Results for ' evolution from agnostic to atheist ‐ gradual transformation'

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  1.  15
    Atheist out of the Foxhole.Joe Haldeman - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 187–190.
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    The Evolution of a National Research Funding System: Transformative Change Through Layering and Displacement.Kaare Aagaard - 2017 - Minerva 55 (3):279-297.
    This article outlines the evolution of a national research funding system over a timespan of more than 40 years and analyzes the development from a rather stable Humboldt-inspired floor funding model to a complex multi-tiered system where new mechanisms continually have been added on top of the system. Based on recent contributions to Historical Institutionalism it is shown how layering and displacement processes gradually have changed the funding system along a number of dimensions and thus how a series (...)
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  3. The Evolution of Consciousness and the Individuation Process.David Johnston - 1996 - Dissertation, Pacifica Graduate Institute
    This dissertation is a heuristic and hermeneutic research paper on the evolution of consciousness and the individuation process. I begin by examining the question of the evolution of consciousness and its significance regarding individuation in the work of four different authors: Jung, Neumann, Sri Aurobindo, and Gebser. I then study the nature of the development of the Western mind since the period of the Greek philosophers up to postmodernism and beyond. Finally, I discuss the meaning of the individuation (...)
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    The Poetic Theology of Cho-Gye Kim: An Analysis of Social Criticism and Ideological Evolution Through Philosophical and Religious Lenses.Zhang Wen-Juan - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):239-254.
    Cho-Gye Kim's poetry, spanning from 1931 to 1945, captures the quintessential experience of colonial subjugation, marked by a profound sense of pessimism and oppression. Yet, despite the thematic continuity of despair, a significant transformation in emotional expression is evident in his works before and after his immigration. This transition—from a loss of spirit, through escapism, to a renewed engagement with reality and eventual revival of spirit—illustrates a profound spiritual journey. Kim's poetry evolved from expressing the melancholy (...)
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    The Contemporary Evolution and Reform of Utilitarianism.Shuyang Liu - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book is a monograph on contemporary utilitarianism, focusing on its evolving path and logic. It describes the evolution of utilitarianism from the classical model to the contemporary model and then summarizes the characteristics of contemporary utilitarianism, revealing its advantages and disadvantages. This book points out that the best characteristic of contemporary utilitarianism is to give up traditional view of individualism and take balanced attitude to the relationship between individual and community. The change makes the goal of contemporary (...)
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  6. The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain.Robert L. Solso - 2003 - MIT Press.
    How did the human brain evolve so that consciousness of art could develop? In The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, Robert Solso describes how a consciousness that evolved for other purposes perceives and creates art.Drawing on his earlier book Cognition and the Visual Arts and ten years of new findings in cognitive research, Solso shows that consciousness developed gradually, with distinct components that evolved over time. One of these components is an adaptive consciousness that (...)
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    Brand social functions in the age of digital transformation.Ekaterina Milyaeva - 2022 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:16-25.
    Introduction. Digital transformation transforms all spheres of society. Digital technologies are gradually changing the interaction between producers and consumers, creating new forms of communication. The priorities of individual consumption have become of greater importance for public relations. Consumption is being individualized as the consumption of meanings, and not just the functions of things and services. Prosumers are being emerged, joint and responsible consumer practices — sharing, recycling, etc. are being spread. In the context of digitalization, the need for a (...)
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    Constructing objects and transforming experimental systems.Juha Tuunainen - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (1):78-105.
    : The main contribution of this paper for social studies of scientific practice is to use and further elaborate the concept of experimental system. It is expanded from mere epistemic concerns to also incorporate the built-in practicality and societal relevance of scientific research. For this, an analysis of object construction by a potato-biotechnology research group is presented. The group's object of activity is conceptualized as a dual one comprising both the epistemic and applied objectives. The application object points to (...)
