Results for ' crisis mimética'

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  1.  13
    Sensitive logic in Campo Minado y Teatro de Guerra de Lola Aria.Carolina Hernández Parraguez - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:87-96.
    Resumen: En el teatro posdramático la función mimética del cuerpo suele desplazarse hacia los recursos transmediales propiciando así la emergencia de una metateatralidad. El trabajo de Lola Arias se destaca sobre todo por tensionar el rol del cuerpo actoral en escena produciendo, por medio de recursos transmediales, una crisis representacional que cuestiona las formas tradicionales del drama. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo establecer las estrategias estéticas que utiliza la dramaturga y directora para problematizar el lugar del cuerpo (...)
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  2. The contemporary.Crisis Of Marxism & Maxa Myers - 1987 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 62 (244):96.
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    Kryzys estetyki?Maria Golszewska, International Conference on Aesthetics "A. Crisis in Aesthetics?" & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski (eds.) - 1983 - [Kraków]: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Brouwer and Hausdorff: On reassessing the foundations crisis.David E. Rowe - 2022 - Science in Context 35 (4):395-413.
    Epistemological issues associated with Cantorian set theory were at the center of the foundational debates from 1900 onward. Hermann Weyl, as a central actor, saw this as a smoldering crisis that burst into flames after World War I. The historian Herbert Mehrtens argued that this “foundations crisis” was part of a larger conflict that pitted moderns, led by David Hilbert, against various counter-moderns, who opposed the promotion of set theory and trends toward abstract theories. Among counter-moderns, L.E.J. Brouwer (...)
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    Stanley Cavell on the “Disgusting Child”: Ordinary Aesthetics and the Mental Health Crisis in Schools.Jeff Frank - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):1-26.
    This article explores Stanley Cavell’s ordinary aesthetics through a close reading of one passage inThe Claim of Reason. This close reading leads to the suggestion that educating our aesthetic sense and responsiveness has ethical implications, especially as these relate to the mental health crisis in schools. The article draws implications for individuals in caring relationships with young people, suggesting that Cavell’s thinking on ordinary aesthetics is a powerful tool in our time.
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    Social Welfare Discourses and Scholars’ Ethical-Political Dilemmas in the Crisis of Neoliberalism.Francesco Laruffa - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (4):323-339.
    Discourse is central in promoting – or hindering – social change. This paper discusses the ethical-political dilemmas that academics face in developing progressive discourses on social welfare in the hegemonic crisis of neoliberalism. A central dilemma concerns the (implicit or explicit) target of their discourse. Speaking to elites reproduces dominant values and interests, reinforcing central elements of neoliberalism such as economisation and de-politicisation. Moreover, this approach remains technocratic (i.e. academics act as experts), thereby failing to address citizens’ distrust towards (...)
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    How Times of Crisis Serve as a Catalyst for Creative Action: An Agentic Perspective.Ronald A. Beghetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:600685.
    The human experience is punctuated by times of crisis. Some crises are experienced at a personal level (e.g., the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease), organizational level (e.g., a business facing bankruptcy), and still others are experienced on a societal or global level (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic). Although crises can be deeply troubling and anxiety provoking, they can also serve as an important catalyst for creative action and innovative outcomes. This is because during times of crisis our typical forms of (...)
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    Solving the Opioid Crisis Isn't Just a Public Health Challenge—It's a Bioethics Challenge.Travis N. Rieder - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (4):24-32.
    Among those who discuss America's opioid crisis, it is popular to claim that we know what we, as a society, ought to do to solve the problem—we simply don't want it badly enough. We don't lack knowledge; we lack the will to act and to fund the right policies. In fact, I've heard two versions of this. Among those who focus on prescription opioids, it is clear that we ought to stop prescribing so many powerful opioid painkillers. And among (...)
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    The role of women in managing the environmental crisis: A case study of Cyclone Idai in Chipinge, Zimbabwe.Rudo M. Mukurazhizha & Sarah Y. Matanga - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    Some of the environmental crises can be avoided, but others come unannounced and the adverse effects affect the communities as a whole with women, children and people with disabilities being affected the most. The world is in constant flux where climate changes are affecting the daily lives of humanity and the ecosystem as a whole. Global efforts towards environmental crises are in place including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Hyogo protocol and Sendai framework among other legislations, safeguarding the environment as (...)
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    Anarchism and the Crisis or Represe: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Politics.Jesse S. Cohn, Barry A. Brown & Christopher Conway - 2006 - Susquehanna University Press.
