Results for ' corpus methodology'

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  1.  36
    Using corpus methodology for semantic and pragmatic analyses: What can corpora tell us about the linguistic expression of emotions?Ulrike Oster - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (4):727-763.
    The aim of this paper is to explore some of the possibilities, advantages and difficulties of corpus-based analyses of semantic and pragmatic aspects of language in one particular field, namely the linguistic expression of emotion concepts. For this purpose, a methodological procedure is proposed and an exemplary analysis of the emotion concept “fear” in English is performed. The procedure combines Kövecses' lexical approach and Stefanowitsch's metaphorical pattern analysis with additional concepts from corpus linguistics such as semantic preference and (...)
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  2. Doing Linguistics with a Corpus: Methodological Considerations for the Everyday User.[author unknown] - 2020
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    Book review: Jesse Egbert, Tove Larsson and Douglas Biber, Doing Linguistics with a Corpus: Methodological Considerations for the Everyday User. [REVIEW]Mark McGlashan - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (4):560-562.
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    Methodology for building a comparative corpus of oral narrative in Occitan: objectives, challenges, solutions.Janice Carruthers & Marianne Vergez-Couret - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Dans cet article, nous présentons et discutons de notre méthodologie pour la constitution d’un « petit corpus » comparatif de narration orale en occitan. Il s’agit d’un « petit corpus » nouveau et unique, dans une langue minorisée, ce qui soulève un certain nombre de défis particuliers : la complexité des rapports entre l’écrit et l’oral dans la pratique du conte d’une part, et d’autre part, de nombreuses difficultés méthodologiques (variations diatopique, diachronique et sociolinguistique ; absence de données (...)
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    La constitution de corpus en diachronie longue : méthodologies, objectifs et exploitations linguistiques et stylistiques.Julie Kraif Sorba - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    Depuis plusieurs décennies, la numérisation des textes anciens et les progrès du TAL pour les traiter et les interroger ont largement modifié nos habitudes de travail. Il est désormais possible d’obtenir des données quantitatives massives qui affinent notre perception des phénomènes linguistiques et stylistiques dans des corpus écrits dans des états de langue anciens. Les corpus numériques créés depuis maintenant près d’un quart de siècle permettent d’envisager plus facilement la dynamique du...
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  6. Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2013: New Domains and Methodologies.[author unknown] - 2013
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  7. Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy.Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis (eds.) - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Press.
    Until recently, experimental philosophy has been associated with the questionnaire-based study of intuitions; however, experimental philosophers now adapt a wide range of empirical methods for new philosophical purposes. New methods include paradigms for behavioural experiments from across the social sciences as well as computational methods from the digital humanities that can process large bodies of text and evidence. This book offers an accessible overview of these exciting innovations. The volume brings together established and emerging research leaders from several areas of (...)
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  8. Examining the Thomas Paine Corpus : Automated Computer Authorship Attribution Methodology Applied to Thomas Paine's Writings.Gary Berton, Smiljana Petrovic, Lubomir Ivanov & Robert Schiaffino - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell, New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  9. Intuition Talk is Not Methodologically Cheap: Empirically Testing the “Received Wisdom” About Armchair Philosophy.Zoe Ashton & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (3):595-612.
    The “received wisdom” in contemporary analytic philosophy is that intuition talk is a fairly recent phenomenon, dating back to the 1960s. In this paper, we set out to test two interpretations of this “received wisdom.” The first is that intuition talk is just talk, without any methodological significance. The second is that intuition talk is methodologically significant; it shows that analytic philosophers appeal to intuition. We present empirical and contextual evidence, systematically mined from the JSTOR corpus and HathiTrust’s Digital (...)
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    Finding a Way through the Labyrinth: Some Methodological Remarks on Critically Editing the Fight Book Corpus.Karin Verelst - 2016 - In Karin Verelst, Daniel Jaquet & Timothy Dawson, Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books. Leiden: Brill. pp. 117-188.
