Results for ' intentional identity'

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  1.  24
    Intentional Identity and Coordination.Hsiang-Yun Chen - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne 31 (2):35-51.
    The concept of intentional identity has aroused considerable interests since Geach. I argue, however, that the real import of intentional identity is still not duly appreciated. Drawing on three sets of close-knit data – intersubjective and intrasubjective intentional identity, along with cross-speaker anaphora, I submit coordination as the key to its proper understanding and propose a set of success conditions thereof.
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  2. A metarepresentational theory of intentional identity.Alexander Sandgren - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3677-3695.
    Geach points out that some pairs of beliefs have a common focus despite there being, apparently, no object at that focus. For example, two or more beliefs can be directed at Vulcan even though there is no such planet. Geach introduced the label ‘intentional identity’ to pick out the relation that holds between attitudes in these cases; Geach says that ’[w]e have intentional identity when a number of people, or one person on different occasions, have attitudes (...)
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  3. Intentional Identity Revisited.Hsiang-Yun Chen - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 66:181-199.
    The phenomenon of intentional identity has bemused philosophical communities since Geach (1967). I argue that the phenomenon is ubiquitous and much more significant than previously acknowledged. The foundations of the problem are implicated in many other well-knownpuzzles, such as Kripke’s (1979) puzzles about beliefs. Thus, the need for a proper analysis is eminently pressing. I specify a template for generalizing intentional identity, identify the challenges involved, and argue that positing a level of representational entity in both (...)
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  4. Intentional Identity.Walter Edelberg - 1984 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Certain belief-ascription statements suggest that people can think about the same object, even if that object doesn't exist. Peter Geach, who in 1967 first discussed these statements, gave them the name of statements of intentional identity. In an especially puzzling form of these statements, a pronoun in one belief clause has its antecedent in another: "Hob believes a witch is F, and Nob believes she is G." In this form, the statements raise three interesting problems. They generate puzzles (...)
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  5. Intentional identity.P. T. Geach - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (20):627-632.
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    Intentional identity, mental files, and coordination: a DRT account of anaphora in attitude contexts.Naoya Fujikawa - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (5):915-947.
    This paper proposes a semantics of anaphora in attitude contexts within the framework of Discourse Representation Theory (DRT). The paper first focuses on intentional identity, a special kind of cross-attitudinal anaphora. Based on the DRT semantics of attitude reports summarized by Kamp et al. (in: D. Gabbay and F. Guenthner (Eds.), Handbook of philosophical logic, 2011), the author proposes a semantics of intentional identity that implements the following two ideas: (1) indefinites and pronouns appearing in attitude (...)
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  7. Intentional identity and the attitudes.Walter Edelberg - 1992 - Linguistics and Philosophy 15 (6):561 - 596.
  8. Intentional identity and descriptions.William Lanier - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):289-302.
    What is the semantic contribution of anaphoric links in sentences like, ‘A physicist was late to the party. He brought some bongos’? A natural first thought is that the passage entails a wide-scope existential claim that there is something that both (i) was late to the party and (ii) brought some bongos. Intentional identity sentences are counter-examples to this natural thought applied to anaphora in general. Some have tried to rescue the thought and accommodate the counter-examples by positing (...)
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  9. Intentional identity generalized.Jeffrey C. King - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (1):61 - 93.
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    Intentional identity revisited.Ahti Pietarinen A. School of Cognitive, Computing Sciences, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH & Uk - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):147-188.
    The problem of intentional identity, as originally offered by Peter Geach, says that there can be an anaphoric link between an indefinite term and a pronoun across a sentential boundary and across propositional attitude contexts, where the actual existence of an individual for the indefinite term is not presupposed. In this paper, a semantic resolution to this elusive puzzle is suggested, based on a new quantified intensional logic and game-theoretic semantics (GTS) of imperfect information. This constellation leads to (...)
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  11. Intentional identity revisited.Ahti Pietarinen - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):147-188.
    The problem of intentional identity, as originally offered by Peter Geach, says that there can be an anaphoric link between an indefinite term and a pronoun across a sentential boundary and across propositional attitude contexts, where the actual existence of an individual for the indefinite term is not presupposed. In this paper, a semantic resolution to this elusive puzzle is suggested, based on a new quantified intensional logic and game-theoretic semantics (GTS) of imperfect information. This constellation leads to (...)
