Results for ' ellipse'

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  1.  18
    Ellipses and ovals: two curves so close and so far.Giuseppe Conti, Raffaella Paoletti & Alberto Trotta - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (1):133-159.
    In this work we will deal with ellipses and ovals, comparing them both from the geometric point of view and from the one of applications. There is a notable similarity between these curves so often it’s not possible to recognize which of the two figures is, unless we consider other elements to distinguish them. We will show the presence of both curves in architectural works and in treatises, motivating their use, when it’s possible, with geometric and technological considerations.
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    Ellipse et accent rythmique.Raymond Court - 1991 - Horizons Philosophiques 2 (1):23.
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    An Ellipse in the Thasian Decree about Delation (ML 83)?A. J. Graham & R. Alden Smith - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (3).
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  4. Quantification, ellipses, and logical form'.S. Weisler - 1987 - In Jay L. Garfield (ed.), Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural-Language Understanding. MIT Press. pp. 151--172.
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    Hyperbole and Ellipses.Kalpana Seshadri - 2019 - Environmental Philosophy 16 (1):89-113.
    The essay argues for a nuanced understanding of the notorious dissonance between Derrida and Agamben despite their shared interest in troubling the metaphysical separation between human and animal. I argue that a close scrutiny of their differing strategies towards the matrix of framing issues (such as sovereignty and violence) is salient for keeping the ontological question of species difference open. I suggest that the dissonance between the two thinkers is best understood in relation to systemic and rhetorical effects—namely, the encompassing (...)
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    Ellipse: An Object-Oriented and Database-Coupled Expert System Development Environment.Rashmi Malhotra & D. K. Malhotra - 2000 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 10 (4):345-376.
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    Note on Epicycles & the Ellipse from Copernicus to Lahire.Carl Boyer - 1947 - Isis 38 (1/2):54-56.
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    Quadrature arithmétique du cercle, de l'ellipse et de l'hyperbole et la trigonométrie sans tables trigonométriques qui en est le corollaire.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - 2004 - Vrin.
    En 1676, alors qu'il sejourne encore a Paris, Leibniz entreprend de composer un volumineux traite qui restera sans doute l'un de ses ecrits mathematiques les plus fortement charpentes: La quadrature arithmetique du cercle, de l'ellipse et de l'hyperbole et la trigonometrie sans tables qui en est le corollaire. Ce traite se presente comme un abrege exhaustif de la geometrie infinitesimale, dont Leibniz avait pu esperer qu'elle lui ouvrirait les portes de l'Academie des Sciences. Cependant, contraint de quitter la capitale (...)
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    Of Kisses and Ellipses: The Long Adolescence of American Movies.Linda Williams - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (2):288.
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    From the Phenomenon of the Ellipse to an Inverse-Square Force: Why Not?George E. Smith - 2002 - In David B. Malament (ed.), Reading Natural Philosophy: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. Open Court. pp. 31--70.
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  11. Judith Revel , Dictionnaire Foucault (Paris: Ellipses, 2008), ISBN: 978-2729830939.James Muldoon - 2010 - Foucault Studies 8:192-195.
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    Classical Geometry in the Service of Geodesy: Samuel Klingenstierna's Calculation of the Radius of Curvature of the Ellipse.Osmo Kurola - 1987 - Centaurus 30 (1):62-85.
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    The Blindness of Hyperboles: The Ellipses of Insight.Richard Klein - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (2):33.
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    Le vocabulaire de Platon Luc Brisson et Jean-François Pradeau Collection «Vocabulaire de…» Paris, Ellipses, 1998, 64 p.Yvon LaFrance - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (3):612-.
    Voici une nouvelle collection qui fera sans doute le bonheur des enseignants qui doivent initier leurs étudiants à un système philosophique. La collection «Vocabulaire de...», dirigée par Jean-Pierre Zarader, se propose, en effet, de présenter les concepts de base des grands systèmes philosophiques à partir de courts articles qui se développent à trois niveaux: une description générale des contenus du concept, une analyse plus détaillée de ces contenus et la fonction que joue ce concept dans l’ensemble du système. Il s’agit (...)
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    Ein wichtiger Satz uber die Ellipse des Fagnano und seine Erganzung.K. Bopp - 1923 - Isis 5 (2):400-402.
