Results for ' inspiration to Vygotsky, a thinker ‐ ‘socio‐historical’, blueprint of a framework'

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  1.  13
    Vygotsky, Hegel and Education.Jan Derry - 2013 - In Vygotsky: Philosophy and Education. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 126–148.
    This chapter considers four areas in the differences between Vygotsky's concept of reason and ‘Enlightenment rationality’ in its familiar characterisation. These areas cover: (1) foundationalism and anti‐foundationalism, (2) the conception of science, (3) the conception of development and (4) idealism and materialism. The last is developed more by Ilyenkov, although, given its Hegelian and Spinozist provenance, it can be reasonably interpreted as part of the general direction of Vygotsky's work. Two indications of the importance of Hegel for understanding Vygotsky are: (...)
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    Socio-historical Causal Descriptivism.Chen Bo - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):45-67.
    This paper argues for a hybrid and alternative theory of names—Socio-historical Causal Descriptivism, which consists of six claims: (1) the referring relation between a name and an object originates from a generalized “initial baptism” of that object. (2) The causal chain of the name N firstly and mainly transmits informative descriptions of N’s bearer. (3) The meaning of N consists of an open-ended collection of informative descriptions of N’s bearer acknowledged by a linguistic community. (4) With respect to practical needs (...)
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    Vygotsky in his, our and future times.Gordana Jovanović - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):3-7.
    The aim of this article is to explore the ways and forms in which history is present, represented and used in Vygotsky’s theorizing. Given the fact that Vygotsky’s theory is usually described as a cultural-historical theory, the issue of history is necessarily implicated in the theory itself. However, there is still a gap between history as implicated in the theory and an explicit theorizing of history – both in Vygotsky’s writings and in Vygotskian scholarship. Therefore it is expected that it (...)
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    Technics and signs: anthropogenesis in Vygotsky, Leroi-Gourhan, and Stiegler.Chris Drain - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-26.
    This paper reconstructs L.S. Vygotsky’s account of anthropogenesis with respect to the work of anthropologist André Leroi-Gourhan and late philosopher Bernard Stiegler, situating Vygotsky as a forerunner to recent theories that posit cultural scaffolding and niche construction as the main drivers of human cognitive evolution. One might think there is an immediate affinity between Vygotsky and the techno-centric accounts of Leroi-Gourhan and Stiegler. Following Leroi-Gourhan, Stiegler argues that “technics” is the main driver in the anthropogenic development of “reflective consciousness.” Vygotsky (...)
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    Vygotsky’s reception in the West.Luciano Mecacci - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):173-184.
    The diffusion of Vygotsky’s work in Italy was analysed by first considering the issues related to the translation of his texts since the 1970s, particularly with regard to the project promoted by the publishing house of the Italian Communist Party and supervised by the author of this article. Second, the reception of cultural-historical theory was discussed in the context of Italian psychology and medicine in the 1970s and 1980s. After an early acceptance of Pavlovian theory by a few Italian psychologists (...)
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    Vygotsky's theory in early childhood education and research: Russian and Western views.Nikolay Veraksa (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Drawing upon in-depth analyses of Lev Vygotsky’s theories of early childhood and investigating the ways in which his ideas are reflected in contemporary educational settings, this book brings into sharp relief the numerous opportunities for preschool learning and development afforded by Vygotskian approaches. Discussion of recent developments in the understanding and implementation of Vygotsky’s ideas in Western and Russian contexts facilitates comparison, and provides readers with fresh impetus to integrate elements into their own practice. Chapters are clearly structured and address (...)
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    Early Learning and Development: Cultural-Historical Concepts in Play.Marilyn Fleer & Mariane Hedegaard - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Early Learning and Development provides a unique synthesis of cultural-historical theory from Vygotsky, Elkonin and Leontiev in the twentieth century to the ground-breaking research of scholars such as Siraj-Blatchford, Kratsova and Hedegaard today. It demonstrates how development and learning are culturally embedded and institutionally defined, and it reflects specifically upon the implications for the early childhood profession. Divided into parts, with succinct chapters that build upon knowledge progressively, the everyday lives of children at home, in the community, at pre-school and (...)
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    Hegel, Marx and Vygotsky: essays on social philosophy.Andy Blunden - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    Andy Blunden's Hegel Marx & Vygotsky, Essays in Social Philosophy presents his novel approach to social theory in a series of essays. Blunden aims to use the cultural psychology of Lev Vygotsky and the Soviet Activity Theorists to renew Hegelian Marxism as an interdisciplinary science. This allows psychologists and social theorists to share their insights through concepts equally valid in either domain. The work includes critical reviews of the works of central figures in Soviet psychology and other writers offering fruitful (...)
