Results for ' hyper-reality'

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  1.  29
    Hyper‐transcendentalism and Intentionality: On the Specificity of the ‘Transcendental’ in Material Phenomenology.Sébastien Laoureux - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):389 - 400.
    This article seeks to grasp the meaning of Michel Henry's use of the term "transcendental" to understand its specific nature as pure experience that owes nothing to the constituted or the a posteriori. It then considers the methodological consequences and difficulties resulting from such a conception of the transcendental. According to my hypothesis, in order to maintain the "major division" between the empirical and the transcendental, material phenomenology is caught in a form of double bind. One cannot say much about (...)
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    The Image of the Hyper City.Davide Landi - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):533-548.
    Since the nineteenth and twentieth century, information has been pivotal both in the cultural tradition and then in the economic tradition. While the Fordism economic model and its specialisation requirements originated a simplistic zoning and single-use development approach to the design of a city. It, however, determined a fragmented growth of cities. Inevitably, the zoning as an urban strategy affected the architectural scale. Nevertheless, the idea of information, commercial goods and thereby people freely able to flow through the city allowed (...)
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    Hyper-Russellian Skepticism.Giuliano Torrengo - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (1):1-17.
    The hyper-Russellian skeptic is someone who thinks that only one of all your experiences was, is, and will ever be conscious. Which one? The very one you are having now. Before you were always a zombie, and you will be a zombie for ever after. In the present literature on the metaphysics of passage of time, there is disagreement on whether our feeling that time passes — the “dynamic flavor” of our ordinary experience — provides support to the A-theory, (...)
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    Metaphysics of Cognitive Processes in the Formation of Media Reality.Ivan Chornomordenko & Oleksandra Rubanets - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (1).
    The article deals with the metaphysics of cognitive processes in media reality formation. Metaphysics reveals being and nothingness. Processes and discourse practices are regarded as cognitive processes. There is a distinction between media reality, hyper reality and virtual reality. The relationship between reality and information processes is being explored. The metaphysics of media-reality influences the existence of man and society, touches upon the value foundations of being and introduces the way to transform them. (...)
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    Sex, Lies, and Virtual Reality.Matthew Brophy - 2010 - In Dave Monroe (ed.), Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 204–218.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Virtual Reality: Immersive Pornography Welcome to the Hyperreal World The Future Obsolescence of Real Women Hyper‐Romance is Porn Too Down the Rabbit Hole: Sexual Deviancy Flourishes in Unbounded Realities Conditioned to be Sexually Deviant Indulging in Forbidden Fruits Online User Malfunction: Virtue Theory for a Virtual World The Pornographic Singularity: A Bleak Prophecy Notes.
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    The Case for Hyper-Libertarianism.Gerald Harrison - 2006 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (20):1-6.
    The hyper libertarian is compatibilist about control, but incompatibilist about free will. This paper argues that such a position has more to recommend it than either compati- bilism or traditional libertarianism. It com- bines what is strongest about both positions, without encountering their principle weak- nesses. Furthermore it has the resources to help render intelligible the reality of moral luck.
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    Welcome to the Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual Reality.Ann Weinstone - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (3):77-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Welcome To The Pharmacy: Addiction, Transcendence, and Virtual RealityAnn Weinstone (bio)1. The Question of Addiction and TranscendenceIt has become a truism to say that virtual reality (VR) is addictive. Case, the protagonist of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, dreams of connection to the net like a junkie jonesing for a fix. In Jeff Noon’s novel Vurt, you get to cyberspace by tickling the back of your throat with addictive, government-produced (...)
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  8. Bicollective Ground: Towards a (Hyper)graphic Account.Jon Erling Litland - 2018 - In Ricki Bliss & Graham Priest (eds.), Reality and its Structure: Essays in Fundamentality. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 140-164.
    Grounding is bicollective if it is possible for some truths δ,δ,... to be grounded in the some truths γ,γ,... without its being the case that each δi is grounded in some subcollection of γ,γ,.... In this paper I show how to do develop a hypergraph-theoretic account of bicollective ground, taking the notion of immediate ground as basic. I also indicate how bicollective ground helps with formulating mathematical structuralism.
