Results for ' deconstructionist defenses of radical indeterminacy'

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  1.  19
    Indeterminacy.Lawrence B. Solum - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson, A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 479–492.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Does the Indeterminacy Thesis Mean? Is the Law Radically Indeterminate? Is a Modest Version of the Indeterminacy Thesis Defensible? Conclusion References.
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    Reasonable stability vs. radical indeterminacy.Alberto Puppo - 2016 - Revus 30:81-102.
    The main argument of this article is based on a functional disanalogy, between what I will call ‘international humanity-based law’, constituted by human rights and criminal law, and the domestic rule of law. If we adopt a functionalist approach, the attention has to be focused both on Rule of Law’s pragmatical objective – a reasonable stability – and on its means – formalism and legality, for dealing with indeterminacy. Do international key players share such values, embedded in the Rule (...)
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  3. Some Thoughts on Radical Indeterminacy.Hartry Field - 1998 - The Monist 81 (2):253-273.
    A natural question to raise about words—or about their mental analogue, concepts—is: in virtue of what facts do they refer to whatever it is that they refer to? In virtue of what does the word ‘insanity’ refer to insanity, the word ‘entropy’ refer to entropy, and so forth? There is a view called “disquotationalism” according to which this question is misconceived. I’ll have something to say about that later. But putting disquotationalism aside for now, it would seem that this question (...)
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  4. Radical Interpretation and Indeterminacy.Timothy McCarthy - 2002 - Oxford, England: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    McCarthy develops a theory of radical interpretation--the project of characterizing from scratch the language and attitudes of an agent or population--and applies it to the problems of indeterminacy of interpretation first described by Quine. The major theme in McCarthy's study is that a relatively modest set of interpretive principles, properly applied, can serve to resolve the major indeterminacies of interpretation.
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    Holism and indeterminacy.Jeff Malpas - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (1):47-58.
    SummaryDonald Davidson's account of the interrelation between attitudes, and linguistic and non‐linguistic behaviour is a thoroughly holistic one. The project of radical interpretation itself embodies a holistic approach to the interpretative task. Yet Davidson also accepts a degree of indeterminacy in interpretation. Davidson's commitment to both holism and indeterminacy can give rise to a problem in the Davidsonian position. That problem is explained and a solution proposed. The indeterminacy thesis is thereby clarified, as is the nature (...)
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  6. Determinacy, Indeterminacy, and Contingency in German Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - In Robert H. Scott, The Significance of Indeterminacy: Perspectives From Asian and Continental Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This paper addresses debates in German idealism that arise in response to the modal shift in logic, proposed by Kant, from a logic of thinking to a logic of experience. With the Kantian logic of experience arises a problem of radical contingency or 'rhapsodic determination' for logic. While Fichte and Hegel attempt to resolve the problem of contingency by constructing rational systems aimed at established the grounds for logic, I show how Schelling brings into view, in a proto-existentialist movement, (...)
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    Radical Interpretation.Timothy McCarthy - 2002 - In Radical Interpretation and Indeterminacy. Oxford, England: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lays out a general framework for radical interpretation, which the ensuing chapters apply, respectively, to the theory of reference and to the philosophy of logic. McCarthy's main claim is that a relatively modest set of constitutive principles of interpretation can serve to constrain the semantic description of the language and attitudes of an idealized agent or population in such a way as to resolve the indeterminacies of interpretation that naturally present themselves. The starting points of the discussion are the (...)
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    Semantic indeterminacy and scientific underdetermination.Philip L. Peterson - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (3):464-487.
    Some critics believe Quine's semantic indeterminacy (indeterminacy of radical translation at home as well as abroad) thesis is true, but innocent, since it is just scientific underdetermination in linguistics. The Quinean reply is that in scientific underdetermination cases there are facts of the matter making claims true or false (whether knowable or not), whereas in semantic indeterminacy cases there simply are not. The critics' rejoinder that there are such facts, studied in linguistics, is met by the (...)
