Results for ' iconography, Basílica da Estrela, Saint Theresa of Ávila, carmelites, etching'

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  1.  22
    Fontes para a iconografia teresiana no convento do Santíssimo Coração de Jesus à Estrela.Sandra Costa Saldanha - 2005 - Cultura:101-126.
    O antigo convento do Santíssimo Coração de Jesus à Estrela encerra um interessante conjunto de painéis de azulejos alusivos à vida de Santa Teresa de Jesus, cujas composições foram concebidas a partir da cópia directa de dez gravuras do álbum Vita S. Virginis Teresiae a Iesv. Série biográfica impressa pela primeira vez em Amberes em 1613, a sua concretização coube aos célebres gravadores Adriaen Collaert e Cornelis Galle. Convertidas num modelo corrente para inúmeras obras de arte ao longo dos tempos, (...)
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    Spain and Islam Once More: Fundamentalism in Sainte Thérèse d’Avila.Carol Mastrangelo Bové - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):69-80.
    Julia Kristeva's Teresa, My Love: An Imagined Life of the Saint of Avila confronts us with the contemporary problem of violent forms of fundamentalism, especially Islamic, as it recreates the life of Saint Theresa. The novel's psychoanalytic perspective engages our emotions and sensations, and is also therapeutic for author and reader. But most of all, it engages our thinking and deals in depth with this compelling, timely issue.
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    Dyadic Coping, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, and Depressive Symptoms Among Parents of Preschool Children.Andrew Switzer, Warren Caldwell, Chelsea da Estrela, Erin T. Barker & Jean-Philippe Gouin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Afrontamiento del duelo por pérdida familiar debido a Covid-19: estrategias de corto y largo plazo.Fernanda Matheus Estrela, Andrey Ferreira da da Silva, Ana Carla Barbosa de Oliveira, Júlia Renata Fernandes de Magalhães, Caroline Fernandes Soares E. Soares, Thais Moreira Peixoto & Milena Arão da Silva Oliveira - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2513-2513.
    Objective: To explore the strategies that can help individuals mourning a family member’s death from Covid-19 to cope with the loss. Method: We carried out a narrative review on the PubCovid-19 platform using the descriptors “death,” “mourning,” “Covid-19,” and “coping strategies.” Ten articles were included. Results: The strategies found are phone calls, audio recording, letters, and photos, classified as immediate and long-term. These strategies are focused on mental health, which can be adversely affected by depression and psychological disorders. Conclusions: Creating (...)
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    Insights from Saint Teresa and Saint Augustine on Artificial Intelligence: Discussing Human Interiority.Sara Lumbreras & Eduardo Garrido-Merchán - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (2):265-295.
    This article addresses the issue of attributing phenomenal consciousness to Artificial Intelligence (AI), a mistake that can lead to ethically dangerous consequences and that is becoming widespread due to the advances of Large Language Models such as ChatGPT. We juxtapose advancements in AI with the notion of inner experience as it is present in humans. The study draws from various disciplines, including philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, and theological texts such as "The Inner Castle" by Saint Theresa of (...)
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    Apontamentos retóricos sobre o conceito de oração em Teresa d'Ávila.Gustavo Piovezan - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (75):1245-1266.
    Apontamentos retóricos sobre o conceito de oração em Teresa d'Ávila: rumo a uma pedagogia mística Resumo: Neste texto apresento algumas reflexões que se constituíram por meio de leituras do pensamento filosófico e religioso de Teresa D’Ávila. Meus objetivos concentram-se em identificar elementos teóricos vinculados à educação do pensamento renascentista-moderno na Espanha. Dentre os conceitos investigados, ressalto a relação entre ensino, oração e praxis no discurso cristão, inferindo, neste contexto, sobre a possibilidade de uma pedagogia teresiana. O foco de minha análise (...)
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  7.  52
    Ethical potentialities on physical education as a vehicle for ethical education through sports.Luísa Ávila da Costa, Michael McNamee & Teresa Lacerda - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 18:29-48.
