Results for ' equiconsistency'

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  1.  94
    An equiconsistency for universal indestructibility.Arthur W. Apter & Grigor Sargsyan - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):314-322.
    We obtain an equiconsistency for a weak form of universal indestructibility for strongness. The equiconsistency is relative to a cardinal weaker in consistency strength than a Woodin cardinal. Stewart Baldwin's notion of hyperstrong cardinal. We also briefly indicate how our methods are applicable to universal indestructibility for supercompactness and strong compactness.
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    Equiconsistencies at subcompact cardinals.Itay Neeman & John Steel - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):207-238.
    We present equiconsistency results at the level of subcompact cardinals. Assuming SBHδ, a special case of the Strategic Branches Hypothesis, we prove that if δ is a Woodin cardinal and both □ and □δ fail, then δ is subcompact in a class inner model. If in addition □ fails, we prove that δ is Π12\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Π12{\Pi_1^2}\end{document} subcompact in a class inner model. These results are optimal, and lead to equiconsistencies. As a (...)
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    An equiconsistency result on partial squares.John Krueger & Ernest Schimmerling - 2011 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 11 (1):29-59.
    We prove that the following two statements are equiconsistent: there exists a greatly Mahlo cardinal; there exists a regular uncountable cardinal κ such that no stationary subset of κ+ ∩ cof carries a partial square.
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    Equiconsistency of the Minimalist Foundation with its classical version.Maria Emilia Maietti & Pietro Sabelli - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (2):103524.
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    Exact equiconsistency results for Δ 3 1 -sets of reals.Haim Judah - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (2):101-112.
    We improve a theorem of Raisonnier by showing that Cons(ZFC+every Σ 2 1 -set of reals in Lebesgue measurable+every Π 2 1 -set of reals isK σ-regular) implies Cons(ZFC+there exists an inaccessible cardinal). We construct, fromL, a model where every Δ 3 1 -sets of reals is Lebesgue measurable, has the property of Baire, and every Σ 2 1 -set of reals isK σ-regular. We prove that if there exists a Σ n+1 1 unbounded filter on ω, then there exists (...)
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  6.  14
    Supercompactness Can Be Equiconsistent with Measurability.Nam Trang - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (4):593-618.
    The main result of this paper, built on previous work by the author and T. Wilson, is the proof that the theory “ADR+DC + there is an R-complete measure on Θ” is equiconsistent with “ZF+DC+ ADR + there is a supercompact measure on ℘ω1(℘(R))+Θ is regular.” The result and techniques presented here contribute to the general program of descriptive inner model theory and in particular, to the general study of compactness phenomena in the context of ZF+DC.
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    Some exact equiconsistency results in set theory.Leo Harrington & Saharon Shelah - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (2):178-188.
  8.  18
    Translations of Logical Formulas and the Equiconsistency Problem.Andrei A. Kuzichev - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):44-50.
    A translation of formulas in a language L1 to formulas in a language L2 is a mapping which preserves the parameters and commutes with the substitution prefix, the propositional connectives and the quantifiers. Every translation generates a corresponding transformation of theories in L1 to theories in L2. We formulate the equiconsistency problem for such transformations and propose a variant of its solution. First, for a transformation F we find the least theory A in L1 such that its inclusion in (...)
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  9. The Necessary Maximality Principle for c. c. c. forcing is equiconsistent with a weakly compact cardinal.Joel D. Hamkins & W. Hugh Woodin - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (5):493-498.
    The Necessary Maximality Principle for c. c. c. forcing with real parameters is equiconsistent with the existence of a weakly compact cardinal. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).
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  10. Martin's axioms, measurability and equiconsistency results.Jaime I. Ihoda & Saharon Shelah - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (1):78-94.
    We deal with the consistency strength of ZFC + variants of MA + suitable sets of reals are measurable (and/or Baire, and/or Ramsey). We improve the theorem of Harrington and Shelah [2] repairing the asymmetry between measure and category, obtaining also the same result for Ramsey. We then prove parallel theorems with weaker versions of Martin's axiom (MA(σ-centered), (MA(σ-linked)), MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ), MA(K)), getting Mahlo, inaccessible and weakly compact cardinals respectively. We prove that if there exists r ∈ (...)