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    Ilyenkov and Vygotsky on imagination.David Bakhurst - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (3):483-504.
    This paper explores Ilyenkov’s conception of imagination as it is expressed in his writings on aesthetics and in his 1968 book Ob idolakh i idealakh (Of Idols and Ideals). Ilyenkov deemed imagination and creativity to be central to the character of distinctively human forms of mental activity. After examining the many different contexts in which Ilyenkov sees imagination at work—from the most basic operations of perception to the expression of artistic and scientific genius—I bring his ideas into dialogue with the (...)
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    Rezeption und Inspiration. Über die Schriftwerdung des Wortes und die Wortwerdung der Schrift im Akt des Lesens.Ulrich Körtner - 2009 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 51 (1):27-49.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGWas ist eigentlich »die« Schrift bzw. »die Bibel«, auf welche sich das sogenannte reformatorische Schriftprinzip beruft? Der kanongeschichtliche Befund, wonach die Bibel der Reformation ein Hybrid mit antirömischer Stoßrichtung ist, scheint auf die endgültige Dekonstruktion des reformatorischen Schriftprinzips hinauszulaufen. Leserorientierte bzw. rezeptionsästhetische Texttheorien verleihen dem sola scriptura jedoch neue Plausibilität. Dazu ist es allerdings erforderlich, die klassische Inspirationslehre als Theorie des inspirierten Lesers zu erneuern. Auf ihrem Hintergrund lässt sich auch die Frage, wieweit die Kirche Subjekt oder Objekt des Kanons (...)
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    La teoría histórico-cultural de Vygotski desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2016 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:107-126.
    Many times we have discussed about the appropriateness of situating to Vygotski in the Olympus of psychology. Even today, 80 years later, his theories continue creating as many supporters, defenders of his originality, as effusive critics who accuse the methodological shortcomings of his work. In our view, one of the shortcomings that have accused more his work is the lack of a solid theoretical foundation that endows meaning with the available host of data and results. Therefore, the objective of this (...)
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    Situating makerspace curricula for students with learning differences within Vygotsky’s cultural historical psychology.Shantanu Tilak, Rachelle Viar, Beau Turner & Kadie Kennedy - 2024 - Universal Access in the Information Society.
    This mixed methods case study employed Vygotsky’s theory to show how peer and teacher contingent support created individualized zones of proximal development for three students with learning differences in a high school makerspace class at a special education institution. Our results expand extant literature by highlighting the intra- and interpsychological potential of makerspace curricula, specifically for students with learning differences. We employ mixed methods analyses of self-reported responses related to emergent problem navigation, a narrative of class fieldnotes, and visuals of (...)
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    L.S. Vygotsky and education.Luis C. Moll - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Vygotsky's legacy in education is enduring and prolific, influencing educational research and scholarship in areas as far ranging child development, language and literacy development, bilingual education, and learning disabilities to name but a few. In this accessible, introductory volume, renowned Vygtosky authority Luis C. Moll presents a summary of Vygtoskian core concepts, constituting a cultural-historical approach to the study of thinking and development. Moll emphasizes what he considers central tenets of Vygotsky's scholarship --- the sociocultural genesis of human thinking, the (...)
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  14.  50
    Social and individual subjectivity from an historical cultural standpoint.Fernando Luis González Rey - 2007 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 9 (2):3-14.
    This paper discusses theoretical issues concerning the topic of subjectivity as it has been recently developed within a cultural – historical framework. This provides a new theoretical and epistemological basis to this issue that does not lead to the misinterpretations of subjectivity found in the modern philosophical approaches to theorizing consciousness. This paper builds on interpretations related to Vygotsky’s theory of consciousness that do not follow the current dominant interpretations in Western Psychology. The analyses take departure in the concept (...)
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    Vygotsky's non-classical dialectical metapsychology.Dorothy Robbins - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (3):303–312.
    The approach taken here is to begin to understand the focus from abstract to concrete in learning to master the principles of methodology, which are different from Western methods and procedures. This methodology is opposed to the empiricist approach of establishing rules and procedures from the concrete to the abstract. The initial discussion revolves around an explanation of the use of metaphor, metatheory, and psychology understood as a non-classical science. There is then a discussion on dialectics, dialectical synthesis, and metafacts. (...)