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    On the Indeterminacy Crisis: Critiquing Critical Dogma.Lawrence B. Solum - 1987 - University of Chicago Law Review 54:462.
    This essay investigates the indeterminacy thesis - roughly the claim that the content of authoritative legal materials (such as the texts of constitutions, statutes, cases, rules, and regulations) does not determine the outcome of particular legal disputes. The indeterminacy thesis can be formulated as either "strong" or weak." The strong version of the indeterminacy thesis is demonstrably false, but several weak versions of the thesis are true but lack the radical implications of strong indeterminacy.The strong (...)
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  10. Indeterminacy as Indecision, Lecture I: Vagueness and Communication.John MacFarlane - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (11/12):593-616.
    I can say that a building is tall and you can understand me, even if neither of us has any clear idea exactly how tall a building must be in order to count as tall. This mundane fact poses a problem for the view that successful communication consists in the hearer’s recognition of the proposition a speaker intends to assert. The problem cannot be solved by the epistemicist’s usual appeal to anti-individualism, because the extensions of vague words like ‘tall’ are (...)
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  11. Radical interpretation and the permutation principle.Henry Jackman - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (3):317-326.
    Davidson has claimed that to conclude that reference is inscrutable, one must assume that "If some theory of truth... is satisfactory in the light of all relevant evidence... then any theory that is generated from the first theory by a permutation will also be satisfactory in the light of all relevant evidence." However, given that theories of truth are not directly read off the world, but rather serve as parts of larger theories of behavior, this assumption is far from self-evident. (...)
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  12. Radical parochialism about reference.Will Gamester & J. Robert G. Williams - 2023 - Noûs 57 (3):600-617.
    We can use radically different reference‐schemes to generate the same truth‐conditions for the sentences of a language. In this paper, we do three things. (1) Distinguish two arguments that deploy this observation to derive different conclusions. The first argues that reference is radically indeterminate: there is no fact of the matter what ordinary terms refer to. This threat is taken seriously and most contemporary metasemantic theories come with resources intended to rebut it. The second argues for radical parochialism about (...)
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    Kripkenstein: Rule and Indeterminacy.Xin Sheen Liu - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:67-75.
    Indeterminacy theories, such as Wittgenstein's and Kripke's indeterminacy principle on rules and language and Quine's indeterminacy of radical translation, raise some fundamental questions on our knowledge and understanding. In this paper we try to outline and interpret Wittgenstein's and Kripke's indeterminacy, and then compare it to some other related theories on indeterminacy of human thinking, such as raised by Hume, Quine, and Goodman.
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    Behaviourism, neuroscience and translational indeterminacy.Ken Warmbrōd - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (1):67-81.
    Quine's thesis of translational indeterminacy is, by his own acknowledgement, a consequence of his behaviourism. Overt linguistic performances, we are told, are the sole data relevant in deciding empirically between competing translational hypotheses. Since the totality of behavioural data does not determine any single translation theory, translation is indeter- minate. But the assumption of the behaviourist methodology for linguistics is obviously critical to this line of argument for indeterminacy. The rise of cognitive psychology and neuroscience have sometimes been (...)
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  15. Reassessing Referential Indeterminacy.Christian Nimtz - 2005 - Erkenntnis 62 (1):1-28.
    Quine and Davidson employ proxy functions to demonstrate that the use of language (behaviouristically conceived) is compatible with indefinitely many radically different reference relations. They also believe that the use of language (behaviouristically conceived) is all that determines reference. From this they infer that reference is indeterminate, i.e. that there are no facts of the matter as to what singular terms designate and what predicates apply to. Yet referential indeterminacy yields rather dire consequences. One thus does wonder whether one (...)
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  16.  42
    Rationality and indeterminacy.Cristina Bicchieri - 2009 - In Don Ross & Harold Kincaid, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 159.
