Results for ' instantiation sentences ‐ ‘Dobbin is a horse’ and ‘A horse is a mammal’'

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  1.  10
    Individuals, Sorts, and Instantiation.E. J. Lowe - 2009 - In Edward Jonathan Lowe (ed.), More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity, and the Logic of Sortal Terms. Oxford and West Sussex, England: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 29–41.
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    On ‘There Is’: Logical Investigations into Instantial Sentences.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):219-245.
    I distinguish between instantial sentences (_There are elephants that swim_), particular quantification, and predication of existence in natural language. I explore the logical relation between the first two, while the last one is shown independent of either. I continue to consider the incorporation of the three kinds of sentence in the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). I provide formalisations that preserve the logical relations specified earlier. I also extend the analysis to quantified instantial sentences (_There are_ five _elephants that (...)
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    Disclosures, Book 1.Robert F. Dobbin (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Discourses are a key source for ancient Stoicism, one of the richest and most influential schools of thought in Western philosophy. They not only represent the Stoicism of Epictetus' own time, but also reflect the teachings of such early Stoics as Zeno and Chrysippus, whose writings are largely lost. The first of the four books of the Discourses is philosophically the richest: it focuses primarily on ethics and moral psychology, but also touches on issues of logic, epistemology, science, and (...)
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    Julius Caesar in Jupiter's Prophecy, "Aeneid", Book 1.Robert F. Dobbin - 1995 - Classical Antiquity 14 (1):5-40.
    The identity of the Caesar at "Aeneid", 1.286 is a long-standing problem. The prevailing opinion since Heyne favors Augustus, but a few scholars agree with Servius that the Dictator is meant. In recent years the suggestion that Vergil was being deliberately ambiguous has been advanced as a solution to the problem. I argue the case for Julius Caesar anew. The paper is in five sections. The first four deal respectively with the question of nomenclature; chronology; the descriptive epithets applied to (...)
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    Spirit As Recollection.Peter Fuss & John Dobbins - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (2):142-150.
    Recollection is an intellectual activity through which fundamental differences of experience, either between a plurality of individuals or within one individual at different stages of development, are comprehended and internally resolved. Together with the process of natural dialectic, recollection is the basis of Hegel’s theory of education and cultural solidification. It would, of course, be quite impossible in a single essay to enter into all the details and ramifications of this theory, and so we shall deal only with the basic (...)
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    So What If Horses Would Draw Horse Gods?Scott F. Aikin - 2016 - Sophia 55 (2):163-177.
    Xenophanes famously noted that if horses could draw, they would draw their gods as horses. This connection between those who depict the gods and how the gods are depicted is posed as part of a critical theological program. What follows is an argumentative reconstruction of how these observations determine the extent and content of Xenophanes’ theological reforms. In light of the strength of the critical epistemic program, it is likely Xenophanes posed ambitious theological reforms.
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  7. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1999.11.21. [REVIEW]Robert F. Dobbin & William O. Stephens - 1999 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 11 (21).
    This work is the latest contribution to the Clarendon Later Ancient Philosophers series edited by Jonathan Barnes and A. A. Long. As with the earlier volumes (John Dillon's Alcinous, The Handbook of Platonism , R. J. Hankinson's Galen, On the Therapeutic Method Books I and II, Richard Bett's Sextus Empiricus, Against the Ethicists, and D. L. Blank's Sextus Empiricus, Against the Grammarians), D(obbin) provides an introduction, an English translation, and a critical commentary predominantly focused on the philosophical content of the (...)
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  8. Sentences on Drifting.Patricia Reed - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):28-30.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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    Veins and Arteries Build Hierarchical Branching Patterns Differently: Bottom‐Up versus Top‐Down.Kristy Red-Horse & Arndt F. Siekmann - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800198.
    A tree‐like hierarchical branching structure is present in many biological systems, such as the kidney, lung, mammary gland, and blood vessels. Most of these organs form through branching morphogenesis, where outward growth results in smaller and smaller branches. However, the blood vasculature is unique in that it exists as two trees (arterial and venous) connected at their tips. Obtaining this organization might therefore require unique developmental mechanisms. As reviewed here, recent data indicate that arterial trees often form in reverse order. (...)
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  10.  18
    Human rights, sanitation, and sewers.ELizabeth Greene Dobbins - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:129-157.
