Results for ' intersemiotic complementarity'

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  1.  70
    Intersemiotic Complementarity in Legal Cartoons: An Ideational Multimodal Analysis.Terry D. Royce - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (4):719-744.
    The analysis of legal communication has almost exclusively been the domain of discourse analysts focusing on the ways that the linguistic system is used to realise legal meanings. Multimodal discourse analysis, where visual forms in combination with traditional linguistic expressions co-occur, is now also an area of expanding interest. Taking a Systemic Functional Linguistics “social semiotic” perspective, this paper applies and critiques an analytical framework that has been used for examining intersemiotic complementarity in various types of page-based multimodal (...)
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    Text-image complementarity and genre in English as foreign language textbooks.Hsin-Jung Tsai & Peichin Chang - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):53-80.
    Relating visual images to textual messages may have great potential in facilitating students’ reading comprehension. The inevitable and important presence of visuals in textbooks obliges language teachers to exploit all semiotic resources to deepen students’ understanding. However, analysis of how images interact with text in textbooks has been rare, and among the efforts it has generally been found that visuals and text often fail to achieve coherence. This study investigates whether and how text and image complement each other ideationally by (...)
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  3. List of Contents: Volume 16, Number 4, August 2003.Shigeki Matsutani, Yoshihiro Onishi & Wave-Particle Complementarity - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (1).
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  4. Division 24 Convention Program 1994.Jeffrey P. Lindstrom, Stephen C. Yanchar, Beyond Complementarity, Lisa M. Osbeck, Brent D. Slife, Adelbert H. Jenkins, Free Will & George S. Howard - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Journal of Division 24 14 (1):107.
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    Intersemiotic projection and academic comics: towards a social semiotic framework of multimodal paratactic and hypotactic projection.Xinyu Zhu & Lei Zeng - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):227-254.
    Intersemiotic projection is one of the most common configurations in the knowledge construction process of academic comics. Although previous studies address some general features of intersemiotic projection, further research on interdependency relations of intersemiotic projection is needed in order to map out the whole system. This study, based on the social-semiotic approach to multimodal studies, proposes a systemic framework of image-text paratactic and hypotactic projection in academic comics. This framework identifies three sub-categories of paratactic projection and hypotactic (...)
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    Complementarity of Mental Observables.Irina Basieva & Andrei Khrennikov - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):74-78.
    The aim of this note is to complete the discussion on the possibility of creation of quantum-like (QL) representation for the question order effect which was presented by Wang and Busemeyer (2013). We analyze the role of a fundamental feature of mental operators (given, e.g., by questions), namely, their complementarity.
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  7. Semiosis and intersemiotic translation.Daniella Aguiar & Joao Queiroz - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (196):283-292.
    This paper explores Victoria Welby's fundamental assumption of meaning process (“semiosis” sensu Peirce) as translation, and some implications for the development of a general model of intersemiotic translation.
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    The intersemiotic space.Peeter Torop - 2000 - Sign Systems Studies 28:116-133.
    The intersemiotic space: Adrianopol in F. Dostoevsky's "Crime and punishment" St. Petersburg. The article focuses on the peculiarities of the intertextual space of culture and the means of its analysis. Level analysis, compositional analysis and chronotopical analysis are juxtaposed in the paper. Textual and intertextual chronotopical analyses are considered separately. Two aspects of textual processuality are juxtaposed: the history of text production and the role of the manuscript page structure as a reflection of the writer's style and mode of (...)
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    The intersemiotic affordances of photography and poetry.Paul Gardner & Sten Langmann - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):85-102.
    This article explores the intersemiotic affordances of photography and poetry and the expansion of meaning that surpasses the meanings embedded in and elicited from both. We specifically investigate the processes and mechanisms of this semantic expansion by systematically reconstructing the compositional process of poems written from three photographs and forensically investigate how the poems emerged out of each visual frame. We discovered that intersemiosis between photography and poetry demonstrates a strong interpretative component. Intra-semiotic connections between elements within the photograph (...)