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  11.  5
    COMPACTNESS OF AND STRONG AXIOMS OF DETERMINACY - N. Trang, Structure theory of and its applications . Journal of Symbolic Logic , vol. 80 (2015), no. 1, pp. 29–55. - N. Trang, Supercompactness can be equiconsistent with measurability. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic , vol. 62 (2021), no. 4, pp. 593–618. - N. Trang and T. Wilson, Determinacy from strong compactness of. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic , vol. 172 (2021), no. 6, Article no. 102944, 30pp. - D. Ikegami and N. Trang, On supercompactness of$\omega 1$, Advances in Mathematical Logic _(T. Arai, M. Kikuchi, S. Kuroda, M. Okada, T. Yorioka, editors), Springer, Proceedings Mathematics & Statistics, Singapore, 369, 2021, pp. 27–45. [REVIEW]Takehiko Gappo - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):279-282.
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    (1 other version)Weak Indestructibility and Reflection.James Holland - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):980-1006.
    We establish an equiconsistency between (1) weak indestructibility for all $\kappa +2$ -degrees of strength for cardinals $\kappa $ in the presence of a proper class of strong cardinals, and (2) a proper class of cardinals that are strong reflecting strongs. We in fact get weak indestructibility for degrees of strength far beyond $\kappa +2$, well beyond the next inaccessible limit of measurables (of the ground model). One direction is proven using forcing and the other using core model techniques (...)
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  13.  54
    Eastonʼs theorem and large cardinals from the optimal hypothesis.Sy-David Friedman & Radek Honzik - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (12):1738-1747.
    The equiconsistency of a measurable cardinal with Mitchell order o=κ++ with a measurable cardinal such that 2κ=κ++ follows from the results by W. Mitchell [13] and M. Gitik [7]. These results were later generalized to measurable cardinals with 2κ larger than κ++ .In Friedman and Honzik [5], we formulated and proved Eastonʼs theorem [4] in a large cardinal setting, using slightly stronger hypotheses than the lower bounds identified by Mitchell and Gitik , for a suitable μ, instead of the (...)
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    Definability degrees.Sy D. Friedman - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (5):448-449.
    We establish the equiconsistency of a simple statement in definability theory with the failure of the GCH at all infinite cardinals. The latter was shown by Foreman and Woodin to be consistent, relative to the existence of large cardinals.
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    On gaps under GCH type assumptions.Moti Gitik - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 119 (1-3):1-18.
    We prove equiconsistency results concerning gaps between a singular strong limit cardinal κ of cofinality 0 and its power under assumptions that 2κ=κ+δ+1 for δ<κ and some weak form of the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis below κ. Together with the previous results this basically completes the study of consistency strength of the various gaps between such κ and its power under GCH type assumptions below.
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  16.  41
    Resurrection axioms and uplifting cardinals.Joel David Hamkins & Thomas A. Johnstone - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):463-485.
    We introduce the resurrection axioms, a new class of forcing axioms, and the uplifting cardinals, a new large cardinal notion, and prove that various instances of the resurrection axioms are equiconsistent over ZFC with the existence of an uplifting cardinal.
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  17.  36
    Reflection in Second-Order Set Theory with Abundant Urelements Bi-Interprets a Supercompact Cardinal.Joel David Hamkins & Bokai Yao - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1007-1043.
    After reviewing various natural bi-interpretations in urelement set theory, including second-order set theories with urelements, we explore the strength of second-order reflection in these contexts. Ultimately, we prove, second-order reflection with the abundant atom axiom is bi-interpretable and hence also equiconsistent with the existence of a supercompact cardinal. The proof relies on a reflection characterization of supercompactness, namely, a cardinal κ is supercompact if and only if every Π11 sentence true in a structure M (of any size) containing κ in (...)
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  18. Trees and -subsets of ω1ω1.Alan Mekler & Jouko Vaananen - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (3):1052-1070.
    We study descriptive set theory in the space ω1 ω 1 by letting trees with no uncountable branches play a similar role as countable ordinals in traditional descriptive set theory. By using such trees, we get, for example, a covering property for the class of Π 1 1 -sets of ω1 ω 1 . We call a family U of trees universal for a class V of trees if $\mathscr{U} \subseteq \mathscr{V}$ and every tree in V can be order-preservingly mapped (...)
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  19.  75
    The strength of Mac Lane set theory.A. R. D. Mathias - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 110 (1-3):107-234.