    The human rights that are enshrined in most western democracies are based on enlightenment ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Although these core principles are inspirational, their application has not necessarily been equitable or complete enough to provide for the stability, safety, health, and security of all citizens. A more modern understanding of human rights encompasses that which is needed to establish human flourishing, including guaranteed access to water, particularly the clean water provided by adequate sanitation. Without confidence in broad (...)
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  11. Assessing Intervention Effects in Sentence Processing: Object Relatives vs. Subject Control.João Delgado, Ana Raposo & Ana Lúcia Santos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:610909.
    Object relative clauses are harder to process than subject relative clauses. UnderGrillo’s (2009)Generalized Minimality framework, complexity effects of object relatives are construed as intervention effects, which result from an interaction between locality constraints on movement (Relativized Minimality) and the sentence processing system. Specifically, intervention of the subject DP in the movement dependency is expected to generate a minimality violation whenever processing limitations render the moved object underspecified, resulting in compromised comprehension. In the present study, assuming Generalized Minimality, we compared the (...)
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    Existential Sentences without Existential Quantification.Louise McNally - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (4):353-392.
    Presents a set-theoretic version of the analysis of "there be" as predicating instantiation of a property, a property-theoretic version of which was developed in McNally 1992. This paper provides a solution to the criticism that McNally 1992's analysis could not account for sentences in which postverbal nominal contains a monotone decreasing or nonmonotonic determiner.
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    The “white horse is not horse” debate.Lisa Indraccolo - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (10):e12434.
    The so-called “white horse is not horse” debate, or “white horse” dialogical argument, is beyond doubt the most famous case of argumentation in the history of Classical Chinese philosophy. The somewhat disorienting statement at the center of this debate is discussed at length by two anonymous fictive characters, a persuader and their opponent, in the ‘Báimǎ lùn’ 白馬論. The ‘Báimǎ lùn’ usually appears as the first chapter in the received text Gōngsūn Lóngzǐ 公孫龍子. The Gōngsūn Lóngzǐ is (...)
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  14. The Sense of Self in Epictetus: Prohairesis and Prosopon.Robert Francis Dobbin - 1989 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    The thesis concerns the sense of self in Epictetus, with special reference to two key terms in his philosophy: prohairesis and prosopon. ;The first chapter explores the range of meaning behind the word prohairesis as Epictetus employs it. I begin by reviewing the background of the word, particularly in Aristotle. A discussion of the problem of free will and determinism in Stoic ethics follows, with reference to prohairesis in Epictetus. The implications of equating prohairesis with "the will" are then explored, (...)
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    Show Horse Welfare: Evaluating Stock-Type Show Horse Industry Legitimacy.Melissa Voigt, Mark Russell, Kristina Hiney, Jennifer Richardson, Abigail Borron & Colleen Brady - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):647-666.
    The purpose of this paper is to use the Social Cognitive Theory and its moral disengagement framework to emphasize the need for stock-type horse associations to minimize potential and actual threats to their legitimacy in an effort to maintain and strengthen self-regulating governance, specifically relating to the occurrence of inhumane treatment to horses. Despite having stated rules within their handbooks, the actions of leading stock-type associations in response to reports of inhumane treatment provide evidence of their ability to self-regulate. (...)
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  16. What is Frege's "Concept horse Problem" ?Ian Proops - 2013 - In Sullivan Michael Potter and Peter (ed.), Wittgenstein's Tractatus: History and Interpretation. Oxford University Press. pp. 76-96.
    I argue that Frege's so-called "concept 'horse' problem" is not one problem but many. When these different sub-problems are distinguished, some emerge as more tractable than others. I argue that, contrary to a widespread scholarly assumption originating with Peter Geach, there is scant evidence that Frege engaged with the general problem of the inexpressibility of logical category distinctions in writings available to Wittgenstein. In consequence, Geach is mistaken in his claim that in the Tractatus Wittgenstein simply accepts from Frege (...)
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  17.  36
    Horses as players in equine sports.Jason Holt - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 17 (4):456-464.
