Results for ' ideal observer analysis'

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  1.  17
    Sequential ideal-observer analysis of visual discriminations.Wilson S. Geisler - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):267-314.
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    An ideal observer analysis of visual working memory.Chris R. Sims, Robert A. Jacobs & David C. Knill - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (4):807-830.
  3.  51
    Classification objects, ideal observers & generative models.Cheryl Olman & Daniel Kersten - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (2):227-239.
    A successful vision system must solve the problem of deriving geometrical information about three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional photometric input. The human visual system solves this problem with remarkable efficiency, and one challenge in vision research is to understand howneural representations of objects are formed and what visual information is used to form these representations. Ideal observer analysis has demonstrated the advantages of studying vision from the perspective of explicit generative models and a specified visual task, which divides (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Ethical absolutism and the ideal observer.Roderick Firth - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (3):317-345.
    The moral philosophy of the first half of the twentieth century, at least in the English-speaking part of the world, has been largely devoted to problems of an ontological or epistemological nature. This concentration of effort by many acute analytical minds has not produced any general agreement with respect to the solution of these problems; it seems likely, on the contrary, that the wealth of proposed solutions, each making some claim to plausibility, has resulted in greater disagreement than ever before, (...)
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    Between Ideals, Realities, and Popular Perceptions: An Analysis of the Multifaceted Nature of London Zoo, 1828-1848.Takashi Ito - 2006 - Society and Animals 14 (2):159.
    This article considers the implications of the early development of London Zoo. It gives insight into the differences between the ideal image of the zoo, the real situation under which the zoo was managed, and popular perceptions of the zoo. The discussion explores three areas: the heterogeneous audience of the zoo, the aestheticization of the zoo and its animal displays, and the pedagogy of observing nonhuman animals in the zoo. The zoo's ideals confronted various difficulties, while the pedagogy of (...)
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    Evidence for a Global Sampling Process in Extraction of Summary Statistics of Item Sizes in a Set.Midori Tokita, Sachiyo Ueda & Akira Ishiguchi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:190369.
    Several studies have shown that our visual system may construct a “summary statistical representation” over groups of visual objects. Although there is a general understanding that human observers can accurately represent sets of a variety of features, many questions on how summary statistics, such as an average, are computed remain unanswered. This study investigated sampling properties of visual information used by human observers to extract two types of summary statistics of item sets, average and variance. We presented three models of (...)
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    Epistemological Constructivism and the Problem of Global Observer.Diana Gasparyan - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):84-101.
    Discussions related to the detection of objective reality, the truth and lie are still a heated topic in the domain of philosophical epistemology. While certain philosophical contexts and theories suggest that the notion "reality as an independent category" should not be engaged, instead, interpretations, including reciprocal, should be used, others hold it that philosophical discussion cannot continue without reference to the said notion. Different philosophers and scolars approach this problem from different angles. When discussing these topics, philosophers often resort to (...)
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  8. Idealizations, Approximations and Confirmation in Science.Erdinc Sayan - 1994 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    Despite the pervasive use of idealizations and approximations in science, the issue of their role has been neglected or misunderstood by philosophers. Idealizations enter into a scientific analysis or explanation in at least two ways. First, they may be embodied in the very statement or formulation of laws and theories; I call such laws idealizational laws. Second, they may be conjoined to a theory as extraneous assumptions, mainly to make it easier to work with the theory. I first examine (...)
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    Epistemological Constructivism and the Problem of Global Observer.Д.Э Гаспарян - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):84-101.
    Discussions related to the detection of objective reality, the truth and lie are still a heated topic in the domain of philosophical epistemology. While certain philosophical contexts and theories suggest that the notion "reality as an independent category" should not be engaged, instead, interpretations, including reciprocal, should be used, others hold it that philosophical discussion cannot continue without reference to the said notion. Different philosophers and scolars approach this problem from different angles. When discussing these topics, philosophers often resort to (...)