    Saunders Mac Lane has drawn attention many times, particularly in his book Mathematics: Form and Function, to the system of set theory of which the axioms are Extensionality, Null Set, Pairing, Union, Infinity, Power Set, Restricted Separation, Foundation, and Choice, to which system, afforced by the principle, , of Transitive Containment, we shall refer as . His system is naturally related to systems derived from topos-theoretic notions concerning the category of sets, and is, as Mac Lane emphasises, one that is (...)
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  20.  45
    Semi-proper forcing, remarkable cardinals, and Bounded Martin's Maximum.Ralf Schindler - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):527-532.
    We show that L absoluteness for semi-proper forcings is equiconsistent with the existence of a remarkable cardinal, and hence by [6] with L absoluteness for proper forcings. By [7], L absoluteness for stationary set preserving forcings gives an inner model with a strong cardinal. By [3], the Bounded Semi-Proper Forcing Axiom is equiconsistent with the Bounded Proper Forcing Axiom , which in turn is equiconsistent with a reflecting cardinal. We show that Bounded Martin's Maximum is much stronger than BSPFA in (...)
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  21.  15
    Weakly remarkable cardinals, erdős cardinals, and the generic vopěnka principle.Trevor M. Wilson - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1711-1721.
    We consider a weak version of Schindler’s remarkable cardinals that may fail to be ${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting. We show that the ${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting weakly remarkable cardinals are exactly the remarkable cardinals, and that the existence of a non-${{\rm{\Sigma }}_2}$-reflecting weakly remarkable cardinal has higher consistency strength: it is equiconsistent with the existence of an ω-Erdős cardinal. We give an application involving gVP, the generic Vopěnka principle defined by Bagaria, Gitman, and Schindler. Namely, we show that gVP + “Ord is not ${{\rm{\Delta (...)
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  22.  55
    A marriage of Brouwer’s intuitionism and Hilbert’s finitism I: Arithmetic.Takako Nemoto & Sato Kentaro - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):437-497.
    We investigate which part of Brouwer’s Intuitionistic Mathematics is finitistically justifiable or guaranteed in Hilbert’s Finitism, in the same way as similar investigations on Classical Mathematics (i.e., which part is equiconsistent with$\textbf {PRA}$or consistent provably in$\textbf {PRA}$) already done quite extensively in proof theory and reverse mathematics. While we already knew a contrast from the classical situation concerning the continuity principle, more contrasts turn out: we show that several principles are finitistically justifiable or guaranteed which are classically not. Among them (...)
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  23.  77
    Reflecting stationary sets.Menachem Magidor - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (4):755-771.
    We prove that the statement "For every pair A, B, stationary subsets of ω 2 , composed of points of cofinality ω, there exists an ordinal α such that both A ∩ α and $B \bigcap \alpha$ are stationary subsets of α" is equiconsistent with the existence of weakly compact cardinal. (This completes results of Baumgartner and Harrington and Shelah.) We also prove, assuming the existence of infinitely many supercompact cardinals, the statement "Every stationary subset of ω ω + 1 (...)
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  24.  20
    On the consistency strength of level by level inequivalence.Arthur W. Apter - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):715-723.
    We show that the theories “ZFC \ There is a supercompact cardinal” and “ZFC \ There is a supercompact cardinal \ Level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness holds” are equiconsistent.
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  25.  91
    Greatly Erdős cardinals with some generalizations to the Chang and Ramsey properties.I. Sharpe & P. D. Welch - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (11):863-902.
    • We define a notion of order of indiscernibility type of a structure by analogy with Mitchell order on measures; we use this to define a hierarchy of strong axioms of infinity defined through normal filters, the α-weakly Erdős hierarchy. The filters in this hierarchy can be seen to be generated by sets of ordinals where these indiscernibility orders on structures dominate the canonical functions.• The limit axiom of this is that of greatly Erdős and we use it to calibrate (...)
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    Souslin forcing.Jaime I. Ihoda & Saharon Shelah - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1188-1207.
    We define the notion of Souslin forcing, and we prove that some properties are preserved under iteration. We define a weaker form of Martin's axiom, namely MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ), and using the results on Souslin forcing we show that MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ) is consistent with the existence of a Souslin tree and with the splitting number s = ℵ 1 . We prove that MA(Γ + ℵ 0 ) proves the additivity of measure. Also we introduce (...)