    Though animal ethics in sport obviously applies most urgently to cases of animals at mortal risk (e.g., hunting and bullfighting) or vulnerable to various types of abuse (e.g., doping and harmful training practices), less obvious domains bear scrutiny as well. Here I examine whether we can strictly take not just riders but horses to be players in equine sports. There is an apparent tension in the concept of equestrian prowess, a peculiar blend of skills and attitudes, between regarding horses as (...)
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  18. Against instantiation as identity.Scott Brown - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (4):887-900.
    Some people object to realism about universals because they think that instantiation, the connection between something and the universals that characterize it, is too mysterious. Baxter and Armstrong try to make instantiation less mysterious by taking it to be a kind of partial identity. However, I argue that their accounts of instantiation, and any similar ones, fail.
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  19. Is Mathematics the Theory of Instantiated Structural Universals?Iulian D. Toader - 2013 - Transylvanian Review 22:132-142.
    This paper rejects metaphysical realism about structural universals as a basis for mathematical realism about numbers, and argues that one construal of structural universals via non-well-founded sets should be resisted by the mathematical realist.
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    Sentence-internal different as quantifier-internal anaphora.Adrian Brasoveanu - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (2):93-168.
    The paper proposes the first unified account of deictic/sentence-external and sentence-internal readings of singular different . The empirical motivation for such an account is provided by a cross-linguistic survey and an analysis of the differences in distribution and interpretation between singular different , plural different and same (singular or plural) in English. The main proposal is that distributive quantification temporarily makes available two discourse referents within its nuclear scope, the values of which are required by sentence-internal uses of singular different (...)
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  21.  48
    If Horses Had Hands ….Tom Tyler - 2003 - Society and Animals 11 (3):267-281.
    This paper examines the contentious and confused notion of anthropomorphism. Beginning with an overview of the term's etymology and present use, it examines the arguments of those who believe it to be unscientific and demeaning, and those who believe it to be an inevitable and useful pragmatic strategy. The German philosopher Heidegger raises the more serious objection, though, that as a concept anthropomorphism is not even meaningful. Supplementing his argument with examples drawn from evolutionary theory and elsewhere, the paper concludes (...)
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  22. Multiple-Offense Sentencing Discounts: Score One for Hybrid Accounts of Punishment.Zachary Hoskins - 2017 - In Jesper Ryberg, Julian V. Roberts & Jan Willem de Keijser (eds.), Sentencing Multiple Crimes. New York, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 75-93.
    This chapter examines one intuitively appealing legal practice for which retributivist accounts struggle to find justification: multiple-offense sentencing discounts. It also considers several proposed strategies for justifying bulk discounts on the basis of retributivism. Three strategies are discussed: those that appeal to an absolute punishment maximum, those that appeal to interpersonal practices of blame and making amends, and those that suggest that perpetrators of multiple offenses sometimes have reduced culpability. The chapter argues that each of these strategies either is implausible (...)
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  23. Instantiation as Partial Identity: Replies to Critics.Donald L. M. Baxter - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (2):291-299.
    One of the advantages of my account in the essay “Instantiation as Partial Identity” was capturing the contingency of instantiation—something David Armstrong gave up in his experiment with a similar view. What made the contingency possible for me was my own non-standard account of identity, complete with the apparatus of counts and aspects. The need remains to lift some obscurity from the account in order to display its virtues to greater advantage. To that end, I propose to respond (...)
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  24.  63
    On the derivability of instantiation properties.Harvey Friedman - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (4):506-514.
    Every recursively enumerable extension of arithmetic which obeys the disjunction property obeys the numerical existence property [Fr, 1]. The requirement of recursive enumerability is essential. For extensions of intuitionistic second order arithmetic by means of sentences (in its language) with no existential set quantifiers, the numerical existence property implies the set existence property. The restriction on existential set quantifiers is essential. The numerical existence property cannot be eliminated, but in the case of finite extensions of HAS, can be replaced (...)
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  25.  91
    Observation Sentences Revisited.Gary Kemp - 2021 - Mind 131 (523):805-825.
    I argue for an alternative to Quine’s conception of observation sentences, one that better satisfies the roles Quine envisages for them, and that otherwise respects Quinean constraints. After reviewing a certain predicament Quine got into in balancing the needs of the intersubjectivity of observation sentences with his notion of the stimulus meaning of an observation sentence, I push for replacing the latter with what I call the ‘stimulus field’ of an observation sentence, a notion that remains ‘proximate’ but (...)
