Results for ' intrapersonal effects'

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  1.  29
    Mind the First Step: The Intrapersonal Effects of Affect on the Decision to Initiate Negotiations under Bargaining Power Asymmetry.Ilias Kapoutsis, Roger Volkema & Antonia Lampaki - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Self-Efficacy as an Intrapersonal Predictor for Internal Whistleblowing: A US and Canada Examination.Brent R. MacNab & Reginald Worthley - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (4):407-421.
    Examining intrapersonal factors theorized to influence ethics reporting decisions, the relation of self-efficacy as a predictor of propensity for internal whistleblowing is investigated within a US and Canadian multi-regional context. Over 900 professionals from a total of nine regions in Canada and the US participated. Self-efficacy was found to influence participant reported propensity for internal whistleblowing consistently in both the US and Canada. Seasoned participants with greater management and work experience demonstrated higher levels of self-efficacy while gender was also (...)
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    Clinical applicability of the prosocial effects of oxytocin and inter-/intrapersonal models of social dysfunction: a methodological review.Kitano Yasuko - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  4.  23
    Interpersonal sensorimotor communication shapes intrapersonal coordination in a musical ensemble.Julien Laroche, Alice Tomassini, Gualtiero Volpe, Antonio Camurri, Luciano Fadiga & Alessandro D’Ausilio - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:899676.
    Social behaviors rely on the coordination of multiple effectors within one’s own body as well as between the interacting bodies. However, little is known about how coupling at the interpersonal level impacts coordination among body parts at the intrapersonal level, especially in ecological, complex, situations. Here, we perturbed interpersonal sensorimotor communication in violin players of an orchestra and investigated how this impacted musicians’ intrapersonal movements coordination. More precisely, first section violinists were asked to turn their back to the (...)
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    No Peace for the Wicked? Immorality Is Thought to Disrupt Intrapersonal Harmony, Impeding Positive Psychological States and Happiness.Michael M. Prinzing & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13371.
    Why do people think that someone living a morally bad life is less happy than someone living a good life? One possibility is that judging whether someone is happy involves not only attributing positive psychological states (i.e., lots of pleasant emotions, few unpleasant emotions, and satisfaction with life) but also forming an evaluative judgment. Another possibility is that moral considerations affect happiness attributions because they tacitly influence attributions of positive psychological states. In two studies, we found strong support for the (...)
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  6. Discounting, Preferences, and Paternalism in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.Gustav Tinghög - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (3):297-318.
    When assessing the cost effectiveness of health care programmes, health economists typically presume that distant events should be given less weight than present events. This article examines the moral reasonableness of arguments advanced for positive discounting in cost-effectiveness analysis both from an intergenerational and an intrapersonal perspective and assesses if arguments are equally applicable to health and monetary outcomes. The article concludes that behavioral effects related to time preferences give little or no reason for why society at large (...)
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  7. Differential Effects of Self- vs. External-Regulation on Learning Approaches, Academic Achievement, and Satisfaction in Undergraduate Students.Jesús de la Fuente, Paul Sander, Douglas F. Kauffman & Meryem Yilmaz Soylu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this research was to determine the degree to which undergraduate students’ learning approach, academic achievement and satisfaction were determined by the combination of an intrapersonal factor (self-regulation) and a interpersonal factor (contextual or regulatory teaching). The hypothesis proposed that greater combined regulation (internal and external) would be accompanied by more of a deep approach to learning, more satisfaction and higher achievement, while a lower level of combined regulation would determine a surface approach, less satisfaction and lower (...)
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    Heavier Lies Her Crown: Gendered Patterns of Leader Emotional Labor and Their Downstream Effects.Andrea C. Vial & Colleen M. Cowgill - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Women use power in more prosocial ways than men and they also engage in more emotional labor. However, these two constructs have not been previously connected. We propose that gendered emotional labor practices and pressures result in gender differences in the prosocial use of power. We integrate the literature on emotional labor with research on the psychology of power to articulate three routes through which this happens. First, women may be more adept than men at the intrapersonal and interpersonal (...)