    Sports occupy an interesting ethical space from a pedagogic point of view, being included in physical education curricula in most Western countries. The approach of physical education to sports as vehicle for ethical education is too limited when it is restricted to their minimal functional, constitutive and regulatory goals. This essay’s aim is to argue the extent to which the ethical potential of physical education can embrace more than functional purposes, or whether that will be neglected in terms of limited (...)
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  8.  23
    Competing for the gods: agonistic rituals in the ancient world (Competiendo para los dioses: los rituals agonísticos en el mundo antíguo). [REVIEW]Luísa Ávila da Costa - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):153-157.
    While the Olympics are the most significant record of sports practice since classical antiquity, they remain one of the most significant and universal manifestations of the presence of sport in the...
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    Edith Stein: Scholar, Feminist, Saint by Freda Mary Oben, and: Essays on Woman by Edith Stein.Sister Marian Brady - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):379-383.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 379 Hoedl) would warrant a less minimalistic interpretation of Thomas's prominence in the theological controversies of the 70s and 80s of the thirteenth century. This volume claims to examine Thomas's work and influence in light of the newest research. This is very true of Wielockx's article, but not every contribution equally justifies this claim. Still, this collection is a welcome addition to the ongoing investigation of Thomas's (...)
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  10.  56
    Ascensão da autobiografia: declínio do sujeito.Myriam Ávila - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (114):439-442.
  11. Observation Sentences and Enlightened Empiricism in Quine’s philosophy.Ignacio Ávila - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):271-294.
    En este ensayo planteo una dificultad que encuentro en la última propuesta de Quine sobre las oraciones observacionales. Argumento que esta dificultad impide que tales oraciones cumplan el rol que él les asigna en su filosofía y socavan su empirismo ilustrado. Luego exploro tentativamente un resquicio que encuentro en la propia filosofía quineana que eventualmente podría evitar los problemas derivados de dicha dificultad. El precio de seguir el camino apuntado por ese resquicio es, sin embargo, una cierta reinterpretación del espíritu (...)
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  12. Taming Augustine’s Monstrosity.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:345-363.
    In Book VI of his Confessions, Saint Augustine offers a detailed description of one of the most famous cases of weakness of will in the history of philosophy. Augustine characterizes his experience as a monstrous situation in which he both wills and does not will moral growth, but he is at odds to explain this phenomenon. In this paper, I argue that Aquinas’s action theory offers important resources for explaining Augustine’s monstrosity. On Aquinas’s schema, human acts are composed of (...)
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  13.  22
    A Jurisprudência Do Supremo Tribunal Federal Sobre o Controle Judicial Do Orçamento Público e a Proteção Dos Direitos Humanos.Ana Paula Oliveira Ávila & Daniella Bitencourt - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (1):18-38.
    Este artigo apresenta um panorama da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o controle judicial do orçamento público e a proteção dos direitos humanos enquanto fim do Estado e do direito, especialmente considerando a recente tese fixada sobre o assunto. A questão de saber se é possível conciliar a atividade judicial com o controle de constitucionalidade dos orçamentos públicos é complexa e polêmica. Diante disso, para além de analisar as implicações orçamentárias decorrentes da judicialização dos direitos sociais positivos, o objetivo (...)
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  14.  36
    Klimaresiliens.Theresa Scavenius & Malene Rudolf Lindberg - 2016 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 73:141-155.
    This article addresses resilience in relation to climate change. Currently, our communities are not resilient to climate changes due to a strikingly limited political and scientific framing of climate change as solely a problem of emissions and individual behaviour. Owing to vulgarized interpretations of individual incentives for climate action, contextual barriers to action and the efficiency of individual climate action, this causes an action deficit on both collective and individual levels. We argue that a paradigm shift is needed in order (...)
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  15.  4
    „Da setzen wir noch eins drauf!“: (Selbst‐)Ironie und vielsagende Namen bei Plutarch und ein neuer Blick auf (Ps.‐)Plutarchs Parallela Minora.Marion Theresa Schneider - 2019 - Millennium 16 (1):93-116.