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  26.  39
    Theory of Semi-Instantiation in Abstract Argumentation.D. M. Gabbay - 2016 - Logica Universalis 10 (4):431-516.
    We study instantiated abstract argumentation frames of the form, where is an abstract argumentation frame and where the arguments x of S are instantiated by I as well formed formulas of a well known logic, for example as Boolean formulas or as predicate logic formulas or as modal logic formulas. We use the method of conceptual analysis to derive the properties of our proposed system. We seek to define the notion of complete extensions for such systems and provide algorithms for (...)
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    Instantiation as Partial Identity.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (4):459-487.
    This work presents and discusses the conception of instantiation as ‘partial identity’. The theory has been previously proposed in two different guises by Baxter and Armstrong . Attention will be paid mostly to Baxter’s presentation, which seems the best de veloped, and where instantiation is understood as identity of ‘aspects’ of a universal and a particular. The theory seems to offer a solution to the vexed question of Bradley’s Regress, because instantiation is no longer conceived as a (...)
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  28. The operator theory of instantiation.Peter Forrest - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):213 – 228.
    Armstrong holds the Supervenience Theory of instantiation, namely that the instantiation of universals by particulars supervenes upon what particulars and what universals there are, where supervenience is stipulated to be explanatory or dependent supervenience. I begin by rejecting the Supervenience Theory of instantiation. Having done so it is then tempting to take instantiation as primitive. This has, however, an awkward consequence, undermining one of the main advantages universals have over tropes. So I examine another account hinted (...)
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  29.  21
    (1 other version)Decreasing sentences in Simple Type Theory.Panagiotis Rouvelas - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (5):342-363.
    We present various results regarding the decidability of certain sets of sentences by Simple Type Theory. First, we introduce the notion of decreasing sentence, and prove that the set of decreasing sentences is undecidable by Simple Type Theory with infinitely many zero-type elements ; a result that follows directly from the fact that every sentence is equivalent to a decreasing sentence. We then establish two different positive decidability results for a weak subtheory of math formula. Namely, the decidability (...)
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  30.  33
    Becoming Horse in the Duration of the Moment: The Trainer's Challenge.Stephen Smith - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (1):7-26.
    Language skirts the somatic fringes of the moment, particularly in practices where the powers of human speech and writing seem nullified. Horse training is one such practice. We tell stories of horse training that sensitize us and bring us close to creatures whose movements, resonating with our own, connect us to a prelinguistic, animate world. In so doing, we bridge the gap between the reflective detachment of our customary, wordy practices and the wordlessness of pre-reflective animality. Yet a (...)
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  31.  17
    Distributing Carts before Horses, or the Presumptions of Distributive Justice in advance.Christopher Byron - forthcoming - Teaching Ethics.
    Distributive justice is the paradigmatic philosophical position regarding matters of contemporary justice. Distributive justice often focuses on issues of resource allocation and/or welfare allocation. In this essay I argue that this paradigm has ‘the cart before the horse’ because issues of productive justice—logically and normatively—are of antecedent concern. The way in which people work, and the nature of the productive workplace, conditions the conceptual and concrete possibilities of obtaining distributive justice, thus productive justice is of antecedent concern for realizing (...)
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  32. Naming the concept horse.Michael Price - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (10):2727-2743.
    Frege’s rejection of singular reference to concepts is centrally implicated in his notorious paradox of the concept horse. I distinguish a number of claims in which that rejection might consist and detail the dialectical difficulties confronting the defense of several such claims. Arguably the least problematic such claim—that it is simply nonsense to say that a concept can be referred to with a singular term—has recently received a novel defense due to Robert Trueman. I set out Trueman’s argument for (...)
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  33. Against Instantiation.Christopher Frugé - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    According to traditional universalism, properties are instantiated by objects, where instantiation is a ‘tie’ that binds objects and properties into facts. I offer two arguments against this view. I then develop an alternative higher-order account which holds that properties are primitively predicated of objects yet, unlike traditional nominalism, are nevertheless genuinely real. When it’s a fact that Fo, it’s not because object o instantiates F-ness, but just that Fo – where F still exists. Against orthodox higher-order approaches, however, my (...)
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  34.  13
    Do Sentences Have Identity?Jean-Yves Béziau - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:3-10.
