Results for ' formalism, art as a result of working together'

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  1.  36
    Are Tattoos Art?Nicolas Michaud - 2012 - In Fritz Allhoff & Robert Arp, Tattoos – Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 29–37.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Nice Tattoo What is Art? Art World Theory: Art is Participation in the Art World Formalism: Art is the Result of Formal Properties Working Together Expressionism: Art Elicits an Emotional Response from the Viewer What Do These Theories Accomplish for Tattoos? Tattoos as Performance Art The Human Canvas Tattoos, Mortality, and Deep Meaning.
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    Living and Working Together in Organizations: Traces and Ways.Caterina Gozzoli - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):222-233.
    This article explores the state of the art in relation to the theme of living and working together in organizations and proposes a new theoretical model. A thorough examination of literature highlights that there are almost no works specifically coping with this theme, defining its theoretical perspective and specifying the choice of proposed indicators. Several, instead, are the works indirectly dealing with living and working together in organizations, mostly considered equivalent to the quality of interpersonal relationships, (...)
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    Asymmetry, Essentialism, and Covert Cultural Imperialism: Should Buddhists and Christians Do Theoretical Work Together?Grace G. Burford - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:147-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Asymmetry, Essentialism, and Covert Cultural Imperialism: Should Buddhists and Christians Do Theoretical Work Together?Grace G. BurfordMeaningful dialogue among Buddhists and Christians on any topic—theological or otherwise—requires the participation of open-minded and mutually respectful Buddhists and Christians. It is just such Christians and Buddhists who founded the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS), and it is this society's ongoing commitment to a balance of Buddhists and Christians, as well as (...)
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    Framework for enhancing online working-together relations.Mousa Abu Kashef, Athula Ginige & Ana Hol - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (4):357-380.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper was to develop a framework of working-together relations and investigate ways to enhance working-together relations among people, organisations, communities and neighbourhoods using working-together applications. Today, people in communities, neighbourhoods and constituencies often work together in a coalition of public, private and non-profit institutions. The technology used today has enabled new forms of communications and collaboration. The rapid growth of mobile technologies and interactive, collaborative applications based on Web technologies (...)
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    Alfred Schutz and Herbert Simon: Can their Action Theories Work Together?Marco Castellani - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (4):383-404.
    This paper combines Alfred Shultz and Herbert Simon's theories of action in order to understand the grey area between dynamic and completely unstructured decision making better. As a result I have put together a specific scheme of how choice elements are represented from an agent's personal experience, so as to create a bridge between the phenomenological and cognitive-procedural approaches of decision making. I first look at the key points of their original models relating Alfred Schutz's “provinces of meaning” (...)
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  6.  83
    Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa.Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):79 - 89.
    This paper examines six cross-sector partnerships in South Africa and Zambia. These partnerships were part of a research study undertaken between 2003 and 2005 and were selected because of their potential to contribute to poverty reduction in their respective countries. This paper examines the context in which the partnerships were established, their governance and accountability mechanisms and the engagement and participation of the partners and the intended beneficiaries in the partnerships. We argue that a partnership approach which has proven successful (...)
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    Formalism and Virtuosity: Franco-Burgundian Poetry, Music, and Visual Art, 1470-1520.Jonathan Beck - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (4):644-667.
    Let us look first at poetry. It is well known that by the fifteenth century, lyric poetry had undergone a radical transformation; the early lyric fluidity and formal variability had hardened into the nonlyric and even, some maintain, antilyric forms fixes which characterize the poetic formalism of late medieval France. Dispensing with the details of how and why this occurred, the essential point is that by the end of the Middle Ages, the poet in France and Burgundy saw himself as (...)
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    Formalism and the Consumable Arts.David E. W. Fenner - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Research 33:127-141.