    As the interpretation of Plutarch’s prooemium to the Parallel Lives of Sertorius and Eumenes shows, an author’s capacity of irony often lies in the eyes of the beholder: While most historians take for granted that this passage is meant to make fun of Plutarch’s contemporaries for drawing ridiculous conclusions from historical parallels like namesakes or similar external attributes, most translators fail to see its humorous undertone. It becomes clear, though, that it is possible to establish objective criteria for ironic speech (...)
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  16.  27
    Naturmaß, künstlerisches Maß und die Maßlosigkeit ihrer Anwendung. Simplicia in zwei ‚Tractatus de herbis‘-Handschriften des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Theresa Holler - 2018 - Das Mittelalter 23 (1):67-91.
    On the cusp of the 14th century, a new means of visualizing plants arose in the herbal manuscript tradition of South Italy. Unlike the previous medieval tradition’s stylized plant representations or antique manuscripts with their lifelike representations, these new images are characterized by their similarity to nature and pressed herbs. Based on two ‘Tractatus de herbis’ manuscripts, namely the MS lat. 6823 in Paris and the MS Egerton 747 in London, this article examines such a new form of nature as (...)
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  17.  15
    Understanding and processing informed consent during data-intensive health research in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities from a multilingual perspective.Lillian Omutoko, George Rugare Chingarande, Marietjie Botes, Farayi Moyana, Shenuka Singh, Walter Jaoko, Esperança Sevene, Tiwonge K. Mtande, Ama Kyerewaa Edwin, Limbanazo Matandika, Theresa Burgess & Keymanthri Moodley - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
    Africa has a colonial past that renders it a linguistic melting pot, where language is not only important for communication but is inextricably related to cultural identity. In Africa, there are over 2000 languages that are still being used and spoken. Language diversity coupled with cultural diversity may affect the process of obtaining informed consent in data-intensive research. We explore some of the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism in handling informed consent in the context of data-intensive research. In multilingual contexts, (...)
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  18.  40
    On the aesthetic potential of sports and physical education.Luísa Ávila da Costa & Teresa Oliveira Lacerda - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (4):444-464.
    Even though there is a general presence of aesthetics in school curricula in most of western countries, both at the level of terminology and at the level of choice and definition of contents, objectives and skills to be developed, the approach to sports and physical education potential for the development of aesthetic education of students still does not seem to be a reality in the agenda of this subject. Moreover, it is not transversal in terms of its different didactic contents. (...)
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    As características do direito humano à educação como matriz analítica para estudos sobre consequências da privatização da educação básica.Adriana A. Dragone Silveira & Theresa Adrião - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):145-166.
    Resumo: Este ensaio tem por objetivo contribuir para análises sobre as implicações da privatização da educação (BEIFIELD; LEVIN, 2002) para a garantia do direito humano à educação, na perspectiva dos indicadores propostos por Tomasevski (2004) (modelo dos 4 A´s). Tais indicadores, compostos por aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos, abarcam quatro características fundamentais da educação: disponibilidade, acessibilidade, aceitabilidade e adaptabilidade, além do controle social (DE BECO, 2009). O texto traz uma discussão teórica sobre as formas e dimensões da privatização da educação no (...)
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  20.  35
    Proteção de civis na operação de paz da ONU no Sudão do Sul: o emprego conjunto de militares e policiais.Sergio Luiz Cruz Aguilar & Joel Henrique Fonseca De Ávila - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):397-416.
    A guerra civil iniciada no final de 2013 no Sudão do Sul causou, pela primeira vez na história das Nações Unidas, um afluxo gigantesco de deslocados internos para o interior de bases da Missão das Nações Unidas no Sudão do Sul, em busca de proteção. Assim, foram criados os Protection of Civilian Sites. Com a chegada de dezenas de milhares de pessoas em poucas semanas, houve um enorme crescimento nas demandas humanitárias e de segurança. Para prover a necessária proteção, foi (...)
