Results for ' groupes de rang de Morley fini'

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  1.  14
    Symétries Et Transvexions, Principalement Dans Les Groupes de Rang de Morley Fini Sans Involutions.Bruno Poizat - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (3):965-990.
    The role played by the symmetric structure of a group of finite Morley rank without involutions in the proof by contradiction of Frécon 2018 was put in evidence in Poizat 2018; indeed, this proof consists in the construction of a symmetric space of dimension two (“a plane”), and then in showing that such a plane cannot exist.To a definable symmetric subset of such a group are associated symmetries and transvections, that we undertake here to study in the abstract, without (...)
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    Centralisateurs génériques.Bruno Poizat - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):290-306.
    We comment on an early and inspiring remark of an Omskian mathematician concerning the Cherlin—Zilber Conjecture, meeting in passing some well-known properties of algebraic groups whose generalization to arbitrary groups of finite Morley rank seems to be very uncertain. This paper assumes a familiarity with the model theoretic tools involved in the study of the groups of finite Morley rank.
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    Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind.Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1986 Darwin College, Cambridge has organised a series of annual public lectures built around a single theme approached in a multi-disciplinary way. These essays were developed from the 2008 lectures, which explored the idea of serendipity – the relationship between good fortune and the preparation of the mind to spot and exploit it. Serendipity is an appealing concept, and one which has been surprisingly influential in a great number of areas of human discovery. The essays collected in this volume (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Ethics as a service: a pragmatic operationalisation of AI ethics.Jessica Morley, Anat Elhalal, Francesca Garcia, Libby Kinsey, Jakob Mökander & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (2):239–256.
    As the range of potential uses for Artificial Intelligence, in particular machine learning, has increased, so has awareness of the associated ethical issues. This increased awareness has led to the realisation that existing legislation and regulation provides insufficient protection to individuals, groups, society, and the environment from AI harms. In response to this realisation, there has been a proliferation of principle-based ethics codes, guidelines and frameworks. However, it has become increasingly clear that a significant gap exists between the theory of (...)
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    What is ‘moral distress’ in nursing? A feminist empirical bioethics study.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1297-1314.
    Background The phenomenon of ‘moral distress’ has continued to be a popular topic for nursing research. However, much of the scholarship has lacked conceptual clarity, and there is debate about what it means to experience moral distress. Moral distress remains an obscure concept to many clinical nurses, especially those outside of North America, and there is a lack of empirical research regarding its impact on nurses in the United Kingdom and its relevance to clinical practice. Research aim To explore the (...)
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  6. The debate on the ethics of AI in health care: a reconstruction and critical review.Jessica Morley, Caio C. V. Machado, Christopher Burr, Josh Cowls, Indra Joshi, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - manuscript
    Healthcare systems across the globe are struggling with increasing costs and worsening outcomes. This presents those responsible for overseeing healthcare with a challenge. Increasingly, policymakers, politicians, clinical entrepreneurs and computer and data scientists argue that a key part of the solution will be ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) – particularly Machine Learning (ML). This argument stems not from the belief that all healthcare needs will soon be taken care of by “robot doctors.” Instead, it is an argument that rests on the classic (...)
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  7. Sous-groupes additifs de rangs dénombrables dans un corps séparablement clos.Thomas Blossier - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (3-4):459-476.
    RésuméPour tout entier n, on construit des sous-groupes, infiniment définissables de rang de Lascar ωn, du groupe additif d’un corps séparablement clos.
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    Une fonction de Kolchin pour les corps imparfaits de degré d'imperfection fini.Françoise Delon - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):664 - 680.
    Non-perfect separably closed fields are stable, and not superstable. As a result, not all types can be ranked. We develop here a new tool, a "semi-rank", which takes values in the non-negative reals, and gives a sufficient condition for forking of types. This semi-rank is built up from a transcendence function, analogous to the one considered by Kolchin in the context of differentially closed fields. It yields some orthogonality and stratification results. /// Un corps séparablement clos non algébriquement clos est (...)
