Results for ' death as ceasing to exist of a conscious being'

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  1.  40
    Do Human Beings Stop Existing at Their Deaths in Aquinas’ Account.Quang Khanh Trinh - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):394-406.
    Thomas Aquinas persistently defended the idea that the soul survives physical death. But what exactly is the rational soul that becomes separated from the body at death? When a person’s body dies, do they cease to exist? Over the past few decades, a nuanced debate has developed between “survivalists” and “corruptionists” over whether or not a separated soul is still a person, leading to impenetrable disagreements in which neither side can seem to sway the other. In this (...)
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    How Minimal Can Consciousness Be?Louis N. Irwin - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):21-26.
    This commentary on the argument by Jablonka & Ginsburg ( 2022 ) that unlimited associative learning (UAL) provides an evolutionary marker for the transition to consciousness raises the question, “Transition to what?” The proposal that a level of consciousness required for UAL would embody eight specific criteria is credible, but can a limited degree of sentience still exist in animals that lack some of the criteria? The article makes a compelling case that UAL could serve as a marker for (...)
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  3. How can consciousness be false? Alienation, simulation, and mental ownership.Matteo Bianchin - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (6).
    Alienation has been recently revived as a central theme in critical theory. Current debates, however, tend to focus on normative rather than on explanatory issues. In this paper, I confront the latter and advance an account of alienation that bears on the mechanisms that bring it about in order to locate alienation as a distinctive social and psychological fact. In particular, I argue that alienation can be explained as a disruption induced by social factors in the sense of mental ownership (...)
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    Being and existence in Kierkegaard's pseudonymous works.John W. Elrod - 1975 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    In this study John W. Elrod demonstrates that Kierkegaard's pseudonymous writings have an ontological foundation that unites the disparate elements of these books. The descriptions of the different stages of human development are not fully understandable, the author argues, without an awareness of the role played by this ontology in Kierkegaard's analysis of human existence. Kierkegaard contends that the self is a synthesis of finitude and infinitude, body and soul, reality and ideality, necessity and possibility, and time and eternity. Each (...)
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    The depositions: new and selected essays on being and ceasing to be.Thomas Lynch - 2019 - New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Edited by Alan Ball.
    A wry and compassionate selection of essays reflecting on mortals and mortality, from the acclaimed author of The Undertaking. For nearly four decades, poet, essayist, and small- town funeral director Thomas Lynch has probed relations between the literary and mortuary arts. His life's work with the dead and the bereaved has informed four previous collections of nonfiction, each exploring identity and humanity with Lynch's signature blend of memoir, meditation, gallows humor, and poetic precision. The Depositions provides an essential selection from (...)
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    Ceasing to be Hammers: Descriptive Inquiry as Collective Meditation.Rachel Wahl - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (1):117-119.
  7.  50
    Being, death, and machination: Thinking death with and beyond Heidegger.Daniela Vallega-Neu - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (1):93-109.
    For Heidegger, to experience and think being as such in its finite temporality necessitates that one exist in exposure to one’s own possibility of death. In the thirties, when he thinks of being in...
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  8. Well-being and death.Ben Bradley - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Well-Being and Death addresses philosophical questions about death and the good life: what makes a life go well? Is death bad for the one who dies? How is this possible if we go out of existence when we die? Is it worse to die as an infant or as a young adult? Is it bad for animals and fetuses to die? Can the dead be harmed? Is there any way to make death less bad for (...)
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    How Minimal Can Self-Consciousness Be?Anna Strasser - 2012 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 84 (1):39-62.
    In many cases, the ascription of self-consciousness is uncontroversial. For example, the ability to use the first person pronoun ‘I’ in the right way is obviously related to self-consciousness, although this is not true in all cases. The ascription of self-consciousness to infants, to persons with psychopathological syndromes, or to animals is controversial. In this paper, I will focus on the question of how ascribing self-consciousness to infants can be justified. There are two main subjects relevant to this debate. Firstly, (...)