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    The Justification of Kepler's Ellipse.Brian S. Baigrie - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (4):633.
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    Ellipsis of Personal Pronouns and Unmarked Verb Forms in Acadian French / De L’Ellipse Du Pronom Personnel Aux Formes Verbales Non Marquées Dans Les Parlers Acadiens.Patrice Brasseur - 2013 - Human and Social Studies 2 (1):51-72.
    The little francophone community of Port-au-Port Peninsula in Newfoundland is particularly representative of non-standard French spoken in North America. This paper tries to elaborate a grammatical analysis in order to justify the transcriptions of verb forms in the Dictionnaire des régionalismes de Terre-Neuve. In the sentence “I passait les maisons, [bladʒe] ac le monde”, for instance, [bladʒe] could be interpreted as “blaguait” or “blaguer.” In standard French, the same sentence could be translated as “il allait de porte en porte parler (...)
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  18. Jean-François MARQUET, Cours sur la Phénoménologie de l'esprit, Paris, Ellipses, 2004.Olivier Depré - forthcoming - Archives de Philosophie: Recherches Et Documentation.
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  19. O Male Factum: Rectilinearity and Kepler's Discovery of the Ellipse.David Marshall Miller - 2008 - Journal for the History of Astronomy 39.
    In 1596, in the Mysterium Cosmographicum, a twenty-five-year-old Johannes Kepler rashly banished lines from the universe. They “scarcely admit of order,” he wrote, and God himself could have no use for them in this “well-ordered universe.” Twenty-five years later, though, Kepler had come to repent the temerity of his youth. “O male factum!” he lamented in a 1621 second edition of the Mysterium – “O what a mistake” it was to dismiss lines, for linearity is revealed in those most perfect (...)
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  20. Discussion: The Physical Unnaturalness of Churchland’s Ellipses.Wayne Wright - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3):391-403.
    This article addresses Paul Churchland’s attempt to identify colors with surface reflectance spectra. Of particular concern is Churchland’s novel method of approximating surface reflectance spectra. While those approximations are generated by objective means and yield a striking match with human phenomenological color space, they are not physically meaningful. The reason for this is that the method used to produce the approximations induces equivalence classes on surface reflectances that are not invariant under physically appropriate changes of measurement convention. This result undermines (...)
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    R. Martin: Pétrone, Le Satyricon. Pp. 174. Paris: Ellipses, 1999. Paper. ISBN: 2-7298-7809-2.Costas Panayotakis - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (1):169-170.
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    A Life in Science, Philosophy, and the Public Domain: Three Biographies of PoincaréJeremy J. Gray. Henri Poincaré: A Scientific Biography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. Pp. xii+592. $35.00/£24.95 .Ferdinand Verhulst. Henri Poincaré: Impatient Genius. New York: Springer, 2012. Pp. xi+260. $49.95 ; $39.95 .Jean-Marc Ginoux and Christian Gerini. 2012. Henri Poincaré: Une biographie au quotidien. Paris: Ellipses, 2012. Pp. iv+298. €24.00 . [Henri Poincaré: A Biography through the Daily Papers. Singapore: World Scientific, 2013. Pp. 260. $29.00 ; $22.00 .]. [REVIEW]David J. Stump - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):309-318.
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    Françoise Dastur: Leçons sur la genèse de la pensée dialectique. Schelling, Hölderlin, Hegel, París: Ellipses, 2016, 316 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Schoof Alvarez - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (1):249-256.
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    Céline Denat, Aristote pas à pas. Paris, Éditions Ellipses , 2010, 179 p.Céline Denat, Aristote pas à pas. Paris, Éditions Ellipses , 2010, 179 p. [REVIEW]Louis Brunet - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):556-557.
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    Janick Auberger;, Peter Keating. Histoire humaine des animaux, de l'Antiquité à nos jours. 277 pp., illus., bibl. Paris: Ellipses, 2009. €24. [REVIEW]Harriet Ritvo - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):141-142.
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    The Roman Economy (J.) Andreau L'Économie du monde romain. Pp. 281, maps. Paris: Ellipses, 2010. Paper, €19.50. ISBN: 978-2-7298-5331-0. [REVIEW]Zosia Archibald - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):554-556.