    In this paper we shall give an extended overview of the diffferent methodological options and approaches at the disposal of future editors of scientifijically sound, scholarly editions of our Fight Book sources. These options will be evaluated with respect to applicability of the material envisaged, work load, comparative and editorial obstacles, etc. The inevitably preliminary conclusions will then be tested by applying them to one extremely important exemplum for the whole corpus: the text tradition concerning the Zedel, the verses (...)
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  11. A methodological framework for projecting brand equity: Putting back the imaginary into brand knowledge structures.George Rossolatos - 2014 - Sign Systems Studies 42 (1):98-136.
    The aim of this paper is to outline a methodological framework for brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics. By drawing on the connectionistconceptual model of the brand generative trajectory of signification it will be displayed in a stepwise fashion how a set of nuclear semes and classemes or anintended semic structure that underlies manifest discursive structures may be projected by its internal stakeholders with view to attaining differential brand associations. The suggested methodological framework focuses on the strength and uniqueness (...)
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    From authentic original speech to pedagogical medical conversation scenarios: which kind of methodological pragmatic exploitation of DECLICS2016 corpus[REVIEW]Emmanuèle Auriac-Slusarczyk & Aline Delsart - 2021 - Corpus 22.
    Notre proposition engage à (re)problématiser l’intérêt de la linguistique de et sur corpus quant à ses applications professionnelles. Ancrée en pragmatique, elle retrace le mode de recueil et d’exploitation de données dans le cadre applicatif du corpus DECLICS2016, ce, pour servir les questions de métier en médecine. Nous testons l’efficience de la linguistique, comme discipline de SHS contributive éclairant l’activité professionnelle, en produisant des scénarios pédagogiques à partir d’extraits de discours. On s’attache à réfléchir sur la « reconstruction (...)
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    Aristotle’s Methodology for Natural Science in Physics 1-2: a New Interpretation.Evan Dutmer - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):130-146.
    In this essay I will argue for an interpretation of the remarks of Physics 1.1 that both resolves some of the confusion surrounding the precise nature of methodology described there and shows how those remarks at 184a15-25 serve as important programmatic remarks besides, as they help in the structuring of books 1 and 2 of the Physics. I will argue that “what is clearer and more knowable to us” is what Aristotle goes on to describe in 1.2—namely, that nature (...)
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  14. Medical WordNet: A new methodology for the construction and validation of information resources for consumer health.Barry Smith & Christiane Fellbaum - 2004 - In Barry Smith & Christiane Fellbaum, Proceedings of Coling: The 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Geneva: pp. 371-382.
    A consumer health information system must be able to comprehend both expert and non-expert medical vocabulary and to map between the two. We describe an ongoing project to create a new lexical database called Medical WordNet (MWN), consisting of medically relevant terms used by and intelligible to non-expert subjects and supplemented by a corpus of natural-language sentences that is designed to provide medically validated contexts for MWN terms. The corpus derives primarily from online health information sources targeted to (...)
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    Un corpus nommé désir : le laboratoire d’étonnement pour réintroduire l’affect dans la recherche.Tommy Collin-Vallée & Maryvonne Merri - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):59-70.
    This contribution presents the fundamentals of an amazement laboratory as a methodological means of transforming an object of disappointment into an object of desire for the researcher. First, the authors report on a Spinozist reading of their affects caused by their confrontation with a foreign material to the field of psychology, a docu-soap opera about school dropout entitled « Les persévérants » (Ferron & Baer, 2014). They consider astonishment as an affect to renew the interest of the researcher for his (...)
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    Corpus de langue des signes : situer les biais des méthodes d'annotation et d'analyse.Annelies Braffort, Emilie Chételat-Pelé & Jérémie Segouat - 2011 - Corpus 10 (10):25-40.
    Cet article propose un tour d’horizon de différents types de biais que l’on peut rencontrer dans les études basées sur l’annotation de corpus vidéo de langue des signes. En tâchant de situer objectivement les choix effectués et les biais potentiels à chaque étape, nous décrivons les méthodologies que nous avons mises en place dans trois études, portant respectivement sur la synchronisation des composantes corporelles, le mouvement des sourcils et les clignements des yeux, puis la coarticulation.