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  10. Foucault’s Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and the Historical, tr.Béatrice Han - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book uncovers and explores the constant tension between the historical and the transcendental that lies at the heart of Michel Foucault’s work. In the process, it also assesses the philosophical foundations of his thought by examining his theoretical borrowings from Kant, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, who each provided him with tools to critically rethink the status of the transcendental. Given Foucault’s constant focus on the (Kantian) question of the possibility for knowledge, the author argues that his philosophical itinerary can be (...)
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    Wittgenstein Reads Weininger.David G. Stern & Béla Szabados (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Otto Weininger was one of the most controversial and widely read authors of fin-de-siècle Vienna. He was both condemned for his misogyny, self-hatred, anti-semitism and homophobia, as well as praised for his uncompromising and outspoken approach to gender and morality. For Wittgenstein Weininger was a 'remarkable genius'. He repeatedly recommended Weininger's Sex and Character to friends and students and included the author on a short list of figures who had influenced him. The purpose of this new collection of essays is (...)
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  12.  22
    Being-toward-death in the Anthropocene.Madgalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (2):263-280.
    “No one can take the other’s dying away from him,” as Martin Heidegger famously claimed, but what he was significantly silent about was that beings, both human and non-human, can mutually contribute to each other’s death. By focusing on the interrelatedness of deaths, this paper presents a reversal of the Heideggerian perspective on the relation between Dasein’s mineness and “being-toward-death.” Drawing upon the structural meaning of death, which consists in the fact that no one can replace (...)
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  13.  6
    Medical information systems ethics.Jérôme Béranger - 2015 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    The exponential digitization of medical data has led to a transformation of the practice of medicine. This change notably raises a new complexity of issues surrounding health IT. The proper use of these communication tools, such as telemedicine, e-health, m-health the big medical data, should improve the quality of monitoring and care of patients for an information system to "human face". Faced with these challenges, the author analyses in an ethical angle the patient-physician relationship, sharing, transmission and storage of medical (...)
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    Artificial Intelligence/Consciousness: being and becoming John Malkovich.Amar Singh & Shipra Tholia - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):697-706.
    For humans, Artificial Intelligence operates more like a Rorschach test, as it is expected that intelligent machines will reflect humans' cognitive and physical behaviours. The concept of intelligence, however, is often confused with consciousness, and it is believed that the progress of intelligent machines will eventually result in them becoming conscious in the future. Nevertheless, what is overlooked is how the exploration of Artificial Intelligence also pertains to the development of human consciousness. An excellent example of this can be (...)
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    Non-conscious Entities Cannot Have Well-Being.Josh Mund - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):33-52.
    In this paper, I criticize the view that non-conscious entities—such as plants and bacteria—have well-being. Plausible sources of well-being include pleasure, the satisfaction of consciously held desires, and achievement. Since nonconscious entities cannot obtain well-being from these sources, the most plausible source of well-being for them is the exercise of natural capacities. Plants and bacteria, for example, certainly do exercise natural capacities. But I argue that exercising natural capacities does not in fact contribute (in a (...)
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    Being is said in many ways.Igor Klyukanov - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):11-23.
    The article focuses on the ontological foundations of lifeworld as Being taken for granted and viewed as a communication phenomenon par excellence, conceptualized as signifying in the presence of others. It is argued that, because there is always a wider horizon of experience against which anything can appear, lifeworld as something continuous can only be thematized in discrete scientific forms. In the article, lifeworld is discussed through the perspectives of four different sciences. From the natural science perspective, lifeworld is (...)
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  17.  39
    Essence, Existence, and Being: An Inconsistency in Spinoza’s Metaphysics?Sanja Särman - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):29-55.
    The author explores whether Spinoza can consistently maintain two doctrines which he espouses in his Ethics. The first doctrine is the equivalence between perfection, reality, being, and essence. The second doctrine is the Metaphysical Difference between that in which essence and existence are identical (God) and those things for which essence and existence are distinct (everything but God). The article is structured as follows. First, the author shows that these two key doctrines apparently clash. Second, she shows two ways (...)