    In a series of recent papers, Professor Nick Zangwill has returned our attention to the merits of aesthetic formalism. In this paper, I seek to support formalism as an approach to understanding what counts as an aesthetic property by considering how this approach serves to illuminate identity conditions and critical assessment of a subset of allographic works of art I label “consumable”; these are works that exist as token art objects (as contrasted with art works) only within thetemporal duration of (...)
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    Art and aesthetics at work.Adrian Carr & Philip Hancock (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Over the last decade, aesthetic and art theory has played an increasingly significant role in the way work and its organization has come to be understood. Bringing together the work of an international spectrum of academics, this collection contributes, in an overall more critical vein, to such emerging debates. Combining both empirical and theoretical material, each chapter re-evaluates the emerging relationship between art, aesthetics, and work, exploring its potential as both a medium of critical analysis, and as a site (...)
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  10.  23
    Work schedule flexibility and teleworking were not good together during COVID-19 when testing their effects on work overload and mental health.Jesús Yeves, Mariana Bargsted & Cristian Torres-Ochoa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has driven organizations to implement various flexible work arrangements. Due to a lack of longitudinal studies, there is currently no consensus in specialized literature regarding the consequences of flexible work arrangements on employee mental health, as well any long term potential impacts. Using the Job Demand-Resource Model, this study documents consequences of the implementation of two types of flexible work arrangement: work schedule flexibility and teleworking on employee mental health over time, and the mediating role played by (...)
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  11.  75
    From Formalism to Psychology: Metaphilosophical Shifts in Wilfrid Sellars’s Early Works.Peter Olen - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (1):24-63.
    When discussing Wilfrid Sellars’s philosophy, very little work has been done to offer a developmental account of his systematic views. More often than not, Sellars’s complex views are presented in a systematic and holistic fashion that ignores any periodization of his work. I argue that there is a metaphilosophical shift in Sellars’s early philosophy that results in substantive changes to his conception of language, linguistic rules, and normativity. Specifically, I claim that Sellars’s shift from a formalist metaphilosophy to one more (...)
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  12.  22
    Coordinated Enactment: How Organizational Departments Work Together to Implement CSR.David Risi, Christopher Wickert & Tommaso Ramus - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (4):745-786.
    Research on the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has revealed the critical role of CSR departments vis-à-vis functional departments. While both CSR and functional departments influence CSR implementation, the question of how they work together remains underexamined. We address this question by mobilizing and merging two complementary yet separate perspectives on CSR implementation: “coordination” and “enactment.” Building on a comparative case study involving seven large Swiss financial institutions that have established CSR departments and implemented CSR to varying extents, (...)
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  13.  39
    Living Together in an Ecological Community.David E. Schrader - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (18):43-52.
    Environmental ethics uniquely challenges us to re-examine the foundations of ethical thought. Ethical frameworks that focus on individual ethical agents and ethical patients, ignoring their status as parts of interrelated communities, lead to strongly counterintuitive results in important cases. Ideas only hinted at in Aldo Leopold’s idea of “land ethic” can be developed fruitfully by extending a pragmatist ethical framework drawn from the work of William James. Such a framework is not without difficulties, but does offer a potentially valuable way (...)
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  14.  17
    Interdisciplinary Works in Logic, Epistemology, Psychology and Linguistics: Dialogue, Rationality, and Formalism.Manuel Rebuschi, Gerhard Heinzmann Martine Batt, Michel Musiol Franck Lihoreau & Alain Trognon (eds.) - 2014 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book presents comparisons of recent accounts in the formalization of natural language with informal conceptions of interaction that have been developed in both psychology and epistemology. There are four parts which explore: historical and systematic studies; the formalization of context in epistemology; the formalization of reasoning in interactive contexts in psychology; the formalization of pathological conversations. Part one discusses the Erlangen School, which proposed a logical analysis of science as well as an operational reconstruction of psychological concepts. These first (...)
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  15. ‘‘‘Hegel, Formalism, and Robert Turner’s Ceramic Art’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 1997 - Jahrbuch für Hegelforschung 3:259–283.