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    Intersemiotic relationships in Spanish-language media in the United States: A critical analysis of the representation of ideology across verbal and visual modes.Megan Strom - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (4):487-508.
    This study critically explores the representation of ideologies across the verbal and visual modes in 15 articles and photographs from local Spanish-language print media with the goal of determining the potential for minoritized semiotic texts to challenge the negative semiotic treatment of Latin@ immigrants in the United States. Following a critical social semiotic approach, the analysis of intersemiotic relationships demonstrates that approximately half of the semiotic texts analyzed communicate an overall transformative message by challenging the negative representations of Latin@s (...)
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  11.  47
    Indivisibility, Complementarity and Ontology: A Bohrian Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Jairo Roldán-Charria - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1336-1356.
    The interpretation of quantum mechanics presented in this paper is inspired by two ideas that are fundamental in Bohr’s writings: indivisibility and complementarity. Further basic assumptions of the proposed interpretation are completeness, universality and conceptual economy. In the interpretation, decoherence plays a fundamental role for the understanding of measurement. A general and precise conception of complementarity is proposed. It is fundamental in this interpretation to make a distinction between ontological reality, constituted by everything that does not depend at (...)
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  12.  21
    Intersemioticity and intertextuality.Dinda L. Gorlée - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (4):587-622.
    Jakobson introduced the concept of intersemioticity as transmutation of verbal signs by nonverbal sign systems (1959). Intersemioticity generates the linguistic-and-cultural elements of intersemiosis (from without), crystallizing mythology and archetypal symbolism, and intertextuality (from within), analyzing the human emotions in the cultural situation of language-and-music aspects. The operatic example of Ibsen’s Peer Gynt (1867) intertextualized the cultural trends of Scandinavia. This literary script was set to music by Grieg to make an operatic expression. After the “picaresque” adventures, Peer Gynt ends in (...)
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  13. Quantum Complementarity: Both Duality and Opposition.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Metaphysics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 13 (13):1-6.
    Quantum complementarity is interpreted in terms of duality and opposition. Any two conjugates are considered both as dual and opposite. Thus quantum mechanics introduces a mathematical model of them in an exact and experimental science. It is based on the complex Hilbert space, which coincides with the dual one. The two dual Hilbert spaces model both duality and opposition to resolve unifying the quantum and smooth motions. The model involves necessarily infinity even in any finitely dimensional subspace of the (...)
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  14. Complementarity and Scientific Rationality.Simon Saunders - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 35 (3):417-447.
    Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics has been criticized as incoherent and opportunistic, and based on doubtful philosophical premises. If so Bohr’s influence, in the pre-war period of 1927–1939, is the harder to explain, and the acceptance of his approach to quantum mechanics over de Broglie’s had no reasonable foundation. But Bohr’s interpretation changed little from the time of its first appearance, and stood independent of any philosophical presuppositions. The principle of complementarity is itself best read as a conjecture of (...)
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  15.  14
    Complementarity: Anti-Epistemology After Bohr and Derrida.Arkady Plotnitsky - 1994 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Many commentators have remarked in passing on the resonance between deconstructionist theory and certain ideas of quantum physics. In this book, Arkady Plotnitsky rigorously elaborates the similarities and differences between the two by focusing on the work of Niels Bohr and Jacques Derrida. In detailed considerations of Bohr's notion of complementarity and his debates with Einstein, and in analysis of Derrida's work via Georges Bataille's concept of general economy, Plotnitsky demonstrates the value of exploring these theories in relation to (...)
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    Intersemiotic translation: Theories, problems, analysis.Nicola Dusi - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (206):181-205.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 206 Seiten: 181-205.
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  17.  11
    Complementarity or Incommensurability? Reply to Critics.Alexander M. Dorozhkin & Svetlana V. Shibarshina - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (1):76-81.
    The article provides a reply to critical remarks made during the discussion about creativity and scientific knowledge. The authors propose to consider their concept of creativity not as antagonistic or incommensurable with the alternative, but rather co-existing through the complementarity principle. Responding to a comment about the socio-cultural conditionality of a particular cognitive situation, the authors question whether globalization seriously influence this matter in science. They support the statement about the importance of the interaction between science and art, science (...)