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    What Laws? Which Past?: Meillassoux’s Hyper-Chaos and the Epistemological Limitations of Retro-Causation.Michael J. Ardoline - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):235-244.
    The question of the metaphysical status of the laws of physics has received increased attention in recent years. Perhaps most well-known among this work are David Lewis’s Humean supervenience and Nancy Cartwright’s dispositionalism, both of which reject the classical conception of the laws of physics as necessary and real independent of the objects they govern, arguing instead that what we call laws are shorthand for the regularities of local states of affairs or the dispositions of objects. The properties of necessity (...)
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    Keeping It (Hyper) Real.Jason Holt & Kellie Bean - 2013 - In Jason Holt & William Irwin (eds.), The Ultimate Daily Show and Philosophy: More Moments of Zen, More Indecision Theory. Wiley. pp. 69–82.
    Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are not the only purveyors of fake news, but they are among the few media figures willing to admit it. Fake news looks a lot like actual news. Both The Colbert Report and The Daily Show push fake news beyond satire. As a result, they enact the postmodern condition described in the philosophical works of Jean Baudrillard (1929–2007). In Baudrillard's terms, these shows are only possible in an age when news has become a simulacrum of (...)
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    Neurological perception and sound-based creativity in post-biological realities: Recontextualizing reflective practice for technoetic environments.Tiernan Cross - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):23-31.
    We currently exist in a post-biological age. Mixed-realities shape the way in which we live modern life; half in physical form, half in a hyper-mediated virtual environment of network protocols. This article discusses network-based impacts on neurological navigation and the ways in which the human auditory cortex is developing through conjuncture with post-biological combinations of sound. In doing so, it examines the capacity of the human brain in decoding and understanding the abundance of sound in confluent, variegated realms of (...)
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  12. Review of Albert Borgmann, Holding onto Reality. The Nature of Information at the Turn of. [REVIEW]Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Albert Borgmann's new book Holding onto Reality. The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium (1999) continues the interrogation of the epochal significance of new information technology he began in Crossing the Postmodern Divide (1992). For Borgmann, the postmodern divide involves, among other things, a shift from involvement with "focal" things and practices (i.e. activities such as eating, gardening, running, and the like), to immersion in media fantasies, or the thrills of cyberspace and virtual reality. Borgmann (...)
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  13.  60
    The intelligence of evil or the lucidity pact.Jean Baudrillard - 2005 - New York: BERG.
    There are few philosophers today cool enough to be referenced in the Matrix , interesting enough to be mentioned on Six Feet Under , and popular enough to get over 606,000 hits on Google. Jean Baudrillard has succeeded in all of this and more. Now, in his latest book, Baudrillard presents his most popular themes--symbolic exchange, hyper-reality, technology and war--and applies them to the current global conflict between "the West and the Rest", including Islam. Ultimately, it is not (...)
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  14.  42
    The Poetry of ‘Flesh’ or the Reality of Perception? Merleau-Ponty’s Fundamental Error.Paul Crowther - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 23 (2):255-278.
    The present paper argues that Merleau-Ponty’s notion of Flesh/reversibility intellectually is significantly flawed, and leads phenomenology into something of a dead end. This is shown through the following strategy. First Merleau-Ponty’s account of originary perception and his critique of the reflective attitude are expounded. They are shown to culminate in rejection of the subject-object relation as an ontological fundamental in favour of a ‘hyper-reflective method’. A critique of Merleau-Ponty’s position is then offered. It argues that originary perception is not (...)
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    Education, sustainable or otherwise, as simulacra: A symphony of Baudrillard.Chloe Humphreys, Sean Blenkinsop & Bob Jickling - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):310-323.