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    From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality.Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    Our intuitive assumption that only organisms are the real individuals in the natural world is at odds with developments in cell biology, ecology, genetics, evolutionary biology, and other fields. Although organisms have served for centuries as nature’s paradigmatic individuals, science suggests that organisms are only one of the many ways in which the natural world could be organized. When living beings work together—as in ant colonies, beehives, and bacteria-metazoan symbiosis—new collective individuals can emerge. In this book, leading scholars consider the (...)
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    The Group as a Source of Development: Rethinking Professional Development in a Collaborative Perspective.Fabiana Marques Barbosa Nasciutti, Nikolai Veresov & Ana Maria Falcão de Aragão - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):86-108.
    Since the later decades of the 20 th century, Brazilian psychologists have been questioning a theoretical and interventional model in educational contexts, which consider psychological phenomena apart from their cultural contexts, in order to develop an approach based on a contextualized viewpoint. Despite progress having been made in educational psychology, as a result of this critical paradigm, this area still has problems to overcome: Psychologists are becoming increasingly separate from schools, and it is now common to find psychologists who are (...)
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  11. Borovik-Poizat rank and stability.Jeffrey Burdges & Gregory Cherlin - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (4):1570-1578.
    Borovik proposed an axiomatic treatment of Morley rank in groups, later modified by Poizat, who showed that in the context of groups the resulting notion of rank provides a characterization of groups of finite Morley rank [2]. (This result makes use of ideas of Lascar, which it encapsulates in a neat way.) These axioms form the basis of the algebraic treatment of groups of finite Morley rank undertaken in [1].There are, however, ranked structures, i.e., structures on which (...)
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    On superstable CSA-groups.Abderezak Ould Houcine - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (1):1-7.
    We prove that a nonabelian superstable CSA-group has an infinite definable simple subgroup all of whose proper definable subgroups are abelian. This imply in particular that the existence of nonabelian CSA-group of finite Morley rank is equivalent to the existence of a simple bad group all whose definable proper subgroups are abelian. We give a new proof of a result of Mustafin and Poizat [E. Mustafin, B. Poizat, Sous-groupes superstables de SL2 ] which states that a superstable model (...)
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    Littérature et littérarité: un essai de mise au point.Thomas Aron & Groupe de Recherches En Linguistique Et Sémiotique - 1984 - Paris: Belles-Lettres.
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  14. Rangs et types de rang maximum dans les corps différentiellement clos.Franck Benoist - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1178-1188.
    It is known that in differentially closed fields of characteristic zero, the ranks of stability $RU$, $RM$ and the topological rank $RH$ need not to be equal. Pillay and Pong have just shown however that the ranks $RU$ and $RM$ coincide in a group definable in this theory. At the opposite, we will show in this paper that the ranks $RM$ and $RH$ of a definable group can also be different, and even lead to non-equivalent notions of generic type.
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  15. par Marie-France Gueusquin.Et L'argent le Sang, Enjeu L'honneur, Expressions Identitaires D'un Groupe, de la Fête de Travailleurs & de Géants Les Porteurs - 1989 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 87:301.
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    Le point de vue du Syndicat national de l'édition.Groupe des Éditeurs Universitaires du Sne - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):173-175.
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    Autoenquêtes en Italie. Betty, She Squat, A./Matrix, Groupe Sconvegno & Groupe des 116 - 2003 - Multitudes 2 (2):155-177.
    Résumé Et toi, quel est ton genre? Les Betty, intellectuelles précaires, partageant un désir militant, critiques tant vis-à-vis des groupes féministes historiques, que des pratiques politiques au sein du mouvement des mouvements, nous racontent leur création d’un espace, le "sexishock" au cœur même d’un centre social à Bologne.
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    La « révolution copernicienne » en question.Thierry Viana - 2021 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 72 (4):21-39.