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    The Influence of Felix Kaufmann’s Methodology on Harold Garfinkel’s Ethnomethodology.Martyn Hammersley - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (1):23-44.
    This paper examines the “methodology,” or philosophy of social science, developed by Felix Kaufmann in the second quarter of the 20th century, with the aim of determining its influence on the early work of the sociologist Harold Garfinkel. Kaufmann’s two methodology books are discussed, one written before, the other after, his migration from Austria to the United States. It is argued that Garfinkel took over Kaufmann’s conception of scientific practice: as a set of procedural rules or methods that (...)
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    Book review: Jesús Romero-Trillo (ed.), Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2013: New Domains and Methodologies. [REVIEW]Gaëtanelle Gilquin - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (1):99-101.
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    Using Full-text Content of Academic Articles to Build a Methodology Taxonomy of Information Science in China.Chengzhi Zhang & Heng Zhang - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (2):126-139.
    Research on the construction of traditional information science methodology taxonomy is mostly conducted manually. From the limited corpus, researchers have attempted to summarize some of the research methodology entities into several abstract levels (generally three levels); however, they have been unable to provide a more granular hierarchy. Moreover, updating the methodology taxonomy is traditionally a slow process. In this study, we collected full-text academic papers related to information science. First, we constructed a basic methodology taxonomy (...)
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  20. Using corpus linguistics to investigate mathematical explanation.Juan Pablo Mejía Ramos, Lara Alcock, Kristen Lew, Paolo Rago, Chris Sangwin & Matthew Inglis - 2019 - In Eugen Fischer & Mark Curtis, Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy. London: Bloomsbury Press. pp. 239–263.
    In this chapter we use methods of corpus linguistics to investigate the ways in which mathematicians describe their work as explanatory in their research papers. We analyse use of the words explain/explanation (and various related words and expressions) in a large corpus of texts containing research papers in mathematics and in physical sciences, comparing this with their use in corpora of general, day-to-day English. We find that although mathematicians do use this family of words, such use is considerably (...)
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  21. A Corpus Study of "Know": On the Verification of Philosophers' Frequency Claims about Language.Nat Hansen, J. D. Porter & Kathryn Francis - 2019 - Episteme 18 (2):242-268.
    We investigate claims about the frequency of "know" made by philosophers. Our investigation has several overlapping aims. First, we aim to show what is required to confirm or disconfirm philosophers’ claims about the comparative frequency of different uses of philosophically interesting expressions. Second, we aim to show how using linguistic corpora as tools for investigating meaning is a productive methodology, in the sense that it yields discoveries about the use of language that philosophers would have overlooked if they remained (...)
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  22.  22
    An Evaluatıon of Approach to the Methodology and Style Problems in Ibn Jouzı's Commentary.Sıddık Baysal - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54 (15-12-2018)):203-224.
    In this study, the preface and introduction of Ibn Juzay’s book at-Tasheel li ‘ulȗmi’t-tanzeel, have been examined in terms of his approach to style and methodology problems in commentary.Ibn Juzay, whose first works included useful topics and ashes; wrote two loyalties, a lexicon, later in which the meanings of the words frequently mentioned in the Qur'an were compiled; thus, he gave information about his style and methodology; In introduction of his book, he explained the underlying reasons to write (...)
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    Kant and the “Mystery Hidden” in the Critique of Pure Reason: A Methodological Approach to the A-Deduction Argument.Adriano Perin - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (2):53-88.
    ABSTRACT At the core of Kant’s theoretical philosophy lies the deduction of the categories: his effort to secure the distinctiveness of sensibility and understanding and to provide a necessary relation between the domains of these faculties. The argument for this claim is presented in two different versions - i.e., the A and B editions of the Critique of pure reason - and is one of the most puzzling in Kant’s corpus. The common view in the literature that considers the (...)
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  24. How Are We to Interpret Heidegger’s Oeuvre? A Methodological Manifesto.Herman Philipse - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (3):573-586.