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  18.  75
    Complementarity in Classical Dynamical Systems.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (2):291-306.
    The concept of complementarity, originally defined for non-commuting observables of quantum systems with states of non-vanishing dispersion, is extended to classical dynamical systems with a partitioned phase space. Interpreting partitions in terms of ensembles of epistemic states (symbols) with corresponding classical observables, it is shown that such observables are complementary to each other with respect to particular partitions unless those partitions are generating. This explains why symbolic descriptions based on an ad hoc partition of an underlying phase space description (...)
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    Complementarity in Categorical Quantum Mechanics.Chris Heunen - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (7):856-873.
    We relate notions of complementarity in three layers of quantum mechanics: (i) von Neumann algebras, (ii) Hilbert spaces, and (iii) orthomodular lattices. Taking a more general categorical perspective of which the above are instances, we consider dagger monoidal kernel categories for (ii), so that (i) become (sub)endohomsets and (iii) become subobject lattices. By developing a ‘point-free’ definition of copyability we link (i) commutative von Neumann subalgebras, (ii) classical structures, and (iii) Boolean subalgebras.
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  20. Complementarity as a model for east-west integrative philosophy.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1998 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 25 (4):505-517.
    The discovery of a letter in the Niels Bohr archives written by Bohr to a Danish schoolteacher in which he reveals his early knowledge of the Daodejing led the present author on a search to unveil the influence of the philosophy of Yin-Yang on Bohr's famed complementarity principle in Western physics. This paper recounts interviews with his son, Hans, who recalls Bohr reading a translated copy of Laozi, as well as Hanna Rosental, close friend and associate who also confirms (...)
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  21.  62
    Complementarity, context dependence, and quantum logic.Patrick A. Heelan - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (2):95-110.
    Quantum-mechanical event descriptions are context-dependent descriptions. The role of quantum (nondistributive) logic is in the partial ordering of contexts rather than in the ordering of quantum-mechanical events. Moreover, the kind of quantum logic displayed by quantum mechanics can be easily inferred from the general notion of contextuality used in ordinary language. The formalizable core of Bohr's notion of complementarity is the type of context dependence discussed in this paper.
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  22. Complementarity of representations in quantum mechanics.Hans Halvorson - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):45-56.
    We show that Bohr's principle of complementarity between position and momentum descriptions can be formulated rigorously as a claim about the existence of representations of the canonical commutation relations. In particular, in any representation where the position operator has eigenstates, there is no momentum operator, and vice versa. Equivalently, if there are nonzero projections corresponding to sharp position values, all spectral projections of the momentum operator map onto the zero element.
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  23. Complementarity of the Calculative and Qualitative Description.Filip Grygar - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (2):271-297.
    Phenomenology and Quantum theory have defined themselves against the subject-object tradition of thought and against the modern objectivistic attempt to unify explanation of reality or being. Scientific technology and calculative way of thinking have prevailed over meditative and qualitative thinking in modern times. Despite scientific efforts to eliminate any inconsistency caused by metaphysical speculations and systems, in everyday life and science we encounter such phenomena which cannot be explained unambiguously and fully on the basis of purely conventional criteria. This paper (...)
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  24. Sustainability assessment and complementarity.Hugo F. Alrøe & Egon Noe - 2016 - Ecology and Society 21 (1):30.
    Sustainability assessments bring together different perspectives that pertain to sustainability in order to produce overall assessments and a wealth of approaches and tools have been developed in the past decades. But two major problematics remain. The problem of integration concerns the surplus of possibilities for integration; different tools produce different assessments. The problem of implementation concerns the barrier between assessment and transformation; assessments do not lead to the expected changes in practice. This paper aims to analyze issues of complementarity (...)
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  25.  26
    Complementarity Revisited.Towfic Shomar - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):401-424.