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  12. Puzzling Pierre and Intentional Identity.Alexander Sandgren - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (4):861-875.
    This paper concerns Kripke’s puzzle about belief. I have two goals in this paper. The first is to argue that two leading approaches to Kripke’s puzzle, those of Lewis and Chalmers, are inadequate as they stand. Both approaches require the world to supply an object that the relevant intentional attitudes pick out. The problem is that there are cases which, I argue, exhibit the very same puzzling phenomenon in which the world does not supply an object in the required (...)
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  13. Which witch is which? Exotic objects and intentional identity.Alexander Sandgren - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):721-739.
    This paper is about intentional identity, the phenomenon of intentional attitudes having a common focus. I present an argument against an approach to explaining intentional identity, defended by Nathan Salmon, Terence Parsons and others, that involves positing exotic objects. For example, those who adopt this sort of view say that when two astronomers had beliefs about Vulcan, their attitudes had a common focus because there is an exotic object that both of their beliefs were about. (...)
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    Geach on intentional identity.D. C. Dennett - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (11):335-341.
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  15. A new puzzle about intentional identity.Walter Edelberg - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (1):1 - 25.
  16.  80
    An Intensional Solution to the Bike Puzzle of Intentional Identity.Bjørn Jespersen - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2):297-307.
    In a 2005 paper Ólafur Páll Jónsson presents a puzzle that turns on intentional identity and definite descriptions. He considers eight solutions and rejects them all, thus leaving the puzzle unsolved. In this paper I put forward a solution. The puzzle is this. Little Lotta wants most of all a bicycle for her birthday, but she gets none. Distracted by the gifts she does receive, she at first does not think about the bike. But when seeing her tricycle, (...)
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    Geach's problem about intentional identity.L. Jonathan Cohen - 1968 - Journal of Philosophy 65 (11):329-335.
  18. Intrasubjective Intentional Identity.Walter Edelberg - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (10):481-502.
  19. A Relationist Theory of Intentional Identity.Dilip Ninan - 2024 - Mind 133 (531):761-792.
    This essay argues for a 'relationist' treatment of intentional identity sentences like (1) "Hob believes that a witch blighted Bob's mare and Nob believes that she killed Cob's sow" (Geach 1967). According to relationism, facts of the form "a believes that p and b believes that q" are not in general reducible to facts of the form "c believes that r". We first argue that extant, non-relationist treatments of intentional identity are unsatisfactory, and then go on (...)
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  20. Cruel Intensions: An Essay on Intentional Identity and Intentional Attitudes.Alexander Sandgren - 2016 - Dissertation, The Australian National University
    Some intentional attitudes (beliefs, fears, desires, etc.) have a common focus in spite of there being no object at that focus. For example, two beliefs may be about the same witch even when there are no witches, different astronomers had beliefs directed at Vulcan, even though there is no such planet. This relation of having a common focus, whether or not there is an actual concrete object at that focus, is called intentional identity. In the first part (...)
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  21. Indefinites and intentional identity.Samuel Cumming - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (2):371-395.
    This paper investigates the truth conditions of sentences containing indefinite noun phrases, focusing on occurrences in attitude reports, and, in particular, a puzzle case due to Walter Edelberg. It is argued that indefinites semantically contribute the (thought-)object they denote, in a manner analogous to attributive definite descriptions. While there is an existential reading of attitude reports containing indefinites, it is argued that the existential quantifier is contributed by the de re interpretation of the indefinite (as the de re reading adds (...)
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  22. A Modal Approach to Intentional Identity.Ephraim Glick - 2012 - Noûs 46 (3):386-399.
  23.  6
    Mythical Mythology: Mythical Objects, Intentional Identity, and Referential Anti-Realism.Peter Alward - forthcoming - Dialogue:1-17.
    Résumé Je défends une solution référentielle anti-réaliste au problème de l'identité intentionnelle. Je développe la solution réaliste référentielle de Nathan Salmon — selon laquelle les objets mythiques existent et que nous pouvons y faire référence en utilisant des noms d'objets mythiques — et je considère les objections de David Braun à son égard. Je soutiens que la solution de Salmon donne l'identité réelle des objets des pensées de plusieurs sujets, plutôt que leur identité intentionnelle. Je développe enfin une variante référentielle (...)