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    Transforming Good Intentions into Social Impact: A Case on the Creation and Evolution of a Social Enterprise.Elizabeth A. R. Fowler, Betty S. Coffey & Heather R. Dixon-Fowler - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):665-678.
    Process models are valuable conceptual tools to help in understanding the approaches to value creation in social enterprises. This teaching case illustrates the application of a process model about creating, building, and sustaining a social enterprise with a mission to provide clean water to communities in need. The social enterprise generates revenue in support of community water projects and works with community stakeholders in different locations throughout the world to provide sustainable clean water solutions. The case study uses primary data (...)
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  10.  27
    Original Sin Revisited: A Recent Proposal on Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution.Reinhard Hütter - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):693-732.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Sin Revisited:A Recent Proposal on Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of EvolutionReinhard Hütter"For some years now, the theological layman has been surprised to note that in Catholic preaching, as well as in the theological literature that comes to his attention, there is either hardly any mention of the peccatum originale, or that this doctrine is even explicitly dismissed—with suppression of the canons of the Council of (...)
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    Faith for atheists and agnostics.Wallace A. Murphree - 1991 - Sophia 30 (2-3):59-70.
    In this paper I challenge both the contemporary secular view that religious faith is not a virtue, and also the contemporary theistic view that religious faith is a virtue that is unavailable to nonbelievers. Although these views appear reasonable from the respective sides when faith is interpreted as belief, if faith is understood to be the entrusting of one’s ultimate concerns to whatever powers are in control (as I suggest), then such faith, with its accompanying ‘freedom from bondage’ (...)
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  12.  15
    The Evolution of Atheism: The Politics of a Modern Movement.Stephen LeDrew - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of evolution is widely considered to be a foundational building block in atheist thought. Leaders of the New Atheist movement have taken Darwin's work and used it to diminish the authority of religious institutions and belief systems. But they have also embraced it as a metaphor for the gradual replacement of religious faith with secular reason. They have posed as harbingers of human progress, claiming the moral high ground, and rejecting with intolerance any message (...)
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  13.  25
    The Gradual Evolution of Language.Michael C. Corballis - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    Language is commonly held to be unique to humans, and to have emerged suddenly in a single “great leap forward” within the past 100,000 years. The view is profoundly anti-Darwinian, and I propose instead a framework for understanding how language might have evolved incrementally from our primate heritage. One major proposition is that language evolved from manual action, with vocalization emerging as the dominant mode late in hominin evolution. The second proposition has to do with the role (...)
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  14.  76
    The Metaphysics of Evolution: From Aquinas’s Interpretation of Augustine’s Concept of Rationes Seminales to the Contemporary Thomistic Account of Species Transformism.Mariusz Tabaczek - 2020 - Nova et Vetera 3 (18):945-972.
    Augustine’s use of the concept of rationes seminales in his interpretation of Genesis 1 and 2 enabled him to assert that although God created everything instantaneously, in the initial state of the universe all species were present in the potency of the primordial matter, to be actualized at the consecutive stages of the history of its transformations and development. Despite its interpretation as evolutionary in the writings of Mivart, Zahm, and Dorlodot, Augustine’s model did not, in fact, assume a (...) transformation of one species into another – which became the main objection from the point of view of the advocates of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Moreover, the possibility (if not necessity) of direct divine interventions in the unfolding of rationes seminales made Augustine’s notion of creation even more inadequate in its encounter with modern biology and the philosophical reflection it inspires. This article critically analyzes Aquinas’s use of Augustine’s concept of rationes seminales and develops a constructive proposal of the Thomistic metaphysics of evolutionary transformism – based on Aquinas’s embracement of Aristotle’s moderate realism about universals, including species, grounded in hylomorphic metaphysics of substance. (shrink)
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    Science, Evolution, and Religion: A Debate about Atheism and Theism.Michael L. Peterson & Michael Ruse - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The science-religion debate is a hot topic in academic circles and contemporary culture, and evolution makes the subject particularly contentious. Does modern science tip the scales toward atheism? Or does religion have resources to support its credibility and relevance? And how does evolution influence both worldviews? Comprehensive, balanced, and engaging, Science, Evolution, and Religion provides a dynamic yet respectful introduction to the science-religion debate, framed as a conflict between theism and atheism and structured around the impact of (...)