    Preamble: Singers gathering on stage This is a paper for three voices. An attempt at a philosophic experience in the symphonic form. The first voice carries the tune and holds the shape of the paper as it focuses on Baudrillard and proposes that public education in Canada today is in fact a simulacra. The second voice has more room to roam, tracing some of the Western philosophical underpinnings of Baudrillard’s stages of the simulacra from Aristotle to Saussure’s centralization of human (...)
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    In Dialogue with `Posthuman' Bodies: Interview with Stelarc.Ross Farnell - 1999 - Body and Society 5 (2-3):129-147.
    The events of performance artist Stelarc serve as a mediation between the discourses of cultural and social theory, science and the tropes of science fiction, translating theoretical and narrative models of the `posthuman' into performative parameters of corporeal actualization. His cultural and theoretical bricolage elides borders, creating a dialogue with numerous discourses surrounding bodies, sexual politics, `becomings', and the tension between Cartesian and phenomenological models of the body. Do his `events' offer empowered alternative bodies, or are they representative of a (...)
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    The taste of contemporaneity: is the west kitsch?Alberto Castelli & Barbara Sonzogni - 2022 - Journal for Cultural Research 26 (2):166-183.
    As the twenty-first century begins, Benjamin’s aura as the quality of an authentic-art-object might be outdated, but the notion of kitsch remains essential in a post-Warholian world. The following discussion is an attempt to assess Western contemporaneity. By using a few examples, so to dissect problems into their smallest components, I suggest that the current popularity of kitsch inclinations and behaviours in Western societies are not a means to resist cultural and aesthetic elitism, but an implication of widespread bad taste.
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    Simulations.Jean Baudrillard - 1983 - Semiotext(E).
    Baudrillard's bewildering thesis, a bold extrapolation on Ferdinand de Saussure's general theory of general linguistics, is in fact a clinical vision of contemporary consumer societies where signs don't refer anymore to anything except themselves. They all are generated by the matrix. Simulations never existed as a book before it was "translated" into English. Actually it came from two different bookCovers written at different times by Jean Baudrillard. The first part of Simulations, and most provocative because it made a fiction of (...)
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  19.  20
    Constructing the Other by Means of Hospitality: the Case of Argentina.Maximiliano Korstanje - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):145-157.
    In the hyper-mobile world of today, the industry of tourism and cultural entertainment, witnesses the multiplication of opportunities to travel. According to John Urry, we inhabit mobile cultures where being kind to strangers is a positive cultural value. This reality archives the bloody past of hospitality, which from the ideological fields facilitated, for instance, the conquest of the Americas. In the present discussion, I delve into the world of literature and explore Viaje a caballo por las provincias Argentinas (...)
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  20. Fine’s McTaggart: Reloaded.Roberto Loss - 2017 - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 40 (1):209-239.
    In this paper I will present three arguments (based on the notions of constitution, metaphysical reality, and truth, respectively) with the aim of shedding some new light on the structure of Fine’s (2005, 2006) ‘McTaggartian’ arguments against the reality of tense. Along the way, I will also (i) draw a novel map of the main realist positions about tense, (ii) unearth a previously unnoticed but potentially interesting form of external relativism (which I will label ‘hyper-presentism’) and (iii) (...)
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    Promising for patients or deeply disturbing? The ethical and legal aspects of deepfake therapy.Saar Hoek, Suzanne Metselaar, Corrette Ploem & Marieke Bak - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Deepfakes are hyper-realistic but fabricated videos created with the use of artificial intelligence. In the context of psychotherapy, the first studies on using deepfake technology are emerging, with potential applications including grief counselling and treatment for sexual violence-related trauma. This paper explores these applications from the perspective of medical ethics and health law. First, we question whether deepfake therapy can truly constitute good care. Important risks are dangerous situations or ‘triggers’ to the patient during data collection for the creation (...)