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  21.  38
    Facilitating nourished scholarship through cohort supervision in a professional doctorate programme.Eloise Cj Carr, Kathleen Theresa Galvin & Les Todres - 2010 - Encyclopaideia: Journal of Phenomenology and Education 27.
    Nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni c’è stata una espansione globale in materia di istruzione dottorale e in particolare di ‘dottorati professionali’. Difficoltà nell’avanzamento e nel completamento diventano sempre più il centro dell’attenzione per tutti i tipi di dottorato. È stato riconosciuto che una serie di fattori al di là di quelli prettamente demografici potrebbe influire sulla possibilità di completare gli studi. C’è ancora molto da imparare sul motivo per cui l’avanzamento e il completamento del dottorato sono così impegnativi. In (...)
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  22. TEXTOS SELECIONADOS DE FILOSOFIA DA ECONOMIA.Ramiro Ávila Peres, André Nascimento Pontes & Mariana Kuhn de Oliveira - 2022 - Pelotas - Princesa, Pelotas - RS, Brasil: Ufpel.
    Translation into Portuguese of SEP entries on Philosophy of Economics.
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    Ein argument, dass der Wille Des menschen frei ist.Uwe Saint-Mont - 2007 - Philosophia Naturalis 44 (1):75-87.
    A new argument in favour of free will is given. It shows that our will is free in a comprehensive sense. The argument is developed in the context of a decision situation, which is paradigmatic for the discussion of free will and human action. German Eine schlüssige Begründung für die Willensfreiheit des Menschen wird vorgestellt. Sie zeigt, dass wir in einem sehr weit reichenden Sinne frei sind. Das Argument wird im Kontext einer Entscheidungssituation präsentiert, die für die Diskussion um Handlungs- (...)
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  24.  34
    Vicki L. Hamblin, Saints at Play: The Performance Features of French Hagiographic Mystery Plays. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 2012. Pp. xiii, 253; 5 tables. $60. ISBN: 978-1-58044-167-4. [REVIEW]Theresa Coletti - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1152-1154.
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    Translated texts from late antiquity A. F. Norman: Antioch as a centre of hellenic culture as observed by libanius . (Translated texts for historians, 34.) pp. XXII + 198, map. Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2000. Paper, £9.95. Isbn: 0-85323-595-3. M. Edwards: Neoplatonic saints. The lives of plotinus and Proclus by their students . (Translated texts for historians, 35.) pp. lx + 150, maps. Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2000. Paper, £9.95. Isbn: 0-85323-615-1. M. Whitby: The ecclesiastical history of evagrius scholasticus . (Translated texts for historians, 33.) pp. lxiii + 390, maps. Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2000. Paper, £9.95. Isbn: 0-85323-605-4. F. R. trombley, J. W. Watt: The chronicle of pseudo-Joshua the stylite . (Translated texts for historians, 32.) pp. lv + 170, maps. Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2000. Paper, £9.95. Isbn: 0-85323-585-. [REVIEW]Theresa Urbainczyk - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):15-.
  26.  13
    A Pintura da Igreja do Santíssimo Sacramento dos Paulistas (Santa Catarina).Nuno Saldanha - 2017 - Cultura:157-184.
    A actual igreja paroquial de Santa Catarina, do antigo convento da congregação de São Paulo da Serra d’Ossa, é sem dúvida uma das mais ricas de Lisboa, e essa opulência, para além do seu recheio decorativo, passa também pela riqueza do seu programa iconográfico. Sendo originalmente igreja conventual de uma congregação eremítica, dedicada ao Santíssimo Sacramento, esta circunstância reflecte-se naturalmente no seu programa decorativo. Assim, é precisamente esta dupla vertente (a eucarística e a eremítica) que marca o seu complexo programa (...)
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  27.  89
    « Voir, c’est imaginer. Et imaginer, c’est voir. » Perception et imaginaire chez Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:257-281.