    We study here equiformity, the standard identity criterion for sentences. This notion was put forward by Lesniewski, mentioned by Tarski and defined explicitly by Presburger. At the practical level this criterion seems workable but if the notion of sentence is taken as a fundamental basis for logic and mathematics, it seems that this principle cannot be maintained without vicious circle. It seems also that equiformity has some semantical features ; maybe this is not so clear for individual signs but (...)
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  35.  11
    The Sentences, Book IV, Distinctions 43–50.Philipp W. Rosemann - 2004 - In Peter Lombard. Oup Usa.
    In the Christian tradition, there have always been those eager to paint the last judgment and the events leading up to it in sensational and lurid colors. Peter Lombard's simple strategy in providing a reliable account of Last Things is to stay close to the scriptural evidence. The structure of the treatise of the Sentences on Last Things is also given. Distinctions 43 and 44 address the resurrection of the dead, Distinction 44 being devoted, in particular, to the condition (...)
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    The representation of gappy sentences in four-valued semantics.Genoveva Martí & José Martínez-Fernández - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):145-163.
    Three-valued logics are standardly used to formalize gappy languages, i.e., interpreted languages in which sentences can be true, false or neither. A three-valued logic that assigns the same truth value to all gappy sentences is, in our view, insufficient to capture important semantic differences between them. In this paper we will argue that there are two different kinds of pathologies that should be treated separately and we defend the usefulness of a four-valued logic to represent adequately these two (...)
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  37. Instantiation is not partial identity.Nicholas Mantegani - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (3):697-715.
    In order to avoid the problems faced by standard realist analyses of the “relation” of instantiation, Baxter and, following him, Armstrong each analyze the instantiation of a universal by a particular in terms of their partial identity. I introduce two related conceptions of partial identity, one mereological and one non-mereological, both of which require at least one of the relata of the partial identity “relation” to be complex. I then introduce a second non-mereological conception of partial identity, which (...)
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  38. Scalar implicatures in complex sentences.Uli Sauerland - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (3):367-391.
    This article develops a Gricean account for the computation of scalarimplicatures in cases where one scalar term is in the scope ofanother. It shows that a cross-product of two quantitative scalesyields the appropriate scale for many such cases. One exception iscases involving disjunction. For these, I propose an analysis that makesuse of a novel, partially ordered quantitative scale for disjunction andcapitalizes on the idea that implicatures may have different epistemic status.
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    The Role of the Sentence-Tokened.Paula Sweeney - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (3):419-428.
    The purpose of this paper is to define the sentence-tokened—a product of utterance distinct from the act of utterance—and highlight the role that it can play in communication. In particular, the author will suggest that this entity is plausibly at the root of John MacFarlane’s motivating intuitions for the view that truth is assessment-sensitive. Here the author argues that the truth-value intuitions that MacFarlane uses to motivate his view can be accommodated within the Kaplanian semantic framework, once we acknowledge the (...)
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    Sentences about time.Quentin Smith - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (146):37-53.
    do not really ascribe A-properties. Tensed sentences or their tokens, it is argued, are logically equivalent to, or have the same meaning as, tenseless sentences about events, and thus possess the same reference as the tenseless sentences, viz., to events with B-relations. It would follow that time has only one aspect, the B-aspect. You can search..
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    Sentencing Pluralism.Douglas Husak - 2022 - In Matthew C. Altman (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook on the Philosophy of Punishment. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 419-437.
    Husak makes a number of theoretical observations in favor of a general conception of sentencing that he calls sentencing pluralism. This framework is pluralistic in two different respects. In the first part of the chapter, he argues that the goals or objectives of a sentencing scheme are diverse and must draw from the insights supplied by various disciplines. Thus his framework embodies what he calls disciplinary pluralism. In the second part of the chapter, he argues that the sentence offenders deserve (...)
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  42. Scan Patterns Predict Sentence Production in the Cross-Modal Processing of Visual Scenes.Moreno I. Coco & Frank Keller - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1204-1223.
    Most everyday tasks involve multiple modalities, which raises the question of how the processing of these modalities is coordinated by the cognitive system. In this paper, we focus on the coordination of visual attention and linguistic processing during speaking. Previous research has shown that objects in a visual scene are fixated before they are mentioned, leading us to hypothesize that the scan pattern of a participant can be used to predict what he or she will say. We test this hypothesis (...)