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    Religion and Humor as Emancipating Provinces of Meaning.Michael Barber - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    ​This book illustrates how non-pragmatic finite provinces of meaning emancipate one from pragmatic everyday pressures. Barber portrays everyday life originally, as including the interplay between intrinsic and imposed relevances, the unavoidable pursuit of pragmatic mastery, and the resulting tensions non-pragmatic provinces can relieve. But individuals and groups also inevitably resort to meta-level strategies of hyper-mastery to protect set ways of satisfying lower-level relevances—strategies that easily augment individual anxiety and social pathologies. After creatively interpreting the Schutzian dialectic between the world (...)
  23.  42
    Existence, Negation, and Abstraction in the Neoplatonic Hierarchy 1.John N. Martin - 1995 - History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (2):169-196.
    The paper is a study of the logic of existence, negation, and order in the Neoplatonic tradition. The central idea is that Neoplatonists assume a logic in which the existence predicate is a comparative adjective and in which monadic predicates function as scalar adjectives that nest the background order. Various scalar predicate negations are then identifiable with various Neoplatonic negations, including a privative negation appropriate for the lower orders of reality and a hyper-negation appropriate for the higher. Reversion (...)
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  24. Sophisticated Modal Primitivism.Tobias Wilsch - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):428-448.
    Summary: The paper provides an argument for modal primitivism, the view that necessity is not defined and is therefore part of the structure of reality. It then raises the explanation-challenge for primitivists: how can modal truths be explained by hyper-intensional truths, if necessity is not defined in terms of hyper-intensional phenomena? To address the challenge, the paper introduces 'sophisticated modal primitivism' which gives a substantive analysis of the notion of a 'source of necessity'. The final part of (...)
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  25. Psychopathology of common sense.Giovanni Stanghellini - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (2-3):201-218.
    It is well established by psychopathological research that disorders of self-experience are among the main features of schizophrenic prodromes in a pathogenetic sense. Disorders of the phenomenal self, as "lack of ipseity" (the vanishing of the feeling of being embedded in oneself and of distinctiveness between the self and the outer world) and "hyper-reflexivity" (the monitoring of one's own life entailing the tendency to objectify parts of one's own self in an outer space) are considered key phenomena of schizophrenic (...)
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  26.  15
    Unframing aesthetics.Pietro Conte - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis International.
    The world of the image has traditionally been considered as different and separate from the real world. This separation has been ensured by some kind of framing device, be it the pedestal of a statue, the frame of a painting, or the cinema screen. However, recent developments in image-making techniques have resulted in the production of hyper-realistic, immersive, and interactive virtual environments that make the threshold between image and reality blur, thus eliciting in the experiencer a strong feeling (...)
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  27.  45
    Ecosocial Philosophy of Education: Ecologizing the Opinionated Self.Jani Pulkki, Jan Varpanen & John Mullen - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (4):347-364.
    While human beings generally act prosocially towards one another — contra a Hobbesian “war of all against all” — this basic social courtesy tends not to be extended to our relations with the more-than-human world. Educational philosophy is largely grounded in a worldview that privileges human-centered conceptions of the self, valuing its own opinions with little regard for the ecological realities undergirding it. This hyper-separation from the ‘society of all beings’ is a foundational cause of our current ecological crises. (...)
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  28.  13
    Identity in the Context of Spectacular Forms of Mass Communication.Т Шелупахіна - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:40-48.
    The modern era is characterised by global changes based on the acceleration and continuous «incitement» of civilisational processes. The complex collisions of life were reflected in the public consciousness by the actualisation of the identity problem, which acquired special significance. Therefore, many reasons can be given, but we will emphasise only such. First, the existing anthropological situation is marked by all the signs of novelty and unusualness; social life reveals a steady tendency to weaken individual identifications with traditional (ethnos) and (...)
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    Feminist takes on post-truth.Catherine Koekoek & Emily Zakin - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):125-138.
    This volume argues that feminist theory can provide distinctive and potent resources to confront and take on post-truth. By ‘post-truth’, we refer to a variety of discourses and practices that subvert the sense that we share a common world. Because post-truth undermines the norms and conditions that make possible shared political practices and institutions, post-truth politics is fundamentally anti-democratic. The most common response to post-truth has, however, come from those who call for reinstating truth and rationality, with special emphasis on (...)
