Results for ' crise paradigmatique'

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  1.  27
    Transformar el conocimiento en la sociedad globalizada. Pensamiento complejo y transdisciplinariedad.María Teresa Pozzoli - 2007 - Polis 16.
    En este artículo se parte del reconocimiento de la crisis del actual modelo de desarrollo y del paradigma cartesiano, que han promovido la conciencia entrampada del “guerrero”. Desde la incorporación del pensamiento complejo a través de ejercicios reflexivos, es posible difundir una mirada transdisciplinar que permita enfrentar los problemas de una “sociedad de riesgo”, incentivando la conformación dialógica de un “mundo de la vida saludable”. La difusión de este nuevo humanismo depende de la efectividad de la Reforma Educativa que aún (...)
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    Is the New Monetary Consensus Still Alive? A Critical Economic and Philosophical Appraisal.Marc Pilkington - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (2):7-49.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons une analyse critique du nouveau consensus monétaire (NMC) d’un point de vue méthodologique, afin d’évaluer sa pertinence. Bien que les mantras du consensus ne soient pas contestables en tant que tels, nous soutenons l’idée que les fondements méthodologiques du NMC expliquent son échec paradigmatique à prévoir la crise financière de 2008, et à constituer une source d’inspiration fiable pour les politiques post-crise 2008. Nous mettons particulièrement l’accent sur la nature problématique des modèles (...)
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    Une autre déduction des jugements esthétiques.Fabrizio Desideri - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 18 (2):11-27.
    Le point de départ de l’article est offert par une reprise du point de vue de l’esthétique du célèbre essai de Hilary Putnam, Fait/Valeur : la fin d’un dogme. La première étape consiste dans une analyse des propriétés esthétiques et des jugements connexes avec elles comme un cas paradigmatique du dépassement de la vieille dichotomie. La thèse ici défendue est que les jugements esthétiques sont cognitifs d’une manière non conceptuelle, et normatifs sans présupposer des normes définies. En unissant dans (...)
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  4. La crise du sens1.I. Crise - 1994 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 116 (1-6):76.
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  5. par Paul Mayer.En Crise Les Organisations - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 102:59-83.
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    A propos de la crise de 1962 au cameroun, faire de l'histoire socio-politologique: Socio-analyse et histoire analysee d'un conflit de pouvoir.D'une Crise L'analyse Historique, Politique Entre Sociologie des Circonstances Et & Sociologie des Instances - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
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  7. A política na caserna: A formação de Uma ideologia.Intervencionista Militar Na Crise Do Império - 1990 - História 9:95-106.
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    Analyse paradigmatique d'un corpus de proverbes à l'aide des matrices de concepts.Paul Franceschi - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (167):271-282.
    Dans Franceschi (2002), j'ai présenté une théorie basée sur les matrices de concepts qui se propose de constituer une alternative à la classification proposée par Greimas, dans le domaine de l'analyse paradigmatique. Je m'attache ici à appliquer les matrices de concepts à l'analyse d'un corpus constitué de proverbes corses. Je rappelle tout d'abord brièvement le modèle des matrices de concepts. Je décris également la structure des thèses proverbiales, avant de présenter les résultats de l'analyse correspondante.
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    Capitalism and crises: A comparative analysis of mainstream and heterodox perceptions and related ethical considerations.Sophia Kuehnlenz, Valeria Andreoni & Imko Meyenburg - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):52-64.
    This paper analyses the main perceptions of capitalism and crises from a mainstream and heterodox perspective. Broadly defined within the neoclassical structure, the mainstream approaches support the idea of long-term stability of capitalism and describe crises as exogenous events. The heterodox perceptions, on the contrary, perceive crises as an internal feature of capitalism and propose to reframe the global economy within the limits of the socio-environmental systems. Despite the historical recurrence of crises, the neoclassic capitalist framework and the related mainstream (...)
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    A crise dos sentidos: Modernidade líquida E o esvaziamento da experiência sensorial.Denis Barros de Carvalho - 2011 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 2 (3):04-11.
    Este artigo discute o esvaziamento da experiência sensorial como uma das características da Modernidade Líquida, conceito criado pelo Sociólogo polonês Zygmunt Bauman. A crise dos sentidos ocorre pelo “silêncio olfativo”, pela hipertrofia da visão, também pelo atrofiamento da sensibilidade tátil. Somente uma reflexão sobre o embotamento da nossa experiência sensorial pode nos fazer compreender o tempo presente.