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    (1 other version)The role of idealizations in the Aharonov–Bohm effect.John Earman - 2017 - Synthese:1-29.
    On standard accounts of scientific theorizing, the role of idealizations is to facilitate the analysis of some real world system by employing a simplified representation of the target system, raising the obvious worry about how reliable knowledge can be obtained from inaccurate descriptions. The idealizations involved in the Aharonov–Bohm effect do not, it is claimed, fit this paradigm; rather the target system is a fictional system characterized by features that, though physically possible, are not realized in the actual world. (...)
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  11. Ideal – nonideal. Filosofia unei distincții în teoria dreptății.Eugen Huzum - 2016 - Iasi: Institutul European.
    The volume aims to clarify and argue in support of the distinction between ideal and nonideal theory, as it is defined and used especially by (some of) the political philosophers working on the topic of social justice. In the process of trying to achieve this aim, the volume proposes, as well, a series of analyses concerning the other major problem raised by the ideal-nonideal distinction in political theory: the problem of the soundness of ideal theory as a (...)
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    The divine and artistic ideal: Ideas and insights for cross-cultural aesthetic education.Ming Dong Gu - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 88-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Divine and Artistic Ideal:Ideas and Insights for Cross-Cultural Aesthetic EducationMing Dong Gu (bio)IntroductionPeople in different cultural traditions would praise an excellent work of art as a masterpiece that has attained the status of the divine. This is a practice inherited from the ancient past. In high antiquity, when people did not have sufficient knowledge of artistic creation, they attributed creative inspirations and superb art to gods. In (...)
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    An Investigation into True Reality: Observer, 5D Space, and Cognizance.Jami Hossain - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):702-735.
    A process of idea filtration in two distinct streams of physics i.e., 1) The dimensionality perspective of spacetime, and 2) The quantum perspective leads us to an understanding of what might be a true reality of all that we perceive. The conclusions arrived at in this paper are a bit perplexing in the sense that our perceived reality could be a manifestation of a combination of 4D + n (n > 0) flat space-time, universal wave function, and cognizance. The work (...)
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    Idealizing Hume.David Hausman - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):209-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Idealizing Hume Alan Hausman and David Hausman Hume's explanation of our belief in the continuing existence of unperceived bodies is notoriously elusive.1 Stroud, for example, despairs that it is difficult to see how Hume's elaborate discussion of the constancy and coherence of perceptions explains the origin of the idea of continuing existence, let alone our belief that there are continually existing things.2 Yet Stroud, careful as he is, does (...)
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    The Land of Competition: Observations On the Sociology of Games in Finland.Jaakko Ahokas - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (26):97-106.
    Although I am by no means a specialist in this field, I was struck with the ideas presented in Roger Caillois's work, Les feux et les hommes. In it he has attempted to classify games according to their basic character and the principles from which they stem. He has also tried to demonstrate that a certain kind of society corresponds to a certain category of games. In chapter viii of his book we encounter the transition from primitive societies, where games (...)
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    Does Stimulus Category Coherence Influence Visual Working Memory? A Rational Analysis.Ruoyang Hu & Robert A. Jacobs - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (9):e13498.
    Visual working memory (VWM) refers to the temporary storage and manipulation of visual information. Although visually different, objects we view and remember can share the same higher-level category information, such as an apple, orange, and banana all being classified as fruit. We study the influence of category information on VWM, focusing on the question of whether stimulus category coherence (i.e., whether all to-be-remembered items belong to the same semantic category) influences VWM performance. This question is addressed in two behavioral experiments (...)
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  17. The Analysis of Translation as an Art by Aristotle’s Poetics.Mahdi Bahrami - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 12 (25):61-77.
    In this text, which employs the analytic-comparative method, we read the Poetics of Aristotle in a new way to take an example of translation as an artistic creation. We can present the result of the essay as a metaphor called “the art of translation”, and then we refer to four evidences which can support our metaphor: reading the text as seeing the world, understanding the meaning as perceiving the main action, representing the text as recreating an image, and word making (...)