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  30.  49
    Sociology and the Twenty-First Century: Breaking the Deadlock and Going Beyond the Postmodern Meta-reflection Through the Relational Paradigm.Simone D'Alessandro - 2012 - World Futures 68 (4-5):258 - 272.
    The fact that sociology was born during the period of the Industrial Revolution does not authorize us to consider its discourse as lacking in philosophical elements that are rooted in a previous age. Neither can we consider as fully accomplished its role for modernity, nonetheless today, in an after-modern climate (in the sense of Donati 2009), sociology is trying to escape the prejudice of modern ethics to go beyond the clichés of postmodernity (Ardigò 1989). Filled with self-reflexivity and reductionist dichotomies, (...)
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    Holistic integrated design education: Art education in a complex and uncertain world.Christopher Nokes - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):31-47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39.1 (2005) 31-47 [Access article in PDF] Holistic Integrated Design Education: Art Education in a Complex and Uncertain World Christopher Nokes Egosystem All art is the solution to an initiating design problem that must be articulated, even if the problem is this: to create something without meaning. As such, all art is a literary process, whereby the idea is articulated before that idea is (...)
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  32.  14
    American Aesthetics: Theory and Practice.David Breeden - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):144-146.
    Hefty and serious—that is how this book feels when you pick it up. That was my subjective aesthetic experience anyway. Aesthetic judgment is, after all, one key to assessing our thoughts and perceptions. More on that soon, as you might expect.Hefty and serious also describes the questions with which the volume grapples: Is there, or can there be, a clear American Aesthetics, not merely aesthetics practiced by Americans? What would that look like? How would such a process affect the minds (...)
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  33.  6
    The Future of Whiteness.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2015 - Polity Books.
    White identity is in ferment. White, European Americans living in the United States will soon share an unprecedented experience of slipping below 50% of the population. The impending demographic shifts are already felt in most urban centers and the effect is a national backlash of hyper-mobilized political, and sometimes violent, activism with a stated aim that is simultaneously vague and deadly clear: 'to take our country back.' Meanwhile the spectre of 'minority status' draws closer, and the material advantages of (...)
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    vegetal/digital: Photogrammetry point-clouds of Australian flowers.Alison Bennett - 2024 - Philosophy of Photography 15 (1):61-77.
    Arising out of the heightened sensory perceptions of extended lockdown, this creative investigation began with contemplation of flowering street-trees. Through 262 days of lock down, residents of Melbourne retreated to the hyper-local, often reinforced by a 5-km travel bubble and a one-hour daily time limit outdoors. The sublime ephemeral springtime flowers of street-trees were amplified by the extreme sensory and social constraints of social distancing. Drawing us into a suspended moment of slow encounter, we attuned to the contained glowing (...)
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    Sonic Virtuality: Sound as Emergent Perception.Mark Grimshaw & Tom Alexander Garner - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In Sonic Virtuality: Sound as Emergent Perception, authors Mark Grimshaw and Tom Garner introduce a novel theory that positions sound within a framework of virtuality. Arguing against the acoustic or standard definition of sound as a sound wave, the book builds a case for a sonic aggregate as the virtual cloud of potentials created by perceived sound. The authors build on their recent work investigating the nature and perception of sound as used in computer games and virtual environments, and put (...)
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  36. A Commentary on Eugene Thacker’s "Cosmic Pessimism".Gary J. Shipley & Nicola Masciandaro - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):76-81.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 76–81 Comments on Eugene Thacker’s “Cosmic Pessimism” Nicola Masciandaro Anything you look forward to will destroy you, as it already has. —Vernon Howard In pessimism, the first axiom is a long, low, funereal sigh. The cosmicity of the sigh resides in its profound negative singularity. Moving via endless auto-releasement, it achieves the remote. “ Oltre la spera che piú larga gira / passa ’l sospiro ch’esce del mio core ” [Beyond the sphere that circles widest / penetrates (...)