    Current theories of knowledge, art, and power are locked into sterile debates around the question of representation. This book examines the limits of antirepresentationalism in these fields and argues that the anarchist tradition can point the way beyond our contemporary crisis of representation. The author rereads the theory and practical experiences of anarchism from the nineteenth century to the present, proposing a radical revision of received notions of the subject - from the equation of anarchy with literary decadence to (...)
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    Delegation and the Crisis-Induced Political Development of Bailout Institutions: The Case of Japan Between 1992 and 2003.Miklós Sebők - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (4):459-488.
    This paper argues for a reappraisal of extant scholarship on delegation in the domain of financial regulation. Through an examination of Japan's experience with financial regulation between 1992 and 2003, it is demonstrated that crisis-induced institutional development entails a shift toward a more flexible, trustee-type bureaucratic structure. While the logic presented in this paper is far from a universally applicable theory of institutional change, it calls into question the relevance of more conventional approaches to the origins of delegation of (...)
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  12. Globalization and the Crisis in Detroit.Gail Presbey - 2015 - Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 15 (1-2):261-77.
    This article reviews the recent crisis in Detroit focusing on the placement of an Emergency Manager in charge of financial decisions, and a bankruptcy process. This political disenfranchisement harmed the pensions of city employees and offered valuable real estate to investors at low prices. While the crisis was long in the making, with deindustrialization and residential segregation beginning in the 1950s, the crisis was exacerbated in 2008 with the mortgage crisis and with water shut-offs to residences. (...)
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    La formulación paradojal de la secularización en América por Alexis de Tocqueville y la nueva cosmovisión de la crisis de la filosofía en la modernidad.Francisco José Presta de Las Casas - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 106 (106):27-60.
    Se analiza la situación paradójica que presenta la secularización en América reconstruida por Tocqueville. Teniendo presente este postulado, mostraremos la ruptura que se establece con respecto a la Ilustración en el tema de la secularización, en aras de descubrir una nueva variante de la crisis de la filosofía que permaneces vinculada con la nueva estructura organizacional de las sociedades democráticas modernas. Asimismo, mostraremos cómo el perfil liberal de Tocqueville se muestra superador de las versiones eurocéntricas en el tema de (...)
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    Confronting the anomaly: directions in (German) economic research after the crisis.Ulrike Jacob & Oliver A. Brust - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (4):449-471.
    ArgumentRecurring economic crises, like the one of 2007-2008, led to criticism of economic research and a demand to develop new strategies to avoid them. Standard economic theories use conventional approaches to deal with economic challenges, heterodox theories try to develop alternatives with which to face them. It remains unclear whether the 2007-2008 crisis led to a change in economic research as well as to a consideration of alternative approaches. We used co-word analysis to map the structure of economic research (...)
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    Border Control and Using Analysis Tools due to the Humanitarian Aspect of the Immigrant Crisis.Timurlenk Chekovik & Jugoslav Achkoski - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 85:1-13.
    Publication date: 24 January 2019 Source: Author: Timurlenk Chekovik, Jugoslav Achkoski The control of migrants in Europe has become increasingly challenging, marked by a number of illegal border-crossing. It revealed a crisis without equivalent since World War II. The European borders are now one of the most affected by migrants from Asia and Africa. Border police is the most responsible for the first interview with the asylum seeker. In terms of basic contribution to the asylum procedure, good cooperation between (...)
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    Intersubjectivity, Ethics in Times of Crisis and Objective Idealism as a Philosophical System: An Interview with Vittorio Hösle.Giulia Battistoni & Francesco Ghia - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:99-116.
    Vittorio Hösle is internationally highly regarded for his attempt to revive objective idealism – the philosophical line along which he situates the positions of Plato, Aristotle, most medieval philosophers, Spinoza, Leibniz, Schelling, Hegel, but also Peirce and Whitehead – as a philosophical system capable of holding together the transcendental dimension of synthetic a priori judgments with the intelligibility and objectivity of being. In this interview, he discusses his work over the past decades, starting from the “Philosophische Lehrjahre” (“years of philosophical (...)
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    Criza politica si constructia institutionala democratica. O analiza comparata a douazeci si opt de constitutii/ Political Crisis And The Democratic Institutional Construction. A Compared Analysis Of Twenty-Eight Constitutions.Anton Carpinschi & Andrei Ilas - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):54-76.
    This article examines the political crisis that has appeared in the constitutions of 28 democratic states. The units of analysis have been chosen using the criterion of a modern and formal constitution. Using the systemic paradigm, the article proposes an institutionalist ap- proach. After explaining the role of the main institutions, the article focuses itself on identifying the mechanisms of crisis as they are provided by constitutions (i.e. the vote of no-confidence, the motion of censure, the vacancy etc.). (...)