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    Iraj Nikseresht, Physique quantique. Origines, interprétations et critiques, Paris, Éditions Ellipses, 2005, 270 pages.Iraj Nikseresht, Physique quantique. Origines, interprétations et critiques, Paris, Éditions Ellipses, 2005, 270 pages. [REVIEW]Yvon Gauthier - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):309-310.
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    (1 other version)Philosophie de la nature. Miguel Espinoza. Paris: Ellipses, 2000. [REVIEW]Roberto Torretti - 2001 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 57:183-186.
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    M.-C. Amouretti, J. Christien, F. Ruzé, P. Sineux: Le regard des Grecs sur la guerre. Mythes et réalités. Pp. 206, ills, maps. Paris: Ellipses, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 2-7298-6926-3. [REVIEW]Hans van Wees - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (1):258-259.
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    Greek economic life L. migeotte: L'économie Des cités grecques de l'archaïsme au haut-empire Romain . Pp. 160. Paris: Ellipses, 2002. Paper. Isbn: 2-7298-0849-. [REVIEW]Peter Fibiger Bang - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):150-.
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    Les pronoms : quelques problèmes de délimitation de la catégorie.Jérôme Puckica - 2022 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Cet article traite de la catégorie des pronoms, de sa définition et de la distinction entre les pronoms et les déterminants. L'article débute par un examen de la définition traditionnelle et étymologique du pronom comme mot mis « à la place d'un nom », une définition bien peu adaptée puisque seuls certains pronoms, par exemple, peuvent avoir un fonctionnement anaphorique. Une redéfinition est ensuite proposée, faisant des pronoms une classe fermée de noms grammaticaux qui ne prennent pas de déterminant et (...)
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  32. The Perspectival Character of Perception.Kevin J. Lande - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy 115 (4):187-214.
    You can perceive things, in many respects, as they really are. For example, you can correctly see a coin as circular from most angles. Nonetheless, your perception of the world is perspectival. The coin looks different when slanted than when head-on, and there is some respect in which the slanted coin looks similar to a head-on ellipse. Many hold that perception is perspectival because you perceive certain properties that correspond to the “looks” of things. I argue that this view (...)
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  33. Empirical evidence for perspectival similarity.Jorge Morales & Chaz Firestone - 2023 - Psychological Review 1 (1):311-320.
    When a circular coin is rotated in depth, is there any sense in which it comes to resemble an ellipse? While this question is at the center of a rich and divided philosophical tradition (with some scholars answering affirmatively and some negatively), Morales et al. (2020, 2021) took an empirical approach, reporting 10 experiments whose results favor such perspectival similarity. Recently, Burge and Burge (2022) offered a vigorous critique of this work, objecting to its approach and conclusions on both (...)
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  34. Sustained Representation of Perspectival Shape.Jorge Morales, Axel Bax & Chaz Firestone - 2020 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (26):14873–14882.
    Arguably the most foundational principle in perception research is that our experience of the world goes beyond the retinal image; we perceive the distal environment itself, not the proximal stimulation it causes. Shape may be the paradigm case of such “unconscious inference”: When a coin is rotated in depth, we infer the circular object it truly is, discarding the perspectival ellipse projected on our eyes. But is this really the fate of such perspectival shapes? Or does a tilted coin (...)
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  35. (Un)conscious Perspectival Shape and Attention Guidance in Visual Search: A reply to Morales, Bax, and Firestone (2020).Benjamin Henke & Assaf Weksler - 2023 - In Michal Polák, Tomáš Marvan & Juraj Hvorecký (eds.), Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining Their Nature, Similarities and Differences. New York, NY: Routledge.
    When viewing a circular coin rotated in depth, it fills an elliptical region of the distal scene. For some, this appears to generate a two-fold experience, in which one sees the coin as simultaneously circular (in light of its 3D shape) and elliptical (in light of its 2D ‘perspectival shape’ or ‘p-shape’). An energetic philosophical debate asks whether the latter p-shapes are genuinely presented in perceptual experience (as ‘perspectivalists’ argue) or if, instead, this appearance is somehow derived or inferred from (...)
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    Perceiving one’s own movements when using a tool.Jochen Müsseler & Christine Sutter - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):359-365.