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    Das crises às possibilidades da Educação Superior no Brasil.Leandro José de Souza Martins & Jefferson Rodrigues-Silva - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1593-1624.
    Das Crises às possibilidades da Educação Superior no Brasil: uma leitura a partir de Hannah Arendt Resumo: O texto procura entender os pressupostos da educação superior no Brasil e faz considerações sobre seus limites e potencialidades à luz de Hannah Arendt. Segundo Hannah Arendt, a crise da educação remete-se a uma crise de estabilidade de todas as instituições políticas e sociais. E para o enfrentamento dessa crise, Hannah Arendt sugere reconsiderar a crise da modernidade para se (...)
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    Changement paradigmatique de la théologie catholique à l’université à la lumière d’une étude de cas.Solange Lefebvre - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):189-211.
    Studies of religion have changed rapidly since the late 1990s. From a sociohistorical perspective of institutional change analysis, this article summaries the situation in three sections : firstly, the withdrawal of theology in homogeneous initiatory institutions ; the expansion of scientific interest in the religious ; the transition from pastoral to spiritual. Four other sections analyze the changes that the Faculty of Theology of the Université de Montréal has been going through since the 1960s. These changes constitute the barometer of (...)
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    Global Crises and the Crisis of Global Leadership.Stephen Gill (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This groundbreaking collection on global leadership features innovative and critical perspectives by scholars from international relations, political economy, medicine, law and philosophy, from North and South. The book's novel theorization of global leadership is situated historically within the classics of modern political theory and sociology, relating it to the crisis of global capitalism today. Contributors reflect on the multiple political, economic, social, ecological and ethical crises that constitute our current global predicament. The book suggests that there is an overarching condition (...)
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    La crise sans fin: essai sur l'expérience moderne du temps.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2012 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    C’est une évidence : on ne parle plus aujourd’hui d’une crise succédant à d’autres crises – et préludant à d’autres encore –, mais de « la crise », qui plus est d’une crise globale qui touche aussi bien la finance que l’éducation, la culture, le couple ou l’environnement. Ce constat témoigne d’une véritable mutation : si à l’origine le concept de krisis désignait le moment décisif dans l’évolution d’un processus incertain permettant d’énoncer le diagnostic (et donc la (...)
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  15. Humanitarian Crises and the International Politics of Selectivity.Martin Binder - 2009 - Human Rights Review 10 (3):327-348.
    How has the international community responded to humanitarian crises after the end of the Cold War? While optimistic ideational perspectives on global governance stress the importance of humanitarian norms and argue that humanitarian crises have been increasingly addressed, more skeptical realist accounts point to material interests and maintain that these responses have remained highly selective. In empirical terms, however, we know very little about the actual extent of selectivity since, so far, the international community’s reaction to humanitarian crises has not (...)
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  16. Epistemological Crises, Dramatic Narrative and the Philosophy of Science.Alisdair MacIntyre - 1977 - The Monist 60 (4):453-472.
    What is an epistemological crisis? Consider, first, the situation of ordinary agents who are thrown into such crises. Someone who has believed that he was highly valued by his employers and colleagues is suddenly fired; someone proposed for membership of a club whose members were all, so he believed, close friends is blackballed. Or someone falls in love and needs to know what the loved one really feels; someone falls out of love and needs to know how he or she (...)
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    A Crise da Lei No Estado Democrático de Direito e o Papel da Legística No Restabelecimento da Racionalidade Jurídica.Maria Tereza Fonseca Dias & Samira Souza Silva - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (2):36.
    O presente trabalho analisa a crise da legalidade sobre os aspectos da falência da legitimidade do Estado e da crise do Estado de Direito. Os poderes estabelecidos carecem de representatividade junto à população, que não credita mais à lei um meio de expressão da justiça. A hipótese averiguada demonstra que os pressupostos e técnicas da Legística possuem meios para o restabelecimento da credibilidade da lei no processo legislativo. Utilizou-se o método jurídico-dedutivo na pesquisa bibliográfica, com marco teórico na (...)
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    Crises de l'économie-monde et dépassement du capitalisme: années 1970-années 2000.Gérard Duménil & Immanuel Wallerstein - 2010 - Actuel Marx 48 (2):179-194.