    Hegel’s aesthetic ideal is the perfect integration of form and content within a work of art. This ideal is incompatible with the predominant 20th-century principle of formalist criticism, that form is the sole important factor in a work of art. Although the formalist dichotomy between form and content has been criticized on philosophical grounds, that does not suffice to justify Hegel’s ideal. Justifying Hegel’s ideal requires detailed art criticism that shows how form and content are, and why they should be, (...)
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  16.  39
    When Training Becomes Incentive for Generative Living and Working Together in Organizations.Daniela Frascaroli, Caterina Gozzoli & Chiara D'Angelo - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):304-318.
    This article has come about from two considerations: on one hand, living together in a work environment is becoming more and more challenging; on the other, training professionals at work represents a used and relevant action incentive in order to support and improve individual, group, and organizational development. In light of the fact that organizations are asking more and more complex questions, this work aims at developing a reflection on how adopting a certain perspective and educational method is particularly (...)
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  17.  37
    When emotion and cognition do work together: Delusions as emotional and executive dysfunctions.Valentina Petrolini - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
    In this commentary, I argue that the cognitive-emotional framework put forward by Pessoa (2013) can be successfully applied to psychopathology and, in particular, to the reasoning of delusional subjects. More specifically, I show that the notion of executive competition offers a significant contribution to the idea that delusions may involve both executive and emotional dysfunctions.
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    Roger Penrose: Collected Works: Volume 4: 1981-1989.Roger Penrose - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes. Among the new developments that occurred during this period was the introduction of a particular notion of 'quasi-local mass-momentum and angular momentum', the topic of Penrose's Royal (...)
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  19.  42
    How do Humans Overcome Individual Computational Limitations by Working Together?Natalia Vélez, Brian Christian, Mathew Hardy, Bill D. Thompson & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13232.
    Since the cognitive revolution, psychologists have developed formal theories of cognition by thinking about the mind as a computer. However, this metaphor is typically applied to individual minds. Humans rarely think alone; compared to other animals, humans are curiously dependent on stores of culturally transmitted skills and knowledge, and we are particularly good at collaborating with others. Rather than picturing the human mind as an isolated computer, we can imagine each mind as a node in a vast distributed system. Viewing (...)
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  20.  53
    Some Remarks on Recent Formalist Responses to the Hole Argument.Tushar Menon & James Read - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 54 (1):1-20.
    In a recent article, Halvorson and Manchak (Br J Philos Sci, Forthcoming) claim that there is no basis for the Hole Argument, because (in a certain sense) hole isometries are unique. This raises two important questions: (a) does their argument succeed?; (b) how does this formalist response to the Hole Argument relate to other recent responses to the Hole Argument in the same tradition—in particular, that of Weatherall (Br J Philos Sci 69(2):329–350, 2018)? In this article, _ad_ (a), we argue (...)
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  21.  14
    Berensonian Formalism and Pragmatist Perception.C. Oliver O'Donnell - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 62 (2):107-129.
    The ramified legacy of Bernard Berenson’s writings within 20th century art historiography is both celebrated and maligned. In an effort to help reconcile this situation, this essay argues for the partial validity of Berenson’s peculiar version of art historical formalism by detailing its historical connections to the Pragmatist philosophy and psychology of William James and by analytically correlating Berenson’s arguments with recent work in aesthetics and the philosophy of perception. The essay examines the specific example of Berenson’s analysis of Giotto’s (...)
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  22.  41
    Art's Work: Derrida and Artaud and Atlan.Andrew Benjamin - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor, A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 391–411.
    The contention of this chapter is that Derrida's writings about the “dessins” (drawings) of Artaud and the “tableaux” (paintings) of Atlan remain trapped within the problems posed by ekphrasis. In addition to any attempt to identify both the place of ekphrasis and its legacy, what also needs to be established, as part of that opening move, is the limit of ekphrasis. Philostratus’ Imagines provide a way into the question of ekphrasis. As has been intimated, ekphrasis understood in the chapter not (...)