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  43. The particulate instantiation of homogeneous pink.Austen Clark - 1989 - Synthese 80 (August):277-304.
    If one examines the sky at sunset on a clear night, one seems to see a continuum of colors from reds, oranges and yellows to a deep blue-black. Between any two colored points in the sky there seem to be other colored points. Furthermore, the changes in color across the sky appear to be continuous. Although the colors at the zenith and the horizon are obviously distinct, nowhere in the sky can one see any color borders, and every sufficiently small (...)
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  44. Maybe there are no subject-predicate sentences in chinese.Xiaoqiang Han - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (3):277-287.
    In this essay, I argue for the conclusion that the Chinese sentences that are regularly translated into subject-predicate sentences in English may be understood as all non-subject-predicate sentences. My argument is based on the premise that some grammatical features are crucial to yield the sense of contrast between the completeness of subject and the incompleteness of predicate. The absence of such grammatical features in Chinese makes it impossible to establish any criterion for the distinction between subject and (...)
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    Enriching the Lives of Wild Horses: Designing Opportunities for Them to Flourish.Christine M. Reed - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (3):317 - 329.
    Wild horses are becoming dependent on transitional environments between domesticity and wildness. In Dutch new nature areas they are learning to perform roles as ecological surrogates for their extinct ancestors. In the U.S. wild horses are 'feral' and exist in numbers deemed to be in excess of the carrying capacity of semi-arid public range lands. The federal government is removing and relocating thousands to long-term holding pastures. The capabilities approach of Nussbaum (2006) allows us to evaluate this transitional environment against (...)
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    The Sentences, Book IV, Distinctions 1–42.Philipp W. Rosemann - 2004 - In Peter Lombard. Oup Usa.
    This chapter takes the conception of the sacraments as a sign of Lombard's theological system. Since the sacraments owe their salvific force directly to Christ's exemplary virtue and charity, Christology and the theology of the sacraments are considered closely related to each other. In Book IV, Peter reminds us of the structure of his work: “Having treated of those matters which pertain to the doctrine of things that are to be enjoyed [i.e., the Trinity], that are to be used [creation (...)
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    The meaning of 'sentences'.Robert J. Stainton - 2000 - Noûs 34 (3):441–454.
    It seems to me that the argument has a certain initial plausibility, especially when ‘sentence’, ‘used in isolation’ and ‘meaning in isolation’ are explicated in a certain way. ~For instance, one must take sentences to include elliptical sentences; and one must take ‘use in isolation’ to entail use in the performance of a genuine speech act.! It also seems to me that the argument is important. For one thing, the Conclusion can be recruited in reasoning to the effect (...)
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  48. The wooden Horse: the Cyrenaics in the Theaetetus.Ugo Zilioli - 2013 - In G. Boys-Stones, C. Gill & D. El-Murr (eds.), The Platonic Art of philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this contribution, I aim to show how locating the Platonic dialogues in the intellectual context of their own time can illuminate their philosophical content. I seek to show, with reference to a specific dialogue (the Theaetetus), how Plato responds to other thinkers of his time, and also to bring out how, by reconstructing Plato’s response, we can gain deeper insight into the way that Plato shapes the structure and form of his argument in the dialogue. In particular, I argue (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Ramsey’s Ramsey-sentences.Stathis Psillos - 2004 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 12:67-90.
    In the present paper I want to do two things. First, I want to discuss Ramsey’s own views of Ramsey-sentences. This, it seems to me, is an important issue not just (or mainly) because of its historical interest. It has a deep philosophical significance. Addressing it will enable us to see what Ramsey’s lasting contribution in the philosophy of science was as well as what its relevance to today’s problems is. Since the 1950s, where the interest in Ramsey’s views (...)
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    Decidability of ∃*∀∀-sentences in HF.D. Bellè & F. Parlamento - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (1):55-64.
    Let HF be the collection of the hereditarily finite well-founded sets and let the primitive language of set theory be the first-order language which contains binary symbols for equality and membership only. As announced in a previous paper by the authors, "Truth in V for ∃*∀∀-sentences is decidable," truth in HF for ∃*∀∀-sentences of the primitive language is decidable. The paper provides the proof of that claim.
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