    The Crises of the Economy-World and the Overcoming of Capitalism : From the 1970s to the New Century. The current crisis of neoliberalism can only be understood if we resituate it within the context of the historical dynamic of the capitalist mode of production. The precedent most often cited is that of the 1929 crash. There is however another comparison which is equally apposite, the comparison with the structural crisis of the 1970s. How are we to compare the economic factors (...)
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    Crises in Continental Philosophy: Anthropological Perspectives on the American Jewish Experience.P. Holley Roberts - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Discusses Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, Habermas, and recent feminist theory. Sees the crises as without cure or end. Paper edition (unseen), $17.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  20. Economic Crises, Environmental Crises: Moving Beyond Capitalism.David Schweickart - 2016 - In Cliff DuRand (ed.), Moving Beyond Capitalism. pp. 83-99.
    Economic Crises, Environmental Crises: Moving Beyond Capitalism.
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    Crise de la conscience contemporaine et expansion d'un savoir non cumulatif.Claudine Haroche - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 125 (2):331.
    On examine dans cette étude les effets des flux sensoriels et informationnels continus et accélérés sur la conscience, sur les capacités de penser et de réfléchir. Ces flux conduisent – au-delà de l’inachèvement intrinsèque à toute science dont parlait Weber – à des formes instables, changeantes et illimitées, perçues comme telles par le sujet, et tendant dès lors à provoquer un état de crise de la conscience, d’insécurité psychique profonde dans la fluidité contemporaine.We deal here with the effects caused (...)
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    Social Crises: Signatures of Complexity in a Fast-Growing Economy.Juan Pablo Cárdenas, Gerardo Vidal, Carolina Urbina, Gastón Olivares, Pablo Rodrigo & Miguel Fuentes - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
    Social systems are always exposed to critical processes in which their organization, or part of it, is questioned by the society that demands solutions through different critical saliences. The traditional approach to such social crises has mainly focused on their anticipation and management, implying that the focus is on trying to deal with crises once they occur, rather than delving in their essential characteristics that seemingly depend on the adaptive nature of the system and the increase in its internal complexity. (...)
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    Crises et révoltes sociales dans l'historiographie de la France contemporaine.Déborah Cohen & Jacques Guilhaumou - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):43-53.
    Crises and social revolts in the historiography of contemporary France Refusing to apprehend the category as a simple empirical fact, the article examine the notion of crisis against the perspective offered by the series of French Revolutions : . This enables the authors to question these « moments of crisis » in relation to the historiographical contribution of successive generations of historians. In opposition to a liberal vision where social revolts are devoid of any political project, such an approach on (...)
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    La crise des fondements de la civilisation moderne et la théologie.Gérard Siegwalt - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (2):255-267.
    Les crises que nous vivons - écologique et climatique, économique et financière, sociale et culturelle, également ecclésiale et théologique - sont une seule et même crise: elle est d’ordre épistémologique, a par conséquent trait aux fondements porteurs de la modernité qui arrive dans cette crise à facettes multiples à sa fin. La modernité est marquée par un dualisme fondamental et, partant, par les unilatéralismes qui en résultent: l’anthropocentrisme d’un côté, le matérialisme irrespectueux de bien des manières de la (...)
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    La crise 2.0.Robin Blackburn - 2012 - Revue Agone 49 (49):99-133.
    Nous allons revenir en détail sur certaines des « mesures de sauvetage » déjà mises en œuvre et faire un tour d’horizon des déboires de ce monde de crise 2.0, dans lequel gouvernements, ménages et acteurs de la finance s’efforcent tous de réduire leur niveau d’endettement. Les résultats de cette situation sont sans appel : stagnation, chômage, démantèlement de l’État-providence et arrivée de coalitions de technocrates sans mandat électoral. Des stratégies de résistance doivent être mises en œuvre pour traiter (...)
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    La crise de la musique contemporaine et l'esthétique fondamentale.Jean-Marc Chouvel - 2018 - Sampzon: Éditions Delatour France.
    Dans sa Philosophie de la nouvelle musique, Theodor W. Adorno constatait déjà que la musique "en un mouvement critique, a dissous l'idée d'oeuvre achevée et rompu avec le public". Et il ajoutait : "ni la crise sociale, ni celle de la culture - et dans le concept de crise on implique déjà la reconstruction administrante - aucune de ces crises n'a pu paralyser la vie musicale officielle". L'idée que la musique dite "contemporaine" se vive sous la forme d'une (...)