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    Time Together and Time Apart.Neha Choksi - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):64-78.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Time Together and Time ApartNeha Choksi (bio)The drawings to scale on the following pages depict multiple views I outlined while holding in my hand a single, small particolored stone. The silhouette leaves a hole for the stone to inhabit, were it still to exist. The colored pigment that shapes the absence of the stone is made by pulverizing this same stone.I pushed the pigment aside on the recto (...)
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  24.  33
    Against Affective Formalism: Matisse, Bergson, Modernism.Todd Cronan - 2013 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    For nearly fifty years the humanities have been confined by a series of critiques: of the subject, of representation, of the visual, of modernism, of autonomy, of intention, of art itself. In their place various “materialities” have appeared: signs, identities, bodies, history, and works. _Against Affective Formalism_ challenges these orthodoxies. “What I am after, above all, is expression,” Henri Matisse declared. Matisse believed that through the careful arrangement of line and color he could transmit his feelings directly to the minds (...)
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    Feeling Takes Form: Recent Work in Affective Formalism.Lee M. Pierce - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (2):181-198.
    ABSTRACT While claiming to be a much-needed corrective to the dual disappointments of structuralism and post-structuralism, one is starting to get the sense that affect may have simply inverted, rather than resolved, the binary of form/feeling. Yet emerging within and against the affective turn is a re-turn to structure as the condition of possibility for affectivity. From this re-turn, which I'll term affective formalism, is culled the transdisciplinary exemplars reviewed here: Ruth Leys's The Ascent of Affect, Gary Genosko's Critical Semiotics, (...)
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  26.  18
    Art and enchantment: how wonder works.Patrick Curry - 2023 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    This book considers the experience of enchantment in art. Considering the essential characteristics, dynamics and conditions of the experience of enchantment in relation to art, including liminality, it offers studies of different kinds of artistic experience and activity, including painting, music, fiction and poetry, before exploring the possibility of a life oriented to enchantment as the activity of art itself. With attention to the complex relationship between wonder in art and the programmatic disenchantment to which it is often subject, the (...)
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    Paracelsus: Works. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (1):171-172.
    The present "Studienausgabe" is the fruit of over 40 years of labor on Paracelus [[sic]]. While Sudhoff's monumental edition continued by K. Goldhammer is intended to serve the specialist, Peuckert's aim is simply to make Paracelsus accessible to the philosopher and to the historian of ideas. Like Luther's, Paracelus's [[sic]] German is hardly comprehensible today; hence the editor had to "rewrite" it. The result is sound and easily understandable German. This welcome "vulgarization" should, however, have been compensated by notes: (...)
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    The New Formalism.Alan Shapiro - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 14 (1):200-213.
    […] Open the pages of almost any national journal or magazine, and where ten years ago one found only one or another kind of free verse lyric, one now finds well rhymed quatrains, sestinas, villanelles, sonnets, and blank verse dramatic monologues or meditations.1 In a recent issue of the New Criterion, Robert Richman describes this rekindled interest in formal verse among younger poets as a return to the high seriousness, eloquence, and technical fluency that characterized the best achievements of American (...)
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    Quantum formalism via signal analysis.L. Kannenberg - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (4):367-383.
    The general properties of signals permit a nonaxiomatic reconstruction of the quantum “probability” formalism independent of the standard Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. Performance standards are specified for candidate clock, signaller, and reflector devices, and it is shown that the resulting formalism forces identification of a “probability”- or “intensity”-like structure as the absolute square of an amplitude, the relative phases of amplitudes appearing explicitly in the “probability” composition law. Inequalities are produced which on one interpretation reduce to the Heisenberg relations, (...)
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    Working memory modulates the anger superiority effect in central and peripheral visual fields.Xiang Li, Zhen Lin, Yufei Chen & Mingliang Gong - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):271-283.
