Results for ' institutional investors'

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  1.  83
    Institutional Investors, Political Connections, and the Incidence of Regulatory Enforcement Against Corporate Fraud.Wenfeng Wu, Sofia A. Johan & Oliver M. Rui - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (4):709-726.
    We investigate two under-explored factors in mitigating the risk of corporate fraud and regulatory enforcement against fraud, namely institutional investors and political connections. The role of institutional investors in the effective monitoring of a firm’s management is well established in the literature. We further observe that firms that have a large proportion of their shares held by institutional investors have a lower incidence of enforcement actions against corporate fraud. The importance of political connections for (...)
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  2. Institutional investor activism on socially responsible investment: effects and expectations.Shuangge Wen - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):308-333.
    Concentrated attention on institutional investors' activism has been perceived in the last few decades and further intensified in the post‐Enron era. A new area of particular significance that has emerged is institutional investors' growing awareness and practice of socially responsible investment (SRI). This article starts by reviewing the importance of institutional investor activism and the historical implication of SRI. Significantly, various elements that give rise to the growth of SRI in the modern business world are (...)
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    Institutional Investor Power and Heterogeneity.Lori Verstegen Ryan & Marguerite Schneider - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (4):398-429.
    This article examines the implications of the escalation in institutional inves power and heterogeneity for two dominant theories of corporate governanceagency theory and stakeholder theory. From this analysis, a new view of the agency relationship between institutional investors and their portfolio firms emerges, which recognizes the institutions’ market power, complex role as financial intermediaries, and possible involvement in simultaneous and opposing agency contracts. We also conclude that stakeholder theorists should reconsider these newly empowered shareholders’moral standing in relation (...)
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    Institutional investors as stewards of the corporation: Exploring the challenges to the monitoring hypothesis.Mila R. Ivanova - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):175-188.
    The study explores the challenges UK-based institutional investors face when trying to monitor investee companies and influence their social, environmental, and governance practices. Consistent with previous research, I find that misalignment of interests within the investment chain and dispersed ownership are factors which inhibit investor activism. However, other underexplored challenges include lack of investee company transparency and investor experience in activism, as well as low client demand for engagement and internal conflicts of interest. The results contribute to the (...)
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    Morals or Economics? Institutional Investor Preferences for Corporate Social Responsibility.Henry L. Petersen & Harrie Vredenburg - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):1-14.
    This article presents the results of a study that analysed whether social responsibility had any bearing on the decision making of institutional investors. Being that institutional investors prefer socially aligned organizations, this study explored to what extent the corporate actions and/or social/environmental investments influenced their decisions. Our results suggest that there are specific variables that affect the perceived value of the organization, leading to decisions to not only invest, but whether to hold or sell the shares, (...)
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    Institutional Investors on Boards: Does Their Behavior Influence Corporate Finance?Emma García-Meca, Felix López-Iturriaga & Fernando Tejerina-Gaite - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):365-382.
    We examine whether the behavior of institutional investors representatives on boards leads to observable differences in corporate finance. We find that directors representing pressure-sensitive investors prefer lower financial leverage whereas pressure-resistant directors show no particular preference. When analyzed separately, directors appointed by banks and insurance firms have different attitudes. Bank representatives on boards increase both the financial leverage and the banking debt. This result suggests that some types of institutional directors provide financial resources to the firms (...)
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    Foreign Institutional Investors, Legal Origin, and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosure.Simon Döring, Wolfgang Drobetz, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami & Henning Schröder - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (4):903-932.
    The disclosure of corporate environmental performance is an increasingly important element of a firm’s ethical behavior. We analyze how the legal origin of foreign institutional investors affects a firm’s voluntary greenhouse gas emissions disclosure. Using a large sample of firms from 36 countries, we show that foreign institutional ownership from civil law countries improves the scope and quality of a firm’s greenhouse gas emissions reporting. This relation is robust to addressing endogeneity and selection biases. The effect is (...)
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    Can Institutional Investors Bias Real Estate Portfolio Appraisals? Evidence from the Market Downturn.Neil Crosby, Steven Devaney, Colin Lizieri & Patrick McAllister - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):651-667.
    This paper investigates the extent to which institutional investors may have influenced independent real estate appraisals during the financial crisis. A conceptual model of the determinants of client influence on real estate appraisals is proposed. It is suggested that the extent of clients’ ability and willingness to bias appraisal outputs is contingent upon market and regulatory environments, the salience of the appraisal to the client, financial incentives for the appraiser to respond to client pressure, organisational culture, the level (...)