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    The Role of an Ultimate Authority in Restorative Justice: A Girardian Analysis.Sara Osborne - 2000 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 7 (1):79-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE ROLE OF AN ULTIMATE AUTHORITY IN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE: A GIRARDIAN ANALYSIS Sara Osborne I. Restorative or Retributive Justice South African Episcopal Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu's account of the gritty practicality of reconciliation versus retribution in his book, No Future Without Forgiveness, focuses long overdue attention on Restorative Justice, a law reform movement probably better known in international than in American legal circles. A persuasive assertion of Restorative (...)
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  19. The Uncultivated Man and the Weakness of the Ideal in Classical Chinese Philosophy.Kang Chan - 2000 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The Chinese philosophical tradition aims at a departure from the imperfect reality for the sake of the ideal. But it is also clear to the Chinese philosophers that most people would not follow their footsteps in discarding reality and seeking the ideal. The weakness of the ideal in its incapacity to change the uncultivated man defines a common thread of philosophical thinking in China, and constitutes a bitter truth which these philosophers do not make explicit. Seven philosophers (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Vagueness. An exercise in logical analysis.Max Black - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (4):427-455.
    It is a paradox, whose importance familiarity fails to diminish, that the most highly developed and useful scientific theories are ostensibly expressed in terms of objects never encountered in experience. The line traced by a draughtsman, no matter how accurate, is seen beneath the microscope as a kind of corrugated trench, far removed from the ideal line of pure geometry. And the “point-planet” of astronomy, the “perfect gas” of thermodynamics, or the “pure species” of genetics are equally remote from (...)
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  21. The Professionalisation of Science – Claim and Refusal: Discipline Building and Ideals of Scientific Autonomy in the Growth of Prehistoric Archaeology. The Case of Georges Laplace's Group of Typologie Analytique, 1950s–1990s.Sébastien Plutniak - 2017 - Organon 49:105-154.
    The majority of analyses investigating the professionalisation of scientific domains tend to assume the linear and general features of this transformation. These studies focus on the shift from a non-professionalised state to a professionalised state. This dual approach, however, crucially lacks some other aspects of the process of professionalisation. This issue is discussed within the context of the growth of prehistoric archaeology in France from the 1940s, by observing scientific societies, national research organisations and their social networks. Looking at the (...)
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  22. Perspectivalism in the Development of Scientific Observer-Relativity.Lydia Patton - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut (eds.), The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 63-78.
    Hermann von Helmholtz allows for not only physiological facts and psychological inferences, but also perspectival reasoning, to influence perceptual experience and knowledge gained from perception. But Helmholtz also defends a version of the view according to which there can be a kind of “perspectival truth” revealed in scientific research and investigation. Helmholtz argues that the relationships between subjective and objective, real and actual, actual and illusory, must be analyzed scientifically, within experience. There is no standpoint outside experience from which we (...)
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    Building (Conceptual) Bridges: Mills’s Non-Ideal Theory and Disciplinary Whitopias.Emmalon Davis - 2025 - In Mark William Westmoreland (ed.), The Philosophy of Charles W. Mills: Race and the Relations of Power. New York: Routledge. pp. 134-152.
    This chapter revisits the metaphilosophical critique offered in The Racial Contract (Mills 1997). My analysis explicates Mills’s characterization of the “Racial Contract”—and non-ideal theory more broadly—as a conceptual bridge. I consider three questions: (a) what is the nature of the domains it connects, (b) what is the function and orientation of the bridge, (c) what is the relationship between once isolated domains after a bridge has been constructed? In answering these questions, I outline several features of the bridge’s (...)