    The present study examined what participants perceive of their hand movements when using a tool. In the experiments different gains for either the x-axis or the y-axis perturbed the relation between hand movements on a digitizer tablet and cursor movements on a display. As a consequence of the perturbation participants drew circles on the display while their covered hand movements followed either vertical or horizontal ellipses on the digitizer tablet. When asked to evaluate their hand movements, participants were extremely uncertain (...)
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    The Locus of Masking Shape-at-a-Slant.William Epstein & Gary Hatfield - 1978 - Perception and Psychophysics 24 (6):501-504.
    Twelve subjects provided shape and orientation judgments for a set of projectively equivalent, variously rotated rectangles under three viewing conditions—monoptic, dichoptic, and binocular—with and without the presence of a pattern mask. In the absence of the mask, partial constancy was exhibited under the first two conditions and near perfect constancy under the binocular condition. Orientation was discriminated. Presence of the mask produced projective shape matching and diminished orientation discrimination. It is argued that the site of masking was postchiasmal, and the (...)
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    (1 other version)Gazing Hands and Blind Spots: Galileo as Draftsman.Horst Bredekamp - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (3-4):423-462.
    The ArgumentThe article deals with the interrelation between Galileo and the visual arts. It presents a couple of drawings from the hand of Galileo and confronts them with Viviani's report that Galileo had not only wanted to become an artist in his youth but stayed close to the field of visual arts throughout his lifetime. In the ambiance of these drawings the famous moon watercolors are not in the dark. They represent a very acute and reasonable tool to convince the (...)
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    Perceived Shape at a Slant as a Function of Processing Time and Processing Load.William Epstein, Gary Hatfield & Gerard Muise - 1977 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 3:473–483.
    Shape and slant judgments of rotated or frontoparallel ellipses were elicited from three groups of 10 subjects. A masking stimulus was introduced to control processing time. Backward masking trials were presented with interstimulus intervals of 0, 25, and 50 msec, Reduction of processing time altered shape judgments in the direction of projective shape and slant judgments in the direction of frontoparallelness. This finding is consistent with the shape-slant invariance hypothesis. In order to study the effects of processing load, one group (...)
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  40.  20
    Awareness in Logic and Epistemology: A Conceptual Schema and Logical Study of the Underlying Main Epistemic Concepts.Claudia Fernández-Fernández - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book creates a conceptual schema that acts as a correlation between Epistemology and Epistemic Logic. It connects both fields and offers a proper theoretical foundation for the contemporary developments of Epistemic Logic regarding the dynamics of information. It builds a bridge between the view of Awareness Justification Internalism, and a dynamic approach to Awareness Logic. The book starts with an introduction to the main topics in Epistemic Logic and Epistemology and reviews the disconnection between the two fields. It analyses (...)
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    Borelli’s edition of books V–VII of Apollonius’s Conics, and Lemma 12 in Newton’s Principia.Alessandra Fiocca & Andrea Del Centina - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (3):255-279.
    To solve the direct problem of central forces when the trajectory is an ellipse and the force is directed to its centre, Newton made use of the famous Lemma 12 (Principia, I, sect. II) that was later recognized equivalent to proposition 31 of book VII of Apollonius’s Conics. In this paper, in which we look for Newton’s possible sources for Lemma 12, we compare Apollonius’s original proof, as edited by Borelli, with those of other authors, including that given by (...)
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    Mathématiques et architecture: le tracé de l’entasis par Nicolas-François Blondel.Dominique Raynaud - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (5):445-468.
    In Résolution des quatre principaux problèmes d’architecture (1673) then in Cours d’architecture (1683), the architect–mathematician Nicolas-François Blondel addresses one of the most famous architectural problems of all times, that of the reduction in columns (entasis). The interest of the text lies in the variety of subjects that are linked to this issue. (1) The text is a response to the challenge launched by Curabelle in 1664 under the name Étrenne à tous les architectes; (2) Blondel mathematicizes the problem in the (...)
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  43. Gender mismatches under nominal ellipsis.Jason Merchant - unknown
    Masculine/feminine pairs of human-denoting nouns in Greek fall into three distinct classes under predicative ellipsis: those that license ellipsis of their counterpart regardless of gender, those that only license ellipsis of a same-gendered noun, and those in which the masculine noun of the pair licenses ellipsis of the feminine version, but not vice versa. The three classes are uniform in disallowing any gender mismatched ellipses in argument uses, however. This differential behavior of gender in nominal ellipsis can be captured by (...)