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    Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation.Bénédicte Bes, Steven Sloman, Christopher G. Lucas & Éric Raufaste - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1178-1203.
    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more probable when it was linked to evidence by a causal chain than when both variables shared a common cause; (b) predictive chains in which evidence is a cause of (...)
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  19.  27
    How Can Sartrean Consciousness be Reverent?P. Sven Arvidson - 2019 - Sartre Studies International 25 (2):18-36.
    According to philosopher Paul Woodruff, reverent awe is a feeling of being limited or dwarfed by something larger than the human, usually accompanied by feelings of respect for fellow human beings. Drawing from Jean-Paul Sartre’s early philosophy, this article responds positively to the title question, showing how reverent awe is in bad faith yet is similar to anguish, and unique with respect to both. Especially remarkable in reverent awe is the feeling of connectedness to humankind. In section two, building (...)
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  20. Neuroethics, Consciousness and Death: Where Objective Knowledge Meets Subjective Experience.Alberto Molina-Pérez & Anne Dalle Ave - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):259-261.
    Laura Specker Sullivan (2022) makes a fairly compelling case for the value of the perspectives of Buddhist practitioners in neuroethics. In this study, Tibetan Buddhist monks have been asked, among other things, whether consciousness, in brain-injured patients in a minimally conscious state, entails a duty to preserve life. In our view, some of the participants’ responses could be used to inform the bioethical debate on death determination.
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  21.  11
    Big data and ethics: the medical datasphere.Jérôme Béranger - 2016 - Kidlington, Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
    Faced with the exponential development of Big Data and both its legal and economic repercussions, we are still slightly in the dark concerning the use of digital information. In the perpetual balance between confidentiality and transparency, this data will lead us to call into question how we understand certain paradigms, such as the Hippocratic Oath in medicine. As a consequence, a reflection on the study of the risks associated with the ethical issues surrounding the design and manipulation of this "massive (...)
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  22.  2
    Being is doing with: freedom and existence in Jeanne Hersch.Piergiacomo Severini - 2022 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    This book aims at introducing Jeanne Hersch, holding together her biography and her philosophy and showing in which sense her whole path can be seen as a continuous endeavour to guarantee better conditions for the exercise of freedom to more and more people. Thanks to the investigation of Hersch's reflection on freedom throughout all her life, the reader should gain a tool to orient in the heterogeneous Herschian path. In addition, reconstructing the evolution of Hersch's reflection on freedom also highlights (...)
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  23.  39
    Can Autonomous Agents Without Phenomenal Consciousness Be Morally Responsible?László Bernáth - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1363-1382.
    It is an increasingly popular view among philosophers that moral responsibility can, in principle, be attributed to unconscious autonomous agents. This trend is already remarkable in itself, but it is even more interesting that most proponents of this view provide more or less the same argument to support their position. I argue that as it stands, the Extension Argument, as I call it, is not sufficient to establish the thesis that unconscious autonomous agents can be morally responsible. I attempt to (...)
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  24. Ceasing to Exist.P. Winch - 1983 - In Winch P., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982. pp. 329-353.
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    Being and Making the Olfactory Self. Lessons from Contemporary Artistic Practices.Madalina Diaconu - 2021 - In Nicola Di Stefano & Maria Teresa Russo, Olfaction: An Interdisciplinary Perspective From Philosophy to Life Sciences. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    Contemporary smelly artworks, installations and “scent sculptures” endorse philosophical and anthropological theories about the construction of identity as a relation to oneself and the others through consciousness and memory, as a multi-staged process of social exchange, as a game of risk and trust in making one’s own identity, and as a dialectics of agency and passivity. It is well-known that topophilic emplacement contributes to identity; olfactory site-specific installations and practices “present” specific smellscapes and reflect on their changes. Also olfactory artists (...)
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  26. Well-Being and the Good Death.Stephen M. Campbell - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3):607-623.