    Angry faces have been shown to be detected more efficiently in a crowd of distractors compared to happy faces, known as the anger superiority effect (ASE). The present study investigated whether the ASE could be modified by top-down manipulation of working memory (WM), in central and peripheral visual fields. In central vision, participants held a colour in WM for a final memory test while simultaneously performing a visual search task that required them to determine whether a face showed a (...)
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  31.  26
    Democratic Inclusion and “Suffering Together” in The Eumenides.Se-Hyoung Yi - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (1):30-53.
    Drawing upon the dual status of the Eumenides as metics who were neither included in nor excluded from Athenian democratic politics, this essay attempts to bring the last scene of The Eumenides to contemporary political settings wherein we observe the duality of immigrants—that is, the tension between political citizenship and cultural foreignness—in our liberal society. The controversial bride kidnapping cases among Hmong immigrants show that the liberal regulative principles such as reciprocity and mutual respect cannot work in the context of (...)
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    Transdisciplinary Participatory Action Research: How Philosophers, Psychologists, and Practitioners Can Work Well Together To Promote Adolescent Character Development Within Context.Anne Jeffrey, Krista Mehari, Marie Chastang & Sarah Schnitker - 2023 - Journal of Positive Psychology 18.
    Character strengths research has the potential to imply that youth have character deficits or moral failings that cause their problematic behavior. This ignores the impact of context, especially for youth who are members of historically marginalized groups in under resourced communities. On the other hand, framing youth who are members of underrepresented groups solely as products of oppression undermines their agency and the power of collective action. It may be possible to promote character development in a contextually relevant, culturally grounded (...)
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  33.  13
    Poet, Priest and Prophet: The Life and Thought of Bishop John V. Taylor.David Wood & Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - 2002
    John V. Taylor was a missionary statesman, ecumenist, Africanist, onetime General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, and later Anglican Bishop of Winchester. His work offers a theology and practice of Christian mission which is faithful to scripture while fully facing the facts of the contemporary world at the beginning of the third millennium. Does Christian evangelism promote sectarianism and violence, or can it contribute to harmony and peace in the global village? Can Christians extol the true significance of Jesus (...)
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  34.  59
    Formalist and Relationalist Theory in Social Network Analysis.Emily Erikson - 2013 - Sociological Theory 31 (3):219-242.
    Social network research is widely considered atheoretical. In contrast, in this article I argue that network analysis often mixes two distinct theoretical frameworks, creating a logically inconsistent foundation. Relationalism rejects essentialism and a priori categories and insists upon the intersubjectivity of experience and meaning as well as the importance of the content of interactions and their historical setting. Formalism is based on a structuralist interpretation of the theoretical works of Georg Simmel. Simmel laid out a neo-Kantian program of identifying a (...)
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  35.  12
    Post formalism, pedagogy lives: as inspired by Joe L. Kincheloe.Johan Jansen & Hugo K. Letiche (eds.) - 2017 - Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
    Joe L. Kincheloe (1950-2008) was one of North America's leading critical pedagogy scholars. He defined post-formalist thought in terms of deconstruction, affectivity, and non-linearity. His deconstruction focused on the context of ideas, ideologies, and teaching. It was a form of sociological deconstruction, and as such, inspired by Derrida, but different from him as well. In effect, Kincheloe was trying to marry Derrida to Foucault by making deconstruction see power in thought, relationships, and the world. Kincheloe's 'turn to affect' was inspired (...)
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    Beyond Formalism: Naming and Necessity for Human Beings.Stephen P. Schwartz & Jay F. Rosenberg - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):79.