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    Abandoning Evolution: The Forgotten History of Antievolution Activism and the Transformation of American Social Science.Michael Lienesch - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):687-709.
    From its inception, antievolution activism has been aimed not only at the natural sciences but also, and almost as often, at the social sciences. Although almost entirely overlooked by scholars, this activism played a significant part in the development of American social science in the early twentieth century. Analyzing public writings and private papers of antievolution activists, academic social scientists, and university officials from the 1920s, this essay recalls this forgotten history, showing how antievolution activism contributed to the (...)
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  17.  22
    Gradually Adaptive Frameworks: Reasonable Disagreement and the Evolution of Evaluative Systems in Music Education.Stanley Haskins - 2013 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 21 (2):197.
    The concept of “gradually adaptive frameworks” is introduced as a model with the potential to describe the evolution of belief evaluative systems through the consideration of reasonable arguments and evidence. This concept is demonstrated through an analysis of specific points of disagreement between David Elliott’s praxial philosophy and Bennett Reimer’s aesthetic philosophy. A parallel case of disagreement is introduced from the literature of contemporary epistemology. This case, comprised of a disagreement between Thomas Kelly and Richard Feldman, deals explicitly (...)
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  18. Evolution and atheism: Has Griffin reconciled science and religion?James H. Fetzer - 2011 - Synthese 178 (2):381 - 396.
    The distinguished theologian, David Ray Griffin, has advanced a set of thirteen theses intended to characterize (what he calls) "Neo-Darwinism" and which he contrasts with "Intelligent Design". Griffin maintains that Neo-Darwinism is "atheistic" in forgoing a creator but suggests that, by adopting a more modest scientific naturalism and embracing a more naturalistic theology, it is possible to find "a third way" that reconciles religion and science. The considerations adduced here suggest that Griffin has promised more than he can deliver. On (...)
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    The Problem with God: Why Atheists, True Believers, and Even Agnostics Must All Be Wrong.Peter Steinberger - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Whether people praise, worship, criticize, or reject God, they all presuppose at least a rough notion of what it means to talk about God. Turning the certainty of this assumption on its head, Steinberger shows that when we are talking about God, we are in fact talking about nothing at all -- there is literally no such idea -- and so all of the arugments we hear from atheists, true believers, and agnostics are and will always be self-defeating.
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  20. Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: a Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Quang-Khiem Bui, Viet-Phuong La, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Toan Ho, Hong-Kong T. Nguyen, Hong-Ngoc Nguyen, Kien-Cuong P. Nghiem & Manh-Tung Ho - 2019 - Social Sciences and Humanities Open 1 (1):100001.
    The study of cultural evolution has taken on an increasingly interdisciplinary and diverse approach in explicating phenomena of cultural transmission and adoptions. Inspired by this computational movement, this study uses Bayesian networks analysis, combining both the frequentist and the Hamiltonian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, to investigate the highly representative elements in the cultural evolution of a Vietnamese city’s architecture in the early 20th century. With a focus on the façade design of 68 old houses in Hanoi’s (...)
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  21.  9
    Images of Soviet and Russian Monumental Sculpture as a reflection of State Ideology: transformation of functions and evolution of Meanings.Юань С - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:194-208.
    The article is devoted to the study of Soviet and Russian monumental sculpture in historical dynamics, namely: in the period from the 1920s to the beginning of the XXI century. The aim is to determine the degree and nature of the influence of political propaganda and agitation on the production of monumental sculpture throughout the existence of the USSR and in post-Soviet, in particular in modern Russia. It is known that this type of art, due to its essential characteristics, (...)