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    Deconstructing Vygotsky’s victimization narrative.Jennifer Fraser & Anton Yasnitsky - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):128-153.
    Although many facets of Lev Vygotsky’s life have drawn considerable attention from historians of science, perhaps the most popular feature of his personal narrative was that his work was actively chastised by the Stalinist government. Almost all contemporary references to Vygotsky’s personal history emphasize that from 1936 to 1956, it was forbidden to either discuss or disseminate any of Vygotsky’s works within the Soviet Union. Although this ‘Vygotsky ban’ is both widely acknowledged and frequently cited by a variety of scholars, (...)
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  17.  29
    Brain, Body, and Society: Bioethical Reflections on Socio-Historical Neuroscience and Neuro-Corporeal Social Science.Stephen Lyng - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (9):25-26.
    Grant Gillett's (2009) provocative essay exploring the neuroethical implications of a holistic or relational approach to brain science is indicative of some promising interdisciplinary trends withi...
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  18.  21
    Anton Yasnitsky and René van der Veer (eds.): Revisionist revolution in Vygotsky studies: Routledge, London, 2017, 316 pp, $40.95 (paperback), ISBN-10: 1138929697, ISBN-13: 978-1138929692.Andrey Maidansky - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (1):89-95.
    The authors of the volume under review proclaimed a “revisionist revolution” in Vygotsky studies. With the exception of the two chapters by Ekaterina Zavershneva, everything else in the book is written by Anton Yasnitsky—solo or in collaboration with René van der Veer, Eli Lamdan and Jennifer Fraser. It is demonstrated how the “Vygotsky cult” took shape and eventually spread throughout the world, and how the “myths” and “dogmas” of that cult are later subjected to deconstruction. The editors, van der Veer (...)
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  19.  27
    The social research as institutionalized activity and as socio-historic experience.Teresa Pacheco-Méndez - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 58:47-60.
    Resumen Como toda actividad social, la investigación en el campo de las ciencias sociales se institucionaliza por la acción de los individuos, instaurando ciertos mecanismos que regulan -a través de pautas organizacionales definidas- su quehacer social e institucional. Es así que la investigación social desarrollada en las instituciones de educación superior es experimentada por sus actores como una realidad establecida y objetiva que antecede al individuo actual, una realidad sujeta a una clara definición de roles, situaciones y comportamientos. Desde una (...)
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  20.  29
    Deuteronomy 15:1–11 and its socio-economic blueprints for community living.Blessing O. Boloje - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):7.
    Biblical criticism regards biblical books as fundamental texts expressing and embodying the core of faith and practice of a believing community. Thus, in line with canonical criticism, this article assumes the Book of Deuteronomy as a basic text, cherished and believed by those who practice the Jewish and Christian faiths. Primarily, the article analyses the text of Deuteronomy 15:1–11 against the background of its social vision for community living in ancient Israel. The potential significance of this humanitarian and/or brotherly ethics (...)
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  21. Historical Perspective on Religion and Science.John Hedley Brooke - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Vygotsky and Piaget.Jan Derry - 2013 - In Vygotsky: Philosophy and Education. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 68–84.
    This chapter concentrates on the philosophic tradition informing Vygotsky's work. Its aim is to make explicit in Vygotsky's work what many commentaries leave unsaid: namely, that it has a definite philosophic provenance that conditions and shapes its arguments. Comparisons of Vygotsky and Piaget are commonly made from the point of view of psychology, but attention in the chapter is directed to the less well‐aired, but no less important, philosophic differences between them. The chapter puts these differences in context by considering (...)
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    Students’ historical contextualization and the cold war.Tim Huijgen, Paul Holthuis, Carla van Boxtel, Wim van De Grift & Cor Suhre - 2019 - British Journal of Educational Studies 67 (4):439-468.
    This exploratory study presents an example of how a historical contextualization framework can be used to develop and implement a lesson unit on Cold War events. The effects of the lesson unit on students’ ability to perform historical contextualization are explored in a quasi-experimental pre-test–post-test design with an experimental (n = 96) and a control (n = 73) condition. The students’ answers on a historical contextualization test were analysed. The results indicate that students in the experimental condition increased their (...)
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  24.  40
    (1 other version)Cultural historical activity theory and Dewey's idea-based social constructivism: Consequences for Educational Research.May Britt Postholm - 2008 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 10 (1):37-48.