    “To see is to imagine. And to imagine, is to see.”Perception and Imaginary in Merleau-PontyMerleau-Ponty accords such a phenomenological and ontological priority to perception that this privilege might lead him to minimize the importance of theimaginary in our relationship with the world. In fact, in the work published during his life, the theme of the imaginary does not occupy a large place, and its conceptual elaboration remains little visible. A reading of his posthumous publications and of his unpublished papers leads (...)
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  28.  18
    Preservation of Type and the Continuity of Patristic Principles in the Legacies of Saint John Henry Newman and Henri de Lubac.Theresa Marie Chau Nguyen - 2020 - Newman Studies Journal 17 (2):22-40.
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  29. Moderate Holism: Answering to Criticism and Explaining Linguistic Phenomena.Kênio Estrela - 2018 - Fragmentos de Cultura 28 (n.2):258-270.
    In this paper I present a version of meaning holism proposed by Henry Jackman (1999a, 1999b, 2005 and 2015) entitled "moderate holism". I will argue that this moderate version of holism, in addition to responding to much of the criticism attributed to traditional semantic holism (such as translation, disagreement, change of mind and communication), is also extremely useful to explain the occurrence of several, such as vagueness and polysemy.
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  30. El papel de la música en la educación según la Política de Aristóteles.Kênio Estrela - 2018 - Fragmentos de Cultura 28 (n.4):465-471.
    Music is a multifaceted discipline. It has repercussions in the most diverse areas of knowledge. It appears strongly in the development of education and philosophy since antiquity. As a representation of this importance we can find in Book VIII of Aristotle’s Politics an important argumentation about the role of music in the education of young people and adults in the polis. This paper will present an interpretation of Aristotle’s perspective on the role of music in education. -/- .
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    A retórica na Antiguidade e na Idade Média.Ricardo da Costa - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (SPE):353-390.
    Resumo: O artigo trata da retórica na Antiguidade e na Idade Média a partir da perspectiva de onze filósofos – Platão e Aristóteles, Cícero, Sêneca e Quintiliano, a Retórica a Herênio, Agostinho, Marciano Capela e Isidoro de Sevilha, Bernardo de Claraval e Ramon Llull. Oferece, ainda, um extrato por nós traduzido da Retórica nova do filósofo catalão, a primeira tradução para a língua portuguesa.: This article deals with rhetoric in Antiquity and Middle Ages from the perspective of eleven philosophers: Plato, (...)
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    A reconstrução da fé no enfrentamento do luto: teologia e psicologia em diálogo.Ana Paula Reis da Costa - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (41):200-201.
    This research aims at a dialogue between Theology and Psychology in order to understand the Catholic faith and their possible mobilization within the psychic processo of assimilation and elaboration of mourning, using the clinical history of two Catholic bereaved patients followed up in psychoterapy in their first years of bereavement as a concrete object of analysis in a longitudinal study. The Project is part of a historical and philosophical literature on death and then supplies from the contribuitions of Jurgen Moltmann (...)
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  33. Sociologie d'un laboratoire de biotechnologie.António Firmino da Costa, Patrícia Ávila & Margarida Senna Martinez - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 109:257-282.
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    O jogo da capoeira, como ferramenta motivacional para o desenvolvimento da leitura, em uma escola estadual, na cidade de Itabuna – Bahia -Brasil.Cláudia Viana Ávila D'Andrade & Clara Roseana da Silva Azevedo Mot'Alverne - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):332-351.
    A capoeira ou capoeiragem é uma expressão cultural brasileira que mistura jogo, esporte, arte marcial, cultura popular, tradição, dança e música. Desenvolvida no Brasil por descendentes de escravos africanos, a capoeira é caracterizada por golpes e movimentos ágeis e complexos, utilizando primariamente chutes e rasteiras, além de joelhadas e cabeçadas, cotoveladas, acrobacias aéreas ou em solo. Praticantes da capoeira aprendem não apenas a lutar e jogar, mas também a tocar os instrumentos típicos e cantar. Assim, os discentes do 6º ano (...)