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    Institutional Investors with Disciplinary History and CSR Behavior of Investee Firms.Samuel B. Bonsall Iv, Babak Mammadov & Blerina Bela Zykaj - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    This study explores how the prior unethical behavior of institutional investors impacts the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of the companies in which they invest. To identify such behavior, we focus on violations of laws and regulations by Registered Investment Advisers as reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our findings reveal that these investors discourage firms’ engagement in CSR activities within their investee firms, which we attribute to institutions’ disregard for social norms. Our inferences remain unchanged (...)
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    Does Good Governance Matter to Institutional Investors? Evidence from the Enactment of Corporate Governance Guidelines.Armand Picou & Michael J. Rubach - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (1):55-67.
    Corporate governance guidelines are a mechanism that a firm can enact which should reduce agency costs and better align the interests of boards and the suppliers of capital. This study examines stock price reactions primarily attributable to institutional investors occurring when corporations announce the enactment of corporate governance guidelines. A final sample of 77 firms was derived from the first announcement of corporate governance guidelines exclusive to the SEC-EDGAR database. The results indicate that good governance does matter. Firms (...)
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  11.  26
    The ethical obligations of institutional investors: Managing moral complexity.Jason Skirry, Katherina Pattit & Harry J. Van Buren - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):757-778.
    Institutional investors control almost 60% of all assets under management worldwide and encompass a wide variety of organizations. Despite this reach, however, institutional investors have not received the normative scrutiny they merit beyond general discussions around their legally grounded fiduciary obligations to their beneficiaries. This paper offers a discussion of institutional investor ethical obligations in light of their specific attributes. We propose that the different characteristics of institutional investors and the diverse roles they (...)
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    Company ESG performance and institutional investor ownership preferences.Li Wei & Wu Chengshu - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):287-307.
    Heterogeneous institutional investors' shareholding preferences have been driven to change by the deepening of ESG investment philosophy. Therefore, we examine the impact of corporate ESG performance on institutional investors' shareholding preferences and its mechanism of action. We conduct mixed OLS and mediation effect tests using data on ESG responsibility scores and institutional investors' shareholding ratios of A-share listed companies in China from 2010 to 2020 as samples. We find that corporate ESG performance can significantly (...)
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    Testing the Black Box: Institutional Investors, Risk Disclosure, and Ethical AI.Trooper Sanders - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):105-109.
    The integration of artificial intelligence throughout the economy makes the ethical risks it poses a mainstream concern beyond technology circles. Building on their growing role bringing greater transparency to climate risk, institutional investors can play a constructive role in advancing the responsible evolution of AI by demanding more rigorous analysis and disclosure of ethical risks.
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    Active institutional investors and the board of directors.Tongyu Cao & Ray Donnelly - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (4):301-322.
  15. An empirical examination of institutional investor preferences for corporate social performance.Paul Cox, Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):27-43.
    This study investigates the pattern of institutional shareholding in the U.K. and its relationship with socially responsible behavior by companies within a sample of over 500 UK companies. We estimate a set of ownership models that distinguish between long- and short-term investors and their largest components and which incorporate both aggregated and disaggregated measures of corporate social performance (CSP). The results suggest that long-term institutional investment is positively related to CSP providing further support for earlier studies by (...)
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  16.  12
    Money Talks: Institutional Investors and Voice in Contract.Roy Kreitner - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (2):511-535.
    Contracts are the building blocks of markets, where participation is typically understood through choice: to buy or not to buy, and if so, from whom? In other words, contract choices allow participation by exit, with little need for discussion. However, in some instances markets may be open to a fair degree of voice. Market behavior is not always a take it or leave it endeavor, and market participation does not always entail the kind of passivity associated with the role of (...)
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    The effect of institutional investor type on the relationship between CEO duality and financial performance.Hayam Wahba & Khaled Elsayed - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (3):221.
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    Companies' ethical certification and their attractiveness to institutional investors: An intermediate signaling perspective.Ahmad K. Ismail, Dima Jamali, Samer Khalil, Assem Safieddine & Georges Samara - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):568-582.