    Background: Our theoretical perspectives direct our research processes. The article contributes to the debate on Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and Dewey’s idea-based social constructivism, and to the debate on methodology and how the researcher’s theoretical stance guides the researcher in his or her work. Purpose: The article presents fundamental ideas within CHAT and Dewey’s idea-based social constructivism. The purpose of the text is to discuss and examine how ideas in these two theories guide educational research conducted within the (...) of these two approaches. Furthermore, the article aims to contribute to the discussion on CHAT and Dewey’s theory. Sources of evidence: Ideas based on Vygotsky’s theories, represented mainly by James Wertsch, Michael Cole, Barbara Rogoff and Yrjö Engeström, and Dewey’s ideas, are examined and discussed in relation to educational research. Furthermore, statements made by Mietinnen, Garrison and Rorty are taken into account in the discussion on the two outlined theories. Main argument: When CHAT and Dewey’s theory guide researchers in their work, they have to take the context or situation into consideration. Artefacts are treated as part of this context, and therefore have to be a focal point of the research. In educational research the classroom and the teacher are also central parts of the learning environment or context. The teacher is the one to form the learning environment in which the pupils think and act, and therefore, the teacher’s role in the classroom is important. If researchers are to manage to focus on pupils’ learning, they must direct their research focus both on the teacher as an organizer of the activities and on the collaborating and supporting processes between the teacher and the pupils, and between the pupils. This means that the research focus has to include both activity and dialogue, which includes processes in all their complexity. Conclusions: Mediating artefacts play a central role both in CHAT and Dewey’s theory. If the researcher is to ascertain what the pupils learn when using specific artefacts, he or she will have to study the activities or processes within which these learning aids are used. This indicates that the researcher has to study learning processes in progress. Garrison states that Dewey’s approach is a philosophy of cultural development. Miettinen finds that Dewey’s theory does not serve as the foundation for both historical and cultural analyses of action. I disagree with Rorty and Mietinnen, and rather follow Garrison’s lead. In both theories, social, cultural and historical factors are, in my opinion, viewed as decisive factors intertwined in what happens here and now. Therefore the setting that frames the activity with its social, cultural and historical aspects also has to be brought into focus in one’s research activity. (shrink)
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  25. Transcendence and Historicity In the Self As ÂTman.Professor Emeritus P. T. Raju - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (3):203-229.
    Can the Âtman in its infinity and transcendence be made the basis for civil rights? Can we deduce the idea of civil rights and their number from the conception of the Âtman? Can historicity be preserved in the bosom of the Âtman? It has been said that only ideas like that of the dictatorship are possible on the basis of the Âtman as conceived by Indian thinkers. Individual freedom and initiative necessary for new scientific discoveries and inventions are taught by (...)
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    Historical Theology at public universities matter.Jerry Pillay - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    South African universities are in the process of serious transformation and restructuring. The place of faculties of theology at universities has come under the spotlight resulting in the closure of several theological faculties or in the moving of theology to other faculties, mainly humanities or arts. Theology is under pressure and in the current academic environment, Church History, in its traditional form, has all but disappeared from South African universities. This article is an attempt to address the current situation. Whilst (...)
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    Metametaphysics and the Sciences: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives.Frode Kjosavik & Camilla Serck-Hanssen (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This collection addresses metaphysical issues at the intersection between philosophy and science. A unique feature is the way in which it is guided both by history of philosophy, by interaction between philosophy and science, and by methodological awareness. In asking how metaphysics is possible in an age of science, the contributors draw on philosophical tools provided by three great thinkers who were fully conversant with and actively engaged with the sciences of their day: Kant, Husserl, and Frege. -/- Part I (...)
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    Historical and critical dictionary.John B. Wolf - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):85-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 85 scientious search for principles of method (and of peace) may have been one of the reasons why he was suspect in England, as were the Ramist "methodists." In any case, it is quite clear now that Hobbes was not a materialist, not even when he was writing De Corpore. HERBERT W. SCHNEIDER Claremont, CallJornia Pierre Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary selections. Translated with an Introduction and (...)
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    Vygotsky and Pedagogy.Harry Daniels - 2016 - Routledge.
    The Routledge Classic Edition of Daniels’ influential 2001 text _Vygotsky and Pedagogy_ explores the growing interest in Vygotsky and the pedagogic implications of the body of work that is developing under the influence of his theories. With a new preface from Harry Daniels this book explores the growing interest in Vygotsky and the pedagogic implications of the body of work that is developing under the influence of his theories. It provides an overview of the ways in which the original writing (...)