    Beyond Formalism is Jay Rosenberg’s attempt to articulate his dissatisfactions with the Kripkean “revolution” in the philosophy of language and to propose an alternative to it. According to Rosenberg, even though a “surprisingly large number of philosophers simply adopted the Kripkean ideas, images, and idioms root and branch”, he has been “inarticulately irritated by Kripke’s views for almost twenty years”. Rosenberg claims that Kripke’s semantics for proper names and natural kind terms is a misguided attempt to apply results in formal (...)
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  37. Defusing anti-formalist arguments.Nick Zangwill - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (3):376-383.
    ANTI-FORMALISM has become the consensus in aesthetics. But in my view anti-formalism is not true to our aesthetic experience; it gives a revisionary account of the aesthetic properties that we think we find in works of art. The thesis I think we should hold is not extreme formalism—the view that all or almost all aesthetic properties are formal—but the moderate thesis that many are. This view has not been given its due because so many aestheticians have been convinced by anti-formalist (...)
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    Understanding Texts.Art Graesser & Pam Tipping - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel, A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 324–330.
    Adults spend most of their conscious life speaking, comprehending, writing, and reading discourse. It is entirely appropriate for cognitive science to investigate discourse especially as transmitted texts or printed media, such as books, newspapers, magazines, and computers. However, there is another reason why text understanding has been one of the prototypical areas of study in cognitive science: Interdisciplinary work is absolutely essential. As cognitive scientists have unraveled the puzzles of text comprehension, they have embraced the insights and methodologies from several (...)
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    (1 other version)Art as Experience.John Dewey - 1934 - New Yorke: Perigee Books.
    IN THE winter and spring of 1031,1 was invited to give a series of ten lectures at Harvard University. The subject chosen was the Philosophy of Art; the lectures are the origin of the present volume. The Lectureship was founded in memory of William James and I esteem it a great honor to have this book associated even indirectly with his distinguished name. It is a pleasure, also, te recall, in connection with the lectures, the unvarying kindness and hospitality of (...)
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    War work English art and the warburg institute.Christy Anderson - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (1):149-159.
    In 1941 Fritz Saxl and Rudolf Wittkower of the Warburg Institute organized an exhibition on English Art and the Mediterranean. The photographic exhibition showed the long history of artistic and cultural ties between English art and the classical tradition, employing Aby Warburg's method. The project was an attempt by Saxl, as director, to show the relevance of the Warburg Institute's work in England, the new home of the Library since 1933. Kenneth Clark, director of the National Gallery, actively promoted the (...)
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    (1 other version)LEGO® Formalism in Architecture.Saul Fisher - 2017 - In Roy T. Cook & Sondra Bacharach, Lego and Philosophy: Constructing Reality Brick by Brick. Blackwell Publishers. pp. 27-37.
    LEGO tells about not just LEGO architecture but architecture generally: its objects, its aesthetic properties, and how people judge them. To illustrate how thinking about LEGO can help people with such matters, this chapter considers some scenarios. These scenarios illustrate two very different ways of thinking about architecture. On the one hand, people might think architectural objects (more commonly, "works of architecture"), like buildings, bridges, and aqueducts, have forms that stand on their own, and which thereby do not depend on (...)
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    Curry’s Formalism as Structuralism.Jonathan P. Seldin - 2011 - Logica Universalis 5 (1):91-100.
    In 1939, Curry proposed a philosophy of mathematics he called formalism. He made this proposal in two works originally written then, although one of them was not published until 1951. These are the two philosophical works for which Curry is known, and they have left a false impression of his views. In this article, I propose to clarify Curry’s views by referring to some of his later writings on the subject. I claim that Curry’s philosophy was not what is now (...)
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    Mathematical Formalism for Nonlocal Spontaneous Collapse in Quantum Field Theory.D. W. Snoke - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-24.
    Previous work has shown that spontaneous collapse of Fock states of identical fermions can be modeled as arising from random Rabi oscillations between two states. In this paper, a mathematical formalism is presented to incorporate this into many-body quantum field theory. This formalism allows for nonlocal collapse in the context of a relativistic system. While there is no absolute time-ordering of events, this approach allows for a coherent narrative of the collapse process.