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  24. An object-centric solution to Edelberg's puzzles of intentional identity.Eugene Ho - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):364.
    My belief that Socrates was wise, and your belief that Socrates was mortal can be said to have a common focus, insofar as both these thoughts are about Socrates. In Peter Geach’s terminology, the objects of our beliefs bear the feature of intentional identity, because our beliefs share the same putative target. But what if it turned out that Socrates never existed? Can a pair of thoughts share a common focus if the object both thoughts are about, does (...)
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  25. Intentional identity interpreted: A case study of the relations among quantifiers, pronouns, and propositional attitudes. [REVIEW]Esa Saarinen - 1978 - Linguistics and Philosophy 2 (2):151 - 223.
  26. Definites, locality, and intentional identity.Gennaro Chierchia - 2005 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier (eds.), Reference and Quantification: The Partee Effect. CSLI Publications. pp. 143--178.
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    A Solution to the Puzzle of Intentional Identity. 이종희 - 2022 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 150:279-307.
    이 논문의 목표는 ‘지향적 동일성(intentional identity)’의 퍼즐을 푸는 것이다. 이 퍼즐은 믿음이나 소망, 놀라움 등 명제태도에 대해 보고하는 문장이 명제 태도들이 동일한 초점, 혹은 대상을 향한다고 말하고 있을 때 이를 제대로 표현할 형식화를 찾기 어렵다는 문제를 말한다. 명제 태도 안에 들어있는 명사구와 대명사 간의 전방 조응 관계는 대명사를 기술구로 대체하는 분석으로는 표현될 수 없고 그렇다고 명제태도 안으로 양화하는 분석도 만족스럽지 못하다. 나는 이런 어려움과 이를 처리하려는 시도들을 자세히 살펴본 후, 생각 속 대상, 즉 사고대상을 도입하는 해법이 불가피함을 주장한다. (...)
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    Antonio Pérez (1599-1649) on Intentional Identity: A Revisionism of Peter Auriol’s Thought.Gian Pietro Soliani - 2023 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 44 (1):49-69.
    Este artículo pretende estudiar la crítica de Antonio Pérez a la teoría de la identidad intencional de Pedro Auréolo. La teoría de la cognición de Pérez es claramente deudora de la doctrina de la intencionalidad de Auréolo. El jesuita español utiliza a menudo las mismas expresiones lingüísticas que Auréolo (como "ser aparente") y coincide con él en la identidad intencional entre el conocedor -que coincide en acto con el acto de conocer- y el objeto conocido, que es lo mismo que (...)
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    Reviewers’ Identity Cues in Online Product Reviews and Consumers’ Purchase Intention.Ji Li & Xv Liang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This research performs three experiments to investigate the influence mechanisms of identity cues in product reviews on consumers’ purchase intention, and to examine the effects of reference groups. The results indicate that: identity cues in positive reviews have a significant positive impact on consumers’ purchase intention, while identity cues in negative reviews have a significant negative impact on consumers’ purchase intention; in addition, identity cues play a greater role in amplifying the impact of negative reviews on (...)
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  30. Saint Anselm's proof: A problem of reference, intentional identity and mutual understanding.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    Saint Anselm’s proof for God’s existence in his Proslogion, as the label “ontological” retrospectively hung on it indicates, is usually treated as involving some sophisticated problem of, or a much less sophisticated tampering with, the concept of existence. In this paper I intend to approach Saint Anselm’s reasoning from a somewhat different angle.
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  31. (1 other version)Intention and identity.John Finnis - 1998 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Intention and Identity: Collected Essays Volume Ii.John Finnis - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Intention and Identity presents John Finnis's accounts of personal existence; group identity and common good; and the moral significance of personal intention. Joining conceptual analysis with ethical problems surrounding the beginning and end of life, the papers show the power of a neglected aspect of Finnis's natural law theory.
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    Talking about Someone's Objects of Belief Dialogical Language Games, Epistemic Acquisition and Intentional Identity.Shahid Rahman & Adjoua Bernadette Dango - unknown
    Réseau LACTO (Langage, Argumentation et Cognition dans les Traditions Orales) Quatrième Rencontre du Réseau Lacto CELHTO, bureau de l'Union Africaine, Niamey, Niger, du 22 au 25 septembre 2015 : JEU ET ORALITE DANS LES SOCIETES A TRADITION ORALE According to the main stream approaches to epistemic notions, knowledge and belief are understood as propositional operators. Thus, • Gildas believes that there is a witch in his village is understood as expressing a proposition. Moreover, • Gildas knows that Gödel proved the (...)