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    ‘Crises of Modernity’ Discourses and the Rise of Financial Technologies in a Contested Mechanized World.Marinus Ossewaarde - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):59-76.
    The aim of this article is to provide a discussion of scholarly ‘crisis of modernity’ discourses that have developed in the field of social philosophy. Re-visiting past and present discourses can be illuminating in at least three ways: it can reveal the broader picture of the present financialized and technologized world and the rise of financial technologies; it can provide scholars with new vocabularies, concepts, and metaphors to comprehend present-day phenomena and developments; and it can reveal the variety of commitments (...)
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  28. The Crises of Contemporary Physics.Nicola Dallaporta - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (89):66-86.
    When we speak of a crisis in some domain, we usually think of an unfathomable situation which can only be resolved by a general upheaval. We can, however, assign another, more etymological meaning to the word: that of a critical evaluation. While admitting that the crises in contemporary physics have a good deal to do with the first meaning, I believe that their essential impact, on culture and human thought in general, issues from the second interpretation which allows us to (...)
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    Parents, crises and beyond. Towards school as a shared place and a more-than-human world.Maria Mendel - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (63):69-82.
    This paper presents an attempt to describe parents’ activities, in which context it is puzzling that – on the basis of a negative assessment of the current reality (current crises, including the privatization of what is public) – parents seem to be searching intensively for new solutions that would make better not only the school but also the world it is a part of. Their focus, in this, is on the local dimension of activities that refer to sustainability and emphasize (...)
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    Crises et transformations des liens intimes : réflexion sur le passage de la société traditionnelle à la société moderne.Vincent Paris & Martin Blais - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 173 (3):125-134.
    Les liens intimes ont été soumis, particulièrement en France et au Québec, à de profondes transformations depuis l’entrée en scène de la modernité. Pour certains commentateurs, ces modifications témoignent d’une crise de la société, voire d’un effritement du lien social, qui aurait maintenant atteint ces lieux, jadis garants de la solidarité et de la morale. Pour ces mêmes observateurs, la sortie de crise se lit également dans l’urgence d’une reconstruction normative et transcendante de la société. Les auteurs désirent (...)
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    Identity crises and strong compactness.Arthur Apter & James Cummings - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1895-1910.
    Combining techniques of the first author and Shelah with ideas of Magidor, we show how to get a model in which, for fixed but arbitrary finite n, the first n strongly compact cardinals κ 1 ,..., κ n are so that κ i for i = 1,..., n is both the i th measurable cardinal and κ + i supercompact. This generalizes an unpublished theorem of Magidor and answers a question of Apter and Shelah.
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    (1 other version)Crises in eastern europe since 1956.Manfred Spieker - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (3):195-205.
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    Crises macro-sociales et stabilité de l'élite : Etude de l'élite belge face aux perturbations sociales durant la période 1919-1981.Wilfried Dewachter - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (2):305-325.
    Between 1919 and 1981, Belgium was confronted with a number of profound societal crises : one world war, two af termaths of world wars, severe economie crises, a new politica! orientation, and serious internal political conflicts. This article examines the reaction of the elite to these crises, and operationalizes this reaction by the circulationof the elite.The non-political elite remained strikingly stable in spite of the multiplicity and intensity of the crises. The political elite, in this period, circulated much more rapidly. (...)
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    La crise morale dans la Chine post-maoïste.Ci Jiwei - 2008 - Diogène 221 (1):26-.
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  35. Nesting Crises.Anna Carastathis - 2018 - Women's Studies International Forum 68:142-148.
    Since the declaration of financial crisis in 2008, and the imposition of austerity measures in 2011, Greece has become an epicentre—or a “laboratory”—of multiple, successively declared crises, including the humanitarian crisis induced by the devastating effects of neoliberal structural adjustment policies. In this paper, I approach the explosion of crisis discourse as a medium for ideological negotiations of nation-state borders in relation to a continental project of securitisation. I suggest that ‘crisis’ functions as a lexicon through which sovereignty can be (...)
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    Crise de la socialisation au Sénégal: Suivi de réflexion sur les ontologies bambara et peule.Iba Fall - 2010 - Dakar: L'Harmattan.