    One may have different objectives in interpreting texts. If a judge interprets a statute in order to obtain a satisfactory solution to a case, his aim may be called “applicative”. But if a historian of science wants to reconstruct the meaning of obscure passages of Ptolemy’s “Hypotheses planetarum”, his objectives are purely historical and theoretical.The paper argues that these different aims, applicative and historical ones, require different methodologies of interpretation, and imply different criteria of success. In particular, the “principle of (...)
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    Writer and participant visibility in quantitative and qualitative research: a corpus-assisted study of human agent verbs in health science publications.Ruth Breeze - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):1-23.
    Quantitative and qualitative research writing is thought to differ in a number of ways, which include the visibility given to the human agents involved, that is, writers and participants in the study. However, most studies have so far centred on writer visibility alone, which has been measured principally through personal pronoun use. This paper approaches the issue of writer and participant visibility in one area of research where both quantitative and qualitative methods are frequent, namely health sciences. A new (...) is applied, based on the presence of verbs that imply a human agent and thus potentially offer an opportunity for writer or participant visibility. Two corpora are built to represent quantitative and qualitative research writing in health sciences, and quantitative data are obtained. Exploration of the most frequent human-agent verbs, their active uses and their subjects shows that both quantitative and qualitative researchers in health science maintain low writer visibility, but that both writers and participants are more visible in the case of studies using qualitative methodology. These findings are discussed in the light of the bibliography, and pointers are provided for future research. The contribution of the present paper to corpus-assisted research on academic writing is highlighted. Finally, some applications for teaching scientific writing at graduate level are proposed. (shrink)
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    Linguistique du corpus pour les variétés à faible densité. Langues minoritaires et enquêtes morphologiques basées sur corpus.Livio Gaeta, Marco Angster, Raffaele Cioffi & Marco Bellante - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Corpus linguistics grew up in the domain of written (and literary) varieties, while its recent methodological revolution is due to the computer-assisted capacity of elaborating massive amounts of text data. On the other hand, the so-called ‘low-density varieties’, including spoken varieties as well as varieties spoken in minority communities, have been confined to a rather marginal role. Among others, this is due to the technical problems connected to the scarce degree of normalization in linguistic –including graphemic– terms, as well (...)
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    The transcendent science: Kant's conception of biological methodology.Clark Zumbach - 1984 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    The most neglected sector of Kant's Critical Philosophy is his collec tion of remarks about biological phenomena in the second part of the Critique of Judgment, the Critique of Teleological Judgment. The reasons for this are numerous, but since in Kant, everything comes in threes, a three-fold collection will suffice. The Critique of Teleological Judgment itself is one reason. More than most of his writings, this segment of the Critical corpus suffers from what can most charitably be termed "mistakes (...)
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    Des bruits dans mon corpus : des données à réduire au silence, à atténuer ou à écouter attentivement?Loïc Liégeois - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    In the field of NLP, “noise” is a notion with many different meanings. This is also true in fields of linguistics in which the analysis of ecological data is central.In studies involving corpus linguistic methods, noise management is an essential process for data collection, data structuration and data analysis. Paradoxically, this step is almost never developed, or completely ignored.In this paper, we propose to focus on the management of noise during the various stages classically defined in the processing of (...)
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  29. The contribution of corpus studies to the analysis of scaffolding.Geneviève De Weck & Anne Salazar Orvig - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Situé dans une approche interactionniste du développement du langage, l’article propose une démarche méthodologique pour étudier l’étayage dans sa dynamique dialogique, pour laquelle le recours à un corpus s’avère indispensable. L’article comprend plusieurs parties : sont présentées d’une part les différentes facettes de l’étayage d’un point de vue théorique, d’autre part la construction d’un outil opérationnel sous la forme d’une grille d’analyse des conduites étayantes des adultes et des réactions des enfants. Enfin, quelques résultats issus d’une recherche sur les (...)