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  18. Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism.[author unknown] - 2014
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    Subjetividad posmoderna e identidad reconciliada: una recepción teológica de la teoría mimética.Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez - 2010 - Universitas Philosophica 27 (55):149-158.
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    Descripción y fases del mecanismo del chivo expiatorio en la teoría mimética de René Girard = Description and phases of the scapegoat mechanism in the mimetic theory of René Girard.Agustín Moreno Fernández - 2013 - Endoxa (32):191.
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    On freedom in the times of Economic Crisis – A Close Reading Of Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last.Ewelina Feldman-Kołodziejuk - 2018 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 30 (2):137-154.
    In her fifth dystopian novel, The Heart Goes Last, Margaret Atwood portrays North America in the not so far future, in the wake of a global economic crisis. Parts of the country are in the state of complete chaos, subjected to a ruthless gang rule. The solution to the system's breakdown comes in the form of the socio-economic experiment that requires from its participants relinquishing their freedom as every other month they will spend in prison. The seemingly preposterous experimental (...)
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  22. Self-Management and the Crisis of Socialism: The Rose in the Fist of the Present.Michael W. Howard - 2000 - Science and Society 66 (4):545-548.
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  23. Los valores y su crisis en el mundo actual.Alfred Stern - 1974 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 10 (27):7.
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    Self-Management and the Crisis of Socialism: The Rose in the Fist of the Present.Michael Wayne Howard - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    While some conclude from the revolutions of 1989 that socialism is dead, interest in socialism continues because of persisting problems of contemporary capitalism. In this exciting text, Michael W. Howard offers critiques of liberal, communitarian, postmodern and some Marxist perspectives in order to develop a 'left-liberal' defense of a model of self-managed market socialism that includes a basic income for all. Specific applications of his view include analyses of its implications for the global marketplace, the changing nature of workplaces, and (...)
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    The effects of displacement, food crisis and a crippled economic production on women: The case of Ukraine and the book of Ruth.Sidney K. Berman - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):10.
    As of the time of writing of this paper (January 2023), Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused a European refugee crisis, death and displacement of countless Ukrainians, worldwide food shortage, fuel crisis and inflation. By comparing the Ukrainian example and the book of Ruth, this paper demonstrates that the effects of forced migration, food shortage and arrested economic productivity are tilted against women. This results in sudden stati of family headship and breadwinner, inability to provide meals for or (...)
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    Esperanza en tiempo de crisis: Unamuno, Ortega, Jaspers, Bloch, Marañón, Heidegger, Zubiri, Sartre, Moltmann.Pedro Laín Entralgo - 1993 - [Barcelona?]: Círculo de Lectores.
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    Global Eco-crisis and Gaebyeok Thought - Focusing on Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory and Right I Ching -. 정형욱 - 2014 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (17):145-169.
    지구적 생태위기에 대한 학문적 담론은 서구지역에서 시작되어 1970년대 이래로 본격적으로 전세계로 퍼져나가면서 보편적으로 알려지기 시작했다. 그러나 한국의 전통적인 철학사상에서 논의되는 자연생태변화론에 대해서는 학계에서 그 소개와 심층적인 고찰이 별로 없는 편이다. 이에 본 논문은 공자, 소강절, 주자, 김일부, 강증산, 한동석 등으로 이어져 정립된, 음양오행사상과 역을 중심으로한 ‘개벽사상’에 대한 지구적 생태위기담론으로서의 가치를 탐구했다. 이 사상은 서양의 녹색사상과 비교해서도 독특하면서도 대칭적 담론으로 그 가치가 있다. 이 논문은 이러한 문제의식을 기반으로 개벽사상의 핵심구조담론인 정역, 그중에서도 ‘금화교역 이론’이 현대의 지구적 생태위기현상을 한국의 전통적 사상 논리로 어떻게 (...)
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  28. The First Crisis of Modernity: Leo Strauss on the Thought of Rousseau.Hilail Gildin - 1993 - Interpretation 20 (2):157-164.
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  29. The Family in Crisis in Late Nineteenth-Century French Fiction. By Nicholas White.J. Grieve - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (3):398-399.
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  30. The Church Crisis in Scotland.J. Watson - 1904 - Hibbert Journal 3:237.
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  31. 15/thinking and the crisis of reason.Osborne Wiggins - 1981 - In Stephen Skousgaard (ed.), Phenomenology and the understanding of human destiny. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. pp. 239.
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  32. Ghosts of crisis past or guideposts for tomorrow?John H. Woodburn - 1991 - Science Education 75 (6):733-735.
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    The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in America: Freud and the Americans, 1917-1985. Nathan G. Hale.Ernest Gellner - 1995 - Isis 86 (4):671-671.