    L’œuvre de Copernic est à la fois tournée vers l’avenir par le système héliocentrique du monde qu’elle inaugure, et vers le passé par sa fidélité au principe du mouvement réel circulaire et uniforme des astres, hérité de Ptolémée, et à la conception du monde fini ayant pour limite la sphère des fixes et hiérarchisé ayant pour centre le Soleil, héritée des Pythagoriciens. Dès lors, est-elle à bon droit nommée « révolution copernicienne » selon l’expression consacrée ou bien doit-elle être (...)
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  19. Études Sartriennes.Michel Rybalka, Geneviève Idt, Groupe D'Études Sartriennes & Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle - 1985 - Université Paris X-Nanterre.
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    Accounting for groups: the dynamics of intragroup deliberation.Julia Morley & J. McKenzie Alexander - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7957-7980.
    In a highly influential work, List and Pettit (Group Agency: The Possibility, Design, and Status of Corporate Agents, Oxford University Press, 2011) draw upon the theory of judgement aggregation to offer an argument for the existence of nonreductive group agents; they also suggest that nonreductive group agency is a widespread phenomenon. In this paper, we argue for the following two claims. First, that the axioms they consider cannot naturally be interpreted as either descriptive characterisations or normative constraints upon group judgements, (...)
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    Note sur Guerric de Saint-Quentin et la question de l'infini divin.A. Cote - 1995 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 62:71-79.
    C'est à l'érudit jésuite américain Léo Sweeney que l'on doit de s'être intéressé le premier aux conditions de l'émergence du concept d'infini dans la théologie chrétienne ainsi qu'aux sources de ce concept dans l'antiquité. Un des grands mérites de Sweeney fut, dans un article paru en 1957, de mettre en évidence l'existence d'un groupe de penseurs actifs peu après 1241 et qui, confrontés à la question de savoir si l'essence de Dieu était infinie, avaient répondu par la négative, et étaient (...)
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  22.  7
    The sensitive scientist: report of a British Association Study Group.David Morley - 1978 - London: SCM Press.
  23.  7
    L'individuité, ou, La guerre.Stéphane Sangral - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
    'Beaucoup perçoivent, devant la progression de la possibilité pour l'individu d'affirmer sa singularité et sa volonté de bien-être, une progression de l'individualisme. Pour maintenir tant bien que mal un semblant de cohérence, ils sont alors obligés de minimiser, voire d'occulter, la progression de la solidarité dans le monde, aussi bien le développement des divers systèmes de protection sociale étatiques que le développement des aides interétatiques ou le développement des organisations non gouvernementales. Mais le concept d'individualisme ne décrit pas ce qui (...)
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    Reflective Debriefs as a Response to Moral Distress: Two Case Study Examples.Georgina Morley & Cristie Cole Horsburgh - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (1):1-20.
    Within this paper, we discuss Moral Distress Reflective Debriefs as a promising approach to address and mitigate moral distress experienced by healthcare professionals. We briefly review the empirical and theoretical literature on critical incident stress debriefing and psychological debriefing to highlight the potential benefits of this modality. We then describe the approach that we take to facilitating reflective group discussions in response to morally distressing patient cases (“Moral Distress Reflective Debriefs”). We discuss how the debriefing literature and other clinical ethics (...)
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    Corps et chirurgie.Anand Pillay & Bruno Poizat - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):528-533.
    Les corps algébriquement clos, réels clos et pseudo-finis n'ont, pour chaque entier n, qu'un nombre fini d'extensions de degré n; nous montrons qu'ils partagent cette propriété avec tous les corps qui, comme eux, satisfont une propriété très rudimentaire de préservation de la dimension, de nature modèle-théorique. Ce résultat est atteint en montrant qu'une certaine action du groupe GLn d'un tel corps n'a qu'un nombre fini d'orbites. /// La korpoj algebre fermataj, reale fermataj kaj pseudofinataj ne havas, pri ciu (...)