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  27. Axioms for Collections of Indistinguishable Objects.Décio Krause - 1996 - Logique Et Analyse 39 (153/154):69–93.
    The search for axioms like those of set theories for dealing with collections of indistinguishable elementary particles was posed by Yu. I. Manin, in 1974, as one of the important problems of present day researches on the foundations of mathematics. In this paper we presented a quasi-set theory which stands for a mathematical framework for dealing with collections of indistinguishable objects, whose ’intended interpretation’ is precisely the behaviour of elementary particles as described by non-relativistic quantum mechanics. A sketch of the (...)
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  28.  22
    CZF and second order arithmetic.Robert S. Lubarsky - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 141 (1):29-34.
    Constructive ZF + full separation is shown to be equiconsistent with Second Order Arithmetic.
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  29. Inner-Model Reflection Principles.Neil Barton, Andrés Eduardo Caicedo, Gunter Fuchs, Joel David Hamkins, Jonas Reitz & Ralf Schindler - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (3):573-595.
    We introduce and consider the inner-model reflection principle, which asserts that whenever a statement \varphi(a) in the first-order language of set theory is true in the set-theoretic universe V, then it is also true in a proper inner model W \subset A. A stronger principle, the ground-model reflection principle, asserts that any such \varphi(a) true in V is also true in some non-trivial ground model of the universe with respect to set forcing. These principles each express a form of width (...)
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    Cantorian Models of Predicative.Panagiotis Rouvelas - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):637-645.
    Tangled Type Theory was introduced by Randall Holmes in [3] as a new way of approaching the consistency problem for $\mathrm {NF}$. Although the task of finding models for this theory is far from trivial (considering it is equiconsistent with $\mathrm {NF}$ ), ways of constructing models for certain fragments of it have been discovered. In this article, we present a simpler way of constructing models of predicative Tangled Type Theory and consequently of predicative $\mathrm {NF}$. In these new models (...)
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  31.  19
    The consistency strength of the perfect set property for universally baire sets of reals.Ralf Schindler & Trevor M. Wilson - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):508-526.
    We show that the statement “every universally Baire set of reals has the perfect set property” is equiconsistent modulo ZFC with the existence of a cardinal that we call virtually Shelah for supercompactness. These cardinals resemble Shelah cardinals and Shelah-for-supercompactness cardinals but are much weaker: if $0^\sharp $ exists then every Silver indiscernible is VSS in L. We also show that the statement $\operatorname {\mathrm {uB}} = {\boldsymbol {\Delta }}^1_2$, where $\operatorname {\mathrm {uB}}$ is the pointclass of all universally Baire (...)
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    Stably measurable cardinals.Philip D. Welch - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):448-470.
    We define a weak iterability notion that is sufficient for a number of arguments concerning $\Sigma _{1}$ -definability at uncountable regular cardinals. In particular we give its exact consistency strength first in terms of the second uniform indiscernible for bounded subsets of $\kappa $ : $u_2$, and secondly to give the consistency strength of a property of Lücke’s.TheoremThe following are equiconsistent:There exists $\kappa $ which is stably measurable;for some cardinal $\kappa $, $u_2=\sigma $ ;The $\boldsymbol {\Sigma }_{1}$ -club property holds (...)
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  33.  52
    Tall cardinals.Joel D. Hamkins - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (1):68-86.
    A cardinal κ is tall if for every ordinal θ there is an embedding j: V → M with critical point κ such that j > θ and Mκ ⊆ M. Every strong cardinal is tall and every strongly compact cardinal is tall, but measurable cardinals are not necessarily tall. It is relatively consistent, however, that the least measurable cardinal is tall. Nevertheless, the existence of a tall cardinal is equiconsistent with the existence of a strong cardinal. Any tall cardinal (...)
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  34.  46
    Harrington’s principle in higher order arithmetic.Yong Cheng & Ralf Schindler - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):477-489.
    LetZ2,Z3, andZ4denote 2nd, 3rd, and 4thorder arithmetic, respectively. We let Harrington’s Principle, HP, denote the statement that there is a realxsuch that everyx-admissible ordinal is a cardinal inL. The known proofs of Harrington’s theorem “$Det\left$implies 0♯exists” are done in two steps: first show that$Det\left$implies HP, and then show that HP implies 0♯exists. The first step is provable inZ2. In this paper we show thatZ2+ HP is equiconsistent with ZFC and thatZ3+ HP is equiconsistent with ZFC + there exists a remarkable (...)