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    Electron Wave Trajectories Within Schrodinger’s Hydrogen Atom, and Relativistic Consequences.Leslie Smith - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (5):1-14.
    Quantum mechanics teaches that before detection, knowledge of particle position is, at best, probabilistic, and classical trajectories are seen as a feature of the macroscopic world. These comments refer to detected particles, but we are still free to consider the motions generated by the wave equation. Within hydrogen, the Schrodinger equation allows calculation of kinetic energy at any location, and if this is identified as the energy of the wave, then radial momentum, allowing for spherical harmonics, becomes available. The distance (...)
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    The Measurement Problem, an Ontological Solution.Peter A. Jackson & John S. Minkowski - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (4):1-16.
    A physical mechanical sequence is proposed representing measurement interactions ‘hidden' within QM's proverbial ‘black box'. Our ‘beam splitter' pairs share a polar angle, but head in opposite directions, so ‘led' by opposite hemisphere rotations. For orbital ‘ellipticity', we use the inverse value momentum ‘pairs' of Maxwell's ‘linear' and ‘curl' momenta, seen as vectors on the Poincare spherical surface. Values change inversely from 0 to 1 over 90 degrees, then ± inverts.. Detector polarising screens consist of electrons with the same vector (...)
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    After life.Eugene Thacker - 2010 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Life and the living (on Aristotelian biohorror) -- Supernatural horror as the paradigm for life -- Aristotle's De anima and the problem of life -- The ontology of life -- The entelechy of the weird -- Superlative life -- Life with or without limits -- Life as time in Plotinus -- On the superlative -- Superlative life I: Pseudo-Dionysius -- Negative vs. affirmative theology -- Superlative negation -- Negation and preexistent life -- Excess, evil, and non-being -- Superlative life II: (...)
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    Method, Demonstration and Invention: Leibniz and the Treatment of Quadrature Problems.Federico Raffo Quintana - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (180):97-116.
    RESUMEN El artículo reconstruye la concepción metodológica de Leibniz de finales del periodo parisino, que subyace al tratado Sobre la cuadratura aritmética del círculo, la elipse y la hipérbola (1676). Se muestra que Leibniz concibió un procedimiento en el cual el hallazgo de nuevos conocimientos de alguna manera coincide con su demostración, y en el que los procesos de análisis y síntesis se emplean de diversas maneras. ABSTRACT The article reconstructs Leibniz's methodological conception of the late Parisian period underlying the (...)
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    (1 other version)« Je n'ai entrevu que des ombres flottantes, insaisissables… » Le travail de l'écriture.Danielle Bohler - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:4-4.
    L’auteur s’est attachée à l’écriture singulière de G. Duby dans le domaine de l’histoire des femmes, et tout particulièrement dans les trois volumes des Dames du XIIe siècle. G. Duby y témoigne en effet d’une vigilance toute particulière à l’égard de l’expression, en centrant son discours sur un « JE » qui assume les risques d’affronter des documents toujours masculins, pour y débusquer ce qu’il appelle « des ombres insaisissables », les femmes de l’époque féodale. Parfaite maîtrise des ressources de (...)
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    Examining the Relationship Between Speech Perception, Production Distinctness, and Production Variability.Hung-Shao Cheng, Caroline A. Niziolek, Adam Buchwald & Tara McAllister - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Several studies have demonstrated that individuals’ ability to perceive a speech sound contrast is related to the production of that contrast in their native language. The theoretical account for this relationship is that speech perception and production have a shared multimodal representation in relevant sensory spaces. This gives rise to a prediction that individuals with more narrowly defined targets will produce greater separation between contrasting sounds, as well as lower variability in the production of each sound. However, empirical studies that (...)
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    Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation (review).Carolyn Dewald - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):138-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Thucydides: Narrative and ExplanationCarolyn DewaldTim Rood. Thucydides: Narrative and Explanation. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998. xi + 339 pp. Cloth, £47.Any text has dislocations in its narrative surface. Since the time of Schwartz and Schadewaldt (1929), the text of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War has been scrutinized for its omissions, ellipses, and apparent contradictions. Scholars have thought that these would contain important clues regarding aspects [End Page 138] (...)
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