze, Derrida, Châtelet, Foucault, Lacoue-Labarthe, Lyotard, Nancy, Rancière, Stengers. II montre les philosophes, aujourd'hui, dans leur acte de résistance, inquiets des effets de la rationalité moderne lorsque cette dernière privilégiait seulement la figure de l'Homme, placée comme celle d'un Dieu au centre de l'Histoire et de la Nature. La philosophie contemporaine, loin de souscrire à cette promotion d'un savoir humain, lui-même prolongé (...)
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    Constellations of Transdisciplinary Practices: A Map and Research Agenda for the Responsible Management Learning Field. [REVIEW]Oliver Laasch, Dirk Moosmayer, Elena Antonacopoulou & Stefan Schaltegger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):735-757.
    The emerging field of responsible management learning is characterized by an urgent need for transdisciplinary practices. We conceptualize constellations of transdisciplinary practices by building up on a social practice perspective. From this perspective, knowledge and learning are ‘done’ in interrelated practices that may span multiple fields like the professional, educational, and research field. Such practices integrate knowledge across disciplines and sectors in order to learn to enact, educate, and research complex responsible management. Accordingly, constellations of collaborative transdisciplinary practices span the (...)
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  5. The New Constellation: The Ethical-Political Horizons of Modernity / Postmodernity.Richard J. Bernstein - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass.: Polity.
    In this major new work, Bernstein explores the ethical and political dimensions of the modernity/post-modernity debate. Bernstein argues that modernity / post-modernity should be understood as a kind of mood - one which is amorphous, shifting and protean but which exerts a powerful influence on our current thinking. Focusing on thinkers such as Heidegger, Derrida, Foucault, Habermas and Rorty, Bernstein probes the strengths and weaknesses of their work, and shows how they have contributed to the formation of a new mood, (...)
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    Constellation et utopie: Theodor W. Adorno, le singulier et l'espérance.Daniel Payot - 2018 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    La philosophie d'Adorno est une critique de la domination politique et ideologique. Elle est aussi une meditation sur les devoirs de la pensee confrontee a la Shoah et aux totalitarismes du XXe siecle. Face a la Catastrophe, elle ne s'abime pas dans le defaitisme mais tente de retrouver, sous les mythes qui les etouffent, les raisons d'esperer sans lesquelles l'experience humaine ne serait pas viable. La notion d'utopie, qu'il herite d'Ernst Bloch et de Walter Benjamin, a d'abord chez Adorno ce (...)
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    The Birth of the Constellations and Their Use among the Ancient Peoples and the Celts.Silvia Cernuti - 2011 - Iris 32:123-134.
    The origin constellations roots back to the human imagination. To overcome the darkness of the night and make it more human all the different images which could have been drawn in the sky by naked eyes looking at the stars were named by using animals and heroes names. In order to understand the way of thinking of the ancient people it is fundamental to refer our studies to the same skies and stars position of their period. This means to be (...)
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    “A Constellation of Scottish Genius”: Networks of Exchange in Late 18th- and early 19th-Century Edinburgh.Pam Perkins - 2015 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 34:39.
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    Constellating Technology: Heidegger's Die Gefahr/The Danger.Babette Babich - 2014 - In D. Ginev (ed.), The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology. New York: Springer. pp. 153--182.
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    Motor constellation theory: A model of infants’ phonological development.Axel G. Ekström - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Every normally developing human infant solves the difficult problem of mapping their native-language phonology, but the neural mechanisms underpinning this behavior remain poorly understood. Here, motor constellation theory, an integrative neurophonological model, is presented, with the goal of explicating this issue. It is assumed that infants’ motor-auditory phonological mapping takes place through infants’ orosensory “reaching” for phonological elements observed in the language-specific ambient phonology, via reference to kinesthetic feedback from motor systems, and auditory feedback from resulting speech and speech-like (...)