    Our research investigates how the inclusion of a company on an independent ethics index affects its attractiveness to institutional investors. Using a sample of 864 U.S. firms over the 2010–2018 period, we find that institutional investors significantly increase their holdings in companies in the quarter that they are included on the ethics index and maintain larger holdings in the four quarters following the inclusion on the Ethisphere list relative to pre-inclusion period, with dedicated institutional (...) being more swayed to invest than transient investors. This paper adds to the emerging literature on intermediate signaling by showing that a firm's inclusion on an ethics index reduces information asymmetry with institutional investors. Our evidence suggests that public companies should effectively, rather than ceremonially, adopt sound governance structures and invest in socially responsible activities, as these actions can increase their likelihood of being included on ethics indices. By doing so, these firms send credible signals about their ethical compass, granting them access to valuable institutional investments. (shrink)
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    Firm financial performance and sustainability reporting: the role of institutional investors' ownership.Hafizah Abd-Mutalib & Nor Atikah Shafai - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 17 (2):131.
    The relationship between firm financial performance and sustainability reporting (SR) has been extensively researched previously, but with inconsistent results. By incorporating the coercive isomorphism of the institutional theory, this study examines if the relationship is moderated by the ownership of institutional investors. Using data from a sample of 270 Malaysian public listed firms, the study tested two ordinary least square (OLS) regression models. The results show that firm performance and institutional ownership have a positive link to (...)
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  20. The Role of Global Institutional Investors-Shareholder Engagement Opportunities for a New Era.Peter Butler - 2002 - In Ian Jones & Michael G. Pollitt (eds.), Understanding how issues in business ethics develop. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 145.
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    The Influence of Long-Term and Short-Term Institutional Investors on Complicated Mispricing of Stocks.Bing Liu - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-14.
    Taking Chinese listed companies from 2009 to 2017 as the research objects, this paper aims at exploring the heterogeneous effect of short-term and long-term institutional investors on stock mispricing. The empirical study finds that long-term institutional investors have an inhibiting effect on stock mispricing, while short-term institutional investors have an opposite effect. When the company information opacity is high, long-term institutional investors have a more obvious inhibiting effect on stock mispricing while short-term (...)
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    Varieties of Institutional Investors and National Models of Capitalism: The Transformation of Corporate Governance in France and Germany.Michel Goyer - 2006 - Politics and Society 34 (3):399-430.
    This article examines the rise of foreign ownership in France and Germany. I argue that the firm-level institutional arrangements of workplace organization constitute the most significant variable to account for the greater attractiveness of French firms over their German counterparts to short-term, impatient capital—namely, hedge and mutual funds. I demonstrate how key notions of the Varieties of Capitalism perspective—institutional interaction, institutional latency, and the distinction between institutional framework and the mode of coordination that follows from these (...)
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    The Extent to Which Obesity and Population Nutrition Are Considered by Institutional Investors Engaged in Responsible Investment in Australia - A Review of Policies and Commitments.Ella Robinson, Christine Parker, Rachel Carey & Gary Sacks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionResponsible investment, in which environmental, social and governance considerations are incorporated into investment decision making, is a potentially powerful tool for increasing corporate accountability and improving corporate practices to address broad societal challenges. Whilst the RI sector is growing, there is limited understanding of the extent to which pressing social issues, such as obesity and unhealthy population diets, are incorporated within RI decision making. This study aimed to investigate the extent to which obesity prevention and population nutrition are considered by (...)
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    Financial return or social responsibility? An investigation into the stakeholder focus of institutional investors.Sandra Einig - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):307-322.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 307-322, April 2022.
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    The Control Strategies for Information Asymmetry Problems Among Investing Institutions, Investors, and Entrepreneurs in Venture Capital.Peng Du, Hong Shu & Zhuqing Xia - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Brave New World: A Proposal for Institutional Investors.Sharon Hannes - 2015 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 16 (1):245-266.
    The purpose of this Article is to consider a novel framework for institutional shareholders’ activism in the United States. This new activism framework would be aimed at improving, at minimal costs, the performance of the portfolio companies in which institutional shareholders invest. The Article begins by laying out this new activism framework and then compares the proposed framework with the prevalent mode of activism through hedge funds. The Article concludes with a discussion of certain implementation challenges, and calls (...)
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    The Challenges of Socially Responsible Investment Among Institutional Investors: Exploring the Links Between Corporate Pension Funds and Corporate Governance.Laura Albareda Vivó & María Rosario Balaguer Franch - 2009 - Business and Society Review 114 (1):31-57.