    Complementarity can be considered as the weirdest idea associated with quantum mechanics. For Bohr, Complementarity is important in order to be able to convey successfully the non-classical features of quantum mechanics. This paper discusses the epistemic and ontological implications of different new experiments that attempt to detect complementarity. Complementarity has surely survived the attempts to overcome it, yet some of these experiments have led to a more general form of complementarity. Others claim to be able (...)
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  26.  27
    Complementarity and cohesion of the sophiologic and scientific vision of creation.Jan Paweł Strumiłowski - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (1):207-225.
    The rapid development of empirical science and theoretical grounds related with them, results in many theories on the origin, evolution and nature of the world, sometimes interpreted as contradictory to the theological conception. Consequently, under the influence of these achievements, within theology itself, an opinion about autonomy of both domains and their complementarity seems to be more and more popular. Facing this relation, it is theology that should present the possibility of such understanding of the revealed truths that they (...)
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  27.  36
    The complementarity of interpersonal relations and the social intelligence of students.S. V. Scherbakov - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (5):458.
    As a result of interviews with the students of the psychology department of Bashkir State university the set of everyday conflict situations has been picked up and a new situational judgment test of social intelligence was worked out. The positive correlations between social intelligence and the stability and harmony of relations between university students were discovered. The main purpose of our current investigation was to explore the correlations between the social intelligence of university students and the complementarity of interpersonal (...)
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  28. The Complementarity of Psychometrics and the Representational Theory of Measurement.Elina Vessonen - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):415-442.
    Psychometrics and the representational theory of measurement are widely used in social scientific measurement. They are currently pursued largely in isolation from one another. I argue that despite their separation in practice, RTM and psychometrics are complementary approaches, because they can contribute in complementary ways to the establishment of what I argue is a crucial measurement property, namely, representational interpretability. Because RTM and psychometrics are complementary in the establishment of representational interpretability, the current separation of measurement approaches is unfounded. 1Introduction2Two (...)
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  29. The Kantian framework of complementarity.Michael Cuffaro - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (4):309-317.
    A growing number of commentators have, in recent years, noted the important affinities in the views of Immanuel Kant and Niels Bohr. While these commentators are correct, the picture they present of the connections between Bohr and Kant is painted in broad strokes; it is open to the criticism that these affinities are merely superficial. In this essay, I provide a closer, structural, analysis of both Bohr's and Kant's views that makes these connections more explicit. In particular, I demonstrate the (...)
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  30.  52
    Compositional complementarity and prebiotic ecology in the origin of life.Axel Hunding, Francois Kepes, Doron Lancet, Abraham Minsky, Vic Norris, Derek Raine, K. Sriram & Robert Root-Bernstein - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):399-412.
    We hypothesize that life began not with the first self‐reproducing molecule or metabolic network, but as a prebiotic ecology of co‐evolving populations of macromolecular aggregates (composomes). Each composome species had a particular molecular composition resulting from molecular complementarity among environmentally available prebiotic compounds. Natural selection acted on composomal species that varied in properties and functions such as stability, catalysis, fission, fusion and selective accumulation of molecules from solution. Fission permitted molecular replication based on composition rather than linear structure, while (...)
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  31. Complementarity and uncertainty in Mach-zehnder interferometry and beyond.Paul Busch & Christopher Shilladay - unknown
    A coherent account of the connections and contrasts between the principles of complementarity and uncertainty is developed starting from a survey of the various formalizations of these principles. The conceptual analysis is illustrated by means of a set of experimental schemes based on Mach-Zehnder interferometry. In particular, path detection via entanglement with a probe system and (quantitative) quantum erasure are exhibited to constitute instances of joint unsharp measurements of complementary pairs of physical quantities, path and interference observables. The analysis (...)
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  32.  58
    Complementarity of behavioral biases.Toru Suzuki - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (3):413-430.
    I investigate the complementarity of behavioral biases in a simple investment problem. The agent has incomplete knowledge about the correlation between fitness and the decision environment. Nature endows the agent with a decision procedure so that the induced action can reflect this correlation. I show that the agent with this decision procedure always exhibits (i) present biased time preference, (ii) distorted beliefs, and (iii) cognitive dissonance. The three biases are complements and the absence of one of them destroys the (...)