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    Documentation of ethically relevant information in out-of-hospital resuscitation is rare: a Danish nationwide observational study of 16,495 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. [REVIEW]Kristian Bundgaard Ringgren, Kenneth Lübcke, Heinrich Dedenroth Larsen, Julie Linding Bogh Kjerulff, Gunhild Kjærgaard-Andersen, Theo Walther Jensen, Mathias Geldermann Holgersen, Lars Borup, Stig Nikolaj Fasmer Blomberg, René Arne Bergmann, Søren Mikkelsen, Dorthe Susanne Nielsen, Helle Collatz Christensen, Annmarie Lassen, Erika Frischknecht Christensen, Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, Lars Grassmé Binderup & Louise Milling - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundDecision-making in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest should ideally include clinical and ethical factors. Little is known about the extent of ethical considerations and their influence on prehospital resuscitation. We aimed to determine the transparency in medical records regarding decision-making in prehospital resuscitation with a specific focus on ethically relevant information and consideration in resuscitation providers’ documentation.MethodsThis was a Danish nationwide retrospective observational study of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests from 2016 through 2018. After an initial screening using broadly defined inclusion criteria, two experienced (...)
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    The Archimedean Point.David Gauthier - 1986 - In David P. Gauthier (ed.), Morals by agreement. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Archimedean point is one from which a rational individual may exert the force needed to govern the moral realm, and hence one in which she must choose and act aware that she is a person with preferences but unaware of the content of those preferences, and so impartially. We contrast this person, the ideal actor, with other idealizing conceptions in moral theory, the noumenal self, the ideal observer, the ideal sympathizer, and the ideal proprietor. (...)
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    Participation, empowerment, and farmer evaluations: A comparative analysis of IPM technology generation in Nicaragua. [REVIEW]Kristen C. Nelson - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (2-3):109-125.
    The heated debate over the limited impact of integrated pest management (IPM) in Central American agriculture suggests that we need to investigate the mechanisms of IPM technology generation. CATIE/MAG-IPM Nicaragua initiated a comparative study of two prototypic models with tomato farmers in the Sébaco Valley, in 1990–91. I created two ideal types from the literature: the scientist-led and farmer-led models. Each model was represented by three different communities. The study focused on the: 1) technology generation process, 2) IPM technologies (...)
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  27.  46
    The Ideal Observer’s Philosophy of Religion.Charles Taliaferro - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:51-58.
    Philosophical assessments of different religious traditions face two substantial objections, among others. According to one, the very nature of religious traditions as embedded forms of life prevents this philosophical undertaking. According to the other, a philosophical inventory is possible but under its guise no religious tradition will be left standing. I reply to both and then comment on whether there is (or can be) an ideal observation post from which to philosophically elucidate and compare different religious beliefs and practices.
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  28. The Ideal Observer Theory and Motivational Internalism.Daniel Rönnedal - 2015 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):79-98.
    In this paper I show that one version of motivational internalism follows from the so-called ideal observer theory. Let us call the version of the ideal observer theory used in this essay (IOT). According to (IOT), it is necessarily the case that it ought to be that A if and only if every ideal observer wants it to be the case that A. We shall call the version of motivational internalism that follows from (IOT) (...)
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    Moral Requiredness: Bridging the Gap between "Ought" and "Is": Part II.Arthur J. Dyck - 1981 - Journal of Religious Ethics 9 (1):131 - 150.
    Part I of this essay described "Ought" and "Value" as forms of moral requiredness. Now in Part II, a description of the ideal conditions for veridical perceptions of moral requiredness are specified. This is done in the form of an ideal observer type of analysis. This analysis is defended against those who oppose naturalism by assuming a bifurcation between 'ought' and 'is' and those who accuse naturalism of a "naturalistic fallacy." It is argued that theistic (...)
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  30. Utility Maximization and Bounds on Human Information Processing.Andrew Howes, Richard L. Lewis & Satinder Singh - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (2):198-203.