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  34. Intentional-Self Regulation and Identity Processes in Adolescence : Perspectives on Research and Application.Sara K. Johnson & Richard M. Lerner - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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  35. Collective Intention, Social Identity, and Rational Choice.J. de Boer - 2008 - Journal of Economic Methodology 15 (2):169-184.
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    The Numerical Identity of Composite Artifacts: Intentions, Functions, History, and the Case of the Ship of Theseus.Mark T. Lafrenz - 2024 - Global Philosophy 34 (1):1-15.
    Criteria for the transtemporal identity of composite artifacts are best understood in terms of functions, histories, and the intentions their makers. As long as certain background-conditions are fulfilled, composite artifacts can undergo changes in all of their parts with no breakdown in their identities, even to the point of being unrecognizable as sharing their identities with themselves as they were originally constituted. They can be repaired, modified, or improved without a resulting breakdown of transitivity. I defend this view against (...)
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    I and We: Does Identity Explain Undergraduates’ Ethical Intentions?María J. Mendez, David A. Vollrath & Lowell Ritter - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:75-98.
    Concerns about business ethics have led many business schools to integrate ethics into the curriculum, with mixed results (May, Luth, & Schwoerer 2014, Wang & Calvano 2015, Waples, Antes, Murphy, Connelly & Mumford 2009). This paper seeks to improve our understanding of business students’ ethics by looking into their identity, a cognitive lens by which students see themselves and interpret their environment (Triandis 1989) and that can be relatively malleable to priming and socializing processes (Vignoles, Schwartz, & Luyckx 2011, (...)
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  38. Intentional Structure and the Identity Theory of Knowledge in Bernard Lonergan: A Problem with Rational Self-Appropriation.Greg P. Hodes - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (4):437-452.
    Bernard Lonergan has argued for a theory of cognition that is transcendentally secure, that is, one such that any plausible attempt to refute it must presuppose its correctness, and one that also grounds a correct metaphysics and ontology. His proposal combines an identity theory of knowledge with an intentional relation between knower and known. It depends in a crucial way upon an appropriation of one’s own cognitional motives and acts, that is, upon “knowing one’s own knowing.” I argue (...)
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    Stuttered Speech and Moral Intent: Disability and Elite Identity Construction in Early Imperial China.Mark G. Pitner - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):699.
    When examining the history of early imperial China one is struck by the number of important personages, from Han Feizi 韓非子 and Yang Xiong 揚雄 to Guo Pu 郭璞 and Wang Wei 王微, who are described in biographical records as kouji 口吃. This paper contextualizes these descriptions by examining both the hermeneutical tradition regarding the language used to describe this condition and its evolving understanding in the traditional Chinese medical records. These two broad bodies of social understanding provide a compelling (...)
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  40. No Identity Without an Entity.Luke Manning - 2015 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96 (1):279-305.
    Peter Geach's puzzle of intentional identity is to explain how the claim ‘Hob thinks a witch has blighted Bob's mare, and Nob wonders whether she killed Cob's sow’ is compatible with there being no such witch. I clarify the puzzle and reduce it to the familiar problem of negative existentials. That problem is a paradox of representations that seem to include denials of commitment , to carry commitment to what they deny commitment to, and to be true. The (...)
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    Behavioral Factors Affecting Students’ Intentions to Enroll in Business Ethics Courses: A Comparison of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Cognitive Theory Using Self-Identity as a Moderator.Pi-Yueh Cheng & Mei-Chin Chu - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):35-46.
    The current study used both Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior (TPB) and Bandura’s social cognitive theory (SCT) to examine the intentions of business undergraduate students toward taking elective ethics courses and investigated the role of self-identity in this process. The study was prospective in design; data on predictors and intentions were obtained during the first collection of data, whereas the actual behavior was assessed 10 days later. Our results indicated that the TPB was a better predictor of behavioral intentions (...)
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    Chisholm's intentional criterion of property-identity and de se belief.Lynn Pasquarella - 1991 - Philosophical Issues 1:261-273.