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    Small bi- and multilingual spoken corpora – a theoretical and methodological challenge.Inga Hennecke - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Cette contribution présente des types de petits corpus très hétérogènes, qui ne sont toujours pas clairement définis : les petits corpus oraux bilingues et plurilingues. Elle envisage d’abord de donner un aperçu de petits corpus et discute l’insécurité terminologique du domaine des corpus bi- et plurilingues. Ensuite, les bases de données de petits corpus bilingues Talkbank, HZSK, Sketchengine et CLAPOTY sont brièvement décrites pour discuter les possibilités de visualisation ainsi que de mise en disposition des (...)
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    formación en lingüística de corpus dentro del marco de las Industrias de la lengua.Erika Vega Moreno - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-11.
    Dentro del grado en “Lingüística y lenguas aplicadas” de la Universidad de Cádiz, la formación en lingüística de corpus se enmarca en la materia “Industrias de la lengua”. La complejidad de esta reside en que, a pesar de contar con una asignatura propia, también se aborda en otras específicas. Es ahí donde estriba el interés de este estudio, con el que obtuvimos interesantes resultados, ya que observamos que la experimentación investigadora y la puesta en práctica de conocimientos adquiridos optimizaron (...)
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  32. Why We Need Corpus Linguistics in Intuition-Based Semantics.Leonid Tarasov - 2018 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 95 (4):421-435.
    The following method is popular in some areas of philosophy and linguistics when trying to describe the semantics of a given sentence Φ. Present ordinary speakers with scenarios that involve an utterance of Φ, ask them whether these utterances are felicitous or infelicitous and then construct a semantics that assigns the truth-value True to felicitous utterances of Φ and the truth-value False to infelicitous utterances of Φ. The author makes five observations about this intuition-based approach to semantics; their upshot is (...)
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  33.  16
    Was Newton’s apple corpus a Large Corpus?Pierre-Yves Raccah - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Cet article fournit, dans sa première section, une analyse méthodologique de l’utilisation de corpora, au cours de laquelle je détaille, de manière argumentée ce qu’on peut en attendre et pour quels objectifs, précise ce qu’on ne peut pas en attendre et montre pourquoi. La première partie conclut sur l’inutilité des corpora d’occurrences en sémantique des langues, même s’ils sont indispensables dans d’autres disciplines (comme, par exemple, les études littéraires) ; j’insiste sur le caractère nuisible de leur utilisation en sémantique, sauf (...)
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    The censorship of Portuguese physicians printed books. A methodological description of the copies possessed by the libraries of the University of Coimbra.Hervé Baudry - 2012 - Cultura:275-288.
    Este artigo, fruto duma primeira fase de investigações sobre a expurgação dos livros impressos iniciadas em 2011, adopta um ponto de vista e uma terminologia diferentes dos tradicionais. Instaurando decididamente uma distinção entre macro e microcensura, pretende estabelecer os fundamentos da análise dos fenómenos microcensórios, isto é, as modificações efectuadas nos livros em conformidade com as directivas oficiais fixadas pelo Santo Ofício. Este padrão metodológico, baseado na análise de dois corpus – de um lado os índices de livros proibidos (...)
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    An approach to corpus-based discourse analysis: The move analysis as example.Mary Ann Cohen & Thomas A. Upton - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (5):585-605.
    This article presents a seven-step corpus-based approach to discourse analysis that starts with a detailed analysis of each individual text in a corpus that can then be generalized across all texts of a corpus, providing a description of typical patterns of discourse organization that hold for the entire corpus. This approach is applied specifically to a methodology that is used to analyze texts in terms of the functional/communicative structures that typically make up texts in a (...)
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    A corpus-based study on Chinese and American students' rhetorical moves and stance features in dissertation abstracts.Yingliang Liu, Xuechen Hu & Jiaying Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Dissertation is the most important research genre for graduate students as they step into the academic community. The abstract found at the beginning of the dissertation is an essential part of the dissertation, serving to “sell” the study and impress the readers. Learning to compose a well-organized abstract to promote one's research is therefore an important skill for novice writers when they step into the academic community in their discipline. By comparing 112 dissertation abstracts in material science by Chinese and (...)
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    Schemas and the frequency/acceptability mismatch: Corpus distribution predicts sentence judgments.Susanne Flach - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (4):609-645.