    Much of the history of game theory has been dominated by the problem of indeterminacy. The very search for better versions of rationality, as well as the long list of attempts to refine Nash equilibrium, can be seen as answers to the indeterminacy that has accompanied game theory through its history. More recently, the experimental approach to game theory has attempted a more radical solution: by directly generating a stream of behavioral observations, one hopes that behavioral hypotheses (...)
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    Challenging ingarden’s “radical” distinction between the real and the literary.Heath Williams - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):703-728.
    Ingarden’s phenomenology of aesthetics is characterised primarily as a realist ontological approach which is secondarily concerned with acts of consciousness. This approach leads to a stark contrast between spatiotemporal objects and literary objects. Ontologically, the former is autonomous, totally determined, and in possession of infinite attributes, whilst the latter is a heteronomous intentional object that has only limited determinations and infinitely many “spots of indeterminacy.” Although spots of indeterminacy are often discussed, the role they play in contrasting the (...)
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  18. Vagueness and Second-Level Indeterminacy.Matti Eklund - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    My theme here will be vagueness. But first recall Quine’s arguments for the indeterminacy of translation and the inscrutability of reference. (I will presume these arguments to be familiar.) If Quine is right, then there are radically different acceptable assignments of semantic values to the expressions of any language: different assignments of semantic values that for all that is determined by whatever it is that determines semantic value are all acceptable, and all equally good. Quine even argued that the (...)
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  19.  36
    Radical Cognitivism about Practical Reason.William Ratoff - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (1).
    Cognitivism about practical reason is the doctrine that certain aspects of practical reason are really instances of theoretical reason. For example, that intentions are beliefs or that certain norms of practical rationality just are, or reduce to, certain norms of theoretical rationality. Radical cognitivism about practical reason, in contrast, is the more heady view that practical reason just is a species of theoretical reason. It entails that what it is to be a motivational state (of any kind) is to (...)
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    Radical quotation and real repetition.David Roden - 2004 - Ratio 17 (2):191–206.
    In this essay I argue for a constructivist account of the entities composing the object languages of Davidsonian truth theories and a quotational account of the reference from metalinguistic expressions to interpreted utterances. I claim that ‘radical quotation’ requires an ontology of repeatable events with strong similarities to Derrida's account of iterable events. In part one I summarise Davidson's account of interpretation and Olav Gjelsivk's arguments to the effect that the syntactic individuation of linguistic objects is only workable if (...)
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  21. Visual Experience: Cognitive Penetrability and Indeterminacy.Alon Chasid - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (1):119-130.
    This paper discusses a counterexample to the thesis that visual experience is cognitively impenetrable. My central claim is that sometimes visual experience is influenced by the perceiver’s beliefs, rendering her experience’s representational content indeterminate. After discussing other examples of cognitive penetrability, I focus on a certain kind of visual experience— that is, an experience that occurs under radically nonstandard conditions—and show that it may have indeterminate content, particularly with respect to low-level properties such as colors and shapes. I then explain (...)
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    Radical Pacifism, Limited Pacifism or Just War? (A Response to Professor Jacek Hołówka).Adam Cebula - 2024 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 60 (2):51-73.
    This article formulates a critical response to Professor Jacek Hołówka’s opinion on (the philosophical debate about) the morality of war. It is claimed that by rejecting the plausibility of any argument justifying the occasional permissibility of military action. Hołówka finds it difficult to avoid (tacitly) endorsing some form of pacifism. In its radical version – presumably most closely matching Hołówka’s apparent position on war ethics – pacifism is shown to be completely unsupported by any serious social or political theory. (...)
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  23. Complexity theory, quantum mechanics and radically free self determination.Mark Stephen Pestana - 2001 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 22 (4):365-388.
    It has been claimed that quantum mechanics, unlike classical mechanics, allows for free will. In this paper I articulate that claim and explain how a complex physical system possessing fractal-like self similarity could exhibitboth self consciousness and self determination. I use complexity theory to show how quantum mechanical indeterminacies at the neural level could “percolate up” to the levels of scale within the brain at which sensory-motor information transformations occur. Finally, I explain how macro level indeterminacy could be coupled (...)