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    The Chinese Moral Crisis and Moral Capital.Xing Guozhong - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (4):99-106.
    “Moral capital” is a concept emerged in the China ethical community at the end of the 20th century. The issue of moral capital arises from discussions about economy and ethics. The controversial point in this concept consists in that morality is a kind of capital. Will morality become a capital? I think it is possible. The interpretation of the concept “capital” should go back to the logical starting point of economics, namely, “rational-economic man.” From the perspective of moral philosophy, every (...)
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    The philosophy of a crisis: a strategy for the social dynamics of transcovid reality.V. V. Ilyin - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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  36. Culminación de una crisis.Joaquim Xirau - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:55-62.
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  37. Marxism, the ecological crisis and a Masters attitude to nature.M. Znoj - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (5):655-665.
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    The Constitution after October: constitution making process before the neoliberal crisis.John Charney & Pablo Marshall - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 17:9-26.
    This article analyses the constitutional crisis that was triggered in Chile by the events of 18 October 2019. The purpose is to explain the link between the constitution and social unrest and to explore whether a constituent process, such as the one designed in Chile, has the potential to address the unrest that produced it. The failed experience of Bachelet’s constituent process and the Latin American reform processes of the last thirty years show the threats and challenges of the (...)
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  39. The economic crisis : causes and considerations.Randall G. Holcomb - 2018 - In Eugene Heath, Byron Kaldis & Alexei M. Marcoux (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics. New York: Routledge.
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  40. The Coming Peace Crisis.Alvin Johnson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Culture in Crisis: Illusions and Disillusions.Garima Kalita - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (7).
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    A diagnosis of the crisis in european culture the antithesis of culture and civilisation in..W. Kaniowski & D. Mathews - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9:131-142.
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    On the "Legitimation Crisis".George Kateb - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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  44. A priesthood imprisoned: A crisis for the church [Book Review].Richard Lennan - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (2):254.
    Review(s) of: A priesthood imprisoned: A crisis for the church, by John E. Ryan, (Bayswater, VIC, Coventry Press, 2017), pp. 126, $24.95.
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    A Fruitful Crisis of Belief.Matthew Pietropaoli - 2017 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 91:115-126.
    The philosopher Hans Jonas penned several essays illustrating how modern thought represents a revolutionary overturning of previously held religious beliefs. The new paradigms of thought toppled prior worldviews of Christianity. Thus, modernity represents a crisis for religious belief. Yet, Jonas contends that modern thought may paradoxically provide the occasion for a deeper encounter with God. This paper will examine Jonas’s discussions on both the challenge and opportunity which modern thought presents to Christianity. First, I will address Jonas’s understanding of (...)
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    Not Just Recycling the Crisis.Melanie Samson - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (1):36-62.
    This article contributes to debates on the relationship between waste and value by exploring how the revaluation of waste at a dump in Soweto, South Africa, was transformed during the 2008 economic crisis. It critically engages Herod, Pickren, Rainnie & McGrath-Champ’s differentiation between ‘devalorisation’ due to material degradation and ‘devaluation’ due to prices being too low for recycling to be profitable, in order to develop three arguments. First, it is necessary to recognise how political mobilisation by reclaimers shapes the (...)
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  47. Foreign experience of public administration in the context of the economic equilibrium of synthetic economic crisis.Sergii Sardak & V. Dzhyndzhoian A. Gladchenko, S. Sardak - 2017 - Modern European Researches 2:44-52.
    This article identify catalysts of synthetic economic crisis. These catalysts are the subject of transnational corporations, international financial, trade organizations, regional integration groupings. Generalized mechanism for the flow of synthetic economic crisis and their types. This article also proves that the response of governments to the process flow of synthetic economic crisis with the help of the classical fiscal, monetary and administrative-legislative instruments are not effective.
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    El liberalismo autoritario y la crisis de la Unión Europea.Claudia Atzeni - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:111-138.
    El concepto de liberalismo autoritario formulado por Hermann Heller en 1932 se ha convertido en objeto de discusión en el debate contemporáneo. De hecho, la crisis política y económica europea de los últimos 10 años parece actualizar perfectamente la idea de un retroceso democrático del orden económico liberal. En este artículo voy a analizar el nivel teórico y conceptual del liberalismo autoritario para luego centrarme en la influencia que esto tuvo sobre algunas formas de liberalismo contemporáneo (como el ordoliberalismo (...)
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    Nature, Crisis and Transformation.Nicholas Bardsley - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):533-538.
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    The Crisis Theory and the Stages Theory in the Uno School.Kei Ehara - 2018 - Marx-Engels Jahrbuch 2017 (1):103-121.
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