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    The Confrustion Constellation: A New Way of Looking at Confusion and Frustration.Ryan S. Baker, Elizabeth Cloude, Juliana M. A. L. Andres & Zhanlan Wei - 2025 - Cognitive Science 49 (1):e70035.
    There has been considerable research on confusion and frustration that has treated them as two unitary constructs, distinct from each other. In this article, we argue that there is instead a constellation of different types of confusion and frustration, with different antecedents, manifestations, and impacts, and that the commonalities between many types of confusion and frustration justify thinking of them as part of the same constellation of affect, distinct from other prominent affective categories. We discuss how these types (...)
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    Une constellation et un météore dans un ciel hyperboréen ou Herder et Thorild sur la théorie des climats de Montesquieu.Roch Duval - 2003 - Horizons Philosophiques 13 (2):69-92.
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  13. Meaning-Constellating Processes in Experientially Defined Human Events.Gayle Privette & Charles M. Bundrick - 1992 - In Maksim Stamenov (ed.), Current advances in semantic theory. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 73--143.
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    Race-religion constellation: An argument for a Trans-Atlantic Interactive-Relational Approach.Josias Tembo - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (2):137-152.
    In this article, I argue that a trans-Atlantic account of the constellations of race and religion demands that we understand racist thinking to be constituted by complex conceptual formations and relations. The failure to identify the conceptual complexity and interactive relations in racist thinking has led to universalist and exclusionary definitions of racist thinking and limited conceptions of the constellations of race and religion. Because the supposed universal definitions of racist thinking are formulated from particular regions of the trans-Atlantic, it (...)
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  15. From Constellations.Alfred Brendel - 2019 - In The Lady from Arezzo: my musical life and other matters. London: Faber & Faber.
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    Developing the behavioural constellation of deprivation: Relationships, emotions, and not quite being in the present.Arkadiusz Białek & Vasudevi Reddy - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Although it is a welcome and timely idea, the behavioural constellation of deprivation needs to explain how the development of personal control, trust, and perception of future risk is mediated through relationships with parents. Further, prioritising the present over the future may not be the essence of this constellation; perhapsnotquite being, either in the presentorin the future, is a better depiction.
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    The Postnational Constellation: Democratic Governance in the Era of Globalization.Rainer Schmalz-Bruns - 2001 - Constellations 8 (4):554-568.
    Books reviewed in this article:Daniele Archibugi, David Held, and Martin K??hler, Re‐imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy.Max Pensky, The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays. By J??rgen Habermas.Beate Kohler‐Koch, Regieren in entgrenzten R??umen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, special issue 29.Wolfgang Streeck, Internationale Wirtschaft, nationale Demokratie. Herausforderungen f??r die Demokratietheorie. Michael Z??rn, Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates.
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    Mapping the Constellation of Educational Marxism(s).Tyson E. Lewis - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (s1):98-114.
    In this paper, the author maps three radically different visions of Marxism in educational philosophy. Each ‘register’ contains insights but also contradictions that cannot easily be resolved through internal modifications of the theory or through theoretical synthesis with other registers. The radical function of Marxist pedagogy is to create a constellation of Marxisms through which the outline of history can emerge. As such, the author ends with a new emphasis in Marxist education on the ‘exacting imagination’ of the teacher (...)
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    Constellations de l’étrangeté.Aliocha Wald Lasowski - 2006 - Methodos 6.
    Dans son dernier livre Pour en finir avec la généalogie, François Noudelmann interroge l’imaginaire dans lequel est pensée la figure de la relation, de la fraternité, de l’origine, du frère. L’imaginaire est le processus au sein duquel se constituent l’identité et ses représentations, c’est-à-dire les formes et les symboles à travers lesquels un sujet envisage le même, l’identique, la similitude, toutes ces notions qui conditionnent le désir d’appartenance, le jeu de la distinction. Par l’imaginaire de la transmission se construit une (...)