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    Radical Philosophy After the Subject.Brent Smith-Casanueva - 2014 - Radical Philosophy Review 17 (1):163-178.
    This paper draws on the dialogs of Gayatri Spivak, Jacques Derrida, and Judith Butler to reconsider Marx’s contribution to an understanding of political agency and subjectivity. It suggests that through engaging with certain voices of Marx, there emerges a complex and dynamic understanding that allows for a thinking of subjectivity as produced through structural conditions in a way that both enables and limits agency. These insights allow us to imagine the transformative political agency of those subjects marginalized within the current (...)
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    Radical Interpretation and Logical Pluralism.Piers Rawling - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):277-289.
    I examine Quine’s and Davidson’s arguments to the effect that classical logic is the one and only correct logic. This conclusion is drawn from their views on radical translation and interpretation, respectively. I focus on the latter, but I first address, independently, Quine’s argument to the effect that the ‘deviant’ logician, who departs from classical logic, is merely changing the subject. Regarding logical pluralism, the question is whether there is more than one correct logic. I argue that bivalence may (...)
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    A French Science (With English Subtitles).Steven Fuller - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (1):1-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Steven Fuller A FRENCH SCIENCE (WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES) It is of no news to anyone with even a passing interest in the theoretical wranglings of literary critics that deconstruction is on the defensive. This is of special interest to an historian and philosopher of science such as myself because (with the notable exception of Frank Lentricchia's revisionist history of contemporary critical trends) ] most of the recent salvos launched (...)
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  27. Moral Perception Beyond Supervenience: Iris Murdoch’s Radical Perspective.Silvia Panizza - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (2):273-288.
    Among the possible ways of gaining moral knowledge, moral perception figures as a controversial yet fruitful option. If moral perception is possible, moral disagreement is addressed not by appealing to principles but to the process and the objects of perception, and moral progress occurs not through deliberation but by refining one’s perceptual faculties. The possibility of “seeing clearly and justly” is at the heart of Iris Murdoch’s thought, but Murdoch herself does not put forth a systematic argument for this view. (...)
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    Is There A Language-game That Even the Deconstructionist Can Play?Steven Fuller - 1985 - Philosophy and Literature 9 (1):104-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IS THERE A LANGUAGE-GAME THAT EVEN THE DECONSTRUCTIONIST CAN PLAY? by Steven Fuller After reading A. J. Cascardi's fascinating "Skepticism and Deconstruction," I am led to ask the question that "entitles" this response.1 The answer I want to give is "yes," but Cascardi has made the task more difficult than I would have liked. In brief, he has dissociated deconstruction from all philosophical pursuits, including skepticism, which it (...)
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    ‘Incommensurability’ and Vagueness: Is the Vagueness View Defensible? [REVIEW]Mozaffar Qizilbash - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):141-153.
    The vagueness view holds that when evaluative comparisons are hard, there is indeterminacy about which comparative relation holds. It is sceptical about whether there are any incommensurate items (in some domain). The sceptical element of John Broome’s version of this view rests on a controversial principle. Robert Sugden advances a similar view which does not depend on this principle. Sugden’s argument fails as a vagueness view because it assumes rather than shows that there are no incommensurate items (in some (...)
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    Heidegger’s Radical Antisemitism.Jeff Love & Michael Meng - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (1):3-23.
    With the publication of Martin Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, it has become impossible to avoid Heidegger’s anti-Semitism. There has been the expected controversy with Heideggerians on the defensive and the philosopher’s detractors condemning his work outright. But there has been little serious exploration of the matter aside from several recent works. This article builds on this literature on Heidegger’s anti-Semitism and concludes that an anti-Semitic narrative lies at the heart of Heidegger’s history of the oblivion of Being as nihilism. Moreover, Heidegger (...)