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    Evolution of Annular Self-controlled Electron–Nucleus Collapse in Condensed Targets.S. V. Adamenko & V. I. Vysotskii - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1801-1831.
    We considered peculiarities of the evolution of a region with sharp boundaries that is filled with a partially ionized plasma and is a part of the volume of a condensed target. The creation of such a region in the near-surface layer of the target can be related to the action of an external impulse symmetric ionizator or to the action of an intense small-extension shock wave on the target surface. We defined the conditions such that their fulfilment during the (...)
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    Somatic Transformations in the Context of Antropotechnogynesis at the Modern Stage.І. Р Pecheranskyi - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:52-60.
    Purpose. The main purpose of the article is the analysis of the phenomenon and manifestations of the somatic transformations in the context of anthropo-technological evolution at the beginning of the XXI century. Theoretical basis. The author determines the understanding of the concept "somatic transformations" in the frames of anthropotechnogynesis is possible only on the base of integrative approach and combination of post-non-classical scientific paradigm methodology, theory of the technological development, ideas of trans-humanism, informative society concepts, and net technologies influence (...)
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    Evolution of direct‐developing larvae: selection vs loss.Margaret Snoke Smith, Kirk S. Zigler & Rudolf A. Raff - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (6):566-571.
    Observations of a sea urchin larvae show that most species adopt one of two life history strategies. One strategy is to make numerous small eggs, which develop into a larva with a required feeding period in the water column before metamorphosis. In contrast, the second strategy is to make fewer large eggs with a larva that does not feed, which reduces the time to metamorphosis and thus the time spent in the water column. The larvae associated with each strategy have (...)
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  25.  61
    Evolution: the remarkable history of a scientific theory.Edward John Larson - 2004 - New York: Modern Library.
    “I often said before starting, that I had no doubt I should frequently repent of the whole undertaking.” So wrote Charles Darwin aboard The Beagle , bound for the Galapagos Islands and what would arguably become the greatest and most controversial discovery in scientific history. But the theory of evolution did not spring full-blown from the head of Darwin. Since the dawn of humanity, priests, philosophers, and scientists have debated the origin and development of life on earth, and (...)
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    Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious heredity.Nathalie Gontier (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    Written for non-experts, this volume introduces the mechanisms that underlie reticulate evolution. Chapters are either accompanied with glossaries that explain new terminology or timelines that position pioneering scholars and their major discoveries in their historical contexts. The contributing authors outline the history and original context of discovery of symbiosis, symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer, hybridization or divergence with gene flow, and infectious heredity. By applying key insights from the areas of molecular (phylo)genetics, microbiology, virology, ecology, systematics, immunology, epidemiology and (...)
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  27. God, Design, and Evolution: A Teleological Argument for Atheism.Raymond D. Bradley - unknown
    Many things in the natural world work so well that they seem to have been designed. But by what? Could nature itself, by processes including those of evolution, be the designer? Or must their complex structure and function be attributed to some intelligent designer or God? Is natural design compatible with intelligent design? How good is the argument from the presence of design to an intelligent designer? And if we could legitimately infer the probable existence of an intelligent (...)
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    Evolution of religious capacity in the genus homo: Cognitive time sequence.Margaret Boone Rappaport & Christopher Corbally - 2018 - Zygon 53 (1):159-197.
    Intrigued by the possible paths that the evolution of religious capacity may have taken, the authors identify a series of six major building blocks that form a foundation for religious capacity in genus Homo. Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens idaltu are examined for early signs of religious capacity. Then, after an exploration of human plasticity and why it is so important, the analysis leads to a final building block that characterizes only Homo sapiens sapiens, beginning 200,000–400,000 years ago, when (...)
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    Historical evolution of the concept of homotopic paths.Ria Vanden Eynde - 1992 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 45 (2):127-188.