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  30.  10
    Vygotsky in Perspective.Ronald Miller - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Lev Vygotsky has acquired the status of one of the grand masters in psychology. Following the English translation and publication of his Collected Works there has been a new wave of interest in Vygotsky, accompanied by a burgeoning of secondary literature. Ronald Miller argues that Vygotsky is increasingly being 'read' and understood through secondary sources and that scholars have claimed Vygotsky as the foundational figure for their own theories, eliminating his most distinctive contributions and distorting his theories. Miller peels away (...)
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    Vygotsky, Hasan and Halliday: Towards Conceptual Complementarity.David Kellogg & Ji-Young Shin - 2018 - British Journal of Educational Studies 66 (3):287-306.
    Vygotsky measured his ‘zone of proximal development’ in years. To do this, he needed a scheme of age periods, and a set of tasks that could diagnose the next age period without defining it. In this paper, we compare the age periods in his late lectures with Halliday’s categories of logico-semantic expansion as used by three adolescent writer/speakers. We find that the tendency to elaborate and embed clauses grows with expertise, while the tendency to tell stories wanes. We take this (...)
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    Vygotsky, the theater critic.René van der Veer - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):103-110.
    This article offers a preliminary analysis of Vygotsky’s theatrical reviews from his Gomel period against the background of Russian theatrical history. For several years Vygotsky published theater reviews of performances by local and travelling companies in the local newspaper. His writings show him to have been a very knowledgeable and demanding theater critic who knew both the Russian-language and the Yiddish theater perfectly well. Some parallels with his later psychological works are suggested.
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  33. Cultural development of children.L. S. Vygotsky - 1991 - In Stephen Everson, Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 4--5.
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    Historical justice and memory.Klaus Neumann & Janna Thompson (eds.) - 2015 - Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.
    Historical Justice and Memory highlights the global movement for historical justice—acknowledging and redressing historic wrongs—as one of the most significant moral and social developments of our times. Such historic wrongs include acts of genocide, slavery, systems of apartheid, the systematic persecution of presumed enemies of the state, colonialism, and the oppression of or discrimination against ethnic or religious minorities. The historical justice movement has inspired the spread of truth and reconciliation processes around the world and has pushed governments to make (...)
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    Turning Vygotsky on His Head: Vygotsky' `Scientifically Based Method' and the Socioculturalist's `Social Other'. [REVIEW]S. Rowlands - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (6):537-575.
    Vygotsky has become an authority, but the authority has more to do with justifying a sociocultural relativism than it has with his Marxist objectivist approach to psychology and pedagogy. This paper is an attempt to understand Vygotsky's perspective in relation to Marxist epistemology, and will critically examine the sociocultural interpretation of Vygotsky but within the light of his own perspective. It will be shown that the relativism of the sociocultural school not only takes Vygotsky's zone of proximal development out of (...)
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    Dialéctica y aprendizaje en Theodor W. Adorno y Lev S. Vygotsky.Fabrizio Fallas-Vargas - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400164.
    This article addresses the relationships between dialectic and learning within the constellations of the conceptual universes of Adorno and Vygotsky. In that order, we proceed to analyze the set of links between the main dialectical categories that structure the dialectical approach that characterizes both representatives of the Marxist thought tradition (process, totality, mediation, fields of force, antagonism, praxis) and the communicating vessels that go from epistemology to aesthetics and that demonstrate the relevance of the tasks of thought in the face (...)
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    Philosophy and Creativity with Children: Lipman, Vygotsky, Rodari.Lenka Naldoniová - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 80 (1):51-67.
    The article is focused on the topic of how to practice philosophy and support creativity in kindergartens and elementary schools with the help of fairy tales, in particular with the help of the story of Pinocchio. Emphasis is placed on Lipman's activity of philosophy for children, which he tried to connect with Vygotsky's theories. The aim of the article is to show the importance of developing critical thinking in the form of dialogue in connection with creative thinking, which Gianni Rodari (...)
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    Historical Perspectives on Religion and Science.John Hedley Brooke - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 527–538.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Diversity Complexity Respectability Critiques Darwinism Conclusion Works cited.
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    The Sepphoris Synagogue: Deciphering an Ancient Message through Its Archaeological and Socio-Historical Contents.Yaron Eliav - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (3):390.
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    Sex-Crime and Its Socio-Historical Background.F. E. Frenkel - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (3):333.