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  35.  29
    Weakly measurable cardinals.Jason A. Schanker - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (3):266-280.
    In this article, we introduce the notion of weakly measurable cardinal, a new large cardinal concept obtained by weakening the familiar concept of a measurable cardinal. Specifically, a cardinal κ is weakly measurable if for any collection equation image containing at most κ+ many subsets of κ, there exists a nonprincipal κ-complete filter on κ measuring all sets in equation image. Every measurable cardinal is weakly measurable, but a weakly measurable cardinal need not be measurable. Moreover, while the GCH cannot (...)
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  36.  53
    The equivalence of NF-Style set theories with "tangled" theories; the construction of ω-models of predicative NF (and more).M. Randall Holmes - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (1):178-190.
    An ω-model (a model in which all natural numbers are standard) of the predicative fragment of Quine's set theory "New Foundations" (NF) is constructed. Marcel Crabbe has shown that a theory NFI extending predicative NF is consistent, and the model constructed is actually a model of NFI as well. The construction follows the construction of ω-models of NFU (NF with urelements) by R. B. Jensen, and, like the construction of Jensen for NFU, it can be used to construct α-models for (...)
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  37. A simple maximality principle.Joel Hamkins - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):527-550.
    In this paper, following an idea of Christophe Chalons. I propose a new kind of forcing axiom, the Maximality Principle, which asserts that any sentence varphi holding in some forcing extension $V^P$ and all subsequent extensions $V^{P\ast Q}$ holds already in V. It follows, in fact, that such sentences must also hold in all forcing extensions of V. In modal terms, therefore, the Maximality Principle is expressed by the scheme $(\lozenge \square \varphi) \Rightarrow \square \varphi$ , and is equivalent to (...)
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    Strongly uplifting cardinals and the boldface resurrection axioms.Joel David Hamkins & Thomas A. Johnstone - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):1115-1133.
    We introduce the strongly uplifting cardinals, which are equivalently characterized, we prove, as the superstrongly unfoldable cardinals and also as the almost-hugely unfoldable cardinals, and we show that their existence is equiconsistent over ZFC with natural instances of the boldface resurrection axiom, such as the boldface resurrection axiom for proper forcing.
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    Generic Vopěnka cardinals and models of ZF with few 1\aleph _1 ℵ 1 -Suslin sets.Trevor M. Wilson - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):841-856.
    We define a generic Vopěnka cardinal to be an inaccessible cardinal \ such that for every first-order language \ of cardinality less than \ and every set \ of \-structures, if \ and every structure in \ has cardinality less than \, then an elementary embedding between two structures in \ exists in some generic extension of V. We investigate connections between generic Vopěnka cardinals in models of ZFC and the number and complexity of \-Suslin sets of reals in models (...)
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    Co-stationarity of the Ground Model.Natasha Dobrinen & Sy-David Friedman - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1029 - 1043.
    This paper investigates when it is possible for a partial ordering P to force Pκ(λ) \ V to be stationary in VP. It follows from a result of Gitik that whenever P adds a new real, then Pκ(λ) \ V is stationary in VP for each regular uncountable cardinal κ in VP and all cardinals λ > κ in VP [4]. However, a covering theorem of Magidor implies that when no new ω-sequences are added, large cardinals become necessary [7]. The (...)
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    A new condensation principle.Thoralf Räsch & Ralf Schindler - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (2):159-166.
    We generalize ∇(A), which was introduced in [Sch∞], to larger cardinals. For a regular cardinal κ>ℵ0 we denote by ∇ κ (A) the statement that and for all regular θ>κ, is stationary in It was shown in [Sch∞] that can hold in a set-generic extension of L. We here prove that can hold in a set-generic extension of L as well. In both cases we in fact get equiconsistency theorems. This strengthens results of [Rä00] and [Rä01]. is equivalent with (...)
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  42.  46
    Elementary descent recursion and proof theory.Harvey Friedman & Michael Sheard - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 71 (1):1-45.
    We define a class of functions, the descent recursive functions, relative to an arbitrary elementary recursive system of ordinal notations. By means of these functions, we provide a general technique for measuring the proof-theoretic strength of a variety of systems of first-order arithmetic. We characterize the provable well-orderings and provably recursive functions of these systems, and derive various conservation and equiconsistency results.