    The historical evolution of the homotopy concept for paths illustrates how the introduction of a concept (be it implicit or explicit) depends upon the interests of the mathematicians concerned and how it gradually acquires a more satisfactory definition. In our case the equivalence of paths first meant for certain mathematicians that they led to the same value of the integral of a given function or that they led to the same value of a multiple-valued function. (See for instance [Cau], (...)
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    The rise and evolution of Korean Christian foreign missions and political interaction.Yong Qian & Yinji Zhao - 2025 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (2):7.
    Korea has seen remarkable development into a key worldwide missionary force since the advent of Christianity in the late 19th century. Building upon this context, the objective of this article is to explore the historical and practical consequences of the increase in Korean Christian overseas missionary endeavours and their relationship with politics. The article emphasises the pivotal significance of political elements in the transition from quantitative to qualitative transformations in Korean Christian missionary movements. For this purpose, the study takes (...)
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  31. Self-Knowledge, Transformation and Redemption (Ch.9 in "Our Other Mind").Barry Klein - manuscript
    This process is the transformation of the self, even to the extent that we no longer recognize ourselves although, oddly, something in us will then recognize our ‘new’ self as being what we really are, or at least what we started out to be. Then, in a way, we are like the seedling of some wonderful tree which has been overtaken by a parasitic plant until very little of the original tree is recognizable – it may have become dwarfed, (...)
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  32.  9
    The Evolution of Culture.Stefan Paul Linquist (ed.) - 2010 - Ashgate.
    Recent years have seen a transformation in thinking about the nature of culture. Rather than viewing culture in opposition to biology, a growing number of researchers now regard culture as subject to evolutionary processes. Recent developments in this field have shifted some of the traditional academic fault lines. Alliances are forming between researchers trained in anthropology, evolutionary biology, psychology and philosophy. Meanwhile, several distinct schools of thought have appeared which differ in their vision of what an evolutionary approach to (...)
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  33.  40
    Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture.Ethan Gordon, Federico Davila & Chris Riedy - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):809-826.
    Agriculture occupies 38% of the planet’s terrestrial surface, using 70% of freshwater resources. Its modern practice is dominated by an industrial–productivist discourse, which has contributed to the simplification and degradation of human and ecological systems. As such, agricultural transformation is essential for creating more sustainable food systems. This paper focuses on discursive change. A prominent discursive alternative to industrial–productivist agriculture is regenerative agriculture. Regenerative discourses are emergent, radically evolving and diverse. It is unclear whether they have the potential to (...)
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    Evolution Born of Moisture: Analogies and Parallels Between Anaximander’s Ideas on Origin of Life and Man and Later Pre-Darwinian and Darwinian Evolutionary Concepts.Radim Kočandrle & Karel Kleisner - 2013 - Journal of the History of Biology 46 (1):103-124.
    This study focuses on the origin of life as presented in the thought of Anaximander of Miletus but also points to some parallel motifs found in much later conceptions of both the pre-Darwinian German romantic science and post-Darwinian biology. According to Anaximander, life originated in the moisture associated with earth (mud). This moist environment hosted the first living creatures that later populated the dry land. In these descriptions, one can trace the earliest hints of the notion of environmental adaptation. The (...)
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    The evolution and development of culture.Yuval Laor & Eva Jablonka - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (2):290-299.
    In his thought-provoking book, Alex Mesoudi argues for an evolutionary, unifying framework for the social sciences, which is based on the principles of Darwinian theory. Mesoudi maintains that cultural change can be illuminated by using the genotype-phenotype distinction, and that it is sufficiently similar to biological change to warrant a theory of culture-change based on evolutionary models. He describes examples of cultural microevolution, within-population changes, and the biologically inspired population genetics models used to study them. He also shows that some (...)
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  36. The Evolution of Husserl’s Semiotics: The Logical Investigations and its Revisions (1901-1914).Thomas Byrne - 2018 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 14:1-23.