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    Induced power changes the sense of agency.Sukhvinder S. Obhi, Kristina M. Swiderski & Sonja P. Brubacher - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1547-1550.
    Power differentials are a ubiquitous feature of social interactions and power has been conceptualised as an interpersonal construct. Here we show that priming power changes the sense of agency, indexed by intentional binding. Specifically, participants wrote about episodes in which they had power over others, or in which others had power over them. After priming, participants completed an interval estimation task in which they judged the interval between a voluntary action and a visual effect. After low-power priming, participants judged intervals (...)
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    The Interpersonal Benefits of Leader Mindfulness: A Serial Mediation Model Linking Leader Mindfulness, Leader Procedural Justice Enactment, and Employee Exhaustion and Performance.Sebastian C. Schuh, Michelle Xue Zheng, Katherine R. Xin & Juan Antonio Fernandez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1007-1025.
    Although it is an increasingly popular assumption that leader mindfulness may positively affect leader behaviors and, in turn, employee outcomes, to date, little empirical evidence supports this view. Against this backdrop, the present research seeks to develop and test a serial mediation model of leader mindfulness. Specifically, we propose that leader mindfulness enhances employee performance and that this relationship is explained by increased leader procedural justice enactment and, subsequently, reduced employees’ emotional exhaustion. We conducted three studies to test this model. (...)
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    The Riddle of Human Emotional Crying: A Challenge for Emotion Researchers.Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets & Lauren M. Bylsma - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (3):207-217.
    Until now, adult crying has received relatively little interest from investigators, whereas in the popular media there are many strong claims about crying (e.g., crying brings relief) of which the scientific basis is not clear. In this review, we provide an overview of the current state of the scientific literature with respect to crying. We identify gaps in knowledge and propose questions for future research. The following topics receive special attention: Ontogenetic development, antecedents, individual and gender differences, and the intra- (...)
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  12. An ecumenical response to color contrast cases.Pendaran Roberts - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    Intrapersonal variation due to color contrast effects has been used to argue against the following intuitive propositions about the colors: No object can be more than one determinable or determinate color of the same grade all over at the same time ; external objects are actually colored ; and the colors of objects are mind-independent. In this article, I provide a defense of Incompatibility, Realism, and Objectivism from intrapersonal variation arguments that rely on color contrast effects. (...)
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    The Perception of School Life From the Perspective of Popular and Rejected Students.Karla Hrbackova & Zuzana Hrncirikova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:801611.
    The experience of peer rejection in the classroom, an environment in which students spend a large part of their time, is accompanied by a sense of social pain which can have a profound effect on self-perception and attitude toward the overall school environment. These attitudes can be subsequently reflected in the student’s behavior at school and in his/her school success. The research aims to identify differences in the perception of school life (interpersonal and intrapersonal) among rejected and popular upper-primary (...)
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    Does a Help Giver Seek the Help from Others? The Consistency and Licensing Mechanisms and the Role of Leader Respect.Qiqi Wang, Xueling Fan, Jun Liu & Wenjing Cai - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (3):605-626.
    This study adopts an intrapersonal perspective to explore how and when employees shift roles from help giver to help seeker by investigating the relationship between their help-giving and following help-seeking behavior. Based on self-regulation theory, we hypothesize two contradictory psychological processes (i.e., consistency vs. licensing) via which employees determine whether to seek help after giving help. Importantly, we differentiate autonomous help-seeking from dependent help-seeking and propose stronger effects of help-giving on dependent help-seeking. Further, we identify leader respect as (...)
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  15. Grounding Assertion and Acceptance in Mental Imagery.Christopher Gauker - 2018 - In Ondřej Beran, Vojtěch Kolman & ‎Ladislav Koreň, From rules to meanings. New essays on inferentialism. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 49-62.
    How can thinking be effective in enabling us to meet our goals? If we answer this in terms of representation relations between thoughts and the world, then we are challenged to explain what representation is, which no one has been able to do. If we drop the appeal to representation, then it is hard to explain why certain inferences are good and others are not. This paper outlines a strategy for a nonrepresentationalist account of the way in which the structure (...)