    The philosophical literature on well-being and the good life contains very little explicit discussion of what makes for a better or worse death. The purpose of this essay is to highlight some commonly held views about the good death and investigate whether these views are recognized by the leading theories of well-being. While the most widely discussed theories do have implications about what constitutes a good death, they seem unable to fully accommodate these popular good (...)
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  27.  36
    (1 other version)On Ceasing to Be Human.Gerald Bruns - 2011 - Stanford University Press.
    Prologue : on the freedom of non-identity -- Otherwise than human (toward sovereignty) -- What is human recognition? (on zones of indistinction) -- Desubjectivation (Michel Foucault's aesthetics of experience) -- Becoming animal (some simple ways) -- Derrida's cat (who am I?).
  28.  13
    Duras/Godard dialogues.Cyril Béghin & Nicholas Elliott (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Film Desk Books.
    The two demonstrate a profound shared passion, a way of literally being one with a medium and speaking about it with a dazzling lyricism interspersed with dryly ironic remarks, fueled by a conviction that inspires them to traverse history. Their point of intersection is obvious. Duras, a writer, is also a filmmaker, and Godard, a filmmaker, has maintained a distinctive relationship with literature, writing and speech."--Cyril Béghin, back cover.
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  29. Well-Being and Daoism.Justin Tiwald - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 56-69.
    In this chapter, I explicate several general views and arguments that bear on the notion and contemporary theories of human welfare, as found in two foundational Daoist texts, the Daodejing and the Zhuangzi. Ideas drawn from the Daodejing include its objections to desire theories of human welfare and its distinction between natural and acquired desires. Insights drawn from the Zhuangzi include its arguments against the view that death is bad for the dead, its attempt to develop a workable theory (...)
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  30.  14
    Sartre’s ‘Being Looked at’ and Consciousness in the Jewish Ghetto, Vilnius.Leonard Stone - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (1).
    This article explores the relationship between consciousness and the historical urban space of the former Jewish Ghetto in Vilnius, Lithuania. This relationship is investigated primarily within the existentialist school of philosophy and takes its point of departure from Sartre’s ‘gaze’ or ‘look’ from his philosophical work, Being and Nothingness. Within this existentialist schematic the ‘look’ is methodologically sub-divided into i) ‘being looked at’ and ii) the ‘look looked at’. This paper further discerns the nuances of consciousness within the (...)
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  31.  88
    Can we be harmed after we are dead?David Papineau - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):1091-1094.
    The dead can be harmed by events that happen after their death, and we survivors often have reason to act so as to enhance their welfare.
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    Being and Its Surroundings.Gianni Vattimo, Giuseppe Iannantuono, Alberto Martinengo, Santiago Zabala & Corrado Federici (eds.) - 2021 - McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Gianni Vattimo, one of Europe's foremost contemporary philosophers and most famously associated with the concept of weak thought, explores theoretical and practical issues flowing from his fundamental rejection of the traditional Western understanding of Being as an absolute, unchanging, and transcendent reality. The essays in this book move within the surroundings of Being without constructing a systematic, definitive analysis of the topic. In Being and Its Surroundings, Vattimo continues his career-long exploration of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger, (...)
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  33. Deadly pluralism? Why death-concept, death-definition, death-criterion and death-test pluralism should be allowed, even though it creates some problems.Kristin Zeiler - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (8):450-459.
    Death concept, death definition, death criterion and death test pluralism has been described by some as a problematic approach. Others have claimed it to be a promising way forward within modern pluralistic societies. This article describes the New Jersey Death Definition Law and the Japanese Transplantation Law. Both of these laws allow for more than one death concept within a single legal system. The article discusses a philosophical basis for these laws starting from John (...)
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  34. Survivalism, Corruptionism, and Intermittent Existence in Aquinas.Turner C. Nevitt - 2014 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 31 (1):1-19.
    There is an important debate underway concerning Aquinas’s view about the status of persons in the interim period between death and resurrection. According to corruptionists, Aquinas believed that the person ceases to exist at death and only begins to exist again at the resurrection. Survivalists, on the other hand, deny this. According to them, the continued existence of the soul in the interim period between death and resurrection is sufficient for the continued existence of the (...)