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    Inspiration in science and religion.Michael Fuller (ed.) - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    All sorts of things may be described as 'inspired': a mathematical theorem, a work of art, a goal at football, a short-cut home from the shops. What lies behind all these? Where does 'inspiration' come from? Does it derive from a source external to the person inspired, or is it the end result of sheer hard work - or is it purely serendipitous? Within the fields of science and religion, the word 'inspiration' might be thought to carry very (...)
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    Agnostic Historical Jesus Scholars Decimate the Mythical Jesus Popularists.Gary R. Habermas & Benjamin C. F. Shaw - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (2):485-495.
    This review article examines the late agnostic New Testament scholar Maurice Casey’s criticisms of the so-called mythicist position, which argues that Jesus did not exist. Casey’s volume Jesus: Evidence and Argument or Mythicist Myths? is viewed along with Bart Ehrman’s critique of similar ideas in his text Did Jesus Exist? We will highlight important objections raised by these agnostic scholars against those in the mythicist movement, including topics such as various idiosyncrasies leading to historically deficient methods, egregiously latedating the canonical (...)
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    Historical Semantics in Medieval Studies: New Means and Approaches.Bernhard Jussen & Gregor Rohmann - 2015 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 10 (2):1-6.
    This article is currently available as a free download on Ingenta Connect.
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    Finding inspiration in Hume.Peter Millican - 2011 - The Philosophers' Magazine 54:69-74.
    As time moves on, both our philosophical language and our conceptual frameworks evolve, since they are highly abstract and not closely tethered to the relatively solid ground of ordinary life. So to understand Hume’s thinking, it becomes necessary to “translate” what he says into categories increasingly different from his own.
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    Historical Justice.Martha Minow - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 621–627.
    Should people make demands for justice relating to events occurring in the past, even the distant past? What does and what should happen when they do? These questions frame the problems of historical justice that became especially palpable during the twentieth and early twenty‐first centuries and contributed to innovations in the design and use of tribunals, truth commissions and reparations initiatives. These responses to calls for historical justice deal with objections and difficulties in their own ways. Objections to such innovations (...)
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    Hundertwasser – Inspiration for Environmental Ethics: Reformulating the Ecological Self.Nir Barak - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (3):317-342.
    This article analyses and interprets the works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000) as a source of inspiration for environmental ethics and offers an extended model of the Ecological Self based on an interpretation of his works. Hundertwasser was a prominent Jewish-Austrian artist and environmental activist, yet despite his commitment to environmental issues, he has not received the attention he deserves from the environmental ethics community. His works and writings suggest a critique and reformulation of the well-known concept of the Ecological (...)
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    Recent Archival Discoveries and New Perspectives in Vygotsky Studies Guest Editor’s Introduction.Andrey D. Maidansky - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (4):255-262.
    It was as early as during the 1960s1 that Anglo-American readers first discovered Vygotsky, although he did not rise to real fame until 1978, when a thin collection of his works, Mind in Society,2...
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  48. Beyond Narrativism: The historical past and why it can be known.J. Ahlskog & G. D'Oro - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (1):5-33.
    This paper examines narrativism’s claim that the historical past cannot be known once and for all because it must be continuously re-described from the standpoint of the present. We argue that this claim is based on a non sequitur. We take narrativism’s claim that the past must be re-described continuously from the perspective of the present to be the result of the following train of thought: 1) “all knowledge is conceptually mediated”; 2) “the conceptual framework through which knowledge of (...)
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    Land Ownership (Custom) Viewed from Historical Perspectives, Socio-Cultural and Tenurial Issues in Simalungun District.Ulung Napitu & Rosmaida Sinaga - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:234-251.
    This study aims to examine the status of land ownership in Simalungun district in terms of historical, social, cultural and tenure perspectives. It is important to study this issue because until now the issue of land ownership has not been thoroughly resolved because there are migrants who claim that their customary land was found in Simalungun, whereas in reality their customary land was not found in Simalungun, but what was found was the king's land ( partuanon) according to the surname (...)
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  50. Historical Epistemology Meets the Human Sciences.Tomáš Dvořák & Jan Balon - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (1):5-16.
    The paper addresses recent developments in historical epistemology, traces the main inspirational sources that feed this approach, and suggests a possible agenda for closer approximation between historical epistemology and the human sciences in studying thought styles and thought collectives, conceptual and theoretical levels of knowledge and the material culture of science.
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