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  16. Bridging East and West: How Business Schools Can Develop Responsible Leader Competencies.Tatiana Donato Trevisan, Debbie Haski-Leventhal & Sarah Bankins - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Business schools increasingly aim to develop responsible leaders and leadership, yet the literature on how to do this effectively remains limited. Furthermore, existing research is dominated by Western theories and cases, marginalizing non-Western insights for leadership development scholarship and practice. By engaging in construct infusion and integrating insights from Western constructive development theory and Eastern Vedanta philosophy, we diversify this literature to analyze how one business school in India (SPJIMR) develops responsible leadership and associated competencies through its unique pre-experience MBA (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Permissiveness in morality and epistemology.Han Li & Bradford Saad - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):1861-1881.
    Morality is intrapersonally permissive: cases abound in which an agent has more than one morally permitted option. In contrast, there is a dearth of cases in which an agent has more than one epistemically permitted response to her evidence. Given the structural parallels between morality and epistemology, why do sources of moral permissiveness fail to have parallel permissive effects in the epistemic domain? This asymmetry between morality and epistemology cries out for explanation. The paper's task is to offer an (...)
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    Can Less Ever Be More? A Model of Emotion Regulation Repertoire of Social Support (ERROSS).Eva-Maria Stelzer & Mary-Frances O’Connor - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (2):125-138.
    Do people really fare better if they can rely on many social ties? Research suggests that benefits of interpersonal emotion regulation (ER) can be derived from both large and small social networks. Building on the intrapersonal regulatory flexibility model, we propose the emotion regulation repertoire of social support (ERROSS) model that views effective socioemotional support as the combination of network size and ER strategies, resulting in a repertoire of ER resources one can draw on. Best outcomes in mental health (...)
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  19. Decisions, Diachronic Autonomy, and the Division of Deliberative Labor.Luca Ferrero - 2010 - Philosophers' Imprint 10:1-23.
    It is often argued that future-directed decisions are effective at shaping our future conduct because they give rise, at the time of action, to a decisive reason to act as originally decided. In this paper, I argue that standard accounts of decision-based reasons are unsatisfactory. For they focus either on tie-breaking scenarios or cases of self-directed distal manipulation. I argue that future-directed decisions are better understood as tools for the non-manipulative, intrapersonal division of deliberative labor over time. A future-directed (...)
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  20.  34
    Incommensurability and hardness.Chrisoula Andreou - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (12):3253-3269.
    There is growing support for the view that there can be cases of incommensurability, understood as cases in which two alternatives, X and Y, are such that X is not better than Y, Y is not better than X, and X and Y are not equally good. This paper assumes that alternatives can be incommensurable and explores the prominent idea that, insofar as choice situations that agents face qua rational agents involve options that are not rankable as one better than (...)
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  21. Reconnoitering Combatant Moral Equality.Roger Wertheimer - 2007 - Journal of Military Ethics 6 (1):60-74.
    Contra Michael Walzer and Jeff McMahan, neither classical just war theory nor the contemporary rules of war require or support any notion of combatant moral equality. Nations rightly accept prohibitions against punishing enemy combatants without recognizing any legal or moral right of aggressors to kill. The notion of combatant moral equality has real import only in our interpersonal -- and intrapersonal -- attitudes, since the notion effectively preempts any ground for conscientious objection. Walzer is criticized for over-emphasizing our collective (...)
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    Controversial Advert Perceptions in SNS Advertising: The Role of Ethical Judgement and Religious Commitment.Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Maja Arslanagić-Kalajdžić, Milena Micevski, Nina Michaelidou & Ekaterina Nemkova - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):249-265.
    This study attempts to advance knowledge in the area of controversial advertising by examining the antecedents and consequences of controversial advert perceptions in the context of social media, and particularly social networking sites. Specifically, we explore how ethical judgement and religious commitment shape controversial advert perceptions leading to attitudes towards the advert, brand attitudes and purchase intentions. Our results indicate that when a SNS advert is judged to be ethically acceptable, the level of perceived advert controversy is lower. However, the (...)