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    Russell's paradox of the totality of propositions.Nino B. Cocchiarella - 2000 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (1):25-37.
    Russell's "new contradiction" about "the totality of propositions" has been connected with a number of modal paradoxes. M. Oksanen has recently shown how these modal paradoxes are resolved in the set theory NFU. Russell's paradox of the totality of propositions was left unexplained, however. We reconstruct Russell's argument and explain how it is resolved in two intensional logics that are equiconsistent with NFU. We also show how different notions of possible worlds are represented in these intensional logics.
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    BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Sy-David Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1126-1136.
    If the bounded proper forcing axiom BPFA holds and ω 1 = ${\mathrm{\omega }}_{1}^{\mathrm{L}}$ , then there is a lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{1}$ well-ordering of the reals. The argument combines a well-ordering due to Caicedo-Veličković with an absoluteness result for models of MA in the spirit of "David's trick." We also present a general coding scheme that allows us to show that BPFA is equiconsistent with R being lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{4}^{1}$ , for many "consistently locally certified" relations R on $\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}$ . (...)
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    Making all cardinals almost Ramsey.Arthur W. Apter & Peter Koepke - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (7-8):769-783.
    We examine combinatorial aspects and consistency strength properties of almost Ramsey cardinals. Without the Axiom of Choice, successor cardinals may be almost Ramsey. From fairly mild supercompactness assumptions, we construct a model of ZF + ${\neg {\rm AC}_\omega}$ in which every infinite cardinal is almost Ramsey. Core model arguments show that strong assumptions are necessary. Without successors of singular cardinals, we can weaken this to an equiconsistency of the following theories: “ZFC + There is a proper class of regular (...)
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    Some applications of short core models.Peter Koepke - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 37 (2):179-204.
    We survey the definition and fundamental properties of the family of short core models, which extend the core model K of Dodd and Jensen to include α-sequences of measurable cardinals . The theory is applied to various combinatorial principles to get lower bounds for their consistency strengths in terms of the existence of sequences of measurable cardinals. We consider instances of Chang's conjecture, ‘accessible’ Jónsson cardinals, the free subset property for small cardinals, a canonization property of ω ω , and (...)
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  47. Solovay models and forcing extensions.Joan Bagaria & Roger Bosch - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):742-766.
    We study the preservation under projective ccc forcing extensions of the property of L(ℝ) being a Solovay model. We prove that this property is preserved by every strongly-̰Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing extension, and that this is essentially the optimal preservation result, i.e., it does not hold for Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing notions. We extend these results to the higher projective classes of ccc posets, and to the class of all projective ccc posets, using definably-Mahlo cardinals. As a consequence we obtain an exact (...)
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    The Combinatorics and Absoluteness of Definable Sets of Real Numbers.Zach Norwood - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):263-264.
    This thesis divides naturally into two parts, each concerned with the extent to which the theory of $L$ can be changed by forcing.The first part focuses primarily on applying generic-absoluteness principles to how that definable sets of reals enjoy regularity properties. The work in Part I is joint with Itay Neeman and is adapted from our paper Happy and mad families in $L$, JSL, 2018. The project was motivated by questions about mad families, maximal families of infinite subsets of $\omega (...)
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    Foundation of Mathematics between Theory and Practice.Giorgio Venturi - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18 (1):45-80.
    In this article I propose to look at set theory not only as a founda­tion of mathematics in a traditional sense, but as a foundation for mathemat­ical practice. For this purpose I distinguish between a standard, ontological, set theoretical foundation that aims to find a set theoretical surrogate to every mathematical object, and a practical one that tries to explain mathematical phenomena, giving necessary and sufficient conditions for the proof of mathematical propositions. I will present some example of this use (...)
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    The consistency strength of projective absoluteness.Kai Hauser - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74 (3):245-295.
    It is proved that in the absence of proper class inner models with Woodin cardinals, for each n ε {1,…,ω}, ∑3 + n1 absoluteness implies there are n strong cardinals in K (where this denotes a suitably defined global version of the core model for one Woodin cardinal as exposed by Steel. Combined with a forcing argument of Woodin, this establishes that the consistency strength of ∑3 + n1 absoluteness is exactly that of n strong cardinals so that in particular (...)
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