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    O Niilismo Ativo Nietzschiano Na Obra ‘a Hora da Estrela’ de Clarice Lispector.Roberto Ribeiro da Silva - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 31 (31):104-112.
    Investigaremos os nexos niilistas transmutados da obra ‘A Hora da Estrela’ de Clarice Lispector (1977), à condição esvaziada da personagem Macabéa. Essa eleição se coaduna com a ideia nietzschiana de transvaloração, onde o “lusco-fusco” entre vida versus morte se encontram, a ficção versus realidade são constantes metamorfoses - um retorno as coisas mesmas - sem dependência teleológica. Macabéa é metaforicamente o “instante” da vida diante da morte. Sua criadora paradoxalmente é identificada com o niilismo ao significar o ‘grand finale’ da (...)
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    Por uma geografia das existências: movimentos, ação social e produção do espaço.Cátia Antônia da Silva, Andrelino Campos & Nilo Sérgio D'Avila Modesto (eds.) - 2014 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: Consequência.
  37. Une iconographie peu habituelle: les saints militaires siégeant. Le cas de Saint-Nicolas d'Arges.A. Dumitrescu - 1989 - Byzantion 59:48-63.
  38. Quine and holism.Kênio Estrela - forthcoming - AL-Mukhatabat.
    Holism is a well-known and discussed theory in several fields of philosophy, especially in the field of epistemology and the philosophy of language. Willard Van Orman Quine was one of the leading analytical philosophers to argue about this topic in the last 70 years. The objective of this paper is to present how Quine developed his holistic arguments, identifying the texts in which they appear, and finally to present our interpretation of how epistemological holism and meaning holism work in the (...)
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    Resenhas v. 4 n. 8.Amauri Carlos Ferreira, Antônio Francisco da Silva, Ivonei Antônio de Oliveira, João Batista Libanio, Lindomar Rocha Mota & Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):153-171.
    SENA, Luzia (Org.). Ensino religioso e formação docente . (Religious teaching and teacher qualification) Amauri Carlos Ferreira SANGENIS, Luiz Fernando Conde. Gênese do pensamento único em educação: franciscanismo e jesuitismo na história da educação brasileira. (Genesis of an only thought in education: franciscanism and Jesuitism in the history of Brazilian education) Antônio Francisco da Silva TREVISAN, A. Santo Tomás de Aquino – O Credo: tradução, prefácio, introdução e notas. (Saint Thomas of Aquinas – The Creed: translation, preface, introduction and (...)
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    Perceção Das Fontes de Informação Turística No Turismo Interno.Nelson Dias Oliveira - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-19.
    La comunicación y el sector turístico han caminado juntos desde la aparición del turismo, han confluido en la web y se han reinventado en los medios sociales y en las recientes plataformas y aplicaciones. Los destinos turísticos siempre han necesitado algún tipo de comunicación para darse a conocer. Hay muchas fuentes de información turística que oscilan entre lo formal y lo informal, lo institucional y lo comercial… transmitidas en diversos medios. El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre la importancia (...)
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    Sūr Dās: Poet, Singer, SaintSur Das: Poet, Singer, Saint.W. L. Smith & John Stratton Hawley - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):606.
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  42. Śrī Gaṇeśa Muni Śāstrī: sādhaka aura sarjaka.Rāmaprasāda Trivedī - 1974 - Udayapura, Rājasthāna: Amara Jaina Sāhitya Saṃsthāna.
    On the works and philosophy of Gaṇeśa Muni Śāstrī, b. 1931, Jaina saint and author.
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    Challenged Iconography: The Last Folio in the Cycle of the Life and Passion of Christ in the Bible of Ávila.Mónica A. Walker Vadillo - 2007 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 12:227-236.