    A tight connection between competence and performance is a central tenet of the usage-based model. Methodologically, however, corpus frequency is a poor predictor of acceptability – a phenomenon known as the “frequency/acceptability mismatch”. This article argues that the mismatch arises from a “methodological mismatch”, when simple frequency measures are mapped onto complex grammatical units. To illustrate, we discuss the results of acceptability judgments of go/come-v. The construction is subject to a formal constraint (Go see the doctor! vs. *He goes (...)
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    Exploring the interplay of language and body in South African youth: A portrait-corpus study.Susan Coetzee-Van Rooy & Arne Peters - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (4):579-608.
    Elicitation materials like language portraits are useful to investigate people’s perceptions about the languages that they know. This study uses portraits to analyse the underlying conceptualisations people exhibit when reflecting on their language repertoires. Conceptualisations as manifestations of cultural cognition are the purview of cognitive sociolinguistics. The present study advances portrait methodology as it analyses data from structured language portraits of 105 South African youth as a linguistic corpus from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. The approach enables the (...)
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    The Omission of Preverbal Subject Clitics in Friulian: Methodology and Constraint-Based Analysis.Sascha Gaglia - 2010 - Corpus 9:191-220.
    L’omission de clitiques sujets préverbaux en frioulan : méthodologie et analyse à base de contraintesEn frioulan, les clitiques sujets en position préverbale sont omis en général quand le verbe est précédé de la particule négative, d’un clitique objet ou d’un pronom réfléchi. Toutefois, les conditions précises de cette omission n’ont pas été analysées jusqu’à présent de manière approfondie. Dans cet article, je propose une analyse dans le cadre de la théorie de l’optimalité fondée sur des données empiriques. L’analyse est basée (...)
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    Division of Labor in Vocabulary Structure: Insights From Corpus Analyses.Morten H. Christiansen & Padraic Monaghan - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (3):610-624.
    Psychologists have used experimental methods to study language for more than a century. However, only with the recent availability of large-scale linguistic databases has a more complete picture begun to emerge of how language is actually used, and what information is available as input to language acquisition. Analyses of such “big data” have resulted in reappraisals of key assumptions about the nature of language. As an example, we focus on corpus-based research that has shed new light on the arbitrariness (...)
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    Discourses about independence: A corpus-based analysis of discourse prosodies in Spanish and Catalan newspapers.Marcello Giugliano - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (5):525-550.
    The present study is a corpus-assisted analysis of discourses on the Catalan movement of independence in the Catalan and Spanish press. A referendum for Catalan independence was held on 1 October 2017 but was not approved by the central Spanish government and was declared illegal. Spanish and Catalan newspapers differed considerably in their treatment and representation of the conflict, which also drew the attention of the international press to Catalonia. My analysis interconnects theoretical perspectives from linguistic critical discourse studies, (...)
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    Constitution d’un corpus plurilingue en sociolinguistique historique : objectifs, méthodologie et défis.Carole Werner - 2024 - Corpus 25.
    Cet article présente et discute la méthodologie de construction d’un corpus plurilingue en diachronie longue (1681-1914). Puisqu’il n’existait pas de corpus alsacien significatif, un important travail de construction d’un corpus significatif a été mené afin de constituer un corpus documentant les contacts linguistiques dans les écrits des locuteurs-scripteurs alsaciens. Cette tâche a présenté un certain nombre de défis méthodologiques causés par le contact des langues, la variation sociolinguistique et diachronique, le manque de sources primaires et de (...)
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    Collocational semiosis in the academic discourse of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): The case of AFRICA.Amir H. Y. Salama - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):185-227.
    The present study investigates the collocation-induced semiosis of the linguistic sign AFRICA as being used in the academic section of the Corpus of Contemporary American English (known as COCA) (Davies, Mark. 2008. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): one billion words, 1990-present. Available online at Drawing on a hybrid theoretical framework, the study utilizes Charles Peirce’s (1931–58) semiotic model of the sign and Roman Jakobson’s theory of “markedness” (Jakobson, Roman. 1972. Verbal communication. Scientific American (Special (...)