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  26.  26
    Reasons to Redefine Moral Distress: A Feminist Empirical Bioethics Analysis.Georgina Morley, Caroline Bradbury-Jones & Jonathan Ives - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):61-71.
    There has been increasing debate in recent years about the conceptualization of moral distress. Broadly speaking, two groups of scholars have emerged: those who agree with Jameton’s ‘narrow definition’ that focuses on constraint and those who argue that Jameton’s definition is insufficient and needs to be broadened. Using feminist empirical bioethics, we interviewed critical care nurses in the United Kingdom about their experiences and conceptualizations of moral distress. We provide our broader definition of moral distress and examples of data that (...)
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  27. Logic and Existence.Daniel W. Smith - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:361-377.
    Logique et existenceDeleuze à propos des « conditions du réel »Pour Deleuze, l’un des problèmes fondamentaux d’une théorie de la pensée est de savoir comment la pensée peut quitter la sphère du possible pour penser le réel, c’est-àdire pour penser l’existence elle-même. La position du réel semble être hors du concept. Des pré-kantiens comme Leibniz approchaient ce problème par le biais de la distinction entre vérités d’essence et vérités d’existence, alors que des post-kantiens comme Maimon l’approchaient par la distinction entre (...)
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    Mécanique quantique Louis Marchildon Bruxelles, De Boeck Université, 2000, 524 p.Yvon Gauthier - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (2):401-.
    Il est plutôt rare qu’on rende compte dans une revue philosophique d’un manuel de physique théorique. Dans le cas du présent ouvrage, la chose n’est pas si incongrue puisque l’auteur, physicien québécois, n’est pas étranger aux questions philosophiques et s’est souvent mêlé des débats épistémologiques. En plus, son traité comporte plusieurs chapitres qui intéressent l’épistémologie de la physique tout en étant un manuel d’une envergure comparable aux classiques du genre en langue française, ceux de Cohen-Tannoudji, Messiah, Omnès ou Lévy-Leblond. On (...)
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    Moral Distress and Austerity: An Avoidable Ethical Challenge in Healthcare.Georgina Morley, Jonathan Ives & Caroline Bradbury-Jones - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (3):185-201.
    Austerity, by its very nature, imposes constraints by limiting the options for action available to us because certain courses of action are too costly or insufficiently cost effective. In the context of healthcare, the constraints imposed by austerity come in various forms; ranging from the availability of certain treatments being reduced or withdrawn completely, to reductions in staffing that mean healthcare professionals must ration the time they make available to each patient. As austerity has taken hold, across the United Kingdom (...)
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    Rencontre avec l’histoire des femmes et du féminisme : itinéraires de Japonaises francophiles.Groupe Histoire Des Femmes - 2006 - Clio 24 (2):305-317.
    En 1983, un groupe de femmes japonaises francophiles, très intéressées par le féminisme français et les changements rapides de la vie des femmes en France depuis les années 1970, créent la Société Franco-japonaise des Études sur les Femmes. Le but est de promouvoir une meilleure compréhension entre les deux cultures et de développer des liens avec les Françaises sur un grand nombre de questions féminines. Le projet se révéla vite être un succès. Parmi les études entreprises par la Société, l’analyse (...)
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    Europe: The Space and Time of Reflection.On the Complutense Research Group La Europa de la Escritura - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):3-5.
    Europe: The Space and Time of ReflectionOn the Complutense Research Group La Europa de la Escritura.
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    Der ganzheitsbegriff in der systematik.Heinrich Frieling - 1940 - Acta Biotheoretica 5 (3):117-138.
    Kleinschmidt's definition of the “Weltformenkreis” as the smallest systematical unit of affinity removes any danger of obliterating the type and at the same time opens a way for judging the superior taxonomic groups on principle differently from the subspecies of a “Formenkreis”.It is demonstrated that the characters of geographical subspecies are characters of apparent shaping, those of the species however are characters of construction and qualitative and autonomic ones. It is the type differentiating in quality that justifies the definition of (...)