    En la Biblia de Ávila se encuentra el ciclo pictórico de la vida y la pasión de Cristo más completo del Románico español. Cada escena viene acompañada por una inscripción en latín añadida poco después de que se completaran las imágenes. Sin embargo, no todas las inscripciones identifican los personajes o las escenas correctamente. Uno de los errores se encuentra en el último folio del ciclo que, habiendo sido identificado como Pentecostés o la bajada del Espíritu Santo, no presenta ninguna (...)
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    Nietzsche and history the unhappiness of the animal and the hope of man.Tuillang Yuing Alfaro & Mariela Cecilia Avila - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (156):191-205.
    La Segunda consideration intempestiva delimita una relación funcional con la historia: esta beneficia a la vida cuando se posiciona desde una perspectiva ilusoria, disimulada y estratégica. Se analizan dos consecuencias: la crítica de la historia como ciencia objetiva y los matices que se desprenden de considerarla como relato. Si G. Agamben ha mostrado cómo la historia surge en el intersticio que hay entre lenguaje y discurso, el debate debe orientarse al proceso por el que la subjetividad adviene a un lenguaje (...)
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    Das Relações entre Portugal e a Pérsia. 1500-1758. Catálogo Bibliográfico da Exposição Comemorativa do XXV Centenário da Monarquia no Irão organizada pela Fundação Calouste GulbenkianL'Ambassade en Perse de Luis Pereira de Lacerda et des Pères Portugais de l'Ordre de Saint-Augustin, Belchior dos Anjos et Guilherme de Santo Agostinho, 1604-1605Un Voyageur Portugais en Perse au début du XVIIe siècle, Nicolau de Orta RebeloL'Ambassade de Gregório Pereira Fidalgo à la cour de Ch'h Solt'n-Hosseyn. 1696-1697Das Relacoes entre Portugal e a Persia. 1500-1758. Catalogo Bibliografico da Exposicao Comemorativa do XXV Centenario da Monarquia no Irao organizada pela Fundacao Calouste GulbenkianL'Ambassade en Perse de Luis Pereira de Lacerda et des Peres Portugais de l'Ordre de Saint-Augustin, Belchior dos Anjos et Guilherme de Santo Agostinho, 1604-1605Un Voyageur Portugais en Perse au debut du XVIIe siecle, Nicolau de Orta RebeloL'Ambassade de Gregorio Pereira Fidalgo a la cour de Chah Soltan-Hoss. [REVIEW]M. N. Pearson, Roberto Gulbenkian, Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, Jean Aubin & Joaquim Verissimo Serrao - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):161.
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    Medicine: The first step on the road to holiness? [REVIEW]Paulo Pacheco da Fontoura & Miguel Casimiro - 1995 - Journal of Medical Humanities 16 (2):105-119.
    The connections of Medicine and Religion are thoroughly documented in the primitive societies, and it comes as no surprise to see them together. Here we describe the true story of a Portuguese physician of the late 19th century whose image today is venerated in such a way as to compare him to a saint and to bestow upon him miraculous powers of healing. We propose that modern day physicians can learn from the example of this man that the role (...)
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    Sainte Claire en Rouergue: viii centenaire de sainte Claire. Conférences du Colloque de Millau (29 septembre-3 octobre 1993) (review). [REVIEW]O. S. C. Millane - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):353-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS353 Sainte Claire en Rouergue: viii centenaire de sainte Claire. Conférences du Colloque de Millau (29 septembre-3 octobre 1993). Ed. "Les amis de sainte Claire aujourd'hui." Millau: Maury, 1994. 220 pp. During the eighth centenary of the birth of St. Clare, many symposiums were planned in France: Millau, Béziers, Montpellier, Perpignan and Paris. Sainte Claire en Rouergue presents most of the conferences from the symposium of Millau, September (...)
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    Новые книги по лингвистической прагматике. [REVIEW]В. В Долгоруков - 2013 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 35 (1):246-249.
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    Наука и иные типы знания.И. Т Касавин - 2005 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 4 (2):5-15.
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    О смысле самоописания.А. Ю Антоновский - 2005 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 4 (2):114-117.
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