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    The behavioural constellation of deprivation: Causes and consequences.Gillian V. Pepper & Daniel Nettle - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:1-72.
    Socioeconomic differences in behaviour are pervasive and well documented, but their causes are not yet well understood. Here, we make the case that a cluster of behaviours is associated with lower socioeconomic status, which we call “the behavioural constellation of deprivation.” We propose that the relatively limited control associated with lower SES curtails the extent to which people can expect to realise deferred rewards, leading to more present-oriented behaviour in a range of domains. We illustrate this idea using the (...)
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  21.  15
    Thinking in constellations: Walter Benjamin in the humanities.Nassima Sahraoui & Caroline Sauter (eds.) - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    With his powerful thought image of the constellation, Walter Benjamin provides a method for the core practices of the Humanities: reading, writing, and thinking. This collection of provocative essays demonstrates how thinking in constellations with Walter Benjamin leads us towards a new understanding of the critical task of the Humanities today: it goes beyond disciplinary boundaries and challenges assumptions of linearity, coherence, and progression inherent in our scholarly praxis. The volume brings some of the most articulate young voices in (...)
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  22.  90
    History of political thought at a standstill: Abensour, constellations and textual alterity.Christopher Holman - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (9):1079-1106.
    This article suggests that the philosophical contributions of the French democratic theorist Miguel Abensour offer a unique model for the practice of the history of political thought. Under the influence of the first generation of Frankfurt School critical theory, Abensour can be seen as applying a method of thinking in constellations to the study of historical texts, the critical rearrangement of conceptual elements drawn from the latter generating new dialectical images that reveal something previously obscured about the object of investigation. (...)
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  23.  19
    Manilius on the Imperfect Forms of the Constellations: The Text of Astronomica 1.463–5 and 466.D. Mark Possanza - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):749-757.
    This paper presents two proposals to improve the text of an important passage in Manilius’ Astronomica, 1.456–68, in which the poet explains natura's rationale for arranging the stars in such a way as to create only a partial, rather than a full, representation of the constellation figures. The text of line 464 is repunctuated in order to give proper emphasis to natura's parsimonious disposition of the stars. Scholars have noted that the sentence atque ignibus ignes | respondent in 466–7 (...)
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    Constellations and Conjectures. Norwood Russell Hanson, Willard C. Humphreys, Jr.Stanley Jaki - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):110-112.
  25. Constellation and expression in Leibniz and Benjamin.Paula Schwebel - 2018 - In Nassima Sahraoui & Caroline Sauter (eds.), Thinking in constellations: Walter Benjamin in the humanities. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    The post-national constellation.C. Lebeck - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (1):146 – 147.
    Book Information The Post-National Constellation. By Jürgen Habermas. Polity Press. Cambridge. 2000. Pp. xvii + 190. Paperback, £13.99.
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    Constellations of power in Zora Neale Hurston'sJonah's Gourd Vine.Lars Bayer - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1349-1354.
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    Historical constellation or ontology? Reply to Edoardo Massimilla.Andreas Greiert - 2013 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 68 (3):565-571.
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    Constellations of indigeneity: The power of definition.Claire Timperley - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):38-60.
    Lack of attention to definitions of indigeneity is a problem in both political theory and practice. Defining indigeneity has at least two important consequences: it affects who has access to resources or rights reserved for Indigenous peoples; and it shapes the kinds of privileges and resources available to Indigenous peoples. In this article, I draw on Theodor Adorno’s concept of ‘nonidentity’ as a resource for exploring the power and limits of conceptions of indigeneity. I argue that recognizing the non-identical aspects (...)
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    Constellations, Variations, and Conceptual Spaces - Towards an Integrated Historiography of Philosophy and Science.Norman Sieroka - 2021 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 63 (2):109-132.