  28.  25
    Investor Reactions to Concurrent Positive and Negative Stakeholder News.Christopher Groening & Vamsi K. Kanuri - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (4):833-856.
    This paper examines the impact on firm value created by investor reaction to same day news of corporate social responsibility and corporate social irresponsibility activities. First, using trading volume, the authors establish that the perceived value of moral capital generated by news involving institutional stakeholders is less clear to investors than that of the news involving technical stakeholders. Subsequently, the authors analyze abnormal returns from 565 unique firm events—each comprising at least one positive and one negative stakeholder news (...)
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  29. Socially Responsible Institutional Investment in Private Equity.Douglas Cumming & Sofia Johan - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (4):395-416.
    This article studies institutional investor allocations to the socially responsible asset class. We propose two elements influence socially responsible institutional investment in private equity: internal organizational structure, and internationalization. We study socially responsible investments from Dutch institutional investments into private equity funds, and compare socially responsible investment across different asset classes and different types of institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, and pension funds). The data indicate socially responsible investment in private equity is 40–50% more common (...)
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    Female Institutional Directors on Boards and Firm Value.María Consuelo Pucheta-Martínez, Inmaculada Bel-Oms & Gustau Olcina-Sempere - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (2):343-363.
    The aim of this research is to examine what impact female institutional directors on boards have on corporate performance. Previous research shows that institutional female directors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group since they represent investors who may or may not maintain business relations with the companies on whose corporate boards they sit. Thus, it is not only the effect of female institutional directors as a whole on firm value that has been analysed, but also (...)
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    Is Institutional Ownership Related to Corporate Social Responsibility? The Nonlinear Relation and Its Implication for Stock Return Volatility.Maretno Harjoto, Hoje Jo & Yongtae Kim - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):77-109.
    This study examines the relation between corporate social responsibility and institutional investor ownership, and the impact of this relation on stock return volatility. We find that institutional ownership does not strictly increase or decrease in CSR; rather, institutional ownership is a concave function of CSR. This evidence suggests that institutional investors do not see CSR as strictly value-enhancing activities. Institutional investors adjust their percentage of ownership when CSR activities go beyond the perceived optimal (...)
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    Geographic Concentration of Institutional Blockholders and Workplace Safety Violations.Xin Cheng, Orhun Guldiken & Wei Shi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (3):593-613.
    This study uses insights from the political perspective on corporate governance to investigate the influence of geographic concentration of institutional blockholders on workplace safety violations. When institutional investors who have a blockholding stake (i.e., institutional blockholders) are geographically concentrated, corporate managers are more likely to pursue efficiency at the expense of employee interests because these blockholders may find it easier to coordinate their actions, strengthening their power over corporate managers and ultimately giving rise to more workplace (...)
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    Investment Decisions, Liquidity, and Institutional Activism: An International Study.Alfredo Bobillo, Juan Rodriguez Sanz & Fernando Tejerina Gaite - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (Suppl 1):25-40.
    The activism of institutional investors tends more and more toward the supervision and control of the behavior of the managers of big companies. In this article, we present a model based on the creation of an activism index that lets us evaluate such activism’s effect on the sensitivity of the investment policies of a company in the face of financial variables (such as cash flow and liquidity ratio) and market variables (ownership concentration and value creation index). To test (...)
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    Institutional Interest, Ownership Type, and Environmental Capital Expenditures: Evidence from the Most Polluting Chinese Listed Firms.Wenjing Li & Xiaoyan Lu - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):459-476.
    This study empirically examines whether firms’ environmental capital expenditures impact institutional investors’ investment decisions in the Chinese market. We particularly examine the impact of ownership type on the relationship of environmental capital expenditures and the behavior of different types of institutional investors by classifying institutional investors into two categories, short-term and long-term investors. In addition, this study further investigates whether environmental capital expenditures related to ownership type increase firm value. We find that long-term (...)
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  35. Corporate Social Responsibility, Investor Behaviors, and Stock Market Returns: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China. [REVIEW]Maobin Wang, Chun Qiu & Dongmin Kong - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (1):127 - 141.
    This article studies how financial investors respond to firms' corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance in terms of their investing behaviors, and how such behaviors change contingent on an event that provokes their attention and concerns to CSR. Using the melamine contamination incident in China as a natural experiment, it is found that neither the individual investors' nor the institutional investors' behaviors are influenced by firms' CSR performance before the incident. Nevertheless, in the post-event period, institutional (...)