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    A Time–Space Symmetry Based Cylindrical Model for Quantum Mechanical Interpretations.Thuan Vo Van - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (12):1559-1581.
    Following a bi-cylindrical model of geometrical dynamics, our study shows that a 6D-gravitational equation leads to geodesic description in an extended symmetrical time–space, which fits Hubble-like expansion on a microscopic scale. As a duality, the geodesic solution is mathematically equivalent to the basic Klein–Gordon–Fock equations of free massive elementary particles, in particular, the squared Dirac equations of leptons. The quantum indeterminism is proved to have originated from space–time curvatures. Interpretation of some important issues of quantum mechanical reality is carried (...)
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    Sharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints by David Matzko McCarthy.Mark Ryan - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):192-194.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Sharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints by David Matzko McCarthyMark RyanSharing God’s Company: A Theology of the Communion of Saints By David Matzko McCarthy GRAND RAPIDS: WILLIAM B. EERDMANS, 2012. 182 PP. $28.00What is the meaning of “communion” as it occurs in Christian references to the “Communion of Saints”? It clearly implies a particular social bond, but of what sort? David Matzko McCarthy observes (...)
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  39. Hydrogeny.Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):156-157.
    Nature's simplest atom and mother of all matter, hydrogen feeds the stars as well as interlaces the molecules of their biological descendants – to whom it ultimately whispers the secrets of quantum reality. Hydrogen’s most prevalent earthly guise lies within the composition of water. A slight electrical disturbance can split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, resulting in diaphanous bubble clouds slowly rising towards the liquid’s surface. Though the founding fathers of electrochemistry posited that the mass of liberated bubbles (...)
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    Defining Poverty in Liberation Theology: Poverty as Religio-Historical Realidad.George Harold Trudeau - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):8-15.
    Poverty is a complex, embodied reality comprising the existential, social, material, and spiritual. This paper draws from liberation theologies from North and South America, defining poverty as a religio-historical realidad. Martin Luther King Jr. observed a disembodied spirituality in many American churches who remained apathetic or antagonistic during the Civil Rights Movement. Conversely, James Cone reversed the issue by providing a theological system which utilizes hyper-materialistic presuppositions. By examining the broader Liberation tradition, a more robust theological definition of (...)
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    Individuals and technology: Gilbert Simondon, from Ontology to Ethics to Feminist Bioethics.Donald A. Landes - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (2):153-176.
    Two key themes structure the work of French philosopher of science Gilbert Simondon: the processes of individuation and the nature of technical objects. Moreover, these two themes are also at the heart of contemporary debates within Ethics and Bioethics. Indeed, the question of the individual is a key concern in both Virtue Ethics and Feminist Ethics of Care, while the hyper-technical reality of the present stage of medical technology is a key reason for both the urgency for and (...)
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    Social Justice and Liturgical Practice.Daniel O’Dea Bradley - 2020 - Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice 3:33-55.
    In North America, across the political spectrum, we have a strong tendency to reduce religion to nothing more than a tool to promote our own socio-political views. This is a natural consequence of our hyper-polarized culture and our impoverished view of “religion.” It is also, however, a problem—particularly for those inspired by the call to renewal through an integration of the quest for social justice and the pursuit of the spiritual life. By focusing on the value of participating in (...)
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  43. Précis of vagueness and contradiction. [REVIEW]Roy Sorensen - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):678–685.
    Rorty goes on to connect the sorites paradox to analytic philosophy’s long standing concern with the correspondence theory of truth. How do our words hook up with reality? Do our categories map pre-existing contours? The nominalist answers that “facts” are just projections of our forms of speech. Rorty characterizes epistemicism as a hyper-realist backlash. In addition to thinking that our scientific terminology cuts nature at the joint, the epistemicist asserts that even the vague vocabulary of common sense has (...)
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    Neurocognitive dynamics of spontaneous offline simulations: Re-conceptualizing (dream)bizarreness.Manuela Kirberg - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (7):1072-1101.