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  23.  26
    Unveiling nurses’ end-of-life care experiences: Moral distress and impacts.Myung Nam Lee, So-Hi Kwon, SuJeong Yu, Sook Hyun Park, Sinyoung Kwon, Cho Hee Kim, Myung-Hee Park, Sung Eun Choi, Sanghee Kim & Sujeong Kim - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1600-1615.
    Background Nurses providing care to patients with end-of-life or terminal illnesses often encounter ethically challenging situations leading to moral distress. However, existing quantitative studies have examined moral distress using instruments that address general clinical situations rather than those specific to end-of-life care. Furthermore, qualitative studies have often been limited to participants from a single unit or those experiencing moral distress-induced circumstances. A comprehensive and integrated understanding of the overarching process of moral distress is vital to discern the unique circumstances surrounding (...)
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    Regaining the Soul Lost (The Limits of Depersonalization in Organizational Management).Armen E. Petrosyan - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (2):131-155.
    Many believe that organization is to be depersonalized far as possible. But can it be entirely rid of personal dimension? And should one consider the personal a mere impediment or it may claim also a wholesome part? The author sheds light on the personal “engines” of organizational management and reveals the mechanisms of its influence on the decisions and behavior of both rank and files and higher-ups by scrutinizing the relevant managerial practice and research findings. Are revealed in corpore and (...)
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    Anxiety and Social Support as Predictors of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19.Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Sonia Zaccoletti & João R. Daniel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study we examined whether parents’ perceptions of students’ anxiety as well as perceived support from both teachers and classmates were predictive of changes in students’ academic motivation during the first wave of COVID-19. To this end, we used a retrospective pretest-posttest design together with a latent change score model to analyze our data. From April to May of 2020, 394 Portuguese parents of students in grades 1–9 participated in this study. Our results showed that students’ anxiety and teachers’ (...)
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    Barriers to nurses health advocacy role.Luke Laari & Sinegugu E. Duma - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (6):844-856.
    Background Speaking up to safeguard patients is a crucial ethical and moral obligation for nurses, but it is also a difficult and potentially dangerous component of nursing work. Health advocacy is gaining impetus in the medical literature, despite being hampered by barriers resulting in many nurses in Ghana remaining mute when faced with advocacy-required situations. We explored situations that thwart nurses from performing their health advocacy role. Research question What would cause nurses to take no action when they witness situations (...)
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    Self-repair in the Workplace: A Qualitative Investigation.Kenneth D. Butterfield, Warren Cook, Natalie Liberman & Jerry Goodstein - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):321-340.
    Despite widespread interest in the topic of moral repair in the business ethics literature and in the workplace, little is currently known about moral repair with regard to the self—i.e., how and why individuals repair themselves in the aftermath of harming others within workplace contexts and what factors may influence the success of self-repair. We conducted a qualitative study in the context of health care organizations to develop an inductive model of self-repair in the workplace. Our findings reveal a set (...)
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    Care and justice arguments in the ethical reasoning of medical students.Christina Sommer, Margarete Boos, Elisabeth Conradi, Nikola Biller-Adorno & Claudia Wiesemann - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):9.
    <b>Objectives:</b> To gather empirical data on how gender and educational level influence bioethical reasoning among medical students by analyzing their use of care versus justice arguments for reconciling a bioethical dilemma. <b>Setting:</b> University Departments of Medical Ethics, Social and Communication Psychology in Germany. Participants: First and fifth year medical students. Design and method: Multidisciplinary, empirical, 2-segment study of ethics in action: In intrapersonal Segment 1, the students were presented with a bioethical dilemma and then administered a 13-item questionnaire to (...)
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    Cultural Differences in Interpersonal Emotion Regulation.Belinda J. Liddell & Emma N. Williams - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:433201.
    Cultural differences exist in the use of emotion regulation (ER) strategies, but the focus to date has been on intrapersonal ER strategies such as cognitive reappraisal. An emerging literature highlights the importance of interpersonal ER, which utilizes social cues to facilitate the regulation of emotional states. In cultures that place high value on social interconnectedness as integral to their collectivistic self-construal, including East Asian cultures, interpersonal ER strategies may be particularly effective in reducing negative affect but this has not (...)