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  33. Complementarity in Psychophysics.Pierre Uzan - 2016 - In Atmanspacher Filk and Pothos, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9535. Springer. pp. 168-178.
    Besides the application of the notion of complementarity to psychological and physical descriptions of the individual, this paper explores the possibility of defining complementary observables in the same phenomenal domain. Complementary emotional observables are defined from experimental data on experienced emotions reported by subjects who have been prepared in a state of induced emotion. Complementary physiological observables are defined in correspondence with conjugate, physiological quantities that can be measured. -/- Keywords: Complementarity, Psychophysics, Emotional observables, Induced emotion, Physiological observables, (...)
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  34. When does complementarity support pluralism about schools of economic thought?Teemu Lari - 2021 - Journal of Economic Methodology 28 (3):322-335.
    An intuitively appealing argument for pluralism in economics can be made on the grounds that schools of economic thought complement one another. Let us call this the complementarity-based argument for pluralism (CAP). The concepts of complementarity, pluralism, and school of thought are scrutinized in this paper to evaluate this argument. I argue that the complementarity of schools is relative to scientific goals, which implies that discussing complementarity of schools of economic thought requires discussing the goals of (...)
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  35.  7
    The complementarity between the virtue of law (the rule of law) and the legal virtues.Isabel Trujillo - 2024 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 53 (Pre-publications).
    The complementarity between the virtue of law (the rule of law) and the legal virtues In alternative to Virtue Jurisprudence, the aim of this contribution is assessing the claim that legal virtues develop along with the deepening of the law’s knowledge within its practice, as well as with the grasp of the role that law plays within society. This fits with the idea of virtues rooted in practices. Legal virtues do not depend – at least entirely – on pre-existing (...)
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  36.  77
    Complementarity in biological systems: A complexity view.Neil D. Theise & Menas C. Kafatos - 2013 - Complexity 18 (6):11-20.
  37. Complementarity in bistable perception.Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    The idea of complementarity already appears in William James’ (1890a, p. 206) Principles of Psychology in the chapter on “the relations of minds to other things”. Later, in 1927, Niels Bohr introduced complementarity as a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It refers to properties (observables) that a system cannot have simultaneously, and which cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrarily high accuracy. Yet, in the context of classical physics they would both be needed for an exhaustive description of the (...)
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  38.  26
    What can cognitive linguistics tell us about language-image relations? A multidimensional approach to intersemiotic convergence in multimodal texts.Javier Marmol Queralto & Christopher Hart - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (4):529-562.
    In contrast to symbol-manipulation approaches, Cognitive Linguistics offers a modal rather than an amodal account of meaning in language. From this perspective, the meanings attached to linguistic expressions, in the form of conceptualisations, have various properties in common with visual forms of representation. This makes Cognitive Linguistics a potentially useful framework for identifying and analysing language-image relations in multimodal texts. In this paper, we investigate language-image relations with a specific focus on intersemiotic convergence. Analogous with research on gesture, we (...)
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  39.  48
    Complementarity in Molecular Biology.Masayuki Obayashi - 1992 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 8 (2):111-116.
  40. Complementarity in the Bohr-Einstein photon box.Dennis Dieks & Sander Lam - unknown
    The photon box thought experiment can be considered a forerunner of the EPR-experiment: by performing suitable measurements on the box it is possible to ``prepare'' the photon, long after it has escaped, in either of two complementary states. Consistency requires that the corresponding box measurements be complementary as well. At first sight it seems, however, that these measurements can be jointly performed with arbitrary precision: they pertain to different systems (the center of mass of the box and an internal clock, (...)
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    Complementarity and Quantum Cognition.Reinhard Blutner - 2024 - In Prem Saran Satsangi, Anna Margaretha Horatschek & Anand Srivastav, Consciousness Studies in Sciences and Humanities: Eastern and Western Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 241-258.