    Although we are beginning to understand the neurocognitive processes that underlie the emergence of dreaming, what accounts for the bizarre phenomenology of dreams remains debated. I address this question by comparing dreaming with waking mind wandering and challenging previous accounts that utilize bizarreness to mark a sharp divide between conscious experiences in waking and sleeping. Instead, I propose that bizarreness is a common, non-deficient feature of spontaneous offline simulations occurring across the sleep-wake cycle and can be tied to the specific (...)
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    Psychic systems and metaphysical machines: experiencing behavioural prediction with neural networks.Max B. Kazemzadeh - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):189-198.
    We are living in a time of meta-organics and post-biology, where we perceive everything in our world as customizable and changeable. Modelling biology within a technological context allows us to investigate GEO-volutionary alternatives/alterations to our original natural systems, where augmentation and transmutation become standards in search of overall betterment (Genetically Engineered Organics). Our expectations for technology exceeds ubiquitous access and functional perfection and enters the world of technoetics, where our present hyper-functional, immersively multi-apped, borderline-prosthetic, global village devices fail to (...)
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  46.  16
    L'hyperréalité du monde postmoderne selon Jean Baudrillard: essai de lecture analytique et critique.Nadine Salamé - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie de Baudrillard est inédite puisqu'il possède une façon originale de voir le monde, ses yeux étant ceux d'un philosophe-critique, d'un sociologue, d'un journaliste et d'un pataphysicien. Ce faisant, il possède une manière fort intéressante de nommer les faits. D'où toute la série de termes qu'il revisite ou invente surtout ceux formés par le préfixe hyper comme hyperconsommation, hypermarché, hyperréel, hypercorps, hyperespace et bien d'autres. Malgré sa quête du sens et du réel, Baudrillard débouche sur le non-sens et (...)
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    A neural plasticity perspective on the schizophrenic condition.Yossi Guterman - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):400-420.
    Imbalanced plasticity of neural networks in the brain is proposed to underlie deficits in the integration of efferent and afferent processes in schizophrenia. These deficits affect the priming of the behavior implementing systems by prior knowledge, and thus impair both controlled regulation and automatic activation of mental and motor processes. The sense of self as a distinct entity can consequently be undermined. In predominantly reality-distorting patients, hypo-plasticity of neural connectivity may cause the emergence of highly focused but inflexible patterns (...)
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    Infinity: An Essay in Metaphysics. [REVIEW]B. D. A. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (4):772-772.
    This book must have been a joy "to write": the author relishes playing with variations of Zeno's 'bisection' paradox to vindicate the reality of an Actual Infinite. The Infinite is a "lush" concept and though mathematical rigor forbids it, the world demands it. Benardete traces the development of mathematics through Aristotle, Leibniz, Gauss, Cantor, and Brouwer, and he examines recent developments in hyper-mathematics. Siding with Cantor, he argues that mathematics is no longer a formal discipline. It is teleological (...)
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    Revisiting the university front.Grahame Lock & Chris Lorenz - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (5):405-418.
    The article argues that the most important trends in the recent metamorphosis of higher education, especially of university teaching and research, cannot be understood without placing them in the context of general developments in political life. Both processes reveal alarming features and there is a link between them. In recent decades a religion has established its dominance in the public policy field. Its dogmas are called “liberalization”, “economic man”, “individual preference”, “the free market”, “competition” and “efficiency”. The consequences of the (...)
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    Simulations.Phil Beitchman, Paul Foss & Paul Patton (eds.) - 1983 - Semiotext(E).
    Simulations never existed as a book before it was "translated" into English. Actually it came from two different bookCovers written at different times by Jean Baudrillard. The first part of Simulations, and most provocative because it made a fiction of theory, was "The Procession of Simulacra." It had first been published in Simulacre et Simulations. The second part, written much earlier and in a more academic mode, came from L'Echange Symbolique et la Mort. It was a half-earnest, half-parodical attempt to (...)
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