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  36.  48
    Coming Out of the Investors’ Cave?Harry Hummels - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (2):331-348.
    Responsible Investing is on the rise. In ten years time, what started as an ideologically motivated practice by often religiously inspired investors has become amainstream activity. Through the Principles for Responsible Investing a large group of institutional investors representing tens of trillions of dollars have become involved in and transformed the practice. A major change refers to a change in definition and the disappearance of ethics, which was replaced by a focus on governance. However, society is not (...)
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    Digital transformation and greenwashing in environmental, social, and governance disclosure: Does investor attention matter?Ziyuan Sun, Xiao Sun, Wenjiao Wang & Wei Wang - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):81-102.
    Governing greenwashing in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure is an important issue, but relevant literature is scant. Based on the data on Chinese A-share listed firms from 2012 to 2021, we investigate the governance role of corporate digital transformation (DT) in ESG greenwashing and its influencing mechanism. We find that DT significantly inhibits ESG greenwashing. Moreover, DT mitigates ESG greenwashing by enhancing corporate green technology innovation (i.e., innovation channel), reducing information asymmetry (i.e., information channel), and increasing trade credit (i.e., (...)
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    Inducing Corporate Social Responsibility: Should Investors Reward the Responsible or Punish the Irresponsible?Tyson B. Mackey, Alison Mackey, Lisa Jones Christensen & Jason J. Lepore - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):59-73.
    Investors with a pro-social or sustainability agenda increasingly attempt to influence firm managers to adopt socially responsible behavior, either through positive/reward tactics or negative/punishment tactics. This paper considers how investors can use each approach to differentially influence managers to make more CSR investments. The paper uses game theory with an all-pay contest structure to model how a large institutional investor could reward firms for CSR activities by creating a socially responsible investment fund (reward contest) or punish firms (...)
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    How Do Institutional Actors in the Financial Market Assess Companies’ Product Design? The Quasi-rational Evaluative Schemes.Jaakko Aspara - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (4):241-258.
    While various strategic business issues related to product design have been explored by academicians and practitioners, one issue has largely been ignored: how do financial markets assess and evaluate companies’ product design? The purpose of this article is to examine this issue, especially when it comes to the assessments and evaluations made by the most essential actors of contemporary financial markets: investment analysts and institutional investors. I develop propositions concerning the product design-related evaluative schemes and heuristics used by (...)
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    Investor-State Arbitration: Proportionality's New Frontier.Alec Sweet - 2010 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 4 (1).
    The arbitral world is at a crucial point in its historical development, poised between two conflicting conceptions of its nature, purpose, and political legitimacy. Formally, the arbitrator is an agent of the contracting parties in dispute, a creature of a discrete contract gone wrong. Yet, increasingly, arbitrators are treated as agents of a larger global community, and arbitration houses concern themselves with the general and prospective impact of important awards. In this paper, I address these questions, first, from the standpoint (...)
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    Investment Decisions, Liquidity, and Institutional Activism: An International Study.Alfredo M. Bobillo, Juan A. Rodriguez Sanz & Fernando Tejerina Gaite - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):25-40.
    The activism of institutional investors tends more and more toward the supervision and control of the behavior of the managers of big companies. In this article, we present a model based on the creation of an activism index that lets us evaluate such activism’s effect on the sensitivity of the investment policies of a company in the face of financial variables (such as cash flow and liquidity ratio) and market variables (ownership concentration and value creation index). To test (...)
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    How Foreign Institutional Shareholders' Religious Beliefs Affect Corporate Social Performance?Xuezhou Zhao, Libing Fang & Ke Zhang - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):377-401.
    In this paper, we employ the unique qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) scheme in China to investigate whether and how the different religious beliefs in the areas where foreign institutional shareholders from are associated with the corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance of domestic firms. After controlling for other determinants, we find robust evidence that firms with QFII investors from areas with stronger religious beliefs have better CSR performance than those that do not have these beliefs'. This (...)
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    Governments as Investors of Last Resort: Comparative Credit Crisis Case-Studies.Gerard Hertig - 2012 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 13 (2):385-406.