    The aim of this paper is to sketch an approach for integrating the historiography of the sciences and of philosophy. More precisely, the paper suggests a method for investigating interactions within transdisciplinary constellations of researchers working in philosophy and in the exact sciences. I start off by introducing specific notions of analogy, variation, and conceptual space which provide the main ingredients of this method. The notion of a conceptual space, as well as other characteristics of the present approach, are adaptations (...)
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  31. La constellation de l’être.Gilbert Gérard - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:313-332.
    This article inquires into that which articulates the two texts brought together by Heidegger in Identity and Difference. It sets out from the indications provided in the Preface of the work concerning the “harmony” that reigns between what is at stake at the heart of the two texts, namely what Heidegger respectively calls the Ereignis (event of appropriation) and the Austrag (reconciling difference). The understanding of this harmony makes it possible to approach that which unveils itself as the articulation of (...)
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    Uncertain Constellations: Dignity, Equality, Respect and…?Stephen K. White - 2008 - In David Campbell & Morton Schoolman (eds.), The New Pluralism: William Connolly and the Contemporary Global Condition. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 143-166.
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    La constellation intellectuelle du Chambon-sur-Lignon et sa signification1.Frédéric Worms - 2019 - Cités 2:181.
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    Opportunity for What? Defending the Constellation.Paul Gomberg - 2007 - In How to Make Opportunity Equal: Race and Contributive Justice. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 66–74.
    This chapter contains section titled: What makes life good? The good of developing and exercising complex abilities The good of contributing our abilities to a social group The good of thinking well of ourselves and being thought well of by others Why labor is important to self‐ and social esteem Why we think more highly of complex than of simple abilities How complex, challenging work enhances one's life; how routine labor damages it Is this an adequate defense of the (...)? (shrink)
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    Constellations of Value : European Perspectives on the Intersections of Religion, Politics and Society.Christoph Jedan (ed.) - 2013 - LIT.
    In Western public discourse there is a long tradition of opposing secular and religious values. In consequence, religion has been increasingly excluded from the public domain and relegated to the realm of personal motivation. From different perspectives, the present collection of essays shows that religion still has an important role to play in the public domain. In exploring the possibility of a rapprochement between religious and secular values, the contributions to this volume offer important insights for ongoing debates on the (...)
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  36. Postnational constellations? : political citizenship and the modern state.Christian Emden - 2014 - In Robert Nichols & Jakeet Singh (eds.), Freedom and democracy in an imperial context: dialogues with James Tully. New York: Routledge.
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  37. Constellation and configuration : language and reading in the "epistemo-critical prologue".Tom Vandeputte - 2018 - In Nassima Sahraoui & Caroline Sauter (eds.), Thinking in constellations: Walter Benjamin in the humanities. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  38. Constellations: Capitalism, Antiblackness, Afro-Pessimism, and Black Optimism.William David Hart - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (1):5-33.
    The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the aboriginal population, the beginning of the conquest and looting of the East Indies, the turning of Africa into a warren for the commercial hunting of black-skins, signalised the rosy dawn of the era of capitalist production.1"In the antiblack world there is but one race, and that race is black. Thus, to be racialized is to be pushed 'down,' toward blackness, and to be deracialized (...)
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    A brief constellation towards a ruderal futurism.Alex Young - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):125-134.
    This article serves as a brief constellation of thought working towards a ruderal futurism. Proposed as an alternative of the granary logic of state and capital, the ruderal is positioned as a force functioning in the aftermath of – and in opposition to – the composite human/state/cereal-turned-capitalist ordering of nature. The role of agriculture and cereal crop production in early states as well as its exalted status within modern nation state and attendant culture is examined as a departure point (...)
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    Constellation of languages in multicultural space.K. Z. Zakiryanov - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (2):128.
    The modern world is multicultural and multilingual, it creates difficulties for the mutual contacts of the nations with different languages. The problem of overcoming the language barrier in a multilingual world is urgent. One of the best ways to solve this problem is bilingualism: possession of two languages, a native and a second one, generally intermediate language. The choice of the intermediate language is determined by socio-political and socio-economic conditions of contacting people. In a multinational state official language of the (...)