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    Can I be Judged If I Don’t Remember My Sins? Questioning What Is Significant about Life after Death.Harriet Harris - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (3):315-322.
    We are preoccupied with memory and psychological continuity in what it would mean to survive one’s death, and so are challenged when our memories fade. If we test the philosophical focus on continuity with theological expectations of transformation, we can look for what emerges, rather than what is lost, even in the most memory-ravaging conditions.
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  36. Life, Death, and Eternal Recurrence in Nietzsche's Zarathustra.Gabriel Zamosc - 2015 - The Agonist : A Nietzsche Circle Journal 8 (1&2).
    -/- This paper offers a preliminary interpretation of Nietzsche’s doctrine of Eternal Recurrence, according to which the doctrine constitutes a parable that, speaking of what is permanent in life, praises and justifies all that is impermanent. What is permanent, what always recurs, is the will to power or to self-overcoming that is the fundamental engine of all life. The operating mechanism of such a will consists in prompting the living to undergo transformations or transitory deaths, after which this fundamental engine (...)
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  37.  18
    Self, Culture and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Convergences on Knowing and Being.V. V. Binoy, Sangeetha Menon & Nithin Nagaraj (eds.) - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume brings together the primary challenges for 21st century cognitive sciences and cultural neuroscience in responding to the nature of human identity, self, and evolution of life itself. Through chapters devoted to intricate but focused models, empirical findings, theories, and experiential data, the contributors reflect upon the most exciting possibilities, and debate upon the fundamental aspects of consciousness and self in the context of cultural, philosophical, and multidisciplinary divergences and convergences. Such an understanding and the ensuing insights lie in (...)
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  38.  20
    Consciousness is all: now life is completely new.Peter Francis Dziuban - 2006 - Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin.
    It really is true -- Fact : there is nothing greater than consciousness -- Consciousness is what you are -- Aliveness -- Fact : consciousness is the infinite itself -- Consciousness is not the "human mind" -- Whose life is it, anyway? -- The all-inclusiveness of consciousness -- To be God, God has to be -- Consciousness is neither physical nor metaphysical -- There is only one consciousness -- Consciousness is -- Fact : consciousness is what the present is -- (...)
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    Death as an Industry.Zygmunt Bauman - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (113):150-156.
    Willie Horton probably cost Michael Dukakis the American presidency. Before running, Dukakis served for ten years as governor of Massachusetts and was one of the most vociferous opponents of the death penalty. He also thought prisons to be primarily tools for education and rehabilitation. Dukakis wished the penal system would restore to criminals their lost or forfeited humanity and prepare convicts for a “return to the community”; under his administration, state prisons' inmates were allowed home leaves. Horton failed to (...)
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    Existence in its Sexual Being.Simon Glendinning - 2022 - Paragraph 45 (3):285-301.
    In ‘Geschlecht: Sexual Difference, Ontological Difference’, Derrida develops a reading of Heidegger’s ‘neutral’ term ‘Dasein’ that highlights its openness to a conception of sexual difference that is not yet binary. I explore this theme in relation to two further lines of thought. The first draws Heidegger’s remarks on Dasein’s factually concrete existence into correspondence with the European humanist tradition and the implications this reveals concerning a still binary determination of sex difference in Heidegger’s conception of existence in its sexual (...). The second engages with Derrida’s own affirmation of a beyond binary conception of existence in its sexual being, a conception elaborated in this article in terms of singular sexual styles that are strictly irreducible to the organic bodily characteristics and behaviour of a living human being. (shrink)
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    Phenomenal and attentional consciousness may be inextricable.Adam Morton - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):263-264.
    In common sense consciousness has a fairly determinate content – the (single) way an experience feels, the (single) line of thought being consciously followed. The determinacy of the object may be achieved by linking Block's two concepts, so that as long as we hold on to the determinacy of content we are unable to separate P and A.
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    Must false consciousness be rationally caused?Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 28 (1):69-82.