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    Entre doutes et engagements : un arrêt sur image à partir de l’histoire des femmes (2ème partie).Groupe Histoire des Cottias Femmes - 2005 - Clio 21 (21):231-260.
    Militante et réflexive, l’histoire des femmes a aussi besoin d’exprimer ses doutes et ses inconforts. Rattrapée par l’actualité, la violence et nombre d’événements cruels et tragiques, par des incertitudes majeures vécues par l’ensemble du monde intellectuel, elle pose aujourd’hui en cet article collectif des interrogations et des inquiétudes. Ce travail à plusieurs (les participantes du Groupe d’histoire des femmes du CRH) cherche à mettre à plat ce qui actuellement se dérobe à notre connaissance, en partant de notions-clés souvent utilisées, comme (...)
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    Community intervention for the prevention of accidents in children.Rosío de la Caridad Estrada Fonseca & Mendoza Molina - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):423-441.
    Introducción: los accidentes son de las primeras causas de muerte a nivel mundial, por lo que la prevención de los mismos es una emergencia. Objetivo: valorar la repercusión de una intervención comunitaria en la disminución de peligros potenciales de accidentes en familias con niños de 0 a 18 meses. Métodos: se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental multietápico, con enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo, entre enero de 2009 a junio de 2012. Se trabajó con 39 familias entre las que se produjeron nacimientos (...)
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  35. NHS AI Lab: why we need to be ethically mindful about AI for healthcare.Jessica Morley & Luciano Floridi - unknown
    On 8th August 2019, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, announced the creation of a £250 million NHS AI Lab. This significant investment is justified on the belief that transforming the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) into a more informationally mature and heterogeneous organisation, reliant on data-based and algorithmically-driven interactions, will offer significant benefit to patients, clinicians, and the overall system. These opportunities are realistic and should not be wasted. However, they may be missed (one may (...)
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    Un groupe de cistophores de l'époque attalide.Georges Le Rider - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (2):683-701.
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  37. Genome Editing Technologies and Human Germline Genetic Modification: The Hinxton Group Consensus Statement.Sarah Chan, Peter J. Donovan, Thomas Douglas, Christopher Gyngell, John Harris, Robin Lovell-Badge, Debra J. H. Mathews, Alan Regenberg & On Behalf of the Hinxton Group - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):42-47.
    The prospect of using genome technologies to modify the human germline has raised profound moral disagreement but also emphasizes the need for wide-ranging discussion and a well-informed policy response. The Hinxton Group brought together scientists, ethicists, policymakers, and journal editors for an international, interdisciplinary meeting on this subject. This consensus statement formulated by the group calls for support of genome editing research and the development of a scientific roadmap for safety and efficacy; recognizes the ethical challenges involved in clinical reproductive (...)
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    Knowledge as Value: Illumination Through Critical Prisms.Ian Morley & Mira Crouch (eds.) - 2008 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    This book considers the place and value of knowledge in contemporary society. “Knowledge” is not a self-evident concept: both its denotations and connotations are historically situated. Since the Enlightenment, knowledge has been a matter of discovery through effort, and “knowledge for its own sake” a taken-for-granted ideal underwriting progressive education as a process which not only taught “for” and “about” something, but also ennobled the soul. While this ideal has not been explicitly rejected, in recent decades there has been a (...)
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  39. Antonio Rosmini e il suo tempo: nel bicentenario della nascita: [atti del Seminario, 20 febbraio-5 giugno 1997].Lia De Finis (ed.) - 1998 - Trento: Associazione culturale Antonio Rosmini.
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  40. Il mestiere del sapiente: alle radici della cultura euro-mediterranea.Lia De Finis (ed.) - 2004 - Trento: Didascalie libri.
    Papers presented to a series of seminars, Trento, 2002.
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    Routledge Revivals: Philosophy. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group & Various - 2011 - Routledge.