    The idea of complementarity is one of the key concepts of quantum mechanics. Yet, the idea was originally developed in William James’ psychology of consciousness. Recently, it was re-applied to the humanities and forms one of the pillars of modern quantum cognition. I will explain two different concepts of complementarity: Niels Bohr’s ontic conception and Werner Heisenberg’s epistemic conception. Furthermore, I will give an independent motivation of the epistemic conception based on the so-called operational interpretation of quantum theory, (...)
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  42. The complementarity of a representational and an epistemological function of signs in scientific activity.Michael H. G. Hoffmann & Wolff-Michael Roth - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (164):101-121.
    Signs do not only “represent” something for somebody, as Peirce’s definition goes, but also “mediate” relations between us and our world, including ourselves, as has been elaborated by Vygotsky. We call the first the representational function of a sign and the second the epistemological function since in using signs we make distinctions, specify objects and relations, structure our observations, and organize societal and cognitive activity. The goal of this paper is, on the one hand, to develop a model in which (...)
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  43. Complementarity of the Churches: Catholic and Orthodox in an Exchange of Spiritual Treasures.Bj Lawrence Cross - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (1):59.
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    Complementarity of Description and the Promise of Semiotics in Dealing with an Eluding Object.Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):589-595.
    I emphasize the general character of the central claim made by Terrence Deacon about the necessity of complementary description of evolving cognitive systems. Next, I clarify and augment one of the claims made in the paper about the tools offered by information theory. Finally, I point to the need of further clarification of some central notions, which should help to make connections across discourses.
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    Cognitive Complementarity.Nicholas Rescher - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiry 39 (1):9-25.
  46. Complementarity cannot resolve the emergence–reduction debate: Reply to Harré.Olivier Massin - 2006 - Synthese 151 (3):511-517.
    Rom Harré thinks that the Emergence–Reduction debate, conceived as a vertical problem, is partly ill posed. Even if he doesn’t wholly reject the traditional definition of an emergent property as a property of a collection but not of its components, his point is that this definition doesn’t exhaust all the dimensions of emergence. According to Harré there is another kind (or dimension) of emergence, which we may call—somewhat paradoxically—“horizontal emergence”: two properties of a substance are horizontally emergent relative to each (...)
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  47. Weak Quantum Theory: Complementarity and Entanglement in Physics and Beyond. [REVIEW]Harald Atmanspacher - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):379-406.
    The concepts of complementarity and entanglement are considered with respect to their significance in and beyond physics. A formally generalized, weak version of quantum theory, more general than ordinary quantum theory of physical systems, is outlined and tentatively applied to two examples.
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    Complementarity, Causality, and Explanation.John Losee - 2013 - Transaction Publishers.
    Philosophers have discussed the relationship of cause and effect from ancient times through our own.Prior to the work of Niels Bohr, these discussions presupposed that successful causal attribution implies explanation.The success of quantum theory challenged this presupposition.Bohr introduced a principle of complementarity that provides a new way of looking at causality and explanation. In this succinct review of the history of these discussions, John Losee presents the philosophical background of debates over the cause-effect relation.He reviews the positions of Aristotle, (...)
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    Phenomenological Aspects of Complementarity and Entanglement in Exceptional Human Experiences (ExE).Wolfgang Fach - 2011 - Axiomathes 21 (2):233-247.
    The mental system of an individual usually generates a reality-model that includes a self-model and a world-model as fundamental components. Exceptional experiences (ExE) can be classified as subjectively experienced anomalies in the self-model or the world-model or in the relation of both. Empirical studies show significant correlations between specific patterns of ExE and socially and clinically relevant variables. In order to examine the ontological status of anomalous phenomena a psychophysical approach is presented in which the principle of complementarity is (...)
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    Editorial — Complementarity and Unification.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (12):5-8.
    It is shown that the program of naturalizing of epistemology, that is, the program of the whole substitution of epistemology for sciences or for the humanities is not realizable. Naturalized epistemology includes metaphysical (in Kant’s sense: synthetic, speculative, a priori) claims which save its partly autonomous philosophical status. The result presented in the paper does not exclude the naturalizing program. It leads, instead, to a modified, attenuated version of it—such one which permits to open epistemology by transferring it in multi-facet (...)
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