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  31. Tim Shopen.Ellipsis as Grammatical Indeterminacy - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:65.
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    A teoria do significado de Jakob Von uexküll como um Caso de tradução radical.Arthur Araújo & Elaine Cristina Borges de Souza - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):671-686.
    RESUMO No segundo capítulo de "Word and Object", Quine procura mostrar o quanto da linguagem pode ser esclarecida em termos estimulantes, bem como a limitação da tradução a partir de diferentes esquemas conceituais. O autor apresenta a tese de indeterminação da tradução por meio de uma situação de tradução radical. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar de que modo Quine desenvolve a tradução radical e destacar os conceitos de informações colaterais, significado estimulativo e esquema conceitual. Em seguida, procuraremos (...)
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    Samesaying, propositions and radical interpretation.Gary Kemp - 2001 - Ratio 14 (2):131–152.
    Davidson's paratactic account of indirect quotation preserves the apparent relational structure of indirect speech but without assuming, in the Fregean manner, that the thing said by a sayer is a proposition. I argue that this is a mistake. As has been recognised by some critics, Davidson's account suffers from analytical shortcomings which can be overcome by redeploying the paratactic strategy as a means of referring to propositions. I offer a quick and comprehensive survey of these difficulties and a concise propositional (...)
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  34. The Indeterminacy of Translation and Radical Interpretation.Ali Hossein Khani - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Indeterminacy of Translation and Radical Interpretation The indeterminacy of translation is the thesis that translation, meaning, and reference are all indeterminate: there are always alternative translations of a sentence and a term, and nothing objective in the world can decide which translation is the right one. This is a skeptical conclusion because what it … Continue reading The Indeterminacy of Translation and Radical Interpretation →.
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  35. (1 other version)Los límites del principio de indeterminación radical en Latour y el giro político de su filosofía de la ciencia.Paloma García Díaz - 2008 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (3):319-336.
    Este artículo explora los artilugios conceptuales que utiliza la teoría de Bruno Latour para comprender y explicar la realidad natural y social. Asimismo, se exponen cuáles son los límites a su principio de “indeterminación radical” o principio de simetría generalizado. Este análisis muestra la posibilidad de un estudio normativo de la realidad social y tecnocientífica compatible con la evolución que se encuentra en el mismo Latour respecto del significado y funcíon políticos de la ciencia.This article explores the conceptual tools (...)
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    Quine on the Problem of the Indeterminacy of Radical Transktion.Sun Guan-Chen - 2004 - Modern Philosophy 1:015.
  37. The "nameless principle" from Philo to plotinus.Roberto Radice - 2003 - In Francesca Calabi, Italian studies on Philo of Alexandria. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
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    On the Possible Limits of Aesthetic Experience, Radical Otherness, and Radical Indeterminacy in Learning to Live With Art.David Granger - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:461-464.
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    Rabindranth Tagore, Selected Poems.Peter Gaeffke, William Radice & Rabindranth Tagore - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):774.
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    Clarity and Survival in the Zhuangzi.Thomas Radice - 2001 - Asian Philosophy 11 (1):33-40.
    This paper is an analysis of the term ming in the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi. I show that though ming does involve the realization of the fundamental unity of opposites, the realization of this unity does not force the Zhuangzi to endorse a 'radical relativist' stance on morality, since the perspective of the Sage through ming is shown to be a privileged perspective. Overall, the Zhuangzi does not endorse any normative stance on morality. Rather, it endorses a way (...)
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    Confucius and Filial Piety.Thomas Radice - 2017 - In Paul Rakita Goldin, A Concise Companion to Confucius. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 185–207.
    Filial piety is a foundational concept in the thought of Confucius. Rooted in religious rituals from the Western Zhou Dynasty, filial piety in the Analects functions primarily a form of ritual, but based as much in the emotions of the performer as the formal behavior itself, especially in mourning rituals. This ritual foundation is critical for understanding not only the general form of filial piety in the text, but also famous problematic passages in which Confucius favors concealing the misdeeds of (...)