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    Alexa’s agency: a corpus-based study on the linguistic attribution of humanlikeness to voice user interfaces.Miriam Lind - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Voice-based, spoken interaction with artificial agents has become a part of everyday life in many countries: artificial voices guide us through our bank’s customer service, Amazon’s Alexa tells us which groceries we need to buy, and we can discuss central motifs in Shakespeare’s work with ChatGPT. Language, which is largely still seen as a uniquely human capacity, is now increasingly produced—or so it appears—by non-human entities, contributing to their perception as being ‘human-like.’ The capacity for language is far from the (...)
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    VI: Byzantine Philosophy. Section 1: The Aristotelian corpus and Christian Philosophy in Byzantium between the Ninth and Fifteenth Centuries. Readings and Traditions.Georgi Kapriev & Smilen Markov - 2014 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 56:7-11.
    “The Aristotelian corpus and Christian Philosophy in Byzantium between the Ninth and Fifteenth Centuries: Readings and Traditions” is the topic of Section I of SIEPM Commission VIII: Byzantine Philosophy. Aristotle’s writings, which were assimilated variously, function as a meta-text of medieval intellectual culture. Between the nineth and fifteenth centuries Byzantine thinkers developed stable and functional strategies for integrating Aristotle’s philosophical methodology into different theological and philosophical contexts. The project will study the influence of Aristotle on Byzantine metaphysics, epistemology, (...)
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    Converging evidence: Bringing together experimental and corpus data on the association of verbs and constructions.Stefan Th Gries, Beate Hampe & Doris Schönefeld - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (4):635-676.
    Much recent work in Cognitive Linguistics and neighbouring disciplines has adopted a so-called usage-based perspective in which generalizations are based on the analysis of authentic usage data provided by computerized corpora. However, the analysis of such data does not always utilize methodological findings from other disciplines to avoid analytical pitfalls and, at the same time, generate robust results. A case in point is the strategy of using corpus frequencies. In this paper, we take up a recently much debated issue (...)
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    (1 other version)Transcripción, análisis y reflexiones metodológicas a partir de un expediente criminal inéditoA pueblo de indios at the end of the colonial period. Transcription, analysisand methodological considerations from an unpublished criminal record.Lorena B. Rodríguez - 2012 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 2 (1).
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    Digital media’s discursive strategies against anabolic-androgenic steroids: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis.Nattawaj Kijratanakoson - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (3):339-355.
    The purposes of this study are twofold. First, it investigates how the digital media discursively react against the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids. Second, it examines how Thailand is portrayed as a venue for steroid holiday among recreational bodybuilders from the Western countries. Adhering to the principle of theoretical triangulation, the study employs two frameworks including Reisigl and Wodak’s discursive strategies and Van Dijk’s ideological structures. The methodology undertaken is a corpus-assisted discourse analysis. The corpus contains 100 articles (...)
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    The Documents in the Attic Orators: Laws and Decrees in the Public Speeches of the Demosthenic Corpus.Mirko Canevaro - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    In this volume Canevaro studies the 'state' documents preserved in the public speeches of the Demosthenic corpus. Offering a comprehensive account of the documents in the corpora of the orators and in the manuscript tradition, Canevaro summarizes previous scholarship and delineates a new methodology for analyzing the documents.
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    Figurative Language and Sensory Perception: Corpus-Based Computer-Assisted Study of the Nature and Motivation of Synesthetic Metaphors in Olive Oil Tasting Notes.Lucía Sanz-Valdivieso & Belén López Arroyo - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (4):260-280.
    Meaning in sensory language is often built through figurative mechanisms, such as synesthetic metaphors, where a sensorial domain is used to talk about perceptions from a different sense, as in sweet[taste] texture[touch]. The motivation of synesthetic transfers of meaning has been studied in general and literary language, resulting in attempts to reveal universal patterns regarding the directionality of meaning transfer and sensorial conceptual preference. However, those universals have not been proven in any sensory Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). We a (...)
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