    This paper offers a more comprehensive and accurate picture of Edmund Husserl’s semiotics. I not only clarify, as many have already done, Husserl’s theory of signs from the 1901 Logical Investigations, but also examine how he transforms that element of his philosophy in the 1913/14 Revisions to the Sixth Logical Investigation. Specifically, the paper examines the evolution of two central tenets of Husserl’s semiotics. I first look at how he modifies his classification of signs. I disclose why he (...)
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  37.  11
    The evolution of knowledge: rethinking science for the Anthropocene.Jürgen Renn - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Jürgen Renn examines the role of knowledge in global transformations going back to the dawn of civilization while providing vital perspectives on the complex challenges confronting us today in the Anthropocene--this new geological epoch shaped by humankind. Renn reframes the history of science and technology within a much broader history of knowledge, analyzing key episodes such as the evolution of writing, the emergence of science in the ancient world, the Scientific Revolution of early modernity, the globalization of knowledge, industrialization, (...)
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    Human Evolution: the Limits of Technocentrism.M. I. Boichenko - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:15-22.
    The purpose of this article is to define the limits of technocentrism through the analysis of the limiting opportunities of technique and technology from certain value positions. Theoretical basis. The philosophical anthropology of Helmut Plessner was the research methodology. Originality. The institutional use of technology gives it the character of a social phenomenon and turns it into technology. The ability of individuals, which is aimed at achieving a certain goal with the help of certain sustainable techniques, is not yet (...)
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    The evolution of consciousness.Max Velmans - 2010 - In Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes, Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 261-272.
    There have been various attempts to apply Darwinian evolutionary theory to an understanding of the human condition within psychology and the social sciences. This paper evaluates whether Darwinian Theory can explain human consciousness. Starting with a brief definition of phenomenal consciousness and the central features of evolutionary theory, the paper examines whether random variations in the genome that confer a selective, reproductive advantage can explain both the emergence of consciousness and its varied forms. To inform the discussion, the paper reviews (...)
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    Conceptual Evolution of Newtonian and Relativistic Mechanics.Amitabha Ghosh - 2018 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book provides an introduction to Newtonian and relativistic mechanics. Unlike other books on the topic, which generally take a 'top-down' approach, it follows a novel system to show how the concepts of the 'science of motion' evolved through a veritable jungle of intermediate ideas and concepts. Starting with Aristotelian philosophy, the text gradually unravels how the human mind slowly progressed towards the fundamental ideas of inertia physics. The concepts that now appear so obvious to even a high school student (...)
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    Cognitive Innovation, Cumulative Cultural Evolution, and Enculturation.Regina E. Fabry - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (5):375-395.
    Cognitive innovation has shaped and transformed our cognitive capacities throughout history. Until recently, cognitive innovation has not received much attention by empirical and conceptual research in the cognitive sciences. This paper is a first attempt to help close this gap. It will be argued that cognitive innovation is best understood in connection with cumulative cultural evolution and enculturation. Cumulative cultural evolution plays a vital role for the inter-generational transmission of the products of cognitive innovation. Furthermore, there are at (...)
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  42.  48
    The portable atheist: essential readings for the nonbeliever.Christopher Hitchens (ed.) - 2007 - Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo.
    Despite the mistaken use of the label "New Atheists," there is a lot of continuity over the past couple of centuries among atheist authors in their critiques of religion, theism, and superstition. Not every argument is identical, and even when the same basic argument is being offered there can be variety in how it is presented. This evolution of atheist critiques of supernatural religion is one of the virtues of Christopher Hitchens' book The Portable Atheist: Essential (...)
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    Effect of academic degree and discipline on religious beliefs and evolution acceptance: Survey at a chilean university.César Marín & Guillermo DʾElía - 2016 - Zygon 51 (2):277-292.
    Affiliation with a scientific area or degree program could affect one´s religious beliefs and acceptance of evolution; however, this issue has been poorly studied. Moreover, little information is available regarding Chilean university scientists’ views on religion and evolution. This study aims to provide the first documentation of the opinion of scientists at a Chilean University with regard to religion and evolution. This was done by conducting a personal survey of first and last year undergraduate students, graduate students, (...)