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    Cracks in the Feminist Mirror?: Research and Reflections on Lesbians and Gay Men Working Together.Jill C. Humphrey - 2000 - Feminist Review 66 (1):95-130.
    This article is an offshoot of a research project on lesbian and gay self-organization in the UK's public sector union UNISON. The site upon which lesbians and gay men ‘work together’ is a complex and contradictory one, located at the juncture of several pathways – women's and men's movements, gendered politics and sexual politics, purist ghettos and queer rainbows. The UNISON group furnishes an ideal site for a case-study of sexual and gendered dynamics in lesbian-and-gay politics by dint of (...)
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    In Image Near Together, in Meaning Far Apart.Rina Marie Camus - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 9:17-24.
    Metaphors have long been valued as powerful literary devices. Lately however the discovery of the cognitive content of metaphors is drawing the attention of contemporary scholars. For those of us engaged in comparative philosophy, metaphors seem to promise to be a much-needed hermeneutic tool for understanding independent traditions and working out balanced comparisons. In this paper, I shall examine two metaphors for virtue that are used in both the Confucian Analects and Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. These common metaphors are archery (...)
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  46.  5
    Beyond perception: correspondences with Tim Ingold's work.Caroline Gatt, Laurens Loovers & Jan Peter (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book showcases the way a range of scholars have engaged with Tim Ingold's opus since the publication of his ground-breaking The Perception of the Environment in 2000. Ingold's work has become key for a variety of disciplines ranging from anthropology, archaeology, and human geography to art, architecture, design and studies of material and visual culture. As set out in The Perception of the Environment and subsequent publications, Ingold proposed an understanding of the world that placed sentient, remembering and imagining (...)
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    Roger Penrose: Collected Works: Volume 2: 1968-1975.Roger Penrose - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    Professor Sir Roger Penrose's work, spanning fifty years of science, with over five thousand pages and more than three hundred papers, has been collected together for the first time and arranged chronologically over six volumes, each with an introduction from the author. Where relevant, individual papers also come with specific introductions or notes. Developing ideas sketched in the first volume, twistor theory is now applied to genuine issues of physics, and there are the beginnings of twistor diagram theory (an (...)
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    Children’s Views About Their Future Career and Family Involvement: Associations With Children’s Gender Schemas and Parents’ Involvement in Work and Family Roles.Joyce J. Endendijk & Christel M. Portengen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Substantial gender disparities in career advancement are still apparent, for instance in the gender pay gap, the overrepresentation of women in parttime work, and the underrepresentation of women in managerial positions. Regarding the developmental origins of these gender disparities, the current study examined whether children’s views about future career and family involvement were associated with children’s own gender schemas and parents’ career- and family-related gender roles. Participants were 142 Dutch families with a child between the ages of 6 and 12 (...)
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    Together in Need: Relational Selfhood, Vulnerability to Harm, and Enriching Attachments.Katharine Wolfe - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (1):129-148.
    Connections between one's own welfare and that of others abound if we pause to look for them, although philosophical theories of selfhood have only very recently begun to incorporate these connections. This essay draws on recent work on need to argue that one of the strongest expressions of these connections is to be found in the relational needs that they can generate. While paying heed to needs that arise from the relational nature of selfhood at large, this essay pays particular (...)
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    Doing Difference Together.Peter Atterton - 2011 - Culture and Dialogue 1 (2):21-36.
    Our essay begins with a story of a disagreement between a senior Aboriginal elder and an eminent Australian environmental scientist about whether two plants are the same or different. This highly specific disagreement, which occurred in the context of an attempt to exchange knowledge about land management, brings into focus what is involved in developing a philosophically sophisticated postcolonial dialogue as part of knowledge and culture work with Yolŋu Aboriginal Australians. We propose an Australian comparative empirical philosophical inquiry (ACEPI) as (...)
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