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    (1 other version)Learning By Teaching: A Cultural Historical Perspective On A Teacher's Development.Sue Gordon & Kathleen Fittler - 2004 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 6 (2):35-46.
    How can teacher development be characterised? In this paper we offer a conceptualisation of teacher development as the enhancement of knowledge and capabilities to function in the activity of a teacher and illustrate with a case study. Our analytic focus is on the development of a science teacher, David, as he engaged in an innovative, collaborative project on learning photonics at a metropolitan secondary school in Australia. Three dimensions of development emerged: technical confidence and competence, pedagogical development and personal agency. (...)
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    Exploring the Ethical Aspects of Leadership: From a Korean Perspective.Dong Min Kim, Jang Wan Ko & Seon-Joo Kim - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (2):113-131.
    Theories of ethical leadership provide important insights about the effect of leader’s ethics on the relationship between leaders and followers. However, there is an increasing demand for addressing key constructs that enhance the capacity to explain theoretical aspects of ethical leadership. The purpose of this study is to expand the theoretical framework of ethical leadership based on Korean traditional leadership by focusing on personal cultivation, morality, and social responsibility. Using a framework of intrapersonal process as leadership and core value (...)
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  32. Tiny Probabilities of Vast Value.Petra Kosonen - 2022 - Dissertation, Oxford University
    The topic of this thesis is how we should treat tiny probabilities of vast value. This thesis consists of six independent papers. Chapter 1 discusses the idea that utilities are bounded. It shows that bounded decision theories prescribe prospects that are better for no one and worse for some if combined with an additive axiology. Chapter 2, in turn, points out that standard axiomatizations of Expected Utility Theory violate dominance in cases that involve possible states of zero probability. Chapters 3–6 (...)
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  33.  45
    Findings from a Delphi exercise regarding conflicts of interests, general practitioners and safeguarding children: 'Listen carefully, judge slowly'.Ann Gallagher, Paul Wainwright, Hilary Tompsett & Christine Atkins - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):87-92.
    General practitioners (GPs) have to negotiate a range of challenges when they suspect child abuse or neglect. This article details findings from a Delphi exercise that was part of a larger study exploring the conflicts of interest that arise for UK GPs in safeguarding children. The specific objectives of the Delphi exercise were to understand how these conflicts of interest are seen from the perspectives of an expert panel, and to identify best practice for GPs. The Delphi exercise involved four (...)
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    Exploring the Role of Social Media Use Motives, Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Affect in Problematic Social Media Use.Bruno Schivinski, Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś, Ellena Stansbury, Jason Satel, Christian Montag & Halley M. Pontes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Given recent advances in technology, connectivity, and the popularity of social media platforms, recent literature has devoted great attention to problematic Facebook use. However, exploring the potential predictors of problematic social media use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given the increasing popularity of multiple alternative platforms. In this study, a sample of 584 social media users was recruited to complete an online survey assessing sociodemographic characteristics, patterns, and preferences of social media use, problematic social media use, social media use (...)
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  35. The Analysis of Self-Deception: Rehabilitating the Traditionalist Account.Vladimir Krstic - 2018 - Dissertation, Auckland
    Traditionalists affirm that in self-deception I intend to deceive myself; but, on the standard account of interpersonal deception, according to which deceiver intend to make their target believe a falsehood, traditionalism generates paradoxes, arising from the fact that I will surely know that I want to make myself believe a falsehood. In this thesis, I argue that these well-known paradoxes need not arise under my manipulativist account of deception. In particular, I defend traditionalism about self-deception by showing that what causes (...)
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  36. Travel decision making during and after the COVID-2019 pandemic: Revisiting travel constraints, gender role, and behavioral intentions.Norzalita Abd Aziz, Fei Long, Miraj Ahmed Bhuiyan & Muhammad Khalilur Rahman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply influenced the tourism and hospitality industry, and it has also reshaped people’s travel preferences and related behaviors. As a result, how prospective travelers perceive travel constraints and their effects on future travel behaviors may have changed to some extent. Besides, such perception arguably varies across gender. Therefore, this research examines the interplay between travel constraints, gender, and travel intentions for facilitating robust tourism recovery by revisiting the Leisure Constraints Model from a gender perspective. Data (...)