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    The Evolution of Pragmatism in India: Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction by Scott R. Stroud (review).Albert R. Spencer - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (4):456-462.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Evolution of Pragmatism in India: Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction by Scott R. StroudAlbert R. SpencerBy Scott R. StroudThe Evolution of Pragmatism in India: Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Rhetoric of Reconstruction Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2023. 302 pp., incl. indexMore scholarly attention needs to be paid to the mutual influences between Asian and American thought, especially with regards to (...)
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  45. Evolution's Arrow: the direction of evolution and the future of humanity.John E. Stewart - 2000 - Canberra: The Chapman Press.
    Evolution's Arrow argues that evolution is directional and progressive, and that this has major consequences for humanity. Without resort to teleology, the book demonstrates that evolution moves in the direction of producing cooperative organisations of greater scale and evolvability - evolution has organised molecular processes into cells, cells into organisms, and organisms into societies. The book founds this position on a new theory of the evolution of cooperation. It shows that self-interest at the level of (...)
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  46.  16
    Evolution of Society in the Light of the Philosophy of Technology.Александр Юрьевич Нестеров, Антон Владимирович Дорошин, Артем Владимирович Никоноров & Виктор Александрович Сойфер - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (2):7-32.
    The article provides the general opinion of philosophers, scientists, and engineers heading institutes and centers of Samara National Research University regarding the issues of scientific and technological progress, social management problems under the condition of digital reality, human functions in new artificial environments. The technology is classically understood as satisfaction of human needs through the ability to apply knowledge of the laws of universe or nature in the broad sense. With advances in technology, the artificial human environment, the metacosmos, emerges. (...)
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  47.  33
    Evolution as a Solution: Franco Andrea Bonelli, Lamarck, and the Origin of Man in Early-Nineteenth-Century Italy.Fabio Forgione - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (4):521-548.
    Franco Andrea Bonelli, a disciple of Lamarck, was one of the few naturalists who taught and disseminated transformism in Italy in the early nineteenth century. The explanation of the history of life on Earth offered by Lamarck’s theory was at odds with the Genesis narrative, while the issue of man’s place in nature raised heated debates. Bonelli sought to reconcile science and religion through his original interpretation of the variability of species, but he also focused on anthropological subjects. Following Blumenbach’s (...)
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  48. Human Evolution in the Ideas of Transhumanism.Т Кісельова - 2020 - Philosophical Horizons 44:93-104.
    In this article author analyzes the idea of human evolution through scientific and technological progress. She reveals the peculiarity of the interpretation of the concept of «Transhumanism» and its relationship with the idea of continuous human evolution. Transhumanism is characterized as an all-scientific and interdisciplinary movement whose aspiration and ambition is to transform human nature through such radical technological interventions. Author indicates which scientific achievements and projects the transhumanist concept of human development is based on, considering the development (...)
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    Species, Humans, and Transformations.Enoch Lambert - unknown
    Do biological species have essences? The debate over this question in philosophy of biology exhibits fundamental confusion both between and within authors. In What to Salvage from the Species Essentialism Debate, I argue that the best way forward is to drop the question and its terms in order to make progress on two issues: how to individuate species taxa; and how to make sense of changes in explanatory frameworks across the Darwinian historical divide. I further argue that a primary (...)
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  50. Evolution of the Latin American Carnival.Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz & Pamela Renai Della Rena - 1978 - Diogenes 26 (104):49-65.
    Carnival was brought to the New World by Spanish and Portuguese colonizers, and it has been preserved there up to our day, although in the meantime it has almost disappeared from the countries where it originated. One asks oneself if Carnival has kept its original characteristics over the years, or if it instead has been transformed, and if so, how. The ethnological and cultural variety present in Latin America leads us to think that there must have been an (...) over the years, and that Carnival should show some signs of acculturation. It is the examination of these two points that will be the subject of our study. (shrink)
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