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    The Race-Religion Constellation: A European Contribution to the Critical Philosophy of Race.Anya Topolski - 2018 - Critical Philosophy of Race 6 (1):58-81.
    This article traces the hidden race-religion constellation in Europe. The term “race-religion constellation” refers to the connection or co-constitution of the categories of race and “religion.” Specifically, the term “race-religion constellation” is used to refer to the practice of classifying people into races according to categories we now associate with the term “religion.” This calls for a consideration of European history and forms of racism in Europe, such as anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. This article aims to provide an (...)
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  42. The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays.Jürgen Habermas - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Does a global economy render the traditional nation-state obsolete? Does globalization threaten democratic life, or offer it new forms of expression? The German philosopher and social theorist Jurgen Habermas addresses these and other questions in this work.
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    The post-national constellation: Habermas and ``the second modernity''.Klaus-Gerd Giesen - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (1):1-13.
    For some years now, Jürgen Habermas, possibly the most influential European philosopher of today, has been producing a growing number of publications on world politics. In the historical context of the collapse of bipolarity and the advent of the triad, along with the punitive wars in the Gulf and Yugoslavia, he is very far from being alone: Jacques Derrida and Noberto Bobbio,Michael Walzer and John Rawls, to name only the most forceful, have also been thinking out loud about the new (...)
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  44.  26
    Concepts, Beliefs, and Their Constellations.Ilkka Kärrylä - 2022 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 17 (1):62-83.
    The article argues that all disciplines examining human thought could use certain shared analytical categories. This would not mean eradicating all differences between various approaches such as intellectual history and discourse analysis, but acknowledging that they are examining partly the same basic entities. The article argues that ideational entities in human thought could be understood as concepts, beliefs, and their constellations. The article discusses the views of scholars who have theorized similar categories and shows how these can be studied through (...)
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  45. The inverted postnational constellation: Identitarian populism in context.Albena Azmanova & Azar Dakwar - 2019 - European Law Journal 25 (5):494-501.
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    Correlations, constellations and the truth: Adorno's ontology of redemption.David Kaufmann - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (5):62-80.
    The Anglo-American reception of Adorno has secularized his thought and thus missed its normative basis. In this article, the 'constella-tion', a central feature of Adorno's philosophy, is traced to Hermann Cohen's anti-immanentist notion of 'Korrelation' and to Benjamin's attempt to discover a radically Kantian and adamantly Jewish ontology and concept of the truth. Adorno's works are shown to limn a critical measure for being and for reason, based on a very un-Hegelian refusal of immanence and on a commitment to a (...)
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    Integrating psychodrama and systemic constellation work: new directions for action methods, mind-body therapies, and energy healing.Karen Carnabucci - 2011 - Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Edited by Ronald Anderson.
    Systemic Constellation Work is a rapidly growing experiential healing process that is being embraced by a variety of helping professionals, both traditional and alternative, worldwide. This book explores the history, principles and methodology of this approach, and offers a detailed comparison with psychodrama - the original mind-body therapy - explaining how each method can enhance the other. Constellation work is based on the notion that people are connected by unseen energetic forces and suggests that the psychological, traumatic and (...)
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    The Constellation of Values: A Possible Path out of the Impasse of China-West Opposition.H. Jin - 2015 - Télos 2015 (171):118-123.
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  49. Constellations of knowledge: human agency and material affordance in lithic technology.Anthony Sinclair - 2000 - In Marcia-Anne Dobres & John Robb (eds.), Agency in archaeology. New York: Routledge. pp. 196--212.
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    Constellation: Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Benjamin in the now-time of history.James McFarland - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Elaborates the relationship between the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the cultural critic Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) through close readings of their respective texts as an example of the precariousness of cultural transmission in the present.
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