    Governments in Europe and the United States have recently acquired significant stakes in a number of financial institutions, raising fears that they will use their investments to pursue interventionist goals. The comparative analysis of sixteen major bailouts in Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States provides evidence to the contrary. Fiscal and political considerations have prompted governments to generally avoid common stock investments, limit direct managerial involvement and favor early exits. While this investment strategy may (...)
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    Institutional Interest in Corporate Responsibility: Portfolio Evidence and Ethical Explanation. [REVIEW]Paul Cox & Patricia Gaya Wicks - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (1):143-165.
    This study examines the extent to which corporate responsibility influences the demand for shares by institutions. The study follows Bushee (Account Rev 73(3):305–333, 1998 ) in categorising institutions as dedicated or transient. The demand for shares is organised according to three factors: a long-term factor, corporate responsibility; a short-term factor, market liquidity; and a time-independent factor, portfolio theory. The rank and importance of the factors for the different types of institutional investor are analysed. For one of two types of (...)
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    Local Institutions, Audit Quality, and Corporate Scandals of US-Listed Foreign Firms.Lei Chen - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):351-373.
    Using data on shareholder-initiated class action lawsuits in the US, I investigate the corporate scandals of US-listed foreign firms. The shareholders of scandal firms suffer considerable loss in both the short term and the long term. I document that firms domiciled in countries with weak institutions are more likely to be embroiled in corporate scandals, but such a relation can be moderated by the presence of Big 4 auditors. Investors automatically adjust for undiscovered misconduct when valuing the stocks of (...)
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    Doing the Right Thing? The Voting Power Effect and Institutional Shareholder Voting.Efrat Dressler & Yevgeny Mugerman - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (4):1089-1112.
    Through a combination of a controlled experiment and a survey, we examine the effect of voting power on shareholders’ voting behavior at general meetings. To avoid a selection bias, common in archival voting data, we exogenously manipulate shareholders’ power to affect the outcome. Our findings suggest that, when it comes to corporate decisions involving conflicts of interest, voting power nudges shareholders to oppose management and to choose the “right” alternative, that is, vote against a proposal which _prima facie_ does not (...)
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    How do common investors behave? Information search and portfolio choice among bank customers and university students.Marco Monti, Riccardo Boero, Nathan Berg, Gerd Gigerenzer & Laura Martignon - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (2):203-233.
    Bank customers are not financial experts, and yet they make high-stakes decisions that can substantively affect personal wealth. Sooner or later, every individual has to take relevant investment decisions. Using data collected from financial advisors, bank customers and university students in Italy, this paper aims to reveal new insights about the decision processes of average non-expert investors: their investment goals, the information sets they consider, and the factors that ultimately influence decisions about investment products. Using four portfolio choice tasks (...)
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    Home Court Advantage: Investor Type and Contractual Resilience in the Argentine Water Sector.Alison E. Post - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (1):107-132.
    A large body of scholarship in political economy suggests economic growth, and foreign direct investment in regulated industries in particular, is more likely to occur when formal institutions allow states to provide credible commitments regarding the security of property rights. In contrast, this article argues that we must instead examine differences in firm organizational structure and embeddedness to explain variation in the resilience of privatization contracts in weak institutional environments. Domestic investors—or, if contracts are granted at the subnational (...)
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    A Puzzle in SRI: The Investor and the Judge.Jos Leys, Wim Vandekerckhove & Luc Van Liedekerke - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (2):221 - 235.
    As Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) enters the mainstream of professional and institutional investment practice, some perplexities arise. Some SRI market participants are well schooled in finance but are hesitative as to how to apply non-financial criteria in the management of portfolios. Governments too are giving SRI more attention and, in some countries, are discussion whether and how to regulate the SRI market. Advocacy groups are targeting SRI projects through media campaigns using political discourse. Many of the pertinent questions that (...)
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    Exploring Factors that Influence Social Retail Investors’ Decisions: Evidence from Desjardins Fund.Dominique Diouf, Tessa Hebb & El Hadji Touré - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (1):45-67.
    Most studies on the choices, motivations and behavior of investors consist of segmentations focused on socio-demographic characteristics such as age, income, education level, etc. Such approaches seem to simplify, even mutilate, reality by aggregating data about observable variables and considering investors as homogeneous groups. These perspectives are inspired by a scientific approach that consists of separating in order to better understand the observed phenomena. By considering individual as a “homo economicus”, that is to say, a rational and autonomous (...)
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