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    Personal Values and Intergroup Empathy.Alexander Zibenberg & Haggai Kupermintz - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (3):180-193.
    Empirical evidence shows that personal values have an influence on empathy in intrapersonal relationships. We examine the relationship between the values of self-enhancement and self-transcendence among members of the majority group (Israeli Jews) and empathy towards in-group and out-group members (Israeli Arabs). Two hundred and ninety-seven Israeli Jewish students took part in the study. While the results show that self-transcendence values have a consistent effect on empathy whether it is towards in-group or out-group members, the hypotheses regarding the impact (...)
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  38. Envy Freeness in Experimental Fair Division Problems.Dorothea K. Herreiner & Clemens D. Puppe - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (1):65-100.
    Envy is sometimes suggested as an underlying motive in the assessment of different economic allocations. In the theoretical literature on fair division, following Foley [Foley, D. (1967), Yale Economic Essays, 7, 45–98], the term “envy” refers to an intrapersonal comparison of different consumption bundles. By contrast, in its everyday use “envy” involves interpersonal comparisons of well-being. We present, discuss results from free-form bargaining experiments on fair division problems in which inter-and intrapersonal criteria can be distinguished. We find that (...)
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    Toward a Taxonomy of Moral Injury.Marcus Mescher - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (1):75-91.
    Moral injury signifies an enduring moral anguish experienced as betrayal, shame, confusion, futility, and distrust, entailing intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions. This essay proposes a taxonomy of moral injury informed by the ripple effects of harm caused by clergy sexual abuse and its concealment in the Catholic Church. These five categories distinguish between the moral distress endured by perpetrators and victims as well as bystanders and other implicated subjects, the moral fallout caused by a specific event in comparison (...)
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    Analysis of the Emotional Exhaustion Derived From Techno-Stress in the Next Generation of Qualified Employees.María Buenadicha-Mateos, María Isabel Sánchez-Hernández & Óscar Rodrigo González-López - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study analyses the emotional exhaustion of students inhigher education, derived from the extremely technology-relatedstrain associated to the current COVID-19 pandemic in a conservation of resources’ approach. Technostress, as source of emotional exhaustion, was investigated in a sample of 333 students in a medium size public university in Spain. Data was collected in May 2020, during the COVID lockdown. After literature review, a structural model was developed, linking technostress with emotional exhaustion. Results confirm the expected cause-effect relationships. In addition, the (...)
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  41. Making Up One's Self: Agency, Commitments and Identity.Luca Ferrero - 2002 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    In this work, I investigate the nature of the alleged binding force of decisions and commitments on future conduct. Contrary to pretheoretical intuitions, decisions and commitments are not means for the control of future conduct. Future-directed commitments do not constrain future action by either imposing causal restraints, or modifying the future situation of choice, or providing a reason to act as originally decided. According to my theory commitments determine the agent's conduct only if renewed at the time of action. The (...)
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    Impact of Family Cohesion and Adaptability on Academic Burnout of Chinese College Students: Serial Mediation of Peer Support and Positive Psychological Capital.Jincong Yu, Yifan Wang, Xiaoqing Tang, Yuqin Wu, Xuemei Tang & Jie Huang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to explore the association between the functioning of family environment and academic burnout of Chinese college students as well as the mediating effects of the interpersonal resource and intrapersonal resource [i.e., positive psychological capital ] in this relationship. A total of 1971 Chinese undergraduates were involved in an online questionnaire survey and data analysis. It was found that family cohesion and adaptability was negatively related to academic burnout. Mediation analyses demonstrated that family cohesion and adaptability (...)
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    Muhammed İkbal’e Göre Şahsiyet Eğitiminde Fiziksel Çevrenin Yeri.Ramazan Gürel - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1941-1972.