    Denise Meyerson has recently argued that the adaptational account of false consciousness must appeal to a psychological element, contrary to explicit declarations of its proponents. In order to explain why the rulers genuinely hold ideological beliefs, one must take them to desire to think well of themselves. She concludes that the desire to think well of oneself causes the ideological beliefs. The article defends the adaptational account from Meyerson's attempt to ground it in the psychology of the rulers. Meyerson is (...)
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    Being, Essence and Existence for St. Thomas Aquinas: Being and Its Intelligibility.William M. Walton - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 3 (3):339 - 365.
    The operation of the human intellect is twofold, however; first, simple perception, 'simple apprehension,' the 'simple gaze of indivisibles' and second, composition and division or judgment. In considering the principles of human knowledge it is therefore necessary to distinguish simple principles from complex principles or axioms. It is evident, however, that being is absolutely first of all complex as well as incomplex principles. "That which first falls under apprehension is being, the understanding of which is included in all (...)
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    How Should Death Be Taken into Account in Welfare Assessments?Karsten Klint Jensen - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (5):615-623.
    That death is not a welfare issue appears to be a widespread view among animal welfare researchers. This paper demonstrates that this view is based on a mistaken assumption about harm, which is coupled to ‘welfare’ being conceived as ‘welfare at a time’. Assessments of welfare at a time ignore issues of longevity. In order to assess the welfare issue of death, it is necessary to structure welfare assessment as comparisons of possible lives of the animals. The (...)
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    Being conscious is something's being actual -- what and how?Ted Honderich - unknown
    This piece is reflection in preparation for lectures in the universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Sussex, and Bath. It conveys the sequence and general content of an argument for a different answer to the question of what it is to be conscious. The piece is new, but not what is still to come, a completed articulation in a book. That will include second and no doubt third thoughts, not to mention more scholarship.
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    Your being conscious: Mind-body dualism, and objective physicalism.Ted Honderich - 2015 - Think 14 (41):31-45.
    Descartes believed not only that I think therefore I am but also that consciousness is not physical, unlike the brain. That makes consciousness different, which evidently it is, but also incapable of causing arm movements, which is unbelievable.functionalism is in the same boat. Disagreement between these and more ideas and theories surely has much to do with not talking about the same thing, no adequate initial clarification of the subject matter. We can get such a thing from a database. Consciousness (...)
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  47. Human Beings // Human Freedom.Mariam Thalos - 2019 - In Graham Oppy & Joseph W. Koterski, Theism and Atheism: Opposing Viewpoints in Philosophy. Farmington Hills: MacMillan Reference. pp. 429-448.
    The traditional philosophical questions around human freedom are to do with how to square freedom for human organisms with increasingly scientific understandings of the universe itself. At the beginning of Western philosophical consciousness, Plato, unlike later philosophers eligible of the label rationalist, maintained that there are obstacles to free and rational agency, owing in no small measure to pressures exerted by the human psyche from what later were referred to as biological drives and drives for social status. In subsequent eras, (...)
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  48.  15
    On Being Unwilling Insiders.Jackie Leach Scully - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):146-149.
    The pandemic years have taught bioethicists a lot about the experience of working on an issue at the same time as being directly affected by it. Under normal circumstances, if we can remember what those were, we are very often thinking and writing about a situation of moral difficulty that we know, and can only know, as outsiders. We...
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    Death Prevents Our Lives From Being Meaningful.Nicholas Waghorn - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (1).
    This article seeks to show that death prevents one’s life from being meaningful on balance. Proponents of what has come to be known as the ‘imperfection thesis’ about life’s meaning claim that it is sufficient for one’s life to be meaningful that one relates to only a non-maximal conceivable value. In many, if not all, contexts, holding the imperfection thesis appears to be the sole reason for supposing that death need not prevent one’s life from being (...)
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    Afro-dog: blackness and the animal question.Bénédicte Boisseron - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Bénédicte Boisseron investigates the relationship between race and the animal in the history and culture of the Americas and the black Atlantic, exposing a hegemonic system that compulsively links and opposes blackness and animality to measure the value of life.
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