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    Life after death? The Soviet system in British higher education.Hugo Radice - 2008 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 3 (2):99.
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    Li (Ritual) in Early Confucianism.Thomas Radice - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (10):e12463.
    Li 禮 (translated variously as “ritual”, “etiquette”, or “propriety”) plays a central role in early Confucianism, but its complexity is not always fully understood. At first glance, it may seem as if li behaviors are merely attempts to promote conservative practices from the idealized Chinese past. However, by examining the nature and function of li, as described the Analects (Lunyu 論語) and the Xunzi 荀子 (two key texts in the early Confucian tradition), it becomes overwhelmingly apparent that li is a (...)
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    Manufacturing Mohism in the Mencius.Thomas Radice - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (2):139-152.
    The Mencius contains several negative remarks about the Mohists and their doctrine of ‘universal love’ (jian’ai). However, little attention has been paid to whether Mencius’ descriptions of Mohism were accurate. Fortunately, there is a surviving record of the beliefs of Mozi in the text that bears his name. In this essay, I analyze this text and descriptions of Mohism from other early Chinese texts, and compare them to the criticisms of Mohism in the Mencius. Ultimately, I show that the image (...)
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    Method Mourning: Xunzi on Ritual Performance.Thomas Radice - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (2):466-493.
    Xunzi's 荀子 essay, "A Discussion of Rituals" is the earliest attempt in early China to theorize at length about the nature and importance of rituals. This essay is crucial to understanding the importance of ritual in Xunzi's philosophy of self-cultivation, of which there is no shortage of analysis.1 Most of this analysis centers on the notion of ritual in general, but Xunzi's essay also reveals his reaction to several criticisms to specific ritual practices, especially mourning rituals and ancestral sacrifices, that (...)
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    Data sovereignty requirements for patient-oriented AI-driven clinical research in Germany.Marija Radic, Julia Busch-Casler, Agnes Vosen, Philipp Herrmann, Arno Appenzeller, Henrik Mucha, Patrick Philipp, Kevin Frank, Stephanie Dauth, Michaela Köhm, Berna Orak, Indra Spiecker Genannt Döhmann & Peter Böhm - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):547-562.
    Background The rapidly growing quantity of health data presents researchers with ample opportunity for innovation. At the same time, exploitation of the value of Big Data poses various ethical challenges that must be addressed in order to fulfil the requirements of responsible research and innovation (Gerke et al. 2020 ; Howe III and Elenberg 2020 ). Data sovereignty and its principles of self-determination and informed consent are central goals in this endeavor. However, their consistent implementation has enormous consequences for the (...)
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    Ritual performance in early Chinese thought: a dramaturgical perspective.Thomas Radice - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book analyzes early Chinese ritual discourse during the Warring States and early Western Han Periods, arguing that the Ruists (Confucians) conceived ritual as primarily a dramaturgical matter, which had wide-ranging effects on the ways authors of early Chinese texts discussed matters of religion, ethics, and politics. It reveals how performance became a fundamental feature of political life, making theatrical "presence" a necessary element for either expression or deception in a community of spectators.
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    Ἡ ἑρμηνευτική μέθοδος τοῦ Θεοδωρήτου Κύρου.Dragan Radić - 2015 - Philotheos 15:117-128.
    The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the hermeneutical method of Theodoret of Cyrus, who was one of the most important Biblical commentators and an influential theologian of the School of Antioch. This paper attempts to point out the fact that in the person of the Blessed Theodoret we find the first attempt of synthesis between the Antioch and Alexandria hermeneutical schools. In his hermeneutical work Theodoret attempted to overcome the contradictions existing up to that point and to follow (...)
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  49. Philo's theology and theory of creation.Roberto Radice - 2009 - In Adam Kamesar, The Cambridge companion to Philo. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  50. Order, music and beauty in the writings of Augustine.R. Radice - 1992 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 84 (4):587-607.
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