    Utility maximization is a key element of a number of theoretical approaches to explaining human behavior. Among these approaches are rational analysis, ideal observer theory, and signal detection theory. While some examples of these approaches define the utility maximization problem with little reference to the bounds imposed by the organism, others start with, and emphasize approaches in which bounds imposed by the information processing architecture are considered as an explicit part of the utility maximization problem. These latter (...)
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  31. Ideal observers, real observers, and the return of Elvis.Ronald A. Rensink - 1996 - In David C. Knill & Whitman Richards (eds.), Perception as Bayesian Inference. Cambridge University Press. pp. 451-455.
    Knill, Kersten, & Mamassian (Chapter 6) provide an interesting discussion of how the Bayesian formulation can be used to help investigate human vision. In their view, computational theories can be based on an ideal observer that uses Bayesian inference to make optimal use of available information. Four factors are important here: the image information used, the output structures estimated, the priors assumed (i.e., knowledge about the structure of the world), and the likelihood function used (i.e., knowledge about the (...)
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  32. Ideal Observer Theories in Aesthetics.Stephanie Ross - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):513-522.
    I examine the prospects for an ideal observer theory in aesthetics modelled on Roderick Firth’s 1952 paper ‘Ethical Absolutism and the Ideal Observer’. The first generation of philosophers to consider an Ideal Aesthetic Observer found fault with Firth’s omniscience condition; more recent writers have criticized the affective component of an IAO’s response. In the end, most discussants reject the possibility of an IAO theory. Though the IAO theory gets the model wrong for answering meta‐aesthetic (...)
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    An observational analysis of argument structures: The case of Nightline. [REVIEW]BrentG Brossmann & DanielJ Canary - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (2):199-212.
    An observational analysis of selected Nightline program transcripts was undertaken to advance understanding of conversational arguments used in the service of public policy debate. Results indicate that Nightline discussions involved more compound structural variations, but fewer simple, convergent and eroded argument structures than had been found in previous research. In contrast to previous efforts, the development of prompter and delimitor argument structures was also identified. In addition, the program's moderator, Ted Koppel, used challenge structures as his primary method of (...)
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  34. Relativising the ideal observer theory.Charles Taliaferro - 1988 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (1):123-138.
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    Could ideal observers disagree?: A reply to Taliaferro.Thomas L. Carson - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (1):115-124.
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  36. Virtue theory, ideal observers, and the supererogatory.Jason Kawall - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 146 (2):179-96.
    I argue that recent virtue theories (including those of Hursthouse, Slote, and Swanton) face important initial difficulties in accommodating the supererogatory. In particular, I consider several potential characterizations of the supererogatory modeled upon these familiar virtue theories (and their accounts of rightness) and argue that they fail to provide an adequate account of supererogation. In the second half of the paper I sketch an alternative virtue-based characterization of supererogation, one that is grounded in the attitudes of virtuous ideal observers, (...)
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  37. Ideal observations : information and causation in biological practice.Oliver M. Lean - 2023 - In William C. Bausman, Janella K. Baxter & Oliver M. Lean (eds.), From biological practice to scientific metaphysics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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  38. Teaching & learning guide for: Contemporary virtue ethics.Karen Stohr - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (1):102-107.
    Virtue ethics is now well established as a substantive, independent normative theory. It was not always so. The revival of virtue ethics was initially spurred by influential criticisms of other normative theories, especially those made by Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, John McDowell, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Bernard Williams. 1 Because of this heritage, virtue ethics is often associated with anti-theory movements in ethics and more recently, moral particularism. There are, however, quite a few different approaches to ethics that can reasonably claim (...)
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    Consensus and the ideal observer.Keith Lehrer - 1985 - Synthese 62 (1):109 - 120.
    This is a defense of the theory of rational consensus articulated by k lehrer and c wagner; (1981, "rational consensus in science and society", D reidel, Dordrecht) based on iterated weighted averaging of utilities and probabilities against the criticisms of I levi, F f schmidt, D baird, J l kranuip, B loewer and r laddage. The defense is that the rational consensus in question would be accepted by an ideal observer.