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    Perceived Ethical Leadership Affects Customer Purchasing Intentions Beyond Ethical Marketing in Advertising Due to Moral Identity Self-Congruence Concerns.Niels Van Quaquebeke, Jan U. Becker, Niko Goretzki & Christian Barrot - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):357-376.
    Ethical leadership has so far mainly been featured in the organizational behavior domain and, as such, treated as an intra-organizational phenomenon. The present study seeks to highlight the relevance of ethical leadership for extra-organizational phenomena by combining the organizational behavior perspective on ethical leadership with a classical marketing approach. In particular, we demonstrate that customers may use perceived ethical leadership cues as additional reference points when forming purchasing intentions. In two experimental studies, we find that ethical leadership positively affects purchasing (...)
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    Who made the paintings: Artists or artificial intelligence? The effects of identity on liking and purchase intention.Li Gu & Yong Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Investigating how people respond to and view AI-created artworks is becoming increasingly crucial as the technology’s current application spreads due to its affordability and accessibility. This study examined how AI art alters people’s evaluation, purchase intention, and collection intention toward Chinese-style and Western-style paintings, and whether art expertise plays a role. Study 1 recruited participants without professional art experience and found that those who made the paintings would not change their liking rating, purchase intention, and collection intention. In addition, they (...)
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  45.  15
    The Effect of Alternative vs. Focal Identity Accessibility on the Intent to Purchase Products: An Exploratory Study Based on Chinese Culture.Fei Chen, Cheng Cheng Yan, Lin Wang & Xiao Jing Lou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Much of early western research has focused on identity. A primed identity can inhibit the priming of other alternative identities, and also negatively affect the intention to purchase products related to those alternative identities. In western culture, individuals operate within a cultural framework that makes them more likely to prioritize their own goals and less likely to rely on environmental factors when evaluating others. Individuals are more likely to choose products that fit their primed identity. In this (...)
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    Time and Identity - (L.) Foxhall, (H.-J.) Gehrke, (N.) Luraghi (edd.) Intentional History. Spinning Time in Ancient Greece. Pp. 360, ills. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2010. Cased, €62. ISBN: 978-3-515-09683-6. [REVIEW]Ika Willis - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):202-204.
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    Bringing Us Closer Together: The Influence of National Identity and Political Orientation on COVID-19-Related Behavioral Intentions.Andrej Simić, Simona Sacchi, Stefano Pagliaro, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli & Marco Brambilla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A growing body of work has highlighted the importance of political beliefs and attitudes in predicting endorsement and engagement in prosocial behavior. Individuals with right-wing political orientation are less likely to behave prosocially than their left-wing counterparts due to high levels of Right-wing authoritarianism. Here, we aimed to extend prior work by testing how political values relate to COVID-19 discretionary behavioral intentions. Furthermore, we tested whether identification with the national group would influence the relationship between RWA and prosocial behavior. A (...)
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  48. Intentional action: Conscious experience and neural prediction.Patrick Haggard & Sam Clark - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4):695-707.
    Intentional action involves both a series of neural events in the motor areas of the brain, and also a distinctive conscious experience that ''I'' am the author of the action. This paper investigates some possible ways in which these neural and phenomenal events may be related. Recent models of motor prediction are relevant to the conscious experience of action as well as to its neural control. Such models depend critically on matching the actual consequences of a movement against its (...)
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    If intentional objects are objects for a subject, how are they related?Alberto Voltolini - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (8):1136-1151.
    Tim Crane has put forward a theory of intentional objects (intentionalia), which has taken up again and expanded by Casey Woodling. Crane’s theory is articulated in three main theses: a) every intentional state, or thought, is about an intentional object; b) taken as such, whether or not it exists, an intentional object is a schematic object; c) taken as such, whether or not it exists, an intentional object is a phenomenological object. In this paper, I (...)
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    Personal Identity Over Time and the Relational View of the Historical Past: A Heideggerian Reassessment.Giacomo Croci - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2024 (1):38-62.
    This article reassesses the notion of personal identity over time from a Heideggerian perspective, aiming to bridge the conceptual gap between concerns for personhood and continuity. Traditional approaches, including the psychological and moral approaches to the self, often inadequately address the relationship between personhood and temporal continuity. This article establishes an understanding of personhood as social agency, contending that this perspective encompasses both conceptual dimensions central to the question of personal identity over time. Following an initial exploration of (...)
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