    : When we look at the research done on the history of education, it is possible to come across different ideas about personality-education relation, approaches and theories. Human feelings, thoughts, behaviours, material structure and personality characteristics that are evolving making it necessary to handle him in multi-dimensions. As a result of this situation both in Islamic geography and in the West, many thinkers elaborate the affecting factors on personality development and education, they evaluate the physcial environment and the conditions that (...)
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    From Deception to Rejection: Unraveling the Impact of Workplace Cheating Behavior on Coworker Ostracism.Yijiao Ye, Long-Zeng Wu, Ho Kwong Kwan & Xinyu Liu - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-17.
    Given the prevalence of employees’ workplace cheating behavior (WCB) and its cost to organizations, considerable scholarly effort has been invested in identifying both its antecedents and intrapersonal consequences. However, its interpersonal repercussions, particularly how and when WCB influences coworker relationships, remain underexplored. Our paper enriches the WCB literature by using social information processing theory to examine the effect of employee WCB on coworker disliking and subsequent coworker ostracism. Through a field survey study and experimental studies, we found that coworker (...)
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    Interpersonal emotion regulation and physiological synchrony: cognitive reappraisal versus expressive suppression.Yanmei Wang & Yinzhi Shi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The present study aimed to explore the effectiveness of two typical intrapersonal strategies (cognitive reappraisal, CR; expressive suppression, ES) on interpersonal emotion regulation (IER), and uncover the physiological synchrony pattern underlying this. A sample of 90 friend dyads (N = 180) was randomly assigned to the CR, the ES, or the control group. In each dyad, the target underwent a negative emotional task (induce sadness by recalling a negative event), and the regulator was assigned to implement the CR strategy, (...)
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    The dance of being: man's labyrinthine rhythms: the natural ground of the human.Leonard Charles Feldstein - 1979 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Now I continue the investigation, begun in Homo Quaerens: The Seeker and the Sought, into the generic traits of persons from a philosophic point of view. I treat such special topics of my method, set forth in that book, as bear upon the person's intrapersonal aspects: namely, his body and such of its functions as contribute to his preconscious acts. In particular, I deal with those aspects insofar as they may be construed as straining, so to speak, toward that (...)
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    Reexamining the “Discussion” in the Moral Dilemma Discussion.Rommel O. Salvador - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):241-256.
    Cumulative evidence points to the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion as a pedagogical strategy. However, much of the extant empirical research has been limited to investigating its effect on moral judgment. In addition, the potentially distinct effects of the two major components of the intervention, the intrapersonal contemplation and the interpersonal discussion that follows, have been barely examined. Using the Trolley Problem, this quasi-experimental study (N = 115) examined the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion and of intrapersonal (...)
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    Comment: Moving (Further) Beyond Private Experience: On the Radicalization of the Social Approach to Emotions and the Emancipation of Verbal Emotional Expressions.Gerben A. van Kleef - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (2):90-94.
    Emotions have traditionally been viewed as intrapersonal phenomena. Over the past decades, theory and research have shifted toward a more social perspective that emphasizes the role of emotional ex...
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    Ціннісні виміри соціокультурного буття людини.N. V. Hnasevych - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:61-70.
    Relevance of research. The article investigates the values of sociocultural life of a person in the context of the characteristics of the formation of systems of subjective-personal meanings, analyzes the parameters of psychological, mental and cultural integrity of a person in the conditions of functioning of modern processes of socio-cultural reality. Setting objectives. The research emphasizes that sociocultural reality leads to the effect of cultural factors - values and values-semantic landmarks as carriers of the content of human existence, factors of (...)
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    Editorial Note.Annalisa Costella & Benjamin Mullins - 2024 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 17 (1):117-125.
    Oftentimes many individual acts lead to a significantly (dis-)valuable outcome though the performance of each act makes no valuative difference to that outcome. Such cases give rise to a dilemma. For it seemingly doesn’t matter whether one performs an act (or not) if it doesn’t make a difference. Yet it matters a great deal when many of these acts are performed, provided they bring about a significant outcome. One might think, therefore, that at least some reason favours the performance of (...)
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