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    Three ideal observer models for rule learning in simple languages.Michael C. Frank & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2011 - Cognition 120 (3):360-371.
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  41. Ethical relativism and the ideal observer.B. C. Postow - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (1):120-121.
    I show that roderick firth's ideal observer theory contains a loophole which allows conflicting ethical statements to be true. To remedy this, I recommend that we add to the list of defining characteristics of an ideal observer, The requirement that he be unable to have obligation-Determining reactions toward acts which he knows to be incompatible.
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    Mr. Chips: An ideal-observer model of reading.Gordon E. Legge, Timothy S. Klitz & Bosco S. Tjan - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (3):524-553.
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    Some comments on the 'ideal observer'.John-D. Bailiff - 1964 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24:423-428.
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  44. Hume on Beauty, Ideal Observers, and the Justification of Aesthetic Judgment.R. Roderick - 1979 - Dialogue (Misc) 22.
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  45. Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presence of superconductors.L. O'Raifeartaigh, N. Straumann & A. Wipf - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (5):703-709.
    The analysis of a previous paper, in which it was shown that the energy for the Aharonov-Bohm effect could be traced to the interaction energy between the magnetic field of the electron and the background magnetic field, is extended to cover the case in which the magnetic field of the electron is shielded from the background magnetic field by a superconducting material. The paradox that arises from the fact that such a shielding would apparently preclude the possibility of an (...)
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    What spacetime does: ideal observers and (Earman's) symmetry principles.Adan Sus - 2023 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 38 (1):67-85.
    The interpretation and justification of Earman’s symmetry principles (stating that any spacetime symmetry should be a dynamical symmetry and vice-versa) are controversial. This is directly connected to the question of how certain structures in physical theories acquire a spatiotemporal character. In this paper I address these issues from a perspective (arguably functionalist) that relates the classical discussion about the measurement and geometrical determination of space with a characterization of the notion of dynamical symmetry in which its application to subsystems that (...)
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  47. A Defense of Modest Ideal Observer Theory: The Case of Adam Smith’s Impartial Spectator.Nir Ben-Moshe - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (2):489-510.
    I build on Adam Smith’s account of the impartial spectator in The Theory of Moral Sentiments in order to offer a modest ideal observer theory of moral judgment that is adequate in the following sense: the account specifies the hypothetical conditions that guarantee the authoritativeness of an agent’s (or agents’) responses in constituting the standard in question, and, if an actual agent or an actual community of agents are not under those conditions, their responses are not authoritative in (...)
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  48. Ideal agents and ideal observers in epistemology.Linda Zagzebski - 2006 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington (ed.), Epistemology futures. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  49. Virtue theory and ideal observers.Jason Kawall - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (3):197 - 222.
    Virtue theorists in ethics often embrace the following characterizationof right action: An action is right iff a virtuous agent would performthat action in like circumstances. Zagzebski offers a parallel virtue-basedaccount of epistemically justified belief. Such proposals are severely flawedbecause virtuous agents in adverse circumstances, or through lack ofknowledge can perform poorly. I propose an alternative virtue-based accountaccording to which an action is right (a belief is justified) for an agentin a given situation iff an unimpaired, fully-informed virtuous observerwould deem the (...)
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  50. Moral response-dependence, ideal observers, and the motive of duty: Responding to Zangwill.Jason Kawall - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (3):357-369.
    Moral response-dependent metaethical theories characterize moral properties in terms of the reactions of certain classes of individuals. Nick Zangwill has argued that such theories are flawed: they are unable to accommodate the motive of duty. That is, they are unable to provide a suitable reason for anyone to perform morally right actions simply because they are morally right. I argue that Zangwill ignores significant differences between various approvals, and various individuals, and that moral response-dependent theories can accommodate the motive of (...)
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