    This 20 volume Routledge Revivals collection brings together a selection of groundbreaking Philosophy titles, from the rich and diverse Routledge backlist. With titles published between 1933 and 1991, this is a truly wide-ranging selection, encompassing works by distinguished authors such as: Simone Weil, Hilary Putnam, Franz Brentano, Anthony Kenny, Karl Jaspers and Israel Scheffler. Dealing with everything from the notion of freewill, to concepts of time and space, to theories of morality, this set offers a collection of the best of (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Critical Pedagogies for Social Work.Christine Morley, Phillip Ablett, Carolyn Noble & Stephen Cowden (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    The Routledge Handbook of Critical Pedagogies for Social Work traverses new territory by providing a cutting-edge overview of the work of classic and contemporary theorists, in a way that expands their application and utility in social work education and practice; thus, providing a bridge between critical theory, philosophy, and social work. Each chapter showcases the work of a specific critical educational, philosophical and/or social theorist including: Henry Giroux, Michel Foucault, Cornelius Castoriadis, Herbert Marcuse, Paulo Freire, bell hooks, Joan Tronto, Iris (...)
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    Rle: Emile Durkheim: 4-Volume Set. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group & Various - 2010 - Routledge.
    This four volume set is dedicated to the work of Emile Durkheim, one of the most important and prolific sociologists in the field, who is commonly cited as a founding father of modern social science. With volumes published between 1975 and 1991, this collection brings together a range of modern critical responses to Durkheim's work across a broad range of topics, including: epistemology, modernism and post-modernism, theories of social order, and the rise and development of modern society. The authors in (...)
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    The Sleeping Subject: Merleau-Ponty on Dreaming.James Morley - 1999 - Theory and Psychology 9 (1):89–101.
    This paper presents the place of dreaming in Merleau-Ponty’s thought. It elicits the view of dreaming developed in three seminal texts:Phenomenology of Perception, the passivity fragment from the Themes from the Lectures at the College de France, and The Visible and the Invisible. In each of these texts, Merleau-Ponty releases dreaming from the secondary status conventionally granted to it in relation to waking perception, and maintains, instead, the integrity of the phenomenon as an authentic mode of experience. At the same (...)
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    La «réception» des travaux sur la réception. Retour sur «Le public de Nationwide».David Morley - 1993 - Hermes 11:31.
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    Le sentiment de la nature en France dans la première moitié du dix-septième siècle.Grace Morley - 1926 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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  47. Un divorce entre attentes populaires et discours religieux: Des Fraternités de la Mission Populaire Evangélique dans les années 40.J. -P. Morley - 1997 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 77 (1):81-85.
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    Fonction de liaison des images et parole transformatrice dans les groupes Photolangage®.Giuseppe Lo Piccolo, Saskia von Overbeck Ottino, Pierre Bastin & Muriel Katz-Gilbert - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):65-84.
    Dans ce texte les auteurs explorent les potentialités du recours au dispositif groupal et à l’introduction de la médiation par les images dans la prise en charge de jeunes requérants d’asile. La clinique liée aux migrations contemporaines nous confronte à un véritable défi concernant la prise en soin de sujets qui appartiennent à des cultures différentes, parlent des langues diverses et sont porteurs de traumatismes qui se révèlent à la fois singuliers et pluriels. À travers l’exemple d’un groupe à médiation (...)
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    Notice. Il pons sarni di scafate e la via nuceria-pompeios. M De'Spagnolis Conticello.Neville Morley - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):223-224.
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    Debriefing as a Response to Moral Distress.Shilpa Shashidhara & Georgina Morley - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):283-289.
    There are few evidence-based interventions that have been developed that mitigate the negative effects of moral distress. Group debriefing is one approach that some clinical ethicists have adopted as a response. However, there is very little academic literature or empirical research that identifies best practices and approaches to debriefing as a response to moral distress. Our aim at the 2020 UnConference was to share our different approaches to debriefing with other clinical ethicists to identify best practices or guiding principles to (...)
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