    L'idée centrale est simple : l'éducation est la voie incontournable pour réaliser le type d'homme équilibré qu'une société se donne comme idéal. Ce fil directeur que Iba fall tient fermement tout au long de ce plaidoyer pour un monde davantage ancré dans les valeurs humanistes, explore différents aspects d'une crise à la fois d'identité et de civilisation. Il y a crise, selon le jeune professeur de philosophie, parce qu'il y a rencontre, choc et parfois contradiction entre deux modèles (...)
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    Financial Crises and Earnings Management Behavior: Arguments and Evidence Against Causality.Bruno Maria Franceschetti - 2017 - Springer Verlag.
    This book approaches the question of the relation between financial crises and earnings management from two philosophical perspectives: positivism and critical realism. The results obtained using the positivist approach indicate that financial crises tend to have no consistent effect on earnings quality since managers’ earnings behavior does not differ from the pre-crisis to the crisis period. The author accordingly argues against the existence of a causal law based on a constant conjunction model and concludes that financial crises cannot be seen (...)
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    Les crises du néolibéralisme: processus de révoltes et adaptation.Bruno Tinel & Emmanuel Renault - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):100 - 117.
    The crises of neo-liberalism, modalities of revolt and adaptability The aim of the article is to locate the current crisis within the history of neo-liberalism with its successive crises. The authors point to the fact that the crisis is the latest in a series of financial and economic crises, to which must be added energy and food crises. The article analyses the social effects of neo-liberalism by way of its return to a logic focused on the production of absolute surplus-value, (...)
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    Global Crises.David Schmidtz - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (2):273-282.
    Sometimes, we see crises coming. Sometimes, we can muster the resources we need to respond effectively. Sometimes, we can acquire the information we need to respond effectively.
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    A crise do drama em Eles não usam Black Tie: uma questão de classe.Iná Camargo Costa - 1993 - Discurso 20:147-156.
    Gianfrancesco Guarnieri estreou no teatro brasileiro em 1958 com a peça Eles não usem black-tie. Assim como já ocorrera com a obra de dramaturgos europeus mais de meio século antes, nesta peça mais uma vez encena-se a crise formal do drama, na medida em que a forma se desencontra do conteúdo. Não sendo indiferentes estes pontos de vista, observam-se no próprio texto os embates entre forma dramática e conteúdo épico, ora prevalecendo uma, ora outra.
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    Une crise pour rien? Réflexions politiques sur le rôle des États en 2009.Jacques de Saint-Victor - 2010 - Cités 41 (1):143.
    Peut-être l’un des mots les plus forts pour résumer les politiques mises en place pour combattre la crise du subprime aura-t-il été celui prêté à l’ancien dirigeant Mikhaël Gorbatchev. Analysant en 2008 cette profusion d’interventions publiques pour sauver des grandes banques en faillite, tandis qu’on laissait les surendettés se faire expulser..
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    Penser la crise: lexique critique de la crise dans tous ses états: ABCDaire précédé de Les meilleures intentions.Alain Finkielkraut & Jacques Ricot (eds.) - 2007 - [Vallet]: M-editer.
    La crise est un moment singulier de l’existence des hommes et du monde où l’ordre habituel des choses se met à vaciller et menace même de retourner au chaos. On la redoute donc le plus souvent, en essayant de l’éviter. Mais plutôt que d’en craindre le pire, ne peut-on en espérer le meilleur : dans sa violence même, la crise ne fait-elle pas apparaître de nouvelles possibilités d’être? Ne faut-il pas alors tâcher de s’en saisir comme l’occasion d’une (...)
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    Tackling modern‐day crises: Why understanding multilevel interconnectivity is vital.Fulvio Mazzocchi - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (3):2000294.
    Complex crises like the coronavirus pandemic are showing us that modern societies are becoming increasingly unable to live in equilibrium with nature. These crises are the result of multiple causes, which interact at different scales and across different domains. Therefore, investigating their proximate causes is not enough to fully understand them. It is also crucial to take into account the structural factors involved. As concerns the global pandemic, I suggest four levels of analysis: (i) the surface or “proximate” level of (...)
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    Crises, sentidos e corpos como efeitos materiais do acontecimento e da biopolítica.Alex Pereira de Araújo & Nilton Milanez - 2015 - Xi Colóquio Do Museu Pedagógico 11.
    Este trabalho busca refletir sobre os efeitos materiais do acontecimento e da biopolítica, ou seja, buscamos entrar na ordem do acontecimento e da biolítica pela via da arqueogenealogia de Foucault. Para isso, vamos retomar a questão “como pode um acontecimento ser escrito?”, lançada por Barthes no mesmo ano em que ocorreu o acontecimento do Maio de 1968, para refletir sobre outro acontecimento: o Outubro de 2005, também ocorrido na França, quando vamos demonstrar que os filmes de horror também podem fazer (...)
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    A crise tecnocientífica: reflexões filosóficas sobre a pandemia.Gilmar Evandro Szczepanik - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e51.
    O texto expressa uma investigação filosófica sobre a pandemia provocada pelo coronavírus. Primeiramente, realizamos a caracterização e a contextualização da crise tecnocientífica. Em seguida, verificamos que muitos dos problemas teóricos problemas enfrentados pelos pesquisadores que lidam com questões associadas à pandemia já foram identificados e abordados por diferentes filósofos da ciência, demonstrando que a filosofia também pode ajudar na compreensão adequada da pandemia. Depois disso, o texto apresenta uma reflexão sobre a pandemia a partir da filosofia da tecnologia, demonstrando (...)
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  46. Crises alimentaires et économiques en amérique, en afrique, au moyen-orient et en asie: Entre luttes et résignation.Marie-Noëlle Abi-Yaghi, Greg Albo, Kako Nubukpo, Rhina Roux & Young-Woo Son - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):12-26.
    Food Problems and Economic Problems in America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia : Struggles and Resignation What are the various dynamics of crisis, revolt, and resignation currently operating on the American and African continents, in the Middle East and in Asia. What effects do they have on the policies adopted to “get out of the crisis”? These are the issues which Greg Albo, Kako Nubukpo, Rhina Roux, Marie Noëlle Abiyaghi and Son Youg Woo address in this article. They examine (...)
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    Crise contemporaine des valeurs et régulation éthico-axiologique dans la pensée de Paul Valadier.Michel Nti Mballa - 2016 - Saint-Denis: Connaissances et savoirs.
    La crise contemporaine des valeurs crée un vide éthique dans un contexte-mêlé, dénué des valeurs et repères transcendants. Notre ouvrage est une réflexion sur la fondation d'une nouvelle humanité dans ce contexte de mise en demeure. L'humanisme valadiérien atteste que le modelage de la physionomie de nos sociétés modernes et l'avènement d'un monde plus humain se feront par un humanisme nouveau. Cet humanisme se définit par le respect de la personne humaine et de ses droits, l'amour du prochain, la (...)
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    Les crises, un retour sur l'essentiel: Entre ruptures et opportunités.Gabriel-Ph Widmer - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Dervy. Edited by Charles Ricq & Gabrielle Ricq-Chappuis.
    Dans une société comme la nôtre, ébranlée par de multiples crises, et dans un monde en voie de globalisation générale, il semble manifeste, aux yeux de certains philosophes, sociologues ou théologiens, que nous assistons à une crise de la conscience collective. Or il ne fait aucun doute que les crises, de quelque ordre qu'elles soient, nous appellent à des remises en question et à des transformations, parfois radicales. Dans ce livre-entretien à trois voix, chaque interlocuteur partage ses interprétations "positives" (...)
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    Penitência em crise, sacramentos em crise?André Gustavo De Fiore - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):148-170.
    O presente artigo vem refletir sobre a crise do sacramento da penitência. Nesse contexto, apresenta-a como originária no relativismo e na distorção da noção de pecado presentes na sociedade atual. Por fim, apresenta os desafios atuais provenientes dessa reflexão, abrindo possibilidades para futuras reflexões e maior aprofundamento sobre o tema.
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    Economic Crises and Education.Laurance Splitter - 2012 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (1-2):44-49.
    The ongoing series of global financial crises offers some important philosophical lessons and insights for educators. The epistemological lesson is stark: we should beware of certainty and all claims to it. Were the disposition of generic skepticism in place at all levels of schooling, then the intellectual rigidity that has characterized economics as a “discipline” would be balanced by demands to consider possible alternatives. The ethical lessons to be learned include ensuring that ethics, as a form of rigorous but openended (...)
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